diff options
4 files changed, 196 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/SA_POP/ChangeLog b/SA_POP/ChangeLog
index c697c630ddb..210cd50e76c 100644
--- a/SA_POP/ChangeLog
+++ b/SA_POP/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+Tue Nov 10 21:55:22 UTC 2009 Daniel L.C. Mack <>
+ * utils/SANetGenerator/
+ * utils/SANetGenerator/
+ * utils/SANetGenerator/
+ Added the capability of the SANet Generator to utilize some simple parameterization
+ and output a SANet .xml file
+Tue Nov 10 21:54:59 UTC 2009 Daniel L.C. Mack <>
+ * utils/SANetGenerator/
+ Updated to fix a bug with knowing when to stop.
Mon Nov 9 00:49:19 UTC 2009 William R. Otte <>
* SA_POP_Types.h:
@@ -9,8 +25,8 @@ Mon Nov 9 00:49:19 UTC 2009 William R. Otte <>
* SA_WorkingPlan.cpp:
* WorkingPlan.h:
- Portablility fixes.
+ Portablility fixes.
Wed Nov 4 22:47:08 UTC 2009 John S. Kinnebrew <>
diff --git a/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/ b/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..7986eabe903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#Daniel L.C. Mack
+#Build Random Graphs for SA_POP with simple parameter assignment
+#Note, the random values can cause a dead process, am working to find out why.
+import networkx as nx
+import re
+import sys
+import random as rand
+import Rand_Skeletons as RS
+import Rand_Params as RP
+Ntasks = int(sys.argv[1])
+Nconds = int(sys.argv[2])
+inDegree = float(sys.argv[3])
+outDegree = float(sys.argv[4])
+rGen = int(sys.argv[5])
+outname = sys.argv[6]
+output = outname + ".dot"
+outSAN = outname + ".xml"
+ofile = open(output, 'w')
+ofile.write("strict digraph testGraph {\n")
+SANet = nx.DiGraph()
+tasks = []
+conds = []
+ttonum = {}
+ctonum = {}
+#Build and record different types of nodes
+for each in range(0,Ntasks+1):
+ tname = "task" + str(each)
+ SANet.add_node(tname)
+ tasks.append(tname)
+for each in range(0,Nconds+1):
+ cname = "cond" + str(each)
+ SANet.add_node(cname)
+ conds.append(cname)
+#Choose function to generate from
+print "Generate Skeleton"
+if rGen == 1:
+ SANet = RS.erdosGen(SANet, tasks, conds, inDegree, outDegree)
+print "Generate Parameters"
+#Choose a method for placing probabilities on the skeleton
+ParamInfo = RP.flatGen(SANet, tasks, conds)
+#Print out the graph currently into something resembling an SANet, for GraphViz to render
+for each in tasks:
+ ofile.write("\"" + each + "\" [shape = box, style=filled, color = grey];\n" )
+for each in conds:
+ ofile.write("\"" + each +"\" [ style=filled, color = grey];\n")
+for edge in SANet.edges():
+ ofile.write("\"" + edge[0] + "\" -> \"" + edge[1] + "\";\n")
+#Print out a SAN XML
+print "Print SAN XML"
+nfile = open(outSAN, 'w')
+nfile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<SANet:network\n\txmlns:SANet=\"\"\n")
+nfile.write("\txmlns:xsi=\"\"\n\txsi:schemaLocation=\" SANet_Network.xsd\"\n\txmlns=\"\">")
+nfile.write("<defaultAttenFactor />\n\t<defaultTaskCost />\n\t<defaultCondUtil />\n\t<defaultCondProbTrue />\n\t<linkThresh />\n")
+tnode = 1001
+for each in tasks:
+ ttonum[each] = tnode
+ nfile.write("\n\t<taskNode>\n\t\t<nodeID>" + str(tnode) + "</nodeID>\n\t\t<name>" + each + "</name>\n\t\t<priorProb>" + str(ParamInfo[1][each]) + "</priorProb>\n\t\t<attenFactor />\n\t\t<cost />\n\t</taskNode>\n" )
+ tnode += 1
+cnode = 2001
+for each in conds:
+ ctonum[each] = cnode
