diff options
authornanbor <nanbor@ae88bc3d-4319-0410-8dbf-d08b4c9d3795>1998-04-10 08:41:08 +0000
committernanbor <nanbor@ae88bc3d-4319-0410-8dbf-d08b4c9d3795>1998-04-10 08:41:08 +0000
commit9ec9502cd3f4fc5f859f66cb926ea74938e1509e (patch)
parent49f32c514407031a18a3ad08cdb73f468aa4d37d (diff)
*** empty log message ***
3 files changed, 6333 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/ace/ace_ce_dll.cfg b/ace/ace_ce_dll.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80c479b3205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ace/ace_ce_dll.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+WCE_CFG=WCE200; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ace/ace_ce_dll.dsp b/ace/ace_ce_dll.dsp
index d820633f101..494e7f9d895 100644
--- a/ace/ace_ce_dll.dsp
+++ b/ace/ace_ce_dll.dsp
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ CFG=ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir ""
+# PROP Output_Dir "WCE/x86em"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "WCE/x86em/Release"
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib winmm.lib ole32m.lib oleautm.lib msvcrt.lib uuid.lib asfcguid.lib asfc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"msvcrt.lib" /windowsce:emulation
-# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib winmm.lib ole32m.lib oleautm.lib msvcrt.lib uuid.lib asfcguid.lib asfc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"msvcrt.lib" /out:"ace_ce_x86em.dll" /windowsce:emulation
+# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib winmm.lib ole32m.lib oleautm.lib msvcrt.lib uuid.lib asfcguid.lib asfc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"msvcrt.lib" /out:"ace.dll" /windowsce:emulation
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ EMPFILE=empfile.exe
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir ""
+# PROP Output_Dir "WCE/x86em"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "WCE/x86em/Debug"
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib winmm.lib ole32m.lib oleautm.lib msvcrt.lib uuid.lib asfcguid.lib asfc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"msvcrtd.lib" /windowsce:emulation
-# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib advapi32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"msvcrtd.lib" /out:"aced_ce_x86em.dll" /windowsce:emulation
+# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib advapi32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"msvcrtd.lib" /out:"aced.dll" /windowsce:emulation
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ EMPFILE=empfile.exe
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir ""
+# PROP Output_Dir "WCE/MIPS"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "WCE/MIPS/Release"
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BASE LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /machine:MIPS
# SUBTRACT BASE LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
-# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib winsock.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /machine:MIPS /nodefaultlib:"wsock32.lib"
+# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /machine:MIPS /nodefaultlib:"wsock32.lib" /out:"ace.dll"
# SUBTRACT LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ PFILE=pfile.exe
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir ""
+# PROP Output_Dir "WCE/MIPS"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "WCE/MIPS/Debug"
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BASE LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /debug /machine:MIPS
# SUBTRACT BASE LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
-# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib winsock.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /debug /machine:MIPS /nodefaultlib:"wsock32.lib"
+# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /debug /machine:MIPS /nodefaultlib:"wsock32.lib" /out:"aced.dll"
# SUBTRACT LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ PFILE=pfile.exe
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir ""
+# PROP Output_Dir "WCE/SH"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "WCE/SH/Release"
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BASE LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /machine:SH3
# SUBTRACT BASE LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
-# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib winsock.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /machine:SH3 /nodefaultlib:"wsock32.lib"
+# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /machine:SH3 /nodefaultlib:"wsock32.lib" /out:"WCE\sh\ace.dll"
# SUBTRACT LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
@@ -210,18 +210,18 @@ PFILE=pfile.exe
# PROP BASE Output_Dir "WCESHDbg"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "WCESHDbg"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_MFC 2
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir ""
+# PROP Output_Dir "WCE/SH"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "WCE/SH/Debug"
