# Baserock definitions defaults # ============================= # # The DEFAULTS file is treated specially by Baserock build tools. # # For more information, see: . # Predefined build steps # ---------------------- # # This is an ordered list of potential build steps. Typically any actual build # only requires a subset of these steps. build-steps: ['pre-bootstrap-commands', 'bootstrap-commands', 'post-bootstrap-commands', 'pre-configure-commands', 'configure-commands', 'post-configure-commands', 'pre-build-commands', 'build-commands', 'post-build-commands', 'pre-test-commands', 'test-commands', 'post-test-commands', 'pre-install-commands', 'install-commands', 'post-install-commands', 'pre-strip-commands', 'strip-commands', 'post-strip-commands'] # Predefined build commands # ------------------------- # # Common patterns in build instructions can be defined here, which can save # users from having to write lots of similar-looking chunk .morph files. # # There are pre- and post- variants for each set of commands. These exist so # you can add more commands without having to copy the defaults. For example, # to create an extra symlink after running `make install`, you can use # post-install-commands. Since these exist as a way of extending the defaults, # you cannot set default values for the pre- and post- commands. # # The set of environment variables available when these commands are executed # is not formally specified right now, but you can assume PREFIX, DESTDIR and # MORPH_ARCH are all set. # build-systems: manual: # The special, default 'no-op' build system. configure-commands: [] build-commands: [] install-commands: [] strip-commands: [] autotools: # GNU Autoconf and GNU Automake, or anything which follow the same pattern. # # See also: https://github.com/cgwalters/build-api/blob/master/build-api.md bootstrap-commands: - >- export NOCONFIGURE=1; if [ -e autogen ]; then ./autogen; elif [ -e autogen.sh ]; then ./autogen.sh; elif [ -e bootstrap ]; then ./bootstrap; elif [ -e bootstrap.sh ]; then ./bootstrap.sh; elif [ ! -e ./configure ]; then autoreconf -ivf; fi configure-commands: - ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libdir="$PREFIX"/lib --bindir="$PREFIX"/bin --sbindir="$PREFIX"/bin --datadir="$PREFIX"/share --includedir="$PREFIX"/include --libexecdir="$PREFIX"/libexec --mandir="$PREFIX"/share/man --infodir="$PREFIX"/share/info build-commands: - make install-commands: - make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install strip-commands: # TODO: Make idempotent when files are hardlinks # Strip all ELF binary files that are executable or named like a library. # .so files for C, .cmxs for OCaml and .node for Node. # # The file name and permissions checks are done with the `find` command before # the ELF header is checked with the shell command, because it is a lot cheaper # to check the mode and file name first, because it is a metadata check, rather # than a subprocess and a file read. # # `file` is not used, to keep the dependency requirements down. - &generic-strip-command | find "$DESTDIR" -type f \ '(' -perm -111 -o -name '*.so*' -o -name '*.cmxs' -o -name '*.node' ')' \ -exec sh -ec \ 'read -n4 hdr <"$1" # check for elf header if [ "$hdr" != "$(printf \\x7fELF)" ]; then exit 0 fi debugfile="$DESTDIR$PREFIX/lib/debug/$(basename "$1")" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$debugfile")" objcopy --only-keep-debug "$1" "$debugfile" chmod 644 "$debugfile" strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-unneeded "$1" objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink "$debugfile" "$1"' - {} ';' python-distutils: # The Python distutils build systems. configure-commands: [] build-commands: - python setup.py build install-commands: - python setup.py install --prefix "$PREFIX" --root "$DESTDIR" strip-commands: - *generic-strip-command python3-distutils: # The Python distutils build systems. configure-commands: [] build-commands: - python3 setup.py build install-commands: - python3 setup.py install --prefix "$PREFIX" --root "$DESTDIR" strip-commands: - *generic-strip-command cpan: # The Perl ExtUtil::MakeMaker build system. This is called the 'cpan' build # system for historical reasons. # # To install perl distributions into the correct location in our chroot # we need to set PREFIX to / in the configure-commands. # # The mapping between PREFIX and the final installation # directories is complex and depends upon the configuration of perl # see, # https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/perl/INSTALL#Installation-Directories # and ExtUtil::MakeMaker's documentation for more details. configure-commands: - perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$DESTDIR$PREFIX build-commands: - make install-commands: - make install strip-commands: - *generic-strip-command module-build: # The Module::Build build system # # See the comment in ExtUtilsMakeMakerBuildSystem to see why --prefix is # set to $DESTDIR$PREFIX here (--prefix in Module::Build has the same # meaning as PREFIX in ExtUtils::MakeMaker). configure-commands: - perl Build.PL --prefix "$DESTDIR$PREFIX" build-commands: - ./Build install-commands: - ./Build install strip-commands: - *generic-strip-command cmake: # The CMake build system. configure-commands: - cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$PREFIX" build-commands: - make install-commands: - make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install strip-commands: - *generic-strip-command qmake: # The Qt build system. configure-commands: - qmake -makefile build-commands: - make install-commands: - make INSTALL_ROOT="$DESTDIR" install strip-commands: - *generic-strip-command # Predefined artifact splitting rules # ----------------------------------- # # Once a build has completed, you have some files that have been installed into # $DESTDIR. The splitting rules control how many 'artifact' tarballs are # generated as a result of the build, and which files from $DESTDIR end up in # which 'artifact'. # # The default split rules are defined here. These can be overriden in # individual chunk .morph files and stratum .morph files using the 'products' # field. # split-rules: chunk: - artifact: -bins include: - (usr/)?s?bin/.* - artifact: -libs include: - (usr/)?lib(32|64)?/lib[^/]*\.so(\.\d+)* - (usr/)libexec/.* - artifact: -devel include: - (usr/)?include/.* - (usr/)?lib(32|64)?/lib.*\.a - (usr/)?lib(32|64)?/lib.*\.la - (usr/)?(lib(32|64)?|share)/pkgconfig/.*\.pc - artifact: -doc include: - (usr/)?share/doc/.* - (usr/)?share/man/.* - (usr/)?share/info/.* - artifact: -locale include: - (usr/)?share/locale/.* - (usr/)?share/i18n/.* - (usr/)?share/zoneinfo/.* - artifact: -misc include: - .* stratum: - artifact: -devel include: - .*-devel - .*-debug - .*-doc - artifact: -runtime include: - .*-bins - .*-libs - .*-locale - .*-misc - .*