+ nfile.write("\n\t<condNode>\n\t\t<nodeID>" + str(cnode) + "</nodeID>\n\t\t<name>" + each + "</name>\n\t\t<probTrue>" + str(0) + "</priorProb>\n\t\t<utility>0</utility>\n\t\t<kind />\n\t\t<attenFactor />\n\t</condNode>\n" )
+ cnode += 1
+for each in conds:
+ plinks = ParamInfo[2][each]
+ for link in plinks:
+ nfile.write("\n\t<precondLink>\n\t\t<condID>" + str(ctonum[each]) + "</condID>\n\t\t<taskID>" + str(ttonum[link[0]]) + "</taskID>\n\t\t<portID>Port</portID>\n\t\t<trueProb>" + str(link[1]) + "</trueProb>\n\t\t<falseProb>0</falseProb>\n\t\t</precondLink>\n")
+for each in tasks:
+ elinks = ParamInfo[3][each]
+ for link in elinks:
+ nfile.write("\n\t<effectLink>\n\t\t<taskID>" + str(ttonum[each]) + "</taskID>\n\t\t<condID>" + str(ctonum[link[0]]) + "</condID>\n\t\t<portID>Port</portID>\n\t\t<weight>" + str(link[1]) + "</weight>\n\t</effectLink>\n")
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/ b/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/
index 502e95eab8b..50ded82b1be 100755
--- a/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/
+++ b/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ for each in range(0,Nconds+1):
#Choose function to generate from
if rGen == 1:
- SANet = RS.erdosGen(SANet, tasks, conds, inDegree, outDegree)
+ SANet = RS.erdosGen(SANet, tasks, conds, inDegree, outDegree)
#Print out the graph currently into something resembling an SANet, for GraphViz to render
for each in tasks:
diff --git a/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/ b/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5efad373c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SA_POP/utils/SANetGenerator/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+Created by Daniel Mack on 2009-10-27.
+Generates Random Parameters for a Skeleton
+import sys
+import os
+import networkx as nx
+import random as rand
+def flatGen(SANet, tasks, conds):
+ effLinks = {}
+ preLinks = {}
+ priors = {}
+ #use the tasks as the starting point for assigning probabilities
+ for each in tasks:
+ effects = SANet.successors(each)
+ effLinks[each] = []
+ effAr = effLinks[each]
+ for eff in effects:
+ #uses uniform for the time being
+ weight = rand.uniform(0,2) - 1
+ #a tuple for efficient look up
+ lnk = (eff, weight)
+ effAr.append(lnk)
+ effLinks[each] = effAr
+ preconds = SANet.predecessors(each)
+ #this is uniform at .5 probability across all tasks
+ prior = 1.0
+ preprob = 0.0
+ #must have preconditions
+ #currently all preconditions must be positive
+ if len(preconds) > 0:
+ #Value is .5 to the power of the number of preconditions
+ prior = pow(.5, len(preconds))
+ #Each precondition probability is .5 to the number of preconditions - 1
+ #Should work for positive and negative, but for now, all preconditions are positive.
+ preprob = pow(.5, (len(preconds) - 1))
+ priors[each] = prior
+ #Book keeping for the graph.
+ #Assemble information on precondition links
+ for pre in preconds:
+ if pre in preLinks:
+ temp = preLinks[pre]
+ #A pair of task and precondition probability from the given conditon
+ temp.append((each,preprob))
+ preLinks[pre] =temp
+ else:
+ lnks = []
+ lnks.append((each, preprob))
+ preLinks[pre] = lnks
+ #returns the network structure, the priors on the tasks and hashmaps of the links and their values
+ info = (SANet, priors, preLinks, effLinks)
+ return info