path: root/morphlib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'morphlib/')
1 files changed, 731 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cd3a074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+from collections import defaultdict
+import datetime
+import errno
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+from os.path import relpath
+import shutil
+import stat
+import tarfile
+import time
+import traceback
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import gzip
+import cliapp
+import morphlib
+from morphlib.artifactcachereference import ArtifactCacheReference
+import morphlib.gitversion
+SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_PATH = os.path.join('baserock', 'system-integration')
+def extract_sources(app, repo_cache, repo, sha1, srcdir): #pragma: no cover
+ '''Get sources from git to a source directory, including submodules'''
+ def extract_repo(repo, sha1, destdir):
+ app.status(msg='Extracting %(source)s into %(target)s',
+ source=repo.original_name,
+ target=destdir)
+ repo.checkout(sha1, destdir)
+ morphlib.git.reset_workdir(app.runcmd, destdir)
+ submodules = morphlib.git.Submodules(app, repo.path, sha1)
+ try:
+ submodules.load()
+ except morphlib.git.NoModulesFileError:
+ return []
+ else:
+ tuples = []
+ for sub in submodules:
+ cached_repo = repo_cache.get_repo(sub.url)
+ sub_dir = os.path.join(destdir, sub.path)
+ tuples.append((cached_repo, sub.commit, sub_dir))
+ return tuples
+ todo = [(repo, sha1, srcdir)]
+ while todo:
+ repo, sha1, srcdir = todo.pop()
+ todo += extract_repo(repo, sha1, srcdir)
+ set_mtime_recursively(srcdir)
+def set_mtime_recursively(root): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Set the mtime for every file in a directory tree to the same.
+ We do this because git checkout does not set the mtime to anything,
+ and some projects (binutils, gperf for example) include formatted
+ documentation and try to randomly build things or not because of
+ the timestamps. This should help us get more reliable builds.
+ '''
+ now = time.time()
+ for dirname, subdirs, basenames in os.walk(root.encode("utf-8"),
+ topdown=False):
+ for basename in basenames:
+ pathname = os.path.join(dirname, basename)
+ # we need the following check to ignore broken symlinks
+ if os.path.exists(pathname):
+ os.utime(pathname, (now, now))
+ os.utime(dirname, (now, now))
+def ldconfig(runcmd, rootdir): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Run ldconfig for the filesystem below ``rootdir``.
+ Essentially, ``rootdir`` specifies the root of a new system.
+ Only directories below it are considered.
+ ``etc/`` below ``rootdir`` is assumed to exist and
+ be populated by the right directories, and should assume
+ the root directory is ``rootdir``. Example: if ``rootdir``
+ is ``/tmp/foo``, then ``/tmp/foo/etc/`` should
+ contain ``/lib``, not ``/tmp/foo/lib``.
+ The ldconfig found via ``$PATH`` is used, not the one in ``rootdir``,
+ since in bootstrap mode that might not yet exist, the various
+ implementations should be compatible enough.
