# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . import contextlib import itertools import os import pipes import re import subprocess import textwrap import sys import fs.osfs import morphlib '''Utility functions for morph.''' # It is intentional that if collections does not have OrderedDict that # simplejson is also used in preference to json, as OrderedDict became # a member of collections in the same release json got its object_pairs_hook try: # pragma: no cover from collections import OrderedDict import json except ImportError: # pragma: no cover from ordereddict import OrderedDict import simplejson as json try: from multiprocessing import cpu_count except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover cpu_count = lambda: 1 def indent(string, spaces=4): '''Return ``string`` indented by ``spaces`` spaces. The final line is not terminated by a newline. This makes it easy to use this function for indenting long text for logging: the logging library adds a newline, so not including it in the indented text avoids a spurious empty line in the log file. This also makes the result be a plain ASCII encoded string. ''' if type(string) == unicode: # pragma: no cover string = string.decode('utf-8') lines = string.splitlines() lines = ['%*s%s' % (spaces, '', line) for line in lines] return '\n'.join(lines) def sanitise_morphology_path(morph_name): '''Turn morph_name into a file path to a morphology. We support both a file path being provided, and just the morphology name for backwards compatibility. ''' # If it has a / it must be a path, so return it unmolested if '/' in morph_name: return morph_name # Must be an old format, which is always name + .morph elif not morph_name.endswith('.morph'): return morph_name + '.morph' # morphology already ends with .morph else: return morph_name def make_concurrency(cores=None): '''Return the number of concurrent jobs for make. This will be given to make as the -j argument. ''' n = cpu_count() if cores is None else cores # Experimental results (ref. Kinnison) says a factor of 1.5 # gives about the optimal result for build times, since much of # builds are I/O bound, not CPU bound. return max(int(n * 1.5 + 0.5), 1) def create_cachedir(settings): # pragma: no cover '''Return cache directory, creating it if necessary.''' cachedir = settings['cachedir'] if not os.path.exists(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) return cachedir def get_artifact_cache_server(settings): # pragma: no cover if settings['artifact-cache-server']: return settings['artifact-cache-server'] if settings['cache-server']: return settings['cache-server'] return None def get_git_resolve_cache_server(settings): # pragma: no cover if settings['git-resolve-cache-server']: return settings['git-resolve-cache-server'] if settings['cache-server']: return settings['cache-server'] return None def new_artifact_caches(settings): # pragma: no cover '''Create new objects for local and remote artifact caches. This includes creating the directories on disk, if missing. ''' cachedir = create_cachedir(settings) artifact_cachedir = os.path.join(cachedir, 'artifacts') if not os.path.exists(artifact_cachedir): os.mkdir(artifact_cachedir) lac = morphlib.localartifactcache.LocalArtifactCache( fs.osfs.OSFS(artifact_cachedir)) rac_url = get_artifact_cache_server(settings) rac = None if rac_url: rac = morphlib.remoteartifactcache.RemoteArtifactCache(rac_url) return lac, rac def combine_aliases(app): # pragma: no cover '''Create a full repo-alias set from the app's settings. The standard 'baserock:' and 'upstream:' keyed URLs use whatever trove was set as 'trove-host'. Every trove listed in 'trove-ids' has its own repo-alias created in addition to the defaults. We assume these require authenticated access, so the keyed URL expansions for these troves are ssh:// URLs for both read and write access. This can be overridden by the user if they calculate the full repo-alias string and set it in their config manually. ''' trove_host = app.settings['trove-host'] trove_ids = app.settings['trove-id'] repo_aliases = app.settings['repo-alias'] repo_pat = r'^(?P[a-z][a-z0-9-]+)=(?P[^#]+)#(?P[^#]+)$' trove_pat = (r'^(?P[a-z][a-z0-9-]+)=(?P[^#]+)#' '(?P[^#]+)#(?P[^#]+)$') alias_map = {} def _expand(protocol, path): if protocol == "git": return "git://%s/%s/%%s" % (trove_host, path) elif protocol == "ssh": return "ssh://git@%s/%s/%%s" % (trove_host, path) else: raise morphlib.Error( 'Unknown protocol in trove_id: %s' % protocol) if trove_host: alias_map['baserock'] = "baserock=%s#%s" % ( _expand('git', 'baserock'), _expand('ssh', 'baserock')) alias_map['upstream'] = "upstream=%s#%s" % ( _expand('git', 'delta'), _expand('ssh', 'delta')) for trove_id in trove_ids: m = re.match(trove_pat, trove_id) if m: alias_map[m.group('prefix')] = "%s=%s#%s" % ( m.group('prefix'), _expand(m.group('pull'), m.group('path')), _expand(m.group('push'), m.group('path'))) elif '=' not in trove_id and trove_id not in alias_map: alias_map[trove_id] = "%s=%s#%s" % ( trove_id, _expand('ssh', trove_id), _expand('ssh', trove_id)) for repo_alias in repo_aliases: m = re.match(repo_pat, repo_alias) if m: alias_map[m.group('prefix')] = repo_alias else: raise morphlib.Error( 'Invalid repo-alias: %s' % repo_alias) return alias_map.values() def new_repo_caches(app): # pragma: no cover '''Create new objects for local, remote git repository caches.''' aliases = app.settings['repo-alias'] cachedir = create_cachedir(app.settings) gits_dir = os.path.join(cachedir, 'gits') tarball_base_url = app.settings['tarball-server'] repo_resolver = morphlib.repoaliasresolver.RepoAliasResolver(aliases) lrc = morphlib.localrepocache.LocalRepoCache( app, gits_dir, repo_resolver, tarball_base_url=tarball_base_url) url = get_git_resolve_cache_server(app.settings) if url: rrc = morphlib.remoterepocache.RemoteRepoCache(url, repo_resolver) else: rrc = None return lrc, rrc def env_variable_is_password(key): # pragma: no cover return 'PASSWORD' in key @contextlib.contextmanager def hide_password_environment_variables(env): # pragma: no cover is_password = env_variable_is_password password_env = { k:v for k,v in env.iteritems() if is_password(k) } for k in password_env: env[k] = '(value hidden)' yield for k, v in password_env.iteritems(): env[k] = v def log_environment_changes(app, current_env, previous_env): # pragma: no cover '''Log the differences between two environments to debug log.''' def log_event(key, value, event): if env_variable_is_password(key): value_msg = '(value hidden)' else: value_msg = '= "%s"' % value app.status(msg='%(event)s environment variable %(key)s %(value)s', event=event, key=key, value=value_msg, chatty=True) for key in current_env.keys(): if key not in previous_env: log_event(key, current_env[key], 'new') elif current_env[key] != previous_env[key]: log_event(key, current_env[key], 'changed') for key in previous_env.keys(): if key not in current_env: log_event(key, previous_env[key], 'unset') # This acquired from rdiff-backup which is GPLv2+ and a patch from 2011 # which has not yet been merged, combined with a tad of tidying from us. def copyfileobj(inputfp, outputfp, blocksize=1024*1024): # pragma: no cover """Copies file inputfp to outputfp in blocksize intervals""" sparse = False buf = None while 1: inbuf = inputfp.read(blocksize) if not inbuf: break if not buf: buf = inbuf else: buf += inbuf # Combine "short" reads if (len(buf) < blocksize): continue buflen = len(buf) if buf == "\x00" * buflen: outputfp.seek(buflen, os.SEEK_CUR) buf = None # flag sparse=True, that we seek()ed, but have not written yet # The filesize is wrong until we write sparse = True else: outputfp.write(buf) buf = None # We wrote, so clear sparse. sparse = False if buf: outputfp.write(buf) elif sparse: outputfp.seek(-1, os.SEEK_CUR) outputfp.write("\x00") def get_bytes_free_in_path(path): # pragma: no cover """Returns the bytes free in the filesystem that path is part of""" fsinfo = os.statvfs(path) return fsinfo.f_bavail * fsinfo.f_bsize def on_same_filesystem(path_a, path_b): # pragma: no cover """Tests whether both paths are on the same fileystem Note behaviour may be unexpected on btrfs, since subvolumes appear to be on a different device, but share a storage pool. """ # TODO: return true if one path is a subvolume of the other on