path: root/bin
diff options
authormcorino <>2005-04-11 13:04:45 +0000
committermcorino <>2005-04-11 13:04:45 +0000
commitc3f527c98e0fca1c23f72e066e3ae7227831d2c9 (patch)
treef1ee53ff7562340a0b3c8643e958ae77dc300743 /bin
parentb9e26cc3b794947b03322abb6ac4e6c0807875b5 (diff)
Mon Apr 11 12:58:12 UTC 2005 Martin Corino <>
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
4 files changed, 548 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/bin/PerlACE/ b/bin/PerlACE/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5602c19be40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/PerlACE/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# $Id$
+package PerlACE::ProcessVX;
+use strict;
+use English;
+use POSIX qw(:time_h);
+$PerlACE::ProcessVX::ExeSubDir = './';
+sub delay_factor {
+ my($lps) = 128;
+ my($factor) = 1;
+ ## Keep increasing the loops per second until the amount of time
+ ## exceeds the number of clocks per second. The original code
+ ## did not multiply $ticks by 8 but, for faster machines, it doesn't
+ ## seem to return false values. The multiplication is done to minimize
+ ## the amount of time it takes to determine the correct factor.
+ while(($lps <<= 1)) {
+ my($ticks) = clock();
+ for(my $i = $lps; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+ }
+ $ticks = clock() - $ticks;
+ if ($ticks * 8 >= CLOCKS_PER_SEC) {
+ $factor = 500000 / (($lps / $ticks) * CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $factor;
+### Check for -ExeSubDir commands, store the last one
+my @new_argv = ();
+for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; ++$i) {
+ if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-ExeSubDir') {
+ if (defined $ARGV[$i + 1]) {
+ $PerlACE::ProcessVX::ExeSubDir = $ARGV[++$i].'/';
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "You must pass a directory with ExeSubDir\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @new_argv, $ARGV[$i];
+ }
+@ARGV = @new_argv;
+if ($OSNAME eq "MSWin32") {
+ require PerlACE::ProcessVX_Win32;
+else {
+ print STDERR "PerlACE::ProcessVX not supported on Unix yet!";
+ exit(1);
+ ## require PerlACE::Process_Unix;
diff --git a/bin/PerlACE/ b/bin/PerlACE/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9933a51f06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/PerlACE/
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+# $Id$
+package PerlACE::ProcessVX;
+use strict;
+use Win32::Process;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use FileHandle;
+use Cwd;
+# This is what GetExitCode will return if the process is still running.
+my $STILL_ACTIVE = 259;
+my $set_vx_defgw = 1;
+my $do_vx_init = (defined $ENV{"ACE_RUN_VX_NO_INITIAL_REBOOT"}) ? 0 : 1;
+### Constructor and Destructor
+sub new
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref ($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = {};
+ $self->{RUNNING} = 0;
+ $self->{IGNOREEXESUBDIR} = 1;
+ $self->{PROCESS} = undef;
+ $self->{EXECUTABLE} = shift;
+ $self->{ARGUMENTS} = shift;
+ if (!defined $PerlACE::ProcessVX::WAIT_DELAY_FACTOR) {
+ $PerlACE::ProcessVX::WAIT_DELAY_FACTOR = 2;
+ }
+ $self->{WINDSH} = $ENV{"ACE_RUN_WINDSH"};
+ if (!defined $self->{WINDSH}) {
+ $self->{WINDSH} = $ENV{"WIND_BASE"} . "\\host\\" . $ENV{"WIND_HOST_TYPE"} . "\\bin\\windsh.exe";
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{REBOOT_CMD}) {
+ $self->{REBOOT_CMD} = "reboot";
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{REBOOT_TIME}) {
+ $self->{REBOOT_TIME} = 90;
+ }
+ bless ($self, $class);
+ return $self;
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{RUNNING} == 1) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: <", $self->{EXECUTABLE},
+ "> still running upon object destruction\n";
+ $self->Kill ();
+ }
+ if (!defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ unlink "run_test.vxs";
+ }
+### Some Accessors
+sub Normalize_Executable_Name
+ my $executable = shift;
+ my $basename = basename ($executable);
+ my $dirname = dirname ($executable). '/';
+ $executable = $dirname.$PerlACE::ProcessVX::ExeSubDir.$basename.".out";
+ ## Installed executables do not conform to the ExeSubDir
+ if (! -e $executable && -e $dirname.$basename.'.out') {
+ $executable = $dirname.$basename.'.out';
+ }
+ $executable =~ s/\//\\/g; # / <- # color coding issue in devenv
+ return $executable;
+sub Executable
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_ != 0) {
+ $self->{EXECUTABLE} = shift;
+ }
+ my $executable = $self->{EXECUTABLE};
+ if ($self->{IGNOREEXESUBDIR} == 0) {
+ $executable = PerlACE::ProcessVX::Normalize_Executable_Name ($executable);
