diff options
101 files changed, 0 insertions, 45436 deletions
diff --git a/STL/ACE_Changes b/STL/ACE_Changes
deleted file mode 100644
index 902fb94c94c..00000000000
--- a/STL/ACE_Changes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-This version of STL was obtained from
- This is a modified version of the
-implementation that comes with VC++4.0. Please see readme2.stl for
-The following modification have been made for compilation with VC++4.x
-vector.h (line 85)
- /*
- * This is cause the VC++ compiler sucks
- * and does not recognize nested classes properly
- *
- */
- vector(size_type n, const T& value = T()) {
- start = static_allocator.allocate(n);
- uninitialized_fill_n(start, n, value);
- finish = start + n;
- end_of_storage = finish;
- }
-bstring.h (line 1102)
- /*
- * This should be correctly scoped
- *
- * if (cap == ::reserve)
- */
- if (cap == std::reserve)
- {
- len = 0;
- res = size;
- ptr = new charT [res];
- }
- /*
- * This should be correctly scoped
- *
- * else if ((cap == ::default_size) && (size != NPOS))
- */
- else if ((cap == std::default_size) && (size != NPOS))
diff --git a/STL/readme2.stl b/STL/readme2.stl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5132bc1189b..00000000000
--- a/STL/readme2.stl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-Standard Template Library for Visual C++ 4.0
-and Related Classes
-Revised 10/15/96 - Bug fixes and change to bit_vector.
-This version supports DLLs and threading. You must use critical
-sections around code that uses the same container in different
-threads. These features come at a price -- since memory
-usage is not optimal, this code may use more memory and
-may be slower.
-+ General strategy: Remove all statics except the
- static allocator objects.
-+ Vectors were not affected.
-+ Major changes made to tree.h
-+ Stability: Very stable.
-This code should be considered for experimental use only. There
-are still statics lurking in some functions; these functions
-are not thread-safe.
-Fix for bit_vector
-This version also has a fix for bit_vector, which doesn't really
-work with VC++ 4.x. Please include bvector.cpp in your
-project if you use bit_vector. This fixes the linker errors
-that occur if you use bector.h in multiple .cpp files.
-Code is provided without warranty, liability, or technical support.
-STL.H and PTR.H are freely distributable and can be
-modified in any way.
-STRING.H does not compile.
-"D. Pirzadeh" <> Explains how to fix:
-First, I got compile errors in "bstring.h"
-and changed it as follows to correct:
- line 1104 "::reserve" -> "std::reserve"
- line 1110 "::default_size" -> "std::default_size"
-Also, I got an INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR with Visual C++ v4.0 when I did the fol-
- class xyz : public std::string { }
-I fixed it with:
- typedef std::string XyzString;
- class xyz : public XyzString { }
-Changes made to STL distribution
-These files were modified from the STL distribution shipped with
-Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0. The files here are a complete,
-working version of the STL. These files have been tested with
-MFC applications.
-Changes were made to practically all header files. Look for
-comments like:
-*Added by...
-*Changed by...
-Usage Instructions
-Set the preprocessor variable NOMINMAX.
-As Microsoft recommends, the STL is compiled in the std namespace.
-When including these files, do **not** do this:
- namespace std
- {
- #include <vector.h>
- }
-Instead, do this:
- #include <vector.h>
-Recommended usage:
- First, include:
- #include <afxwin.h>
- #include <afxext.h>
- #include <afxtempl.h>
- Then include the STL header files.
-Support for CString
-The stl.h file contains code written by me. The file contains
-operators that will allow you to use CString objects with STL
-containers and functions.
-!!!! CString will not work with STL unless you include <stl.h> !!!!
-Helper functions for pointers-in-containers
-There is a file called stl.h which contains two functions:
- SequenceDelete
- MapDelete
-These functions send "delete" to all of the objects in a container.
-If you don't like this approach, you can use a supplied "pointer
-wrapper" class.
-There is a file called ptr.h which contains a class called Ptr
-that can be used exactly like a pointer. The object has a pointer
-inside it that points to an object of any class. When a Ptr object
-is deleted, "delete" is sent to its underlying pointer. Ptr can be
-used with any STL container, as it has a copy constructor and
-assignment operator, which transfers "ownership" of the pointer from
-the source object to the destination object. Ptr is from the book
-Design Patterns by Gamma et al -- see the Proxy pattern.
-The Ptr class makes memory leaks impossible, because it deletes
-objects automatically when the container is deleted, or when
-functions like "delete" are used.
- This is a vector of CStrings:
- std::vector< Ptr<CString> > StringVector;
- StringVector.push_back( Ptr( new CString( "hello" ) ) );
- StringVector.push_back( Ptr( new CString( "This is another string" ) ) );
-Common Problems with STL
-1) Compiler error: != is ambiguous
- Solution: put the following line at the beginning of the method
- that caused the error:
- using namespace std;
-2) When using maps, the debugger crashes.
- This is because symbols for maps (actually, for the "pair")
- get truncated to 255 characters. Solution: Turn off the
- variables window in the debugger. Don't try to look at
- a symbol that has been truncated. This is not an STL-specific
- bug -- It's a bug in the debugger.
-3) All sorts of compile errors in STL header files
- Make sure the preprocessor variable NOMINMAX is defined
-4) Compiler errors about "operator < is not available", etc.
- The class involved has global comparison operators.
- Solution:
- Write "routers" in the std namespace to the global namespace.
- Example (see also stl.h - this is how CString is able
- to work with STL):
- namespace std
- {
- BOOL operator < ( const MyClass & rLhs,
- const AnotherClass & rRhs )
- {
- return ::operator < ( rLhs, rRhs );
- }
- }
- See also 5.
-5) When you use find() or another algorithm, the compiler
- complains that it cannot find the == or < operators.
-If your code compiles without any error messages, then disregard
-this section. However, if you get errors like "cannot convert
-first argument from const class X" then read on.
-I am assuming that your code is calling an STL algorithm like
-std::sort() or std::find(). If you're not, I can't help
-There is apparently a bug in the Microsoft compiler regarding
-namespaces. Namespaces cannot locate global
-functions that reside in the global namespace. For example,
-the binary == operator.
-Maybe this is a bug, maybe it isn't. This is not clear
-to me. However, I do know what works and have tried many other
-approaches that do not work. If you have a better solution I
-would appreciate it if you could let me know about it.
-So, if you declare your own class and want to use algorithms
-like find() on an STL container, you have two choices:
-(1) Declare == as a member function.
-(2) Declare global operators == and !=.
-(1) simply works. There will come a time, however, when (1)
-won't satisfy your needs. If A == B, then B == A. You can't
-do this using member functions if A and B are from different
-If you choose (2), you must add the != operator to the std
-namespace. There are two ways to do this. First, you can do
- namespace std
- {
- inline operator != ( const MyClass &rLhs, const MyClass &rRhs )
- {
- return ::operator != ( rLhs, rRhs );
- }
- }
-This "routes" != from the std namespace to the global namespace.
-Note that ( lhs != rhs ) can be derived from the == operator
-as !( lhs == rhs ). There is a macro in STL.H,
-STL_DECLARE_GLOBAL_NE, that does this derivation.
-This derivation will not work when for whatever reason, !(lhs == rhs)
-is not the same as ( lhs != rhs ).
-The following example shows what you have to do for find(). Other
-algorithms require you to declare <, <=, and >= too. See the
-STL_GLOBAL_LE. These macros derive new comparison operators
-from "operator <( const T&, const T& )".
-class MyClass
- public:
- int units;
- CString description;
-// We want to be able to test two MyClass objects against each other
-// in STL. Need to create a global operator for this purpose.
-// Since we use find(), we need to declare not-equal too.
-bool operator == ( const MyClass &, const MyClass & );
-// These operators test for a matching description.
-// We do A == B and B == A to be consistent.
-bool operator == ( const MyClass&, const CString & );
-bool operator == ( const CString&, const MyClass & );
-6. Errors when creating vectors that have vectors and deques
- that have deques.
- Solution: Provide atruments to the constructor.
- std::vector< std::vector<int> >
- TwoDimensional( 0, std::vector<int>() );
diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AVStreams_Full.idl b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AVStreams_Full.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f04c91261e..00000000000
--- a/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/AVStreams_Full.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// IDL for Control and Management of Audio/Video Streams
-// Revised Submission
-// Additional IDL for full profile
-#include "AVStreams.idl"
-#pragma prefix ""
-module AVStreams_Full
- exception protocolNotSupported{};
- exception formatNotSupported{};
- exception formatMismatch{};
- exception FEPMismatch{};
- exception alreadyConnected{};
- exception invalidSettings{string settings;};
- exception notConnected{};
- exception deviceQosMismatch{};
- exception failedToConnect{string reason;};
- exception failedToListen{string reason;};
- interface FlowProducer;
- interface FlowConsumer;
- interface FlowEndPoint;
- interface FDev;
- interface FlowConnection : PropertyService::PropertySet
- {
- void stop();
- void start();
- void destroy();
- boolean modify_QoS(
- inout AVStreams::QoS new_qos)
- raises (AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- boolean use_flow_protocol(
- in string fp_name,
- in any fp_settings)
- raises (AVStreams::FPError, AVStreams::notSupported);
- oneway void push_event(in AVStreams::streamEvent the_event);
- boolean connect_devs(in FDev a_party, in FDev b_party,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos)
- raises (AVStreams::streamOpFailed,
- AVStreams::streamOpDenied,
- AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- boolean connect(
- in FlowProducer flow_producer,
- in FlowConsumer flow_consumer,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos)
- raises (formatMismatch, FEPMismatch, alreadyConnected);
- boolean disconnect();
- // The notSupported exception is raised where
- // flow cannot have multiple producers
- boolean add_producer(in FlowProducer flow_producer,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos)
- raises (alreadyConnected, AVStreams::notSupported);
- boolean add_consumer(in FlowConsumer flow_consumer,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos)
- raises (alreadyConnected);
- boolean drop(in FlowEndPoint target)
- raises (notConnected);
- };
- interface FlowEndPoint : PropertyService::PropertySet
- {
- boolean lock();
- void unlock();
- void stop();
- void start();
- void destroy();
- // Default is a nil object reference
- attribute AVStreams::StreamEndPoint related_sep;
- attribute FlowConnection related_flow_connection;
- FlowEndPoint get_connected_fep()
- raises (notConnected,
- AVStreams::notSupported);
- // syntax of fp_name is <flowProtocol>
- boolean use_flow_protocol(in string fp_name,
- in any fp_settings)
- raises (AVStreams::FPError, AVStreams::notSupported);
- // set_format() initializes 'format'
- // as current media format e.g. MPEG.
- void set_format(in string format)
- raises (AVStreams::notSupported);
- void set_dev_params(
- in PropertyService::Properties new_settings)
- raises (PropertyService::PropertyException,
- AVStreams::streamOpFailed);
- void set_protocol_restriction(in AVStreams::protocolSpec
- the_spec)
- raises (AVStreams::notSupported);
- boolean is_fep_compatible(in FlowEndPoint fep)
- raises (formatMismatch, deviceQosMismatch);
- boolean set_peer(
- in FlowConnection the_fc,
- in FlowEndPoint the_peer_fep,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos)
- raises (AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed,
- AVStreams::streamOpFailed);
- boolean set_Mcast_peer(
- in FlowConnection the_fc,
- in AVStreams::MCastConfigIf a_mcastconfigif,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos)
- raises (AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- };
- interface FlowProducer : FlowEndPoint
- {
- boolean connect_to_peer(inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos,
- in string address,
- in string use_flow_protocol) // syntax <flowProtocol>
- raises(failedToConnect,
- AVStreams::FPError, AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- string connect_mcast(inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos,
- out boolean is_met,
- in string address,
- in string use_flow_protocol)
- raises (failedToConnect,
- AVStreams::notSupported,
- AVStreams::FPError,
- AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- string get_rev_channel(in string pcol_name);
- void set_key(in AVStreams::key the_key);
- void set_source_id(in long source_id);
- };
- interface FlowConsumer : FlowEndPoint
- {
- // Needs to know its peer to choose its protocol correctly
- // Also to ask for a reverse channel for credit-based flow
- // control, if one is required
- string go_to_listen(
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos,
- in boolean is_mcast,
- in FlowProducer peer,
- inout string flowProtocol)// syntax <flowProtocol>
- raises(failedToListen, AVStreams::FPError,
- AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- };
- interface FDev : PropertyService::PropertySet {
- FlowProducer create_producer(
- in FlowConnection the_requester,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos,
- out boolean met_qos,
- inout string named_fdev)
- raises(AVStreams::streamOpFailed,
- AVStreams::streamOpDenied,
- AVStreams::notSupported,
- AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- FlowConsumer create_consumer(
- in FlowConnection the_requester,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos,
- out boolean met_qos,
- inout string named_fdev)
- raises(AVStreams::streamOpFailed,
- AVStreams::streamOpDenied,
- AVStreams::notSupported,
- AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- FlowConnection bind(in FDev peer_device,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos,
- out boolean is_met)
- raises (AVStreams::streamOpFailed,
- AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- FlowConnection bind_mcast(in FDev first_peer,
- inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos,
- out boolean is_met)
- raises (AVStreams::streamOpFailed,
- AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed);
- void destroy(in FlowEndPoint the_ep, in string fdev_name)
- // ie FDev not found
- raises (AVStreams::notSupported);
- };
- enum PositionOrigin {
- AbsolutePosition, RelativePosition, ModuloPosition
- };
- enum PositionKey {
- ByteCount, SampleCount, MediaTime
- };
- struct Position {
- PositionOrigin origin;
- PositionKey key;
- long value;
- };
- exception PostionKeyNotSupported { PositionKey key;};
- exception InvalidPosition { PositionKey key;};
- // MediaControl interface is similar to
- // ControlledStream interface in MSS.
- // It can be inherited by flow endpoints or
- // FlowConnection interfaces.
- interface MediaControl{
- exception PostionKeyNotSupported { PositionKey key;};
- Position get_media_position(
- in PositionOrigin an_origin,
- in PositionKey a_key)
- raises (PostionKeyNotSupported);
- void set_media_position(in Position a_position)
- raises (PostionKeyNotSupported, InvalidPosition);
- void start(in Position a_position)
- raises(InvalidPosition);
- void pause(in Position a_position)
- raises(InvalidPosition);
- void resume(in Position a_position)
- raises(InvalidPosition);
- void stop(in Position a_position)
- raises(InvalidPosition);
- };
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.cpp b/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 97c91795476..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1145 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "tao/Active_Object_Map.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/Active_Object_Map.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
-ACE_RCSID(tao, Active_Object_Map, "$Id$")
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry::Map_Entry (void)
- : user_id_ (),
- system_id_ (),
- servant_ (0),
- reference_count_ (1),
- deactivated_ (0),
- priority_ (-1)
-/* static */
-size_t TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_ = 0;
- (const TAO_Server_Strategy_Factory::Active_Object_Map_Creation_Parameters &creation_parameters)
- if (TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_ == 0)
- {
- if (creation_parameters.allow_reactivation_of_system_ids_)
- {
- switch (creation_parameters.object_lookup_strategy_for_system_id_policy_)
- {
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_ =
- sizeof (CORBA::ULong);
- break;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- default:
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_ = sizeof (CORBA::ULong);
- break;
- }
- size_t hint_size = 0;
- if (creation_parameters.use_active_hint_in_ids_)
- hint_size = ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key::size ();
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_ += hint_size;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (creation_parameters.object_lookup_strategy_for_system_id_policy_)
- {
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_ =
- sizeof (CORBA::ULong);
- break;
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_ =
- sizeof (CORBA::ULong);
- break;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- default:
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_ =
- ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key::size ();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::TAO_Active_Object_Map (int user_id_policy,
- int unique_id_policy,
- int persistent_id_policy,
- const TAO_Server_Strategy_Factory::Active_Object_Map_Creation_Parameters &creation_parameters,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- : user_id_map_ (0),
- servant_map_ (0),
- id_uniqueness_strategy_ (0),
- lifespan_strategy_ (0),
- id_assignment_strategy_ (0),
- id_hint_strategy_ (0)
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::set_system_id_size (creation_parameters);
- TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy *id_uniqueness_strategy = 0;
- if (unique_id_policy)
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_uniqueness_strategy,
- TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy,
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_uniqueness_strategy,
- TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy,
- }
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy> new_id_uniqueness_strategy (id_uniqueness_strategy);
- TAO_Lifespan_Strategy *lifespan_strategy = 0;
- if (persistent_id_policy)
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (lifespan_strategy,
- TAO_Persistent_Strategy,
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (lifespan_strategy,
- TAO_Transient_Strategy,
- }
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<TAO_Lifespan_Strategy> new_lifespan_strategy (lifespan_strategy);
- TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy *id_assignment_strategy = 0;
- if (user_id_policy)
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_assignment_strategy,
- TAO_User_Id_Strategy,
- }
- else if (unique_id_policy)
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_assignment_strategy,
- TAO_System_Id_With_Unique_Id_Strategy,
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_assignment_strategy,
- TAO_System_Id_With_Multiple_Id_Strategy,
- }
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy> new_id_assignment_strategy (id_assignment_strategy);
- TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy *id_hint_strategy = 0;
- if ((user_id_policy
- || creation_parameters.allow_reactivation_of_system_ids_)
- && creation_parameters.use_active_hint_in_ids_)
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_hint_strategy,
- TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy (creation_parameters.active_object_map_size_),
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_hint_strategy,
- TAO_No_Hint_Strategy,
- }
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy> new_id_hint_strategy (id_hint_strategy);
- servant_map *sm = 0;
- if (unique_id_policy)
- {
- switch (creation_parameters.reverse_object_lookup_strategy_for_unique_id_policy_)
- {
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- servant_linear_map (creation_parameters.active_object_map_size_),
- break;
- "linear option for -ORBUniqueidPolicyReverseDemuxStrategy "
- "not supported with minimum POA maps. "
- "Ingoring option to use default... \n"));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- default:
- servant_hash_map (creation_parameters.active_object_map_size_),
- break;
- }
- }
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<servant_map> new_servant_map (sm);
- user_id_map *uim = 0;
- if (user_id_policy
- || creation_parameters.allow_reactivation_of_system_ids_)
- {
- switch (creation_parameters.object_lookup_strategy_for_user_id_policy_)
- {
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- user_id_linear_map (creation_parameters.active_object_map_size_),
- break;
- "linear option for -ORBUseridPolicyDemuxStrategy "
- "not supported with minimum POA maps. "
- "Ingoring option to use default... \n"));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- default:
- user_id_hash_map (creation_parameters.active_object_map_size_),
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (creation_parameters.object_lookup_strategy_for_system_id_policy_)
- {
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- user_id_linear_map (creation_parameters.active_object_map_size_),
- break;
- user_id_hash_map (creation_parameters.active_object_map_size_),
- break;
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- "linear and dynamic options for -ORBSystemidPolicyDemuxStrategy "
- "are not supported with minimum POA maps. "
- "Ingoring option to use default... \n"));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- default:
- user_id_active_map (creation_parameters.active_object_map_size_),
- break;
- }
- }
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<user_id_map> new_user_id_map (uim);
- id_uniqueness_strategy->set_active_object_map (this);
- lifespan_strategy->set_active_object_map (this);
- id_assignment_strategy->set_active_object_map (this);
- // Finally everything is fine. Make sure to take ownership away
- // from the auto pointer.
- this->id_uniqueness_strategy_ = new_id_uniqueness_strategy.release ();
- this->lifespan_strategy_ = new_lifespan_strategy.release ();
- this->id_assignment_strategy_ = new_id_assignment_strategy.release ();
- this->id_hint_strategy_ = new_id_hint_strategy.release ();
- this->servant_map_ = new_servant_map.release ();
- this->user_id_map_ = new_user_id_map.release ();
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::~TAO_Active_Object_Map (void)
- user_id_map::iterator iterator = this->user_id_map_->begin ();
- user_id_map::iterator end = this->user_id_map_->end ();
- for (;
- iterator != end;
- ++iterator)
- {
- user_id_map::value_type map_entry = *iterator;
- delete map_entry.second ();
- }
- delete this->id_uniqueness_strategy_;
- delete this->lifespan_strategy_;
- delete this->id_assignment_strategy_;
- delete this->id_hint_strategy_;
- delete this->servant_map_;
- delete this->user_id_map_;
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::is_user_id_in_map (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- int &priorities_match,
- int &deactivated)
- Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->user_id_map_->find (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->servant_ == 0)
- {
- result = 0;
- if (entry->priority_ != priority)
- priorities_match = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- result = 1;
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- {
- deactivated = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result = 0;
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy::~TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy (void)
-TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy::set_active_object_map (TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map)
- this->active_object_map_ = active_object_map;
-TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy::is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- int &deactivated)
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->active_object_map_->servant_map_->find (servant,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- result = 1;
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- {
- deactivated = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result = 0;
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy::bind_using_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- int result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->find (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (servant != 0)
- {
- entry->servant_ = servant;
- result = this->active_object_map_->servant_map_->bind (entry->servant_,
- entry);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (entry,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry,
- -1);
- entry->user_id_ = user_id;
- entry->servant_ = servant;
- entry->priority_ = priority;
- result = this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->bind (*entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->bind (entry->user_id_,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (servant != 0)
- result = this->active_object_map_->servant_map_->bind (entry->servant_,
- entry);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->unbind (entry->user_id_);
- this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->unbind (*entry);
- delete entry;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->unbind (*entry);
- delete entry;
- }
- }
- else
- delete entry;
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy::unbind_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id)
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->unbind (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->servant_ != 0)
- result = this->active_object_map_->servant_map_->unbind (entry->servant_);
- if (result == 0)
- result =
- this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->unbind (*entry);
- if (result == 0)
- delete entry;
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy::find_user_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id)
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->active_object_map_->servant_map_->find (servant,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- result = -1;
- else
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (user_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId (entry->user_id_),
- -1);
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy::find_system_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- CORBA::Short &priority)
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->active_object_map_->servant_map_->find (servant,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- result = -1;
- else
- {
- result = this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->system_id (system_id,
- *entry);
- if (result == 0)
- priority = entry->priority_;
- }
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy::remaining_activations (PortableServer::Servant servant)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (servant);
- // Since servant are always unique here, return false.
- return 0;
-TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy::is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant,
- int &)
- return -1;
-TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy::bind_using_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- int result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->find (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (servant != 0)
- entry->servant_ = servant;
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (entry,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry,
- -1);
- entry->user_id_ = user_id;
- entry->servant_ = servant;
- entry->priority_ = priority;
- result =
- this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->bind (*entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->bind (entry->user_id_,
- entry);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->unbind (*entry);
- delete entry;
- }
- }
- else
- delete entry;
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy::unbind_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id)
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->unbind (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- result = this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->unbind (*entry);
- if (result == 0)
- delete entry;
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy::find_user_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (servant);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (user_id);
- return -1;
-TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy::find_system_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out,
- CORBA::Short &)
- return -1;
-TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy::remaining_activations (PortableServer::Servant servant)
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map::iterator end
- = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->end ();
- for (TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map::iterator iter
- = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->begin ();
- iter != end;
- ++iter)
- {
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map::value_type map_pair = *iter;
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry = map_pair.second ();
- if (entry->servant_ == servant)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-TAO_Lifespan_Strategy::~TAO_Lifespan_Strategy (void)
-TAO_Lifespan_Strategy::set_active_object_map (TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map)
- this->active_object_map_ = active_object_map;
-TAO_Transient_Strategy::find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- int result = this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->find (system_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- result = -1;
- else if (entry->servant_ == 0)
- result = -1;
- else
- servant = entry->servant_;
- }
- else
- {
- result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->find (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- result = -1;
- else if (entry->servant_ == 0)
- result = -1;
- else
- servant = entry->servant_;
- }
- }
- if (result == -1)
- entry = 0;
- return result;
-TAO_Persistent_Strategy::find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- int result = this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->find (system_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0 &&
- user_id == entry->user_id_)
- {
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- result = -1;
- else if (entry->servant_ == 0)
- result = -1;
- else
- servant = entry->servant_;
- }
- else
- {
- result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->find (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- result = -1;
- else if (entry->servant_ == 0)
- result = -1;
- else
- servant = entry->servant_;
- }
- }
- if (result == -1)
- entry = 0;
- return result;
-TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy::~TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy (void)
-TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy::set_active_object_map (TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map)
- this->active_object_map_ = active_object_map;
-TAO_User_Id_Strategy::bind_using_system_id (PortableServer::Servant,
- CORBA::Short,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&)
- return -1;
-TAO_System_Id_With_Unique_Id_Strategy::bind_using_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (entry,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry,
- -1);
- int result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->bind_create_key (entry,
- entry->user_id_);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- entry->servant_ = servant;
- entry->priority_ = priority;
- result = this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->bind (*entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (servant != 0)
- result = this->active_object_map_->servant_map_->bind (entry->servant_,
- entry);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->unbind (entry->user_id_);
- this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->unbind (*entry);
- delete entry;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->unbind (entry->user_id_);
- delete entry;
- }
- }
- else
- delete entry;
- return result;
-TAO_System_Id_With_Multiple_Id_Strategy::bind_using_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (entry,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry,
- -1);
- int result = this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->bind_create_key (entry,
- entry->user_id_);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- entry->servant_ = servant;
- entry->priority_ = priority;
- result = this->active_object_map_->id_hint_strategy_->bind (*entry);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- this->active_object_map_->user_id_map_->unbind (entry->user_id_);
- delete entry;
- }
- }
- else
- delete entry;
- return result;
-TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy::~TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy (void)
-TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy::TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy (CORBA::ULong map_size)
- : system_id_map_ (map_size)
-TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy::~TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy (void)
-TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy::recover_key (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id)
- return this->system_id_map_.recover_key (system_id,
- user_id);
-TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy::bind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry)
- entry.system_id_ = entry.user_id_;
- return this->system_id_map_.bind_modify_key (&entry,
- entry.system_id_);
-TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy::unbind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry)
- return this->system_id_map_.unbind (entry.system_id_);
-TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy::find (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- return this->system_id_map_.find (system_id,
- entry);
-TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy::hint_size (void)
- return ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key::size ();
-TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy::system_id (PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId (entry.system_id_),
- -1);
- return 0;
-TAO_No_Hint_Strategy::~TAO_No_Hint_Strategy (void)
-TAO_No_Hint_Strategy::recover_key (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id)
- // Smartly copy all the data; <user_id does not own the data>.
- user_id.replace (system_id.maximum (),
- system_id.length (),
- ACE_const_cast (CORBA::Octet *,
- system_id.get_buffer ()),
- 0);
- return 0;
-TAO_No_Hint_Strategy::bind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (entry);
- return 0;
-TAO_No_Hint_Strategy::unbind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (entry);
- return 0;
-TAO_No_Hint_Strategy::find (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (system_id);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (entry);
- return -1;
-TAO_No_Hint_Strategy::hint_size (void)
- return 0;
-TAO_No_Hint_Strategy::system_id (PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId (entry.user_id_),
- -1);
- return 0;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Lifespan_Strategy>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map::servant_map>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Lifespan_Strategy>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map::servant_map>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map>;
-// Common typedefs.
-typedef PortableServer::ObjectId id;
-typedef PortableServer::Servant servant;
-typedef TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *value;
-typedef ACE_Pair<id, value> id_expanded_value;
-typedef ACE_Reference_Pair<const id, value> id_value_type;
-typedef ACE_Reference_Pair<const servant, value> servant_value_type;
-typedef ACE_Equal_To<id> id_compare_keys;
-typedef ACE_Equal_To<servant> servant_compare_keys;
-typedef TAO_ObjectId_Hash id_hash;
-typedef TAO_Servant_Hash servant_hash;
-typedef ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<servant> noop_servant_key_generator;
-template class ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<servant>;
-// Common
-template class ACE_Reference_Pair<const id, value>;
-template class ACE_Reference_Pair<const servant, value>;
-// Map and iterator classes.
-template class ACE_Map<id, value>;
-template class ACE_Map<servant, value>;
-template class ACE_Iterator<id_value_type>;
-template class ACE_Iterator<servant_value_type>;
-template class ACE_Reverse_Iterator<id_value_type>;
-template class ACE_Reverse_Iterator<servant_value_type>;
-// Iterator base classes.
-template class ACE_Iterator_Impl<id_value_type>;
-template class ACE_Iterator_Impl<servant_value_type>;
-template class ACE_Reverse_Iterator_Impl<id_value_type>;
-template class ACE_Reverse_Iterator_Impl<servant_value_type>;
-// Active Map Manager related.
-template class ACE_Pair<id, value>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<id, value, TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<id, value, TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id_expanded_value>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id_expanded_value>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager<id_expanded_value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Entry<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value>;
-// Hash Map Manager related.
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, noop_servant_key_generator>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Iterator_Adapter<servant_value_type, servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<servant_value_type, servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<id, value>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<servant, value>;
-template class ACE_Equal_To<id>;
-template class ACE_Equal_To<servant>;
-// Map Manager related.
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id, value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<servant_value_type, servant, value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id, value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<servant_value_type, servant, value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<id, value, TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<servant, value, noop_servant_key_generator>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager<id, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager<servant, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<id, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<servant, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator<id, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator<servant, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<id, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<servant, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Entry<id, value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Entry<servant, value>;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Lifespan_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map::servant_map>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Lifespan_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map::servant_map>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map>
-// Common typedefs.
-typedef PortableServer::ObjectId id;
-typedef PortableServer::Servant servant;
-typedef TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry * value;
-typedef ACE_Pair<id, value> id_expanded_value;
-typedef ACE_Reference_Pair<const id, value> id_value_type;
-typedef ACE_Reference_Pair<const servant, value> servant_value_type;
-typedef ACE_Equal_To<id> id_compare_keys;
-typedef ACE_Equal_To<servant> servant_compare_keys;
-typedef TAO_ObjectId_Hash id_hash;
-typedef TAO_Servant_Hash servant_hash;
-typedef ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<servant> noop_servant_key_generator;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<servant>
-// Common
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reference_Pair<const id, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reference_Pair<const servant, value>
-// Map and iterator classes.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map<id, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map<servant, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Iterator<id_value_type>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Iterator<servant_value_type>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reverse_Iterator<id_value_type>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reverse_Iterator<servant_value_type>
-// Iterator base classes.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Iterator_Impl<id_value_type>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Iterator_Impl<servant_value_type>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reverse_Iterator_Impl<id_value_type>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reverse_Iterator_Impl<servant_value_type>
-// Active Map Manager related.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Pair<id, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<id, value, TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<id, value, TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id_expanded_value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id_expanded_value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager<id_expanded_value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Entry<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, id_expanded_value>
-// Hash Map Manager related.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, noop_servant_key_generator>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Iterator_Adapter<servant_value_type, servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<servant_value_type, servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<id, value, id_hash, id_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<servant, value, servant_hash, servant_compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<id, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<servant, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Equal_To<id>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Equal_To<servant>
-// Map Manager related.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<servant_value_type, servant, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<id_value_type, id, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<servant_value_type, servant, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<id, value, TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<servant, value, noop_servant_key_generator>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager<id, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager<servant, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<id, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<servant, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator<id, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator<servant, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<id, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<servant, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Entry<id, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Entry<servant, value>
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.h b/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca0bc87dfe..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// Active_Object_Map.h
-// = AUTHOR
-// Irfan Pyarali
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/Key_Adapters.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Strategy_Factory.h"
-#include "tao/Servant_Base.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-// Forward declarations.
-class TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy;
-class TAO_Lifespan_Strategy;
-class TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy;
-class TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Active_Object_Map
- // = TITLE
- // Map of object ids to servants.
- //
- // Implementation to be used by the POA.
- struct Map_Entry
- {
- // = TITLE
- // Value field of the active object map.
- //
- // We need a mapping from and to all of the following fields:
- // <user_id>, <system_id>, and <servant>. Therefore, we keep
- // all the fields together in the map.
- Map_Entry (void);
- // Default constructor.
- PortableServer::ObjectId user_id_;
- // User id.
- PortableServer::ObjectId system_id_;
- // System id.
- PortableServer::Servant servant_;
- // Servant.
- CORBA::UShort reference_count_;
- // Reference count on outstanding requests on this servant.
- CORBA::Boolean deactivated_;
- // Has this servant been deactivated already?
- CORBA::Short priority_;
- // Priority of this servant.
- };
- TAO_Active_Object_Map (int user_id_policy,
- int unique_id_policy,
- int persistent_id_policy,
- const TAO_Server_Strategy_Factory::Active_Object_Map_Creation_Parameters &creation_parameters,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Constructor.
- ~TAO_Active_Object_Map (void);
- // Destructor.
- int is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- int &deactivated);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy.
- int is_user_id_in_map (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- int &priorities_match,
- int &deactivated);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- int bind_using_system_id_returning_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id);
- // Must be used with SYSTEM_ID policy.
- int bind_using_system_id_returning_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id);
- // Must be used with SYSTEM_ID policy.
- int bind_using_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- int find_system_id_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- int rebind_using_user_id_and_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Can be used with any policy.
- int unbind_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- int find_user_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- int find_system_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- CORBA::Short &priority);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- int find_servant_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- int find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Can be used with any policy.
- int find_servant_and_system_id_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- CORBA::Short &priority);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is identical to <system_id>.
- int find_servant_and_system_id_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is identical to <system_id>.
- int find_user_id_using_system_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id);
- // Can be used with any policy. When the SYSTEM_ID policy is used,
- // the <system_id> is identical to <user_id>.
- int find_user_id_using_system_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id);
- // Can be used with any policy. When the SYSTEM_ID policy is used,
- // the <system_id> is identical to <user_id>.
- CORBA::Boolean remaining_activations (PortableServer::Servant servant);
- // Are there any remaining activations of <servant> in the active
- // object map? Can be used with any policy.
- size_t current_size (void);
- // Size of the map.
- static size_t system_id_size (void);
- // Can be used with any policy.
- static void set_system_id_size (const TAO_Server_Strategy_Factory::Active_Object_Map_Creation_Parameters &creation_parameters);
- // Set the system id size.
- typedef ACE_Map<
- PortableServer::ObjectId,
- Map_Entry *> user_id_map;
- // Base class of the id map.
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<
- PortableServer::ObjectId,
- Map_Entry *,
- TAO_ObjectId_Hash,
- ACE_Equal_To<PortableServer::ObjectId>,
- TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator> user_id_hash_map;
- // Id hash map.
- typedef ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<
- PortableServer::ObjectId,
- Map_Entry *,
- TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator> user_id_linear_map;
- // Id linear map.
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- typedef ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<
- PortableServer::ObjectId,
- Map_Entry *,
- TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter> user_id_active_map;
- // Id active map.
- typedef ACE_Map<
- PortableServer::Servant,
- Map_Entry *> servant_map;
- // Base class of the servant map.
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<
- PortableServer::Servant,
- Map_Entry *,
- TAO_Servant_Hash,
- ACE_Equal_To<PortableServer::Servant>,
- ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<PortableServer::Servant> > servant_hash_map;
- // Servant hash map.
- typedef ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<
- PortableServer::Servant,
- Map_Entry *,
- ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<PortableServer::Servant> > servant_linear_map;
- // Servant linear map.
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- user_id_map *user_id_map_;
- // Id map.
- servant_map *servant_map_;
- // Servant map.
- TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy *id_uniqueness_strategy_;
- // Id uniqueness strategy.
- TAO_Lifespan_Strategy *lifespan_strategy_;
- // Lifespan strategy.
- TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy *id_assignment_strategy_;
- // Id assignment strategy.
- TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy *id_hint_strategy_;
- // Id hint strategy.
