//============================================================================ // Name : ZKTest.cpp // Author : Michael P Smith (AKA, Krin), Under Codethink .Ltd // Version : 0.0.1 // Copyright : Your copyright notice // Description : a first attempt at making a zookeeper client in C //============================================================================ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "zookeeper.h" using namespace std; char* nodeType = "default"; char* hosts = "localhost:2181"; static zhandle_t *zk; static const clientid_t *session_id; struct String_vector list_of_children = { 0 }; bool recoveryAttempted = false; int timeout = 3000; int responseCode = 0; std::mutex mutex_lock; void safeShutdown(zhandle_t *zzh); void configure(); void setConfiguration(char* configString); void configurationwatcher(zhandle_t *zzh, int type, int state, const char *path, void *watcherCtx); void watcher(zhandle_t *zzh, int type, int state, const char *path, void *watcherCtx); void discoverChildren(const char* path); int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * checking to see if the host entered as the second argument is valid * if no host is entered the program will default to local host */ char* check = "localhost"; char* check2 = ":"; if (argc > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (isdigit(argv[i][0])) { if (strstr(argv[i], check2) != NULL) { hosts = argv[i]; } } else if (strstr(argv[i], check) != NULL) { if (strstr(argv[i], check2) != NULL) { hosts = argv[1]; } } else if (isalpha(argv[i][0])) { nodeType = argv[i]; } } } else { //setting local host and port for testing of functionality in local machine only hosts = "localhost:2181"; } session_id = NULL; char* p; cout << "Initialising Zookeeper" << endl; // prints !!!Hello World!!! zk = zookeeper_init(hosts, watcher, timeout, session_id, NULL, 0); while (!zk) { } p = strtok(NULL, " "); std::cout << "starting authentication" << std::endl; zoo_add_auth(zk, "digest", p, p ? strlen(p) : 0, NULL, NULL); while (zoo_state(zk) == 0) { } std::cout << "authentication step done" << std::endl; while (zk) { /* * mutex used to make the main program loop wait until there is feedback * from zookeeper. initially locks, then loops around. thread cannot lock * again until the current lock has been unlocked. */ mutex_lock.lock(); /* * debug test to show that the loop does not continue until watcher * is called */ std::cout << "loop locked" << std::endl; } safeShutdown(zk); return 0; } // End of Main void safeShutdown(zhandle_t *zzh) { if (zzh) { cout << "closing Zookeeper connection" << std::endl; zookeeper_close(zzh); zk = 0; } } static const char* state2String(int state) { if (state == 0) return "CLOSED_STATE"; if (state == ZOO_CONNECTING_STATE) return "CONNECTING_STATE"; if (state == ZOO_ASSOCIATING_STATE) return "ASSOCIATING_STATE"; if (state == ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE) return "CONNECTED_STATE"; if (state == ZOO_EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE) return "EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE"; if (state == ZOO_AUTH_FAILED_STATE) return "AUTH_FAILED_STATE"; return "INVALID_STATE"; } static const char* type2String(int type) { if (type == ZOO_CREATED_EVENT) return "CREATED_EVENT"; if (type == ZOO_DELETED_EVENT) return "DELETED_EVENT"; if (type == ZOO_CHANGED_EVENT) return "CHANGED_EVENT"; if (type == ZOO_CHILD_EVENT) return "CHILD_EVENT"; if (type == ZOO_SESSION_EVENT) return "SESSION_EVENT"; if (type == ZOO_NOTWATCHING_EVENT) return "NOTWATCHING_EVENT"; return "UNKNOWN_EVENT_TYPE"; } void watcher(zhandle_t *zzh, int type, int state, const char *path, void *watcherCtx) { std::cout << type2String(type) << std::endl; std::cout << state2String(state) << std::endl; mutex_lock.unlock(); if (type == ZOO_SESSION_EVENT) { std::cout << type2String(type) << std::endl; if (state == ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE) { std::cout << state2String(type) << std::endl; /* * create a temporary zookeeper node that will vanish when this client disconnects, * useful for testing. */ zoo_create(zk, "/test", "my_data", 7, &ZOO_READ_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, NULL, 0); /* * Setting configuration to watch. taking the char[] provided by argv and appending it to a * string containing configuration root directory before turning back into a char[] with * the c_str() function to allow zookeeper to read the full address to watch */ stringstream ss; string temp; ss << nodeType; ss >> temp; string addition_of_strings = "/configTest/" + temp; const char* config_to_watch = addition_of_strings.c_str(); std::cout << "setting watch for config type of " << config_to_watch << std::endl; if (zoo_wexists(zk, config_to_watch, configurationwatcher, NULL, NULL) == 0) { char config_data[1024] = { 0 }; int data_length = sizeof(config_data); zoo_get(zk, config_to_watch, true, config_data, &data_length, NULL); setConfiguration(config_data); } session_id = zoo_client_id(zzh); } else if (state == ZOO_AUTH_FAILED_STATE) { std::cout << state2String(type) << std::endl; safeShutdown(zzh); } else if (state == ZOO_EXPIRED_SESSION_STATE) { if (is_unrecoverable(zk) == ZINVALIDSTATE) { session_id = NULL; } zk = zookeeper_init(hosts, watcher, timeout, session_id, NULL, 0); while (!zk) { } char* p; p = strtok(NULL, " "); std::cout << "starting authentication" << std::endl; zoo_add_auth(zk, "digest", p, p ? strlen(p) : 0, NULL, NULL); while (zoo_state(zk) == 0) { }stringstream ss; string temp; ss << nodeType; ss >> temp; string addition_of_strings = "/configTest/" + temp; const char* config_to_watch = addition_of_strings.c_str(); std::cout << "setting watch for config type of " << config_to_watch << std::endl; if (zoo_wexists(zk, config_to_watch, configurationwatcher, NULL, NULL) == 0) { char config_data[1024] = { 0 }; int data_length = sizeof(config_data); zoo_get(zk, config_to_watch, true, config_data, &data_length, NULL); setConfiguration(config_data); } } else if (state == ZOO_CONNECTING_STATE) { if(!recoveryAttempted) { recoveryAttempted = true; if (is_unrecoverable(zk) == ZINVALIDSTATE) { session_id = NULL; } std::cout << "ping" << std::endl; safeShutdown(zk); zk = zookeeper_init(hosts, watcher, timeout, session_id, NULL, 0); while (!zk) { } char* p; p = strtok(NULL, " "); std::cout << "starting authentication" << std::endl; zoo_add_auth(zk, "digest", p, p ? strlen(p) : 0, NULL, NULL); while (zoo_state(zk) == 0) { }stringstream ss; string temp; ss << nodeType; ss >> temp; string addition_of_strings = "/configTest/" + temp; const char* config_to_watch = addition_of_strings.c_str(); std::cout << "setting watch for config type of " << config_to_watch << std::endl; recoveryAttempted = false; } } } else if (type == ZOO_DELETED_EVENT) { std::cout << type2String(type) << std::endl; zoo_exists(zk, path, true, NULL); } else if (type == ZOO_CHILD_EVENT) { std::cout << type2String(type) << std::endl; discoverChildren(path); } else if (type == ZOO_CHANGED_EVENT) { responseCode = zoo_exists(zk, path, true, NULL); std::cout << type2String(type) << std::endl; } else if (type == ZOO_CREATED_EVENT) { responseCode = zoo_exists(zk, path, true, NULL); std::cout << type2String(type) << std::endl; cout << "creation of watched node detected" << std::endl; } } void discoverChildren(const char* path) { struct String_vector list_of_children_discovered = { 0 }; cout << "discovering children of " << path << std::endl; zoo_get_children(zk, path, true, &list_of_children_discovered); zoo_exists(zk, path, true, NULL); if (list_of_children_discovered.count) { for (int i = 0; i < list_of_children_discovered.count; i++) { string child_to_add = path; child_to_add += '/'; child_to_add += list_of_children_discovered.data[i]; const char* end_result = child_to_add.c_str(); discoverChildren(end_result); } deallocate_String_vector(&list_of_children_discovered); } } void configurationwatcher(zhandle_t *zzh, int type, int state, const char *path, void *watchContext) { char config_data[1049000] = { 0 }; int data_length = sizeof(config_data); zoo_get(zk, path, true, config_data, &data_length, NULL); setConfiguration(config_data); zoo_wexists(zk, path, configurationwatcher, NULL, NULL); } void setConfiguration(char* configString) { vector elements; uint configBegin = 0; for (uint it = 0; it != strlen(configString); it++) { if (configString[it] == ';') { string tempString; while (configBegin != it) { tempString += configString[configBegin]; configBegin++; } configBegin = it + 1; char* element = new char[tempString.length() + 1]; std::strcpy(element, tempString.c_str()); elements.push_back(element); } } std::cout << "i am a client of type " << nodeType << std::endl; std::cout << "and i should watch the nodes:" << std::endl; for (uint it = 0; it != elements.size(); it++) { std::cout << elements[it] << std::endl; zoo_exists(zk, elements[it], true, NULL); discoverChildren(elements[it]); } }