#!/usr/bin/env python # # Find the build and runtime dependencies for a given Python package # # Copyright (C) 2014 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # TODO: there is a pattern of calling Popen with stderr=STDOUT and reading # from p.stdout till EOF, then waiting for the subprocess to terminate. # Since this is used in 3 places, it should be factored out really. from __future__ import print_function import sys import subprocess import os import json import tempfile import logging import select import signal import pkg_resources import xmlrpclib from importer_python_common import * class ConflictError(Exception): def __init__(self, name, spec_x, spec_y): self.name = name self.specs = [spec_x, spec_y] super(ConflictError, self).__init__('%s: %s conflicts with %s' % (name, spec_x, spec_y)) class UnmatchedError(Exception): pass def eq_check((xop, xval), (yop, yval)): assert xop == '==' # Assumption, '==' spec is x ops = (xop, yop) vals = (xval, yval) # Map a pair to a function that will return true # if the specs are in conflict. comp = {('==', '=='): lambda (x, y): x != y, # conflict if x != y ('==', '!='): lambda (x, y): x == y, # conflict if x == y ('==', '<'): lambda (x, y): x >= y, # conflict if x >= y ('==', '>'): lambda (x, y): x <= y, # conflict if x <= y ('==', '<='): lambda (x, y): x > y, # conflict if x > y ('==', '>='): lambda (x, y): x < y, # conflict if x < y } return comp[ops](vals) def lt_check((xop, xval), (yop, yval)): assert xop == '<' # Assumption, '<' spec is x ops = (xop, yop) vals = (xval, yval) # Map a pair to a function that will return true # if the specs are in conflict. comp = {('<', '<'): lambda (x, y): False, # < x < y cannot conflict ('<', '>'): lambda (x, y): x <= y, # conflict if x <= y ('<', '<='): lambda (x, y): False, # < x <= y cannot conflict ('<', '>='): lambda (x, y): x <= y # conflict if x <= y } return comp[ops](vals) def gt_check((xop, xval), (yop, yval)): assert xop == '>' # Assumption, '>' spec is x ops = (xop, yop) vals = (xval, yval) # Map a pair to a function that will return true # if the specs are in conflict. comp = {('>', '>'): lambda (x, y): False, # > x > y cannot conflict ('>', '<='): lambda (x, y): x >= y, # conflict if x >= y ('>', '>='): lambda (x, y): False, # > x >= y cannot conflict } return comp[ops](vals) def lte_check((xop, xval), (yop, yval)): assert xop == '<=' # Assumption, '<=' spec is x ops = (xop, yop) vals = (xval, yval) # Map a pair to a function that will return true # if the specs are in conflict. comp = {('<=', '<='): lambda (x, y): False, # <= x <= y cannot conflict ('<=', '>='): lambda (x, y): x < y } return comp[ops](vals) def gte_check((xop, xval), (yop, yval)): assert xop == '>=' # Assumption, '>=' spec is x ops = (xop, yop) vals = (xval, yval) # Map a pair to a function that will return true # if the specs are in conflict. comp = {('>=', '>='): lambda (x, y): False} # >= x >= y cannot conflict return comp[ops](vals) def reverse_if(c, t1, t2): return [t2, t1] if c else (t1, t2) def conflict((xop, xval), (yop, yval)): x, y = (xop, xval), (yop, yval) ops = (xop, yop) if '==' in ops: return eq_check(*reverse_if(yop == '==', x, y)) elif '!=' in ops: return False # != can only conflict with == elif '<' in ops: return lt_check(*reverse_if(yop == '<', x, y)) elif '>' in ops: return gt_check(*reverse_if(yop == '>', x, y)) elif '<=' in ops: return lte_check(*reverse_if(yop == '<=', x, y)) # not reversing here, >= x >= y should be the only combination possible # here, if it's not then something is wrong. elif '>=' in ops: return gte_check(x, y) else: raise UnmatchedError('Got unmatched case (%s, %s)' % x, y) def conflict_with_set(spec, specset): for s in specset: if conflict(spec, s): return s return None def resolve_specs(requirements): requirements = list(requirements) logging.debug('Resolving specs from the following requirements: %s' % requirements) specsets = {} for r in requirements: if r.project_name not in specsets: specsets[r.project_name] = set() specset = specsets[r.project_name] for (op, version) in r.specs: spec = (op, pkg_resources.parse_version(version)) c = conflict_with_set(spec, specset) if not c: specset.add(spec) else: raise ConflictError(r.project_name, c, spec) return specsets def resolve_versions(specsets): logging.debug('Resolving versions') versions = {} for (proj_name, specset) in specsets.iteritems(): client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(PYPI_URL) # Bit of a hack to deal with pypi case insensitivity new_proj_name = name_or_closest(client, proj_name) if new_proj_name == None: error("Couldn't find any project with name '%s'" % proj_name) logging.debug("Treating %s as %s" % (proj_name, new_proj_name)) proj_name = new_proj_name releases = client.package_releases(proj_name) logging.debug('Found %d releases of %s: %s' % (len(releases), proj_name, releases)) candidates = [v for v in releases if