- static size_t system_id_size_;
- // Size of the system id produced by the map.
-class TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Id uniqueness strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for implementing points of variation between the
- // UNIQUE_ID and the MULTIPLE_ID policies.
- virtual ~TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy (void);
- // Virtual destructor.
- virtual int is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- int &deactivated) = 0;
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy.
- virtual int unbind_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id) = 0;
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int find_user_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id) = 0;
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int find_system_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- CORBA::Short &priority) = 0;
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int bind_using_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry) = 0;
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual CORBA::Boolean remaining_activations (PortableServer::Servant servant) = 0;
- // Are there any remaining activations of <servant> in the active
- // object map? Can be used with any policy.
- void set_active_object_map (TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map);
- // Set the active map.
- TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map_;
- // Pointer to the active map.
-class TAO_Unique_Id_Strategy : public TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Unique id strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for the UNIQUE_ID policy.
- virtual int is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- int &deactivated);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy.
- virtual int unbind_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int find_user_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int find_system_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- CORBA::Short &priority);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int bind_using_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual CORBA::Boolean remaining_activations (PortableServer::Servant servant);
- // Are there any remaining activations of <servant> in the active
- // object map? Can be used with any policy.
-class TAO_Multiple_Id_Strategy : public TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Multiple id strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for the MULTIPLE_ID policy.
- virtual int is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- int &deactivated);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy.
- virtual int unbind_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int find_user_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int find_system_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- CORBA::Short &priority);
- // Must be used with UNIQUE_ID policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual int bind_using_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Can be used with any policy. With the SYSTEM_ID policy,
- // <user_id> is actually <system_id>.
- virtual CORBA::Boolean remaining_activations (PortableServer::Servant servant);
- // Are there any remaining activations of <servant> in the active
- // object map? Can be used with any policy.
-class TAO_Lifespan_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Lifespan strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for implementing points of variation between the
- // TRANSIENT and the PERSISTENT policies.
- virtual ~TAO_Lifespan_Strategy (void);
- // Virtual destructor.
- virtual int find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry) = 0;
- // Can be used with any policy.
- void set_active_object_map (TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map);
- // Set the active map.
- TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map_;
- // Pointer to the active map.
-class TAO_Transient_Strategy : public TAO_Lifespan_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Transient strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for the TRANSIENT policy.
- virtual int find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Can be used with any policy.
-class TAO_Persistent_Strategy : public TAO_Lifespan_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Persistent strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for the PERSISTENT policy.
- virtual int find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Can be used with any policy.
-class TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Id uniqueness strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for implementing points of variation between the
- // USER_ID and the SYSTEM_ID policies.
- virtual ~TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy (void);
- // Virtual destructor.
- virtual int bind_using_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry) = 0;
- // Must be used with SYSTEM_ID policy.
- void set_active_object_map (TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map);
- // Set the active map.
- TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map_;
- // Pointer to the active map.
-class TAO_User_Id_Strategy : public TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // User id strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for the USER_ID policy.
- virtual int bind_using_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Must be used with SYSTEM_ID policy.
-class TAO_System_Id_With_Unique_Id_Strategy : public TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // System id strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for the SYSTEM_ID policy (with UNIQUE_ID policy).
- virtual int bind_using_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Must be used with SYSTEM_ID policy.
-class TAO_System_Id_With_Multiple_Id_Strategy : public TAO_Id_Assignment_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // System id strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for the SYSTEM_ID policy (with MULTIPLE_ID policy).
- virtual int bind_using_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- // Must be used with SYSTEM_ID policy.
-class TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Id uniqueness strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for implementing points of variation between the
- // active hint and the no hint policies.
- virtual ~TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy (void);
- // Virtual destructor.
- virtual int recover_key (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id) = 0;
- // Find the user id from the system id.
- virtual int bind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry) = 0;
- // Add to map.
- virtual int unbind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry) = 0;
- // Remove from map.
- virtual int find (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry) = 0;
- // Find system id.
- virtual size_t hint_size (void) = 0;
- // How big is the hint generated by this strategy?
- virtual int system_id (PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry) = 0;
- // Get the system id associated with this entry.
-class TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy : public TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // Active hint strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for adding active hints to ids.
- TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy (CORBA::ULong map_size);
- virtual ~TAO_Active_Hint_Strategy (void);
- // Virtual destructor.
- virtual int recover_key (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id);
- virtual int bind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry);
- virtual int unbind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry);
- virtual int find (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- virtual size_t hint_size (void);
- virtual int system_id (PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry);
- typedef ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<
- PortableServer::ObjectId,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *,
- TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter> system_id_map;
- system_id_map system_id_map_;
-class TAO_No_Hint_Strategy : public TAO_Id_Hint_Strategy
- // = TITLE
- // No hint strategy.
- //
- // Strategy for not adding active hints to ids.
- virtual ~TAO_No_Hint_Strategy (void);
- // Virtual destructor.
- virtual int recover_key (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id);
- virtual int bind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry);
- virtual int unbind (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry);
- virtual int find (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry);
- virtual size_t hint_size (void);
- virtual int system_id (PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry &entry);
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/Active_Object_Map.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include "ace/post.h"
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.i b/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.i
deleted file mode 100644
index b0275d474ee..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Active_Object_Map.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- int &deactivated)
- return this->id_uniqueness_strategy_->is_servant_in_map (servant,
- deactivated);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::bind_using_system_id_returning_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id)
- Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->id_assignment_strategy_->bind_using_system_id (servant,
- priority,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- result = this->id_hint_strategy_->system_id (system_id,
- *entry);
- return result;
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::bind_using_system_id_returning_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id)
- Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->id_assignment_strategy_->bind_using_system_id (servant,
- priority,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (user_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId (entry->user_id_),
- -1);
- return result;
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::bind_using_user_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority)
- Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- return this->id_uniqueness_strategy_->bind_using_user_id (servant,
- user_id,
- priority,
- entry);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_system_id_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id)
- Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->id_uniqueness_strategy_->bind_using_user_id (0,
- user_id,
- priority,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- result = this->id_hint_strategy_->system_id (system_id,
- *entry);
- return result;
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::rebind_using_user_id_and_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (system_id);
- return this->id_uniqueness_strategy_->bind_using_user_id (servant,
- user_id,
- -1,
- entry);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::unbind_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id)
- return this->id_uniqueness_strategy_->unbind_using_user_id (user_id);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_user_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id)
- return this->id_uniqueness_strategy_->find_user_id_using_servant (servant,
- user_id);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_system_id_using_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- CORBA::Short &priority)
- return this->id_uniqueness_strategy_->find_system_id_using_servant (servant,
- system_id,
- priority);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_servant_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant)
- Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->user_id_map_->find (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- result = -1;
- else if (entry->servant_ == 0)
- result = -1;
- else
- servant = entry->servant_;
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- return this->lifespan_strategy_->find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (system_id,
- user_id,
- servant,
- entry);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_servant_and_system_id_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out system_id,
- CORBA::Short &priority)
- Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->user_id_map_->find (user_id,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (entry->deactivated_)
- result = -1;
- else if (entry->servant_ == 0)
- result = -1;
- else
- {
- result = this->id_hint_strategy_->system_id (system_id,
- *entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- servant = entry->servant_;
- priority = entry->priority_;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_servant_and_system_id_using_user_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *&entry)
- return this->user_id_map_->find (user_id,
- entry);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_user_id_using_system_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_out user_id)
- PortableServer::ObjectId id;
- int result = this->id_hint_strategy_->recover_key (system_id,
- id);
- if (result == 0)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (user_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId (id),
- -1);
- return 0;
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::find_user_id_using_system_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id)
- return this->id_hint_strategy_->recover_key (system_id,
- user_id);
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::remaining_activations (PortableServer::Servant servant)
- return this->id_uniqueness_strategy_->remaining_activations (servant);
-ACE_INLINE size_t
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::current_size (void)
- return this->user_id_map_->current_size ();
-/* static */
-ACE_INLINE size_t
-TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size (void)
- return TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size_;
diff --git a/TAO/tao/DomainS.cpp b/TAO/tao/DomainS.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b8699c63f0b..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/DomainS.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "DomainC.h"
-#include "tao/Operation_Table.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Request.h"
-#include "tao/POA_CORBA.h"
-#include "tao/ORB.h"
-#include "tao/Typecode.h"
-class TAO_CORBA_DomainManager_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 20:54:02 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_CORBA_DomainManager_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_CORBA_DomainManager_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 0, 18, 0, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 0, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 0, 18, 18, 18,
- 18, 0, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_CORBA_DomainManager_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0},
- {"_is_a", &POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_non_existent_skel},
- {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0},
- {"get_domain_policy", &POA_CORBA::DomainManager::get_domain_policy_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 20:54:02 */
-static TAO_CORBA_DomainManager_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_CORBA_DomainManager_optable;
-// skeleton constructor
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager::DomainManager (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_CORBA_DomainManager_optable;
-// copy ctor
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager::DomainManager (const DomainManager& rhs)
- : TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager::~DomainManager (void)
-void POA_CORBA::DomainManager::get_domain_policy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_CORBA::DomainManager *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::DomainManager *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Policy_var _tao_retval;
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> policy_type)
- ))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->get_domain_policy (
- policy_type,
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << ())
- ))
-void POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_CORBA::DomainManager *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::DomainManager *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!((_tao_in >> value.out ())))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-void POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::DomainManager *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::DomainManager *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-CORBA::Boolean POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_CORBA::DomainManager_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "";
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- CORBA::DomainManager *retval = CORBA_DomainManager::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval,
- POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_DomainManager (this,
- stub),
- CORBA_DomainManager::_nil ());
- return retval;
-POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_DomainManager::_tao_collocated_DomainManager (
- POA_CORBA::DomainManager_ptr servant,
- TAO_Stub *stub
- )
- : ACE_CORBA_1 (DomainManager) (),
- CORBA_Object (stub, servant, 1),
- servant_ (servant)
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_ptr POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_DomainManager::_get_servant (void) const
- return this->servant_;
-CORBA::Policy_ptr POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_DomainManager::get_domain_policy (
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return this->servant_->get_domain_policy (
- policy_type,
- );
-class TAO_CORBA_ConstructionPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 20:54:02 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_CORBA_ConstructionPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_CORBA_ConstructionPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 0, 20, 0, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 0,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 0, 20, 0, 20, 20, 20,
- 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_CORBA_ConstructionPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0},
- {"_is_a", &POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_non_existent_skel},
- {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0}, {"",0},
- {"make_domain_manager", &POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::make_domain_manager_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 20:54:02 */
-static TAO_CORBA_ConstructionPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_CORBA_ConstructionPolicy_optable;
-// skeleton constructor
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::ConstructionPolicy (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_CORBA_ConstructionPolicy_optable;
-// copy ctor
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::ConstructionPolicy (const ConstructionPolicy& rhs)
- : ACE_NESTED_CLASS (POA_CORBA,Policy) (rhs),
- TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::~ConstructionPolicy (void)
-void POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::make_domain_manager_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- // @@ TODO this method will require some modifications once the
- // interface repository is implemented. The modifications are
- // documented with @@ comments. Right now we raise a
- // MARSHAL exception....
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy *)_tao_object_reference;
- IR::InterfaceDef_var object_type;
- CORBA::Boolean constr_policy;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> object_type.out ()) &&
- (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (constr_policy))
- ))
- _tao_impl->make_domain_manager (
- (),
- constr_policy,
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_in);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_impl);
-void POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!((_tao_in >> value.out ())))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-void POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-CORBA::Boolean POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "";
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- CORBA::ConstructionPolicy *retval =
- CORBA_ConstructionPolicy::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval,
- POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_ConstructionPolicy (this,
- stub),
- CORBA_ConstructionPolicy::_nil ());
- return retval;
-POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_ConstructionPolicy::_tao_collocated_ConstructionPolicy (
- POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_ptr servant,
- TAO_Stub *stub
- )
- : ACE_CORBA_1 (ConstructionPolicy) (),
- ACE_NESTED_CLASS (POA_CORBA,_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy) (stub),
- CORBA_Object (stub, servant, 1),
- servant_ (servant)
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_ptr POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_ConstructionPolicy::_get_servant (void) const
- return this->servant_;
-void POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_ConstructionPolicy::make_domain_manager (
- IR_InterfaceDef *object_type,
- CORBA::Boolean constr_policy,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- this->servant_->make_domain_manager (
- object_type,
- constr_policy,
- );
-CORBA::Boolean POA_CORBA::_tao_collocated_ConstructionPolicy::_is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return this->servant_->_is_a (
- logical_type_id,
- );
-#endif /* ! defined (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA) */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.cpp b/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af8ccd4a7c..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "tao/DomainS_T.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "tao/DomainS_T.i"
-#endif /* !defined INLINE */
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.h b/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e31e09140d..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#ifndef _TAO_IDL_DOMAINS_T_H_
-#define _TAO_IDL_DOMAINS_T_H_
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "tao/DomainS_T.i"
-#endif /* defined INLINE */
-#include "tao/DomainS_T.cpp"
-#endif /* defined REQUIRED SOURCE */
-#pragma implementation ("DomainS_T.cpp")
-#endif /* defined REQUIRED PRAGMA */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.i b/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.i
deleted file mode 100644
index cb0f9d3128a..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/DomainS_T.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::DomainManager_tie (T &t)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::DomainManager_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::DomainManager_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::DomainManager_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::~DomainManager_tie (void)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE T *
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::_tied_object (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::_tied_object (T &obj)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = &obj;
- this->rel_ = 0;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::_tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = obj;
- this->rel_ = release;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::_is_owner (void)
- return this->rel_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::_is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b)
- this->rel_ = b;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::_default_POA (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this-> ());
- return this->DomainManager::_default_POA (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-CORBA::Policy_ptr POA_CORBA::DomainManager_tie<T>::get_domain_policy (
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return this->ptr_->get_domain_policy (
- policy_type,
- );
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::ConstructionPolicy_tie (T &t)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::ConstructionPolicy_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::ConstructionPolicy_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::ConstructionPolicy_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::~ConstructionPolicy_tie (void)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE T *
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::_tied_object (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::_tied_object (T &obj)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = &obj;
- this->rel_ = 0;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::_tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = obj;
- this->rel_ = release;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::_is_owner (void)
- return this->rel_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::_is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b)
- this->rel_ = b;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::_default_POA (CORBA::Environment &env)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this-> ());
- return this->Construction::_default_POA (env);
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_CORBA::ConstructionPolicy_tie<T>::make_domain_manager (
- CORBA::InterfaceDef_ptr object_type,
- CORBA::Boolean constr_policy,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- this->ptr_->make_domain_manager (
- object_type,
- constr_policy,
- );
-#endif /* ! defined (TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA)
diff --git a/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.cpp b/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 23bc8a5d04e..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1197 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "tao/FT_CORBAS.h"
-#if (TAO_HAS_FT_CORBA == 1)
-#include "tao/Operation_Table.h"
-#include "tao/Stub.h"
-#include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Request.h"
-#include "tao/NVList.h"
-#include "tao/Object_Adapter.h"
-// The code needs to be cleaned up a bit here.. - Bala
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "FT_CORBAS.i"
-#endif /* !defined INLINE */
-class TAO_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 15:23:34 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: /project/acetmp/bala/ACE_wrappers/bin/gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -F 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
-#if defined (ACE_MVS)
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0,
- 28, 0, 0, 0, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 0, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0, 28, 0, 28, 0,
- 0, 0, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 0, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
-#endif /* ACE_MVS */
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"copy", &FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::copy_skel},
- {"_is_a", &FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0},
- {"destroy", &FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::destroy_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_non_existent", FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_non_existent_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"_get_policy_type", &FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_get_policy_type_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"",0},
- {"_get_request_duration_value",&FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_get_request_duration_value_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 15:23:34 */
-static TAO_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_optable;
-FT::RequestDurationPolicy_ptr _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Stub_Factory (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- )
- TAO_Stub *stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- FT::RequestDurationPolicy_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer (long dummy)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (dummy);
- _TAO_collocation_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Stub_Factory_function_pointer =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Stub_Factory;
- return 0;
-static int _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer_Scarecrow =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer (ACE_reinterpret_cast (long, _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer));
-// skeleton constructor
-FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_FT_RequestDurationPolicy_optable;
-// copy ctor
-FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy (const FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy& rhs)
- : ACE_NESTED_CLASS (POA_CORBA,Policy) (rhs),
- TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::~FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy (void)
-void FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_get_request_duration_value_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy *)_tao_object_reference;
- TimeBase::TimeT _tao_retval = 0;
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->request_duration_value (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << _tao_retval)
- ))
-void FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!(_tao_in >> value.out ()))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)))
-void FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)))
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
-if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "";
-FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects ())
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ::FT::RequestDurationPolicy_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- default:
- }
- else
- {
- // stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- CORBA::Object_ptr tmp = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, CORBA::Object (stub), 0);
- CORBA::Object_var obj = tmp;
- return ::FT::RequestDurationPolicy::_unchecked_narrow ( ());
- }
-FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy::FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- : ACE_NESTED_CLASS (POA_CORBA,_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy) (stub),
- CORBA_Object (stub, 0, 1)
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_is_a",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_non_existent",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy::request_duration_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TimeBase::TimeT _tao_retval = 0;
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_retval);
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "request_duration_value",
- );
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->request_duration_value (
- );
-class TAO_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 15:23:34 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: /project/acetmp/bala/ACE_wrappers/bin/gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -F 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
-#if defined (ACE_MVS)
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0,
- 28, 0, 0, 0, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 0, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
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- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0, 28, 0, 28, 0,
- 0, 0, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 0, 28, 28, 28,
- 28, 0, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
-#endif /* ACE_MVS */
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"copy", &FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::copy_skel},
- {"_is_a", &FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0},
- {"destroy", &FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::destroy_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_non_existent_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"_get_policy_type", &FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_get_policy_type_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"",0},
- {"_get_heartbeat_policy_value", &FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_get_heartbeat_policy_value_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 15:23:34 */
-static TAO_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_optable;
-FT::HeartbeatPolicy_ptr _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Stub_Factory (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- )
- TAO_Stub *stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- FT::HeartbeatPolicy_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer (long dummy)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (dummy);
- _TAO_collocation_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Stub_Factory_function_pointer =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Stub_Factory;
- return 0;
-static int _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer_Scarecrow =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer (ACE_reinterpret_cast (long, _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer));
-// skeleton constructor
-FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_FT_HeartbeatPolicy_optable;
-// copy ctor
-FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy (const FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy& rhs)
- : ACE_NESTED_CLASS (POA_CORBA,Policy) (rhs),
- TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::~FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy (void)
-void FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_get_heartbeat_policy_value_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy *)_tao_object_reference;
- FT::HeartbeatPolicyValue _tao_retval;
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->heartbeat_policy_value (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << _tao_retval)
- ))
-void FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!(_tao_in >> value.out ()))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)))
-void FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)))
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
-if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "";
-FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects ())
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ::FT::HeartbeatPolicy_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- default:
- }
- else
- {
- // stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- CORBA::Object_ptr tmp = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, CORBA::Object (stub), 0);
- CORBA::Object_var obj = tmp;
- return FT::HeartbeatPolicy::_unchecked_narrow ( ());
- }
-FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy::FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- : ACE_NESTED_CLASS (POA_CORBA,_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy) (stub),
- CORBA_Object (stub, 0, 1)
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_is_a",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_non_existent",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-FT::HeartbeatPolicyValue FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy::heartbeat_policy_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- FT::HeartbeatPolicyValue _tao_retval;
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_retval);
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "heartbeat_policy_value",
- );
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->heartbeat_policy_value (
- );
-class TAO_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 15:23:34 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: /project/acetmp/bala/ACE_wrappers/bin/gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -F 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
-#if defined (ACE_MVS)
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 0,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 0,
- 36, 0, 0, 0, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 0, 36, 36, 36, 36, 0, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 0, 36, 0, 36, 0,
- 0, 0, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 0, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 0, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
-#endif /* ACE_MVS */
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"copy", &FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::copy_skel},
- {"_is_a", &FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0},
- {"destroy", &FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::destroy_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_non_existent_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"_get_policy_type", &FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_get_policy_type_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_get_heartbeat_enabled_policy_value", &FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_get_heartbeat_enabled_policy_value_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 15:23:34 */
-static TAO_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_optable;
-FT::HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Stub_Factory (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- )
- TAO_Stub *stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- FT::HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer (long dummy)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (dummy);
- _TAO_collocation_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Stub_Factory_function_pointer =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Stub_Factory;
- return 0;
-static int _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer_Scarecrow =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer (ACE_reinterpret_cast (long, _TAO_collocation_POA_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_Stub_Factory_Initializer));
-// skeleton constructor
-FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_FT_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_optable;
-// copy ctor
-FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (const FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy& rhs)
- : ACE_NESTED_CLASS (POA_CORBA,Policy) (rhs),
- TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::~FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (void)
-void FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_get_heartbeat_enabled_policy_value_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->heartbeat_enabled_policy_value (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))
- ))
-void FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!(_tao_in >> value.out ()))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)))
-void FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy *_tao_impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)))
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
-if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "";
-FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects ())
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- FT::HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- default:
- }
- else
- {
- // stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- CORBA::Object_ptr tmp = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, CORBA::Object (stub), 0);
- CORBA::Object_var obj = tmp;
- return ::FT::HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_unchecked_narrow ( ());
- }
-FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- : ACE_NESTED_CLASS (POA_CORBA,_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy) (stub),
- CORBA_Object (stub, 0, 1)
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_is_a",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_non_existent",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::heartbeat_enabled_policy_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_retval);
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "heartbeat_enabled_policy_value",
- );
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->heartbeat_enabled_policy_value (
- );
-#endif /*TAO_HAS_FT_CORBA == 1*/
diff --git a/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.h b/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 272fde79856..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#ifndef TAO_FT_CORBAS_H_
-#define TAO_FT_CORBAS_H_
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/ftpoafwd.h"
-#include "tao/FT_CORBAC.h"
-#include "tao/POA_CORBA.h"
-#include "tao/PolicyC.h"
-#if (TAO_HAS_FT_CORBA == 1)
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-class TAO_Export FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy : public virtual POA_CORBA::Policy
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy (void);
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy (const FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy& rhs);
- virtual ~FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ::FT::RequestDurationPolicy *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual TimeBase::TimeT request_duration_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void _get_request_duration_value_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _get_policy_type_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void copy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
-class TAO_Export
-FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy :
- public virtual FT::RequestDurationPolicy,
- public virtual POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_RequestDurationPolicy (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual TimeBase::TimeT request_duration_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-# if 0
-// This wouldn't work. We need to find a way around for these
-// guys. If somebody wants to use it, we may have to do something
-// about it.
-// TIE class: Refer to CORBA v2.2, Section 20.34.4
-template <class T>
-class TAO_Export FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie :
- public FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie (T &t);
- // the T& ctor
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa);
- // ctor taking a POA
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor taking pointer and an ownership flag
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor with T*, ownership flag and a POA
- ~FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie (void);
- // dtor
- // TIE specific functions
- T *_tied_object (void);
- // return the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T &obj);
- // set the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // set the underlying object and the ownership flag
- CORBA::Boolean _is_owner (void);
- // do we own it
- void _is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b);
- // set the ownership
- // overridden ServantBase operations
- PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- TimeBase::TimeT request_duration_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- T *ptr_;
- PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
- CORBA::Boolean rel_;
- // copy and assignment are not allowed
- FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie (const FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie &);
- void operator= (const FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_tie &);
-#endif /*if 0*/
-class TAO_Export FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy : public virtual POA_CORBA::Policy
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy (void);
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy (const FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy& rhs);
- virtual ~FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- FT::HeartbeatPolicy *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual FT::HeartbeatPolicyValue heartbeat_policy_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void _get_heartbeat_policy_value_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _get_policy_type_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void copy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
-class TAO_Export FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy:
- public virtual FT::HeartbeatPolicy,
- public virtual POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatPolicy (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual FT::HeartbeatPolicyValue heartbeat_policy_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-# if 0
-// This wouldn't work. We need to find a way around for these
-// guys. If somebody wants to use it, we may have to do something
-// about it.
-// TIE class: Refer to CORBA v2.2, Section 20.34.4
-template <class T>
-class TAO_Export FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie : public FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie (T &t);
- // the T& ctor
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa);
- // ctor taking a POA
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor taking pointer and an ownership flag
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie (T *tp,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor with T*, ownership flag and a POA
- ~FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie (void);
- // dtor
- // TIE specific functions
- T *_tied_object (void);
- // return the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T &obj);
- // set the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // set the underlying object and the ownership flag
- CORBA::Boolean _is_owner (void);
- // do we own it
- void _is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b);
- // set the ownership
- // overridden ServantBase operations
- PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- FT::HeartbeatPolicyValue heartbeat_policy_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- void destroy (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- T *ptr_;
- PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
- CORBA::Boolean rel_;
- // copy and assignment are not allowed
- FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie (const FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie &);
- void operator= (const FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_tie &);
-#endif /*if 0*/
-class TAO_Export FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy : public virtual POA_CORBA::Policy
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (void);
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (const FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy& rhs);
- virtual ~FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- FT::HeartbeatEnabledPolicy *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual CORBA::Boolean heartbeat_enabled_policy_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void _get_heartbeat_enabled_policy_value_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _get_policy_type_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void copy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
-class TAO_Export FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy
- : public virtual FT::HeartbeatEnabledPolicy,
- public virtual POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy
- FT_POA_tao_thru_poa_collocated_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean heartbeat_enabled_policy_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-# if 0
-// This wouldn't work. We need to find a way around for these
-// guys. If somebody wants to use it, we may have to do something
-// about it.
-// TIE class: Refer to CORBA v2.2, Section 20.34.4
-template <class T>
-class TAO_Export FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie :
- public FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie (T &t);
- // the T& ctor
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa);
- // ctor taking a POA
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor taking pointer and an ownership flag
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor with T*, ownership flag and a POA
- ~FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie (void);
- // dtor
- // TIE specific functions
- T *_tied_object (void);
- // return the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T &obj);
- // set the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // set the underlying object and the ownership flag
- CORBA::Boolean _is_owner (void);
- // do we own it
- void _is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b);
- // set the ownership
- // overridden ServantBase operations
- PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- CORBA::Boolean heartbeat_enabled_policy_value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- T *ptr_;
- PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
- CORBA::Boolean rel_;
- // copy and assignment are not allowed
- FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie (const FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie &);
- void operator= (const FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_tie &);
-#endif /*if 0 */
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "FT_CORBAS.i"
-#endif /* defined INLINE */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#endif /*TAO_HAS_FT_CORBA == 1*/
-#endif /*TAO_FT_CORBAS_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.i b/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a7cb7036e9..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/FT_CORBAS.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::_get_policy_type_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::_get_policy_type_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
-FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::copy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::copy_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
-FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy::destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_RequestDurationPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::destroy_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
-FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::_get_policy_type_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::_get_policy_type_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
-FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::copy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::copy_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
-FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy::destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::destroy_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
-FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::_get_policy_type_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::_get_policy_type_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
-FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::copy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::copy_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
-FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy::destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr impl = (FT_POA_HeartbeatEnabledPolicy_ptr) obj;
- POA_CORBA::Policy::destroy_skel (
- req,
- (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr) impl,
- context,
- );
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Forwarding_Servant.cpp b/TAO/tao/Forwarding_Servant.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 494b8878717..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Forwarding_Servant.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "tao/Forwarding_Servant.h"
-#include "tao/Object.h"
-#include "tao/PortableServerC.h"
-#include "tao/Any.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Request.h"
-ACE_RCSID(tao, Forwarding_Servant, "$Id$")
-TAO_Forwarding_Servant::TAO_Forwarding_Servant (CORBA::Object_ptr forward_to,
- const char *interface_repository_id)
- : forward_to_ (CORBA::Object::_duplicate (forward_to)),
- interface_repository_id_ (CORBA::string_dup (interface_repository_id))
-TAO_Forwarding_Servant::invoke (CORBA::ServerRequest_ptr request,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- PortableServer::ForwardRequest exception (this-> ());
- CORBA::Any any;
- any <<= exception;
- request->set_exception (any, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-TAO_Forwarding_Servant::_primary_interface (const PortableServer::ObjectId & /* oid */,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr /* poa */,
- CORBA::Environment & /* ACE_TRY_ENV */)
- return CORBA::string_dup (this-> ());
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Forwarding_Servant.h b/TAO/tao/Forwarding_Servant.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 956772ef7ce..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Forwarding_Servant.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// Forwarding_Servant.h
-// A DSI implementation of a forwarding servant.
-// = AUTHOR
-// Irfan Pyarali <>
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/orbconf.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "tao/Servant_Base.h"
-#include "tao/ORB.h"
-class TAO_Forwarding_Servant : public TAO_DynamicImplementation
- TAO_Forwarding_Servant (CORBA::Object_ptr forward_to,
- const char *interface_repository_id_);
- // Constructor
- virtual void invoke (CORBA::ServerRequest_ptr request,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ());
- // The <invoke> method receives requests issued to any CORBA object
- // incarnated by the DSI servant and performs the processing
- // necessary to execute the request.
- virtual CORBA::RepositoryId _primary_interface (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // The <_primary_interface> method receives an ObjectId value and a
- // POA_ptr as input parameters and returns a valid RepositoryId
- // representing the most-derived interface for that oid.
- CORBA::Object_var forward_to_;
- // Forward all requests to this object
- CORBA::String_var interface_repository_id_;
- // Here is the interface we support
-#include "ace/post.h"
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepo.pidl b/TAO/tao/ImplRepo.pidl
deleted file mode 100644
index bfddb6e09b7..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepo.pidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-module ImplementationRepository
- interface ServerObject
- // = TITLE
- // Server Side IR Object
- //
- // This object, which exists on the servers that use the
- // Implementation Repository (IR), is used to control or check the
- // status of the server by the IR.
- {
- void ping ();
- // Check the liveness of a server.
- void shutdown ();
- // Try to shutdown the server gracefully.
- };
- struct EnvironmentVariable
- // One environment variable/value pair.
- {
- string name;
- string value;
- };
- typedef string Address;
- // Specifies the location of the server.
- typedef sequence<EnvironmentVariable> EnvironmentList;
- // Complete Environment.
- // The type of Activation
- struct StartupOptions
- // Options used to start up the server.
- {
- string command_line;
- // Startup command (program name and arguments).
- EnvironmentList environment;
- // Environment Variables.
- string working_directory;
- // Working directory.
- ActivationMode activation;
- // Activation Mode
- };
- struct ServerInformation
- // All the information about one server.
- {
- string logical_server;
- // The logical server this server is part of.
- string server;
- // Server name.
- StartupOptions startup;
- // How to start up the server.
- Address location;
- // Where the server is located currently.
- };
- typedef sequence <ServerInformation> ServerInformationList;
- interface ServerInformationIterator;
- // Forward declaration.
- interface Administration
- // = TITLE
- // The Implementation Repository Administration Interface
- //
- // This interface exports all the administration functionality of
- // the Implementation Repository.
- {
- // = Exceptions
- exception AlreadyRegistered {};
- // Object already bound in the Implementation Repository
- exception CannotActivate
- {
- string reason;
- };
- // The server could not be restarted.
- exception NotFound {};
- // Object not found in the Implementation Repository
- void activate_server (in string server)
- raises (NotFound,
- CannotActivate);
- // Activate server that is named <server>.
- //
- // The <NotFound> exception is raised when <server> is not found
- // in the Implementation Repository. The <CannotActivate> exception
- // is raised when <server> is found in the Repository but could not be
- // activated.
- void register_server (in string server,
- in StartupOptions options)
- raises (AlreadyRegistered);
- // Register the <options> to specify how the <server> should be
- // restarted when a client asks for it.
- //
- // The <AlreadyRegistered> exception is raised when <server> has
- // already been registered with the Implementation Repository.
- void reregister_server (in string server,
- in StartupOptions options);
- // Update the <options> to specify how the <server> should be
- // restarted when a client asks for it. Will register the server
- // if not already registered.
- void remove_server (in string server)
- raises (NotFound);
- // Remove <server> from the Implementation Repository.
- //
- // The <NotFound> exception is raised when <server> is not found
- // in the Implementation Repository.
- void shutdown_server (in string server)
- raises (NotFound);
- // Tries to shutdown the server, first gracefully, then ungracefully.
- //
- // The <NotFound> exception is raised when <server> is not found
- // in the Implementation Repository.
- Address server_is_running (in string server,
- in Address addr,
- in ServerObject server_object)
- raises (NotFound);
- // Used to notify the Implementation Repository that <server> is alive
- // and well at <addr>.
- //
- // The <NotFound> exception is raised when <server> is not found
- // in the Implementation Repository.
- void server_is_shutting_down (in string server)
- raises (NotFound);
- // Used to tell the Implementation Repository that <server> is shutting
- // down.
- //
- // The <NotFound> exception is raised when <server> is not found
- // in the Implementation Repository.
- void find (in string server,
- out ServerInformation info)
- raises (NotFound);
- // Returns the startup information for a given <server>.
- //
- // The <NotFound> exception is raised when <server> is not found
- // in the Implementation Repository.
- void list (in unsigned long how_many,
- out ServerInformationList server_list,
- out ServerInformationIterator server_iterator);
- // Returns at most <how_many> servers in <server_list>. If there
- // are additional servers, they can be received through the
- // <server_iterator>. If there are no more servers, then
- // <server_iterator> is null.
- };
- interface ServerInformationIterator
- {
- // = TITLE
- // Interface for iterating over servers returned with
- // Administration::list ().
- boolean next_n (in unsigned long how_many,
- out ServerInformationList server_list);
- // This operation returns at most the requested number of
- // servers.
- void destroy ();
- // This operation destroys the iterator.
- };
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.cpp b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 08ed5444f36..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3305 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ImplRepoC.h"
-#include "tao/Stub.h"
-#include "tao/NVList.h"
-//#include "tao/PortableInterceptor.h"
-#include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
-#include "tao/Invocation.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "ImplRepoC.i"
-#endif /* !defined INLINE */
-void ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerObject*,x);
- CORBA::release (tmp);
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ServerObject::_nil ();
- CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (ServerObject::_nil ());
- if (is_a == 0)
- return ServerObject::_nil ();
- return ServerObject::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ServerObject::_nil ();
- TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- ServerObject_ptr default_proxy = ServerObject::_nil ();
- if (obj->_is_collocated () && _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_function_pointer != 0)
- {
- default_proxy = _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_function_pointer (obj);
- }
- if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy))
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ServerObject (stub), ServerObject::_nil ());
- return TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER::instance ()->create_proxy (default_proxy);
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_duplicate (ServerObject_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "ping",
- 4,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-void ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "shutdown",
- 8,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-CORBA::Boolean ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")))
- return 1; // success using local knowledge
- else
- return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0";
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory (int register_proxy_factory)
- if (register_proxy_factory)
- {
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER::instance ()->register_proxy_factory (this);
- }
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory (void)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory::create_proxy (
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- return proxy;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void)
- : proxy_factory_ (0),
- delete_proxy_factory_ (0)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void)
- // Making sure the factory which the adapter has is destroyed with it.
- if (this->proxy_factory_ != 0)
- delete this->proxy_factory_;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::register_proxy_factory (
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory *df,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- // Remove any existing <proxy_factory_> and replace with the new one.