+ }
+ else {
+ $executable = $executable.".out";
+ $executable =~ s/\//\\/g; # / <- # color coding issue in devenv
+ }
+ return $executable;
+sub Arguments
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_ != 0) {
+ $self->{ARGUMENTS} = shift;
+ }
+ return $self->{ARGUMENTS};
+sub CommandLine ()
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $commandline = $self->Executable ();
+ if (defined $self->{ARGUMENTS}) {
+ $commandline .= ' '.$self->{ARGUMENTS};
+ }
+ return $commandline;
+sub IgnoreExeSubDir
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_ != 0) {
+ $self->{IGNOREEXESUBDIR} = shift;
+ }
+ return $self->{IGNOREEXESUBDIR};
+### Spawning processes
+# Spawn the process and continue.
+sub Spawn ()
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{RUNNING} == 1) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Cannot Spawn: <", $self->Executable (),
+ "> already running\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{EXECUTABLE}) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Cannot Spawn: No executable specified\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!-x $self->{WINDSH}) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Cannot Spawn: <", $self->{WINDSH},
+ "> not executable\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ($self->{IGNOREEXESUBDIR} == 0) {
+ if (!-f $self->Executable ()) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Cannot Spawn: <", $self->Executable (),
+ "> not found\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $status = 0;
+ my $hard_reboot = 0;
+ my $cmdline;
+ ##
+ ## check if VxWorks kernel is reachable
+ $cmdline = $self->{WINDSH} . " -e \"shParse {exit}\" " . $ENV{"ACE_RUN_VX_TGTSVR"};
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ print "Check ALIVE: $cmdline\n";
+ }
+ Win32::Process::Create ($self->{PROCESS},
+ $self->{WINDSH},
+ $cmdline,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ '.');
+ Win32::Process::GetExitCode ($self->{PROCESS}, $status);
+ if ($status != $STILL_ACTIVE) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Spawn failed for <", $self->{WINDSH}, ">\n";
+ exit $status;
+ }
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ print "Status: $status\n";
+ }
+ $self->{RUNNING} = 1;
+ $status = $self->TimedWait (5);
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ print "TimedWait Status: $status\n";
+ }
+ if ($status == -1) {
+ $self->Kill ();
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_RUN_VX_HARD_REBOOT_CMD'}) {
+ $set_vx_defgw = 1;
+ $do_vx_init = 0;
+ $hard_reboot = 1;
+ sleep($self->{REBOOT_TIME}+10);
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Cannot get connection with VxWorks target\n";
+ exit $status;
+ }
+ }
+ ##
+ ## initialize VxWorks kernel (reboot!) if needed
+ if (!$hard_reboot && ($do_vx_init || $ENV{'ACE_RUN_VX_TGT_REBOOT'})) {
+ $cmdline = $self->{WINDSH} . " -e \"shParse {" . $self->{REBOOT_CMD} . "}\" " . $ENV{'ACE_RUN_VX_TGTSVR'};
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ print $cmdline . "\n";
+ }
+ ## reboot VxWorks kernel to cleanup
+ Win32::Process::Create ($self->{PROCESS},
+ $self->{WINDSH},
+ $cmdline,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ '.');
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ print "Spawned: " . $cmdline . "\n";
+ }
+ Win32::Process::GetExitCode ($self->{PROCESS}, $status);
+ if ($status != $STILL_ACTIVE) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Spawn failed for <", $self->{WINDSH}, ">\n";
+ exit $status;
+ }
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ print "Status: $status\n";
+ }
+ $self->{RUNNING} = 1;
+ $status = $self->TimedWait (3);
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ print "TimedWait Status: $status\n";
+ }
+ if ($status == -1) {
+ $self->Kill ();
+ # Don't need to Wait since we are on Win32
+ }
+ $self->{RUNNING} = 0;
+ $self->{PROCESS} = undef;
+ $set_vx_defgw = 1;
+ $do_vx_init = 0;
+ sleep($self->{REBOOT_TIME});
+ }
+ my $program = $self->Executable ();
+ my $cwdrel = dirname ($program);
+ if (length ($cwdrel) > 0) {
+ $cwdrel = File::Spec->abs2rel( cwd(), $ENV{"ACE_ROOT"} );
+ }
+ else {
+ $cwdrel = File::Spec->abs2rel( $cwdrel, $ENV{"ACE_ROOT"} );
+ }
+ $cwdrel =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $program = basename($program, ".out");
+ unlink "run_test.vxs";
+ my $oh = new FileHandle();
+ if (!open($oh, ">run_test.vxs")) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Unable to write to run_test.vxs\n";
+ exit -1;
+ }
+ if ( defined $ENV{"ACE_RUN_VX_TGTSVR_DEFGW"} && $set_vx_defgw ) {
+ print $oh "\n" .
