path: root/share
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share')
2 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/ b/share/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03d3020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program. If not, see <>.
+This script takes a .morph file on stdin, and outputs the same text with
+HTML links to the commits and repos that it references.
+Some of this functionality should live elsewhere: the YAML annotation code
+might be cleaned up and submitted to PyYAML, and much of the rest could go
+in a library for dealing with Baserock definitions.
+When testing this in cgit, you might find these instructions useful:
+ <>
+# We configure this as a source filter across all repos, so it runs for every
+# file that cgit ever renders.
+import html
+import io
+import os
+import sys
+sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8')
+sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8')
+filename = sys.argv[1]
+if not filename.endswith('.morph'):
+ sys.stdout.write(html.escape(
+ sys.exit(0)
+import urllib.parse
+import yaml
+# These classes allow you to parse a YAML file with PyYAML and receive a tree
+# of YAMLAnnotatedObject() instances as the result. These should function the
+# same as the underlying Python objects, for the most part, but you can also
+# use the .start_mark and .end_mark attributes to find the exact place in the
+# input YAML file that they were defined.
+# Some things get broken by the wrapper classes. In particular yaml.dump()
+# might not work.
+class YAMLAnnotatedMixin():
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ self.start_mark = None
+ self.end_mark = None
+class YAMLAnnotatedDict(dict, YAMLAnnotatedMixin):
+ pass
+class YAMLAnnotatedFloat(float, YAMLAnnotatedMixin):
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ return float.__new__(cls, value)
+class YAMLAnnotatedInt(int, YAMLAnnotatedMixin):
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ return int.__new__(cls, value)
+class YAMLAnnotatedList(list, YAMLAnnotatedMixin):
+ pass
+class YAMLAnnotatedStr(str, YAMLAnnotatedMixin):
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ return str.__new__(cls, value)
+class YAMLAnnotatedConstructor(yaml.constructor.SafeConstructor):
+ def construct_yaml_int(self, node):
+ data = yaml.constructor.SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_int(self, node)
+ annotated_data = YAMLAnnotatedInt(data)
+ annotated_data.start_mark = node.start_mark
+ annotated_data.end_mark = node.end_mark
+ return annotated_data
+ def construct_yaml_float(self, node):
+ data = yaml.constructor.SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_float(self, node)
+ annotated_data = YAMLAnnotatedFloat(data)
+ annotated_data.start_mark = node.start_mark
+ annotated_data.end_mark = node.end_mark
+ return annotated_data
+ def construct_yaml_str(self, node):
+ data = self.construct_scalar(node)
+ annotated_data = YAMLAnnotatedStr(data)
+ annotated_data.start_mark = node.start_mark
+ annotated_data.end_mark = node.end_mark
+ return annotated_data
+ def construct_yaml_seq(self, node):
+ annotated_data = YAMLAnnotatedList()
+ annotated_data.start_mark = node.start_mark
+ annotated_data.end_mark = node.end_mark
+ yield annotated_data
+ data = self.construct_sequence(node)
+ annotated_data.extend(data)
+ def construct_yaml_map(self, node):
+ annotated_data = YAMLAnnotatedDict()
+ annotated_data.start_mark = node.start_mark
+ annotated_data.end_mark = node.end_mark
+ yield annotated_data
+ data = self.construct_mapping(node)
+ annotated_data.update(data)
+ ',2002:int',
+ YAMLAnnotatedConstructor.construct_yaml_int)
+ ',2002:float',
+ YAMLAnnotatedConstructor.construct_yaml_float)
+ ',2002:str',
+ YAMLAnnotatedConstructor.construct_yaml_str)
+ ',2002:seq',
+ YAMLAnnotatedConstructor.construct_yaml_seq)
+ ',2002:map',
+ YAMLAnnotatedConstructor.construct_yaml_map)
+class YAMLAnnotatedLoader(yaml.reader.Reader, yaml.scanner.Scanner,
+ yaml.parser.Parser, yaml.composer.Composer,
+ YAMLAnnotatedConstructor, yaml.resolver.Resolver):
+ '''Loader class for use with yaml.load(), to provide annotated results.'''