- this->unregister_proxy_factory (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->proxy_factory_ = df;
- this->delete_proxy_factory_ = 0;
-return 0;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::unregister_proxy_factory (
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- if (this->delete_proxy_factory_ == 0 && this->proxy_factory_ != 0)
- {
- // Its necessary to set <delete_proxy_factory_> to 1 to make sure that it
- // doesnt get into an infinite loop in <unregister_proxy_factory> as it is
- // invoked in the destructor of the class too.
- this->delete_proxy_factory_ = 1;
- delete this->proxy_factory_;
- this->proxy_factory_ = 0;
- }
-return 0;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::create_proxy (
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- // Verify that an <proxy_factory_> is available else make one.
- if (this->proxy_factory_ == 0)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->proxy_factory_,
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory (1),
- 0);
- return this->proxy_factory_->create_proxy (proxy);
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base (::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr proxy)
-: base_proxy_ (proxy)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base (void)
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base::ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->ping (
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base::shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->shutdown (
- );
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
-template class TAO_Singleton<ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX >;
-#pragma instantiate TAO_Singleton<ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX>
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 46, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f536572), ACE_NTOHL (0x7665724f), ACE_NTOHL (0x626a6563), ACE_NTOHL (0x743a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0
- 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65724f62), ACE_NTOHL (0x6a656374), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ServerObject
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::ServerObject));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ServerObject, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject)
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentVariable[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 53, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x56617269), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentVariable:1.0
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7456), ACE_NTOHL (0x61726961), ACE_NTOHL (0x626c6500), // name = EnvironmentVariable
- 2, // member count
- 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentVariable (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentVariable), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentVariable, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_EnvironmentVariable, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentVariable)
-void ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable*,x);
- delete tmp;
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_Address[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 41, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f416464), ACE_NTOHL (0x72657373), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/Address:1.0
- 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x41646472), ACE_NTOHL (0x65737300), // name = Address
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Address (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_Address), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_Address, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::Address));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_Address, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Address)
- void
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable* tmp = 0;
- tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::allocbuf (length);
- if (this->buffer_ != 0)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *,this->buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- tmp[i] = old[i];
- if (this->release_)
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::freebuf (old);
- }
- this->buffer_ = tmp;
- }
- void
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::_deallocate_buffer (void)
- {
- if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0)
- return;
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *,this->buffer_);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::freebuf (tmp);
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (void) // Dtor.
- {
- this->_deallocate_buffer ();
- }
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList::EnvironmentList (void)
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList::EnvironmentList (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable>
- (max)
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList::EnvironmentList (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release)
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable>
- (max, length, buffer, release)
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList::EnvironmentList (const EnvironmentList &seq) // copy ctor
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable>
- (seq)
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList::~EnvironmentList (void) // dtor
-void ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList*,x);
- delete tmp;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 49, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c697374), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentList:1.0
- 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e744c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69737400), // name = EnvironmentList
- CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind
- 148, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind
- 132, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 53, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x56617269), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentVariable:1.0
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7456), ACE_NTOHL (0x61726961), ACE_NTOHL (0x626c6500), // name = EnvironmentVariable
- 2, // member count
- 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 0U,
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_EnvironmentList, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList)
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_ActivationMode[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f416374), ACE_NTOHL (0x69766174), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64653a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ActivationMode:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x41637469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4d6f), ACE_NTOHL (0x64650000), // name = ActivationMode
- 4, // member count
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4e4f524d), ACE_NTOHL (0x414c0000), // name = NORMAL
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414e55), ACE_NTOHL (0x414c0000), // name = MANUAL
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x5045525f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434c4945), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e540000), // name = PER_CLIENT
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4155544f), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f535441), ACE_NTOHL (0x52540000), // name = AUTO_START
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ActivationMode (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_ActivationMode), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_ActivationMode, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ActivationMode, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ActivationMode)
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_StartupOptions[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f537461), ACE_NTOHL (0x72747570), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e733a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/StartupOptions:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x53746172), ACE_NTOHL (0x7475704f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = StartupOptions
- 4, // member count
- 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6d6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = command_line
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7400), // name = environment
- CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs
- 236, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 49, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c697374), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentList:1.0
- 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e744c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69737400), // name = EnvironmentList
- CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind
- 148, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind
- 132, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 53, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x56617269), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentVariable:1.0
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7456), ACE_NTOHL (0x61726961), ACE_NTOHL (0x626c6500), // name = EnvironmentVariable
- 2, // member count
- 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 0U,
- 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x776f726b), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e675f), ACE_NTOHL (0x64697265), ACE_NTOHL (0x63746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = working_directory
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x61637469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e0000), // name = activation
- CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind
- 136, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f416374), ACE_NTOHL (0x69766174), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64653a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ActivationMode:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x41637469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4d6f), ACE_NTOHL (0x64650000), // name = ActivationMode
- 4, // member count
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4e4f524d), ACE_NTOHL (0x414c0000), // name = NORMAL
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414e55), ACE_NTOHL (0x414c0000), // name = MANUAL
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x5045525f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434c4945), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e540000), // name = PER_CLIENT
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4155544f), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f535441), ACE_NTOHL (0x52540000), // name = AUTO_START
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_StartupOptions (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_StartupOptions), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_StartupOptions, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_StartupOptions, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_StartupOptions)
-void ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions*,x);
- delete tmp;
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformation[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 51, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f536572), ACE_NTOHL (0x76657249), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e666f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformation:1.0
- 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x6572496e), ACE_NTOHL (0x666f726d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e000000), // name = ServerInformation
- 4, // member count
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6f6769), ACE_NTOHL (0x63616c5f), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = logical_server
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x73657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = server
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x73746172), ACE_NTOHL (0x74757000), // name = startup
- CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind
- 560, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f537461), ACE_NTOHL (0x72747570), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e733a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/StartupOptions:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x53746172), ACE_NTOHL (0x7475704f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = StartupOptions
- 4, // member count
- 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6d6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = command_line
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7400), // name = environment
- CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs
- 236, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 49, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c697374), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentList:1.0
- 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e744c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69737400), // name = EnvironmentList
- CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind
- 148, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind
- 132, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 53, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x56617269), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentVariable:1.0
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7456), ACE_NTOHL (0x61726961), ACE_NTOHL (0x626c6500), // name = EnvironmentVariable
- 2, // member count
- 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 0U,
- 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x776f726b), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e675f), ACE_NTOHL (0x64697265), ACE_NTOHL (0x63746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = working_directory
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x61637469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e0000), // name = activation
- CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind
- 136, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f416374), ACE_NTOHL (0x69766174), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64653a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ActivationMode:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x41637469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4d6f), ACE_NTOHL (0x64650000), // name = ActivationMode
- 4, // member count
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4e4f524d), ACE_NTOHL (0x414c0000), // name = NORMAL
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414e55), ACE_NTOHL (0x414c0000), // name = MANUAL
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x5045525f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434c4945), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e540000), // name = PER_CLIENT
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4155544f), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f535441), ACE_NTOHL (0x52540000), // name = AUTO_START
- 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6f6361), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = location
- CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs
- 72, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 41, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f416464), ACE_NTOHL (0x72657373), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/Address:1.0
- 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x41646472), ACE_NTOHL (0x65737300), // name = Address
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformation (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformation), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformation, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ServerInformation, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformation)
-void ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation*,x);
- delete tmp;
- void
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation* tmp = 0;
- tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::allocbuf (length);
- if (this->buffer_ != 0)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *,this->buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- tmp[i] = old[i];
- if (this->release_)
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::freebuf (old);
- }
- this->buffer_ = tmp;
- }
- void
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::_deallocate_buffer (void)
- {
- if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0)
- return;
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *,this->buffer_);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::freebuf (tmp);
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (void) // Dtor.
- {
- this->_deallocate_buffer ();
- }
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList::ServerInformationList (void)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList::ServerInformationList (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation>
- (max)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList::ServerInformationList (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release)
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation>
- (max, length, buffer, release)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList::ServerInformationList (const ServerInformationList &seq) // copy ctor
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation>
- (seq)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList::~ServerInformationList (void) // dtor
-void ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList*,x);
- delete tmp;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 55, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f536572), ACE_NTOHL (0x76657249), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e666f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73743a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationList:1.0
- 22, ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x6572496e), ACE_NTOHL (0x666f726d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4c6973), ACE_NTOHL (0x74000000), // name = ServerInformationList
- CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind
- 828, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind
- 812, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 51, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f536572), ACE_NTOHL (0x76657249), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e666f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformation:1.0
- 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x6572496e), ACE_NTOHL (0x666f726d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e000000), // name = ServerInformation
- 4, // member count
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6f6769), ACE_NTOHL (0x63616c5f), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = logical_server
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x73657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = server
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x73746172), ACE_NTOHL (0x74757000), // name = startup
- CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind
- 560, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f537461), ACE_NTOHL (0x72747570), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e733a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/StartupOptions:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x53746172), ACE_NTOHL (0x7475704f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = StartupOptions
- 4, // member count
- 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6d6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = command_line
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7400), // name = environment
- CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs
- 236, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 49, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c697374), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentList:1.0
- 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e744c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69737400), // name = EnvironmentList
- CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind
- 148, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind
- 132, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 53, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f456e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69726f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x56617269), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/EnvironmentVariable:1.0
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7456), ACE_NTOHL (0x61726961), ACE_NTOHL (0x626c6500), // name = EnvironmentVariable
- 2, // member count
- 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 0U,
- 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x776f726b), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e675f), ACE_NTOHL (0x64697265), ACE_NTOHL (0x63746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = working_directory
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x61637469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e0000), // name = activation
- CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind
- 136, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f416374), ACE_NTOHL (0x69766174), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64653a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ActivationMode:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x41637469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4d6f), ACE_NTOHL (0x64650000), // name = ActivationMode
- 4, // member count
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4e4f524d), ACE_NTOHL (0x414c0000), // name = NORMAL
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414e55), ACE_NTOHL (0x414c0000), // name = MANUAL
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x5045525f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434c4945), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e540000), // name = PER_CLIENT
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4155544f), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f535441), ACE_NTOHL (0x52540000), // name = AUTO_START
- 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6f6361), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = location
- CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs
- 72, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 41, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f416464), ACE_NTOHL (0x72657373), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/Address:1.0
- 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x41646472), ACE_NTOHL (0x65737300), // name = Address
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
- 0U,
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ServerInformationList, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList)
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::Administration *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::Administration*,x);
- CORBA::release (tmp);
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr ImplementationRepository::Administration::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return Administration::_nil ();
- CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (Administration::_nil ());
- if (is_a == 0)
- return Administration::_nil ();
- return Administration::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr ImplementationRepository::Administration::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return Administration::_nil ();
- TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- Administration_ptr default_proxy = Administration::_nil ();
- if (obj->_is_collocated () && _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_function_pointer != 0)
- {
- default_proxy = _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_function_pointer (obj);
- }
- if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy))
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, Administration (stub), Administration::_nil ());
- return TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER::instance ()->create_proxy (default_proxy);
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::_duplicate (Administration_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-// default constructor
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::AlreadyRegistered (void)
- : CORBA_UserException ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/AlreadyRegistered:1.0")
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::~AlreadyRegistered (void)
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered*,x);
- delete tmp;
-// copy constructor
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::AlreadyRegistered (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
- }
-// assignment operator
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/AlreadyRegistered:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (AlreadyRegistered *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &cdr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
- if (cdr << *this)
- return;
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &cdr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (cdr >> *this)
- return;
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered, 0);
- return retval;
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_AlreadyRegistered[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 66, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f41646d), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6973), ACE_NTOHL (0x74726174), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e2f), ACE_NTOHL (0x416c7265), ACE_NTOHL (0x61647952), ACE_NTOHL (0x65676973), ACE_NTOHL (0x74657265), ACE_NTOHL (0x643a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/AlreadyRegistered:1.0
- 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x416c7265), ACE_NTOHL (0x61647952), ACE_NTOHL (0x65676973), ACE_NTOHL (0x74657265), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = AlreadyRegistered
- 0, // member count
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_AlreadyRegistered (CORBA::tk_except, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_AlreadyRegistered), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_AlreadyRegistered, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered));
-CORBA::TypeCode_ptr ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_AlreadyRegistered = &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_AlreadyRegistered;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_type (void) const
- return _tc_AlreadyRegistered;
-// default constructor
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::CannotActivate (void)
- : CORBA_UserException ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/CannotActivate:1.0")
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::~CannotActivate (void)
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate*,x);
- delete tmp;
-// copy constructor
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::CannotActivate (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
- this->reason = CORBA::string_dup ( ());
-// assignment operator
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- this->reason = CORBA::string_dup ( ());
- return *this;
-// narrow
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/CannotActivate:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (CannotActivate *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &cdr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
- if (cdr << *this)
- return;
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &cdr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (cdr >> *this)
- return;
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate, 0);
- return retval;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::CannotActivate (
- const char * _tao_reason
- : CORBA_UserException (CORBA::string_dup ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/CannotActivate:1.0"))
- this->reason = CORBA::string_dup (_tao_reason);
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_CannotActivate[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 63, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f41646d), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6973), ACE_NTOHL (0x74726174), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e2f), ACE_NTOHL (0x43616e6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f744163), ACE_NTOHL (0x74697661), ACE_NTOHL (0x74653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/CannotActivate:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x43616e6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f744163), ACE_NTOHL (0x74697661), ACE_NTOHL (0x74650000), // name = CannotActivate
- 1, // member count
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x72656173), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e0000), // name = reason
- CORBA::tk_string,
- 0U, // string length
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_CannotActivate (CORBA::tk_except, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_CannotActivate), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_CannotActivate, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate));
-CORBA::TypeCode_ptr ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_CannotActivate = &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_CannotActivate;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_type (void) const
- return _tc_CannotActivate;
-// default constructor
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::NotFound (void)
- : CORBA_UserException ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/NotFound:1.0")
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::~NotFound (void)
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound*,x);
- delete tmp;
-// copy constructor
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::NotFound (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
- }
-// assignment operator
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/NotFound:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (NotFound *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &cdr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
- if (cdr << *this)
- return;
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &cdr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (cdr >> *this)
- return;
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound, 0);
- return retval;
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_NotFound[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 57, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f41646d), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6973), ACE_NTOHL (0x74726174), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e2f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e6f7446), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f756e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration/NotFound:1.0
- 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x4e6f7446), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f756e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = NotFound
- 0, // member count
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_NotFound (CORBA::tk_except, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_NotFound), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_NotFound, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound));
-CORBA::TypeCode_ptr ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound = &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Administration_NotFound;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_type (void) const
- return _tc_NotFound;
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- ))
- static TAO_Exception_Data _tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_activate_server_exceptiondata [] =
- {
- {ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_alloc},
- {ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_CannotActivate, ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_alloc}
- };
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "activate_server",
- 15,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << server)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (_tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_activate_server_exceptiondata, 2, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- ))
- static TAO_Exception_Data _tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_register_server_exceptiondata [] =
- {
- {ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_AlreadyRegistered, ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_alloc}
- };
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "register_server",
- 15,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << server) &&
- (_tao_out << options)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (_tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_register_server_exceptiondata, 1, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "reregister_server",
- 17,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << server) &&
- (_tao_out << options)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- static TAO_Exception_Data _tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_remove_server_exceptiondata [] =
- {
- {ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_alloc}
- };
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "remove_server",
- 13,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << server)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (_tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_remove_server_exceptiondata, 1, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- static TAO_Exception_Data _tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_shutdown_server_exceptiondata [] =
- {
- {ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_alloc}
- };
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "shutdown_server",
- 15,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << server)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (_tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_shutdown_server_exceptiondata, 1, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-char * ImplementationRepository::Administration::server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- static TAO_Exception_Data _tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_server_is_running_exceptiondata [] =
- {
- {ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_alloc}
- };
- CORBA::String_var _tao_safe_retval;
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "server_is_running",
- 17,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << server) &&
- (_tao_out << addr) &&
- (_tao_out << server_object)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (_tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_server_is_running_exceptiondata, 1, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ())
- ))
- break;
- }
- return _tao_safe_retval._retn ();
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- static TAO_Exception_Data _tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_server_is_shutting_down_exceptiondata [] =
- {
- {ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_alloc}
- };
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "server_is_shutting_down",
- 23,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << server)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (_tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_server_is_shutting_down_exceptiondata, 1, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- static TAO_Exception_Data _tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_find_exceptiondata [] =
- {
- {ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_alloc}
- };
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- ACE_NEW (info.ptr (), ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation);
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "find",
- 4,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << server)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (_tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_find_exceptiondata, 1, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> *info.ptr ())
- ))
- break;
- }
-void ImplementationRepository::Administration::list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- ACE_NEW (server_list.ptr (), ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList);
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "list",
- 4,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << how_many)
- ))
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> *server_list.ptr ()) &&
- (_tao_in >> server_iterator.ptr ())
- ))
- break;
- }
-CORBA::Boolean ImplementationRepository::Administration::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")))
- return 1; // success using local knowledge
- else
- return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* ImplementationRepository::Administration::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0";
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory (int register_proxy_factory)
- if (register_proxy_factory)
- {
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER::instance ()->register_proxy_factory (this);
- }
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory (void)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory::create_proxy (
- ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- return proxy;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void)
- : proxy_factory_ (0),
- delete_proxy_factory_ (0)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void)
- // Making sure the factory which the adapter has is destroyed with it.
- if (this->proxy_factory_ != 0)
- delete this->proxy_factory_;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::register_proxy_factory (
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory *df,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- // Remove any existing <proxy_factory_> and replace with the new one.
- this->unregister_proxy_factory (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->proxy_factory_ = df;
- this->delete_proxy_factory_ = 0;
-return 0;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::unregister_proxy_factory (
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- if (this->delete_proxy_factory_ == 0 && this->proxy_factory_ != 0)
- {
- // Its necessary to set <delete_proxy_factory_> to 1 to make sure that it
- // doesnt get into an infinite loop in <unregister_proxy_factory> as it is
- // invoked in the destructor of the class too.
- this->delete_proxy_factory_ = 1;
- delete this->proxy_factory_;
- this->proxy_factory_ = 0;
- }
-return 0;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::create_proxy (
- ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- // Verify that an <proxy_factory_> is available else make one.
- if (this->proxy_factory_ == 0)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->proxy_factory_,
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory (1),
- 0);
- return this->proxy_factory_->create_proxy (proxy);
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base (::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr proxy)
-: base_proxy_ (proxy)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base (void)
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->activate_server (
- server,
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->register_server (
- server,
- options,
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->reregister_server (
- server,
- options,
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->remove_server (
- server,
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->shutdown_server (
- server,
- );
-char * ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- return this->base_proxy_->server_is_running (
- server,
- addr,
- server_object,
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->server_is_shutting_down (
- server,
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->find (
- server,
- info,
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base::list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->list (
- how_many,
- server_list,
- server_iterator,
- );
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
-template class TAO_Singleton<ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX >;
-#pragma instantiate TAO_Singleton<ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX>
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f41646d), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6973), ACE_NTOHL (0x74726174), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x41646d69), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697374), ACE_NTOHL (0x72617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e0000), // name = Administration
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Administration (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_Administration, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::Administration));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_Administration, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_Administration)
-void ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator*,x);
- CORBA::release (tmp);
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (ServerInformationIterator::_nil ());
- if (is_a == 0)
- return ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- return ServerInformationIterator::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr default_proxy = ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- if (obj->_is_collocated () && _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_function_pointer != 0)
- {
- default_proxy = _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_function_pointer (obj);
- }
- if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy))
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ServerInformationIterator (stub), ServerInformationIterator::_nil ());
- return TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER::instance ()->create_proxy (default_proxy);
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_duplicate (ServerInformationIterator_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-CORBA::Boolean ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (server_list.ptr (), ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList, _tao_retval);
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "next_n",
- 6,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << how_many)
- ))
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::MARSHAL (), _tao_retval);
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) &&
- (_tao_in >> *server_list.ptr ())
- ))
- break;
- }
- return _tao_retval;
-void ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Stub *istub = this->_stubobj ();
- if (istub == 0)
- TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call (
- istub,
- "destroy",
- 7,
- istub->orb_core ()
- );
- for (;;)
- {
- _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Tremporary hack until GIOP 1.2 is implemented.
- _tao_call.prepare_header (ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, flag), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int _invoke_status =
- _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART)
- continue;
- if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK)
- {
- }
- break;
- }
-CORBA::Boolean ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")))
- return 1; // success using local knowledge
- else
- return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0";
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory (int register_proxy_factory)
- if (register_proxy_factory)
- {
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER::instance ()->register_proxy_factory (this);
- }
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory (void)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory::create_proxy (
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- return proxy;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void)
- : proxy_factory_ (0),
- delete_proxy_factory_ (0)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void)
- // Making sure the factory which the adapter has is destroyed with it.
- if (this->proxy_factory_ != 0)
- delete this->proxy_factory_;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::register_proxy_factory (
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory *df,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- // Remove any existing <proxy_factory_> and replace with the new one.
- this->unregister_proxy_factory (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->proxy_factory_ = df;
- this->delete_proxy_factory_ = 0;
-return 0;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::unregister_proxy_factory (
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- if (this->delete_proxy_factory_ == 0 && this->proxy_factory_ != 0)
- {
- // Its necessary to set <delete_proxy_factory_> to 1 to make sure that it
- // doesnt get into an infinite loop in <unregister_proxy_factory> as it is
- // invoked in the destructor of the class too.
- this->delete_proxy_factory_ = 1;
- delete this->proxy_factory_;
- this->proxy_factory_ = 0;
- }
-return 0;
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter::create_proxy (
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,
- this->lock_, 0));
- // Verify that an <proxy_factory_> is available else make one.
- if (this->proxy_factory_ == 0)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->proxy_factory_,
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory (1),
- 0);
- return this->proxy_factory_->create_proxy (proxy);
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base (::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr proxy)
-: base_proxy_ (proxy)
-ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base::~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base (void)
-CORBA::Boolean ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base::next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- return this->base_proxy_->next_n (
- how_many,
- server_list,
- );
-void ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base::destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->base_proxy_->destroy (
- );
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
-template class TAO_Singleton<ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX >;
-#pragma instantiate TAO_Singleton<ImplementationRepository::TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX>
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 59, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f536572), ACE_NTOHL (0x76657249), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e666f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4974), ACE_NTOHL (0x65726174), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0
- 26, ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x6572496e), ACE_NTOHL (0x666f726d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e497465), ACE_NTOHL (0x7261746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = ServerInformationIterator
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator), (char *) &_oc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator, 0, sizeof (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (ImplementationRepository)
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ServerInformationIterator, &_tc_TAO_tc_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr (*_TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_function_pointer) (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- ) = 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- if (stream << _tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerObject,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_duplicate (_tao_elem),
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- }
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &_tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_nil ();
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerObject, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerObject,
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_nil ();
- return 0;
- }
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_nil ();
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<ImplementationRepository::ServerObject,ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var>;
-# pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<ImplementationRepository::ServerObject,ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var>
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &_tao_elem) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_EnvironmentVariable,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_EnvironmentVariable,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable*&,_tao_elem);
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_EnvironmentVariable, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable*,
- _tao_any.value ()
- );
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_EnvironmentVariable,
- 1,
- ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp),
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-void operator<<= (
- CORBA::Any &_tao_any,
- const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &_tao_elem
- ) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- if (stream << _tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_EnvironmentList,
- stream.begin ()
- );
- }
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_EnvironmentList,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList*&,
- _tao_elem
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_EnvironmentList, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList*,
- _tao_any.value ()
- );
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_EnvironmentList,
- 1,
- ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp),
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ActivationMode,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode &_tao_elem)
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_ActivationMode, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &_tao_elem) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_StartupOptions,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_StartupOptions,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions*&,_tao_elem);
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_StartupOptions, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions*,
- _tao_any.value ()
- );
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_StartupOptions,
- 1,
- ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp),
- ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &_tao_elem) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformation,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformation,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation*&,_tao_elem);
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformation, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation*,
- _tao_any.value ()
- );
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformation,
- 1,
- ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp),
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-void operator<<= (
- CORBA::Any &_tao_any,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &_tao_elem
- ) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- if (stream << _tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformationList,
- stream.begin ()
- );
- }
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformationList,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList*&,
- _tao_elem
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformationList, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList*,
- _tao_any.value ()
- );
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformationList,
- 1,
- ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp),
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr (*_TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_function_pointer) (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- ) = 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- if (stream << _tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_Administration,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_duplicate (_tao_elem),
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- }
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &_tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::Administration::_nil ();
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_Administration, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_Administration,
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::Administration::_nil ();
- return 0;
- }
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::Administration::_nil ();
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<ImplementationRepository::Administration,ImplementationRepository::Administration_var>;
-# pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<ImplementationRepository::Administration,ImplementationRepository::Administration_var>
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &_tao_elem) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_AlreadyRegistered,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_AlreadyRegistered,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered*&,
- _tao_elem
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_AlreadyRegistered, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = (ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *)_tao_any.value ();
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_AlreadyRegistered,
- 1,
- tmp,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &_tao_elem) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_CannotActivate,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_CannotActivate,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate*&,
- _tao_elem
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_CannotActivate, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = (ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *)_tao_any.value ();
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_CannotActivate,
- 1,
- tmp,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &_tao_elem) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(
- const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound*&,
- _tao_elem
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = (ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *)_tao_any.value ();
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_tc_NotFound,
- 1,
- tmp,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr (*_TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_function_pointer) (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- ) = 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- if (stream << _tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformationIterator,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_duplicate (_tao_elem),
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- }
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &_tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformationIterator, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- ImplementationRepository::_tc_ServerInformationIterator,
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- return 0;
- }
- _tao_elem = ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator,ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var>;
-# pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator,ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var>
-CORBA::Boolean operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &strm,
- const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &_tao_sequence
- )
- if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ())
- {
- // encode all elements
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1;
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++)
- {
- _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]);
- }
- return _tao_marshal_flag;
- }
- return 0; // error
-CORBA::Boolean operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &strm,
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &_tao_sequence
- )
- CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len;
- if (strm >> _tao_seq_len)
- {
- // set the length of the sequence
- _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len);
- // If length is 0 we return true.
- if (0 >= _tao_seq_len)
- return 1;
- // retrieve all the elements
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1;
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++)
- {
- _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]);
- }
- return _tao_marshal_flag;
- }
- return 0; // error
-CORBA::Boolean operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &strm,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &_tao_sequence
- )
- if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ())
- {
- // encode all elements
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1;
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++)
- {
- _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]);
- }
- return _tao_marshal_flag;
- }
- return 0; // error
-CORBA::Boolean operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &strm,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &_tao_sequence
- )
- CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len;
- if (strm >> _tao_seq_len)
- {
- // set the length of the sequence
- _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len);
- // If length is 0 we return true.
- if (0 >= _tao_seq_len)
- return 1;
- // retrieve all the elements
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1;
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++)
- {
- _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]);
- }
- return _tao_marshal_flag;
- }
- return 0; // error
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.h b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94d84122912..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1698 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/Object.h"
-#include "tao/Managed_Types.h"
-#include "tao/Sequence.h"
-#include "tao/Exception.h"
-#include "tao/Environment.h"
-#include "tao/CDR.h"
-#include "tao/Any.h"
-#include "tao/Typecode.h"
-#include "tao/TAO_Singleton.h"
-#include "ace/streams.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#if defined (TAO_EXPORT_MACRO)
-#define TAO_EXPORT_MACRO TAO_Export
-# endif /* defined (TAO_EXPORT_NESTED_MACRO) */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-TAO_NAMESPACE ImplementationRepository
- class ServerObject;
- typedef ServerObject *ServerObject_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class TAO_Export ServerObject_var : public TAO_Base_var
- {
- public:
- ServerObject_var (void); // default constructor
- ServerObject_var (ServerObject_ptr);
- ServerObject_var (const ServerObject_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServerObject_var (void); // destructor
- ServerObject_var &operator= (ServerObject_ptr);
- ServerObject_var &operator= (const ServerObject_var &);
- ServerObject_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServerObject_ptr &() const;
- operator ServerObject_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ServerObject_ptr in (void) const;
- ServerObject_ptr &inout (void);
- ServerObject_ptr &out (void);
- ServerObject_ptr _retn (void);
- ServerObject_ptr ptr (void) const;
- private:
- ServerObject_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ServerObject_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ServerObject_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class TAO_Export ServerObject_out
- {
- public:
- ServerObject_out (ServerObject_ptr &);
- ServerObject_out (ServerObject_var &);
- ServerObject_out (const ServerObject_out &);
- ServerObject_out &operator= (const ServerObject_out &);
- ServerObject_out &operator= (const ServerObject_var &);
- ServerObject_out &operator= (ServerObject_ptr);
- operator ServerObject_ptr &();
- ServerObject_ptr &ptr (void);
- ServerObject_ptr operator-> (void);
- private:
- ServerObject_ptr &ptr_;
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServerObject : public virtual ACE_CORBA_1 (Object)
- {
- public:
- #if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ServerObject_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef ServerObject_var _var_type;
- #endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static ServerObject_ptr _duplicate (ServerObject_ptr obj);
- static ServerObject_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServerObject_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServerObject_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (ServerObject_ptr)0;
- }
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- virtual void ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const CORBA::Char *type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- protected:
- ServerObject (void);
- ServerObject (TAO_Stub *objref,
- TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant = 0,
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated = 0
- );
- virtual ~ServerObject (void);
- private:
- ServerObject (const ServerObject &);
- void operator= (const ServerObject &);
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory (int register_proxy_factory = 1);
- virtual ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory (void);
- virtual ServerObject_ptr create_proxy (
- ServerObject_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter
- friend class TAO_Singleton<TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX>;
- int register_proxy_factory (
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory *df,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- int unregister_proxy_factory (
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ServerObject_ptr create_proxy (
- ServerObject_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void);
- ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void);
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter &operator= (
- const TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter &
- );
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Default_Proxy_Factory *proxy_factory_;
- int delete_proxy_factory_;
- };
- typedef TAO_Singleton<TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX> TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER;
- class TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base : public virtual ACE_NESTED_CLASS (ImplementationRepository, ServerObject)
- {
- public:
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base (::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr proxy);
- ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Smart_Proxy_Base (void);
- virtual void ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var base_proxy_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ServerObject;
-struct EnvironmentVariable;
-class EnvironmentVariable_var;
-struct TAO_Export EnvironmentVariable
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef EnvironmentVariable_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- TAO_String_Manager name;
- TAO_String_Manager value;
-class TAO_Export EnvironmentVariable_var
- EnvironmentVariable_var (void); // default constructor
- EnvironmentVariable_var (EnvironmentVariable *);
- EnvironmentVariable_var (const EnvironmentVariable_var &); // copy constructor
- ~EnvironmentVariable_var (void); // destructor
- EnvironmentVariable_var &operator= (EnvironmentVariable *);
- EnvironmentVariable_var &operator= (const EnvironmentVariable_var &);
- EnvironmentVariable *operator-> (void);
- const EnvironmentVariable *operator-> (void) const;
- operator const EnvironmentVariable &() const;
- operator EnvironmentVariable &();
- operator EnvironmentVariable &() const;
- operator EnvironmentVariable *&(); // variable-size types only
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- const EnvironmentVariable &in (void) const;
- EnvironmentVariable &inout (void);
- EnvironmentVariable *&out (void);
- EnvironmentVariable *_retn (void);
- EnvironmentVariable *ptr (void) const;
- EnvironmentVariable *ptr_;
-class TAO_Export EnvironmentVariable_out
- EnvironmentVariable_out (EnvironmentVariable *&);
- EnvironmentVariable_out (EnvironmentVariable_var &);
- EnvironmentVariable_out (const EnvironmentVariable_out &);
- EnvironmentVariable_out &operator= (const EnvironmentVariable_out &);
- EnvironmentVariable_out &operator= (EnvironmentVariable *);
- operator EnvironmentVariable *&();
- EnvironmentVariable *&ptr (void);
- EnvironmentVariable *operator-> (void);
- EnvironmentVariable *&ptr_;
- // assignment from T_var not allowed
- void operator= (const EnvironmentVariable_var &);
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_EnvironmentVariable;
-typedef char * Address;
-typedef CORBA::String_var Address_var;
-typedef CORBA::String_out Address_out;
- class TAO_EXPORT_NESTED_MACRO _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList : public TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence
- {
- public:
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (void); // Default constructor.
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (CORBA::ULong maximum);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (CORBA::ULong maximum,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- EnvironmentVariable *data,
- CORBA::Boolean release = 0);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList &rhs);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList &operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList &rhs);
- virtual ~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (void); // Dtor.
- // = Accessors.
- EnvironmentVariable &operator[] (CORBA::ULong i);
- const EnvironmentVariable &operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const;
- // = Static operations.