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MLd /W3 /Zi /Od /D "DEBUG" /D "SHx" /D "SH3" /D "_SH3_" /D "UNDER_CE" /D "UNICODE" /D _WIN32_WCE=200 /YX /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Zi /Od /I "..\\" /I "..\STL\\" /D "DEBUG" /D "SHx" /D "SH3" /D "_SH3_" /D "UNDER_CE" /D "UNICODE" /D _WIN32_WCE=200 /D ACE_HAS_WINCE=1 /D ACE_HAS_DLL=1 /YX /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /GX- /Zi /Od /Gy /I "..\\" /I "..\STL\\" /D "DEBUG" /D "SHx" /D "SH3" /D "_SH3_" /D "UNDER_CE" /D "UNICODE" /D _WIN32_WCE=200 /D ACE_HAS_WINCE=1 /D ACE_HAS_DLL=1 /D "_AFXDLL" /YX /c
# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /r /d "SHx" /d "SH3" /d "_SH3_" /d "UNDER_CE" /d "UNICODE" /d "DEBUG" /d _WIN32_WCE=200
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /r /d "SHx" /d "SH3" /d "_SH3_" /d "UNDER_CE" /d "UNICODE" /d "DEBUG" /d _WIN32_WCE=200
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /r /d "SHx" /d "SH3" /d "_SH3_" /d "UNDER_CE" /d "UNICODE" /d "DEBUG" /d _WIN32_WCE=200 /d "_AFXDLL"
# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BASE LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /debug /machine:SH3
# SUBTRACT BASE LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
-# ADD LINK32 commctrl.lib coredll.lib winsock.lib /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /debug /machine:SH3 /nodefaultlib:"wsock32.lib"
-# SUBTRACT LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /nodefaultlib
+# ADD LINK32 /nologo /subsystem:windowsce,2.0 /windowsce:noconvert /dll /incremental:no /debug /machine:SH3 /out:"WCE\SH\aced.dll"
+# SUBTRACT LINK32 /fixed:no /pdb:none /map /nodefaultlib
@@ -526,6 +526,109 @@ SOURCE=.\Activation_Queue.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Activation_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Method_Object.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -635,6 +738,109 @@ DEP_CPP_ACTIV=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Activation_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Method_Object.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -773,6 +979,73 @@ SOURCE=.\ARGV.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\ARGV.h"\
+ ".\ARGV.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -848,6 +1121,73 @@ DEP_CPP_ARGV_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\ARGV.h"\
+ ".\ARGV.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -986,6 +1326,110 @@ SOURCE=.\Asynch_IO.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Asynch_IO.h"\
+ ".\Asynch_IO.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Proactor.h"\
+ ".\Proactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_List.h"\
+ ".\Timer_List_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_List_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel_T.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -1098,6 +1542,110 @@ DEP_CPP_ASYNC=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Asynch_IO.h"\
+ ".\Asynch_IO.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Proactor.h"\
+ ".\Proactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_List.h"\
+ ".\Timer_List_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_List_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel_T.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -1109,6 +1657,40 @@ SOURCE=.\Basic_Types.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -1151,6 +1733,40 @@ DEP_CPP_BASIC=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -1162,6 +1778,57 @@ SOURCE=.\Dump.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Dump.h"\
+ ".\Dump_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Dump_T.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -1221,6 +1888,57 @@ DEP_CPP_DUMP_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Dump.h"\
+ ".\Dump_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Dump_T.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -1232,6 +1950,42 @@ SOURCE=.\Dynamic.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Dynamic.h"\
+ ".\Dynamic.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -1276,6 +2030,42 @@ DEP_CPP_DYNAM=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Dynamic.h"\
+ ".\Dynamic.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -1507,6 +2297,42 @@ SOURCE=.\Get_Opt.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.h"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -1551,6 +2377,42 @@ DEP_CPP_GET_O=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.h"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -1689,6 +2551,42 @@ SOURCE=.\High_Res_Timer.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -1733,6 +2631,42 @@ DEP_CPP_HIGH_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -1896,6 +2830,42 @@ SOURCE=.\IO_SAP.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IO_SAP.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -1940,6 +2910,42 @@ DEP_CPP_IO_SA=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IO_SAP.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -2078,6 +3084,95 @@ SOURCE=.\Local_Tokens.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Token_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -2175,6 +3270,95 @@ DEP_CPP_LOCAL=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Token_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -2810,6 +3994,42 @@ SOURCE=.\Mem_Map.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -2854,6 +4074,42 @@ DEP_CPP_MEM_M=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -2865,6 +4121,71 @@ SOURCE=.\Memory_Pool.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -2938,6 +4259,71 @@ DEP_CPP_MEMOR=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -3169,6 +4555,41 @@ SOURCE=.\Method_Object.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Method_Object.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -3212,6 +4633,41 @@ DEP_CPP_METHO=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Method_Object.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -3587,6 +5043,72 @@ SOURCE=.\Obstack.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Obstack.h"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -3661,6 +5183,72 @@ DEP_CPP_OBSTA=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Obstack.h"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -3742,6 +5330,8 @@ DEP_CPP_OS_CP=\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
