path: root/lorry-controller
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lorry-controller')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/lorry-controller b/lorry-controller
deleted file mode 100755
index 01c0225..0000000
--- a/lorry-controller
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Codethink Limited
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import cliapp
-import logging
-import os
-import time
-import re
-from lorrycontroller.confparser import LorryControllerConfig
-from lorrycontroller.workingstate import WorkingStateManager
-from lorrycontroller.htmlstatus import HTMLStatusManager
-defaults = {
- 'work-area': '/home/lorry/controller-area',
- 'config-name': 'lorry-controller.conf',
- 'lorry': 'lorry',
-token_finder = re.compile("([0-9a-f]{40})")
-class LorryController(cliapp.Application):
- def add_settings(self):
- self.settings.string(['work-area'],
- 'path to the area for the controller to work in',
- metavar='PATH',
- default=defaults['work-area'])
- self.settings.boolean(['dry-run'],
- "do a dry-run and don't actually do anything "
- "beyond updating the git tree",
- default=False)
- self.settings.string(['lorry'],
- 'path to the lorry binary to use',
- metavar='LORRY',
- default=defaults['lorry'])
- self.settings.string(['config-name'],
- 'configuration leafname. Defaults to '
- 'lorry-controller.conf',
- metavar='CONFNAME',
- default=defaults['config-name'])
- self.settings.boolean(['lorry-verbose'],
- 'Whether to pass --verbose to lorry',
- default=False)
- self.settings.string(['lorry-log'],
- 'Log file name for lorry if wanted',
- metavar='LORRYLOG',
- default=None)
- self.settings.string(['html-file'],
- 'HTML filename for lorry controller status',
- metavar='HTMLFILE',
- default=None)
- def process_args(self, args):
-"Starting to control lorry")
- try:
- os.chdir(self.settings['work-area'])
- except OSError, e:
- logging.error("Unable to chdir() to %s" %
- self.settings['work-area'])
- raise SystemExit(2)
- if not os.path.isdir("git"):
- logging.error("Unable to find git checkout")
- raise SystemExit(3)
- if not os.path.isdir("work"):
- os.mkdir("work")
-"Updating configuration checkout")
- self.rungit(['remote', 'update', 'origin'])
- self.rungit(['reset', '--hard', 'origin/master'])
- self.rungit(['clean', '-fdx'])
- self.lorrycmd=[self.settings['lorry']]
- if self.settings['lorry-verbose']:
- self.lorrycmd += ["--verbose"]
- if self.settings['lorry-log'] is not None:
- self.lorrycmd += ["--log", self.settings['lorry-log']]
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('git',
- self.settings['config-name'])):
- logging.error("Unable to find lorry-controller.conf in git")
- raise SystemExit(4)
- self.conf = LorryControllerConfig(self, 'git/lorry-controller.conf')
- self.html = HTMLStatusManager(self)
- if self.settings['dry-run']:
- self.html.series = 0
- self.html.write_out_status()
- self.conf.parse_config()
- with WorkingStateManager(self) as mgr:
- # Update any troves
- self.html.set_mgr(mgr)
- self.html.bump_state()
- self.conf.update_troves(mgr)
- prev_lorries = set(mgr.lorry_state.keys())
- cur_lorries = set(self.conf.lorries.keys())
-"Starting processing. Previously %d lorries "
- "were handled. We currently have %d defined." % (
- len(prev_lorries), len(cur_lorries)))
- # 1. Handle deletes for any old lorries we no longer want
- self.html.bump_state()
-"Delete any old lorries...")
- for dead_lorry in prev_lorries - cur_lorries:
- self.html.set_processing(dead_lorry)
-"Dead lorry: %s" % dead_lorry)
- conf_uuid = mgr.lorry_state[dead_lorry]['conf']
- if conf_uuid in self.conf.configs:
- should_delete = self.conf.configs[conf_uuid]['destroy']
- else:
- # Could not find UUID in config, switch to 'never'
- should_delete = "never"
- want_destroy = (should_delete == "always")
- if should_delete == "unchanged":
- exit, out, err = self.maybe_runcmd(
- ['git', 'ls-remote', 'ssh://git@localhost/%s.git' %
- dead_lorry], dry=True)
- if exit != 0:
- logging.error("Unable to ls-remote to decide if "
- "unchanged. Assuming it is changed.")
- else:
- logging.debug("TODO: Should decide if unchanged!")
- if want_destroy:
- exit, out, err = self.maybe_runcmd(['ssh', 'git@localhost',
- 'destroy', dead_lorry],
- dry=True)
- if exit != 0:
- logging.error("Unable to destroy %s" % dead_lorry)
- else:
- token = token_finder.match(out).group(1)
- exit, out, err = self.maybe_runcmd(
- ['ssh', 'git@localhost', 'destroy', dead_lorry,
- token])
- if exit != 0:
- logging.error("Unable to destroy %s despite having"
- " the token %s" %
- (dead_lorry, token))
- else:
- logging.debug("Destroyed")
- del mgr.lorry_state[dead_lorry]
- # 2. Handle creates for any new lorries we now want
- self.html.bump_state()
-"Create any new lorries...")