- static EnvironmentVariable *allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size);
- static void freebuf (EnvironmentVariable *buffer);
- virtual void _allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length);
- virtual void _deallocate_buffer (void);
- // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h)
- EnvironmentVariable *get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan = 0);
- const EnvironmentVariable *get_buffer (void) const;
- void replace (CORBA::ULong max,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- EnvironmentVariable *data,
- CORBA::Boolean release);
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class EnvironmentList;
-class EnvironmentList_var;
-// *************************************************************
-// EnvironmentList
-// *************************************************************
-class TAO_Export EnvironmentList : public
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<EnvironmentVariable>
- EnvironmentList (void); // default ctor
- EnvironmentList (CORBA::ULong max); // uses max size
- EnvironmentList (
- CORBA::ULong max,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- EnvironmentVariable *buffer,
- CORBA::Boolean release=0
- );
- EnvironmentList (const EnvironmentList &); // copy ctor
- ~EnvironmentList (void);
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef EnvironmentList_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// class ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var
-// *************************************************************
-class TAO_Export EnvironmentList_var
- EnvironmentList_var (void); // default constructor
- EnvironmentList_var (EnvironmentList *);
- EnvironmentList_var (const EnvironmentList_var &); // copy constructor
- ~EnvironmentList_var (void); // destructor
- EnvironmentList_var &operator= (EnvironmentList *);
- EnvironmentList_var &operator= (const EnvironmentList_var &);
- EnvironmentList *operator-> (void);
- const EnvironmentList *operator-> (void) const;
- operator const EnvironmentList &() const;
- operator EnvironmentList &();
- operator EnvironmentList &() const;
- operator EnvironmentList *&(); // variable-size base types only
- EnvironmentVariable &operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- const EnvironmentList &in (void) const;
- EnvironmentList &inout (void);
- EnvironmentList *&out (void);
- EnvironmentList *_retn (void);
- EnvironmentList *ptr (void) const;
- EnvironmentList *ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export EnvironmentList_out
- EnvironmentList_out (EnvironmentList *&);
- EnvironmentList_out (EnvironmentList_var &);
- EnvironmentList_out (const EnvironmentList_out &);
- EnvironmentList_out &operator= (const EnvironmentList_out &);
- EnvironmentList_out &operator= (EnvironmentList *);
- operator EnvironmentList *&();
- EnvironmentList *&ptr (void);
- EnvironmentList *operator-> (void);
- EnvironmentVariable &operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);
- EnvironmentList *&ptr_;
- // assignment from T_var not allowed
- void operator= (const EnvironmentList_var &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_EnvironmentList;
-enum ActivationMode
-typedef ActivationMode &ActivationMode_out;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ActivationMode;
-struct StartupOptions;
-class StartupOptions_var;
-struct TAO_Export StartupOptions
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef StartupOptions_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- TAO_String_Manager command_line;
- ACE_NESTED_CLASS (ImplementationRepository, EnvironmentList) environment;
- TAO_String_Manager working_directory;
- ACE_NESTED_CLASS (ImplementationRepository, ActivationMode) activation;
-class TAO_Export StartupOptions_var
- StartupOptions_var (void); // default constructor
- StartupOptions_var (StartupOptions *);
- StartupOptions_var (const StartupOptions_var &); // copy constructor
- ~StartupOptions_var (void); // destructor
- StartupOptions_var &operator= (StartupOptions *);
- StartupOptions_var &operator= (const StartupOptions_var &);
- StartupOptions *operator-> (void);
- const StartupOptions *operator-> (void) const;
- operator const StartupOptions &() const;
- operator StartupOptions &();
- operator StartupOptions &() const;
- operator StartupOptions *&(); // variable-size types only
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- const StartupOptions &in (void) const;
- StartupOptions &inout (void);
- StartupOptions *&out (void);
- StartupOptions *_retn (void);
- StartupOptions *ptr (void) const;
- StartupOptions *ptr_;
-class TAO_Export StartupOptions_out
- StartupOptions_out (StartupOptions *&);
- StartupOptions_out (StartupOptions_var &);
- StartupOptions_out (const StartupOptions_out &);
- StartupOptions_out &operator= (const StartupOptions_out &);
- StartupOptions_out &operator= (StartupOptions *);
- operator StartupOptions *&();
- StartupOptions *&ptr (void);
- StartupOptions *operator-> (void);
- StartupOptions *&ptr_;
- // assignment from T_var not allowed
- void operator= (const StartupOptions_var &);
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_StartupOptions;
-struct ServerInformation;
-class ServerInformation_var;
-struct TAO_Export ServerInformation
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ServerInformation_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- TAO_String_Manager logical_server;
- TAO_String_Manager server;
- ACE_NESTED_CLASS (ImplementationRepository, StartupOptions) startup;
- TAO_String_Manager location;
-class TAO_Export ServerInformation_var
- ServerInformation_var (void); // default constructor
- ServerInformation_var (ServerInformation *);
- ServerInformation_var (const ServerInformation_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServerInformation_var (void); // destructor
- ServerInformation_var &operator= (ServerInformation *);
- ServerInformation_var &operator= (const ServerInformation_var &);
- ServerInformation *operator-> (void);
- const ServerInformation *operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServerInformation &() const;
- operator ServerInformation &();
- operator ServerInformation &() const;
- operator ServerInformation *&(); // variable-size types only
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- const ServerInformation &in (void) const;
- ServerInformation &inout (void);
- ServerInformation *&out (void);
- ServerInformation *_retn (void);
- ServerInformation *ptr (void) const;
- ServerInformation *ptr_;
-class TAO_Export ServerInformation_out
- ServerInformation_out (ServerInformation *&);
- ServerInformation_out (ServerInformation_var &);
- ServerInformation_out (const ServerInformation_out &);
- ServerInformation_out &operator= (const ServerInformation_out &);
- ServerInformation_out &operator= (ServerInformation *);
- operator ServerInformation *&();
- ServerInformation *&ptr (void);
- ServerInformation *operator-> (void);
- ServerInformation *&ptr_;
- // assignment from T_var not allowed
- void operator= (const ServerInformation_var &);
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ServerInformation;
- class TAO_EXPORT_NESTED_MACRO _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList : public TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence
- {
- public:
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (void); // Default constructor.
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (CORBA::ULong maximum);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (CORBA::ULong maximum,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- ServerInformation *data,
- CORBA::Boolean release = 0);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList &rhs);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList &operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList &rhs);
- virtual ~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (void); // Dtor.
- // = Accessors.
- ServerInformation &operator[] (CORBA::ULong i);
- const ServerInformation &operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const;
- // = Static operations.
- static ServerInformation *allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size);
- static void freebuf (ServerInformation *buffer);
- virtual void _allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length);
- virtual void _deallocate_buffer (void);
- // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h)
- ServerInformation *get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan = 0);
- const ServerInformation *get_buffer (void) const;
- void replace (CORBA::ULong max,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- ServerInformation *data,
- CORBA::Boolean release);
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class ServerInformationList;
-class ServerInformationList_var;
-// *************************************************************
-// ServerInformationList
-// *************************************************************
-class TAO_Export ServerInformationList : public
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<ServerInformation>
- ServerInformationList (void); // default ctor
- ServerInformationList (CORBA::ULong max); // uses max size
- ServerInformationList (
- CORBA::ULong max,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- ServerInformation *buffer,
- CORBA::Boolean release=0
- );
- ServerInformationList (const ServerInformationList &); // copy ctor
- ~ServerInformationList (void);
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ServerInformationList_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// class ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var
-// *************************************************************
-class TAO_Export ServerInformationList_var
- ServerInformationList_var (void); // default constructor
- ServerInformationList_var (ServerInformationList *);
- ServerInformationList_var (const ServerInformationList_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServerInformationList_var (void); // destructor
- ServerInformationList_var &operator= (ServerInformationList *);
- ServerInformationList_var &operator= (const ServerInformationList_var &);
- ServerInformationList *operator-> (void);
- const ServerInformationList *operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServerInformationList &() const;
- operator ServerInformationList &();
- operator ServerInformationList &() const;
- operator ServerInformationList *&(); // variable-size base types only
- ServerInformation &operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- const ServerInformationList &in (void) const;
- ServerInformationList &inout (void);
- ServerInformationList *&out (void);
- ServerInformationList *_retn (void);
- ServerInformationList *ptr (void) const;
- ServerInformationList *ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServerInformationList_out
- ServerInformationList_out (ServerInformationList *&);
- ServerInformationList_out (ServerInformationList_var &);
- ServerInformationList_out (const ServerInformationList_out &);
- ServerInformationList_out &operator= (const ServerInformationList_out &);
- ServerInformationList_out &operator= (ServerInformationList *);
- operator ServerInformationList *&();
- ServerInformationList *&ptr (void);
- ServerInformationList *operator-> (void);
- ServerInformation &operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);
- ServerInformationList *&ptr_;
- // assignment from T_var not allowed
- void operator= (const ServerInformationList_var &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ServerInformationList;
-class ServerInformationIterator;
-typedef ServerInformationIterator *ServerInformationIterator_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServerInformationIterator_var : public TAO_Base_var
- ServerInformationIterator_var (void); // default constructor
- ServerInformationIterator_var (ServerInformationIterator_ptr);
- ServerInformationIterator_var (const ServerInformationIterator_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServerInformationIterator_var (void); // destructor
- ServerInformationIterator_var &operator= (ServerInformationIterator_ptr);
- ServerInformationIterator_var &operator= (const ServerInformationIterator_var &);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServerInformationIterator_ptr &() const;
- operator ServerInformationIterator_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr in (void) const;
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr &inout (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr &out (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr _retn (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr ptr (void) const;
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ServerInformationIterator_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ServerInformationIterator_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServerInformationIterator_out
- ServerInformationIterator_out (ServerInformationIterator_ptr &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out (ServerInformationIterator_var &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out (const ServerInformationIterator_out &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out &operator= (const ServerInformationIterator_out &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out &operator= (const ServerInformationIterator_var &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out &operator= (ServerInformationIterator_ptr);
- operator ServerInformationIterator_ptr &();
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr &ptr (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr operator-> (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class Administration;
-typedef Administration *Administration_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export Administration_var : public TAO_Base_var
- Administration_var (void); // default constructor
- Administration_var (Administration_ptr);
- Administration_var (const Administration_var &); // copy constructor
- ~Administration_var (void); // destructor
- Administration_var &operator= (Administration_ptr);
- Administration_var &operator= (const Administration_var &);
- Administration_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const Administration_ptr &() const;
- operator Administration_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- Administration_ptr in (void) const;
- Administration_ptr &inout (void);
- Administration_ptr &out (void);
- Administration_ptr _retn (void);
- Administration_ptr ptr (void) const;
- Administration_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- Administration_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- Administration_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export Administration_out
- Administration_out (Administration_ptr &);
- Administration_out (Administration_var &);
- Administration_out (const Administration_out &);
- Administration_out &operator= (const Administration_out &);
- Administration_out &operator= (const Administration_var &);
- Administration_out &operator= (Administration_ptr);
- operator Administration_ptr &();
- Administration_ptr &ptr (void);
- Administration_ptr operator-> (void);
- Administration_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export Administration : public virtual ACE_CORBA_1 (Object)
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef Administration_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef Administration_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static Administration_ptr _duplicate (Administration_ptr obj);
- static Administration_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static Administration_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static Administration_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (Administration_ptr)0;
- }
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- class TAO_Export AlreadyRegistered : public CORBA::UserException
- {
- public:
- AlreadyRegistered (void); // default ctor
- AlreadyRegistered (const AlreadyRegistered &); // copy ctor
- ~AlreadyRegistered (void);
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- AlreadyRegistered &operator= (const AlreadyRegistered &);
- virtual void _raise (void);
- virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
- virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
- static AlreadyRegistered *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
- // = TAO extension
- static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _type (void) const;
- }; // exception ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- static CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_AlreadyRegistered;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class TAO_Export CannotActivate : public CORBA::UserException
- {
- public:
- TAO_String_Manager reason;
- CannotActivate (void); // default ctor
- CannotActivate (const CannotActivate &); // copy ctor
- ~CannotActivate (void);
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- CannotActivate &operator= (const CannotActivate &);
- virtual void _raise (void);
- virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
- virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
- static CannotActivate *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
- CannotActivate (
- const char * _tao_reason
- );
- // = TAO extension
- static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _type (void) const;
- }; // exception ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- static CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_CannotActivate;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class TAO_Export NotFound : public CORBA::UserException
- {
- public:
- NotFound (void); // default ctor
- NotFound (const NotFound &); // copy ctor
- ~NotFound (void);
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- NotFound &operator= (const NotFound &);
- virtual void _raise (void);
- virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
- virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
- static NotFound *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
- // = TAO extension
- static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _type (void) const;
- }; // exception ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- static CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_NotFound;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- virtual void activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- ));
- virtual void register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- ));
- virtual void reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual char * server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const CORBA::Char *type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- Administration (void);
- Administration (TAO_Stub *objref,
- TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant = 0,
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated = 0
- );
- virtual ~Administration (void);
- Administration (const Administration &);
- void operator= (const Administration &);
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory (int register_proxy_factory = 1);
- virtual ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory (void);
- virtual Administration_ptr create_proxy (
- Administration_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter
- friend class TAO_Singleton<TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX>;
- int register_proxy_factory (
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory *df,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- int unregister_proxy_factory (
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- Administration_ptr create_proxy (
- Administration_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void);
- ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void);
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter &operator= (
- const TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter &
- );
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Default_Proxy_Factory *proxy_factory_;
- int delete_proxy_factory_;
- };
- typedef TAO_Singleton<TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX> TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER;
- class TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base : public virtual ACE_NESTED_CLASS (ImplementationRepository, Administration)
- {
- public:
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base (::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr proxy);
- ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Smart_Proxy_Base (void);
- virtual void activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- ));
- virtual void register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- ));
- virtual void reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual char * server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_var base_proxy_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_Administration;
-class ServerInformationIterator;
-typedef ServerInformationIterator *ServerInformationIterator_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServerInformationIterator_var : public TAO_Base_var
- ServerInformationIterator_var (void); // default constructor
- ServerInformationIterator_var (ServerInformationIterator_ptr);
- ServerInformationIterator_var (const ServerInformationIterator_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServerInformationIterator_var (void); // destructor
- ServerInformationIterator_var &operator= (ServerInformationIterator_ptr);
- ServerInformationIterator_var &operator= (const ServerInformationIterator_var &);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServerInformationIterator_ptr &() const;
- operator ServerInformationIterator_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr in (void) const;
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr &inout (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr &out (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr _retn (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr ptr (void) const;
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ServerInformationIterator_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ServerInformationIterator_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServerInformationIterator_out
- ServerInformationIterator_out (ServerInformationIterator_ptr &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out (ServerInformationIterator_var &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out (const ServerInformationIterator_out &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out &operator= (const ServerInformationIterator_out &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out &operator= (const ServerInformationIterator_var &);
- ServerInformationIterator_out &operator= (ServerInformationIterator_ptr);
- operator ServerInformationIterator_ptr &();
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr &ptr (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr operator-> (void);
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServerInformationIterator : public virtual ACE_CORBA_1 (Object)
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ServerInformationIterator_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef ServerInformationIterator_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static ServerInformationIterator_ptr _duplicate (ServerInformationIterator_ptr obj);
- static ServerInformationIterator_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServerInformationIterator_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServerInformationIterator_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (ServerInformationIterator_ptr)0;
- }
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const CORBA::Char *type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- ServerInformationIterator (void);
- ServerInformationIterator (TAO_Stub *objref,
- TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant = 0,
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated = 0
- );
- virtual ~ServerInformationIterator (void);
- ServerInformationIterator (const ServerInformationIterator &);
- void operator= (const ServerInformationIterator &);
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory (int register_proxy_factory = 1);
- virtual ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory (void);
- virtual ServerInformationIterator_ptr create_proxy (
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter
- friend class TAO_Singleton<TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX>;
- int register_proxy_factory (
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory *df,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- int unregister_proxy_factory (
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr create_proxy (
- ServerInformationIterator_ptr proxy,
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void);
- ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter (void);
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter &operator= (
- const TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter &
- );
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Default_Proxy_Factory *proxy_factory_;
- int delete_proxy_factory_;
- };
- typedef TAO_Singleton<TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Proxy_Factory_Adapter, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX> TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_PROXY_FACTORY_ADAPTER;
- class TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base : public virtual ACE_NESTED_CLASS (ImplementationRepository, ServerInformationIterator)
- {
- public:
- TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base (::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr proxy);
- ~TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Smart_Proxy_Base (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var base_proxy_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ServerInformationIterator;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_CLOSE // module ImplementationRepository
-extern TAO_Export ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr (*_TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_function_pointer) (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- );
-// Any operators for interface ImplementationRepository::ServerObject
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode &);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *&);
-extern TAO_Export ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr (*_TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_function_pointer) (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- );
-// Any operators for interface ImplementationRepository::Administration
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::Administration *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound *&);
-extern TAO_Export ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr (*_TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_function_pointer) (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- );
-// Any operators for interface ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *&);
-#ifndef __ACE_INLINE__
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr );
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &);
-#if !defined _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList_H_
-#define _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList_H_
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &
- );
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &
- );
-#endif /* _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList_H_ */
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode &); //
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &);
-#if !defined _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList_H_
-#define _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList_H_
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &
- );
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &
- );
-#endif /* _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList_H_ */
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr );
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &);
-TAO_Export ostream& operator<< (ostream &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &);
-TAO_Export ostream& operator<< (ostream &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &);
-TAO_Export ostream& operator<< (ostream &, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr );
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &);
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "ImplRepoC.i"
-#endif /* defined INLINE */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.i b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ec8f773ac3..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoC.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2257 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::ServerObject (void) // default constructor
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::ServerObject (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor
- : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::~ServerObject (void) // destructor
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::ServerObject_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (ServerObject::_nil ())
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::ServerObject_var (ServerObject_ptr p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::ServerObject_var (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (ServerObject::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::~ServerObject_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::operator= (ServerObject_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::operator const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::ServerObject_out (ServerObject_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_nil ();
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::ServerObject_out (ServerObject_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_nil ();
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::ServerObject_out (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ServerObject_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ServerObject_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::operator= (ServerObject_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::EnvironmentVariable_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (0)
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::EnvironmentVariable_var (EnvironmentVariable *p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::EnvironmentVariable_var (const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var &p) // copy constructor
- if (p.ptr_)
- ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable (*p.ptr_));
- else
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::~EnvironmentVariable_var (void) // destructor
- delete this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::operator= (EnvironmentVariable *p)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- delete this->ptr_;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable (*p.ptr_), *this);
- }
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::operator const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &() // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-// variable-size types only
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::in (void) const
- return *this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::inout (void)
- return *this->ptr_;
-// mapping for variable size
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::out (void)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::_retn (void)
- ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *tmp = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return tmp;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out::EnvironmentVariable_out (::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out::EnvironmentVariable_out (EnvironmentVariable_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out::EnvironmentVariable_out (const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (EnvironmentVariable_out&, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (EnvironmentVariable_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out::operator= (EnvironmentVariable *p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out::operator ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *&
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
- // = Static operations.
- ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size)
- // Allocate storage for the sequence.
- {
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable[size], 0);
- return retval;
- }
- ACE_INLINE void ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::freebuf (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *buffer)
- // Free the sequence.
- {
- delete [] buffer;
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (void) // Default constructor.
- {
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value.
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::allocbuf (maximum))
- {
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (CORBA::ULong maximum,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *data,
- CORBA::Boolean release)
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release)
- {
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList &rhs)
- // Copy constructor.
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs)
- {
- if (rhs.buffer_ != 0)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::allocbuf (this->maximum_);
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- tmp1[i] = tmp2[i];
- this->buffer_ = tmp1;
- }
- else
- {
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- }
- }
- ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList &
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList &rhs)
- // Assignment operator.
- {
- if (this == &rhs)
- return *this;
- if (this->release_)
- {
- if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_)
- {
- // free the old buffer
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *, this->buffer_);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::freebuf (tmp);
- this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_);
- }
- }
- else
- this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_);
- TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs);
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *, this->buffer_);
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- tmp1[i] = tmp2[i];
- return *this;
- }
- // = Accessors.
- ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i)
- // operator []
- {
- ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_);
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable*,this->buffer_);
- return tmp[i];
- }
- ACE_INLINE const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const
- // operator []
- {
- ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_);
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_);
- return tmp[i];
- }
- // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h)
- ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *result = 0;
- if (orphan == 0)
- {
- // We retain ownership.
- if (this->buffer_ == 0)
- {
- result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::allocbuf (this->length_);
- this->buffer_ = result;
- this->release_ = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable*, this->buffer_);
- }
- }
- else // if (orphan == 1)
- {
- if (this->release_ != 0)
- {
- // We set the state back to default and relinquish
- // ownership.
- result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable*,this->buffer_);
- this->maximum_ = 0;
- this->length_ = 0;
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- this->release_ = 0;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- ACE_INLINE const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::get_buffer (void) const
- {
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_);
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::replace (CORBA::ULong max,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *data,
- CORBA::Boolean release)
- {
- this->maximum_ = max;
- this->length_ = length;
- if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable*,this->buffer_);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList::freebuf (tmp);
- }
- this->buffer_ = data;
- this->release_ = release;
- }
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::EnvironmentList_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (0)
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::EnvironmentList_var (EnvironmentList *p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::EnvironmentList_var (const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var &p) // copy constructor
- if (p.ptr_)
- ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList (*p.ptr_));
- else
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::~EnvironmentList_var (void) // destructor
- delete this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator= (EnvironmentList *p)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var &p) // deep copy
- if (this != &p)
- {
- delete this->ptr_;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList (*p.ptr_), *this);
- }
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &() // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-// variable-size types only
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index)
- return this->ptr_->operator[] (index);
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::in (void) const
- return *this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::inout (void)
- return *this->ptr_;
-// mapping for variable size
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *&
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::out (void)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::_retn (void)
- ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *tmp = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return tmp;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::EnvironmentList_out (EnvironmentList *&p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::EnvironmentList_out (EnvironmentList_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::EnvironmentList_out (const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (EnvironmentList_out&, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (EnvironmentList_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::operator= (EnvironmentList *p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::operator ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *&
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList *
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &
-ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index)
- return this->ptr_->operator[] (index);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::StartupOptions_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (0)
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::StartupOptions_var (StartupOptions *p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::StartupOptions_var (const ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var &p) // copy constructor
- if (p.ptr_)
- ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions (*p.ptr_));
- else
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::~StartupOptions_var (void) // destructor
- delete this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var &
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::operator= (StartupOptions *p)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var &
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- delete this->ptr_;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions (*p.ptr_), *this);
- }
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::operator const ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &() // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-// variable-size types only
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::in (void) const
- return *this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::inout (void)
- return *this->ptr_;
-// mapping for variable size
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::out (void)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::_retn (void)
- ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *tmp = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return tmp;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out::StartupOptions_out (::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out::StartupOptions_out (StartupOptions_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out::StartupOptions_out (const ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (StartupOptions_out&, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out &
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (StartupOptions_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out &
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out::operator= (StartupOptions *p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out::operator ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *&
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions *
-ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::ServerInformation_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (0)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::ServerInformation_var (ServerInformation *p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::ServerInformation_var (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var &p) // copy constructor
- if (p.ptr_)
- ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation (*p.ptr_));
- else
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::~ServerInformation_var (void) // destructor
- delete this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::operator= (ServerInformation *p)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- delete this->ptr_;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation (*p.ptr_), *this);
- }
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::operator const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &() // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-// variable-size types only
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::in (void) const
- return *this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::inout (void)
- return *this->ptr_;
-// mapping for variable size
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::out (void)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::_retn (void)
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *tmp = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return tmp;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out::ServerInformation_out (::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out::ServerInformation_out (ServerInformation_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out::ServerInformation_out (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ServerInformation_out&, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ServerInformation_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out::operator= (ServerInformation *p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *&
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
- // = Static operations.
- ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size)
- // Allocate storage for the sequence.
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation[size], 0);
- return retval;
- }
- ACE_INLINE void ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::freebuf (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *buffer)
- // Free the sequence.
- {
- delete [] buffer;
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (void) // Default constructor.
- {
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value.
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::allocbuf (maximum))
- {
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (CORBA::ULong maximum,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *data,
- CORBA::Boolean release)
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release)
- {
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList &rhs)
- // Copy constructor.
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs)
- {
- if (rhs.buffer_ != 0)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::allocbuf (this->maximum_);
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- tmp1[i] = tmp2[i];
- this->buffer_ = tmp1;
- }
- else
- {
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- }
- }
- ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList &
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList &rhs)
- // Assignment operator.
- {
- if (this == &rhs)
- return *this;
- if (this->release_)
- {
- if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_)
- {
- // free the old buffer
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *, this->buffer_);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::freebuf (tmp);
- this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_);
- }
- }
- else
- this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_);
- TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs);
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *, this->buffer_);
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- tmp1[i] = tmp2[i];
- return *this;
- }
- // = Accessors.
- ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i)
- // operator []
- {
- ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_);
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation*,this->buffer_);
- return tmp[i];
- }
- ACE_INLINE const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const
- // operator []
- {
- ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_);
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_);
- return tmp[i];
- }
- // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h)
- ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *result = 0;
- if (orphan == 0)
- {
- // We retain ownership.
- if (this->buffer_ == 0)
- {
- result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::allocbuf (this->length_);
- this->buffer_ = result;
- this->release_ = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation*, this->buffer_);
- }
- }
- else // if (orphan == 1)
- {
- if (this->release_ != 0)
- {
- // We set the state back to default and relinquish
- // ownership.
- result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation*,this->buffer_);
- this->maximum_ = 0;
- this->length_ = 0;
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- this->release_ = 0;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- ACE_INLINE const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::get_buffer (void) const
- {
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_);
- }
- ImplementationRepository::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::replace (CORBA::ULong max,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *data,
- CORBA::Boolean release)
- {
- this->maximum_ = max;
- this->length_ = length;
- if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1)
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation*,this->buffer_);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList::freebuf (tmp);
- }
- this->buffer_ = data;
- this->release_ = release;
- }
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::ServerInformationList_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (0)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::ServerInformationList_var (ServerInformationList *p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::ServerInformationList_var (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var &p) // copy constructor
- if (p.ptr_)
- ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList (*p.ptr_));
- else
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::~ServerInformationList_var (void) // destructor
- delete this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator= (ServerInformationList *p)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var &p) // deep copy
- if (this != &p)
- {
- delete this->ptr_;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList (*p.ptr_), *this);
- }
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &() // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-// variable-size types only
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index)
- return this->ptr_->operator[] (index);
-ACE_INLINE const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::in (void) const
- return *this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::inout (void)
- return *this->ptr_;
-// mapping for variable size
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *&
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::out (void)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::_retn (void)
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *tmp = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return tmp;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::ServerInformationList_out (ServerInformationList *&p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::ServerInformationList_out (ServerInformationList_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::ServerInformationList_out (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ServerInformationList_out&, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ServerInformationList_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::operator= (ServerInformationList *p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *&
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList *
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index)
- return this->ptr_->operator[] (index);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::Administration (void) // default constructor
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::Administration (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor
- : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated)
-ImplementationRepository::Administration::~Administration (void) // destructor
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::Administration_var
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::Administration_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (Administration::_nil ())
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::Administration_var (Administration_ptr p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::Administration_var (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (Administration::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::~Administration_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::Administration_var &
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::operator= (Administration_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::Administration_var &
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::operator const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::Administration_out
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::Administration_out (Administration_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::_nil ();
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::Administration_out (Administration_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::_nil ();
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::Administration_out (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (Administration_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_out &
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (Administration_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::Administration_out &
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::Administration_out &
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::operator= (Administration_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::operator ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::ServerInformationIterator (void) // default constructor
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::ServerInformationIterator (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor
- : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated)
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::~ServerInformationIterator (void) // destructor
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::ServerInformationIterator_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (ServerInformationIterator::_nil ())
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::ServerInformationIterator_var (ServerInformationIterator_ptr p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::ServerInformationIterator_var (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (ServerInformationIterator::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::~ServerInformationIterator_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::operator= (ServerInformationIterator_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::operator const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out
-// *************************************************************
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::ServerInformationIterator_out (ServerInformationIterator_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::ServerInformationIterator_out (ServerInformationIterator_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_nil ();
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::ServerInformationIterator_out (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ServerInformationIterator_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ServerInformationIterator_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::operator= (const ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::operator= (ServerInformationIterator_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::operator ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr
- );
-operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &
- );
-operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &strm,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr _tao_objref
- )
- CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref;
- return (strm << _tao_corba_obj);
-operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &strm,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr &_tao_objref
- )
- {
- CORBA::Object_var obj;
- if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0)
- return 0;
- // narrow to the right type
- _tao_objref =
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_unchecked_narrow (
- (),
- );
- return 1;
- }
- {
- // do nothing
- }
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &_tao_aggregate)
- if (
- (strm << ()) &&
- (strm << ())
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentVariable &_tao_aggregate)
- if (
- (strm >> ()) &&
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.value.out ())
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-#if !defined _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList_I_
-#define _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList_I_
-CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &
- );
-CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList &
- );
-#endif /* _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_EnvironmentList_I_ */
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp = _tao_enumval;
- return strm << _tao_temp;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp = 0;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_result = strm >> _tao_temp;
- if (_tao_result == 1)
- {
- _tao_enumval = ACE_static_cast (ImplementationRepository::ActivationMode, _tao_temp);
- }
- return _tao_result;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &_tao_aggregate)
- if (
- (strm << ()) &&
- (strm << _tao_aggregate.environment) &&
- (strm << ()) &&
- (strm << _tao_aggregate.activation)
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions &_tao_aggregate)
- if (
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.command_line.out ()) &&
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.environment) &&
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.working_directory.out ()) &&
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.activation)
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &_tao_aggregate)
- if (
- (strm << ()) &&
- (strm << ()) &&
- (strm << _tao_aggregate.startup) &&
- (strm << ())
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation &_tao_aggregate)
- if (
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.logical_server.out ()) &&
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.server.out ()) &&
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.startup) &&
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.location.out ())
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-#if !defined _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList_I_
-#define _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList_I_
-CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &
- );
-CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList &
- );
-#endif /* _TAO_CDR_OP_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationList_I_ */
-operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr
- );
-operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &
- );
-operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr
- );
-operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &
- );
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &_tao_aggregate)
- // first marshal the repository ID
- if (strm << _tao_aggregate._id ())
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &,ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered&)
- return 1;
-ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered &_tao_aggregate)
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc = _tao_aggregate._type ();
- if (tc)
- {
- os << tc->name () << " (";
- }
- os << _tao_aggregate._id ();
- if (tc)
- {
- os << ")";
- }
- return os;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &_tao_aggregate)
- // first marshal the repository ID
- if (strm << _tao_aggregate._id ())
- {
- // now marshal the members (if any)
- if (
- (strm << ())
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm,ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &_tao_aggregate)
- // now marshal the members
- if (
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.reason.out ())
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate &_tao_aggregate)
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc = _tao_aggregate._type ();
- if (tc)
- {
- os << tc->name () << " (";
- }
- os << _tao_aggregate._id ();
- if (tc)
- {
- os << ")";
- }
- return os;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &_tao_aggregate)
- // first marshal the repository ID
- if (strm << _tao_aggregate._id ())
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &,ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound&)
- return 1;
-ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound &_tao_aggregate)
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc = _tao_aggregate._type ();
- if (tc)
- {
- os << tc->name () << " (";
- }
- os << _tao_aggregate._id ();
- if (tc)
- {
- os << ")";
- }
- return os;
-operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &strm,
- const ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr _tao_objref
- )
- CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref;
- return (strm << _tao_corba_obj);
-operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &strm,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr &_tao_objref
- )
- {
- CORBA::Object_var obj;
- if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0)
- return 0;
- // narrow to the right type
- _tao_objref =
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_unchecked_narrow (
- (),
- );
- return 1;
- }
- {
- // do nothing
- }
- return 0;
-operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr
- );
-operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &
- );
-operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &strm,
- const ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr _tao_objref
- )
- CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref;
- return (strm << _tao_corba_obj);
-operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &strm,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr &_tao_objref
- )
- {
- CORBA::Object_var obj;
- if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0)
- return 0;
- // narrow to the right type
- _tao_objref =
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_unchecked_narrow (
- (),
- );
- return 1;
- }
- {
- // do nothing
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.cpp b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 66ea012ce61..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1793 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ImplRepoS.h"
-#include "tao/Operation_Table.h"
-//#include "tao/PortableInterceptor.h"
-#include "tao/Object_Adapter.h"
-#include "tao/Stub.h"
-#include "tao/GIOP_Server_Request.h"
-#include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
-#include "tao/NVList.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "ImplRepoS.i"
-#endif /* !defined INLINE */
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 12:16:37 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: /home/coryan/subsets/ACE_wrappers/build/Linux/bin/gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -F 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
-#if defined (ACE_MVS)
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0,
- 14, 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 0, 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 0, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 0, 14, 0, 14, 14, 0, 0, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
-#endif /* ACE_MVS */
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"ping", &POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::ping_skel},
- {"_is_a", &POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"shutdown", &POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::shutdown_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_non_existent_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 12:16:37 */
-static TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_optable;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- )
- TAO_Stub *stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_Initializer (long dummy)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (dummy);
- _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_function_pointer =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory;
- return 0;
-static int _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_Initializer_Scarecrow =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_Initializer (ACE_reinterpret_cast (long, _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_Stub_Factory_Initializer));
-// skeleton constructor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::ServerObject (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_ImplementationRepository_ServerObject_optable;
-// copy ctor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::ServerObject (const ServerObject& rhs)
- : TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::~ServerObject (void)
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::ping_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *)_tao_object_reference;
- _tao_impl->ping (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::shutdown_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *)_tao_object_reference;
- _tao_impl->shutdown (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!((_tao_in >> value.out ())))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
-if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0";
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects ())
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- default:
- }
- else
- {
- // stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- CORBA::Object_ptr tmp = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, CORBA::Object (stub), 0);
- CORBA::Object_var obj = tmp;
- return ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_unchecked_narrow ( ());
- }
-POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- : CORBA_Object (stub, 0, 1)
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_is_a",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0"
- )
- )->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_non_existent",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0"
- )
- )->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject::ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "ping",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0"
- )
- )->ping (
- );
