% import json


Status of Lorry Controller

% if running_queue:

New jobs are allowed.

% else:

New jobs are NOT allowed.

% end

Maximum number of jobs: {{max_jobs}}.

Free disk space: {{disk_free_gib}} GiB.

Remote Troves

% for trove_info in troves: % end
Trove host Due for re-scan of remote repositories
{{trove_info['trovehost']}} {{trove_info['ls_due_nice']}}

Currently running jobs

% if len(run_queue) == 0:

There are no jobs running at this time.

% else: % for spec in run_queue: % if spec['running_job'] is not None: % end % end
Job ID path
{{spec['running_job']}} {{spec['path']}}
% end

See separate list of all jobs that have ever been started..


% for i, spec in enumerate(run_queue): % obj = json.loads(spec['text']) % name = obj.keys()[0] % fields = obj[name] % if spec['running_job']: % else: % end % end
Pos Path Interval Due Job?
{{i+1}} {{spec['path']}} {{spec['interval_nice']}} {{spec['due_nice']}}{{spec['running_job']}}

Scotty says: {{quote}}

Updated: {{timestamp}}