$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema# id: http://git.baserock.org/cgi-bin/cgit.cgi/baserock/baserock/definitions.git/tree/schemas/chunk.json-schema description: | This is a JSON-Schema description of a 'chunk' .morph file, which is part of the Baserock definitions YAML representation format. This JSON-Schema file is valid for VERSION 7 of the Baserock definitions YAML serialisation format. The Baserock definitions format is the recommended way of representing Baserock definitions on disk. The actual data model is described separately. See https://wiki.baserock.org/definitions for more information. This schema is represented as YAML, so that it can be edited more easily. You may need to convert to JSON if using a JSON-Schema tool that expects its input to be an actual string containing data serialised as JSON. definitions: # Corresponds to CommandSequence in Baserock data model. command-sequence: type: array items: { type: [string, boolean] } # Corresponds to DeviceNode in Baserock data model. device-node: type: object required: [type, filename, gid, uid, major, minor, permissions] properties: type: { type: string } filename: { type: string } gid: { type: integer } uid: { type: integer } major: { type: integer } minor: { type: integer } permissions: { type: string } # Defines one or more instances of ChunkArtifact from the Baserock data model. split-rules: type: array items: type: object required: [artifact, include] additionalProperties: false properties: artifact: {type: string} include: type: array items: type: string format: regex system-integration-commands: type: object patternProperties: # The property name here should correspond to the name of the chunk's # artifacts, probably the '-bins' artifact if you are using the normal # splitting rules. ^.*$: type: object patternProperties: ^.*$: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" # Corresponds to Chunk in Baserock data model. type: object additionalProperties: false required: [ 'name', 'kind'] properties: name: { type: string } kind: { enum: [ "chunk" ] } description: { type: string } build-system: { type: string } max-jobs: { type: integer } products: $ref: "#/definitions/split-rules" pre-configure-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" configure-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" post-configure-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" pre-build-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" build-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" post-build-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" pre-install-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" install-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" post-install-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" pre-strip-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" strip-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" post-strip-commands: $ref: "#/definitions/command-sequence" system-integration: $ref: "#/definitions/system-integration-commands" devices: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/device-node"