@@ -3984,6 +5574,8 @@ DEP_CPP_OS_CP=\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
@@ -4042,6 +5634,120 @@ SOURCE=.\Parse_Node.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Module.cpp"\
+ ".\Module.h"\
+ ".\Module.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.h"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Task.h"\
+ ".\Task.i"\
+ ".\Task_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Task_T.h"\
+ ".\Task_T.i"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4164,6 +5870,120 @@ DEP_CPP_PARSE=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Module.cpp"\
+ ".\Module.h"\
+ ".\Module.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.h"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Task.h"\
+ ".\Task.i"\
+ ".\Task_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Task_T.h"\
+ ".\Task_T.i"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4175,6 +5995,59 @@ SOURCE=.\Pipe.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Pipe.h"\
+ ".\Pipe.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4236,6 +6109,59 @@ DEP_CPP_PIPE_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Pipe.h"\
+ ".\Pipe.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4247,6 +6173,75 @@ SOURCE=.\Process.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\ARGV.h"\
+ ".\ARGV.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Process.h"\
+ ".\Process.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4324,6 +6319,75 @@ DEP_CPP_PROCE=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\ARGV.h"\
+ ".\ARGV.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Process.h"\
+ ".\Process.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4335,6 +6399,58 @@ SOURCE=.\Process_Manager.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Process.h"\
+ ".\Process.i"\
+ ".\Process_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Process_Manager.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4395,6 +6511,58 @@ DEP_CPP_PROCES=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Process.h"\
+ ".\Process.i"\
+ ".\Process_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Process_Manager.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4406,6 +6574,45 @@ SOURCE=.\Profile_Timer.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Profile_Timer.h"\
+ ".\Profile_Timer.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4453,6 +6660,45 @@ DEP_CPP_PROFI=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Profile_Timer.h"\
+ ".\Profile_Timer.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4464,6 +6710,120 @@ SOURCE=.\Reactor.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Msg_WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Msg_WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Pipe.h"\
+ ".\Pipe.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token.h"\
+ ".\Token.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4582,6 +6942,120 @@ DEP_CPP_REACT=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Msg_WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Msg_WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Pipe.h"\
+ ".\Pipe.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token.h"\
+ ".\Token.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4593,6 +7067,42 @@ SOURCE=.\Sched_Params.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Sched_Params.h"\
+ ".\Sched_Params.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4637,6 +7147,42 @@ DEP_CPP_SCHED=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Sched_Params.h"\
+ ".\Sched_Params.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4648,6 +7194,119 @@ SOURCE=.\Select_Reactor.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Pipe.h"\
+ ".\Pipe.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token.h"\
+ ".\Token.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4769,6 +7428,119 @@ DEP_CPP_SELEC=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Pipe.h"\
+ ".\Pipe.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token.h"\
+ ".\Token.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4780,6 +7552,133 @@ SOURCE=.\Service_Config.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\ARGV.h"\
+ ".\ARGV.i"\
+ ".\Asynch_IO.h"\
+ ".\Asynch_IO.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.h"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Obstack.h"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.h"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.i"\
+ ".\Proactor.h"\
