path: root/TAO/tao/boa.h
diff options
authorChris Cleeland <>1997-10-21 22:39:01 +0000
committerChris Cleeland <>1997-10-21 22:39:01 +0000
commitac9d1e8f0f46a61fa9c815c27f01171850578f9f (patch)
tree29719f27841280cad1ca0000f5d60e2180d6aa51 /TAO/tao/boa.h
parentb903ae0d84a8a2e50e1ff5e4add0a4d7ccca1e53 (diff)
Orb_Core->orb_core and boa->poa.
Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/tao/boa.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/tao/boa.h b/TAO/tao/boa.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4558494aeb5..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/boa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// boa.h
-// (Early) POA
-// POA is a stripped down, lean, mean, portable OA. The work
-// involved in managing objects is all handled by "higher level"
-// code, including skeletons, generated either by an IDL compiler
-// by hand. POA itself maintains no object-level state.
-// = AUTHOR
-// Copyright 1994-1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-// ============================================================================
-#if !defined (TAO_BOA_H)
-#define TAO_BOA_H
-#if 0
-#include "ace/OS.h" // WARNING! This MUST come before objbase.h on WIN32!
-#include <objbase.h>
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-#include "tao/orb.h"
-#include "tao/sequence.h"
-#include "tao/svrrqst.h"
-#endif /* 0 */
-#include "tao/corba.h"
-class TAO_GIOP_RequestHeader;
-// @@ Why does this inherit from IUnknown?
-class CORBA_POA : public IUnknown
- // = TITLE
- // The <{TAO}> Basic Object Adapter.
- CORBA_POA (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb_arg,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- virtual ~CORBA_POA (void);
- static CORBA::POA_ptr init (CORBA::ORB_ptr which_orb,
- ACE_INET_Addr &addr,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // NON-STANDARD CALL. According to CORBA V2.0, this functionality
- // should really be <POA_ptr ORB::POA_init (argc,argv,ident)>.
- //
- // The current signature is residue from when this code was part of
- // the SunSoft IIOP reference implementation.
- //
- // @@ Hum, does this still make sense now that it's in POA?
- /* virtual */
- CORBA::Object_ptr create (CORBA::OctetSeq& obj_id,
- CORBA::String type_id,
- CORBA::Environment& env);
- // Create a reference to an object, using identifying information
- // that is fully exposed to applications. (An ORB may use additional
- // data internally, of course.)
- //
- // Object IDs are assigned and used by servers to identify objects.
- //
- // Type IDs are repository IDs, assigned as part of OMG-IDL
- // interface definition to identify specific interfaces and their
- // relationships to other OMG-IDL interfaces. It's OK to provide a
- // null type ID.
- //
- // Clients which invoke operations using one of these references
- // when the server is not active (or after the last reference to the
- // POA is released) will normally see an OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception
- // reported by the ORB. If the POA is a "Named POA" the client's
- // ORB will not normally return OBJECT_NOT_EXIST unless the POA
- // reports that fault.
- //
- // NOTE: Since any given POA may have been used in the past, servers
- // may need to place some data (such as a timestamp) into the object
- // ID to help distinguish different incarnations of the POA. "Named
- // POA" objects won't want those semantics as much as "Anonymous"
- // ones.
- virtual void handle_request (TAO_GIOP_RequestHeader hdr,
- CDR &request_body,
- CDR &response,
- TAO_Dispatch_Context *some_info,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // Entry point for the ORB Core to hand off a request for processing
- // and eventual dispatch. Derived classes can override this to
- // perform their own processing.
- typedef void (CORBA_POA::*dsi_handler) (CORBA::OctetSeq &obj_id,
- CORBA::ServerRequest &request,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // @@ Please add a comment. BTW, weren't we planning to rename this
- // typedef?
- /* virtual */
- void register_dir (dsi_handler handler,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // All invocations are handled using DSI ... slightly enhanced from
- // the original CORBA 2.0 specs, to improve performance by getting
- // rid of all mallocation for calls with fixed-size parameter lists.
- //
- // A single skeleton, also called "Dynamic Implementation Routine",
- // is provided to the ORB; it is called on all requests, along with
- // a pointer to context that was provided by the server.
- //
- // One could imagine that the DIR would recognize that the context
- // is a hashtable for per-object state, keyed by the object ID.
- //
- // Note that in addition to the operations defined by an object's
- // IDL interface specification, four operations must be supported by
- // code layered above the POA. There are many ways in which these
- // operations can be hidden from "application" programs, and some
- // solutions are noted below.
- //
- // * "_is_a" is readily handled by skeletons,
- //
- // * "_get_interface" similarly, though with more work to allow the
- // IFR data structures to be extracted from skeletons.
- //
- // * "_get_implementation" is implementation-specific, a facility
- // through which administrative and other information may be
- // acquired. Not all systems provide consistent ways to utilize
- // this facility.
- //
- // * "_non_existent" asks if the referred-to object still exists.