+ '''
+ # FIXME: use the version in ROOTDIR, since even in
+ # bootstrap it will now always exist due to being part of build-essential
+ conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', '')
+ if os.path.exists(conf):
+ logging.debug('Running ldconfig for %s' % rootdir)
+ cache = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', '')
+ # The following trickery with $PATH is necessary during the Baserock
+ # bootstrap build: we are not guaranteed that PATH contains the
+ # directory (/sbin conventionally) that ldconfig is in. Then again,
+ # it might, and if so, we don't want to hardware a particular
+ # location. So we add the possible locations to the end of $PATH
+ env = dict(os.environ)
+ old_path = env['PATH']
+ env['PATH'] = '%s:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin' % old_path
+ runcmd(['ldconfig', '-r', rootdir], env=env)
+ else:
+ logging.debug('No %s, not running ldconfig' % conf)
+def download_depends(constituents, lac, rac, metadatas=None):
+ for constituent in constituents:
+ if not lac.has(constituent):
+ source = rac.get(constituent)
+ target = lac.put(constituent)
+ shutil.copyfileobj(source, target)
+ target.close()
+ source.close()
+ if metadatas is not None:
+ for metadata in metadatas:
+ if not lac.has_artifact_metadata(constituent, metadata):
+ if rac.has_artifact_metadata(constituent, metadata):
+ src = rac.get_artifact_metadata(constituent, metadata)
+ dst = lac.put_artifact_metadata(constituent, metadata)
+ shutil.copyfileobj(src, dst)
+ dst.close()
+ src.close()
+def get_chunk_files(f): # pragma: no cover
+ tar =
+ for member in tar.getmembers():
+ if member.type is not tarfile.DIRTYPE:
+ yield
+ tar.close()
+def get_stratum_files(f, lac): # pragma: no cover
+ for ca in (ArtifactCacheReference(a)
+ for a in json.load(f, encoding='unicode-escape')):
+ cf = lac.get(ca)
+ for filename in get_chunk_files(cf):
+ yield filename
+ cf.close()
+class BuilderBase(object):
+ '''Base class for building artifacts.'''
+ def __init__(self, app, staging_area, local_artifact_cache,
+ remote_artifact_cache, source, repo_cache, max_jobs,
+ setup_mounts):
+ = app
+ self.staging_area = staging_area
+ self.local_artifact_cache = local_artifact_cache
+ self.remote_artifact_cache = remote_artifact_cache
+ self.source = source
+ self.repo_cache = repo_cache
+ self.max_jobs = max_jobs
+ self.build_watch = morphlib.stopwatch.Stopwatch()
+ self.setup_mounts = setup_mounts
+ def save_build_times(self):
+ '''Write the times captured by the stopwatch'''
+ meta = {
+ 'build-times': {}
+ }
+ for stage in self.build_watch.ticks.iterkeys():
+ meta['build-times'][stage] = {
+ 'start': '%s' % self.build_watch.start_time(stage),
+ 'stop': '%s' % self.build_watch.stop_time(stage),
+ 'delta': '%.4f' % self.build_watch.start_stop_seconds(stage)
+ }
+ logging.debug('Writing metadata to the cache')
+ with self.local_artifact_cache.put_source_metadata(
+ self.source, self.source.cache_key,
+ 'meta') as f:
+ json.dump(meta, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True,
+ encoding='unicode-escape')
+ f.write('\n')
+ def create_metadata(self, artifact_name, contents=[]): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Create metadata to artifact to allow it to be reproduced later.
+ The metadata is represented as a dict, which later on will be
+ written out as a JSON file.
+ '''
+ assert isinstance(self.source.repo,
+ morphlib.cachedrepo.CachedRepo)
+ meta = {
+ 'artifact-name': artifact_name,
+ 'source-name':,
+ 'kind': self.source.morphology['kind'],
+ 'description': self.source.morphology['description'],
+ 'repo': self.source.repo.url,
+ 'repo-alias': self.source.repo_name,
+ 'original_ref': self.source.original_ref,
+ 'sha1': self.source.sha1,
+ 'morphology': self.source.filename,
+ 'cache-key': self.source.cache_key,
+ 'cache-id': self.source.cache_id,
+ 'morph-version': {
+ 'ref': morphlib.gitversion.ref,
+ 'tree': morphlib.gitversion.tree,
+ 'commit': morphlib.gitversion.commit,
+ 'version': morphlib.gitversion.version,
+ },
+ 'contents': contents,
+ }
+ return meta
+ # Wrapper around open() to allow it to be overridden by unit tests.
+ def _open(self, filename, mode): # pragma: no cover
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ return open(filename, mode)
+ def write_metadata(self, instdir, artifact_name,
+ contents=[]): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Write the metadata for an artifact.
+ The file will be located under the ``baserock`` directory under
+ instdir, named after ``cache_key`` with ``.meta`` as the suffix.
+ It will be in JSON format.
