Run queue management ==================== This chapter contains tests meant for managing the run-queue in WEBAPP. Start and stop job scheduling ----------------------------- The administrator needs to be able to stop WEBAPP from scheduling any new jobs, and later to start it again. SCENARIO admin can start and stop WEBAPP job scheduling GIVEN a running WEBAPP WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/status THEN response has running_queue set to true WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/stop-queue AND admin makes request GET /1.0/status THEN response has running_queue set to false Further, the state change needs to be persistent across WEBAPP instances, so we kill the WEBAPP that's currently running, and start a new one, and verify that the `running-queue` status is still `true`. WHEN WEBAPP is terminated THEN WEBAPP isn't running WHEN WEBAPP is started WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/status THEN response has running_queue set to false Start the queue again. WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/start-queue AND admin makes request GET /1.0/status THEN response has running_queue set to true Finally, clean up. FINALLY WEBAPP terminates Read CONFGIT ------------ We need to be able to get Lorry Controller, specifically WEBAPP, to update its configuration and run-queue from CONFGIT using the `/1.0/read-configuration` HTTP API request. First, set up WEBAPP. SCENARIO WEBAPP updates its configuration from CONFGIT GIVEN a new git repository in CONFGIT AND WEBAPP uses CONFGIT as its configuration directory AND a running WEBAPP We'll start with an empty configuration. This is the default state when WEBAPP has never read its configuration. WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to [] Make WEBAPP read an empty configuration. Or rather, a configuration that does not match any existing `.lorry` files. GIVEN an empty lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration AND admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to [] Add a `.lorry` file, with one Lorry spec, and make sure reading the configuration makes `/list-queue` report it. GIVEN Lorry file CONFGIT/foo.lorry with {"foo":{"type":"git","url":"git://foo"}} AND lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT adds lorries *.lorry using prefix upstream WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration AND admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to ["upstream/foo"] If the `.lorry` file is removed, the queue should again become empty. GIVEN file CONFGIT/foo.lorry is removed WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration AND admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to [] Add two Lorries, then make sure they can reordered at will. GIVEN Lorry file CONFGIT/foo.lorry with {"foo":{"type":"git","url":"git://foo"}} AND Lorry file CONFGIT/bar.lorry with {"bar":{"type":"git","url":"git://bar"}} WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration AND admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to ["upstream/bar", "upstream/foo"] WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/move-to-top with path=upstream/foo AND admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to ["upstream/foo", "upstream/bar"] WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/move-to-bottom with path=upstream/foo AND admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to ["upstream/bar", "upstream/foo"] Finally, clean up. FINALLY WEBAPP terminates