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ yaml.reader.Reader.__init__(self, stream)
+ yaml.scanner.Scanner.__init__(self)
+ yaml.parser.Parser.__init__(self)
+ yaml.composer.Composer.__init__(self)
+ YAMLAnnotatedConstructor.__init__(self)
+ yaml.resolver.Resolver.__init__(self)
+class TagAnnotation():
+ '''Generic class for adding markup to plain text.'''
+ def __init__(self, start_index, end_index, start_text, end_text):
+ self.start_index = start_index
+ self.end_index = end_index
+ self.start_text = start_text
+ self.end_text = end_text
+def apply_tag_annotations(input_text, annotations, index_offset=0):
+ def annotations_with_range(annotations_to_filter, start_index, end_index):
+ return [a for a in annotations_to_filter
+ if a.start_index >= start_index and a.end_index <= end_index]
+ def sorted_annotations(annotations_to_sort):
+ return sorted(annotations_to_sort, key=lambda a: a.start_index)
+ annotations = sorted_annotations(annotations)
+ previous_pos = 0
+ segments = []
+ while len(annotations) > 0:
+ top_annotation = annotations[0]
+ annotations = annotations[1:]
+ sub_annotations = annotations_with_range(
+ annotations, top_annotation.start_index, top_annotation.end_index)
+ for a in sub_annotations:
+ annotations.remove(a)
+ start_text = input_text[previous_pos:
+ top_annotation.start_index - index_offset]
+ sub_input = input_text[top_annotation.start_index - index_offset:
+ top_annotation.end_index - index_offset]
+ sub_output = apply_tag_annotations(
+ sub_input, sub_annotations,
+ index_offset=top_annotation.start_index)
+ segments.extend([start_text, top_annotation.start_text, sub_output,
+ top_annotation.end_text])
+ previous_pos = top_annotation.end_index - index_offset
+ end_text = input_text[previous_pos:]
+ return ''.join(segments + [end_text])
+ 'baserock': '/cgit/baserock/%(repo)s.git',
+ 'upstream': '/cgit/delta/%(repo)s.git',
+def repo_cgit_url(reponame):
+ '''Returns a cgit URL for the current host for a given repo.
+ Aliases in the repo name are parsed, but only the default fields are
+ currently understand (baserock: and upstream:).
+ FIXME: For users who have their own troves, we need to understand all
+ the prefixes they want to define. This is a good argument for putting
+ the repo aliases into DEFAULTS or somewhere, I guess!
+ '''
+ repo_url = None
+ for prefix, url_pattern in CGIT_ALIASES.items():
+ if reponame.startswith(prefix):
+ repo = urllib.parse.quote(reponame[len(prefix) + 1:])
+ if repo.endswith('.git'):
+ repo = repo[:-4]
+ repo_url = url_pattern % dict(repo=repo)
+ break
+ else:
+ repo_url = reponame
+ return repo_url
+CGIT_REPO_URL = os.environ.get('CGIT_REPO_URL', 'missing-cgit-repo-url')
+def filtered_query_string(query_string):
+ query_list = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query_string)
+ filtered_query_list = [
+ (key, value) for (key, value) in query_list if key != 'url']
+ return urllib.parse.urlencode(filtered_query_list)
+# Parse the query string to preserve the parameters (commit ID etc.) when
+# we generate URLs within this repo. We need to remove the 'url' parameter
+# if present, though.
+QUERY_STRING = filtered_query_string(os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
+def repo_file_cgit_url(relative_path):
+ '''Returns a cgit URL for the given Morph file.
+ Morph file paths are relative to the top of the current repo.