+ ".\Proactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Service_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf.h"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_List.h"\
+ ".\Timer_List_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_List_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel_T.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -4915,6 +7814,133 @@ DEP_CPP_SERVI=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\ARGV.h"\
+ ".\ARGV.i"\
+ ".\Asynch_IO.h"\
+ ".\Asynch_IO.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.h"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.h"\
+ ".\High_Res_Timer.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Obstack.h"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.h"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.i"\
+ ".\Proactor.h"\
+ ".\Proactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Service_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf.h"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_List.h"\
+ ".\Timer_List_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_List_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Wheel_T.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -4926,6 +7952,126 @@ SOURCE=.\Service_Manager.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.h"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Service_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -5054,6 +8200,126 @@ DEP_CPP_SERVIC=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.h"\
+ ".\Get_Opt.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Service_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -5065,6 +8331,60 @@ SOURCE=.\Service_Object.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -5127,6 +8447,60 @@ DEP_CPP_SERVICE=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -5138,6 +8512,62 @@ SOURCE=.\Service_Repository.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -5202,6 +8632,62 @@ DEP_CPP_SERVICE_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -5213,6 +8699,122 @@ SOURCE=.\Service_Types.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Module.cpp"\
+ ".\Module.h"\
+ ".\Module.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\Stream.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream.h"\
+ ".\Stream.i"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Task.h"\
+ ".\Task.i"\
+ ".\Task_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Task_T.h"\
+ ".\Task_T.i"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -5335,6 +8937,122 @@ DEP_CPP_SERVICE_T=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Module.cpp"\
+ ".\Module.h"\
+ ".\Module.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\Stream.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream.h"\
+ ".\Stream.i"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Task.h"\
+ ".\Task.i"\
+ ".\Task_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Task_T.h"\
+ ".\Task_T.i"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -5346,6 +9064,42 @@ SOURCE=.\Shared_Object.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -5390,6 +9144,42 @@ DEP_CPP_SHARE=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -5401,6 +9191,71 @@ SOURCE=.\Signal.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -5474,6 +9329,71 @@ DEP_CPP_SIGNA=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -5832,6 +9752,50 @@ SOURCE=.\SOCK_CODgram.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_CODgram.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_CODgram.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -5884,6 +9848,50 @@ DEP_CPP_SOCK_C=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_CODgram.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_CODgram.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -6067,6 +10075,64 @@ SOURCE=.\SOCK_Dgram.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -6133,6 +10199,64 @@ DEP_CPP_SOCK_D=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -6144,6 +10268,52 @@ SOURCE=.\SOCK_Dgram_Bcast.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram_Bcast.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram_Bcast.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -6198,6 +10368,52 @@ DEP_CPP_SOCK_DG=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram_Bcast.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram_Bcast.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -6209,6 +10425,52 @@ SOURCE=.\SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -6263,6 +10525,52 @@ DEP_CPP_SOCK_DGR=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -6838,6 +11146,107 @@ SOURCE=.\Strategies.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -6945,6 +11354,107 @@ DEP_CPP_STRAT=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -6956,6 +11466,93 @@ SOURCE=.\Svc_Conf_l.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Obstack.h"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.h"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf.h"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7051,6 +11648,93 @@ DEP_CPP_SVC_C=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Obstack.h"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.h"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf.h"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -7062,6 +11746,128 @@ SOURCE=.\Svc_Conf_y.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\ARGV.h"\
