#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- Make -*- all: substitutions-done gitano-configured lorry-configured cache-configured mason-configured nfs-configured USERS := git lorry cache mason .PHONY: substitutions-done substitutions-done: /etc/trove-setup.sed hostname-not-baserock sed -f /etc/trove-setup.sed -i \ /usr/share/gitano/skel/gitano-admin/*/*.lace \ /usr/share/gitano/skel/gitano-admin/*/*.lua \ /usr/share/gitano/skel/gitano-admin/users/*/user.conf \ /etc/cgitrc /etc/gitano-setup.clod /etc/lorry.conf /etc/trove-setup.sed: @echo "You need to create $@ to continue." @echo "There is $@.example which you can work from." @echo "re-run trove-early-setup once you're done with this." @exit 1 .PHONY: hostname-not-baserock hostname-not-baserock: test "x$$(hostname)" != "baserock" # $1 == username to make define make_user_rules /home/$1/.created: adduser -g "Trove $1 service" -s /bin/bash -D $1 su -c 'mkdir .ssh; chmod 750 .ssh' - $1 su -c 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -q -f .ssh/id_rsa' - $1 (cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key.pub | cut -d\ -f1,2 | \ sed -e's/^/'$(shell hostname)',localhost /' > \ /home/$1/.ssh/known_hosts) chown $1:$1 /home/$1/.ssh/known_hosts chmod 600 /home/$1/.ssh/known_hosts touch $$@ ALL_USER_TARGETS := $$(ALL_USER_TARGETS) /home/$1/.created endef $(eval $(foreach USER,$(USERS),$(call make_user_rules,$(USER)))) /home/git/.git-setup: $(ALL_USER_TARGETS) su -c 'git config --global user.name "Trove Git Controller"' - git su -c 'git config --global user.email "git@trove"' - git touch $@ /home/git/.gitano-setup: /home/git/.git-setup su -c 'gitano-setup /etc/gitano-setup.clod' - git passwd -u git touch $@ /home/git/.gitano-lorry-setup: /home/git/.gitano-setup cp /home/lorry/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /tmp/lorry.pub su -c 'ssh git@localhost as lorry sshkey add trove < /tmp/lorry.pub' - git rm /tmp/lorry.pub touch $@ .PHONY: gitano-configured gitano-configured: /home/git/.gitano-setup /home/lorry/.lorry-setup: $(ALL_USER_TARGETS) su -c 'mkdir /home/lorry/bundles /home/lorry/tarballs' - lorry touch $@ /home/lorry/.lorry-controller-setup: /home/lorry/.lorry-setup /home/git/.gitano-lorry-setup PREFIX=$$(echo "##PREFIX##" | sed -f /etc/trove-setup.sed); \ su -c "ssh localhost create $${PREFIX}/local-config/lorries" - git; \ su -c "git clone ssh://localhost/$${PREFIX}/local-config/lorries.git /tmp/lorries" - git; \ su -c "mkdir /home/lorry/lorry-controller-area" - lorry; \ su -c "git clone ssh://git@localhost/$${PREFIX}/local-config/lorries.git /home/lorry/lorry-controller-area/git" - lorry su -c "sed -f /etc/trove-setup.sed < /usr/share/trove-setup/lorry-controller.conf > /tmp/lorries/lorry-controller.conf" - git su -c "sed -f /etc/trove-setup.sed < /usr/share/trove-setup/README.lorry-controller > /tmp/lorries/README" - git su -c "cd /tmp/lorries; git add README lorry-controller.conf; git commit -m 'Initial configuration'; git push origin master" - git su -c "rm -rf /tmp/lorries" - git su -c "cd /home/lorry/lorry-controller-area/git; git remote update; git checkout master" - lorry su -c "echo '*/1 * * * * flock -x -n /home/lorry/lorry-controller-area/lockfile -c lorry-controller --work-area=/home/lorry/lorry-controller-area --log=syslog --log-level=info --html-file=/home/lorry/lc-status.html' | crontab -" - lorry touch $@ .PHONY: lorry-configured lorry-configured: /home/lorry/.lorry-setup /home/lorry/.lorry-controller-setup /home/cache/.cache-setup: $(ALL_USER_TARGETS) su -c 'mkdir /home/cache/artifacts' - cache su -c 'mkdir /home/cache/ccache' - cache echo '/home/cache/ccache *(rw,all_squash,no_subtree_check,anonuid=1002,anongid=1002)' > /etc/exports.cache touch $@ .PHONY: cache-configured cache-configured: /home/cache/.cache-setup /home/git/.mason-setup: /home/git/.gitano-setup $(ALL_USER_TARGETS) PREFIX=$$(echo "##PREFIX##" | sed -f /etc/trove-setup.sed); \ su -c "ssh localhost create $${PREFIX}/local-config/mason" - git; \ su -c "git clone ssh://localhost/$${PREFIX}/local-config/mason.git /tmp/mason-config" - git su -c "cd /tmp/mason-config; mkdir ci1; (echo '[';echo ']') > ci1/systems.json.txt" - git su -c "cp /var/lib/trove-setup/hosts.json.txt /tmp/mason-config/ci1" - git su -c "cd /tmp/mason-config; git add ci1; git commit -m 'Set initial Mason config'; git push origin master" - git su -c "rm -fr /tmp/mason-config" - git su -c 'mkdir /home/mason/jobs' - mason echo '/home/mason/jobs *(rw,all_squash,no_subtree_check,anonuid=1003,anongid=1003)' > /etc/exports.mason touch $@ .PHONY: mason-configured mason-configured: /home/git/.mason-setup /etc/exports: /home/cache/.cache-setup /home/git/.mason-setup cat /etc/exports.cache /etc/exports.mason >/etc/exports .PHONY: nfs-configured nfs-configured: /etc/exports