Validation of CONFGIT ===================== The CONFGIT repository contains two types of files we should validate: the `lorry-controller.conf` file, and the local Lorry files (specified by the former file in `lorries` sections). Validate `lorry-controller.conf` -------------------------------- We'll start by validating the `lorry-controller.conf` file. There's several aspects here that need to be tested: * JSON syntax correctness: if the file doesn't parse as JSON, the WEBAPP should cope and shouldn't change STATEDB in any way. * Semantic correctness: the file should contain a list of dicts, and each dict should have the right fields with the right kind of values. See the `README` for details. Other fields are also allowed, though ignored. Again, if there's an error, WEBAPP should cope, and probably shouldn't update STATEDB if there are any problems. The approach for testing this is to set up an empty STATEDB, then get WEBAPP to read a `lorry-controller.conf` with various kinds of brokenness, and after each read verify that STATEDB is still empty. This doesn't test that if the STATEDB wasn't empty it doesn't change existing data, but it seems like a reasonable assumption that an update happens regardless of previous contents of STATEDB, given how SQL transactions work. In summary: * Start WEBAPP without a STATEDB, and have it read its config. Verify STATEDB is empty. * Add a `lorry-controller.conf` that is broken in some specific way. * Tell WEBAPP to re-read its config. * Verify that WEBAPP gives an error message. * Verify that STATEDB is still empty. Repeat this for each type of brokenness we want to ensure WEBAPP validates for. SCENARIO validate lorry-controller.conf GIVEN a new git repository in CONFGIT AND WEBAPP uses CONFGIT as its configuration directory AND a running WEBAPP First of all, have WEBAPP read CONFGIT. This should succeed even if the `lorry-controller.conf` file doesn't actually exist. WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "Configuration has been updated" AND STATEDB is empty Add an empty configuration file. This is different from a file containing an empty JSON list. It should be treated as an error. GIVEN a lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT containing "" WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "ERROR" AND STATEDB is empty Add a syntactically invalid JSON file. GIVEN a lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT containing "blah blah blah" WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "ERROR" AND STATEDB is empty Replace the bad JSON file with one that has an unknown section (no `type` field). Please excuse the non-escaping of double quotes: it's an artifact of how yarn steps are implemented and is OK. GIVEN a lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT containing "[{"foo": "bar"}]" WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "ERROR" AND STATEDB is empty What about a section that has a `type` field, but it's set to a non-sensical value? GIVEN a lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT containing "[{"type": "BACKUPS!"}]" WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "ERROR" AND STATEDB is empty Now we're getting to real sections. A `troves` section must have `trovehost`, `interval`, `ls-interval`, and `prefixmap` set, and may optionally have `ignore` set. The `trovehost` field can't really be checked, and `interval` and `ls-interval` don't need much checking: if they don't parse as sensible intervals, Lorry Controller will just use a default value. `prefixmap`, however, can have a reasonable check: it shouldn't map something to be under the Trove ID of the local Trove, otherwise Lorry won't be able to push the repositories. However, at this time, we do not have a reasonable way to get the Trove ID of the local Trove, so we're skipping implementing that test for now. (FIXME: fix this lack of testing.) Clean up at the end. FINALLY WEBAPP terminates Validate local Lorry files -------------------------- Lorry files (`.lorry`) are consumed by the Lorry program itself, but also by Lorry Controller. In fact, the ones that are in CONFGIT are only consumed by Lorry Controller: it reads them in, parses them, extracts the relevant information, puts that into STATEDB, and then generates a whole new (temporary) file for each Lorry run. Lorry Controller doesn't validate the Lorry files much, only enough that it can extract each separate Lorry specification and feed them to Lorry one by one. In other words: * The `.lorry` file must be valid JSON. * It must be a dict. * Each key must map to another dict. * Each inner dict must have a key `type`, which maps to a string. Everything else is left for Lorry itself. Lorry Controller only needs to handle Lorry not working, and it already does that. Firstly, some setup. SCENARIO validate .lorry files GIVEN a new git repository in CONFGIT AND an empty lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT AND lorry-controller.conf in CONFGIT adds lorries *.lorry using prefix upstream AND WEBAPP uses CONFGIT as its configuration directory AND a running WEBAPP Make sure WEBAPP handles there not being any `.lorry` files. WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "has been updated" AND STATEDB is empty WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to [] Add a `.lorry` file that contains broken JSON. GIVEN Lorry file CONFGIT/notjson.lorry with THIS IS NOT JSON WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "has been updated" AND STATEDB is empty WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to [] Add a `.lorry` file that is valid JSON, but is not a dict. GIVEN Lorry file CONFGIT/notadict.lorry with [1,2,3] WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "has been updated" AND STATEDB is empty WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to [] Add a `.lorry` that is a dict, but doesn't map keys to dicts. GIVEN Lorry file CONFGIT/notadictofdicts.lorry with { "foo": 1 } WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "has been updated" AND STATEDB is empty WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to [] Add a `.lorry` whose inner dict does not have a `type` field. GIVEN Lorry file CONFGIT/notype.lorry with { "foo": { "bar": "yo" }} WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "has been updated" AND STATEDB is empty WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to [] Add a `.lorry` that is A-OK. This should work even when there are some broken ones too. GIVEN Lorry file CONFGIT/a-ok.lorry with { "foo": { "type": "git", "url": "git://" }} WHEN admin makes request POST /1.0/read-configuration with dummy=value THEN response matches "has been updated" WHEN admin makes request GET /1.0/list-queue THEN response has queue set to ["upstream/foo"] Clean up at the end. FINALLY WEBAPP terminates