# Copyright (C) 2014 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import ansicolor import cliapp import logging import os import pipes import sys import baserockimport class BaserockImportApplication(cliapp.Application): def add_settings(self): self.settings.string(['lorries-dir'], "location for Lorry files", metavar="PATH", default=os.path.abspath('./lorries')) self.settings.string(['definitions-dir'], "location for morphology files", metavar="PATH", default=os.path.abspath('./definitions')) self.settings.string(['checkouts-dir'], "location for Git checkouts", metavar="PATH", default=os.path.abspath('./checkouts')) self.settings.string(['lorry-working-dir'], "Lorry working directory", metavar="PATH", default=os.path.abspath('./lorry-working-dir')) self.settings.boolean(['force-stratum-generation', 'force-stratum'], "always create a stratum, overwriting any " "existing stratum morphology, and ignoring any " "components where errors occurred during import", default=False) self.settings.boolean(['update-existing'], "update all the checked-out Git trees and " "generated definitions", default=False) self.settings.boolean(['use-local-sources'], "use file:/// URLs in the stratum 'repo' " "fields, instead of upstream: URLs", default=False) self.settings.boolean(['use-master-if-no-tag'], "if the correct tag for a version can't be " "found, use 'master' instead of raising an " "error", default=False) def _stream_has_colours(self, stream): # http://blog.mathieu-leplatre.info/colored-output-in-console-with-python.html if not hasattr(stream, "isatty"): return False if not stream.isatty(): return False # auto color only on TTYs try: import curses curses.setupterm() return curses.tigetnum("colors") > 2 except: # guess false in case of error return False def setup(self): self.add_subcommand('omnibus', self.import_omnibus, arg_synopsis='REPO PROJECT_NAME SOFTWARE_NAME') self.add_subcommand('rubygems', self.import_rubygems, arg_synopsis='GEM_NAME [GEM_VERSION]') self.add_subcommand('python', self.import_python, arg_synopsis='PACKAGE_NAME [VERSION]') self.stdout_has_colours = self._stream_has_colours(sys.stdout) def setup_logging_formatter_for_file(self): root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.name = 'main' # You need recent cliapp for this to work, with commit "Split logging # setup into further overrideable methods". return logging.Formatter("%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s") def process_args(self, args): if len(args) == 0: # Cliapp default is to just say "ERROR: must give subcommand" if # no args are passed, I prefer this. args = ['help'] super(BaserockImportApplication, self).process_args(args) def status(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): text = msg % args if kwargs.get('error') == True: logging.error(text) if self.stdout_has_colours: sys.stdout.write(ansicolor.red(text)) else: sys.stdout.write(text) else: logging.info(text) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.write('\n') def import_omnibus(self, args): '''Import a software component from an Omnibus project. Omnibus is a tool for generating application bundles for various platforms. See for more information. ''' if len(args) != 3: raise cliapp.AppException( 'Please give the location of the Omnibus definitions repo, ' 'and the name of the project and the top-level software ' 'component.') def running_inside_bundler(): return 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' in os.environ def command_to_run_python_in_directory(directory, args): # Bundler requires that we run it from the Omnibus project # directory. That messes up any relative paths the user may have # passed on the commandline, so we do a bit of a hack to change # back to the original directory inside the `bundle exec` process. return "cd %s; exec python %s" % ( pipes.quote(directory), ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, args))) def reexecute_self_with_bundler(path): script = sys.argv[0] logging.info('Reexecuting %s within Bundler, so that extensions ' 'use the correct dependencies for Omnibus and the ' 'Omnibus project definitions.', script) command = command_to_run_python_in_directory(os.getcwd(), sys.argv) logging.debug('Running: `bundle exec %s` in dir %s', command, path) os.chdir(path) os.execvp('bundle', [script, 'exec', command]) # Omnibus definitions are spread across multiple repos, and there is # no stability guarantee for the definition format. The official advice # is to use Bundler to execute Omnibus, so let's do that. if not running_inside_bundler(): reexecute_self_with_bundler(args[0]) definitions_dir = args[0] project_name = args[1] loop = baserockimport.mainloop.ImportLoop( app=self, goal_kind='omnibus', goal_name=args[2], goal_version='master') loop.enable_importer('omnibus', extra_args=[definitions_dir, project_name]) loop.enable_importer('rubygems') loop.run() def import_rubygems(self, args): '''Import one or more RubyGems.''' if len(args) not in [1, 2]: raise cliapp.AppException( 'Please pass the name and version of a RubyGem on the ' 'commandline.') goal_name = args[0] goal_version = args[1] if len(args) == 2 else 'master' loop = baserockimport.mainloop.ImportLoop( app=self, goal_kind='rubygems', goal_name=args[0], goal_version='master') loop.enable_importer('rubygems', strata=['strata/ruby.morph']) loop.run() def import_python(self, args): '''Import one or more python packages.''' if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2: raise cliapp.AppException( 'Please pass the name of the python package on the commandline.') package_name = args[0] package_version = args[1] if len(args) == 2 else 'master' loop = baserockimport.mainloop.ImportLoop(app=self, goal_kind='python', goal_name=package_name, goal_version=package_version) loop.enable_importer('python', strata=['strata/core.morph']) loop.run()