+ ".\ARGV.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Module.cpp"\
+ ".\Module.h"\
+ ".\Module.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Obstack.h"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.h"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\Stream.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream.h"\
+ ".\Stream.i"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf.h"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Task.h"\
+ ".\Task.i"\
+ ".\Task_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Task_T.h"\
+ ".\Task_T.i"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7190,6 +11996,128 @@ DEP_CPP_SVC_CO=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\ARGV.h"\
+ ".\ARGV.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Module.cpp"\
+ ".\Module.h"\
+ ".\Module.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Obstack.h"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.h"\
+ ".\Parse_Node.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\Stream.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream.h"\
+ ".\Stream.i"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf.h"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Task.h"\
+ ".\Task.i"\
+ ".\Task_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Task_T.h"\
+ ".\Task_T.i"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -7364,6 +12292,41 @@ SOURCE=.\Synch_Options.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7407,6 +12370,41 @@ DEP_CPP_SYNCH_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -7418,6 +12416,72 @@ SOURCE=.\System_Time.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\System_Time.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7492,6 +12556,72 @@ DEP_CPP_SYSTE=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\System_Time.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -7503,6 +12633,118 @@ SOURCE=.\Task.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Module.cpp"\
+ ".\Module.h"\
+ ".\Module.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Task.h"\
+ ".\Task.i"\
+ ".\Task_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Task_T.h"\
+ ".\Task_T.i"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7621,6 +12863,118 @@ DEP_CPP_TASK_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Module.cpp"\
+ ".\Module.h"\
+ ".\Module.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.cpp"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.h"\
+ ".\Stream_Modules.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Task.h"\
+ ".\Task.i"\
+ ".\Task_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Task_T.h"\
+ ".\Task_T.i"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -7632,6 +12986,42 @@ SOURCE=.\Thread.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7676,6 +13066,42 @@ DEP_CPP_THREA=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -7687,6 +13113,78 @@ SOURCE=.\Thread_Manager.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Dynamic.h"\
+ ".\Dynamic.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\Singleton.cpp"\
+ ".\Singleton.h"\
+ ".\Singleton.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7767,6 +13265,78 @@ DEP_CPP_THREAD=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Dynamic.h"\
+ ".\Dynamic.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\Singleton.cpp"\
+ ".\Singleton.h"\
+ ".\Singleton.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -7778,6 +13348,56 @@ SOURCE=.\Token.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Token.h"\
+ ".\Token.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7836,6 +13456,56 @@ DEP_CPP_TOKEN=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Token.h"\
+ ".\Token.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -7847,6 +13517,95 @@ SOURCE=.\Token_Manager.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Token_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -7944,6 +13703,95 @@ DEP_CPP_TOKEN_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Token_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -8079,6 +13927,110 @@ SOURCE=.\WFMO_Reactor.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -8189,6 +14141,110 @@ DEP_CPP_WFMO_=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Hash_Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\IO_Cntl_Msg.h"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Message_Block.h"\
+ ".\Message_Block.i"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.cpp"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Message_Queue.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.h"\
+ ".\Service_Repository.i"\
+ ".\Service_Types.h"\
+ ".\Service_Types.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\Strategies.h"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Strategies_T.h"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Thread_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Heap_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\WFMO_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
# End Source File
@@ -8200,6 +14256,117 @@ SOURCE=.\XtReactor.cpp
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Pipe.h"\
+ ".\Pipe.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token.h"\
+ ".\Token.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
+ ".\XtReactor.h"\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Release"