+ '''
+ meta = self.create_metadata(artifact_name, contents)
+ basename = '%s.meta' % artifact_name
+ filename = os.path.join(instdir, 'baserock', basename)
+ # Unit tests use StringIO, which in Python 2.6 isn't usable with
+ # the "with" statement. So we don't do it with "with".
+ f = self._open(filename, 'w')
+ json.dump(meta, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True, encoding='unicode-escape')
+ f.close()
+ def runcmd(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.staging_area.runcmd(*args, **kwargs)
+class ChunkBuilder(BuilderBase):
+ '''Build chunk artifacts.'''
+ def create_devices(self, destdir): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Creates device nodes if the morphology specifies them'''
+ morphology = self.source.morphology
+ perms_mask = stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO
+ if 'devices' in morphology and morphology['devices'] is not None:
+ for dev in morphology['devices']:
+ destfile = os.path.join(destdir, './' + dev['filename'])
+ mode = int(dev['permissions'], 8) & perms_mask
+ if dev['type'] == 'c':
+ mode = mode | stat.S_IFCHR
+ elif dev['type'] == 'b':
+ mode = mode | stat.S_IFBLK
+ else:
+ raise IOError('Cannot create device node %s,'
+ 'unrecognized device type "%s"'
+ % (destfile, dev['type']))
+"Creating device node %s"
+ % destfile)
+ os.mknod(destfile, mode,
+ os.makedev(dev['major'], dev['minor']))
+ os.chown(destfile, dev['uid'], dev['gid'])
+ def build_and_cache(self): # pragma: no cover
+ with self.build_watch('overall-build'):
+ builddir, destdir = self.staging_area.chroot_open(
+ self.source, self.setup_mounts)
+ stdout = (
+ if['build-log-on-stdout'] else None)
+ cache = self.local_artifact_cache
+ logpath = cache.get_source_metadata_filename(
+ self.source, self.source.cache_key, 'build-log')
+ _, temppath = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(logpath))
+ try:
+ self.get_sources(builddir)
+ self.run_commands(builddir, destdir, temppath, stdout)
+ self.create_devices(destdir)
+ os.rename(temppath, logpath)
+ except BaseException, e:
+ logging.error('Caught exception: %s' % str(e))
+'Cleaning up staging area')
+ self.staging_area.chroot_close()
+ if os.path.isfile(temppath):
+ with open(temppath) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ logging.error('OUTPUT FROM FAILED BUILD: %s' %
+ line.rstrip('\n'))
+ os.rename(temppath, logpath)
+ else:
+ logging.error("Couldn't find build log at %s", temppath)
+ self.staging_area.abort()
+ raise
+ self.staging_area.chroot_close()
+ built_artifacts = self.assemble_chunk_artifacts(destdir)
+ self.save_build_times()
+ return built_artifacts
+ def run_commands(self, builddir, destdir,
+ logfilepath, stdout=None): # pragma: no cover
+ m = self.source.morphology
+ bs = morphlib.buildsystem.lookup_build_system(m['build-system'])
+ relative_builddir = self.staging_area.relative(builddir)
+ relative_destdir = self.staging_area.relative(destdir)
+ extra_env = { 'DESTDIR': relative_destdir }
+ steps = [
+ ('pre-configure', False),
+ ('configure', False),
+ ('post-configure', False),
+ ('pre-build', True),
+ ('build', True),
+ ('post-build', True),
+ ('pre-test', False),
+ ('test', False),
+ ('post-test', False),
+ ('pre-install', False),
+ ('install', False),
+ ('post-install', False),
+ ]
+ for step, in_parallel in steps:
+ with self.build_watch(step):
+ key = '%s-commands' % step
+ cmds = m[key]
+ if cmds:
+ with open(logfilepath, 'a') as log:
+'Running %(key)s', key=key)
+ log.write('# %s\n' % step)
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ if in_parallel:
+ max_jobs = self.source.morphology['max-jobs']
+ if max_jobs is None:
+ max_jobs = self.max_jobs
+ extra_env['MAKEFLAGS'] = '-j%s' % max_jobs
+ else:
