diff options
4 files changed, 284 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lorry-controller b/lorry-controller
index e3f7d36..b3c2c45 100755
--- a/lorry-controller
+++ b/lorry-controller
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import re
from lorrycontroller.confparser import LorryControllerConfig
from lorrycontroller.workingstate import WorkingStateManager
+from lorrycontroller.htmlstatus import HTMLStatusManager
defaults = {
@@ -51,6 +52,10 @@ class LorryController(cliapp.Application):
'Log file name for lorry if wanted',
+ self.settings.string(['html-file'],
+ 'HTML filename for lorry controller status',
+ metavar='HTMLFILE',
+ default=None)
def process_args(self, args):"Starting to control lorry")
@@ -83,9 +88,16 @@ class LorryController(cliapp.Application):
raise SystemExit(4)
self.conf = LorryControllerConfig(self, 'git/lorry-controller.conf')
+ self.html = HTMLStatusManager(self)
+ if self.settings['dry-run']:
+ self.html.series = 0
+ self.html.write_out_status()
+ self.conf.parse_config()
with WorkingStateManager(self) as mgr:
# Update any troves
+ self.html.set_mgr(mgr)
+ self.html.bump_state()
prev_lorries = set(mgr.lorry_state.keys())
cur_lorries = set(self.conf.lorries.keys())
@@ -94,8 +106,10 @@ class LorryController(cliapp.Application):
len(prev_lorries), len(cur_lorries)))
# 1. Handle deletes for any old lorries we no longer want
+ self.html.bump_state()"Delete any old lorries...")
for dead_lorry in prev_lorries - cur_lorries:
+ self.html.set_processing(dead_lorry)"Dead lorry: %s" % dead_lorry)
conf_uuid = mgr.lorry_state[dead_lorry]['conf']
if conf_uuid in self.conf.configs:
@@ -134,8 +148,10 @@ class LorryController(cliapp.Application):
del mgr.lorry_state[dead_lorry]
# 2. Handle creates for any new lorries we now want
+ self.html.bump_state()"Create any new lorries...")
for new_lorry in cur_lorries - prev_lorries:
+ self.html.set_processing(new_lorry)"New lorry: %s" % new_lorry)
lorry = self.conf.lorries[new_lorry]
conf_uuid = lorry['controller-uuid']
@@ -170,6 +186,7 @@ class LorryController(cliapp.Application):
# 3. For every lorry we have, update the settings if necessary.
# and reset the next-due as appropriate.
+ self.html.bump_state()"Update active lorry configurations...")
updated_count = 0
for upd_lorry in cur_lorries:
@@ -217,6 +234,7 @@ class LorryController(cliapp.Application):
lorried += 1"Running %d/%d. Lorrying: %s" % (
lorried, len(lorries_to_run),lorry))
+ self.html.set_processing(lorry)
with mgr.runner(lorry) as runner:
while state['next-due'] <= now:
@@ -235,6 +253,7 @@ class LorryController(cliapp.Application):"Lorried %d. %s due in %d seconds" % (
lorried, what_early_due, int(earliest_due - now)))"All done.")
+ self.html.bump_state()
def rungit(self, args):
self.runcmd(['git']+args, cwd=os.path.join(self.settings['work-area'],
diff --git a/lorrycontroller/ b/lorrycontroller/
index 00a9fe1..71becd7 100644
--- a/lorrycontroller/
+++ b/lorrycontroller/
@@ -30,11 +30,14 @@ class LorryControllerConfig(object):
def __init__(self, app, confpath): = app
+ self.confpath = confpath
self.lorries = {}
self.configs = {}
self.duetimes = {}
self.troves = []
- confpath = os.path.join(app.settings['work-area'], confpath)
+ def parse_config(self):
+ confpath = os.path.join(['work-area'], self.confpath)"Parsing configuration: %s" % confpath)
with open(confpath, "r") as fh:
@@ -260,6 +263,7 @@ class LorryControllerConfig(object):
def update_troves(self, statemgr):
# Now that we have a state manager we can look at the trove data.
for trove in self.troves:
trove_state = statemgr.get_trove(trove['uuid'])
self.update_trove(trove, trove_state)
diff --git a/lorrycontroller/ b/lorrycontroller/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aae75c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lorrycontroller/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited
+import os
+import time
+from cgi import escape
+state_names = [
+ "Initialisation",
+ "Load Troves",
+ "Remove old repos",
+ "Create new repos",
+ "Process Lorries",
+ "Finished"
+ ]
+class HTMLStatusManager(object):
+ '''Manage the HTML status page for lorry-controller.'''