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE MIPS) Debug"
@@ -8319,6 +14486,117 @@ DEP_CPP_XTREA=\
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "ace_ce_dll - Win32 (WCE SH) Debug"
+ ".\ACE.h"\
+ ".\ACE.i"\
+ ".\Addr.h"\
+ ".\Addr.i"\
+ ".\Atomic_Op.i"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.cpp"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.h"\
+ ".\Auto_Ptr.i"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.h"\
+ ".\Basic_Types.i"\
+ ".\config-win32-common.h"\
+ ".\config-win32.h"\
+ ".\config-WinCE.h"\
+ ".\config.h"\
+ ".\Containers.cpp"\
+ ".\Containers.h"\
+ ".\Containers.i"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.h"\
+ ".\Event_Handler.i"\
+ ".\Free_List.cpp"\
+ ".\Free_List.h"\
+ ".\Free_List.i"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.h"\
+ ".\Handle_Set.i"\
+ ".\inc_user_config.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.h"\
+ ".\INET_Addr.i"\
+ ".\iosfwd.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.h"\
+ ".\IPC_SAP.i"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Local_Tokens.i"\
+ ".\Log_Msg.h"\
+ ".\Log_Priority.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.h"\
+ ".\Log_Record.i"\
+ ".\Malloc.h"\
+ ".\Malloc.i"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.h"\
+ ".\Malloc_T.i"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.cpp"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.h"\
+ ".\Managed_Object.i"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.cpp"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Map_Manager.i"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.h"\
+ ".\Mem_Map.i"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.h"\
+ ".\Memory_Pool.i"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.h"\
+ ".\Object_Manager.i"\
+ ".\OS.h"\
+ ".\OS.i"\
+ ".\Pipe.h"\
+ ".\Pipe.i"\
+ ".\Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Reactor_Impl.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.h"\
+ ".\Select_Reactor.i"\
+ ".\Service_Config.h"\
+ ".\Service_Config.i"\
+ ".\Service_Object.h"\
+ ".\Service_Object.i"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.h"\
+ ".\Shared_Object.i"\
+ ".\Signal.h"\
+ ".\Signal.i"\
+ ".\SOCK.h"\
+ ".\SOCK.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Acceptor.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Connector.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_IO.i"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.h"\
+ ".\SOCK_Stream.i"\
+ ".\SString.h"\
+ ".\SString.i"\
+ ".\streams.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Complex.i"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"\
+ ".\SV_Semaphore_Simple.i"\
+ ".\Svc_Conf_Tokens.h"\
+ ".\Synch.h"\
+ ".\Synch.i"\
+ ".\Synch_Options.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Synch_T.h"\
+ ".\Synch_T.i"\
+ ".\sys_conf.h"\
+ ".\Thread.h"\
+ ".\Thread.i"\
+ ".\Time_Value.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.cpp"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.h"\
+ ".\Timer_Queue_T.i"\
+ ".\Token.h"\
+ ".\Token.i"\
+ ".\Trace.h"\
+ ".\Version.h"\
+ ".\ws2tcpip.h"\
+ ".\XtReactor.h"\
# End Source File
diff --git a/docs/CE-status.txt b/docs/CE-status.txt
index 395d34d9d1b..7088989fbc4 100644
--- a/docs/CE-status.txt
+++ b/docs/CE-status.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,33 @@
[Hints on writing portable code using ACE]
+ [Testing Non-Window based ACE programs]
+ Rumor has it that Microsoft will provide a DOS shell in their
+ next release of CE. Oh well, I made it up and there'll probably
+ no DOS prompt in the future CE. All current ACE programs are
+ text-based. They all need a shell to start from.
+ [Dialog Based]
+ This is a collection of files that combined with any ACE
+ program to run on CE. To use this template, compile your main
+ project with all the cpp and rc files under $ACE_ROOT/windoezCE/.
+ The program will start by asking you the command line argument
+ that you want to pass to the original ACE program. We should be
+ able to get this infomation automatically if we execute the
+ program from "Start -> Run...". However, that'll require us to
+ implement this window using Win32 API (it's written with MFC
+ classes now.) Notice that GetCommandLine is not available on
+ CE.
+ [Future Improvement]
+ Get the command line argument automatically.
+ Buffered keyboard input (stdin.)
+ Scrollable output.
[Unicode Trivia]
Since most APIs take wide char strings as their arguments when
strings are needed, some pre-cautions must be taken...
@@ -14,13 +41,20 @@
other paltforms.
[ASYS_TEXT] A macro that converts a char text to a wchar text
- only under CE.
+ only under CE.
[ASYS_WIDE_STRING] A macro that converts char strings to wchar
- strings using ACE_WString.
+ strings using ACE_WString only when
[ASYS_MULTIBYTE_STRING] A macro that converts wchar strings to
- char strings using ACE_WString.
+ char strings using ACE_WString while
+ defined.
+ convert a string when ACE_HAS_MOSTLY_UNICODE_APIS defined and
+ UNICODE not defined.
[ACE_TRACE] When using ACE_TRACE macros, you don't need to use
wide char string in it. ACE converts the char string to wchar
@@ -28,6 +62,7 @@
[ACE File list]
+ Here is a trace of ACE files about their status on CE.
(.) Defered.
(x) Compiled successfully. (Doesn't mean it will run. ;-)