# distbuild_plugin.py -- Morph distributed build plugin # # Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . import cliapp import logging import re import sys import morphlib import distbuild group_distbuild = 'Distributed Build Options' class DistbuildOptionsPlugin(cliapp.Plugin): def enable(self): self.app.settings.string_list( ['crash-condition'], 'add FILENAME:FUNCNAME:MAXCALLS to list of crash conditions ' '(this is for testing only)', metavar='FILENAME:FUNCNAME:MAXCALLS', group=group_distbuild) def disable(self): pass class DistbuildCancel(cliapp.Plugin): RECONNECT_INTERVAL = 30 # seconds MAX_RETRIES = 1 def enable(self): self.app.add_subcommand('distbuild-cancel', self.distbuild_cancel, arg_synopsis='ID') def disable(self): pass def distbuild_cancel(self, args): '''Cancels a currently-running distbuild Command line arguments: `ID` of the running process that you wish to cancel (this can be found via distbuild-list-jobs) Example: * morph distbuild-cancel InitiatorConnection-1 ''' if len(args) == 0: raise cliapp.AppException( 'This command requires a build-request ID to run.') addr = self.app.settings['controller-initiator-address'] port = self.app.settings['controller-initiator-port'] icm = distbuild.InitiatorConnectionMachine(self.app, addr, port, distbuild.InitiatorCancel, [self.app] + args, self.RECONNECT_INTERVAL, self.MAX_RETRIES) loop = distbuild.MainLoop() loop.add_state_machine(icm) loop.run() class DistbuildStatusPlugin(cliapp.Plugin): RECONNECT_INTERVAL = 30 # seconds MAX_RETRIES = 1 def enable(self): self.app.add_subcommand('distbuild-get-status', self.distbuild_status, arg_synopsis='ID') def disable(self): pass def distbuild_status(self, args): '''Displays build status of recent distbuild requests. Lists last known build status for all distbuilds (e.g. Building, Failed, Finished, Cancelled) on a given distbuild server as set in /etc/morph.conf Example: morph distbuild-get-status InitiatorConnection-1 Example output: Build request ID: InitiatorConnection-1 System build: systems/devel-system-x86_64-generic.morph Build status: Building stage1-binutils-misc ''' if len(args) == 0: raise cliapp.AppException( 'This command requires a build-request ID to run.') addr = self.app.settings['controller-initiator-address'] port = self.app.settings['controller-initiator-port'] icm = distbuild.InitiatorConnectionMachine(self.app, addr, port, distbuild.InitiatorStatus, [self.app] + args, self.RECONNECT_INTERVAL, self.MAX_RETRIES) loop = distbuild.MainLoop() loop.add_state_machine(icm) loop.run() class DistbuildListJobsPlugin(cliapp.Plugin): RECONNECT_INTERVAL = 30 # seconds MAX_RETRIES = 1 def enable(self): self.app.add_subcommand('distbuild-list-jobs', self.distbuild_list_jobs, arg_synopsis='') def disable(self): pass def distbuild_list_jobs(self, args): '''Display a list of currently running distbuilds. Lists all distbuilds running on a given address and port, as set in the client machine's morph.conf file Example output: '1 distbuild build request(s) currently in progress Initiator connection (address:port): localhost:7878 Build request message: {'repo': 'baserock:baserock/definitions', 'original_ref': 'BRANCH_NAME', 'ref': 'SHA1', 'morphology': 'systems/devel-system-x86_64-generic.morph', 'protocol_version': 1, 'type': 'build-request', 'id': 'InitiatorConnection-x'}' Build request ID: InitiatorConnection-x ''' addr = self.app.settings['controller-initiator-address'] port = self.app.settings['controller-initiator-port'] icm = distbuild.InitiatorConnectionMachine(self.app, addr, port, distbuild.InitiatorListJobs, [self.app], self.RECONNECT_INTERVAL, self.MAX_RETRIES) loop = distbuild.MainLoop() loop.add_state_machine(icm) loop.run() class SerialiseArtifactPlugin(cliapp.Plugin): def enable(self): self.app.add_subcommand('serialise-artifact', self.serialise_artifact, arg_synopsis='REPO REF MORPHOLOGY [REF_NAME]') def disable(self): pass def serialise_artifact(self, args): '''Internal use only: Serialise Artifact build graph as JSON.''' distbuild.add_crash_conditions(self.app.settings['crash-condition']) if len(args) not in [3, 4]: raise cliapp.AppException( 'This command takes a repo/ref/morph triplet, and optionally ' 'a ref name.') repo_name, ref, morph_name = args[0:3] if len(args) == 4: original_ref = args[3] else: original_ref = ref filename = morphlib.util.sanitise_morphology_path(morph_name) build_command = morphlib.buildcommand.BuildCommand(self.app) srcpool = build_command.create_source_pool( repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref=original_ref) artifact = build_command.resolve_artifacts(srcpool) self.app.output.write(distbuild.serialise_artifact(artifact, repo_name, ref)) self.app.output.write('\n') class WorkerBuild(cliapp.Plugin): def enable(self): self.app.add_subcommand( 'worker-build', self.worker_build, arg_synopsis='') def disable(self): pass def worker_build(self, args): '''Internal use only: Build an artifact in a worker. All build dependencies are assumed to have been built already and available in the local or remote artifact cache. ''' distbuild.add_crash_conditions(self.app.settings['crash-condition']) serialized = sys.stdin.readline() artifact_reference = distbuild.deserialise_artifact(serialized) bc = morphlib.buildcommand.BuildCommand(self.app) source_pool = bc.create_source_pool(artifact_reference.repo, artifact_reference.ref, artifact_reference.root_filename) root = bc.resolve_artifacts(source_pool) # Now, before we start the build, we garbage collect the caches # to ensure we have room. First we remove all system artifacts # since we never need to recover those from workers post-hoc for cachekey, artifacts, last_used in bc.lac.list_contents(): if any(self.is_system_artifact(f) for f in artifacts): logging.debug("Removing all artifacts for system %s" % cachekey) bc.lac.remove(cachekey) self.app.subcommands['gc']([]) source = self.find_source(source_pool, artifact_reference) build_env = bc.new_build_env(artifact_reference.arch) bc.build_source(source, build_env) def find_source(self, source_pool, artifact_reference): for s in source_pool.lookup(artifact_reference.source_repo, artifact_reference.source_ref, artifact_reference.filename): if s.cache_key == artifact_reference.cache_key: return s for s in source_pool.lookup(artifact_reference.source_repo, artifact_reference.source_sha1, artifact_reference.filename): if s.cache_key == artifact_reference.cache_key: return s def is_system_artifact(self, filename): return re.match(r'^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}\.system\.', filename) class WorkerDaemon(cliapp.Plugin): def enable(self): self.app.settings.string( ['worker-daemon-address'], 'listen for connections on ADDRESS (domain / IP address)', default='', group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.integer( ['worker-daemon-port'], 'listen for connections on PORT', default=3434, group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.string( ['worker-daemon-port-file'], 'write port used by worker-daemon to FILE', default='', group=group_distbuild) self.app.add_subcommand( 'worker-daemon', self.worker_daemon, arg_synopsis='') def disable(self): pass def worker_daemon(self, args): '''Daemon that controls builds on a single worker node.''' distbuild.add_crash_conditions(self.app.settings['crash-condition']) address = self.app.settings['worker-daemon-address'] port = self.app.settings['worker-daemon-port'] port_file = self.app.settings['worker-daemon-port-file'] router = distbuild.ListenServer(address, port, distbuild.JsonRouter, port_file=port_file) loop = distbuild.MainLoop() loop.add_state_machine(router) loop.run() class ControllerDaemon(cliapp.Plugin): def enable(self): self.app.settings.string( ['controller-initiator-address'], 'listen for initiator connections on ADDRESS ' '(domain / IP address)', default='', group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.integer( ['controller-initiator-port'], 'listen for initiator connections on PORT', default=7878, group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.string( ['controller-initiator-port-file'], 'write the port to listen for initiator connections to FILE', default='', group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.string( ['initiator-step-output-dir'], 'write build output to files in DIR', group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.string( ['controller-helper-address'], 'listen for helper connections on ADDRESS (domain / IP address)', default='localhost', group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.integer( ['controller-helper-port'], 