#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # This script provides an interface for sandboxed code to trigger buildbot # using plain HTTP from bottle import post, request, run, HTTPResponse import imp orch_config = imp.load_source('orch_config', '../source/orch_config.py') LOGFILE = '../orch.log' DEFINITIONS = 'ssh://git@cu010-trove.codethink.com/baserock/baserock/definitions' TEST_REPO = 'ssh://git@cu010-trove.codethink.com/cu010-trove/br6/ciat-tester' log_file = open(LOGFILE,'a') def log(msg): ''' write message to log file with timestamp and script name ''' import datetime global log_file msg = str(msg) dt = str(datetime.datetime.now()).split('.')[0] to_log = "[%s] Bottlerock: %s" % (dt, msg) print to_log log_file.write('%s\n' % to_log) def sendchange(category,properties): ''' sendchange to buildbot with category and a dictionary of property names and their values ''' assert category in orch_config.categories import subprocess IP="" bb_port=9999 user='orchestration' password='orchestration' cmd = [ '../orchenv-master/bin/buildbot', 'sendchange', '-m%s:%d' % (IP,bb_port), '-a%s:%s' % (user,password), '-Wscriptbot', '-C%s' % category] for property in properties.items(): cmd.append('-p%s:%s' % property) log(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd): return HTTPResponse(status=500) else: return 0 class Status400(Exception): pass def get_form(*properties): ''' get properties from POST form and return as a dict, if property not sent in form raise Status400 ''' property_dict = {} for property in properties: p = request.forms.get(property) if p: property_dict[property] = p else: raise Status400(property) return property_dict def missing_property_response(property): return HTTPResponse( status=400, body="400: A %s is required" % property) @post('/repo_update') def repo_update(): import re print request.json repo_name = "no repo name" for url in request.json['urls']: if re.match('^ssh',url): repo_name = url break changes = request.json['changes'] for change in changes: ref = change['ref'] if repo_name == DEFINITIONS: if ref == orch_config.definitions_base_ref: # if baseref changes trigger firehose properties = {'repo_name':repo_name,'ref':ref} return sendchange('repo_update',properties) elif ref in orch_config.candidate_refs.keys(): slave = orch_config.candidate_refs[ref] return sendchange('definitions_update_%s' % slave,ref) elif repo_name == TEST_REPO: force = {"ref":"force"} return sendchange('definitions_update',force) else: properties = {'repo_name':repo_name,'ref':ref} return sendchange('repo_update',properties) @post('/force_build') def force_build(): force = {"ref":"force"} return sendchange('definitions_update_local-slave',force) @post('/build_complete') def build_complete(): try: properties = get_form( "system", "buildslave_scripts_sha", "definitions_sha", "testing_sha") except Status400 as p: return missing_property_response(p) return sendchange('build_complete',properties) @post('/deploy_complete') def deploy_complete(): try: properties = get_form( 'artefact', 'testing_sha') except Status400 as p: return missing_property_response(p) return sendchange('deploy_complete',properties) if __name__ == '__main__': run(host='', port=8080, debug=True)