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2 files changed, 82 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog-98b b/ChangeLog-98b
index e0e87c0d01e..8721575866b 100644
--- a/ChangeLog-98b
+++ b/ChangeLog-98b
@@ -1,42 +1,47 @@
+Tue Jun 30 22:05:01 1998 David L. Levine <>
+ * tests/Dynamic_Priority_Test.cpp: added template
+ instantiations.
Tue Jun 30 18:55:45 1998 Chris Gill <>
- * ace/Message_Queue_T.{cpp, h}
+ * ace/Message_Queue_T.{cpp, h}
- Added methods to ACE_Message_Queue_Factory to
- create an ACE_Dynamic_Message_Queue with the
- deadline and laxity with cleanup strategies.
- * tests/Dynamic_Priority_Test.cpp
+ Added methods to ACE_Message_Queue_Factory to
+ create an ACE_Dynamic_Message_Queue with the
+ deadline and laxity with cleanup strategies.
- Added tests for the new cleanup strategy factory methods
+ * tests/Dynamic_Priority_Test.cpp
+ Added tests for the new cleanup strategy factory methods
Tue Jun 30 18:03:15 1998 Chris Gill <>
- * ace/Message_Queue_T.{cpp, h}
- ace/Message_Block.{cpp, h, i}
+ * ace/Message_Queue_T.{cpp, h}
+ ace/Message_Block.{cpp, h, i}
+ Reorganized ACE_Dynamic_Message_Queue and related classes,
+ fixed bugs that turned up in testing: it's ready to put
+ on the road and see how it runs ;-)
- Reorganized ACE_Dynamic_Message_Queue and related classes,
- fixed bugs that turned up in testing: it's ready to put
- on the road and see how it runs ;-)
- * tests/Dynamic_Priority_Test.{cpp, dsp}
+ * tests/Dynamic_Priority_Test.{cpp, dsp}
- tests/Makefile
+ tests/Makefile
tests/run_tests.{bat, sh}
- Added a test for the static and dynamic (both deadline and laxity
- based) message queues, which assigns various message attributes,
- pushes messages into the queue, and makes sure the resulting
- dequeue order is correct for the given kind of queue.
+ Added a test for the static and dynamic (both deadline and laxity
+ based) message queues, which assigns various message attributes,
+ pushes messages into the queue, and makes sure the resulting
+ dequeue order is correct for the given kind of queue.
Tue Jun 30 14:04:42 1998 Steve Huston <>
- * ace/Message_Queue_T.cpp: Fixed references to an undeclared
- priority_eval_func_ptr_ - I think I figured out what it was
- supposed to be doing, but I'm not quite sure. It compiles ;-)
+ * ace/Message_Queue_T.cpp: Fixed references to an undeclared
+ priority_eval_func_ptr_ - I think I figured out what it was
+ supposed to be doing, but I'm not quite sure. It compiles ;-)
- * ace/Synch.h (ACE_Adaptive_Lock): Removed "= 0" (pure virtual) from
- destructor decl. The function is defined in Synch.cpp.
+ * ace/Synch.h (ACE_Adaptive_Lock): Removed "= 0" (pure virtual) from
+ destructor decl. The function is defined in Synch.cpp.
Tue Jun 30 13:13:21 1998 Irfan Pyarali <>
diff --git a/TAO/ChangeLog-98c b/TAO/ChangeLog-98c
index 6481a69314a..5a57f30a8c8 100644
--- a/TAO/ChangeLog-98c
+++ b/TAO/ChangeLog-98c
@@ -1,81 +1,86 @@
+Tue Jun 30 22:08:38 1998 David L. Levine <>
+ * TAO_IDL/be/be_codegen.cpp (lookup_strategy): added full
+ qualification of return type TAO_CodeGen::LOOKUP_STRATEGY.
Tue Jun 30 18:27:49 1998 Carlos O'Ryan <>
- * tao/Sequence_T.i:
- Another ACE_CAST_CONST problem, thanks to Seth Widoff
- ( for catching this one.
+ * tao/Sequence_T.i:
+ Another ACE_CAST_CONST problem, thanks to Seth Widoff
+ ( for catching this one.
Tue Jun 30 18:21:04 1998 Seth Benjamin Widoff <>
- * tests/Quoter/Makefile:
- Remove STL includes --- no longer needed for Trading Service.
+ * tests/Quoter/Makefile:
+ Remove STL includes --- no longer needed for Trading Service.
Tue Jun 30 16:50:12 1998 Alexander Babu Arulanthu <>
- First round of changes for GPERF + TAO_IDL integration. Execute
- tao_idl with -P option to enable PERFECT_HASH operation lookup
- strategy.
+ First round of changes for GPERF + TAO_IDL integration. Execute
+ tao_idl with -P option to enable PERFECT_HASH operation lookup
+ strategy.
- IDL-Attributes are not supported yet.
+ IDL-Attributes are not supported yet.