+ "mRouteAdd(\"\", \"" . $ENV{"ACE_RUN_VX_TGTSVR_DEFGW"} . "\", 0,0,0)\n";
+ $set_vx_defgw = 0;
+ }
+ print $oh "\n" .
+ "cd \"" . $ENV{"ACE_ROOT"} . "/" . $cwdrel . "\"\n" .
+ "\@cd \"" . $ENV{"ACE_RUN_VX_TGTSVR_ROOT"} . "/" . $cwdrel . "\"\n" .
+ "putenv(\"TMPDIR=" . $ENV{"ACE_RUN_VX_TGTSVR_ROOT"} . "/" . $cwdrel . "\")\n";
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_RUN_VX_CHECK_RESOURCES'}) {
+ print $oh "memShow();\n";
+ }
+ my $length = length ($program) + 2;
+ my $arguments = "";
+ if (defined $self->{ARGUMENTS}) {
+ ($arguments = $self->{ARGUMENTS})=~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
+ $arguments = ",\"" . $arguments . "\"";
+ }
+ print $oh "write(2, \"\\n$program\\n\", $length);\n" .
+ "ld 1,0,\"" . $program . ".out\"\n" .
+ "ace_vx_rc = vx_execae(ace_main" . $arguments . ")\n" .
+ "unld \"" . $program . ".out\"\n" .
+ "exit(ace_vx_rc)\n";
+ close($oh);
+ my $executable = $self->{WINDSH};
+ if (defined $ENV{'ACE_TEST_VERBOSE'}) {
+ $cmdline = $self->{WINDSH} . " -s run_test.vxs " . $ENV{"ACE_RUN_VX_TGTSVR"};
+ print "$executable $cmdline\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmdline = $self->{WINDSH} . " -q -s run_test.vxs " . $ENV{"ACE_RUN_VX_TGTSVR"};
+ }
+ Win32::Process::Create ($self->{PROCESS},
+ $executable,
+ $cmdline,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ '.');
+ Win32::Process::GetExitCode ($self->{PROCESS}, $status);
+ if ($status != $STILL_ACTIVE) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Spawn failed for <", $cmdline, ">\n";
+ exit $status;
+ }
+ $self->{RUNNING} = 1;
+ return 0;
+# Wait for the process to exit or kill after a time period
+sub WaitKill ($)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift;
+ my $status = $self->TimedWait ($timeout);
+ if ($status == -1) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: $self->{EXECUTABLE} timedout\n";
+ $self->Kill ();
+ # Don't need to Wait since we are on Win32
+ $do_vx_init = 1; # force reboot on next run
+ }
+ $self->{RUNNING} = 0;
+ return $status;
+# Do a Spawn and immediately WaitKill
+sub SpawnWaitKill ($)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift;
+ if ($self->Spawn () == -1) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return $self->WaitKill ($timeout);
+# Kill the process
+sub Kill ()
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{RUNNING}) {
+ Win32::Process::Kill ($self->{PROCESS}, -1);
+ }
+ $self->{RUNNING} = 0;
+# Terminate the process and wait for it to finish
+sub TerminateWaitKill ($)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift;
+ if ($self->{RUNNING}) {
+ print STDERR "INFO: $self->{EXECUTABLE} being killed.\n";
+ Win32::Process::Kill ($self->{PROCESS}, 0);
+ $do_vx_init = 1; # force reboot on next run
+ }
+ return $self->WaitKill ($timeout);
+# Wait until a process exits.