- return;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject::shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "shutdown",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerObject:1.0"
- )
- )->shutdown (
- );
- return;
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 12:16:37 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: /home/coryan/subsets/ACE_wrappers/build/Linux/bin/gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -F 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
-#if defined (ACE_MVS)
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 15,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 10,
- 34, 34, 5, 34, 0, 0, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 0, 34, 5,
- 34, 34, 34, 0, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 5, 0, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 15, 34, 10, 34, 34,
- 5, 34, 0, 0, 34, 34, 34, 34, 0, 34,
- 5, 34, 34, 34, 0, 5, 0, 34, 34, 34,
- 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34,
-#endif /* ACE_MVS */
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"list", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::list_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"find", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::find_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"remove_server", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::remove_server_skel},
- {"",0},
- {"register_server", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::register_server_skel},
- {"",0},
- {"reregister_server", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::reregister_server_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"shutdown_server", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::shutdown_server_skel},
- {"",0},
- {"server_is_running", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::server_is_running_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"activate_server", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::activate_server_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_non_existent_skel},
- {"",0},
- {"_is_a", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"server_is_shutting_down", &POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::server_is_shutting_down_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 12:16:37 */
-static TAO_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_optable;
-ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- )
- TAO_Stub *stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_Initializer (long dummy)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (dummy);
- _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_function_pointer =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory;
- return 0;
-static int _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_Initializer_Scarecrow =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_Initializer (ACE_reinterpret_cast (long, _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_Administration_Stub_Factory_Initializer));
-// skeleton constructor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::Administration (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_ImplementationRepository_Administration_optable;
-// copy ctor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::Administration (const Administration& rhs)
- : TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::~Administration (void)
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::activate_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::String_var server;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> server.out ())
- ))
- _tao_impl->activate_server (
- (),
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::register_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::String_var server;
- ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions options;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> server.out ()) &&
- (_tao_in >> options)
- ))
- _tao_impl->register_server (
- (),
- options,
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::reregister_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::String_var server;
- ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions options;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> server.out ()) &&
- (_tao_in >> options)
- ))
- _tao_impl->reregister_server (
- (),
- options,
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::remove_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::String_var server;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> server.out ())
- ))
- _tao_impl->remove_server (
- (),
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::shutdown_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::String_var server;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> server.out ())
- ))
- _tao_impl->shutdown_server (
- (),
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::server_is_running_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::String_var _tao_retval;
- CORBA::String_var server;
- CORBA::String_var addr;
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var server_object;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> server.out ()) &&
- (_tao_in >> addr.out ()) &&
- (_tao_in >> server_object.out ())
- ))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->server_is_running (
- (),
- (),
- (),
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << ())
- ))
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::server_is_shutting_down_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::String_var server;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> server.out ())
- ))
- _tao_impl->server_is_shutting_down (
- (),
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::find_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::String_var server;
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_var info;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> server.out ())
- ))
- _tao_impl->find (
- (),
- info.out (),
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << ())
- ))
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::list_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::ULong how_many;
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var server_list;
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_var server_iterator;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> how_many)
- ))
- _tao_impl->list (
- how_many,
- server_list.out (),
- server_iterator.out (),
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << ()) &&
- (_tao_out << ())
- ))
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!((_tao_in >> value.out ())))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
-if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0";
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects ())
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ::ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- default:
- }
- else
- {
- // stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- CORBA::Object_ptr tmp = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, CORBA::Object (stub), 0);
- CORBA::Object_var obj = tmp;
- return ::ImplementationRepository::Administration::_unchecked_narrow ( ());
- }
-POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- : CORBA_Object (stub, 0, 1)
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_is_a",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_non_existent",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "activate_server",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->activate_server (
- server,
- );
- return;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "register_server",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->register_server (
- server,
- options,
- );
- return;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "reregister_server",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->reregister_server (
- server,
- options,
- );
- return;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "remove_server",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->remove_server (
- server,
- );
- return;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "shutdown_server",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->shutdown_server (
- server,
- );
- return;
-char * POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- CORBA::String_var _tao_retval;
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_retval);
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "server_is_running",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->server_is_running (
- server,
- addr,
- server_object,
- );
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "server_is_shutting_down",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->server_is_shutting_down (
- server,
- );
- return;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "find",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->find (
- server,
- info,
- );
- return;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration::list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "list",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/Administration:1.0"
- )
- )->list (
- how_many,
- server_list,
- server_iterator,
- );
- return;
-class TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 12:16:37 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: /home/coryan/subsets/ACE_wrappers/build/Linux/bin/gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -F 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
-#if defined (ACE_MVS)
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0,
- 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 0, 14, 14,
- 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
-#endif /* ACE_MVS */
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_is_a", &POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_is_a_skel},
- {"next_n", &POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::next_n_skel},
- {"destroy", &POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::destroy_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_non_existent_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 12:16:37 */
-static TAO_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_optable;
-ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- )
- TAO_Stub *stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_Initializer (long dummy)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (dummy);
- _TAO_collocation_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_function_pointer =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory;
- return 0;
-static int _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_Initializer_Scarecrow =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_Initializer (ACE_reinterpret_cast (long, _TAO_collocation_POA_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_Stub_Factory_Initializer));
-// skeleton constructor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::ServerInformationIterator (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_ImplementationRepository_ServerInformationIterator_optable;
-// copy ctor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::ServerInformationIterator (const ServerInformationIterator& rhs)
- : TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::~ServerInformationIterator (void)
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::next_n_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::ULong how_many;
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_var server_list;
- if (!(
- (_tao_in >> how_many)
- ))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->next_n (
- how_many,
- server_list.out (),
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)) &&
- (_tao_out << ())
- ))
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *)_tao_object_reference;
- _tao_impl->destroy (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!((_tao_in >> value.out ())))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *_tao_impl = (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
-if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0";
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects ())
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- default:
- }
- else
- {
- // stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- CORBA::Object_ptr tmp = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, CORBA::Object (stub), 0);
- CORBA::Object_var obj = tmp;
- return ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator::_unchecked_narrow ( ());
- }
-POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- : CORBA_Object (stub, 0, 1)
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_is_a",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0"
- )
- )->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_non_existent",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0"
- )
- )->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator::next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_retval);
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "next_n",
- );
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0"
- )
- )->next_n (
- how_many,
- server_list,
- );
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator::destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "destroy",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- "IDL:ImplementationRepository/ServerInformationIterator:1.0"
- )
- )->destroy (
- );
- return;
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.h b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd719559b2..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,917 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "ImplRepoC.h"
-#include "tao/PortableServerC.h"
-#include "tao/Servant_Base.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-TAO_NAMESPACE POA_ImplementationRepository
- class ServerObject;
- typedef ServerObject *ServerObject_ptr;
- class TAO_Export ServerObject : public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
- {
- protected:
- ServerObject (void);
- public:
- ServerObject (const ServerObject& rhs);
- virtual ~ServerObject (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual void ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void ping_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void shutdown_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
- class TAO_Export _tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject : public virtual ::ImplementationRepository::ServerObject
- {
- public:
- _tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerObject (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
- // TIE class: Refer to CORBA v2.2, Section 20.34.4
- template <class T>
- class TAO_Export ServerObject_tie : public ServerObject
- {
- public:
- ServerObject_tie (T &t);
- // the T& ctor
- ServerObject_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa);
- // ctor taking a POA
- ServerObject_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor taking pointer and an ownership flag
- ServerObject_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor with T*, ownership flag and a POA
- ~ServerObject_tie (void);
- // dtor
- // TIE specific functions
- T *_tied_object (void);
- // return the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T &obj);
- // set the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // set the underlying object and the ownership flag
- CORBA::Boolean _is_owner (void);
- // do we own it
- void _is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b);
- // set the ownership
- // overridden ServantBase operations
- PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- void ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- void shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- T *ptr_;
- PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
- CORBA::Boolean rel_;
- // copy and assignment are not allowed
- ServerObject_tie (const ServerObject_tie &);
- void operator= (const ServerObject_tie &);
- };
- class Administration;
- typedef Administration *Administration_ptr;
- class TAO_Export Administration : public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
- {
- protected:
- Administration (void);
- public:
- Administration (const Administration& rhs);
- virtual ~Administration (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ::ImplementationRepository::Administration *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual void activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- )) = 0;
- static void activate_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- )) = 0;
- static void register_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void reregister_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- )) = 0;
- static void remove_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- )) = 0;
- static void shutdown_server_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual char * server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- )) = 0;
- static void server_is_running_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- )) = 0;
- static void server_is_shutting_down_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- )) = 0;
- static void find_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void list_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
- class TAO_Export _tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration : public virtual ::ImplementationRepository::Administration
- {
- public:
- _tao_thru_poa_collocated_Administration (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- ));
- virtual void register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- ));
- virtual void reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual char * server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- virtual void list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
- // TIE class: Refer to CORBA v2.2, Section 20.34.4
- template <class T>
- class TAO_Export Administration_tie : public Administration
- {
- public:
- Administration_tie (T &t);
- // the T& ctor
- Administration_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa);
- // ctor taking a POA
- Administration_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor taking pointer and an ownership flag
- Administration_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor with T*, ownership flag and a POA
- ~Administration_tie (void);
- // dtor
- // TIE specific functions
- T *_tied_object (void);
- // return the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T &obj);
- // set the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // set the underlying object and the ownership flag
- CORBA::Boolean _is_owner (void);
- // do we own it
- void _is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b);
- // set the ownership
- // overridden ServantBase operations
- PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- void activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- ));
- void register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- ));
- void reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- void remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- void shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- char * server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- void server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- void find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ));
- void list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- T *ptr_;
- PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
- CORBA::Boolean rel_;
- // copy and assignment are not allowed
- Administration_tie (const Administration_tie &);
- void operator= (const Administration_tie &);
- };
- class ServerInformationIterator;
- typedef ServerInformationIterator *ServerInformationIterator_ptr;
- class TAO_Export ServerInformationIterator : public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
- {
- protected:
- ServerInformationIterator (void);
- public:
- ServerInformationIterator (const ServerInformationIterator& rhs);
- virtual ~ServerInformationIterator (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual CORBA::Boolean next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void next_n_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
- class TAO_Export _tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator : public virtual ::ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator
- {
- public:
- _tao_thru_poa_collocated_ServerInformationIterator (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
- // TIE class: Refer to CORBA v2.2, Section 20.34.4
- template <class T>
- class TAO_Export ServerInformationIterator_tie : public ServerInformationIterator
- {
- public:
- ServerInformationIterator_tie (T &t);
- // the T& ctor
- ServerInformationIterator_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa);
- // ctor taking a POA
- ServerInformationIterator_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor taking pointer and an ownership flag
- ServerInformationIterator_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor with T*, ownership flag and a POA
- ~ServerInformationIterator_tie (void);
- // dtor
- // TIE specific functions
- T *_tied_object (void);
- // return the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T &obj);
- // set the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // set the underlying object and the ownership flag
- CORBA::Boolean _is_owner (void);
- // do we own it
- void _is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b);
- // set the ownership
- // overridden ServantBase operations
- PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (
- CORBA::Environment &env =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- CORBA::Boolean next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- T *ptr_;
- PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
- CORBA::Boolean rel_;
- // copy and assignment are not allowed
- ServerInformationIterator_tie (const ServerInformationIterator_tie &);
- void operator= (const ServerInformationIterator_tie &);
- };
-#include "ImplRepoS_T.h"
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "ImplRepoS.i"
-#endif /* defined INLINE */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.i b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.i
deleted file mode 100644
index d41d475fa1a..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.cpp b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 341ff292dff..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ImplRepoS_T.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "ImplRepoS_T.i"
-#endif /* !defined INLINE */
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.h b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37cf44e03f2..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "ImplRepoS_T.i"
-#endif /* defined INLINE */
-#include "ImplRepoS_T.cpp"
-#endif /* defined REQUIRED SOURCE */
-#pragma implementation ("ImplRepoS_T.cpp")
-#endif /* defined REQUIRED PRAGMA */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.i b/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.i
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f070e9a57..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/ImplRepoS_T.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::ServerObject_tie (T &t)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::ServerObject_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::ServerObject_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::ServerObject_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::~ServerObject_tie (void)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE T *
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::_tied_object (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::_tied_object (T &obj)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = &obj;
- this->rel_ = 0;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::_tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = obj;
- this->rel_ = release;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::_is_owner (void)
- return this->rel_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::_is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b)
- this->rel_ = b;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::_default_POA (CORBA::Environment &env)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this-> ());
- return this->ServerObject::_default_POA (env);
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::ping (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->ptr_->ping (
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_tie<T>::shutdown (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->ptr_->shutdown (
- );
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::Administration_tie (T &t)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::Administration_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::Administration_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::Administration_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::~Administration_tie (void)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE T *
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::_tied_object (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::_tied_object (T &obj)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = &obj;
- this->rel_ = 0;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::_tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = obj;
- this->rel_ = release;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::_is_owner (void)
- return this->rel_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::_is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b)
- this->rel_ = b;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::_default_POA (CORBA::Environment &env)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this-> ());
- return this->Administration::_default_POA (env);
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::activate_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::CannotActivate
- ))
- this->ptr_->activate_server (
- server,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::register_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::AlreadyRegistered
- ))
- this->ptr_->register_server (
- server,
- options,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::reregister_server (
- const char * server,
- const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->ptr_->reregister_server (
- server,
- options,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::remove_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- this->ptr_->remove_server (
- server,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::shutdown_server (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- this->ptr_->shutdown_server (
- server,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-char * POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::server_is_running (
- const char * server,
- const char * addr,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr server_object,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- return this->ptr_->server_is_running (
- server,
- addr,
- server_object,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::server_is_shutting_down (
- const char * server,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- this->ptr_->server_is_shutting_down (
- server,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::find (
- const char * server,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformation_out info,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::NotFound
- ))
- this->ptr_->find (
- server,
- info,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::Administration_tie<T>::list (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_out server_iterator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->ptr_->list (
- how_many,
- server_list,
- server_iterator,
- );
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::ServerInformationIterator_tie (T &t)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::ServerInformationIterator_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::ServerInformationIterator_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::ServerInformationIterator_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::~ServerInformationIterator_tie (void)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE T *
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::_tied_object (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::_tied_object (T &obj)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = &obj;
- this->rel_ = 0;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::_tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = obj;
- this->rel_ = release;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::_is_owner (void)
- return this->rel_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::_is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b)
- this->rel_ = b;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::_default_POA (CORBA::Environment &env)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this-> ());
- return this->ServerInformationIterator::_default_POA (env);
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-CORBA::Boolean POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::next_n (
- CORBA::ULong how_many,
- ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationList_out server_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- return this->ptr_->next_n (
- how_many,
- server_list,
- );
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-void POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerInformationIterator_tie<T>::destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- this->ptr_->destroy (
- );
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.cpp b/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8afbeb534a..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "tao/Key_Adapters.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/Key_Adapters.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator::TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator (void)
- : counter_ (0)
-TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator::operator() (PortableServer::ObjectId &id)
- // Resize to accommodate the counter.
- id.length (sizeof this->counter_);
- // Add new key data.
- ACE_OS::memcpy (id.get_buffer (),
- &++this->counter_,
- sizeof this->counter_);
- // Success.
- return 0;
-TAO_ObjectId_Hash::operator () (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id) const
- return ACE::hash_pjw ((const char *) id.get_buffer (),
- id.length ());
-TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter::encode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &original_key,
- const ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key &active_key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (original_key);
- // Size of active key.
- size_t active_key_size = active_key.size ();
- // Resize to accommodate both the original data and the new active key.
- modified_key.length (active_key_size);
- // Copy active key data into user key.
- active_key.encode (modified_key.get_buffer ());
- // Success.
- return 0;
-TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter::decode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key,
- ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key &active_key)
- // Read off value of index and generation.
- active_key.decode (modified_key.get_buffer ());
- // Success.
- return 0;
-TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter::decode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &original_key)
- // Smartly copy all the data; <original_key does not own the data>.
- original_key.replace (modified_key.maximum (),
- modified_key.length (),
- ACE_const_cast (CORBA::Octet *,
- modified_key.get_buffer ()),
- 0);
- // Success.
- return 0;
-TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter::encode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &original_key,
- const ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key &active_key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key)
- // Size of active key.
- size_t active_key_size = active_key.size ();
- // Resize to accommodate both the original data and the new active key.
- modified_key.length (active_key_size + original_key.length ());
- // Copy active key data into user key.
- active_key.encode (modified_key.get_buffer ());
- // Copy the original key after the active key.
- ACE_OS::memcpy (modified_key.get_buffer () + active_key_size,
- original_key.get_buffer (),
- original_key.length ());
- // Success.
- return 0;
-TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter::decode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key,
- ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key &active_key)
- // Read off value of index and generation.
- active_key.decode (modified_key.get_buffer ());
- // Success.
- return 0;
-TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter::decode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &original_key)
- // Size of active key.
- size_t active_key_size = ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key::size ();
- // Smartly copy all the data; <original_key does not own the data>.
- original_key.replace (modified_key.maximum () - active_key_size,
- modified_key.length () - active_key_size,
- ACE_const_cast (CORBA::Octet *,
- modified_key.get_buffer ()) + active_key_size,
- 0);
- // Success.
- return 0;
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.h b/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 564fd6ee672..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// Key_Adapters.h
-// = AUTHOR
-// Irfan Pyarali
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/corbafwd.h"
-#include "ace/Map.h"
-#include "tao/PortableServerC.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-class TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator
- // = TITLE
- // Defines a key generator.
- //
- // This class is used in adapters of maps that do not produce keys.
- TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator (void);
- int operator() (PortableServer::ObjectId &id);
- CORBA::ULong counter_;
-class TAO_Export TAO_ObjectId_Hash
- // = TITLE
- // Hashing class for Object Ids.
- //
- // Define the hash() method for Object Ids.
- u_long operator () (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id) const;
- // Returns hash value.
-class TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter
- // = TITLE
- // A key adapter (encode/decode) class.
- //
- // Define the encoding and decoding methods for converting
- // between Object Ids and active keys. This class ignores the
- // <original_key> passed to it.
- int encode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &original_key,
- const ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key &active_key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key);
- int decode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key,
- ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key &active_key);
- int decode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &original_key);
-class TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter
- // = TITLE
- // A key adapter (encode/decode) class.
- //
- // Define the encoding and decoding methods for converting
- // between Object Ids and active keys. This class remembers the
- // <original_key> passed to it.
- int encode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &original_key,
- const ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key &active_key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key);
- int decode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key,
- ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key &active_key);
- int decode (const PortableServer::ObjectId &modified_key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &original_key);
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/Key_Adapters.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_KEY_ADAPTERS_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.i b/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.i
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa1da318d3..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Key_Adapters.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
diff --git a/TAO/tao/MessagingS.cpp b/TAO/tao/MessagingS.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69e23e68ca..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/MessagingS.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "tao/orbconf.h"
-#include "MessagingS.h"
-#include "Operation_Table.h"
-#include "Server_Request.h"
-#include "Stub.h"
-#include "ORB_Core.h"
-#include "Object_Adapter.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "MessagingS.i"
-#endif /* !defined INLINE */
-ACE_RCSID(tao, MessagingS, "$Id$")
-class TAO_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 12:21:06 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -F 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
-#if defined (ACE_MVS)
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 0, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 14,
- 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
-#endif /* ACE_MVS */
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_is_a", &POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_non_existent_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 12:21:06 */
-static TAO_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_Messaging_ReplyHandler_optable;
-Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr _TAO_collocation_POA_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Stub_Factory (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- )
- TAO_Stub *stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_Messaging::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ReplyHandler (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- if (obj->_servant () != 0)
- {
- POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler *servant = ACE_reinterpret_cast (POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler*, obj->_servant ()->_downcast (""));
- if (servant != 0)
- {
- Messaging::ReplyHandler *retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_Messaging::_tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler (servant, stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int _TAO_collocation_POA_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Stub_Factory_Initializer (long dummy)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (dummy);
- _TAO_collocation_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Stub_Factory_function_pointer =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Stub_Factory;
- return 0;
-static int _TAO_collocation_POA_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Stub_Factory_Initializer_Scarecrow =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Stub_Factory_Initializer (ACE_reinterpret_cast (long, _TAO_collocation_POA_Messaging_ReplyHandler_Stub_Factory_Initializer));
-// skeleton constructor
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::ReplyHandler (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_Messaging_ReplyHandler_optable;
-// copy ctor
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::ReplyHandler (const ReplyHandler& rhs)
- : TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::~ReplyHandler (void)
-void POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler *_tao_impl = (POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!((_tao_in >> value.out ())))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-void POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler *_tao_impl = (POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!((_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval))))
-CORBA::Boolean POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
-if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "";
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects ())
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ::Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_Messaging::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ReplyHandler (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- {
- ::Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_Messaging::_tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler (this, stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- default:
- }
- else
- {
- // stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- CORBA::Object_ptr tmp = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, CORBA::Object (stub), 0);
- CORBA::Object_var obj = tmp;
- return ::Messaging::ReplyHandler::_unchecked_narrow ( ());
- }
-POA_Messaging::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ReplyHandler::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ReplyHandler (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- : CORBA_Object (stub, 0, 1)
-CORBA::Boolean POA_Messaging::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ReplyHandler::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_is_a",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean POA_Messaging::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_ReplyHandler::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_non_existent",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-POA_Messaging::_tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler::_tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler (
- POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr servant,
- TAO_Stub *stub
- )
- : ACE_NESTED_CLASS (Messaging,ReplyHandler) (),
- CORBA_Object (stub, servant, 1),
- servant_ (servant)
-CORBA::Boolean POA_Messaging::_tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return this->servant_->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_ptr POA_Messaging::_tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler::_get_servant (void) const
- return this->servant_;
-CORBA::Boolean POA_Messaging::_tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return this->servant_->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_AMI_CALLBACK == 1 || TAO_HAS_AMI_POLLER == 1 */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_CORBA_MESSAGING == 1 */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/MessagingS.h b/TAO/tao/MessagingS.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 919d32da5f0..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/MessagingS.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "orbconf.h"
-#include "TimeBaseS.h"
-#include "MessagingC.h"
-#include "PortableServerC.h"
-#include "Servant_Base.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
- class ReplyHandler;
- typedef ReplyHandler *ReplyHandler_ptr;
- class TAO_Export ReplyHandler : public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
- {
- protected:
- ReplyHandler (void);
- public:
- ReplyHandler (const ReplyHandler& rhs);
- virtual ~ReplyHandler (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ::Messaging::ReplyHandler *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- };
- class TAO_Export _tao_thru_poa_collocated_ReplyHandler : public virtual ::Messaging::ReplyHandler
- {
- public:
- _tao_thru_poa_collocated_ReplyHandler (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class TAO_Export _tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler : public virtual Messaging::ReplyHandler
- {
- public:
- _tao_direct_collocated_ReplyHandler (
- ReplyHandler_ptr servant,
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ReplyHandler_ptr _get_servant (void) const;
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- private:
- ReplyHandler_ptr servant_;
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
- // TIE class: Refer to CORBA v2.2, Section 20.34.4
- template <class T>
- class TAO_Export ReplyHandler_tie : public ReplyHandler
- {
- public:
- ReplyHandler_tie (T &t);
- // the T& ctor
- ReplyHandler_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa);
- // ctor taking a POA
- ReplyHandler_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor taking pointer and an ownership flag
- ReplyHandler_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // ctor with T*, ownership flag and a POA
- ~ReplyHandler_tie (void);
- // dtor
- // TIE specific functions
- T *_tied_object (void);
- // return the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T &obj);
- // set the underlying object
- void _tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release=1);
- // set the underlying object and the ownership flag
- CORBA::Boolean _is_owner (void);
- // do we own it
- void _is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b);
- // set the ownership
- // overridden ServantBase operations
- PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- T *ptr_;
- PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
- CORBA::Boolean rel_;
- // copy and assignment are not allowed
- ReplyHandler_tie (const ReplyHandler_tie &);
- void operator= (const ReplyHandler_tie &);
- };
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_AMI_CALLBACK == 1 */
-#include "MessagingS_T.h"
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "MessagingS.i"
-#endif /* defined INLINE */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_CORBA_MESSAGING == 1 */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/MessagingS.i b/TAO/tao/MessagingS.i
deleted file mode 100644
index d41d475fa1a..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/MessagingS.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
diff --git a/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.cpp b/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 44b2c4f35cb..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "MessagingS_T.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "MessagingS_T.i"
-#endif /* !defined INLINE */
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.h b/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 11c18ac244b..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "MessagingS_T.i"
-#endif /* defined INLINE */
-#include "MessagingS_T.cpp"
-#endif /* defined REQUIRED SOURCE */
-#pragma implementation ("MessagingS_T.cpp")
-#endif /* defined REQUIRED PRAGMA */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.i b/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.i
deleted file mode 100644
index e14ce71aea7..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/MessagingS_T.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_USING_KEYWORD)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::ReplyHandler_tie (T &t)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::ReplyHandler_tie (T &t, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa)
- : ptr_ (&t),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (0)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::ReplyHandler_tie (T *tp, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::ReplyHandler_tie (T *tp, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, CORBA::Boolean release)
- : ptr_ (tp),
- poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
- rel_ (release)
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::~ReplyHandler_tie (void)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE T *
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::_tied_object (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::_tied_object (T &obj)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = &obj;
- this->rel_ = 0;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::_tied_object (T *obj, CORBA::Boolean release)
- if (this->rel_) delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = obj;
- this->rel_ = release;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::_is_owner (void)
- return this->rel_;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE void
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::_is_owner (CORBA::Boolean b)
- this->rel_ = b;
-template <class T> ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-POA_Messaging::ReplyHandler_tie<T>::_default_POA (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this-> ());
- return this->ReplyHandler::_default_POA (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_AMI_CALLBACK == 1 */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.cpp b/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bad62d109da..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1441 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "tao/Object_Adapter.h"
-#include "tao/POA.h"
-#include "tao/ORB.h"
-#include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Request.h"
-#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/Object_Adapter.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-ACE_RCSID(tao, Object_Adapter, "$Id$")
-// Timeprobes class
-#include "tao/Timeprobe.h"
-static const char *TAO_Object_Adapter_Timeprobe_Description[] =
- "Object_Adapter::dispatch_servant - start",
- "Object_Adapter::dispatch_servant - end",
- "POA::parse_key - start",
- "POA::parse_key - end",
- "Object_Adapter::find_poa - start",
- "Object_Adapter::find_poa - end",
- "POA::locate_servant - start",
- "POA::locate_servant - end",
- "Servant::_dispatch - start",
- "Servant::_dispatch - end",
- // Timeprobe description table start key
-// Setup Timeprobes
-ACE_TIMEPROBE_EVENT_DESCRIPTIONS (TAO_Object_Adapter_Timeprobe_Description,
-/* static */
-size_t TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_name_size_ = 0;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::set_transient_poa_name_size (const TAO_Server_Strategy_Factory::Active_Object_Map_Creation_Parameters &creation_parameters)
- if (TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_name_size_ == 0)
- {
- switch (creation_parameters.poa_lookup_strategy_for_transient_id_policy_)
- {
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_name_size_ =
- sizeof (CORBA::ULong);
- break;
- TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_name_size_ =
- sizeof (CORBA::ULong);
- break;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- default:
- TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_name_size_ =
- ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key::size ();
- break;
- }
- }
-TAO_Object_Adapter::TAO_Object_Adapter (const TAO_Server_Strategy_Factory::Active_Object_Map_Creation_Parameters &creation_parameters,
- TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core)
- : hint_strategy_ (0),
- persistent_poa_name_map_ (0),
- transient_poa_map_ (0),
- orb_core_ (orb_core),
- enable_locking_ (orb_core_.server_factory ()->enable_poa_locking ()),
- thread_lock_ (),
- lock_ (TAO_Object_Adapter::create_lock (enable_locking_,
- thread_lock_)),
- reverse_lock_ (*lock_),
- non_servant_upcall_condition_ (thread_lock_),
- non_servant_upcall_in_progress_ (0),
- non_servant_upcall_thread_ (ACE_OS::NULL_thread)
- TAO_Object_Adapter::set_transient_poa_name_size (creation_parameters);
- Hint_Strategy *hint_strategy = 0;
- if (creation_parameters.use_active_hint_in_poa_names_)
- ACE_NEW (hint_strategy,
- Active_Hint_Strategy (creation_parameters.poa_map_size_));
- else
- ACE_NEW (hint_strategy,
- No_Hint_Strategy);
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<Hint_Strategy> new_hint_strategy (hint_strategy);
- new_hint_strategy->object_adapter (this);
- persistent_poa_name_map *ppnm;
- switch (creation_parameters.poa_lookup_strategy_for_persistent_id_policy_)
- {
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- ACE_NEW (ppnm,
- persistent_poa_name_linear_map (creation_parameters.poa_map_size_));
- break;
- "linear option for -ORBPersistentidPolicyDemuxStrategy "
- "not supported with minimum POA maps. "
- "Ingoring option to use default... \n"));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- default:
- ACE_NEW (ppnm,
- persistent_poa_name_hash_map (creation_parameters.poa_map_size_));
- break;
- }
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<persistent_poa_name_map> new_persistent_poa_name_map (ppnm);
- transient_poa_map *tpm = 0;
- switch (creation_parameters.poa_lookup_strategy_for_transient_id_policy_)
- {
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- ACE_NEW (tpm,
- transient_poa_linear_map (creation_parameters.poa_map_size_));
- break;
- ACE_NEW (tpm,
- transient_poa_hash_map (creation_parameters.poa_map_size_));
- break;
- case TAO_LINEAR:
- "linear and dynamic options for -ORBTransientidPolicyDemuxStrategy "
- "are not supported with minimum POA maps. "
- "Ingoring option to use default... \n"));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- default:
- ACE_NEW (tpm,
- transient_poa_active_map (creation_parameters.poa_map_size_));
- break;
- }
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<transient_poa_map> new_transient_poa_map (tpm);
- this->hint_strategy_ =
- new_hint_strategy.release ();
- this->persistent_poa_name_map_ =
- new_persistent_poa_name_map.release ();
- this->transient_poa_map_ =
- new_transient_poa_map.release ();
-TAO_Object_Adapter::~TAO_Object_Adapter (void)
- delete this->hint_strategy_;
- delete this->persistent_poa_name_map_;
- delete this->transient_poa_map_;
- delete this->lock_;
-/* static */
-ACE_Lock *
-TAO_Object_Adapter::create_lock (int enable_locking,
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &thread_lock)
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
- if (enable_locking)
- {
- ACE_Lock *the_lock;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (the_lock,
- ACE_Lock_Adapter<ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX> (thread_lock),
- 0);
- return the_lock;
- }
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (enable_locking);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (thread_lock);
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
- ACE_Lock *the_lock;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (the_lock,
- ACE_Lock_Adapter<ACE_SYNCH_NULL_MUTEX> (),
- 0);
- return the_lock;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::dispatch_servant (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // This object is magical, i.e., it has a non-trivial constructor
- // and destructor.
- Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (*this);
- // Set up state in the POA et al (including the POA Current), so
- // that we know that this servant is currently in an upcall.
- const char *operation = req.operation ();
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (key,
- operation,
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- // RTCORBA PriorityModelPolicy processing (may need to be
- // moved/adjusted when POA threadpools are added).
- // This is the earliest place we can do the processing, since only
- // at this point we know the target POA.
- Priority_Model_Processing priority_processing (servant_upcall.poa ());
- // Set thread's priority.
- priority_processing.pre_invoke (req.service_info (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- // Servant dispatch.
- {
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_dispatch (req,
- context,
- }
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- // Reset thread's priority to its original value. If this method
- // isn't reached, i.e., because of an exception, the reset takes
- // place in Priority_Model_Processing destructor.
- priority_processing.post_invoke (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-TAO_Object_Adapter::locate_poa (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name poa_system_name;
- CORBA::Boolean is_root = 0;
- CORBA::Boolean is_persistent = 0;
- CORBA::Boolean is_system_id = 0;
- TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time poa_creation_time;
- int result = 0;
- {
- result = TAO_POA::parse_key (key,
- poa_system_name,
- system_id,
- is_root,
- is_persistent,
- is_system_id,
- poa_creation_time);
- }
- if (result != 0)
- {
- result = this->find_poa (poa_system_name,
- is_persistent,
- is_root,
- poa_creation_time,
- poa,
- }
- if (result != 0)
-TAO_Object_Adapter::activate_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- int result = -1;
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread lock.
- // Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and destructor. We
- // unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the adapter
- // activator(s) upcalls; reacquiring once the upcalls complete.
- // Even though we are releasing the lock, other threads will not be
- // able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been set.
- Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (*this);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- iteratable_poa_name ipn (folded_name);
- iteratable_poa_name::iterator iterator = ipn.begin ();
- iteratable_poa_name::iterator end = ipn.end ();
- TAO_POA *parent = this->orb_core_.root_poa (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (parent->name () != *iterator)
- -1);
- else
- ++iterator;
- for (;
- iterator != end;
- ++iterator)
- {
- TAO_POA *current = 0;
- {
- current = parent->find_POA_i (*iterator,
- 1,
- }
- ACE_CATCH (PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent, ex)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- parent = current;
- }
- poa = parent;
- result = 0;
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (folded_name);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- return result;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::find_transient_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- CORBA::Boolean root,
- const TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &poa_creation_time,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- int result = 0;
- if (root)
- {
- poa = this->orb_core_.root_poa (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- else
- {
- result = this->transient_poa_map_->find (system_name,
- poa);
- }
- if (result == 0 && poa->creation_time () != poa_creation_time)
- result = -1;
- return result;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::bind_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name)
- if (poa->persistent ())
- return this->bind_persistent_poa (folded_name,
- poa,
- system_name);
- else
- return this->bind_transient_poa (poa,
- system_name);
-TAO_Object_Adapter::unbind_poa (TAO_POA *poa,
- const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name)
- if (poa->persistent ())
- return this->unbind_persistent_poa (folded_name,
- system_name);
- else
- return this->unbind_transient_poa (system_name);
-TAO_Object_Adapter::locate_servant_i (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- PortableServer::ObjectId id;
- TAO_POA *poa = 0;
- this->locate_poa (key,
- id,
- poa,
- PortableServer::Servant servant = 0;
- TAO_SERVANT_LOCATION servant_location =
- poa->locate_servant_i (id,
- servant,
- switch (servant_location)
- {
- // Optimistic attitude
- return 0;
- return -1;
- }
- return -1;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::find_servant_i (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- PortableServer::ObjectId id;
- TAO_POA *poa = 0;
- this->locate_poa (key,
- id,
- poa,
- TAO_SERVANT_LOCATION servant_location = poa->locate_servant_i (id,
- servant,
- return servant_location;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Hint_Strategy::~Hint_Strategy (void)
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Hint_Strategy::object_adapter (TAO_Object_Adapter *oa)
- this->object_adapter_ = oa;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Active_Hint_Strategy::Active_Hint_Strategy (CORBA::ULong map_size)
- : persistent_poa_system_map_ (map_size)
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Active_Hint_Strategy::~Active_Hint_Strategy (void)
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Active_Hint_Strategy::find_persistent_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- poa_name folded_name;
- int result = this->persistent_poa_system_map_.recover_key (system_name,
- folded_name);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- result = this->persistent_poa_system_map_.find (system_name,
- poa);
- if (result != 0
- || folded_name != poa->folded_name ())
- {
- result = this->object_adapter_->persistent_poa_name_map_->find (folded_name,
- poa);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- result = this->object_adapter_->activate_poa (folded_name,
- poa,
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Active_Hint_Strategy::bind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name)
- poa_name name = folded_name;
- int result = this->persistent_poa_system_map_.bind_modify_key (poa,
- name);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- result =
- this->object_adapter_->persistent_poa_name_map_->bind (folded_name,
- poa);
- if (result != 0)
- this->persistent_poa_system_map_.unbind (name);
- else
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (system_name,
- poa_name (name),
- -1);
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Active_Hint_Strategy::unbind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name)
- int result = this->persistent_poa_system_map_.unbind (system_name);
- if (result == 0)
- result =
- this->object_adapter_->persistent_poa_name_map_->unbind (folded_name);
- return result;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::No_Hint_Strategy::~No_Hint_Strategy (void)
-TAO_Object_Adapter::No_Hint_Strategy::find_persistent_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- int result = this->object_adapter_->persistent_poa_name_map_->find (system_name,
- poa);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- result =
- this->object_adapter_->activate_poa (system_name,
- poa,
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::No_Hint_Strategy::bind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name)
- int result =
- this->object_adapter_->persistent_poa_name_map_->bind (folded_name,
- poa);
- if (result == 0)
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (system_name,
- poa_name (folded_name),
- -1);
- return result;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::No_Hint_Strategy::unbind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (system_name);
- return this->object_adapter_->persistent_poa_name_map_->unbind (folded_name);
-TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name_iterator::poa_name_iterator (int begin,
- CORBA::ULong size,
- const CORBA::Octet *folded_buffer)
- : size_ (size),
- folded_buffer_ (folded_buffer),
- last_separator_ ((CORBA::ULong) ~0)
- if (begin)
- {
- this->position_ = (CORBA::ULong) ~0;
- this->operator++ ();
- }
- else
- this->position_ = this->size_;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name_iterator::operator== (const poa_name_iterator &rhs) const
- return this->position_ == rhs.position_;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name_iterator::operator!= (const poa_name_iterator &rhs) const
- return !this->operator== (rhs);
-TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name_iterator::operator* () const
- CORBA::ULong start_at =
- this->last_separator_ +
- TAO_POA::name_separator_length ();
- CORBA::ULong how_many =
- this->position_
- - this->last_separator_
- - TAO_POA::name_separator_length ();
- return ACE_CString (ACE_reinterpret_cast (const char *,
- &this->folded_buffer_[start_at]),
- how_many);
-TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name_iterator &
-TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name_iterator::operator++ (void)
- for (this->last_separator_ = this->position_;
- ;
- )
- {
- ++this->position_;
- if (this->position_ < this->size_)
- {
- if (this->folded_buffer_[this->position_] == TAO_POA::name_separator ())
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- return *this;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::iteratable_poa_name::iteratable_poa_name (const poa_name &folded_name)
- : folded_name_ (folded_name)
-TAO_Object_Adapter::iteratable_poa_name::begin (void) const
- return iterator (1,
- this->folded_name_.length (),
- this->folded_name_.get_buffer ());
-TAO_Object_Adapter::iteratable_poa_name::end (void) const
- return iterator (0,
- this->folded_name_.length (),
- this->folded_name_.get_buffer ());
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall::Non_Servant_Upcall (TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter)
- : object_adapter_ (object_adapter)
- // Mark the fact that a non-servant upcall is in progress.
- this->object_adapter_.non_servant_upcall_in_progress_ = 1;
- // Remember which thread is calling the adapter activators.
- this->object_adapter_.non_servant_upcall_thread_ = ACE_OS::thr_self ();
- // Release the Object Adapter lock.
- this->object_adapter_.lock ().release ();
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall::~Non_Servant_Upcall (void)
- // Reacquire the Object Adapter lock.
- this->object_adapter_.lock ().acquire ();
- // We are no longer in a non-servant upcall.
- this->object_adapter_.non_servant_upcall_in_progress_ = 0;
- // Reset thread id.
- this->object_adapter_.non_servant_upcall_thread_ =
- ACE_OS::NULL_thread;
- // If locking is enabled.