+ extra_env['MAKEFLAGS'] = '-j1'
+ try:
+ with open(logfilepath, 'a') as log:
+ log.write('# # %s\n' % cmd)
+ # flushing is needed because writes from python and
+ # writes from being the output in Popen have different
+ # buffers, but flush handles both
+ if stdout:
+ stdout.flush()
+ self.runcmd(['sh', '-c', cmd],
+ extra_env=extra_env,
+ cwd=relative_builddir,
+ stdout=stdout or subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ logfile=logfilepath)
+ if stdout:
+ stdout.flush()
+ except cliapp.AppException, e:
+ if not stdout:
+ with open(logfilepath, 'r') as log:
+"%s failed\n" % step)
+ shutil.copyfileobj(log,
+ raise e
+ def write_system_integration_commands(self, destdir,
+ integration_commands, artifact_name): # pragma: no cover
+ dest_path = os.path.join(destdir, SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_PATH)
+ scripts_created = []
+ if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
+ os.makedirs(dest_path)
+ if artifact_name in integration_commands:
+ prefixes_per_artifact = integration_commands[artifact_name]
+ for prefix, commands in prefixes_per_artifact.iteritems():
+ for index, script in enumerate(commands):
+ script_name = "%s-%s-%04d" % (prefix,
+ artifact_name,
+ index)
+ script_path = os.path.join(dest_path, script_name)
+ with morphlib.savefile.SaveFile(script_path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write("#!/bin/sh\nset -xeu\n")
+ f.write(script)
+ os.chmod(script_path, 0555)
+ rel_script_path = os.path.join(SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_PATH,
+ script_name)
+ scripts_created += [rel_script_path]
+ return scripts_created
+ def assemble_chunk_artifacts(self, destdir): # pragma: no cover
+ built_artifacts = []
+ filenames = []
+ source = self.source
+ split_rules = source.split_rules
+ morphology = source.morphology
+ sys_tag = 'system-integration'
+ def filepaths(destdir):
+ for dirname, subdirs, basenames in os.walk(destdir):
+ subdirsymlinks = [os.path.join(dirname, x) for x in subdirs
+ if os.path.islink(os.path.join(dirname, x))]
+ filenames = [os.path.join(dirname, x) for x in basenames]
+ for relpath in (os.path.relpath(x, destdir) for x in
+ [dirname] + subdirsymlinks + filenames):
+ yield relpath
+ with self.build_watch('determine-splits'):
+ matches, overlaps, unmatched = \
+ split_rules.partition(filepaths(destdir))
+ system_integration = morphology.get(sys_tag) or {}
+ with self.build_watch('create-chunks'):
+ for chunk_artifact_name, chunk_artifact \
+ in source.artifacts.iteritems():
+ file_paths = matches[chunk_artifact_name]
+ chunk_artifact = source.artifacts[chunk_artifact_name]
+ def all_parents(path):
+ while path != '':
+ yield path
+ path = os.path.dirname(path)
+ def parentify(filenames):
+ names = set()
+ for name in filenames:
+ names.update(all_parents(name))
+ return sorted(names)
+ extra_files = self.write_system_integration_commands(
+ destdir, system_integration,
+ chunk_artifact_name)
+ extra_files += ['baserock/%s.meta' % chunk_artifact_name]
+ parented_paths = parentify(file_paths + extra_files)
+ with self.local_artifact_cache.put(chunk_artifact) as f:
+ self.write_metadata(destdir, chunk_artifact_name,
+ parented_paths)
+'Creating chunk artifact %(name)s',
+ name=chunk_artifact_name)
+ morphlib.bins.create_chunk(destdir, f, parented_paths)
+ built_artifacts.append(chunk_artifact)
+ for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(destdir):
+ if files:
+ raise Exception('DESTDIR %s is not empty: %s' %
+ (destdir, files))
+ return built_artifacts
+ def get_sources(self, srcdir): # pragma: no cover
+ s = self.source
+ extract_sources(, self.repo_cache, s.repo, s.sha1, srcdir)
+class StratumBuilder(BuilderBase):
+ '''Build stratum artifacts.'''