- for new_lorry in cur_lorries - prev_lorries:
- self.html.set_processing(new_lorry)
-"New lorry: %s" % new_lorry)
- lorry = self.conf.lorries[new_lorry]
- conf_uuid = lorry['controller-uuid']
- conf = self.conf.configs[conf_uuid]
- nextdue = self.conf.duetimes[new_lorry]
- # Make new lorries overdue.
- nextdue -= conf['interval-parsed']
- should_create = conf['create'] == "always"
- store_state = True
- if should_create:
- exit, out, err = self.maybe_runcmd(["ssh", "git@localhost",
- "create", new_lorry])
- if exit != 0:
- if ' already exists' in err:
- logging.warn("Repository %s already exists" %
- new_lorry)
- else:
- logging.error("Unable to create repository %s" %
- new_lorry)
- logging.error(err)
- store_state = False
- if store_state:
- self.maybe_runcmd(["ssh", "git@localhost", "set-head",
- new_lorry, lorry['source-HEAD']])
- mgr.lorry_state[new_lorry] = {
- 'destroy': conf['destroy'],
- 'conf': conf_uuid,
- 'lorry': lorry,
- 'next-due': nextdue,
- }
- else:
- # Remove this from cur_lorries so we don't run it
- cur_lorries.remove(new_lorry)
- # 3. For every lorry we have, update the settings if necessary.
- # and reset the next-due as appropriate.
- self.html.bump_state()
-"Update active lorry configurations...")
- updated_count = 0
- for upd_lorry in cur_lorries:
- if mgr.lorry_state[upd_lorry]['lorry'] != \
- self.conf.lorries[upd_lorry]:
- lorry = self.conf.lorries[upd_lorry]
- old_lorry = mgr.lorry_state[upd_lorry]["lorry"]
- if lorry["source-HEAD"] != \
- old_lorry.get("source-HEAD", "refs/heads/master"):
- self.maybe_runcmd(['ssh', 'git@localhost', 'set-head',
- upd_lorry, lorry["source-HEAD"]])
- conf_uuid = lorry['controller-uuid']
- conf = self.conf.configs[conf_uuid]
- nextdue = self.conf.duetimes[upd_lorry]
- mgr.lorry_state[upd_lorry] = {
- 'destroy': conf['destroy'],
- 'conf': conf_uuid,
- 'lorry': lorry,
- 'next-due': nextdue,
- }
- updated_count += 1
-"Result: %d/%d lorries needed updating" % (
- updated_count, len(cur_lorries)))
- # 3. Iterate all active lorries and see if they're due
-"Iterate active lorries looking for work...")
- now = time.time()
- lorried = 0
- earliest_due = None
- what_early_due = ""
- lorries_to_run = []
- for lorry in cur_lorries:
- state = mgr.lorry_state[lorry]
- conf_uuid = state['conf']
- conf = self.conf.configs[conf_uuid]
- due = state['next-due']
- if now >= due:
- lorries_to_run.append(lorry)
- lorries_to_run.sort()
- for lorry in lorries_to_run:
- state = mgr.lorry_state[lorry]
- conf_uuid = state['conf']
- conf = self.conf.configs[conf_uuid]
- due = state['next-due']
- lorried += 1
-"Running %d/%d. Lorrying: %s" % (
- lorried, len(lorries_to_run),lorry))
- self.html.set_processing(lorry)
- with mgr.runner(lorry) as runner:
- runner.run_lorry(*self.lorrycmd)
- while state['next-due'] <= now:
- state['next-due'] += conf['interval-parsed']
- for lorry in cur_lorries:
- state = mgr.lorry_state[lorry]
- due = state['next-due']
- if earliest_due is None or due < earliest_due:
- earliest_due = due
- what_early_due = lorry
- if earliest_due is None:
-"Lorried %d. No idea what's next." % lorried)
- else:
-"Lorried %d. %s due in %d seconds" % (
- lorried, what_early_due, int(earliest_due - now)))
-"All done.")
- self.html.bump_state()
- def rungit(self, args):
- self.runcmd(['git']+args, cwd=os.path.join(self.settings['work-area'],
- 'git'))
- def maybe_runcmd(self, cmdline, dry=False, *args, **kwargs):
- if (not self.settings['dry-run']) or dry:
- return self.runcmd_unchecked(cmdline, *args, **kwargs)
- else:
- logging.debug("DRY-RUN: Not running %r" % cmdline)
- return 0, 'DRY-RUN', 'DRY-RUN'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- LorryController(version='1').run()