- if (this->object_adapter_.enable_locking_)
- // Wakeup all waiting threads.
- this->object_adapter_.non_servant_upcall_condition_.broadcast ();
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::Servant_Upcall (TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter)
- : object_adapter_ (object_adapter),
- poa_ (0),
- servant_ (0),
- state_ (INITIAL_STAGE),
- id_ (),
- current_context_ (),
- cookie_ (0),
- operation_ (0),
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- active_object_map_entry_ (0),
- using_servant_locator_ (0)
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::prepare_for_upcall (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- const char *operation,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // Acquire the object adapter lock first.
- int result = this->object_adapter_.lock ().acquire ();
- if (result == -1)
- // Locking error.
- // We have acquired the object adapater lock. Record this for later
- // use.
- // Check if a non-servant upcall is in progress. If a non-servant
- // upcall is in progress, wait for it to complete. Unless of
- // course, the thread making the non-servant upcall is this thread.
- this->object_adapter_.wait_for_non_servant_upcalls_to_complete (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Locate the POA.
- this->object_adapter_.locate_poa (key,
- this->id_,
- this->poa_,
- // Check the state of the POA Manager.
- this->poa_->check_poa_manager_state (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Setup current for this request.
- this->current_context_.setup (this->poa_,
- key);
- // We have setup the POA Current. Record this for later use.
- this->state_ = POA_CURRENT_SETUP;
- {
- // Lookup the servant.
- this->servant_ = this->poa_->locate_servant_i (operation,
- this->id_,
- *this,
- this->current_context_,
- }
- // Now that we know the servant.
- this->current_context_.servant (this->servant_);
- if (this->active_object_map_entry ())
- this->current_context_.priority (this->active_object_map_entry ()->priority_);
- // Increase <poa->outstanding_requests_> for the duration of the
- // upcall.
- //
- // Note that the object adapter lock is released after
- // <POA::outstanding_requests_> is increased.
- this->poa_->increment_outstanding_requests ();
- // Release the object adapter lock.
- this->object_adapter_.lock ().release ();
- // We have release the object adapater lock. Record this for later
- // use.
- // Lock servant (if appropriate).
- this->single_threaded_poa_setup (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // We have acquired the servant lock. Record this for later use.
- this->state_ = SERVANT_LOCK_ACQUIRED;
- // After this point, <this->servant_> is ready for dispatching.
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::~Servant_Upcall ()
- switch (this->state_)
- {
- // Unlock servant (if appropriate).
- this->single_threaded_poa_cleanup ();
- /* FALLTHRU */
- // Cleanup servant locator related state. Note that because
- // this operation does not change any Object Adapter related
- // state, it is ok to call it outside the lock.
- this->servant_locator_cleanup ();
- // Since the object adapter lock was released, we must acquire
- // it.
- //
- // Note that errors are ignored here since we cannot do much
- // with it.
- this->object_adapter_.lock ().acquire ();
- // Cleanup servant related state.
- this->servant_cleanup ();
- // Cleanup POA related state.
- this->poa_cleanup ();
- /* FALLTHRU */
- // Teardown current for this request.
- this->current_context_.teardown ();
- /* FALLTHRU */
- // Finally, since the object adapter lock was acquired, we must
- // release it.
- this->object_adapter_.lock ().release ();
- /* FALLTHRU */
- default:
- // @@ Keep compiler happy, the states above are the only
- // possible ones.
- break;
- }
-TAO_Object_Adapter::wait_for_non_servant_upcalls_to_complete (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // Check if a non-servant upcall is in progress. If a non-servant
- // upcall is in progress, wait for it to complete. Unless of
- // course, the thread making the non-servant upcall is this thread.
- while (this->enable_locking_ &&
- this->non_servant_upcall_in_progress_ &&
- ! ACE_OS::thr_equal (this->non_servant_upcall_thread_,
- ACE_OS::thr_self ()))
- {
- // If so wait...
- int result =
- this->non_servant_upcall_condition_.wait ();
- if (result == -1)
- }
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::servant_locator_cleanup (void)
- if (this->using_servant_locator_)
- {
- // If we are a single threaded POA, teardown the appropriate
- // locking in the servant.
- //
- // Note that teardown of the servant lock must happen before the
- // post_invoke() call since that might end up deleting the
- // servant.
- //
- this->poa_->teardown_servant_lock (this->servant_);
- {
- this->poa_->servant_locator_->postinvoke (this->current_context_.object_id (),
- this->poa_,
- this->operation_,
- this->cookie_,
- this->servant_
- }
- {
- // Ignore errors from servant locator ....
- }
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::single_threaded_poa_setup (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // Lock servant (if necessary).
- //
- // Note that this lock must be acquired *after* the object adapter
- // lock has been released. This is necessary since we cannot block
- // waiting for the servant lock while holding the object adapter
- // lock. Otherwise, the thread that wants to release this lock will
- // not be able to do so since it can't acquire the object adapterx
- // lock.
- if (this->poa_->policies ().thread () == PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL)
- {
- int result = this->servant_->_single_threaded_poa_lock ().acquire ();
- if (result == -1)
- // Locking error.
- }
-#endif /* !TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::single_threaded_poa_cleanup (void)
- // Since the servant lock was acquired, we must release it.
- if (this->poa_->policies ().thread () == PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL)
- this->servant_->_single_threaded_poa_lock ().release ();
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::servant_cleanup (void)
- // Cleanup servant related stuff.
- if (this->active_object_map_entry_ != 0)
- {
- // Decrement the reference count.
- CORBA::UShort new_count = --this->active_object_map_entry_->reference_count_;
- if (new_count == 0)
- {
- {
- this->poa_->cleanup_servant (this->active_object_map_entry_,
- }
- {
- // Ignore errors from servant cleanup ....
- }
- if (this->poa_->waiting_servant_deactivation_ > 0 &&
- this->object_adapter_.enable_locking_)
- {
- // Wakeup all waiting threads.
- this->poa_->servant_deactivation_condition_.broadcast ();
- }
- }
- }
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::poa_cleanup (void)
- // Decrease <poa->outstanding_requests_> now that the upcall
- // is complete.
- //
- // Note that the object adapter lock is acquired before
- // <POA::outstanding_requests_> is increased.
- CORBA::ULong outstanding_requests =
- this->poa_->decrement_outstanding_requests ();
- // Check if all pending requests are over.
- if (outstanding_requests == 0)
- {
- // If locking is enabled and some thread is waiting in POA::destroy.
- if (this->object_adapter_.enable_locking_ &&
- this->poa_->wait_for_completion_pending_)
- {
- // Wakeup all waiting threads.
- this->poa_->outstanding_requests_condition_.broadcast ();
- }
- if (this->poa_->waiting_destruction_)
- {
- {
- this->poa_->complete_destruction_i (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- {
- // Ignore exceptions
- ACE_PRINT_EXCEPTION (ACE_ANY_EXCEPTION, "TAO_POA::~complete_destruction_i");
- }
- this->poa_ = 0;
- }
- }
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- if (this->state_ == PRIORITY_RESET_REQUIRED)
- {
- this->state_ = NO_ACTION_REQUIRED;
- // Reset the priority of the current thread back to its original
- // value.
- if (poa_.orb_core ().set_thread_priority (this->original_priority_)
- == -1)
- // At this point we cannot throw an exception. Just log the
- // error.
- ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t) - Priority_Model_Processing:: ")
- ACE_TEXT (" Priority_Model_Processing\n")));
- }
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Priority_Model_Processing::pre_invoke (
- IOP::ServiceContextList &service_context_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_POA_Policies &poa_policies = this->poa_.policies ();
- // CLIENT_PROPAGATED PriorityModel processing.
- if (poa_policies.priority_model ()
- && poa_policies.server_priority ()
- {
- // Remember current thread's priority.
- if (poa_.orb_core ().get_thread_priority (this->original_priority_)
- == -1)
- // Attempt to extract client-propagated priority from the
- // ServiceContextList of the request.
- RTCORBA::Priority target_priority;
- int priority_found = 0;
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0;
- i < service_context_list.length () && !priority_found;
- ++i)
- {
- IOP::ServiceContext &context = service_context_list[i];
- if (context.context_id == IOP::RTCorbaPriority)
- {
- TAO_InputCDR cdr (ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (const char*,
- context.context_data.get_buffer ()),
- context.context_data.length ());
- CORBA::Boolean byte_order;
- if ((cdr >> ACE_InputCDR::to_boolean (byte_order)) == 0)
- cdr.reset_byte_order (ACE_static_cast(int,byte_order));
- if ((cdr >> target_priority) == 0)
- priority_found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Use default priority if none came in the request. (Request
- // must have come from a non-RT ORB.)
- if (!priority_found)
- target_priority = poa_policies.server_priority ();
- // Change the priority of the current thread to the
- // client-propagated value for the duration of
- // request.
- if (original_priority_ != target_priority)
- {
- if (poa_.orb_core ().set_thread_priority (target_priority) == -1)
- }
- }
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Priority_Model_Processing::post_invoke (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (this->state_ == PRIORITY_RESET_REQUIRED)
- {
- this->state_ = NO_ACTION_REQUIRED;
- // Reset the priority of the current thread back to its original
- // value.
- if (poa_.orb_core ().set_thread_priority (this->original_priority_)
- == -1)
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::TAO_POA_Current_Impl (void)
- : poa_ (0),
- object_id_ (),
- object_key_ (0),
- servant_ (0),
- previous_current_impl_ (0),
- setup_done_ (0)
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::setup (TAO_POA *p,
- const TAO_ObjectKey &key)
- // Remember information about this upcall.
- this->poa_ = p;
- this->object_key_ = &key;
- // Set the current context and remember the old one.
- this->tss_resources_ = TAO_TSS_RESOURCES::instance ();
- this->previous_current_impl_ = this->tss_resources_->poa_current_impl_;
- this->tss_resources_->poa_current_impl_ = this;
- // Setup is complete.
- this->setup_done_ = 1;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::teardown (void)
- if (this->setup_done_)
- {
- // Reset the old context.
- this->tss_resources_->poa_current_impl_ = this->previous_current_impl_;
- }
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::get_POA (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext))
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this->poa_);
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::get_object_id (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext))
- PortableServer::ObjectId *objid = 0;
- // Create a new one and pass it back
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (objid,
- PortableServer::ObjectId (this->object_id_),
- 0);
- return objid;
-TAO_ORB_Core &
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::orb_core (void) const
- return this->poa_->orb_core_;
-TAO_POA_Current::get_POA (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext))
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *impl = this->implementation ();
- if (impl == 0)
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::Current::NoContext (),
- 0);
- return impl->get_POA (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA_Current::get_object_id (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext))
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *impl = this->implementation ();
- if (impl == 0)
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::Current::NoContext (),
- 0);
- return impl->get_object_id (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl *
-TAO_POA_Current::implementation (void)
- return TAO_TSS_RESOURCES::instance ()->poa_current_impl_;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl *
-TAO_POA_Current::implementation (TAO_POA_Current_Impl *new_current)
- TAO_TSS_Resources *tss =
- TAO_TSS_RESOURCES::instance ();
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *old = tss->poa_current_impl_;
- tss->poa_current_impl_ = new_current;
- return old;
-// Common typedefs.
-typedef TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name key;
-typedef TAO_POA *value;
-typedef ACE_Reverse_Lock<ACE_Lock> REVERSE_LOCK;
-typedef ACE_Pair<key, value> expanded_value;
-typedef ACE_Reference_Pair<const key, value> tao_value_type;
-typedef ACE_Equal_To<key> compare_keys;
-typedef TAO_ObjectId_Hash hash_key;
-typedef ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<key> noop_key_generator;
-template class ACE_Reverse_Lock<ACE_Lock>;
-template class ACE_Guard<REVERSE_LOCK>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Object_Adapter::Hint_Strategy>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_map>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Object_Adapter::Hint_Strategy>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_map>;
-template class ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<key>;
-// Common
-template class ACE_Reference_Pair<const key, value>;
-// Map and iterator classes.
-template class ACE_Map<key, value>;
-template class ACE_Iterator<tao_value_type>;
-template class ACE_Reverse_Iterator<tao_value_type>;
-// Iterator base classes.
-template class ACE_Iterator_Impl<tao_value_type>;
-template class ACE_Reverse_Iterator_Impl<tao_value_type>;
-// Active Map Manager related.
-template class ACE_Pair<key, value>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<key, value, TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<key, value, TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, expanded_value>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, expanded_value>;
-template class ACE_Active_Map_Manager<expanded_value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Entry<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value>;
-// Hash Map Manager related.
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator>;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, noop_key_generator>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, key, value, hash_key, compare_keys>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, key, value, hash_key, compare_keys>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<key, value>;
-// Already in Active_Object_Map.cpp
-// template class ACE_Equal_To<key>;
-// Map Manager related.
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, key, value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, key, value>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<key, value, TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<key, value, noop_key_generator>;
-template class ACE_Map_Manager<key, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<key, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Iterator<key, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<key, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Map_Entry<key, value>;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Set<TAO_POA_Manager *>;
-template class ACE_Node<TAO_POA_Manager *>;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<TAO_POA_Manager *>;
-// Common typedefs.
-typedef TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name key;
-typedef TAO_POA *value;
-typedef ACE_Reverse_Lock<ACE_Lock> REVERSE_LOCK;
-typedef ACE_Pair<key, value> expanded_value;
-typedef ACE_Reference_Pair<const key, value> tao_value_type;
-typedef ACE_Equal_To<key> compare_keys;
-typedef TAO_ObjectId_Hash hash_key;
-typedef ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<key> noop_key_generator;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reverse_Lock<ACE_Lock>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Guard<REVERSE_LOCK>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Object_Adapter::Hint_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_map>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Object_Adapter::Hint_Strategy>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_map>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<key>
-// Common
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reference_Pair<const key, value>
-// Map and iterator classes.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map<key, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Iterator<tao_value_type>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reverse_Iterator<tao_value_type>
-// Iterator base classes.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Iterator_Impl<tao_value_type>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Reverse_Iterator_Impl<tao_value_type>
-// Active Map Manager related.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Pair<key, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<key, value, TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<key, value, TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, expanded_value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, expanded_value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Active_Map_Manager<expanded_value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Entry<ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Key, expanded_value>
-// Hash Map Manager related.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator>
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, noop_key_generator>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, key, value, hash_key, compare_keys>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, key, value, hash_key, compare_keys>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<key, value, hash_key, compare_keys, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<key, value>
-// Already in Active_Object_Map.cpp
-// #pragma instantiate ACE_Equal_To<key>
-// Map Manager related.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, key, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Reverse_Iterator_Adapter<tao_value_type, key, value>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<key, value, TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<key, value, noop_key_generator>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Manager<key, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator_Base<key, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Iterator<key, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Reverse_Iterator<key, value, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Entry<key, value>
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set<TAO_POA_Manager *>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Node<TAO_POA_Manager *>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<TAO_POA_Manager *>
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.h b/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f9e0f1737d..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,747 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// Object_Adapter.h
-// = AUTHOR
-// Irfan Pyarali
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/Key_Adapters.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Strategy_Factory.h"
-#include "tao/poa_macros.h"
-// Stubs
-#include "tao/PortableServerC.h"
-// Servant
-#include "tao/Servant_Base.h"
-// Active Object Table
-#include "tao/Active_Object_Map.h"
-#include "tao/RTCORBAC.h"
-// Local Object
-#include "tao/LocalObject.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-// Forward declaration
-class TAO_POA;
-class TAO_POA_Manager;
-class TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time;
-class TAO_POA_Current_Impl;
-class TAO_TSS_Resources;
-class TAO_Transport;
-class TAO_Export TAO_POA_Current :
- public PortableServer::Current,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- TAO_POA_Current (void);
- // Constructor
- PortableServer::POA_ptr get_POA (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext));
- // Returns the POA on which the current request is being invoked.
- // Can raise the <CORBA::NoContext> exception if this function is
- // not invoked in the context of an upcall.
- PortableServer::ObjectId *get_object_id (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext));
- // Returns the object id of the current request being invoked. Can
- // raise the <CORBA::NoContext> exception if this function is not
- // invoked in the context of an upcall.
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *implementation (void);
- // Returns the class that implements this interface.
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *implementation (TAO_POA_Current_Impl *new_current);
- // Sets the thread-specific pointer to the new POA Current state,
- // returning a pointer to the existing POA Current state.
-class TAO_Export TAO_POA_Current_Impl
- // = TITLE
- //
- // Implementation of the PortableServer::Current object.
- //
- //
- // Objects of this class hold state information regarding the
- // current POA invocation. Savvy readers will notice that this
- // contains substantially more methods than the POA spec shows;
- // they exist because the ORB either (a) needs them or (b) finds
- // them useful for implementing a more efficient ORB.
- //
- // The intent is that instances of this class are held in
- // Thread-Specific Storage so that upcalls can get context
- // information regarding their invocation. The POA itself must
- // insure that all <set_*> operations are performed in the
- // execution thread so that the proper <TAO_POA_Current> pointer
- // is obtained from TSS.
- friend class TAO_POA;
- PortableServer::POA_ptr get_POA (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext));
- // Return pointer to the invoking POA. Raises the
- // <CORBA::NoContext> exception.
- PortableServer::ObjectId *get_object_id (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext));
- // Return pointer to the object id through which this was invoked.
- // This may be necessary in cases where a <Servant> is serving under
- // the guise of multiple object ids. This has _out semantics Raises
- // the <CORBA::NoContext> exception.
- void poa (TAO_POA *);
- // Set the POA implementation.
- TAO_POA *poa (void) const;
- // Get the POA imeplemantation
- TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core (void) const;
- // ORB Core for this current.
- void object_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id);
- // Set the object ID.
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &object_id (void) const;
- // Get the object ID.
- void object_key (const TAO_ObjectKey &key);
- // Set the object key.
- const TAO_ObjectKey &object_key (void) const;
- // Get the object key.
- void servant (PortableServer::Servant servant);
- // Set the servant for the current upcall.
- PortableServer::Servant servant (void) const;
- // Get the servant for the current upcall.
- void priority (CORBA::Short priority);
- // Set the priority for the current upcall.
- CORBA::Short priority (void) const;
- // Get the priority for the current upcall.
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl (void);
- // Convenience constructor combining construction & initialization.
- void teardown (void);
- // Teardown the current for this request.
- void setup (TAO_POA *impl,
- const TAO_ObjectKey &key);
- // Setup the current.
- TAO_POA *poa_;
- // The POA implementation invoking an upcall
- PortableServer::ObjectId object_id_;
- // The object ID of the current context. This is the user id and
- // not the id the goes into the IOR. Note also that unlike the
- // <object_key>, this field is stored by value.
- const TAO_ObjectKey *object_key_;
- // The object key of the current context.
- PortableServer::Servant servant_;
- // The servant for the current upcall.
- CORBA::Short priority_;
- // The priority for the current upcall.
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *previous_current_impl_;
- // Current previous from <this>.
- int setup_done_;
- // Is setup complete?
- TAO_TSS_Resources *tss_resources_;
- // Pointer to tss resources.
- // = Hidden because we don't allow these
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl (const TAO_POA_Current_Impl &);
- void operator= (const TAO_POA_Current_Impl &);
-class TAO_Export TAO_Object_Adapter
- // = TITLE
- // Defines the Object Adapter abstraction.
- //
- // This class will be used as a facade for the POAs in a server
- friend class TAO_POA;
- typedef PortableServer::ObjectId poa_name;
- typedef PortableServer::ObjectId_var poa_name_var;
- typedef PortableServer::ObjectId_out poa_name_out;
- TAO_Object_Adapter (const TAO_Server_Strategy_Factory::Active_Object_Map_Creation_Parameters &creation_parameters,
- TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core);
- // Constructor.
- ~TAO_Object_Adapter (void);
- // Destructor.
- void dispatch_servant (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *context,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int locate_servant (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_SERVANT_LOCATION find_servant (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int find_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- CORBA::Boolean activate_it,
- CORBA::Boolean root,
- const TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &poa_creation_time,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int bind_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name);
- int unbind_poa (TAO_POA *poa,
- const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name);
- int activate_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_Lock &lock (void);
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &thread_lock (void);
- ACE_Reverse_Lock<ACE_Lock> &reverse_lock (void);
- void wait_for_non_servant_upcalls_to_complete (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- static CORBA::ULong transient_poa_name_size (void);
- int locate_servant_i (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_SERVANT_LOCATION find_servant_i (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- void dispatch_servant_i (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *context,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- void locate_poa (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int find_transient_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- CORBA::Boolean root,
- const TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &poa_creation_time,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int find_persistent_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int bind_transient_poa (TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name);
- int bind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name);
- int unbind_transient_poa (const poa_name &system_name);
- int unbind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name);
- static ACE_Lock *create_lock (int enable_locking,
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &thread_lock);
- class TAO_Export Hint_Strategy
- {
- // = TITLE
- // Base class for POA active hint strategy.
- //
- // This class also provides for common structures used by all
- // the derived classes.
- public:
- virtual ~Hint_Strategy (void);
- virtual int find_persistent_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) = 0;
- virtual int bind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name) = 0;
- virtual int unbind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name) = 0;
- void object_adapter (TAO_Object_Adapter *oa);
- protected:
- TAO_Object_Adapter *object_adapter_;
- };
- class TAO_Export Active_Hint_Strategy : public Hint_Strategy
- {
- // = TITLE
- // This class uses active demux hint for POA active hint
- // strategy.
- //
- // This class will append an active hint to the POA name,
- // making the POA lookups fast and predictable.
- public:
- Active_Hint_Strategy (CORBA::ULong map_size);
- virtual ~Active_Hint_Strategy (void);
- virtual int find_persistent_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- virtual int bind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name);
- virtual int unbind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name);
- protected:
- typedef ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<
- poa_name,
- TAO_POA *,
- TAO_Preserve_Original_Key_Adapter> persistent_poa_system_map;
- persistent_poa_system_map persistent_poa_system_map_;
- };
- class TAO_Export No_Hint_Strategy : public Hint_Strategy
- {
- // = TITLE
- // This class doesn't use any hints for POA active hint
- // strategy.
- //
- // This class will simply use the POA names as is. And since
- // no hint is added, the IORs will be smaller.
- public:
- virtual ~No_Hint_Strategy (void);
- virtual int find_persistent_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- virtual int bind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name);
- virtual int unbind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name);
- };
- Hint_Strategy *hint_strategy_;
- typedef ACE_Map<
- poa_name,
- TAO_POA *> transient_poa_map;
- // Base class of the id map.
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<
- poa_name,
- TAO_POA *,
- TAO_ObjectId_Hash,
- ACE_Equal_To<poa_name>,
- TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator> transient_poa_hash_map;
- // Id hash map.
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- typedef ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<
- poa_name,
- TAO_POA *,
- TAO_Incremental_Key_Generator> transient_poa_linear_map;
- // Id linear map.
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- typedef ACE_Active_Map_Manager_Adapter<
- poa_name,
- TAO_POA *,
- TAO_Ignore_Original_Key_Adapter> transient_poa_active_map;
- // Id active map.
- typedef ACE_Map<
- poa_name,
- TAO_POA *> persistent_poa_name_map;
- // Base class of the name map.
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex_Adapter<
- poa_name,
- TAO_POA *,
- TAO_ObjectId_Hash,
- ACE_Equal_To<PortableServer::ObjectId>,
- ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<poa_name> > persistent_poa_name_hash_map;
- // Id hash map.
- typedef ACE_Map_Manager_Adapter<
- poa_name,
- TAO_POA *,
- ACE_Noop_Key_Generator<poa_name> > persistent_poa_name_linear_map;
- // Id linear map.
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA_MAPS == 0 */
- persistent_poa_name_map *persistent_poa_name_map_;
- transient_poa_map *transient_poa_map_;
- static size_t transient_poa_name_size_;
- static void set_transient_poa_name_size (const TAO_Server_Strategy_Factory::Active_Object_Map_Creation_Parameters &creation_parameters);
- TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core_;
- int enable_locking_;
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX thread_lock_;
- ACE_Lock *lock_;
- ACE_Reverse_Lock<ACE_Lock> reverse_lock_;
- ACE_SYNCH_CONDITION non_servant_upcall_condition_;
- // Condition variable for waiting on non-servant upcalls to end.
- CORBA::Boolean non_servant_upcall_in_progress_;
- // Flag for knowing when an non-servant upcall is in progress.
- ACE_thread_t non_servant_upcall_thread_;
- // Id of thread making the non-servant upcall.
- class TAO_Export poa_name_iterator
- {
- // = TITLE
- // Iterator for a folded poa name.
- public:
- poa_name_iterator (int begin,
- CORBA::ULong size,
- const CORBA::Octet *folded_buffer);
- // Constructor.
- int operator== (const poa_name_iterator &rhs) const;
- int operator!= (const poa_name_iterator &rhs) const;
- // Comparison operators.
- ACE_CString operator* () const;
- // Dereference operator.
- poa_name_iterator &operator++ (void);
- // Prefix advance.
- protected:
- CORBA::ULong size_;
- CORBA::ULong position_;
- const CORBA::Octet *folded_buffer_;
- CORBA::ULong last_separator_;
- };
- class TAO_Export iteratable_poa_name
- {
- // = TITLE
- // This class allows iteration over a folded poa name.
- public:
- typedef poa_name_iterator iterator;
- iteratable_poa_name (const poa_name &folded_name);
- iterator begin (void) const;
- iterator end (void) const;
- protected:
- const poa_name &folded_name_;
- };
- class TAO_Export Non_Servant_Upcall
- {
- // = TITLE
- // This class helps us with a recursive thread lock without
- // using a recursive thread lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a
- // magic constructor and destructor. We unlock the
- // Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the non-servant
- // (i.e., adapter activator and servant activator) upcalls;
- // reacquiring once the upcalls complete. Even though we are
- // releasing the lock, other threads will not be able to make
- // progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been
- // set.
- public:
- Non_Servant_Upcall (TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter);
- // Constructor.
- ~Non_Servant_Upcall (void);
- // Destructor.
- protected:
- TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter_;
- };
- friend class Non_Servant_Upcall;
- class TAO_Export Servant_Upcall
- {
- // = TITLE
- // This class finds out the POA and the servant to perform an
- // upcall. It can only be instantiated without the object
- // adapter's lock held.
- public:
- friend class TAO_POA;
- Servant_Upcall (TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter);
- // Constructor.
- ~Servant_Upcall (void);
- // Destructor.
- void prepare_for_upcall (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- const char *operation,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Locate POA and servant.
- TAO_POA &poa (void) const;
- // POA accessor.
- TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter (void) const;
- // Object Adapter accessor.
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &id (void) const;
- // ID accessor.
- PortableServer::Servant servant (void) const;
- // Servant accessor.
- PortableServer::ServantLocator::Cookie locator_cookie (void) const;
- // Get the Servant Locator's cookie
- void locator_cookie (PortableServer::ServantLocator::Cookie cookie);
- // Set the Servant Locator's cookie
- const char *operation (void) const;
- // Get the operation name.
- void operation (const char *);
- // Set the operation name.
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- void active_object_map_entry (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry);
- // Set the <active_object_map_entry>.
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *active_object_map_entry (void) const;
- // Get the <active_object_map_entry>.
- void using_servant_locator (void);
- // We are using the servant locator for this upcall.
- protected:
- void servant_locator_cleanup (void);
- void single_threaded_poa_setup (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- void single_threaded_poa_cleanup (void);
- void servant_cleanup (void);
- void poa_cleanup (void);
- TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter_;
- TAO_POA *poa_;
- PortableServer::Servant servant_;
- enum State
- {
- };
- State state_;
- PortableServer::ObjectId id_;
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl current_context_;
- PortableServer::ServantLocator::Cookie cookie_;
- // Servant Locator's cookie
- const char *operation_;
- // Operation name for this current.
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *active_object_map_entry_;
- // Pointer to the entry in the TAO_Active_Object_Map corresponding
- // to the servant for this request.
- int using_servant_locator_;
- // Are we using the servant locator?
- private:
- Servant_Upcall (const Servant_Upcall &);
- void operator= (const Servant_Upcall &);
- };
- friend class Servant_Upcall;
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- class TAO_Export Priority_Model_Processing
- {
- // = TITLE
- // This class encapsulates processing necessary for
- // RTCORBA CLIENT_PROPAGATED priority model.
- //
- // Although the destructor of this class resets the priority of
- // the thread to it's original value, application should use
- // <post_invoke> method for that purpose: destructor cannot
- // propagate possible exceptions to the callee. Destructor's
- // reset capability is intended as a last resort, i.e., if
- // <post_invoke> isn't reached for some reason.
- //
- public:
- Priority_Model_Processing (TAO_POA &poa);
- // Constructor.
- ~Priority_Model_Processing (void);
- // Resets the priority of the current thread back to its original
- // value if necessary, i.e., if it was changed and the
- // <post_invoke> method hasn't been called. Unlike <post_invoke>,
- // this method cannot propagate exceptions to the user.
- void pre_invoke (IOP::ServiceContextList &service_context_list,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Checks if target POA supports RTCORBA::CLIENT_PROPAGATED
- // PriorityModel. If so, stores the original priority of the
- // current thread, and sets the thread to the client-propagated
- // priority.
- void post_invoke (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Resets the priority of the current thread back to its original
- // value, if necessary.
- private:
- Priority_Model_Processing (const Priority_Model_Processing &);
- void operator= (const Priority_Model_Processing &);
- enum State
- {
- };
- State state_;
- // Indicates whether the priority of the thread needs to be reset
- // back to its original value.
- TAO_POA &poa_;
- // Poa of the target servant.
- RTCORBA::Priority original_priority_;
- // Original priority of the thread.
- };
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/Object_Adapter.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_OBJECT_ADAPTER_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.i b/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 2862b7d2d11..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Object_Adapter.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-TAO_POA_Current::TAO_POA_Current (void)
-TAO_Object_Adapter::lock (void)
- return *this->lock_;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::thread_lock (void)
- return this->thread_lock_;
-ACE_INLINE ACE_Reverse_Lock<ACE_Lock> &
-TAO_Object_Adapter::reverse_lock (void)
- return this->reverse_lock_;
-/* static */
-TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_name_size ()
- return TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_name_size_;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::locate_servant (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->locate_servant_i (key,
-TAO_Object_Adapter::find_servant (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->find_servant_i (key,
- servant,
-TAO_Object_Adapter::find_persistent_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- return this->hint_strategy_->find_persistent_poa (system_name,
- poa,
-TAO_Object_Adapter::find_poa (const poa_name &system_name,
- CORBA::Boolean activate_it,
- CORBA::Boolean root,
- const TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &poa_creation_time,
- TAO_POA *&poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (activate_it)
- {
- return this->find_persistent_poa (system_name,
- poa,
- }
- else
- {
- return this->find_transient_poa (system_name,
- root,
- poa_creation_time,
- poa,
- }
-TAO_Object_Adapter::bind_transient_poa (TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name)
- poa_name name;
- int result = this->transient_poa_map_->bind_create_key (poa,
- name);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (system_name,
- poa_name (name),
- -1);
- }
- return result;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::bind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- TAO_POA *poa,
- poa_name_out system_name)
- return this->hint_strategy_->bind_persistent_poa (folded_name,
- poa,
- system_name);
-TAO_Object_Adapter::unbind_transient_poa (const poa_name &system_name)
- return this->transient_poa_map_->unbind (system_name);
-TAO_Object_Adapter::unbind_persistent_poa (const poa_name &folded_name,
- const poa_name &system_name)
- return this->hint_strategy_->unbind_persistent_poa (folded_name,
- system_name);
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::poa (void) const
- return *this->poa_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::Servant
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::servant (void) const
- return this->servant_;
-ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Adapter &
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::object_adapter (void) const
- return this->object_adapter_;
-ACE_INLINE const PortableServer::ObjectId &
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::id (void) const
- return this->id_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantLocator::Cookie
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::locator_cookie (void) const
- return this->cookie_;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::locator_cookie (PortableServer::ServantLocator::Cookie cookie)
- this->cookie_ = cookie;
-ACE_INLINE const char *
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::operation (void) const
- return this->operation_;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::operation (const char *name)
- this->operation_ = name;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::active_object_map_entry (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry)
- this->active_object_map_entry_ = entry;
-ACE_INLINE TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::active_object_map_entry (void) const
- return this->active_object_map_entry_;
-TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall::using_servant_locator (void)
- this->using_servant_locator_ = 1;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::poa (TAO_POA *p)
- this->poa_ = p;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::poa (void) const
- return this->poa_;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::object_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id)
- this->object_id_ = id;
-ACE_INLINE const PortableServer::ObjectId &
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::object_id (void) const
- return this->object_id_;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::object_key (const TAO_ObjectKey &key)
- this->object_key_ = &key;
-ACE_INLINE const TAO_ObjectKey &
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::object_key (void) const
- return *this->object_key_;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::servant (PortableServer::Servant servant)
- this->servant_ = servant;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::Servant
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::servant (void) const
- return this->servant_;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::priority (CORBA::Short priority)
- this->priority_ = priority;
-TAO_POA_Current_Impl::priority (void) const
- return this->priority_;
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
-(TAO_POA &poa)
- : state_ (NO_ACTION_REQUIRED),
- poa_ (poa),
- original_priority_ (0)
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Operation_Table.cpp b/TAO/tao/Operation_Table.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d0e56b30fa..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Operation_Table.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "tao/Operation_Table.h"
-#include "tao/Timeprobe.h"
-#include "tao/ORB.h"
-ACE_RCSID(tao, Operation_Table, "$Id$")
-static const char *TAO_Operation_Table_Timeprobe_Description[] =
- {
- "TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable::find - start",
- "TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable::find - end",
- "TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable::find - start",
- "TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable::find - end",
- "TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable::find - start",
- "TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable::find - end",
- "TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::find - start",
- "TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::find - end",
- "TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable::find - start",
- "TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable::find - end"
- };
- {
- // Timeprobe description table start key
- };
-// Setup Timeprobes
-ACE_TIMEPROBE_EVENT_DESCRIPTIONS (TAO_Operation_Table_Timeprobe_Description,
-// destructor
-TAO_Operation_Table::~TAO_Operation_Table (void)
-// constructor
-TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable::TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable (const TAO_operation_db_entry *db,
- CORBA::ULong dbsize,
- CORBA::ULong hashtblsize,
- ACE_Allocator *alloc)
- : hash_ (hashtblsize, alloc)
- // Iterate thru each entry in the database and bind the operation
- // name to its corresponding skeleton.
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < dbsize; i++)
- // @@ (ASG): what happens if bind fails ???
- if (this->bind (db[i].opname_, db[i].skel_ptr_) == -1)
- ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) %p\n"),
- ACE_TEXT ("bind failed")));
-TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable::~TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable (void)
- // Initialize an iterator. We need to go thru each entry and free
- // up storage allocated to hold the external ids. In this case,
- // these are strings.
- OP_MAP_MANAGER::ITERATOR iterator (this->hash_);
- for (OP_MAP_MANAGER::ENTRY *entry = 0;
- (entry) != 0;
- iterator.advance ())
- {
- // We had allocated memory and stored the string. So we free the
- // memory.
- CORBA::string_free ((char *) entry->ext_id_);
- entry->ext_id_ = 0;
- // We do not own this. So we just set it to 0.