btrfs? return os.stat(path_a).st_dev == os.stat(path_b).st_dev def unify_space_requirements(tmp_path, tmp_min_size, cache_path, cache_min_size): # pragma: no cover """Adjust minimum sizes when paths share a disk. Given pairs of path and minimum size, return the minimum sizes such that when the paths are on the same disk, the sizes are added together. """ # TODO: make this work for variable number of (path, size) pairs as needed # hint: try list.sort and itertools.groupby if not on_same_filesystem(tmp_path, cache_path): return tmp_min_size, cache_min_size unified_size = tmp_min_size + cache_min_size return unified_size, unified_size def check_disk_available(tmp_path, tmp_min_size, cache_path, cache_min_size): # pragma: no cover # if both are on the same filesystem, assume they share a storage pool, # so the sum of the two sizes needs to be available # TODO: if we need to do this on any more than 2 paths # extend it to take a [(path, min)] tmp_min_size, cache_min_size = unify_space_requirements( tmp_path, tmp_min_size, cache_path, cache_min_size) tmp_size, cache_size = map(get_bytes_free_in_path, (tmp_path, cache_path)) errors = [] for path, min in [(tmp_path, tmp_min_size), (cache_path, cache_min_size)]: free = get_bytes_free_in_path(path) if free < min: errors.append('\t%(path)s requires %(min)d bytes free, ' 'has %(free)d' % locals()) if not errors: return raise morphlib.Error('Insufficient space on disk:\n' + '\n'.join(errors) + '\n' 'Please run `morph gc`. If the problem persists ' 'increase the disk size, manually clean up some ' 'space or reduce the disk space required by the ' 'tempdir-min-space and cachedir-min-space ' 'configuration options.') def find_root(dirname, subdir_name): '''Find parent of a directory, at or above a given directory. The sought-after directory is indicated by the existence of a subdirectory of the indicated name. For example, dirname might be the current working directory of the process, and subdir_name might be ".morph"; then the returned value would be the Morph workspace root directory, which has a subdirectory called ".morph". Return path to desired directory, or None if not found. ''' dirname = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dirname)) while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, subdir_name)): if dirname == '/': return None dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) return dirname def find_leaves(search_dir, subdir_name): '''This is like find_root, except it looks towards leaves. The directory tree, starting at search_dir is traversed. If a directory has a subdirectory called subdir_name, then the directory is returned. It does not recurse into a leaf's subdirectories. ''' for dirname, subdirs, filenames in os.walk(search_dir): if subdir_name in subdirs: del subdirs[:] yield dirname def find_leaf(dirname, subdir_name): '''This is like find_root, except it looks towards leaves. If there are no subdirectories, or more than one, fail. ''' leaves = list(find_leaves(dirname, subdir_name)) if len(leaves) == 1: return leaves[0] return None class EnvironmentAlreadySetError(morphlib.Error): def __init__(self, conflicts): self.conflicts = conflicts morphlib.Error.__init__( self, 'Keys %r are already set in the environment' % conflicts) def parse_environment_pairs(env, pairs): '''Add key=value pairs to the environment dict. Given a dict and a list of strings of the form key=value, set dict[key] = value, unless key is already set in the environment, at which point raise an exception. This does not modify the passed in dict. Returns the extended dict. ''' extra_env = dict(p.split('=', 1) for p in pairs) conflicting = [k for k in extra_env if k in env] if conflicting: raise EnvironmentAlreadySetError(conflicting) # Return a dict that is the union of the two # This is not the most performant, since it creates # 3 unnecessary lists, but I felt this was the most # easy to read. Using itertools.chain may be more efficicent return dict(env.items() + extra_env.items()) def has_hardware_fp(): # pragma: no cover ''' This function returns whether the binary /proc/self/exe is compiled with hardfp _not_ whether the platform is hardfp. We