- * TAO_IDL/driver/drv_args.cpp: Added option -P to enable
- PERFECT_HASH operation lookup strategy.
+ * TAO_IDL/driver/drv_args.cpp: Added option -P to enable
+ PERFECT_HASH operation lookup strategy.
- * TAO_IDL/be_include/be_interface.h: Added methods to generate
- perfect hashing operation lookup table in the server skeleton
- code.
+ * TAO_IDL/be_include/be_interface.h: Added methods to generate
+ perfect hashing operation lookup table in the server skeleton
+ code.
- * TAO_IDL/be_include/be_helper.h (class TAO_OutStream): Added a
- new stream type GPERF_INPUT to indicate the outstream is for
- gperf's input file.
+ * TAO_IDL/be_include/be_helper.h (class TAO_OutStream): Added a
+ new stream type GPERF_INPUT to indicate the outstream is for
+ gperf's input file.
- * TAO_IDL/be_include/be_codegen.h (class TAO_CodeGen): Added <enum
- LOOKUP_STRATEGY {...}> to indicate various lookup
- strategies. Added the member and access methods that keeps track
- of the TAO_OutStream that corresponds to the gperf's input file.
+ * TAO_IDL/be_include/be_codegen.h (class TAO_CodeGen): Added <enum
+ LOOKUP_STRATEGY {...}> to indicate various lookup
+ strategies. Added the member and access methods that keeps track
+ of the TAO_OutStream that corresponds to the gperf's input file.
- * TAO_IDL/be_include/be.h: Included "ace/Process.h".
+ * TAO_IDL/be_include/be.h: Included "ace/Process.h".
- * TAO_IDL/be/be_interface.cpp:
+ * TAO_IDL/be/be_interface.cpp:
- * TAO_IDL/be/be_helper.cpp:
+ * TAO_IDL/be/be_helper.cpp:
- * TAO_IDL/be/be_codegen.cpp:
+ * TAO_IDL/be/be_codegen.cpp:
- * tao/Operation_Table.h (TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable):
- * tao/Operation_Table.cpp :
- Defined the class TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable, the factory
- class for Perfect_Hashing-Operation_Lookup strategy.
+ * tao/Operation_Table.h (TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable):
+ * tao/Operation_Table.cpp :
+ Defined the class TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable, the factory
+ class for Perfect_Hashing-Operation_Lookup strategy.
Tue Jun 30 13:23:59 1998 Carlos O'Ryan <>
- * orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Scheduler_Factory.cpp:
- Workaround Sun/CC problem when compiling with -O (but not
- -fast). Apparently it does not like to use static (file) scope
- symbols in the definition of a template.
+ * orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Scheduler_Factory.cpp:
+ Workaround Sun/CC problem when compiling with -O (but not
+ -fast). Apparently it does not like to use static (file) scope
+ symbols in the definition of a template.
Tue Jun 30 10:40:00 1998 Michael Kircher <>
- * docs/configurations.html: Added documentation about the
- -ORBiiopprofilelock switch.
+ * docs/configurations.html: Added documentation about the
+ -ORBiiopprofilelock switch.
- * tao/Client_Strategy_Factory.{h,cpp}: Added the create_iiop_profile_lock (void)
+ * tao/Client_Strategy_Factory.{h,cpp}: Added the create_iiop_profile_lock (void)
- * tao/GIOP.cpp: Use ACE_Lock instead of ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX.
+ * tao/GIOP.cpp: Use ACE_Lock instead of ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX.
- * tao/IIOP_Object.cpp: Added the initialization of the fwd_profile_lock_ptr to
- the constructor.
+ * tao/IIOP_Object.cpp: Added the initialization of the fwd_profile_lock_ptr to
+ the constructor.
- * tao/IIOP_Object.h: Changed the forward profile lock to a pointer to a lock.
+ * tao/IIOP_Object.h: Changed the forward profile lock to a pointer to a lock.
- * tao/IIOP_Object.i: Added the initialization of the fwd_profile_lock_ptr to
- the constructor.
+ * tao/IIOP_Object.i: Added the initialization of the fwd_profile_lock_ptr to
+ the constructor.
- * tao/default_client.{h,cpp}: Added the parsing of "-ORBportiiopproflielock" to
- the parse_args method. "thread" (default) means to use a mutex lock
- on the access of the forwarding iiop profile. "null" means, use a null
- mutex, which is faster, but does not provide any protection.
- Added also the function create_iiop_profile_lock () to allow
- others to create a new lock, depending on the above mentioned switch.
+ * tao/default_client.{h,cpp}: Added the parsing of "-ORBportiiopproflielock" to
+ the parse_args method. "thread" (default) means to use a mutex lock
+ on the access of the forwarding iiop profile. "null" means, use a null
+ mutex, which is faster, but does not provide any protection.
+ Added also the function create_iiop_profile_lock () to allow
+ others to create a new lock, depending on the above mentioned switch.
Tue Jun 30 00:58:57 1998 Douglas C. Schmidt <>