- entry->int_id_ = 0;
- }
-TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable::bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr)
- return this->hash_.bind (CORBA::string_dup (opname), skel_ptr);
-TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable::find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton& skel_ptr,
- const unsigned int length)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (length);
- return this->hash_.find ((const char *)opname, skel_ptr);
-// Linear search strategy
-TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable::TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable (void)
-TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable::~TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable (void)
-TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable::bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (opname);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (skel_ptr);
- return 0;
-TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable::find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton& skelfunc,
- const unsigned int length)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (length);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry *entry = lookup (opname);
- if (entry == 0)
- ACE_TEXT ("TAO_Linear_Search_Table:find failed\n")),
- -1);
- // Valid entry. Figure out the skel_ptr.
- skelfunc = entry->skel_ptr_;
- return 0;
-// Active Demux search strategy
-TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable::TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable (const
- TAO_operation_db_entry *db,
- CORBA::ULong dbsize)
- : next_ (0),
- tablesize_ (dbsize),
- tbl_ (0)
- ACE_NEW (tbl_,
- TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry[dbsize]);
- // The job of the constructor is to go thru each entry of the
- // database and bind the operation name to its corresponding
- // skeleton.
- for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i < dbsize; i++)
- // @@ (ASG): what happens if bind fails ???
- (void) this->bind (db[i].opname_, db[i].skel_ptr_);
-TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable::~TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable (void)
- delete [] this->tbl_;
-TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable::bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr)
- CORBA::ULong i = ACE_OS::atoi (opname);
- if (i < this->tablesize_)
- {
- if (this->tbl_[i].skel_ptr_ != 0)
- // overwriting previous one
- return 1;
- else
- {
- this->tbl_[i].skel_ptr_ = skel_ptr;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -1; // error
-TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable::find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton& skel_ptr,
- const unsigned int length)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (length);
- CORBA::ULong i = ACE_OS::atoi (opname);
- ACE_ASSERT (i < this->tablesize_);
- skel_ptr = this->tbl_[i].skel_ptr_;
- return 0; //success
-TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry::TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry (void)
- this->skel_ptr_ = 0;
-TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry::~TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry (void)
- this->skel_ptr_ = 0; // cannot delete this as we do not own it
-// Do nothing constructor.
-TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable (void)
-// Do nothing destrctor.
-TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::~TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable (void)
-// Uses <{opname}> to look up the skeleton function and pass it back
-// in <{skelfunc}>. Returns non-negative integer on success, or -1 on
-// failure.
-TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skelfunc,
- const unsigned int length)
- const TAO_operation_db_entry *entry = lookup (opname,
- length);
- if (entry == 0)
- ACE_TEXT ("TAO_Perfect_Hash_Table:find failed\n")),
- -1);
- // Valid entry. Figure out the skel_ptr.
- skelfunc = entry->skel_ptr_;
- return 0;
-TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (opname);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (skel_ptr);
- return 0;
-// Do nothing constructor.
-TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable::TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable (void)
-// Do nothing destrctor.
-TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable::~TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable (void)
-// Uses <{opname}> to look up the skeleton function and pass it back
-// in <{skelfunc}>. Returns non-negative integer on success, or -1 on
-// failure.
-TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable::find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skelfunc,
- const unsigned int /* length */)
- const TAO_operation_db_entry *entry = lookup (opname);
- if (entry == 0)
- ACE_TEXT ("TAO_Binary_Search_Table:find failed\n")),
- -1);
- // Valid entry. Figure out the skel_ptr.
- skelfunc = entry->skel_ptr_;
- return 0;
-TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable::bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (opname);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (skel_ptr);
- return 0;
-// constructor
-TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters::TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters (void)
- : strategy_ (0),
- type_ (TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters::TAO_DYNAMIC_HASH) // default
-TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters::~TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters (void)
-TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters::lookup_strategy (TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters::DEMUX_STRATEGY s)
- this->type_ = s;
-// get the lookup type
-TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters::lookup_strategy (void) const
- return this->type_;
-// set the concrete strategy
-TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters::concrete_strategy (TAO_Operation_Table *ot)
- this->strategy_ = ot;
-// return the concrete strategy
-TAO_Operation_Table* TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters::concrete_strategy (void)
- return this->strategy_;
-TAO_Operation_Table_Factory::TAO_Operation_Table_Factory (void)
-TAO_Operation_Table_Factory::~TAO_Operation_Table_Factory (void)
-TAO_Operation_Table *
-TAO_Operation_Table_Factory::opname_lookup_strategy (void)
- TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters *p =
- return p->concrete_strategy ();
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<const char *, TAO_Skeleton, ACE_Hash<const char *>, ACE_Equal_To<const char *>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<const char *, TAO_Skeleton, ACE_Hash<const char *>, ACE_Equal_To<const char *>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<const char *, TAO_Skeleton, ACE_Hash<const char *>, ACE_Equal_To<const char *>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<const char *, TAO_Skeleton, ACE_Hash<const char *>, ACE_Equal_To<const char *>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<const char *, TAO_Skeleton>;
-template class TAO_Singleton<TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX>;
-#elif defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
-// This is necessary with g++ 2.91.66 to avoid a couple of strange
-// unresolved ACE_Hash_Map_Entry symbols. (Strange because c++filt
-// can't demangle them.)
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<char const *, void (*)(CORBA_ServerRequest &, void *, void *, CORBA_Environment &)>;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<const char *, TAO_Skeleton, ACE_Hash<const char *>, ACE_Equal_To<const char *>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<const char *, TAO_Skeleton, ACE_Hash<const char *>, ACE_Equal_To<const char *>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<const char *, TAO_Skeleton, ACE_Hash<const char *>, ACE_Equal_To<const char *>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<const char *, TAO_Skeleton, ACE_Hash<const char *>, ACE_Equal_To<const char *>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<const char *, TAO_Skeleton>
-#pragma instantiate TAO_Singleton<TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters, ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX>
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Operation_Table.h b/TAO/tao/Operation_Table.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bcc2ab32ce5..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Operation_Table.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// Operation_Table.h
-// = AUTHOR
-// Aniruddha Gokhale
-// ============================================================================
-#ifndef TAO_OPTABLE_H
-#define TAO_OPTABLE_H
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "tao/TAO_Singleton.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "tao/corbafwd.h"
-class TAO_operation_db_entry
- // = TITLE
- // Define a table entry that holds an operation name and its
- // corresponding skeleton. A table of such entries is used to
- // initialize the different lookup strategies.
- const char* opname_;
- // operation name
- TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr_;
- // skeleton pointer
-class TAO_Export TAO_Operation_Table
- // = TITLE
- // Abstract class for maintaining and lookup of CORBA IDL
- // operation names.
- virtual int find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skelfunc,
- const unsigned int length = 0) = 0;
- // Uses <{opname}> to look up the skeleton function and pass it back
- // in <{skelfunc}>. Returns non-negative integer on success, or -1
- // on failure.
- virtual int bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr) = 0;
- // Associate the skeleton <{skel_ptr}> with an operation named
- // <{opname}>. Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success, 1 on duplicate.
- virtual ~TAO_Operation_Table (void);
-class TAO_Export TAO_Operation_Table_Factory
- // = TITLE
- // Factory for producing operation table lookup objects based on
- // the enumerated value of strategy held by the parameters.
- TAO_Operation_Table *opname_lookup_strategy (void);
- // return an instance of the specified lookup strategy
- TAO_Operation_Table_Factory (void);
- // constructor
- ~TAO_Operation_Table_Factory (void);
- // destructor
-class TAO_Export TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters
- // = TITLE
- // Parameters used to create the operation table.
- {
- // various lookup strategies
- };
- void lookup_strategy (DEMUX_STRATEGY s);
- // set the lookup strategy from the list of enumerated values
- DEMUX_STRATEGY lookup_strategy (void) const;
- // Return the enumerated value for the lookup strategy. Default is
- // Dynamic Hashing.
- void concrete_strategy (TAO_Operation_Table *ot);
- // Provide a data structure that will do the lookup. This is useful
- // for user-defined lookup strategies.
- TAO_Operation_Table *concrete_strategy (void);
- // Return the operation table that is being used to do the lookup.
- TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters (void);
- // constructor.
- ~TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters (void);
- // destructor
- TAO_Operation_Table *strategy_;
- // pointer to the object that implements a lookup strategy
- // the enumerated value indicating the lookup strategy
-class TAO_Export TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Operation_Table
- // = TITLE
- // Dynamic Hashing scheme for CORBA IDL operation name lookup.
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable (const TAO_operation_db_entry *db,
- CORBA::ULong dbsize,
- CORBA::ULong hashtblsize,
- ACE_Allocator *alloc);
- // Initialize the dynamic hash operation table with a database of
- // operation names. The hash table size may be different from the
- // size of the database. Hence we use the third argument to specify
- // the size of the internal hash table. The <alloc> argument is
- // used to determine where the memory comes from (usually from
- // <ACE_Static_Allocator_Base>).
- ~TAO_Dynamic_Hash_OpTable (void);
- // destructor
- virtual int bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr);
- // Associate the skeleton <{skel_ptr}> with an operation named
- // <{opname}>. Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success, 1 on duplicate.
- virtual int find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skelfunc,
- const unsigned int length = 0);
- // Uses <{opname}> to look up the skeleton function and pass it back
- // in <{skelfunc}>. Returns non-negative integer on success, or -1
- // on failure.
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<const char *,
- TAO_Skeleton,
- ACE_Hash<const char *>,
- ACE_Equal_To<const char *>,
- ACE_Null_Mutex>
- // The hash table data structure.
-class TAO_Export TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable : public TAO_Operation_Table
- // = TITLE
- // Operation table lookup strategy based on
- // linear search. Not efficient, but it works.
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable (void);
- // Default constructor.
- ~TAO_Linear_Search_OpTable (void);
- // Destructor.
- virtual int find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skel_ptr,
- const unsigned int length = 0);
- // Uses <{opname}> to look up the skeleton function and pass it back
- // in <{skelfunc}>. Returns non-negative integer on success, or -1
- // on failure.
- virtual int bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skelptr);
- // Associate the skeleton <{skel_ptr}> with an operation named
- // <{opname}>. Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success, 1 on duplicate.
- // = Method that should defined by the subclasses. GPERF program
- // will generate this routine routines.
- virtual const TAO_operation_db_entry* lookup (const char *str) = 0;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry
- // = TITLE
- // Active Demux lookup table entry.
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry (void);
- // constructor
- ~TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry (void);
- // destructor
- TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr_;
- // Skeleton pointer corresponding to the index.
-class TAO_Export TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable : public TAO_Operation_Table
- // = TITLE
- // Implements the active demultiplexed lookup strategy. The key is
- // assumed to provide an index directly into the internal table.
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable (const TAO_operation_db_entry *db, CORBA::ULong dbsize);
- // Initializes the internal table with the database of operations
- ~TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable (void);
- // destructor.
- virtual int find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skel_ptr,
- const unsigned int length = 0);
- // Uses <{opname}> to look up the skeleton function and pass it back
- // in <{skelfunc}>. Returns non-negative integer on success, or -1
- // on failure.
- virtual int bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skelptr);
- // Associate the skeleton <{skel_ptr}> with an operation named
- // <{opname}>. Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success, 1 on duplicate.
- CORBA::ULong next_;
- // the next available free slot
- CORBA::ULong tablesize_;
- // size of the internal table
- TAO_Active_Demux_OpTable_Entry *tbl_;
- // internal lookup table
-class TAO_Export TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Operation_Table
- // = TITLE
- // Helper class for use of perfect hashing operation lookup
- // strategy.
- //
- // This class declares pure virtual methods called 'lookup ()'
- // and 'hash ()' which will be generated by the GPERF
- // program. These methods are used by 'bind ()' and 'find ()'
- // methods. Subclasses will define the lookup and hash
- // functions.
- TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable (void);
- // Do nothing constructor.
- virtual ~TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable (void);
- // Do nothing destrctor.
- virtual int find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skelfunc,
- const unsigned int length = 0);
- // Uses <{opname}> to look up the skeleton function and pass it back
- // in <{skelfunc}>. Returns non-negative integer on success, or -1
- // on failure.
- virtual int bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr);
- // Associate the skeleton <{skel_ptr}> with an operation named
- // <{opname}>. Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success, 1 on duplicate.
- // = Methods that should defined by the subclasses. GPERF program
- // will generate these routines.
- virtual unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len) = 0;
- virtual const TAO_operation_db_entry* lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len) = 0;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable : public TAO_Operation_Table
- // = TITLE
- // Helper class for using binary search operatin lookup strategy
- // in the server skeletons.
- //
- // This class declares pure virtual method called 'lookup ()'
- // which will be generated by the GPERF program. This method is
- // used by 'bind ()' and 'find ()' methods. Subclasses will
- // define the lookup method.
- TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable (void);
- // Do nothing constructor.
- virtual ~TAO_Binary_Search_OpTable (void);
- // Do nothing destrctor.
- virtual int find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skelfunc,
- const unsigned int length = 0);
- // Uses <{opname}> to look up the skeleton function and pass it back
- // in <{skelfunc}>. Returns non-negative integer on success, or -1
- // on failure.
- virtual int bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr);
- // Associate the skeleton <{skel_ptr}> with an operation named
- // <{opname}>. Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success, 1 on duplicate.
- // = Method that should defined by the subclasses. GPERF program
- // will generate this routine routines.
- virtual const TAO_operation_db_entry* lookup (const char *str) = 0;
-// Define a singleton instance of operation table parameters.
-typedef TAO_Singleton<TAO_Operation_Table_Parameters,
-// Define a singleton instance of the operation table factory.
-typedef TAO_Singleton<TAO_Operation_Table_Factory,
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_OPTABLE_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/POA.cpp b/TAO/tao/POA.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 28ba3bb0243..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/POA.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4240 +0,0 @@
-// @(#) $Id$
-// auto_ptr class
-#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
-#include "tao/POA.h"
-#include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
-#include "tao/ORB.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Strategy_Factory.h"
-#include "tao/Environment.h"
-#include "tao/Exception.h"
-#include "tao/Stub.h"
-#include "tao/debug.h"
-#include "tao/RT_Policy_i.h"
-// ImplRepo related.
-# include "tao/ImplRepoC.h"
-# include "tao/ImplRepoS.h"
-// ImplRepo related.
-// This is to remove "inherits via dominance" warnings from MSVC.
-// MSVC is being a little too paranoid.
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-// @@ Darrell: could you move this to some other file? It is kind of
-// ugly around here. Also: we probably want this "optional",
-// i.e. some kind of hook that creates this object only when IMR is
-// enabled, we should talk about it.
-class ServerObject_i
- : public POA_ImplementationRepository::ServerObject,
- public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase
- // = TITLE
- // IMR Server Object Implementation
- //
- // Implementation Repository uses this to communicate with the IMR
- // registered server.
- ServerObject_i (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb)
- : orb_ (orb) {}
- virtual void ping (CORBA::Environment &)
- {
- }
- virtual void shutdown (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- {
- this->orb_->shutdown (0, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- CORBA::ORB_ptr orb_;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-// Forwarding Servant class
-#include "tao/Forwarding_Servant.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/POA.i"
-#endif /* ! __ACE_INLINE__ */
-ACE_RCSID(tao, POA, "$Id$")
-#if (TAO_NO_IOR_TABLE == 0)
- // This is the TAO_Object_key-prefix that is appended to all TAO Object keys.
- // It's an array of octets representing ^t^a^o/0 in octal.
- CORBA::Octet
- 024, // octal for ^t
- 001, // octal for ^a
- 017, // octal for ^o
- 000
-#endif /* TAO_NO_IOR_TABLE */
-TAO_POA::TAO_POA (const TAO_POA::String &name,
- TAO_POA_Manager &poa_manager,
- const TAO_POA_Policies &policies,
- TAO_POA *parent,
- ACE_Lock &lock,
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &thread_lock,
- TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- : name_ (name),
- poa_manager_ (poa_manager),
- policies_ (policies),
- parent_ (parent),
- active_object_map_ (0),
- adapter_activator_ (),
- servant_activator_ (),
- servant_locator_ (),
- default_servant_ (),
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- //
- // ImplRepo related.
- //
- server_object_ (0),
- use_imr_ (1),
- children_ (),
- lock_ (lock),
- persistent_ (policies.lifespan () == PortableServer::PERSISTENT),
- system_id_ (policies.id_assignment () == PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID),
- creation_time_ (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ()),
- orb_core_ (orb_core),
- cleanup_in_progress_ (0),
- etherealize_objects_ (1),
- outstanding_requests_ (0),
- outstanding_requests_condition_ (thread_lock),
- wait_for_completion_pending_ (0),
- waiting_destruction_ (0),
- servant_deactivation_condition_ (thread_lock),
- waiting_servant_deactivation_ (0)
- // Set the folded name of this POA.
- this->set_folded_name ();
- // Create the active object map.
- TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (active_object_map,
- TAO_Active_Object_Map (!this->system_id (),
- this->policies ().id_uniqueness () == PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID,
- this->persistent (),
- this->orb_core_.server_factory ()->active_object_map_creation_parameters (),
- // Give ownership of the new map to the auto pointer. Note, that it
- // is important for the auto pointer to take ownership before
- // checking for exception since we may need to delete the new map.
- auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map> new_active_object_map (active_object_map);
- // Check for exception in construction of the active object map.
- // Register self with manager.
- int result = this->poa_manager_.register_poa (this);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- }
- // Add self to Object Adapter class.
- result = this->object_adapter ().bind_poa (this->folded_name_,
- this,
- this->system_name_.out ());
- if (result != 0)
- {
- // Remove from POA Manager in case of errors. No checks of
- // further errors...
- this->poa_manager_.remove_poa (this);
- }
- // Finally everything is fine. Make sure to take ownership away
- // from the auto pointer.
- this->active_object_map_ = new_active_object_map.release ();
-// ImplRepo related.
- if (this->policies_.lifespan () == PortableServer::PERSISTENT)
- {
- int temp = this->use_imr_;
- this->use_imr_ = 0;
- this->imr_notify_startup (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->use_imr_ = temp;
- }
-TAO_POA::~TAO_POA (void)
-TAO_POA::complete_destruction_i (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // Delete the active object map.
- delete this->active_object_map_;
- // Remove POA from the POAManager.
- int result = this->poa_manager_.remove_poa (this);
- if (result != 0)
- // Remove POA from the Object Adapter.
- result = this->object_adapter ().unbind_poa (this,
- this->folded_name_,
- this-> ());
- if (result != 0)
- // Forced cleanup. The new memory management scheme is evil and can
- // lead to reference deadlock, i.e., POA holds object A, but POA
- // cannot die because object A hold POA.
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread lock.
- // Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and destructor. We
- // unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the servant
- // activator upcalls; reacquiring once the upcalls complete. Even
- // though we are releasing the lock, other threads will not be
- // able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- this->adapter_activator_ = PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_nil ();
- this->servant_activator_ = PortableServer::ServantActivator::_nil ();
- this->servant_locator_ = PortableServer::ServantLocator::_nil ();
- this->default_servant_ = 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- }
- CORBA::release (this);
-TAO_POA::create_POA_i (const char *adapter_name,
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager,
- const CORBA::PolicyList &policies,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists,
- PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy))
- // If any of the policy objects specified are not valid for the ORB
- // implementation, if conflicting policy objects are specified, or
- // if any of the specified policy objects require prior
- // administrative action that has not been performed, an
- // InvalidPolicy exception is raised containing the index in the
- // policies parameter value of the first offending policy object.
- TAO_POA_Policies tao_policies (this->orb_core_,
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::_nil ());
- tao_policies.parse_policies (policies,
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::_nil ());
- // If the poa_manager parameter is null, a new POAManager object is
- // created and associated with the new POA. Otherwise, the specified
- // POAManager object is associated with the new POA. The POAManager
- // object can be obtained using the attribute name the_POAManager.
- TAO_POA_Manager *tao_poa_manager = 0;
- if (CORBA::is_nil (poa_manager))
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (tao_poa_manager,
- TAO_POA_Manager (this->object_adapter ()),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::_nil ());
- }
- else
- {
- tao_poa_manager = ACE_dynamic_cast (TAO_POA_Manager *,
- poa_manager);
- }
- TAO_POA *poa = this->create_POA_i (adapter_name,
- *tao_poa_manager,
- tao_policies,
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::_nil ());
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa);
-TAO_POA::create_POA_i (const TAO_POA::String &adapter_name,
- TAO_POA_Manager &poa_manager,
- const TAO_POA_Policies &policies,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists,
- PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy))
- // This operaton creates a new POA as a child of the target POA. The
- // specified name identifies the new POA with respect to other POAs
- // with the same parent POA. If the target POA already has a child
- // POA with the specified name, the AdapterAlreadyExists exception
- // is raised.
- int result = this->children_.find (adapter_name);
- // Child was found
- if (result != -1)
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists (),
- 0);
- }
- //
- // Child was not found
- //
- // The specified policy objects are associated with the POA and used
- // to control its behavior. The policy objects are effectively
- // copied before this operation returns, so the application is free
- // to destroy them while the POA is in use. Policies are not
- // inherited from the parent POA.
- TAO_POA *poa = 0;
- TAO_POA (adapter_name,
- poa_manager,
- policies,
- this,
- this->object_adapter ().lock (),
- this->object_adapter ().thread_lock (),
- this->orb_core_,
- // Give ownership of the new map to the auto pointer. Note, that it
- // is important for the auto pointer to take ownership before
- // checking for exception since we may need to delete the new map.
- auto_ptr<TAO_POA> new_poa (poa);
- // Check for exception in construction of the POA.
- // Add to children map
- result = this->children_.bind (adapter_name,
- new_poa.get ());
- if (result != 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- // Note: Creating a POA using a POA manager that is in the active
- // state can lead to race conditions if the POA supports preexisting
- // objects, because the new POA may receive a request before its
- // adapter activator, servant manager, or default servant have been
- // initialized. These problems do not occur if the POA is created by
- // an adapter activator registered with a parent of the new POA,
- // because requests are queued until the adapter activator
- // returns. To avoid these problems when a POA must be explicitly
- // initialized, the application can initialize the POA by invoking
- // find_POA with a TRUE activate parameter.
- // Everything is fine. Don't let the auto_ptr delete the
- // implementation.
- return new_poa.release ();
-TAO_POA::find_POA (const char *adapter_name,
- CORBA::Boolean activate_it,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread lock.
- // Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and destructor. We
- // unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the servant
- // activator upcalls; reacquiring once the upcalls complete. Even
- // though we are releasing the lock, other threads will not be able
- // to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- TAO_POA *poa = this->find_POA_i (adapter_name,
- activate_it,
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::_nil ());
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa);
-TAO_POA::find_POA_i (const ACE_CString &child_name,
- CORBA::Boolean activate_it,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent))
- TAO_POA *child;
- int result = this->children_.find (child_name,
- child);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- if (activate_it)
- {
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- // Check the state of the POA Manager.
- this->check_poa_manager_state (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- CORBA::Boolean success =
- this->adapter_activator_->unknown_adapter (this,
- child_name.c_str (),
- if (success)
- {
- result = this->children_.find (child_name,
- child);
- }
- else
- {
- result = -1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result = -1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result = -1;
- }
- }
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (activate_it);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- if (result == 0)
- {
- return child;
- }
- else
- {
- // Otherwise, the AdapterNonExistent exception is raised.
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent (),
- 0);
- }
-TAO_POA::destroy_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- if (this->cleanup_in_progress_)
- return;
- // Is the <wait_for_completion> semantics for this thread correct?
- TAO_POA::check_for_valid_wait_for_completions (wait_for_completion,
- this->cleanup_in_progress_ = 1;
- // This operation destroys the POA and all descendant POAs. The POA
- // so destroyed (that is, the POA with its name) may be re-created
- // later in the same process. (This differs from the
- // POAManager::deactivate operation that does not allow a
- // re-creation of its associated POA in the same process.)
- // Remove POA from the parent
- if (this->parent_ != 0)
- {
- int result = this->parent_->delete_child (this->name_);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- }
- }
- // Remove all children POAs
- for (CHILDREN::iterator iterator = this->children_.begin ();
- iterator != this->children_.end ();
- ++iterator)
- {
- TAO_POA *child_poa = (*iterator).int_id_;
- child_poa->destroy_i (etherealize_objects,
- wait_for_completion,
- }
- //
- // ImplRepo related.
- //
- if (this->policies_.lifespan () == PortableServer::PERSISTENT)
- {
- this->imr_notify_shutdown ();
- // Delete the servant, if there is one.
- if (this->server_object_)
- {
- TAO_POA *root_poa = this->orb_core ().root_poa ();
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var id =
- root_poa->servant_to_id_i (this->server_object_, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- root_poa->deactivate_object_i ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->server_object_->_remove_ref ();
- }
- }
- // When a POA is destroyed, any requests that have started execution
- // continue to completion. Any requests that have not started
- // execution are processed as if they were newly arrived, that is,
- // the POA will attempt to cause recreation of the POA by invoking
- // one or more adapter activators as described in Section 3.3.3.
- // If the wait_for_completion parameter is TRUE, the destroy
- // operation will return only after all requests in process have
- // completed and all invocations of etherealize have
- // completed. Otherwise, the destroy operation returns after
- // destroying the POAs.
- this->deactivate_all_objects_i (etherealize_objects,
- wait_for_completion,
- // If there are no outstanding requests.
- if (this->outstanding_requests_ == 0)
- {
- this->complete_destruction_i (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- else
- {
- // Mark that we are ready for destruction.
- this->waiting_destruction_ = 1;
- }
-TAO_POA::delete_child (const TAO_POA::String &child)
- int result = 0;
- // If we are not closing down, we must remove this child from our
- // collection.
- if (!this->cleanup_in_progress_)
- result = this->children_.unbind (child);
- // Otherwise, if we are closing down, we are currently iterating
- // over our children and there is not need to remove this child from
- // our collection.
- return result;
-PortableServer::POAList *
-TAO_POA::the_children_i (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- PortableServer::POAList_var children;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (children,
- PortableServer::POAList (this->children_.current_size ()),
- children->length (this->children_.current_size ());
- CORBA::ULong index = 0;
- for (CHILDREN::iterator iterator = this->children_.begin ();
- iterator != this->children_.end ();
- ++iterator, ++index)
- {
- TAO_POA *child_poa = (*iterator).int_id_;
- children[index] = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (child_poa);
- }
- return children._retn ();
-TAO_POA::get_servant_manager_i (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy; if not
- // present, the WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () != PortableServer::USE_SERVANT_MANAGER)
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- PortableServer::ServantManager::_nil ());
- }
- // This operation returns the servant manager associated with the
- // POA. If no servant manager has been associated with the POA, it
- // returns a null reference.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- return PortableServer::ServantManager::_duplicate (this-> ());
- else
- return PortableServer::ServantManager::_duplicate (this-> ());
-TAO_POA::set_servant_manager_i (PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr imgr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy; if not
- // present, the WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () != PortableServer::USE_SERVANT_MANAGER)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy ());
- }
- // This operation sets the default servant manager associated with
- // the POA.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- this->servant_activator_ = PortableServer::ServantActivator::_narrow (imgr,
- if (CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy ());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this->servant_locator_ = PortableServer::ServantLocator::_narrow (imgr,
- if (CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy ());
- }
- }
-TAO_POA::get_servant_i (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::NoServant,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy; if not
- // present, the WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () != PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT)
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- 0);
- }
- // This operation returns the default servant associated with the
- // POA.
- PortableServer::Servant result = this-> ();
- if (result != 0)
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring once
- // the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing the lock,
- // other threads will not be able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been
- // set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // The POA invokes _add_ref once on the Servant before returning
- // it. If the application uses reference counting, the caller of
- // get_servant is responsible for invoking _remove_ref once on
- // the returned Servant when it is finished with it. A
- // conforming caller need not invoke _remove_ref on the returned
- // Servant if the type of the Servant uses the default reference
- // counting inherited from ServantBase.
- result->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return result;
- }
- else
- // If no servant has been associated with the POA, the NoServant
- // exception is raised.
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::NoServant (),
- 0);
- }
-TAO_POA::set_servant_i (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy; if not
- // present, the WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () != PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy ());
- }
- // This operation registers the specified servant with the POA as
- // the default servant. This servant will be used for all requests
- // for which no servant is found in the Active Object Map.
- this->default_servant_ = servant;
- // The implementation of set_servant will invoke _add_ref at least
- // once on the Servant argument before returning. When the POA no
- // longer needs the Servant, it will invoke _remove_ref on it the
- // same number of times.
- if (servant != 0)
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring once
- // the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing the lock,
- // other threads will not be able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been
- // set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- servant->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // If we are a single threaded POA, set up the appropriate
- // locking in the servant.
- this->establish_servant_lock (servant);
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_POA::is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant servant)
- while (1)
- {
- int deactivated = 0;
- int servant_in_map =
- this->active_object_map ().is_servant_in_map (servant,
- deactivated);
- if (!servant_in_map)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (deactivated)
- {
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- ACE_TEXT ("(%t) TAO_POA::is_servant_in_map: waiting for servant to deactivate\n")));
- ++this->waiting_servant_deactivation_;
- if (this->object_adapter ().enable_locking_)
- this->servant_deactivation_condition_.wait ();
- --this->waiting_servant_deactivation_;
- }
- else
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
-TAO_POA::is_user_id_in_map (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- int &priorities_match)
- while (1)
- {
- int deactivated = 0;
- int user_id_in_map =
- this->active_object_map ().is_user_id_in_map (id,
- priority,
- priorities_match,
- deactivated);
- if (!user_id_in_map)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (deactivated)
- {
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- ACE_TEXT ("(%t) TAO_POA::is_user_id_in_map: waiting for servant to deactivate\n")));
- ++this->waiting_servant_deactivation_;
- if (this->object_adapter ().enable_locking_)
- this->servant_deactivation_condition_.wait ();
- --this->waiting_servant_deactivation_;
- }
- else
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::activate_object_i (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the SYSTEM_ID and RETAIN policy; if not
- // present, the WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (!(this->policies ().id_assignment () == PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID &&
- this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN))
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- 0);
- }
- // If the POA has the UNIQUE_ID policy and the specified servant is
- // already in the Active Object Map, the ServantAlreadyActive
- // exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().id_uniqueness () == PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID &&
- this->is_servant_in_map (servant))
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive (),
- 0);
- }
- // Otherwise, the activate_object operation generates an Object Id
- // and enters the Object Id and the specified servant in the Active
- // Object Map. The Object Id is returned.
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var user_id;
- if (this->active_object_map ().bind_using_system_id_returning_user_id (servant,
- priority,
- user_id.out ()) != 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- //
- // Everything is finally ok
- //
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread lock.
- // Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and destructor. We
- // unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the servant
- // activator upcalls; reacquiring once the upcalls complete. Even
- // though we are releasing the lock, other threads will not be able
- // to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // The implementation of activate_object will invoke _add_ref at
- // least once on the Servant argument before returning. When the POA
- // no longer needs the Servant, it will invoke _remove_ref on it the
- // same number of times.
- servant->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // If we are a single threaded POA, set up the appropriate locking
- // in the servant.
- this->establish_servant_lock (servant);
- return user_id._retn ();
-TAO_POA::activate_object_with_id_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the RETAIN policy; if not present, the
- // WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () != PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy ());
- }
- // If the POA has the SYSTEM_ID policy and it detects that the
- // Object Id value was not generated by the system or for this POA,
- // the activate_object_with_id operation may raise the BAD_PARAM
- // system exception. An ORB is not required to detect all such
- // invalid Object Id values, but a portable application must not
- // invoke activate_object_with_id on a POA that has the SYSTEM_ID
- // policy with an Object Id value that was not previously generated
- // by the system for that POA, or, if the POA also has the
- // PERSISTENT policy, for a previous instantiation of the same POA.
- if (this->policies ().id_assignment () == PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID &&
- !this->is_poa_generated_id (id))
- {
- }
- // If the CORBA object denoted by the Object Id value is already
- // active in this POA (there is a servant bound to it in the Active
- // Object Map), the ObjectAlreadyActive exception is raised.
- int priorities_match = 1;
- if (is_user_id_in_map (id,
- priority,
- priorities_match))
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive ());
- }
- // If the activate_object_with_id_and_priority operation is invoked
- // with a different priority to an earlier invocation of one of the
- // create reference with priority operations, for the same object,
- // then the ORB shall raise a BAD_INV_ORDER system exception (with a
- // Standard Minor Exception Code of 1). If the priority value is the
- // same then the ORB shall return SUCCESS.
- if (!priorities_match)
- {
- }
- // If the POA has the UNIQUE_ID policy and the servant is already in
- // the Active Object Map, the ServantAlreadyActive exception is
- // raised.
- if (this->policies ().id_uniqueness () == PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID &&
- this->is_servant_in_map (servant))
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive ());
- }
- // Otherwise, the activate_object_with_id operation enters an
- // association between the specified Object Id and the specified
- // servant in the Active Object Map.
- if (this->active_object_map ().bind_using_user_id (servant,
- id,
- priority) != 0)
- {
- }
- //
- // Everything is finally ok
- //
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread lock.
- // Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and destructor. We
- // unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the servant
- // activator upcalls; reacquiring once the upcalls complete. Even
- // though we are releasing the lock, other threads will not be able
- // to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // The implementation of activate_object_with_id will invoke
- // _add_ref at least once on the Servant argument before
- // returning. When the POA no longer needs the Servant, it will
- // invoke _remove_ref on it the same number of times.
- servant->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // If we are a single threaded POA, set up the appropriate locking
- // in the servant.
- this->establish_servant_lock (servant);
-TAO_POA::deactivate_all_objects_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- this->deactivate_all_objects_i (etherealize_objects,
- this->wait_for_completions (wait_for_completion,
-TAO_POA::wait_for_completions (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- while (this->object_adapter ().enable_locking_ &&
- wait_for_completion &&
- this->outstanding_requests_ > 0)
- {
- this->wait_for_completion_pending_ = 1;
- int result = this->outstanding_requests_condition_.wait ();
- if (result == -1)
- {
- }
- }
-/* static */
-TAO_POA::check_for_valid_wait_for_completions (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (wait_for_completion)
- {
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *poa_current_impl =
- TAO_TSS_RESOURCES::instance ()->poa_current_impl_;
- // This thread cannot currently be in an upcall.
- if (poa_current_impl != 0)
- {
- // CORBA 2.3 specifies which minor code corresponds to this
- // particular problem.
- }
- }
-TAO_POA::deactivate_all_objects_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- this->etherealize_objects_ = etherealize_objects;
- // This operation is a no-op for the non-RETAIN policy.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () != PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- return;
- }
- // If the etherealize_objects parameter is TRUE, the POA has the
- // RETAIN policy, and a servant manager is registered with the POA,
- // the etherealize operation on the servant manager will be called
- // for each active object in the Active Object Map. The apparent
- // destruction of the POA occurs before any calls to etherealize are
- // made. Thus, for example, an etherealize method that attempts to
- // invoke operations on the POA will receive the OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
- // exception.
- // We must copy the user ids into a separate place since we cannot
- // remove entries while iterating through the map.
- ACE_Array<PortableServer::ObjectId> ids (this->active_object_map ().current_size ());
- size_t counter = 0;
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map::iterator end
- = this->active_object_map ().user_id_map_->end ();
- for (TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map::iterator iter
- = this->active_object_map ().user_id_map_->begin ();
- iter != end;
- ++iter)
- {
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::user_id_map::value_type map_pair = *iter;
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *active_object_map_entry = map_pair.second ();
- if (!active_object_map_entry->deactivated_)
- {
- ids[counter] = active_object_map_entry->user_id_;
- ++counter;
- }
- }
- for (size_t i = 0;
- i < counter;
- ++i)
- {
- this->deactivate_object_i (ids[i],
- }
-TAO_POA::deactivate_object_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the RETAIN policy; if not present, the
- // WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () != PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy ());
- }
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *active_object_map_entry = 0;
- int result = this->active_object_map ().find_servant_and_system_id_using_user_id (id,
- active_object_map_entry);
- // If there is no active object associated with the specified Object
- // Id, the operation raises an ObjectNotActive exception.