expect the binaries on our build platform to be compiled with hardfp. This is not ideal but at the time of writing this is the only reliable way to decide whether our architecture is a hardfp architecture. ''' output = subprocess.check_output(['readelf', '-A', '/proc/self/exe']) return 'Tag_ABI_VFP_args: VFP registers' in output def determine_endianness(): # pragma: no cover ''' This function returns whether the host is running in big or little endian. This is needed for MIPS. ''' return sys.byteorder def get_host_architecture(): # pragma: no cover '''Get the canonical Morph name for the host's architecture.''' machine = os.uname()[-1] table = { 'x86_64': 'x86_64', 'i386': 'x86_32', 'i486': 'x86_32', 'i586': 'x86_32', 'i686': 'x86_32', 'armv5l': 'armv5l', 'armv7l': 'armv7l', 'armv7b': 'armv7b', 'armv8l': 'armv8l', 'armv8b': 'armv8b', 'aarch64': 'armv8l64', 'aarch64_be': 'armv8b64', 'mips': 'mips32', 'mips64': 'mips64', 'ppc64': 'ppc64' } if machine not in table: raise morphlib.Error('Unknown host architecture %s' % machine) if machine == 'armv7l' and has_hardware_fp(): return 'armv7lhf' elif machine in ('mips', 'mips64'): if determine_endianness() == 'big': return table[machine]+'b' else: return table[machine]+'l' return table[machine] def sanitize_environment(env): for k in env: env[k] = str(env[k]) def iter_trickle(iterable, limit): '''Split an iterable up into `limit` length chunks.''' it = iter(iterable) while True: buf = list(itertools.islice(it, limit)) if len(buf) == 0: break yield buf def get_data_path(relative_path): # pragma: no cover '''Return path to a data file in the morphlib Python package. ``relative_path`` is the name of the data file, relative to the location in morphlib where the data files are. ''' morphlib_dir = os.path.dirname(morphlib.__file__) return os.path.join(morphlib_dir, relative_path) def get_data(relative_path): # pragma: no cover '''Return contents of a data file from the morphlib Python package. ``relative_path`` is the name of the data file, relative to the location in morphlib where the data files are. ''' with open(get_data_path(relative_path)) as f: return f.read() def unshared_cmdline(args, root='/', mounts=()): # pragma: no cover '''Describe how to run 'args' inside a separate mount namespace. This function wraps 'args' in a rather long commandline that ensures the subprocess cannot see any of the system's mounts other than those listed in 'mounts', and mounts done by that command can only be seen by that subprocess and its children. When the subprocess exits all of its mounts will be unmounted. ''' # We need to do mounts in a different namespace. Unfortunately # this means we have to in-line the mount commands in the # command-line. command = textwrap.dedent(r''' mount --make-rprivate / root="$1" shift ''') cmdargs = [root] # We need to mount all the specified mounts in the namespace, # we don't need to unmount them before exiting, as they'll be # unmounted when the namespace is no longer used. command += textwrap.dedent(r''' while true; do case "$1" in --) shift break ;; *) mount_point="$1" mount_type="$2" mount_source="$3" shift 3 path="$root/$mount_point" mount -t "$mount_type" "$mount_source" "$path" ;; esac done ''') for mount_point, mount_type, source in mounts: path = os.path.join(root, mount_point) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) cmdargs.extend((mount_point, mount_type, source)) cmdargs.append('--') command += textwrap.dedent(r''' exec "$@" ''') cmdargs.extend(args) # The single - is just a shell convention to fill $0 when using -c, # since ordinarily $0 contains the program name. cmdline = ['unshare', '--mount', '--', 'sh', '-ec', command, '-'] cmdline.extend(cmdargs) return cmdline def containerised_cmdline(args, cwd='.', root='/', binds=(), mount_proc=False, unshare_net=False, writable_paths=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover ''' Describe how to run 'args' inside a linux-user-chroot container. The subprocess will only be permitted to write to the paths we specifically allow it to write to, listed in 'writeable paths'. All other locations in the file system will be read-only. The 