+ def is_constituent(self, artifact): # pragma: no cover
+ '''True if artifact should be included in the stratum artifact'''
+ return (artifact.source.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk' and \
+ artifact.source.build_mode != 'bootstrap')
+ def build_and_cache(self): # pragma: no cover
+ with self.build_watch('overall-build'):
+ constituents = [d for d in self.source.dependencies
+ if self.is_constituent(d)]
+ # the only reason the StratumBuilder has to download chunks is to
+ # check for overlap now that strata are lists of chunks
+ with self.build_watch('check-chunks'):
+ for a_name, a in self.source.artifacts.iteritems():
+ # download the chunk artifact if necessary
+ download_depends(constituents,
+ self.local_artifact_cache,
+ self.remote_artifact_cache)
+ with self.build_watch('create-chunk-list'):
+ lac = self.local_artifact_cache
+ for a_name, a in self.source.artifacts.iteritems():
+ meta = self.create_metadata(
+ a_name,
+ [ for x in constituents])
+ with lac.put_artifact_metadata(a, 'meta') as f:
+ json.dump(meta, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
+ with self.local_artifact_cache.put(a) as f:
+ json.dump([c.basename() for c in constituents], f)
+ self.save_build_times()
+ return self.source.artifacts.values()
+class SystemBuilder(BuilderBase): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Build system image artifacts.'''
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ BuilderBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ def build_and_cache(self):
+'Building system %(system_name)s',
+ with self.build_watch('overall-build'):
+ arch = self.source.morphology['arch']
+ for a_name, artifact in self.source.artifacts.iteritems():
+ handle = self.local_artifact_cache.put(artifact)
+ try:
+ fs_root = self.staging_area.destdir(self.source)
+ self.unpack_strata(fs_root)
+ self.write_metadata(fs_root, a_name)
+ self.run_system_integration_commands(fs_root)
+ unslashy_root = fs_root[1:]
+ def uproot_info(info):
+ = relpath(, unslashy_root)
+ if info.islnk():
+ info.linkname = relpath(info.linkname,
+ unslashy_root)
+ return info
+ tar =, mode="w", name=a_name)
+'Constructing tarball of rootfs',
+ chatty=True)
+ tar.add(fs_root, recursive=True, filter=uproot_info)
+ tar.close()
+ except BaseException as e:
+ logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
+'Error while building system',
+ error=True)
+ handle.abort()
+ raise
+ else:
+ handle.close()
+ self.save_build_times()
+ return self.source.artifacts.itervalues()
+ def unpack_one_stratum(self, stratum_artifact, target):
+ '''Unpack a single stratum into a target directory'''
+ cache = self.local_artifact_cache
+ with cache.get(stratum_artifact) as stratum_file:
+ artifact_list = json.load(stratum_file, encoding='unicode-escape')
+ for chunk in (ArtifactCacheReference(a) for a in artifact_list):
+'Unpacking chunk %(basename)s',
+ basename=chunk.basename(), chatty=True)
+ with cache.get(chunk) as chunk_file:
+ morphlib.bins.unpack_binary_from_file(chunk_file, target)
+ target_metadata = os.path.join(
+ target, 'baserock', '%s.meta' %
+ with cache.get_artifact_metadata(stratum_artifact, 'meta') as meta_src:
+ with morphlib.savefile.SaveFile(target_metadata, 'w') as meta_dst:
+ shutil.copyfileobj(meta_src, meta_dst)
+ def unpack_strata(self, path):
+ '''Unpack strata into a directory.'''