'listen for helper connections on PORT', default=5656, group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.string( ['controller-helper-port-file'], 'write the port to listen for helper connections to FILE', default='', group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.string_list( ['worker'], 'specify a build worker (WORKER is ADDRESS or ADDRESS:PORT, ' 'with PORT defaulting to 3434)', metavar='WORKER', default=[], group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.integer( ['worker-cache-server-port'], 'port number for the artifact cache server on each worker', metavar='PORT', default=8080, group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.string( ['writeable-cache-server'], 'specify the shared cache server writeable instance ' '(SERVER is ADDRESS or ADDRESS:PORT, with PORT defaulting ' 'to 80', metavar='SERVER', group=group_distbuild) self.app.settings.string( ['morph-instance'], 'use FILENAME to invoke morph (default: %default)', metavar='FILENAME', default='morph', group=group_distbuild) self.app.add_subcommand( 'controller-daemon', self.controller_daemon, arg_synopsis='') def disable(self): pass def controller_daemon(self, args): '''Daemon that gives jobs to worker daemons.''' distbuild.add_crash_conditions(self.app.settings['crash-condition']) if not self.app.settings['worker']: raise cliapp.AppException( 'Distbuild controller has no workers configured. Refusing to ' 'start.') artifact_cache_server = ( self.app.settings['artifact-cache-server'] or self.app.settings['cache-server']) writeable_cache_server = self.app.settings['writeable-cache-server'] worker_cache_server_port = \ self.app.settings['worker-cache-server-port'] morph_instance = self.app.settings['morph-instance'] listener_specs = [ # address, port, class to initiate on connection, class init args ('controller-helper-address', 'controller-helper-port', 'controller-helper-port-file', distbuild.HelperRouter, []), ('controller-initiator-address', 'controller-initiator-port', 'controller-initiator-port-file', distbuild.InitiatorConnection, [artifact_cache_server, morph_instance]), ] loop = distbuild.MainLoop() queuer = distbuild.WorkerBuildQueuer() loop.add_state_machine(queuer) for addr, port, port_file, sm, extra_args in listener_specs: addr = self.app.settings[addr] port = self.app.settings[port] port_file = self.app.settings[port_file] listener = distbuild.ListenServer( addr, port, sm, extra_args=extra_args, port_file=port_file) loop.add_state_machine(listener) for worker in self.app.settings['worker']: if ':' in worker: addr, port = worker.split(':', 1) port = int(port) else: addr = worker port = 3434 cm = distbuild.ConnectionMachine( addr, port, distbuild.WorkerConnection, [writeable_cache_server, worker_cache_server_port, morph_instance]) loop.add_state_machine(cm) loop.run() class GraphStateMachines(cliapp.Plugin): def enable(self): self.app.add_subcommand( 'graph-state-machines', self.graph_state_machines, arg_synopsis='') def disable(self): pass def graph_state_machines(self, args): cm = distbuild.ConnectionMachine(None, None, None, None) cm._start_connect = lambda *args: None self.graph_one(cm) self.graph_one(distbuild.BuildController(None, None, None)) self.graph_one(distbuild.HelperRouter(None)) self.graph_one(distbuild.InitiatorConnection(None, None, None)) self.graph_one(distbuild.JsonMachine(None)) self.graph_one(distbuild.WorkerBuildQueuer()) # FIXME: These need more mocking to work. # self.graph_one(distbuild.Initiator(None, None, # self, None, None, None)) # self.graph_one(distbuild.JsonRouter(None)) # self.graph_one(distbuild.SocketBuffer(None, None)) # self.graph_one(distbuild.ListenServer(None, None, None)) def graph_one(self, sm): class_name = sm.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1] filename = '%s.gv' % class_name sm.mainloop = self sm.setup() sm.dump_dot(filename) # Some methods to mock this class as other classes, which the # state machine class need to access, just enough to allow the # transitions to be set up for graphing. def queue_event(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def add_event_source(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def add_state_machine(self, sm): pass def status(self, *args, **kwargs): pass