+ def __init__(self, app):
+ = app
+ self.state = 0
+ self.series = None
+ self.filename =['html-file']
+ self.mgr = None
+ self.processing = None
+ self.processing_time = None
+ self.failing = None
+ self.all_lorries_ever = set()
+ def set_failing(self, failmsg):
+ self.failing = failmsg
+ self.write_out_status()
+ def set_mgr(self, mgr):
+ self.mgr = mgr
+ def set_processing(self, proc):
+ self.processing = proc
+ self.processing_time = time.time()
+ self.write_out_status()
+ def bump_state(self):
+ self.state = self.state + 1
+ self.processing = None
+ self.write_out_status()
+ def write_out_status(self):
+ if self.filename is None: return
+ try:
+ with open(self.filename + ".new", "w") as ofh:
+ ofh.write("<!DOCTYPE html>\n")
+ ofh.write(self.gen_html())
+ ofh.write("\n")
+ target = self.filename
+ if self.series is not None:
+ target += ".%d" % self.series
+ self.series += 1
+ os.rename(self.filename + ".new", target)
+ except:
+ os.unlink(self.filename + ".new")
+ raise
+ def gen_html(self):
+ head = self.gen_head()
+ body = self.gen_body()
+ return self.tag("html", content=head+"\n"+body, gap=True)
+ def gen_head(self):
+ title = self.tag("title", content="Lorry Controller")
+ css = self.tag("link", href="trove.css", rel="stylesheet",
+ type="text/css")
+ script = self.tag("script", tyle="text/JavaScript", content='''
+function reloadAfter(timeout) {
+ setTimeout("location.reload(true);", timeout);
+// -->
+ return self.tag("head", content=title+css+script)
+ def gen_body(self):
+ # 1. Rough header, branded as trove
+ curtime = time.asctime(time.gmtime())
+ link = "/"
+ if self.series is not None:
+ link = self.filename + ".%d" % (self.series + 1)
+ header = '''
+<table id='header'><tr><td class='logo' rowspan='2'>
+<a href='%s'><img src='trove.png' alt='trove logo'/></a></td>
+<td class='main'>Status of Lorry Controller</td></tr>
+<tr><td class='sub'>Updated at %s</td></tr></table>
+''' % (link, curtime)
+ # 2. List of steps and where we are currently
+ steps = self.gen_steps()
+ # 4. Main content
+ content = self.gen_content()
+ # 5. footer
+ footer = self.gen_footer()
+ # magic args
+ kwargs = {
+ "onload": "JavaScript:reloadAfter(5000);",
+ }
+ if self.state >= (len(state_names)-1):
+ kwargs["onload"] = "JavaScript:reloadAfter(10000);",
+ return self.tag("body", content=self.tag(
+ "div", content=(header+steps+content+footer),
+ Class="lorrycontroller"), **kwargs)
+ def gen_content(self):
+ if self.failing is not None:
+ return self.tag("div", Class="failure", content=self.failing)
+ # 1. Troves known
+ troves = self.gen_troves()
+ # 2. Lorries known
+ lorries = self.gen_lorries()
+ return self.tag("div", Class="content", content=
+ self.tag("div", id="troves", content=troves) +
+ self.tag("div", id="lorries", content=lorries))
+ def gen_troves(self):
+ troves = []
+ now = time.time()
+ for trove in
+ troveinfo = {}
+ if self.mgr is not None:
+ troveinfo = self.mgr.trove_state.get(trove['uuid'], {})
+ uuid = self.tag("td", content=escape(trove['uuid']))
+ state = "Up to date"
+ if self.processing == trove['uuid']:
+ state = "Processing since " + \
+ time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.processing_time))
+ elif troveinfo.get('next-vls', now - 1) < now:
+ state = "Due to be checked"
+ state = self.tag("td", content=escape(state))
+ nextdue = self.tag("td", content=escape(time.asctime(
+ time.gmtime(troveinfo.get('next-vls', now - 1)))))
+ lorrycount = len([l for l in
+ if l['controller-uuid'] == trove['uuid']])
+ lorrycount = self.tag("td", content=str(lorrycount))
+ troves.append(self.tag("tr", content=
+ uuid+state+nextdue+lorrycount))
+ if len(troves) == 0:
+ content = "No troves detected"
+ else:
+ header = self.tag("tr", content=
+ self.tag("th", content="Trove UUID") +
+ self.tag("th", content="Status") +
+ self.tag("th", content="Next due") +