+'Unpacking strata to %(path)s',
+ path=path, chatty=True)
+ with self.build_watch('unpack-strata'):
+ for a_name, a in self.source.artifacts.iteritems():
+ # download the stratum artifacts if necessary
+ download_depends(self.source.dependencies,
+ self.local_artifact_cache,
+ self.remote_artifact_cache,
+ ('meta',))
+ # download the chunk artifacts if necessary
+ for stratum_artifact in self.source.dependencies:
+ f = self.local_artifact_cache.get(stratum_artifact)
+ chunks = [ArtifactCacheReference(c) for c in json.load(f)]
+ download_depends(chunks,
+ self.local_artifact_cache,
+ self.remote_artifact_cache)
+ f.close()
+ # unpack it from the local artifact cache
+ for stratum_artifact in self.source.dependencies:
+ self.unpack_one_stratum(stratum_artifact, path)
+ ldconfig(, path)
+ def write_metadata(self, instdir, artifact_name):
+ BuilderBase.write_metadata(self, instdir, artifact_name)
+ os_release_file = os.path.join(instdir, 'etc', 'os-release')
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(os_release_file)
+ if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ with morphlib.savefile.SaveFile(os_release_file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write('NAME="Baserock"\n')
+ f.write('ID=baserock\n')
+ f.write('HOME_URL=""\n')
+ f.write('SUPPORT_URL=""\n')
+ f.write('BUG_REPORT_URL=""\n')
+ os.chmod(os_release_file, 0644)
+ def run_system_integration_commands(self, rootdir): # pragma: no cover
+ ''' Run the system integration commands '''
+ sys_integration_dir = os.path.join(rootdir, SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_PATH)
+ if not os.path.isdir(sys_integration_dir):
+ return
+ env = {
+ 'PATH': '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin'
+ }
+'Running the system integration commands',
+ error=True)
+ mounted = []
+ to_mount = (
+ ('proc', 'proc', 'none'),
+ ('dev/shm', 'tmpfs', 'none'),
+ )
+ try:
+ for mount_point, mount_type, source in to_mount:
+ logging.debug('Mounting %s in system root filesystem'
+ % mount_point)
+ path = os.path.join(rootdir, mount_point)
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ morphlib.fsutils.mount(, source, path,
+ mount_type)
+ mounted.append(path)
+ # The single - is just a shell convention to fill $0 when using -c,
+ # since ordinarily $0 contains the program name.
+ # -- is used to indicate the end of options for run-parts,
+ # we don't want SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_PATH to be interpreted
+ # as an option if it happens to begin with a -
+['chroot', rootdir, 'sh', '-c',
+ 'cd / && run-parts -- "$1"', '-', SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_PATH],
+ env=env)
+ except BaseException, e:
+ msg='Error while running system integration commands',
+ error=True)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ for mount_path in reversed(mounted):
+ logging.debug('Unmounting %s in system root filesystem'
+ % mount_path)
+ morphlib.fsutils.unmount(, mount_path)
+class Builder(object): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Helper class to build with the right BuilderBase subclass.'''
+ classes = {
+ 'chunk': ChunkBuilder,
+ 'stratum': StratumBuilder,
+ 'system': SystemBuilder,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, app, staging_area, local_artifact_cache,
+ remote_artifact_cache, repo_cache, max_jobs, setup_mounts):
+ = app
+ self.staging_area = staging_area
+ self.local_artifact_cache = local_artifact_cache
+ self.remote_artifact_cache = remote_artifact_cache
+ self.repo_cache = repo_cache
+ self.max_jobs = max_jobs
+ self.setup_mounts = setup_mounts
+ def build_and_cache(self, source):
+ kind = source.morphology['kind']
+ o = self.classes[kind](, self.staging_area,
+ self.local_artifact_cache,
+ self.remote_artifact_cache, source,
+ self.repo_cache, self.max_jobs,
+ self.setup_mounts)
+' artifact %s with %s' %
+ (, repr(o)),
+ chatty=True)
+ built_artifacts = o.build_and_cache()
+' done',
+ chatty=True)
+ return built_artifacts