specs_satisfied(pkg_resources.parse_version(v), specset)] if len(candidates) == 0: error("Couldn't find any version of %s to satisfy: %s" % (proj_name, specset)) logging.debug('Found %d releases of %s that satisfy constraints: %s' % (len(candidates), proj_name, candidates)) assert proj_name not in versions versions[proj_name] = candidates return versions def find_build_deps(source, name, version=None): logging.debug('Finding build dependencies for %s%s at %s' % (name, ' %s' % version if version else '', source)) # This amounts to running python setup.py egg_info and checking # the resulting egg_info dir for a file called setup_requires.txt logging.debug('Running egg_info command') p = subprocess.Popen(['python', 'setup.py', 'egg_info'], cwd=source, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while True: line = p.stdout.readline() if line == '': break logging.debug(line.rstrip('\n')) p.wait() # even with eof, wait for termination if p.returncode != 0: # Something went wrong, but in most cases we can probably still # successfully import without knowing the setup_requires list # because many python packages have an empty setup_requires list. logging.warning("Couldn't obtain build dependencies for %s:" " egg_info command failed" " (%s may be using distutils rather than setuptools)" % (name, name)) egg_dir = '%s.egg-info' % name build_deps_file = os.path.join(source, egg_dir, 'setup_requires.txt') build_deps = {} # Check whether there's a setup_requires.txt if not os.path.isfile(build_deps_file): build_deps = {} else: with open(build_deps_file) as f: specsets = resolve_specs(pkg_resources.parse_requirements(f)) logging.debug("Resolved specs for %s: %s" % (name, specsets)) versions = resolve_versions(specsets) logging.debug('Resolved versions: %s' % versions) # Since any of the candidates in versions should satisfy # all specs, we just pick the first version we see build_deps = {name: vs[0] for (name, vs) in versions.iteritems()} return build_deps def find_runtime_deps(source, name, version=None, use_requirements_file=False): logging.debug('Finding runtime dependencies for %s%s at %s' % (name, ' %s' % version if version else '', source)) # Run our patched pip to get a list of installed deps # Run pip install . --list-dependencies=instdeps.txt with cwd=source # Some temporary file needed for storing the requirements tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp() logging.debug('Writing install requirements to: %s', tmppath) args = ['pip', 'install', '.', '--list-dependencies=%s' % tmppath] if use_requirements_file: args.insert(args.index('.') + 1, '-r') args.insert(args.index('.') + 2, 'requirements.txt') logging.debug('Running pip, args: %s' % args) p = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=source, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while True: line = p.stdout.readline() if line == '': break logging.debug(line.rstrip('\n')) p.wait() # even with eof, wait for termination logging.debug('pip exited with code: %d' % p.returncode) if p.returncode != 0: error('failed to get runtime dependencies for %s %s at %s' % (name, version, source)) with os.fdopen(tmpfd) as tmpfile: ss = resolve_specs(pkg_resources.parse_requirements(tmpfile)) logging.debug("Resolved specs for %s: %s" % (name, ss)) logging.debug("Removing root package from specs") # filter out "root" package specsets = {k: v for (k, v) in ss.iteritems() if k != name} versions = resolve_versions(specsets) logging.debug('Resolved versions: %s' % versions) # Since any of the candidates in versions should satisfy # all specs, we just pick the first version we see runtime_deps = {name: vs[0] for (name, vs) in versions.iteritems()} os.remove(tmppath) if (len(runtime_deps) == 0 and not use_requirements_file and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(source, 'requirements.txt'))): logging.debug('No install requirements specified in setup.py,' ' using requirements file') return find_runtime_deps(source, name, version, use_requirements_file=True) return runtime_deps def main(): if len(sys.argv) not in [3, 4]: print('usage: %s PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR NAME [VERSION]' % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) logging.debug('%s: sys.argv[1:]: %s' % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:])) source, name = sys.argv[1:3] version = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) == 4 else None client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(PYPI_URL) new_name = name_or_closest(client, name) if new_name == None: error("Couldn't find any project with name '%s'" % name) logging.debug('Treating %s as %s' % (name, new_name)) name = new_name deps = {} deps['build-dependencies'] = find_build_deps(source, name, version) deps['runtime-dependencies'] = find_runtime_deps(source, name, version) root = {'python': deps} print(json.dumps(root)) if __name__ == '__main__': PythonExtension().run()