# Sed rules for configuring trove. # Hostnames ## This is the hostname for the Trove instance itself s/##TROVE_HOSTNAME##/trove-host/ ## This is the hostname for the Mason which Trove is linking to s/##MASON_HOST##/mason-host/ # Ports in use ## This is the port for Mason. Normally it'll be 18755 s/##MASON_PORT##/18755/ # Configuration for the CGit instance and Gitano setup ## The title for this trove. '##TROVE_TITLE## Git Repositories' in ## the CGit root page. Also '##TROVE_TITLE## for ##TROVE_COMPANY##' in ## the Gitano site description field s/##TROVE_TITLE##/FooCorp Embedded Projects/ s/##TROVE_COMPANY##/FooCorp International Plc/ ## The prefix used for personal repositories. Default is 'people' ## Note, since this is ESC_ it should be lua-pattern escaped. s/##ESC_PERSONAL_PREFIX##/people/ ## The prefix used for branches and repositories for this Trove s/##PREFIX##/trove-prefix/ ## The same prefix as above, only lua-pattern-escaped s/##ESC_PREFIX##/trove%-prefix/