'root' parameter allows running the command in a chroot, allowing the host file system to be hidden completely except for the paths below 'root'. The 'mount_proc' flag enables mounting of /proc inside 'root'. Locations from the file system can be bind-mounted inside 'root' by setting 'binds' to a list of (src, dest) pairs. The 'dest' directory must be inside 'root'. The 'mounts' parameter allows mounting of arbitrary file-systems, such as tmpfs, before running commands, by setting it to a list of (mount_point, mount_type, source) triples. The subprocess will be run in a separate mount namespace. It can optionally be run in a separate network namespace too by setting 'unshare_net'. ''' if not root.endswith('/'): root += '/' if writable_paths is None: writable_paths = (root,) cmdargs = ['linux-user-chroot', '--chdir', cwd] if unshare_net: cmdargs.append('--unshare-net') for src, dst in binds: # linux-user-chroot's mount target paths are relative to the chroot cmdargs.extend(('--mount-bind', src, os.path.relpath(dst, root))) for d in morphlib.fsutils.invert_paths(os.walk(root), writable_paths): if not os.path.islink(d): cmdargs.extend(('--mount-readonly', os.path.relpath(d, root))) if mount_proc: proc_target = os.path.join(root, 'proc') if not os.path.exists(proc_target): os.makedirs(proc_target) cmdargs.extend(('--mount-proc', 'proc')) cmdargs.append(root) cmdargs.extend(args) return unshared_cmdline(cmdargs, root=root, **kwargs) def error_message_for_containerised_commandline( argv, err, container_kwargs): # pragma: no cover '''Return a semi-readable error message for a containerised command.''' # This function should do some formatting of the container_kwargs dict, # rather than just dumping it in the error message, but that is better than # nothing. argv_string = ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, argv)) return 'Command failed: %s:\n' \ 'Containerisation settings: %s\n' \ 'Error output:\n%s' \ % (argv_string, container_kwargs, err) def write_from_dict(filepath, d, validate=lambda x, y: True): #pragma: no cover '''Takes a dictionary and appends the contents to a file An optional validation callback can be passed to perform validation on each value in the dictionary. e.g. def validation_callback(dictionary_key, dictionary_value): if not dictionary_value.isdigit(): raise Exception('value contains non-digit character(s)') Any callback supplied to this function should raise an exception if validation fails. ''' # Sort items asciibetically # the output of the deployment should not depend # on the locale of the machine running the deployment items = sorted(d.iteritems(), key=lambda (k, v): [ord(c) for c in v]) for (k, v) in items: validate(k, v) with open(filepath, 'a') as f: for (_, v) in items: f.write('%s\n' % v) os.fchown(f.fileno(), 0, 0) os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0644) def word_join_list(l): # pragma: no cover if len(l) == 0: return '' elif len(l) == 1: return l[0] else: commasep = ', '.join(l[:-1]) return ' and '.join((commasep, l[-1])) def fix_chunk_build_mode(system_artifact): # pragma: no cover """Give each chunk's in-memory morphology the correct build-mode. This function gives each chunk contained in `system_artifact` the correct build-mode, rather than having them all be 'staging'. Currently, our definitions define build-mode in the entries in the chunk list in a given stratum. However, morph expects it to be in the chunk morphology when loading, and sets the in-memory build-mode to 'staging' by default. """ # This should probably be fixed in morphloader, but I held off on # doing that following a discussion on #baserock. # # https://irclogs.baserock.org/%23baserock.2015-04-21.log.html # (at 9:02) strata = set(a for a in system_artifact.walk() if a.source.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum') chunks = set(a for a in system_artifact.walk() if a.source.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk') for chunk, stratum in itertools.product(chunks, strata): for spec in stratum.source.morphology['chunks']: if chunk.source.morphology['name'] == spec['name']: chunk.source.morphology['build-mode'] = \ spec['build-mode']