+ '''
+ url = '/cgit/' + CGIT_REPO_URL + '/tree/'
+ url += urllib.parse.quote(relative_path)
+ if len(QUERY_STRING) > 0:
+ url += '?' + QUERY_STRING
+ return url
+class HyperlinkAddition():
+ def load_annotated_morphology_text(self, text):
+ return yaml.load(text, YAMLAnnotatedLoader)
+ def process_morphology_text(self, input_text):
+ morph = self.load_annotated_morphology_text(input_text)
+ if not isinstance(morph, dict):
+ raise RuntimeError("Morphology is not a dict.")
+ html_annotations = []
+ if morph['kind'] == 'stratum':
+ for build_dep in morph.get('build-depends', []):
+ html_annotations.extend(self.format_stratumref(build_dep))
+ for chunkref in morph.get('chunks', []):
+ html_annotations.extend(self.format_chunkref(chunkref))
+ elif morph['kind'] == 'system':
+ for stratum in morph.get('strata', []):
+ html_annotations.extend(self.format_stratumref(stratum))
+ for extension in morph.get('configuration-extensions', []):
+ file_url = repo_file_cgit_url(extension + '.configure')
+ html_annotations.append(
+ self.annotate_link(extension, file_url))
+ elif morph['kind'] == 'cluster':
+ for system in morph.get('systems', []):
+ html_annotations.extend(self.format_systemref(system))
+ return apply_tag_annotations(input_text, html_annotations)
+ def annotate_link(self, yaml_annotated_object, link_target):
+ return TagAnnotation(yaml_annotated_object.start_mark.index,
+ yaml_annotated_object.end_mark.index,
+ '<a href="%s">' % html.escape(link_target),
+ '</a>')
+ def format_chunkref(self, chunkref):
+ '''Format links in a ChunkReference.
+ The ChunkReference entity is how strata refer to the individual
+ chunks to be included in that stratum.
+ '''
+ html_annotations = []
+ if 'repo' in chunkref:
+ repo_url = repo_cgit_url(chunkref['repo'])
+ html_annotations.append(
+ self.annotate_link(chunkref['repo'], repo_url))
+ if 'ref' in chunkref:
+ ref_url = repo_url + '/commit/?id=' + \
+ urllib.parse.quote(chunkref['ref'])
+ html_annotations.append(
+ self.annotate_link(chunkref['ref'], ref_url))
+ if 'unpetrify-ref' in chunkref:
+ unpetrify_ref_url = repo_url + '/log/?h=' + \
+ urllib.parse.quote(str(chunkref['unpetrify-ref']))
+ html_annotations.append(
+ self.annotate_link(chunkref['unpetrify-ref'],
+ unpetrify_ref_url))
+ if 'morph' in chunkref:
+ file_url = repo_file_cgit_url(chunkref['morph'])
+ html_annotations.append(
+ self.annotate_link(chunkref['morph'], file_url))
+ return html_annotations
+ def format_stratumref(self, stratumref):
+ html_annotations = []
+ if 'morph' in stratumref:
+ file_url = repo_file_cgit_url(stratumref['morph'])
+ html_annotations.append(
+ self.annotate_link(stratumref['morph'], file_url))
+ return html_annotations
+ def format_systemref(self, systemref):
+ html_annotations = self.format_stratumref(systemref)
+ for deployment in systemref.get('deploy', []).values():
+ if 'type' in deployment:
+ file_url = repo_file_cgit_url(deployment['type'] + '.write')
+ html_annotations.append(
+ self.annotate_link(deployment['type'], file_url))
+ for subsystem in systemref.get('subsystems', []):
+ html_annotations.extend(
+ self.format_systemref(subsystem))
+ return html_annotations
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ input_text =
+ try:
+ output_text = HyperlinkAddition().process_morphology_text(input_text)
+ sys.stdout.write(output_text)
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.stderr.write("Exception parsing %s: %s\n" % (filename, e))
+ sys.stdout.write(input_text)
diff --git a/share/etc/cgitrc b/share/etc/cgitrc
index 83daf94..36e37f4 100644
--- a/share/etc/cgitrc
+++ b/share/etc/cgitrc
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ mimetype.pdf=application/pdf