+ self.tag("th", content="Lorries created"))
+ content = self.tag("table", content=
+ header + "".join(troves))
+ return content
+ def gen_lorries(self):
+ lorries = []
+ now = time.time()
+ all_lorry_names = set(
+ if self.mgr is not None:
+ all_lorry_names.update(set(self.mgr.lorry_state.keys()))
+ self.all_lorries_ever.update(all_lorry_names)
+ all_lorry_names = list(self.all_lorries_ever)
+ all_lorry_names.sort()
+ for lorry_name in all_lorry_names:
+ lorry =, None)
+ dead_lorry = False
+ dead_and_gone = False
+ if lorry is None:
+ lorrystate = self.mgr.lorry_state.get(lorry_name, None)
+ if lorrystate is None:
+ dead_and_gone = True
+ lorry = {}
+ else:
+ lorry = lorrystate['lorry']
+ dead_lorry = True
+ lorryinfo = {}
+ if self.mgr is not None:
+ lorryinfo = self.mgr.lorry_state.get(lorry_name, {})
+ uuid = self.tag("td", content=
+ escape(lorry.get('controller-uuid', 'Dead')))
+ state = "Waiting until " + \
+ time.asctime(time.gmtime(lorryinfo.get('next-due', now - 1)))
+ if self.processing == lorry_name:
+ state = "Processing since " + \
+ time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.processing_time))
+ elif lorryinfo.get('next-due', now - 1) < now:
+ state = "Due to be checked"
+ if self.mgr is not None:
+ if self.mgr.lorry_state.get(lorry_name, None) is None:
+ state = "Needs creating"
+ if dead_lorry:
+ state = "Dead - To be removed"
+ if dead_and_gone:
+ state = "Dead"
+ if self.processing == lorry_name:
+ state = "Removing since " + \
+ time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.processing_time))
+ state = self.tag("td", content=escape(state))
+ lastresult = self.tag("td", content=self.tag(
+ "pre", content=escape(lorryinfo.get('result', '-'))))
+ nextdue = self.tag("td", content=escape(time.asctime(
+ time.gmtime(lorryinfo.get('next-due', now - 1)))))
+ lorryname = self.tag("td", content=escape(lorry_name))
+ lorries.append(self.tag("tr", content=
+ lorryname+uuid+state+lastresult+nextdue))
+ if len(lorries) == 0:
+ content = "No lorries detected yet"
+ else:
+ header = self.tag("tr", content=
+ self.tag("th", content="Lorry Name") +
+ self.tag("th", content="Comes From") +
+ self.tag("th", content="Status") +
+ self.tag("th", content="Last result") +
+ self.tag("th", content="Next due"))
+ content = self.tag("table", content=
+ header + "".join(lorries))
+ return content
+ def gen_footer(self):
+ curtime = time.asctime(time.gmtime())
+ return self.tag("div", Class="footer", content=
+ "Generated by Lorry Controller at " + curtime)
+ def gen_steps(self):
+ steps = []
+ for idx in xrange(len(state_names)):
+ if idx < self.state:
+ Class = "donestep"
+ elif idx == self.state:
+ Class = "activestep"
+ else:
+ Class = "pendingstep"
+ steps.append(self.tag("span", Class=Class,
+ content=state_names[idx]))
+ return self.tag("table", Class="steps", content=
+ self.tag("tr", content=
+ self.tag("td", content=
+ "".join(steps))))
+ def tag(self, tagname, content=None, gap=False, **kwargs):
+ tagval = " ".join([tagname] +
+ ["%s=%r" % (k.lower(), v) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems()])
+ gap = "\n" if gap else ""
+ if content is None:
+ return "<%s />" % tagval
+ else:
+ return "<%s>%s%s%s</%s>" % (tagval, gap, content, gap, tagname)
diff --git a/lorrycontroller/ b/lorrycontroller/
index 082647e..8e4b20e 100644
--- a/lorrycontroller/
+++ b/lorrycontroller/
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ class LorryFileRunner(object):
exit, out, err =
if exit == 0:
logging.debug("Lorry of %s succeeded: %s" % (self.lorryname, out))
+ self.mgr.lorry_state[self.lorryname]['result'] = "OK"
logging.warn("Lorry of %s failed: %s" % (self.lorryname, err))
+ self.mgr.lorry_state[self.lorryname]['result'] = err
class WorkingStateManager(object):
'''Manage the working state of lorry-controller'''