Implementations =============== This chapter includes IMPLEMENTS sections for the various steps used in scenarios. Managing a WEBAPP instance -------------------------- We're testing a web application (convenivently named WEBAPP, though the executable is `lorry-controller-webapp`), so we need to be able to start it and stop it in scenarios. We start it as a background process, and keep its PID in `$DATADIR/`. When it's time to kill it, we kill the process with the PID in that file. This is not perfect, though it's good enough for our purposes. It doesn't handle running multiple instances at the same time, which we don't need, and doens't handle the case of the process dying and the kernel re-using the PID for something else, which is quite unlikely. Start an instance of the WEBAPP, using a random port. Record the PID and the port. Listen only on localhost. We use `start-stop-daemon` to start the process, so that it can keep running in the background, but the shell doesn't wait for it to terminate. This way, WEBAPP will be running until it crashes or is explicitly killed. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN a running WEBAPP start_webapp IMPLEMENTS WHEN WEBAPP is started start_webapp Kill the running WEBAPP, using the recorded PID. We need to do this both as a WHEN and a FINALLY step. IMPLEMENTS WHEN WEBAPP is terminated kill_daemon_using_pid_file "$DATADIR/" IMPLEMENTS FINALLY WEBAPP terminates kill_daemon_using_pid_file "$DATADIR/" Also test that WEBAPP isn't running. IMPLEMENTS THEN WEBAPP isn't running pid=$(head -n1 "$DATADIR/") if kill -0 "$pid" then echo "process $pid is still running, but shouldn't be" 1>&2 exit 1 fi Managing Lorry Controller configuration --------------------------------------- We need to be able to create, and change, the `lorry-controller.conf` file, and other files, in CONFGIT. First of all, we need to create CONFGIT. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN a new git repository in (\S+) git init "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1" Then we need to create an empty `lorry-controller.conf` file there. This is not just an empty file, it must be a JSON file that contains an empty list object. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN an empty lorry-controller.conf in (\S+) printf '[]\n' > "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1/lorry-controller.conf" Set the contents of `lorry-controller.conf` from a textual form. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN a lorry-controller.conf in (\S+) containing "(.*)"$ printf '%s\n' "$MATCH_2" > "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1/lorry-controller.conf" Add a `.lorry` file to be used by a `lorry-controller.conf`. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN Lorry file (\S+) with (.*) printf '%s\n' "$MATCH_2" > "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1" Remove a file. This is actually quite generic, but it's relevant to us for `.lorry` files only (when this is being written). IMPLEMENTS GIVEN file (\S+) is removed rm "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1" Add a `lorries` section to a `lorry-controller.conf`. This hardcodes most of the configuration. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN (\S+) in (\S+) adds lorries (\S+) using prefix (\S+) python -c ' import os import json DATADIR = os.environ["DATADIR"] MATCH_1 = os.environ["MATCH_1"] MATCH_2 = os.environ["MATCH_2"] MATCH_3 = os.environ["MATCH_3"] MATCH_4 = os.environ["MATCH_4"] new = { "type": "lorries", "interval": "0s", "prefix": MATCH_4, "globs": [ MATCH_3, ], } filename = os.path.join(DATADIR, MATCH_2, MATCH_1) with open(filename, "r") as f: obj = json.load(f) obj.append(new) with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(obj, f) ' Add a `troves` section to `lorry-controller.conf`. Again, we hardcode most of the configuration. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN (\S+) in (\S+) adds trove (\S+) python -c ' import os import json DATADIR = os.environ["DATADIR"] MATCH_1 = os.environ["MATCH_1"] MATCH_2 = os.environ["MATCH_2"] MATCH_3 = os.environ["MATCH_3"] new = { "type": "troves", "trovehost": MATCH_3, "protocol": "ssh", "interval": "0s", "ls-interval": "0s", "prefixmap": {}, } filename = os.path.join(DATADIR, MATCH_2, MATCH_1) with open(filename, "r") as f: obj = json.load(f) obj.append(new) with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(obj, f, indent=4) ' Set the a specific field for all sections in a `lorry-controller.conf` file. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN (\S+) in (\S+) has (\S+) set to (.