- // This enables solving many "distributed garbage" problems,
- // such as maintaining persistent tables keyed by references to
- // objects that may no longer exist.
- // @@ virtual
- void please_shutdown (CORBA::Environment &env);
- // Please Shutdown -- reject all further incoming requests, and
- // allow all currently active calls (e.g. "this one") to complete.
- // This ensures that OS resources associated with this OA can be
- // reclaimed even if some buggy applications code mismanages
- // refcounting on this POA.
- void run (struct timeval *tvp,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // Run -- call get_request () in a loop until shutdown completes.
- // Uses as much concurrency as is provided in this environment.
- // Initiate shutdown if we've been idle for the specified time.
- //
- // This uses only the public APIs defined above; the function is
- // defined here purely for convenience, to help some applications
- // avoid writing that loop.
- static CORBA::POA_ptr get_boa (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // Get an "anonymous" POA pseudo-objref ... this is the API that
- // most applications will use. It returns a POA which is not
- // otherwise in use (though it may have been used in the past).
- //
- // Any given POA (named or otherwise) will create equivalent object
- // references when POA::create () is called with the same object and
- // type IDs. This is not true for two different BOAs.
- static CORBA::POA_ptr get_named_boa (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
- CORBA::String name,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // Get a "named" POA ... most applications don't use/need this API.
- //
- // POA names are for ORB/system bootstrapping purposes, and need not
- // be shared between different systems. The scope of the name isn't
- // guaranteed to include more than one system. The names themselves
- // are administered using system-specific mechanisms and policies.
- CORBA::OctetSeq *get_key (CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // NON-STANDARD CALL. When dispatching a request to an object, you
- // need to be able to get the object key you used to create the
- // reference. It's the main way servers distinguish two object
- // references from each other.
- /* virtual */
- void clean_shutdown (CORBA::Environment &env);
- // NON-STANDARD CALL. OA user asks for a clean shutdown of the OA
- // after currently active calls complete. OA "requester" (calls
- // <get_request>) asks if we're shutting down, and if so closes down
- // transport cleanly.
- // @@ This used to be virtual...does it really need to be any more?
- /* virtual */
- CORBA::Boolean shutting_down (void);
- // NON-STANDARD CALL. Returns <TRUE> if we're in the process of
- // shutting down.
- void dispatch (CORBA::OctetSeq &key,
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &env);
- // Find the object for the request and pass it up the chain. Errors
- // are returned in <env>.
- virtual int bind (const CORBA::OctetSeq &key,
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj);
- // Registers a CORBA::Object into the object table and associates the
- // key with it. Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success, 1 on
- // duplicate.
- virtual int find (const CORBA::OctetSeq &key,
- CORBA::Object_ptr &obj);
- // Looks up an object in the object table using <{key}>. Returns
- // non-negative integer on success, or -1 on failure.
- virtual CORBA::ORB_ptr orb (void) const;
- // Returns pointer to the ORB with which this OA is associated.
- // = COM IUnknown Support
- ULONG __stdcall AddRef (void);
- ULONG __stdcall Release (void);
- HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void** ppv);
- // @@ Do we really need protected anymore?
- TAO_Object_Table *objtable_;
- // Table of objects registered with this Object Adapter.
- CORBA::Boolean do_exit_;
- // Flag set by <clean_shutdown ()>.
- CORBA::ORB_ptr orb_;
- // Pointer to our ORB.
- u_int call_count_;
- // Used by COM stuff
- u_int refcount_;
- // Used by COM stuff
- CORBA::POA::dsi_handler skeleton_;
- // Skeleton function
- void *context_;
- // Who knows!?!
- // Locks critical sections within ROA code methods (was
- // tcpoa_mutex).
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX com_lock_;
- // Locks critical sections in COM-related code (was tcpoa_lock).
- // = Copy and assignment: just say no
- CORBA_POA (const CORBA_POA &src);
- CORBA_POA &operator= (const CORBA_POA &src);
-struct TAO_Dispatch_Context
- // = TITLE
- // Structure holding information necessary for GIOP functionality.
- //
- // Data structure passed as "context" to the GIOP code, which then
- // calls back one of the two helper routines as part of handling any
- // particular incoming request.
- CORBA::POA::dsi_handler skeleton_;
- // Function pointer to skeleton glue function.
- void (*check_forward_) (CORBA::OctetSeq& key,
- CORBA::Object_ptr& fwd_ref,
- void* context,
- CORBA::Environment& env);
- // Function to check if the request should be forwarded (whatever
- // that means).
- void *context_;
- // Who knows...another overloading of the word "context".
- // @@ Can we please try to remove this?
- CORBA::POA_ptr oa_;
- // This should really be a POA_ptr, but currently it doesn't support
- // the one call we need to make through here: <handle_message ()>.
- ACE_SOCK_Stream endpoint_;
- // The communication endpoint from which the data needs to be read.
- // NOTE!!! This type MUST match that used for ROA_Handler!
-#endif /* TAO_BOA_H */