+# return -1 if the process is still alive.
+sub Wait ($)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $timeout = shift;
+ if (!defined $timeout || $timeout < 0) {
+ $timeout = INFINITE;
+ } else {
+ $timeout = $timeout * 1000 * $PerlACE::ProcessVX::WAIT_DELAY_FACTOR;
+ }
+ my $result = 0;
+ if ($self->{RUNNING}) {
+ $result = Win32::Process::Wait ($self->{PROCESS}, $timeout);
+ if ($result == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ Win32::Process::GetExitCode ($self->{PROCESS}, $result);
+ if ($result != 0) {
+ $do_vx_init = 1; # force reboot on next run
+ }
+ return $result;
+# Wait for a process to exit with a timeout
+sub TimedWait ($)
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($timeout) = shift;
+ return $self->Wait($timeout);
diff --git a/bin/PerlACE/ b/bin/PerlACE/
index 96afbb18934..b644755e99a 100644
--- a/bin/PerlACE/
+++ b/bin/PerlACE/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# $Id$
+use PerlACE::Run_Test;
package PerlACE::Process;
use strict;
@@ -102,14 +104,18 @@ sub Executable
my $executable = $self->{EXECUTABLE};
+ if (PerlACE::is_vxworks_test()) {
+ $executable = PerlACE::VX_HostFile ($executable);
+ }
if ($self->{IGNOREEXESUBDIR} == 0) {
- $executable = PerlACE::Process::Normalize_Executable_Name ($executable);
+ $executable = PerlACE::Process::Normalize_Executable_Name ($executable);
else {
- $executable = $executable.".EXE";
- $executable =~ s/\//\\/g; # / <- # color coding issue in devenv
+ $executable = $executable.".EXE";
+ $executable =~ s/\//\\/g; # / <- # color coding issue in devenv
return $executable;
diff --git a/bin/PerlACE/ b/bin/PerlACE/
index 9bfd180a712..8304eff2748 100644
--- a/bin/PerlACE/
+++ b/bin/PerlACE/
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@
# startup ARGV processing that is used by all tests.
use PerlACE::Process;
+use PerlACE::ProcessVX;
use PerlACE::ConfigList;
package PerlACE;
+use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
+my $config = new PerlACE::ConfigList;
+$PerlACE::VxWorks_Test = $config->check_config("VxWorks");
# Figure out the svc.conf extension
$svcconf_ext = $ENV{"ACE_RUNTEST_SVCCONF_EXT"};
if (!defined $svcconf_ext) {
@@ -16,7 +21,7 @@ if (!defined $svcconf_ext) {
# Default timeout. NSCORBA needs more time for process start up.
-$wait_interval_for_process_creation = ($^O eq "nonstop_kernel") ? 10 : 5;
+$wait_interval_for_process_creation = ($^O eq "nonstop_kernel") ? 10 : ($PerlACE::VxWorks_Test ? 60 : 5);
# Turn on autoflush
$| = 1;
@@ -38,6 +43,13 @@ sub LocalFile ($)
return $newfile;
+sub VX_HostFile($)
+ my $file = shift;
+ $file = File::Spec->rel2abs ($file);
+ $file = File::Spec->abs2rel ($file, $ENV{"ACE_ROOT"});
+ return $ENV{"HOST_ROOT"}."/".$file;
# Returns a unique id, uid for unix, last digit of IP for NT
sub uniqueid
@@ -77,7 +89,7 @@ sub waitforfile_timed
my $file = shift;
my $maxtime = shift;
- $maxtime *= $PerlACE::Process::WAIT_DELAY_FACTOR;
+ $maxtime *= ($PerlACE::VxWorks_Test ? $PerlACE::ProcessVX::WAIT_DELAY_FACTOR : $PerlACE::Process::WAIT_DELAY_FACTOR);
while ($maxtime-- != 0) {
if (-e $file && -s $file) {
@@ -129,6 +141,11 @@ sub generate_test_file
return $file;
+sub is_vxworks_test()
+ return $PerlACE::VxWorks_Test;
$sleeptime = 5;