+) for everything python -c ' import os import json DATADIR = os.environ["DATADIR"] MATCH_1 = os.environ["MATCH_1"] MATCH_2 = os.environ["MATCH_2"] MATCH_3 = os.environ["MATCH_3"] MATCH_4 = os.environ["MATCH_4"] filename = os.path.join(DATADIR, MATCH_2, MATCH_1) with open(filename, "r") as f: obj = json.load(f) for section in obj: section[MATCH_3] = json.loads(MATCH_4) with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(obj, f, indent=4) ' Set a specific field for a `troves` section. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN (\S+) in (\S+) sets (\S+) to (\S+) for trove (\S+) python -c ' import os import json DATADIR = os.environ["DATADIR"] MATCH_1 = os.environ["MATCH_1"] MATCH_2 = os.environ["MATCH_2"] MATCH_3 = os.environ["MATCH_3"] MATCH_4 = os.environ["MATCH_3"] MATCH_5 = os.environ["MATCH_3"] filename = os.path.join(DATADIR, MATCH_2, MATCH_1) with open(filename, "r") as f: obj = json.load(f) for section in obj: if section["type"] in ["trove", "troves"]: if section["trovehost"] == MATCH_5: section[MATCH_3] = json.loads(MATCH_4) with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(obj, f, indent=4) ' Set the prefixmap for a Trove in a Lorry Controller configuration file. Note that the Trove must already be in the configuration file. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN (\S+) in (\S+) has prefixmap (\S+):(\S+) for (\S+) python -c ' import os import json DATADIR = os.environ["DATADIR"] MATCH_1 = os.environ["MATCH_1"] MATCH_2 = os.environ["MATCH_2"] MATCH_3 = os.environ["MATCH_3"] MATCH_4 = os.environ["MATCH_4"] MATCH_5 = os.environ["MATCH_5"] filename = os.path.join(DATADIR, MATCH_2, MATCH_1) with open(filename, "r") as f: objs = json.load(f) for obj in objs: if obj["type"] == "troves" and obj["trovehost"] == MATCH_5: obj["prefixmap"][MATCH_3] = MATCH_4 with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(objs, f, indent=4) ' We need to be able to tell WEBAPP, when it runs, where the configuration directory is. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN WEBAPP uses (\S+) as its configuration directory add_to_config_file "$DATADIR/webapp.conf" \ configuration-directory "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1" Make WEBAPP fake access to a Trove using a static file. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN WEBAPP fakes Trove (\S+) add_to_config_file "$DATADIR/webapp.conf" \ debug-fake-trove "$MATCH_1=$DATADIR/$MATCH_1.trove" Control the ls listing of a remote Trove. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN remote Trove (\S+) has repository (\S+) filename="$DATADIR/$MATCH_1.trove" if [ ! -e "$filename" ] then echo "{}" > "$filename" fi cat "$filename" python -c ' import json, os, sys MATCH_2 = os.environ["MATCH_2"] filename = sys.argv[1] with open(filename) as f: data = json.load(f) data["ls-output"] = data.get("ls-output", []) + [MATCH_2] with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f) ' "$filename" Remove a repository from the fake remote Trove. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN remote Trove (\S+) doesn't have repository (\S+) filename="$DATADIR/$MATCH_1.trove" if [ ! -e "$filename" ] then echo "{}" > "$filename" fi cat "$filename" python -c ' import json, os, sys MATCH_2 = os.environ["MATCH_2"] filename = sys.argv[1] with open(filename) as f: data = json.load(f) paths = data.get("ls-output", []) if MATCH_2 in paths: paths.remove(MATCH_2) data["ls-output"] = paths with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f) ' "$filename" Making and analysing HTTP requests --------------------------------- Simple HTTP GET and POST requests are simple. We make the request, sending a body if given, and capture the response: HTTP status code, response headers, response body. We make the request using the `curl` command line program, which makes capturing the response quite convenient. HTTP requests can be made by various entities. This does not affect test code, but allows for nicer scenario steps. We check that the HTTP status indicates success, so that every scenario doesn't need ot check that separately. A GET request: IMPLEMENTS WHEN admin makes request GET (\S+) > "$DATADIR/response.headers" > "$DATADIR/response.body" port=$(cat "$DATADIR/webapp.port") # The timestamp is needed by "THEN static status page got updated" touch "$DATADIR/request.timestamp" curl \ -D "$DATADIR/response.headers" \ -o "$DATADIR/response.body" \ --silent --show-error \ "$port$MATCH_1" cat "$DATADIR/response.headers" cat "$DATADIR/response.body" head -n1 "$DATADIR/response.headers" | grep '^HTTP/1\.[01] 200 ' A POST request always has a body. The body consists of `foo=bar` pairs, separated by `&` signs. IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request POST (\S+) with (.*) post_request "$MATCH_2" "$MATCH_3" Except, sometimes we don't have a useful body to give. So we don't. IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request POST (\S+) post_request "$MATCH_2" dummy=value Check the Content-Type of the response has the desired type. IMPLEMENTS THEN response is (\S+) cat "$DATADIR/response.headers" grep -i "^Content-Type: $MATCH_1" "$DATADIR/response.headers" A JSON response can then be queried further. The JSON is expected to be a dict, so that values are accessed by name from the dict. The value is expresssed as a JSON value in the step. IMPLEMENTS THEN response has (\S+) set to (.+) cat "$DATADIR/response.body" python -c ' import json, os, sys data = json.load(sys.stdin) key = os.environ["MATCH_1"] expected = json.loads(os.environ["MATCH_2"]) value = data[key] if value != expected: sys.stderr.write( "Key {key} has value {value}, but " "{expected} was expected".format( key=key, value=value, expected=expected)) sys.exit(1) ' < "$DATADIR/response.body" A JSON response may need to be analysed in more depth. Specifically, we may need to look at a list of dicts, as below. IMPLEMENTS THEN response has (\S+) item (\d+) field (\S+) set to (\S+) cat "$DATADIR/response.body" python -c ' import json, os, sys data = json.load(sys.stdin) print "data:", repr(data) items = os.environ["MATCH_1"] print "items:", repr(items) item = int(os.environ["MATCH_2"]) print "item:", repr(item) field = os.environ["MATCH_3"] print "field:", repr(field) print "match3:", repr(os.environ["MATCH_4"]) expected = json.loads(os.environ["MATCH_4"]) print "expected:", repr(expected) print "data[items]:", repr(data[items]) print "data[items][item]:", repr(data[items][item]) print "data[items][item][field]:", repr(data[items][item][field]) value = data[items][item][field] if value != expected: sys.stderr.write( "Item {item} in {items} has field {field} with " "value {value}, but {expected} was expected".format ( item=item, items=items, field=field, value=value, expected=expected)) sys.exit(1) ' < "$DATADIR/response.body" In some cases, such as free disk space, we don't care about the actual value, but we do care that it is there. IMPLEMENTS THEN response has (\S+) set cat "$DATADIR/response.body" python -c ' import json, os, sys data = json.load(sys.stdin) key = os.environ["MATCH_1"] if key not in data: sys.stderr.write( "Key {key} is not set, but was expected to be set".format ( key=key)) sys.exit(1) ' < "$DATADIR/response.body" Some responses are just plain text, so we match them with a regexp. IMPLEMENTS THEN response matches "(.*)"$ cat "$DATADIR/response.body" grep "$MATCH_1" "$DATADIR/response.body" Running the "remove old jobs" helper program -------------------------------------------- Lorry Controller comes with a helper program to remove old jobs from STATEDB. Tests need to be able to run it. IMPLEMENTS WHEN admin removes old jobs at (\d+) "$SRCDIR/lorry-controller-remove-old-jobs" \ --log "$DATADIR/remove-old-jobs.log" \ --webapp-host= \ --webapp-port="$(cat "$DATADIR/webapp.port")" \ --debug-now="$MATCH_1" Status web page --------------- WEBAPP is expected to update a static HTML pages whenever the `/1.0/status` request is made. We configure WEBAPP to write it to `$DATADIR/lc-status.html`. We don't test the contents of the page, but we do test that it gets updated. We test for the updates by comparing the modification time of the file with the time of the request. We know the time of the request thanks to the "WHEN admin makes a request" step updating the modification time of a file for this purpose. IMPLEMENTS THEN static status page got updated # test -nt isn't useful: the timestamps might be identical, and # that's OK on filesystems that only store full-second timestamps. # We generate timestamps in (roughly) ISO 8601 format, with stat, # and those can be compared using simple string comparison. status=$(stat -c %y "$DATADIR/lc-status.html") request=$(stat -c %y "$DATADIR/request.timestamp") test "$request" = "$status" || test "$request" '<' "$status" STATEDB ------- Check that the STATEDB is empty. This means it should exist, and should be initialised, but none of the important tables should have any rows in them. IMPLEMENTS THEN STATEDB is empty test -s "$DATADIR/webapp.db" sqlite3 "$DATADIR/webapp.db" 'SELECT * FROM troves;' | stdin_is_empty sqlite3 "$DATADIR/webapp.db" 'SELECT * FROM lorries;' | stdin_is_empty