- if (result != 0)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive ());
- }
- // Decrement the reference count.
- CORBA::UShort new_count = --active_object_map_entry->reference_count_;
- if (new_count == 0)
- {
- this->cleanup_servant (active_object_map_entry,
- }
- else
- {
- // It should be noted that there may be a period of time between
- // an object's deactivation and the etherealization (during
- // which outstanding requests are being processed) in which
- // arriving requests on that object should not be passed to its
- // servant. During this period, requests targeted for such an
- // object act as if the POA were in holding state until
- // etherealize completes. If etherealize is called as a
- // consequence of a deactivate call with a etherealize_objects
- // parameter of TRUE, incoming requests are rejected.
- // Else mark entry as closed...
- active_object_map_entry->deactivated_ = 1;
- }
-TAO_POA::cleanup_servant (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *active_object_map_entry,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // If a servant manager is associated with the POA,
- // ServantLocator::etherealize will be invoked with the oid and the
- // servant. (The deactivate_object operation does not wait for the
- // etherealize operation to complete before deactivate_object
- // returns.)
- //
- // Note: If the servant associated with the oid is serving multiple
- // Object Ids, ServantLocator::etherealize may be invoked multiple
- // times with the same servant when the other objects are
- // deactivated. It is the responsibility of the object
- // implementation to refrain from destroying the servant while it is
- // active with any Id.
- // If the POA has no ServantActivator associated with it, the POA
- // implementation calls _remove_ref when all operation invocations
- // have completed. If there is a ServantActivator, the Servant is
- // consumed by the call to ServantActivator::etherealize instead.
- // First check for a non-zero servant.
- if (active_object_map_entry->servant_)
- {
- // If we are a single threaded POA, teardown the appropriate
- // locking in the servant.
- //
- // Note that teardown of the servant lock must happen before the
- // _remove_ref() or etherealize() calls since they might end up
- // deleting the servant.
- //
- this->teardown_servant_lock (active_object_map_entry->servant_);
- if (this->etherealize_objects_ &&
- this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_SERVANT_MANAGER &&
- !CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- CORBA::Boolean remaining_activations =
- this->active_object_map ().remaining_activations (active_object_map_entry->servant_);
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring
- // once the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing
- // the lock, other threads will not be able to make progress
- // since <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_>
- // has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // If the cleanup_in_progress parameter is TRUE, the reason
- // for the etherealize operation is that either the
- // deactivate or destroy operation was called with an
- // etherealize_objects parameter of TRUE. If the parameter
- // is FALSE, the etherealize operation is called for other
- // reasons.
- this->servant_activator_->etherealize (active_object_map_entry->user_id_,
- this,
- active_object_map_entry->servant_,
- this->cleanup_in_progress_,
- remaining_activations
- }
- else
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring
- // once the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing
- // the lock, other threads will not be able to make progress
- // since <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_>
- // has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- active_object_map_entry->servant_->_remove_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- }
- // This operation causes the association of the Object Id specified
- // by the oid parameter and its servant to be removed from the
- // Active Object Map.
- int result = this->active_object_map ().unbind_using_user_id (active_object_map_entry->user_id_);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- }
-TAO_POA::check_poa_manager_state (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- PortableServer::POAManager::State state = this->poa_manager_.get_state_i ();
- if (state == PortableServer::POAManager::ACTIVE)
- {
- // When a POA manager is in the active state, the associated
- // POAs will receive and start processing requests (assuming
- // that appropriate thread resources are available).
- return;
- }
- if (state == PortableServer::POAManager::DISCARDING)
- {
- // When a POA manager is in the discarding state, the associated
- // POAs will discard all incoming requests (whose processing has
- // not yet begun). When a request is discarded, the TRANSIENT
- // system exception must be returned to the client-side to
- // indicate that the request should be re-issued. (Of course, an
- // ORB may always reject a request for other reasons and raise
- // some other system exception.)
- CORBA_SystemException::_tao_minor_code (
- 0),
- }
- if (state == PortableServer::POAManager::HOLDING)
- {
- // When a POA manager is in the holding state, the associated
- // POAs will queue incoming requests. The number of requests
- // that can be queued is an implementation limit. If this limit
- // is reached, the POAs may discard requests and return the
- // TRANSIENT system exception to the client to indicate that the
- // client should reissue the request. (Of course, an ORB may
- // always reject a request for other reasons and raise some
- // other system exception.)
- // Since there is no queuing in TAO, we immediately raise a
- // TRANSIENT exception.
- CORBA_SystemException::_tao_minor_code (
- 0),
- }
- if (state == PortableServer::POAManager::INACTIVE)
- {
- // The inactive state is entered when the associated POAs are to
- // be shut down. Unlike the discarding state, the inactive state
- // is not a temporary state. When a POA manager is in the
- // inactive state, the associated POAs will reject new
- // requests. The rejection mechanism used is specific to the
- // vendor. The GIOP location forwarding mechanism and
- // CloseConnection message are examples of mechanisms that could
- // be used to indicate the rejection. If the client is
- // co-resident in the same process, the ORB could raise the
- // OBJ_ADAPTER exception to indicate that the object
- // implementation is unavailable.
- }
-TAO_POA::create_reference_i (const char *intf,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the SYSTEM_ID policy; if not present, the
- // WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().id_assignment () != PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID)
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- }
- // This operation creates an object reference that encapsulates a
- // POA-generated Object Id value and the specified interface
- // repository id. This operation does not cause an activation to
- // take place. The resulting reference may be passed to clients, so
- // that subsequent requests on those references will cause the
- // appropriate servant manager to be invoked, if one is
- // available. The generated Object Id value may be obtained by
- // invoking POA::reference_to_id with the created reference.
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var system_id;
- // Do the following if we going to retain this object in the active
- // object map.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- if (this->active_object_map ().bind_using_system_id_returning_system_id (0,
- priority,
- system_id.out ()) != 0)
- {
- CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Otherwise, it is the NON_RETAIN policy. Therefore, any ol'
- // object id will do (even an empty one).
- PortableServer::ObjectId *sys_id;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (sys_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId,
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- system_id = sys_id;
- }
- // Create object key.
- TAO_ObjectKey_var key = this->create_object_key ( ());
- // Ask the ORB to create you a reference
- return this->key_to_object ( (),
- intf,
- 0,
- 1,
- priority,
-TAO_POA::create_reference_with_id_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- const char *intf,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // If the POA has the SYSTEM_ID policy and it detects that the
- // Object Id value was not generated by the system or for this POA,
- // the create_reference_with_id operation may raise the BAD_PARAM
- // system exception. An ORB is not required to detect all such
- // invalid Object Id values, but a portable application must not
- // invoke this operation on a POA that has the SYSTEM_ID policy with
- // an Object Id value that was not previously generated by the
- // system for that POA, or, if the POA also has the PERSISTENT
- // policy, for a previous instantiation of the same POA.
- if (this->policies ().id_assignment () == PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID &&
- !this->is_poa_generated_id (user_id))
- {
- CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- }
- // This operation creates an object reference that encapsulates the
- // specified Object Id and interface repository Id values. This
- // operation does not cause an activation to take place. The
- // resulting reference may be passed to clients, so that subsequent
- // requests on those references will cause the object to be
- // activated if necessary, or the default servant used, depending on
- // the applicable policies.
- PortableServer::Servant servant = 0;
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var system_id;
- // Do the following if we going to retain this object in the active
- // object map.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- // @@ We need something that can find the system id using
- // appropriate strategy, at the same time, return the servant if
- // one is available. Before we have that function,
- // <create_reference_with_id_i> basically generates broken
- // collocated object when DIRECT collocation strategy is used.
- if (this->active_object_map ().find_system_id_using_user_id (user_id,
- priority,
- system_id.out ()) != 0)
- {
- CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Otherwise, it is the NON_RETAIN policy. Therefore, user id
- // is the same as system id.
- PortableServer::ObjectId *sys_id;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (sys_id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId (user_id),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- system_id = sys_id;
- }
- // Create object key.
- TAO_ObjectKey_var key = this->create_object_key ( ());
- // Ask the ORB to create you a reference
- return this->key_to_object ( (),
- intf,
- servant,
- 1,
- priority,
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::servant_to_id_i (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the RETAIN and either the UNIQUE_ID or
- // IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policies; or it requires the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT
- // policy; if not present, the WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (!(this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN
- && (this->policies ().id_uniqueness () == PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID
- || this->policies ().implicit_activation () == PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION))
- && !(this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT))
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- 0);
- }
- // This operation has four possible behaviors.
- // If the POA has the UNIQUE_ID policy and the specified servant is
- // active, the Object Id associated with that servant is returned.
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var user_id;
- if (this->policies ().id_uniqueness () == PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID &&
- this->active_object_map ().find_user_id_using_servant (servant,
- user_id.out ()) != -1)
- {
- return user_id._retn ();
- }
- // If the POA has the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy and either the POA
- // has the MULTIPLE_ID policy or the specified servant is not
- // active, the servant is activated using a POA-generated Object Id
- // and the Interface Id associated with the servant, and that Object
- // Id is returned.
- if (this->policies ().implicit_activation () == PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION)
- {
- // If we reach here, then we either have the MULTIPLE_ID policy
- // or we have the UNIQUE_ID policy and we are not in the active
- // object map.
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var user_id;
- if (this->active_object_map ().bind_using_system_id_returning_user_id (servant,
- user_id.out ()) != 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- //
- // Everything is finally ok
- //
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring once
- // the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing the lock,
- // other threads will not be able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been
- // set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // If this operation causes the object to be activated, _add_ref
- // is invoked at least once on the Servant argument before
- // returning. Otherwise, the POA does not increment or decrement
- // the reference count of the Servant passed to this function.
- servant->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // If we are a single threaded POA, set up the appropriate
- // locking in the servant.
- this->establish_servant_lock (servant);
- return user_id._retn ();
- }
- // If the POA has the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy, the servant
- // specified is the default servant, and the operation is being
- // invoked in he context of executin a request on the default
- // servant, then the ObjectId associated with the current invocation
- // is returned.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT)
- {
- // Compare the servant specified in the parameter list to the
- // default servant registered with this POA.
- PortableServer::Servant default_servant = this-> ();
- if (default_servant != 0 &&
- default_servant == servant)
- {
- // If they are the same servant, then check if we are in an
- // upcall.
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *poa_current_impl =
- TAO_TSS_RESOURCES::instance ()->poa_current_impl_;
- // If we are in an upcall on the default servant, return the
- // ObjectId associated with the current invocation.
- if (poa_current_impl != 0 &&
- servant == poa_current_impl->servant ())
- {
- return poa_current_impl->get_object_id (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- }
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- // Otherwise, the ServantNotActive exception is raised.
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive (),
- 0);
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::servant_to_system_id_i (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short &priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the RETAIN and either the UNIQUE_ID or
- // IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policies; if not present, the WrongPolicy
- // exception is raised.
- if (!(this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN
- && (this->policies ().id_uniqueness () == PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID
- || this->policies ().implicit_activation () == PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION)))
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- 0);
- }
- // This operation has three possible behaviors.
- // If the POA has the UNIQUE_ID policy and the specified servant is
- // active, the Object Id associated with that servant is returned.
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var system_id;
- if (this->policies ().id_uniqueness () == PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID &&
- this->active_object_map ().find_system_id_using_servant (servant,
- system_id.out (),
- priority) != -1)
- {
- return system_id._retn ();
- }
- // If the POA has the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy and either the POA
- // has the MULTIPLE_ID policy or the specified servant is not
- // active, the servant is activated using a POA-generated Object Id
- // and the Interface Id associated with the servant, and that Object
- // Id is returned.
- if (this->policies ().implicit_activation () == PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION)
- {
- // If we reach here, then we either have the MULTIPLE_ID policy
- // or we xhave the UNIQUE_ID policy and we are not in the active
- // object map.
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var system_id;
- if (this->active_object_map ().bind_using_system_id_returning_system_id (servant,
- priority,
- system_id.out ()) != 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- //
- // Everything is finally ok
- //
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring once
- // the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing the lock,
- // other threads will not be able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been
- // set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // If this operation causes the object to be activated, _add_ref
- // is invoked at least once on the Servant argument before
- // returning. Otherwise, the POA does not increment or decrement
- // the reference count of the Servant passed to this function.
- servant->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // If we are a single threaded POA, set up the appropriate
- // locking in the servant.
- this->establish_servant_lock (servant);
- return system_id._retn ();
- }
- // Otherwise, the ServantNotActive exception is raised.
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive (),
- 0);
-TAO_POA::servant_to_reference (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Note: The allocation of an Object Id value and installation in
- // the Active Object Map caused by implicit activation may actually
- // be deferred until an attempt is made to externalize the
- // reference. The real requirement here is that a reference is
- // produced that will behave appropriately (that is, yield a
- // consistent Object Id value when asked politely).
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var id = this->servant_to_system_id (servant,
- priority,
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- // Create object key.
- TAO_ObjectKey_var key = this->create_object_key ( ());
- // Ask the ORB to create you a reference
- return this->key_to_object ( (),
- servant->_interface_repository_id (),
- servant,
- 1,
- priority,
-TAO_POA::reference_to_servant (CORBA::Object_ptr reference,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the RETAIN policy or the
- // USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy. If neither policy is present, the
- // WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (!(this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN
- || this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT))
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- 0);
- }
- // If the POA has the RETAIN policy and the specified object is
- // present in the Active Object Map, this operation returns the
- // servant associated with that object in the Active Object Map.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- TAO_ObjectKey_var key = reference->_key (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // If the object reference was not created by this POA, the
- // WrongAdapter exception is raised.
- PortableServer::ObjectId system_id;
- TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name poa_system_name;
- CORBA::Boolean is_root = 0;
- CORBA::Boolean is_persistent = 0;
- CORBA::Boolean is_system_id = 0;
- TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time poa_creation_time;
- int result = this->parse_key ( (),
- poa_system_name,
- system_id,
- is_root,
- is_persistent,
- is_system_id,
- poa_creation_time);
- if (result != 0 ||
- !this->root () &&
- poa_system_name != this->system_name () ||
- is_root != this->root () ||
- is_persistent != this->persistent () ||
- is_system_id != this->system_id () ||
- !this->persistent () &&
- poa_creation_time != this->creation_time_)
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter (),
- 0);
- }
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- // Find user id from system id.
- PortableServer::ObjectId user_id;
- if (this->active_object_map ().find_user_id_using_system_id (system_id,
- user_id) != 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- // This operation returns the active servant associated with the
- // specified system Object Id value. If the Object Id value is
- // not active in the POA, an ObjectNotActive exception is
- // raised.
- PortableServer::Servant servant = 0;
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- if (this->active_object_map ().find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (system_id,
- user_id,
- servant,
- entry) != -1)
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring
- // once the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing
- // the lock, other threads will not be able to make progress
- // since <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_>
- // has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // The POA invokes _add_ref once on the Servant before
- // returning it. If the application uses reference counting,
- // the caller of reference_to_servant is responsible for
- // invoking _remove_ref once on the returned Servant when it
- // is finished with it. A conforming caller need not invoke
- // _remove_ref on the returned Servant if the type of the
- // Servant uses the default reference counting inherited
- // from ServantBase.
- servant->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return servant;
- }
- else
- // Otherwise, the ObjectNotActive exception is raised.
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive (),
- 0);
- }
- }
- // Otherwise, if the POA has the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy and a
- // default servant has been registered with the POA, this operation
- // returns the default servant.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT)
- {
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- PortableServer::Servant result = this-> ();
- if (result != 0)
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring
- // once the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing
- // the lock, other threads will not be able to make progress
- // since <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_>
- // has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // The POA invokes _add_ref once on the Servant before
- // returning it. If the application uses reference counting,
- // the caller of reference_to_servant is responsible for
- // invoking _remove_ref once on the returned Servant when it
- // is finished with it. A conforming caller need not invoke
- // _remove_ref on the returned Servant if the type of the
- // Servant uses the default reference counting inherited
- // from ServantBase.
- result->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return result;
- }
- else
- // Otherwise, the ObjectNotActive exception is raised.
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive (),
- 0);
- }
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- // Not reached
- return 0;
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::reference_to_id (CORBA::Object_ptr reference,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // The WrongPolicy exception is declared to allow future extensions.
- // This operation returns the Object Id value encapsulated by the
- // specified reference.
- // This operation is valid only if the reference was created by the
- // POA on which the operation is being performed. If the object
- // reference was not created by this POA, the WrongAdapter exception
- // is raised.
- TAO_ObjectKey_var key = reference->_key (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- PortableServer::ObjectId system_id;
- TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name poa_system_name;
- CORBA::Boolean is_root = 0;
- CORBA::Boolean is_persistent = 0;
- CORBA::Boolean is_system_id = 0;
- TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time poa_creation_time;
- int result = this->parse_key ( (),
- poa_system_name,
- system_id,
- is_root,
- is_persistent,
- is_system_id,
- poa_creation_time);
- if (result != 0 ||
- !this->root () &&
- poa_system_name != this->system_name () ||
- is_root != this->root () ||
- is_persistent != this->persistent () ||
- is_system_id != this->system_id () ||
- !this->persistent () &&
- poa_creation_time != this->creation_time_)
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter (),
- 0);
- }
- // Do the following if we have the RETAIN policy.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- // The object denoted by the reference does not have to be
- // active for this operation to succeed.
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var user_id;
- if (this->active_object_map ().find_user_id_using_system_id (system_id,
- user_id.out ()) != 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- return user_id._retn ();
- }
- else
- {
- // Otherwise, it is the NON_RETAIN policy. Therefore, the
- // system id is the id (and no conversion/transformation is
- // needed).
- return new PortableServer::ObjectId (system_id);
- }
-TAO_POA::id_to_servant_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the RETAIN policy; if not present, the
- // WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () != PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- 0);
- }
- // This operation returns the active servant associated with the
- // specified Object Id value. If the Object Id value is not active
- // in the POA, an ObjectNotActive exception is raised.
- PortableServer::Servant servant = 0;
- if (this->active_object_map ().find_servant_using_user_id (id,
- servant) != -1)
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring once
- // the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing the lock,
- // other threads will not be able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has been
- // set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // The POA invokes _add_ref once on the Servant before returning
- // it. If the application uses reference counting, the caller of
- // id_to_servant is responsible for invoking _remove_ref once on
- // the returned Servant when it is finished with it. A
- // conforming caller need not invoke _remove_ref on the returned
- // Servant if the type of the Servant uses the default reference
- // counting inherited from ServantBase.
- servant->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return servant;
- }
- else
- // Otherwise, the ObjectNotActive exception is raised.
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive (),
- 0);
- }
-TAO_POA::id_to_reference_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // This operation requires the RETAIN policy; if not present, the
- // WrongPolicy exception is raised.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () != PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- }
- // If an object with the specified Object Id value is currently
- // active, a reference encapsulating the information used to
- // activate the object is returned.
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var system_id;
- PortableServer::Servant servant;
- CORBA::Short priority;
- if (this->active_object_map ().find_servant_and_system_id_using_user_id (id,
- servant,
- system_id.out (),
- priority) == 0)
- {
- // Create object key.
- TAO_ObjectKey_var key = this->create_object_key ( ());
- // Ask the ORB to create you a reference
- return this->key_to_object ( (),
- servant->_interface_repository_id (),
- servant,
- 1,
- priority,
- }
- else
- // If the Object Id value is not active in the POA, an
- // ObjectNotActive exception is raised.
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive (),
- CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- }
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
-TAO_POA::valid_priority (RTCORBA::Priority /* priority */)
- return 1;
-TAO_POA::validate_priority_and_policies (RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // For each of the above operations, if the POA supports the
- // IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION option for the ImplicitActivationPolicy then
- // the ORB shall raise a WrongPolicy user exception. This relieves
- // an ORB implementation of the need to retrieve the target object's
- // priority from "somewhere" when a request arrives for an inactive
- // object.
- if (this->policies ().implicit_activation () == PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy ());
- }
- // For each of the above operations, if the POA does not support the
- // SERVER_DECLARED option for the PriorityModelPolicy then the ORB
- // shall raise a WrongPolicy user exception.
- if (this->policies ().priority_model () != TAO_POA_Policies::SERVER_DECLARED)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy ());
- }
- // If the priority parameter of any of the above operations is not a
- // valid CORBA priority or if it fails to match the priority
- // configuration for resources assigned to the POA, then the ORB
- // shall raise a BAD_PARAM system exception.
- if (!this->valid_priority (priority))
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive ());
- }
- // In all other respects the semantics of the corresponding
- // (i.e. without the name extensions "_with_priority" and
- // "_and_priority") PortableServer::POA operations shall be
- // observed.
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA */
-// Forwarding related.
-TAO_POA::forward_object_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA::Object_ptr forward_to,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // First, deactivate the object
- this->deactivate_object_i (oid,
- // Create a forwarding servant
- TAO_Forwarding_Servant *forwarding_servant = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (forwarding_servant,
- TAO_Forwarding_Servant (forward_to,
- forward_to->_interface_repository_id ()),
- // Give ownership to the auto pointer.
- auto_ptr<TAO_Forwarding_Servant> new_forwarding_servant (forwarding_servant);
- // Register the forwarding servant with the same object Id.
- this->activate_object_with_id_i (oid,
- forwarding_servant,
- // Finally everything is fine. Make sure to take ownership away
- // from the auto pointer.
- new_forwarding_servant.release ();
-TAO_POA::locate_servant_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // If the POA has the RETAIN policy, the POA looks in the Active
- // Object Map to find if there is a servant associated with the
- // Object Id value from the request. If such a servant exists,
- // return TAO_SERVANT_FOUND.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- // Find user id from system id.
- PortableServer::ObjectId user_id;
- if (this->active_object_map ().find_user_id_using_system_id (system_id,
- user_id) != 0)
- {
- }
- TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *entry = 0;
- int result = this->active_object_map ().find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (system_id,
- user_id,
- servant,
- entry);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- // Success
- }
- }
- // If the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy or has the RETAIN policy but
- // didn't find a servant in the Active Object Map, the POA takes the
- // following actions:
- // If the USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY policy is in effect, the POA raises
- // the OBJECT_NOT_EXIST system exception.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY)
- {
- }
- // If the POA has the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy, a default servant
- // has been associated with the POA, return TAO_DEFAULT_SERVANT. If
- // no servant has been associated with the POA, return
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT)
- {
- if (this-> () == 0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- // Success
- }
- }
- // If the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy, a servant manager
- // has been associated with the POA, return
- // TAO_SERVANT_MANAGER. If no servant manager has been
- // associated with the POA, return TAO_SERVANT_NOT_FOUND.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_SERVANT_MANAGER)
- {
- if (CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()) &&
- CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- }
- else
- {
- // Success
- }
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- // Failure
-TAO_POA::locate_servant_i (const char *operation,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall &servant_upcall,
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl &poa_current_impl,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // If we have the RETAIN policy, convert/transform from system id to
- // user id.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- if (this->active_object_map ().find_user_id_using_system_id (system_id,
- poa_current_impl.object_id_) != 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We have the NON_RETAIN policy, user id is the system id.
- // Smartly copy all the data; <poa_current_impl.object_id_> does
- // not own the data.
- poa_current_impl.object_id_.replace (system_id.maximum (),
- system_id.length (),
- ACE_const_cast (CORBA::Octet *,
- system_id.get_buffer ()),
- 0);
- }
- // If the POA has the RETAIN policy, the POA looks in the Active
- // Object Map to find if there is a servant associated with the
- // Object Id value from the request. If such a servant exists, the
- // POA invokes the appropriate method on the servant.
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- PortableServer::Servant servant = 0;
- int result = this->active_object_map ().find_servant_using_system_id_and_user_id (system_id,
- poa_current_impl.object_id (),
- servant,
- servant_upcall.active_object_map_entry_);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- // Increment the reference count.
- ++servant_upcall.active_object_map_entry ()->reference_count_;
- // Success
- return servant;
- }
- }
- // If the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy or has the RETAIN policy but
- // didn't find a servant in the Active Object Map, the POA takes the
- // following actions:
- // If the USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY policy is in effect, the POA raises
- // the OBJECT_NOT_EXIST system exception.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY)
- {
- 0);
- }
- // If the POA has the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy, a default servant
- // has been associated with the POA so the POA will invoke the
- // appropriate method on that servant. If no servant has been
- // associated with the POA, the POA raises the OBJ_ADAPTER system
- // exception.
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT)
- {
- PortableServer::Servant result = this-> ();
- if (result == 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- else
- {
- // Success
- return result;
- }
- }
- // If the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy, a servant manager
- // has been associated with the POA so the POA will invoke incarnate
- // or preinvoke on it to find a servant that may handle the
- // request. (The choice of method depends on the NON_RETAIN or
- // RETAIN policy of the POA.) If no servant manager has been
- // associated with the POA, the POA raises the OBJ_ADAPTER system
- // exception.
- //
- // If a servant manager is located and invoked, but the servant
- // manager is not directly capable of incarnating the object, it
- // (the servant manager) may deal with the circumstance in a variety
- // of ways, all of which are the application's responsibility. Any
- // system exception raised by the servant manager will be returned
- // to the client in the reply. In addition to standard CORBA
- // exceptions, a servant manager is capable of raising a
- // ForwardRequest exception. This exception includes an object
- // reference.
- //
- if (this->policies ().request_processing () == PortableServer::USE_SERVANT_MANAGER)
- {
- if (CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()) &&
- CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- 0);
- }
- PortableServer::Servant servant = 0;
- if (this->policies ().servant_retention () == PortableServer::RETAIN)
- {
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive
- // thread lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic
- // constructor and destructor. We unlock the
- // Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the servant
- // activator upcalls; reacquiring once the upcalls
- // complete. Even though we are releasing the lock, other
- // threads will not be able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has
- // been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // @@
- // Invocations of incarnate on the servant manager are serialized.
- // Invocations of etherealize on the servant manager are serialized.
- // Invocations of incarnate and etherealize on the servant manager are mutually exclusive.
- servant = this->servant_activator_->incarnate (poa_current_impl.object_id (),
- this
- if (servant == 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- }
- // If the incarnate operation returns a servant that is
- // already active for a different Object Id and if the POA
- // also has the UNIQUE_ID policy, the incarnate has violated
- // the POA policy and is considered to be in error. The POA
- // will raise an OBJ_ADAPTER system exception for the
- // request.
- if (this->policies ().id_uniqueness () == PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID &&
- this->is_servant_in_map (servant))
- {
- 0);
- }
- // The POA enters the returned Servant value into the Active
- // Object Map so that subsequent requests with the same
- // ObjectId value will be delivered directly to that servant
- // without invoking the servant manager.
- int result = this->active_object_map ().rebind_using_user_id_and_system_id (servant,
- poa_current_impl.object_id (),
- system_id,
- servant_upcall.active_object_map_entry_);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- else
- {
- // Increment the reference count.
- ++servant_upcall.active_object_map_entry ()->reference_count_;
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive
- // thread lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic
- // constructor and destructor. We unlock the
- // Object_Adapter lock for the duration of the servant
- // activator upcalls; reacquiring once the upcalls
- // complete. Even though we are releasing the lock,
- // other threads will not be able to make progress since
- // <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_> has
- // been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // If this operation causes the object to be activated,
- // _add_ref is invoked at least once on the Servant
- // argument before returning. Otherwise, the POA does
- // not increment or decrement the reference count of the
- // Servant passed to this function.
- servant->_add_ref (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // If we are a single threaded POA, set up the
- // appropriate locking in the servant.
- this->establish_servant_lock (servant);
- // Success
- return servant;
- }
- }
- else
- //
- // Don't retain servant
- //
- {
- // A recursive thread lock without using a recursive thread
- // lock. Non_Servant_Upcall has a magic constructor and
- // destructor. We unlock the Object_Adapter lock for the
- // duration of the servant activator upcalls; reacquiring
- // once the upcalls complete. Even though we are releasing
- // the lock, other threads will not be able to make progress
- // since <Object_Adapter::non_servant_upcall_in_progress_>
- // has been set.
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Non_Servant_Upcall non_servant_upcall (this->object_adapter ());
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (non_servant_upcall);
- // No serialization of invocations of preinvoke or
- // postinvoke may be assumed; there may be multiple
- // concurrent invocations of preinvoke for the same
- // ObjectId.
- //
- // The same thread will be used to preinvoke the object,
- // process the request, and postinvoke the object.
- //
- PortableServer::ServantLocator::Cookie cookie;
- PortableServer::Servant servant = this->servant_locator_->preinvoke (poa_current_impl.object_id (),
- this,
- operation,
- cookie
- if (servant == 0)
- {
- 0);
- }
- // If we are a single threaded POA, set up the
- // appropriate locking in the servant.
- this->establish_servant_lock (servant);
- // Remember to invoke <postinvoke>
- servant_upcall.using_servant_locator ();
- // Remember the cookie
- servant_upcall.locator_cookie (cookie);
- // Remember operation name.
- servant_upcall.operation (operation);
- // Success
- return servant;
- }
- }
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (operation);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- // Failure
- 0);
-/* static */
-TAO_POA::parse_key (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name &poa_system_name,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- CORBA::Boolean &is_root,
- CORBA::Boolean &is_persistent,
- CORBA::Boolean &is_system_id,
- TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &poa_creation_time)
- // Start at zero.
- CORBA::ULong starting_at = 0;
- // Get the object key octets.
- const CORBA::Octet *key_data = key.get_buffer ();
-#if (TAO_NO_IOR_TABLE == 0)
- // Skip the object key prefix since we have already checked for
- // this.
-#endif /* TAO_NO_IOR_TABLE */
- // Check the root indicator.
- char root_key_type = key_data[starting_at];
- if (root_key_type == TAO_POA::root_key_char ())
- {
- is_root = 1;
- }
- else if (root_key_type == TAO_POA::non_root_key_char ())
- {
- is_root = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // Incorrect key
- return -1;
- }
- // Skip past the system id indicator
- starting_at += TAO_POA::root_key_type_length ();
- // Check the system id indicator.
- char system_id_key_type = key_data[starting_at];
- if (system_id_key_type == TAO_POA::system_id_key_char ())
- {
- is_system_id = 1;
- }
- else if (system_id_key_type == TAO_POA::user_id_key_char ())
- {
- is_system_id = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // Incorrect key
- return -1;
- }
- // Skip past the system id indicator
- starting_at += TAO_POA::system_id_key_type_length ();
- // Check the persistence indicator
- char persistent_key_type = key_data[starting_at];
- if (persistent_key_type == TAO_POA::persistent_key_char ())
- {
- is_persistent = 1;
- }
- else if (persistent_key_type == TAO_POA::transient_key_char ())
- {
- is_persistent = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // Incorrect key
- return -1;
- }
- // Skip past the persistent indicator
- starting_at += TAO_POA::persistent_key_type_length ();
-#if (POA_NO_TIMESTAMP == 0)
- // Grab the timestamp for transient POAs.
- if (!is_persistent)
- {
- // Take the creation time for the timestamp
- poa_creation_time.creation_time (key_data + starting_at);
- // Skip past the timestamp
- starting_at += TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time_length ();
- }
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (poa_creation_time);
-#endif /* POA_NO_TIMESTAMP */
- // Calculate the size of the POA name.
- CORBA::ULong poa_name_size = 0;
- if (!is_persistent)
- {
- // Transient POAs have fixed size.
- poa_name_size = TAO_Object_Adapter::transient_poa_name_size ();
- }
- else if (is_system_id)
- {
- // System ids have fixed size.
- poa_name_size = key.length () - starting_at - TAO_Active_Object_Map::system_id_size ();
- }
- else
- {
- // Get the size from the object key.
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&poa_name_size,
- key_data + starting_at,
- sizeof (poa_name_size));
- poa_name_size = ACE_NTOHL (poa_name_size);
- starting_at += sizeof (poa_name_size);
- }
- // For non-root POAs, grab their name.
- if (!is_root)
- {
- poa_system_name.replace (poa_name_size,
- poa_name_size,
- (CORBA::Octet *) key_data + starting_at,
- 0);
- starting_at += poa_name_size;
- }
- // The rest is the system id.
- CORBA::ULong system_id_size = key.length () - starting_at;
- // Reset <system_id>.
- system_id.replace (system_id_size,
- system_id_size,
- (CORBA::Octet *) key_data + starting_at,
- 0);
- // Success
- return 0;
-TAO_ObjectKey *
-TAO_POA::create_object_key (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id)
- // Calculate the prefix size.
- CORBA::ULong prefix_size = 0;
-#if (TAO_NO_IOR_TABLE == 0)
-#endif /* TAO_NO_IOR_TABLE */
- // If we are dealing with a persistent POA and user ids are being
- // used, then we need to add the POA name length field to the object
- // key. Otherwise, the POA name length can be calculated by looking
- // at the remainder after extracting other parts of the key.
- int add_poa_name_length =
- this->persistent_ &&
- !this->system_id_;
- // Size required by the POA name.
- CORBA::ULong poa_name = 0;
- // Calculate the space required for the POA name.
- CORBA::ULong poa_name_length = this->system_name_->length ();
- if (!this->root ())
- {
- poa_name += poa_name_length;
- }
- // Check if we need to added the length of the POA name.
- if (add_poa_name_length)
- {
- poa_name += sizeof (poa_name_length);
- }
- // Calculate the space required for the timestamp and the persistent
- // byte.
- CORBA::ULong creation_time = this->persistent_key_type_length ();
-#if (POA_NO_TIMESTAMP == 0)
- // Calculate the space required for the timestamp.
- CORBA::ULong creation_time_length = TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time_length ();
- if (!this->persistent_)
- {
- creation_time += creation_time_length;
- }
-#endif /* POA_NO_TIMESTAMP */
- // Calculate the space required for the key.
- CORBA::ULong buffer_size =
- prefix_size +
- this->root_key_type_length () +
- this->system_id_key_type_length () +
- creation_time +
- poa_name +
- id.length ();
- // Create the buffer for the key.
- CORBA::Octet *buffer = TAO_ObjectKey::allocbuf (buffer_size);
- // Keeps track of where the next infomation goes; start at 0 byte.
- CORBA::ULong starting_at = 0;
-#if (TAO_NO_IOR_TABLE == 0)
- // Add the object key prefix.
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&buffer[starting_at],
- &objectkey_prefix[0],
-#endif /* TAO_NO_IOR_TABLE */
- // Copy the root byte.
- buffer[starting_at] = (CORBA::Octet) this->root_key_type ();
- starting_at += this->root_key_type_length ();
- // Copy the system id byte.
- buffer[starting_at] = (CORBA::Octet) this->system_id_key_type ();
- starting_at += this->system_id_key_type_length ();
- // Copy the persistence byte.
- buffer[starting_at] = (CORBA::Octet) this->persistent_key_type ();
- starting_at += this->persistent_key_type_length ();
-#if (POA_NO_TIMESTAMP == 0)
- // Then copy the timestamp for transient POAs.
- if (!this->persistent ())
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&buffer[starting_at],
- this->creation_time_.creation_time (),
- creation_time_length);
- starting_at += creation_time_length;
- }
-#endif /* POA_NO_TIMESTAMP */
- // Check if we need to added the length of the POA name.
- if (add_poa_name_length)
- {
- poa_name_length = ACE_HTONL (poa_name_length);
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&buffer[starting_at],
- &poa_name_length,
- sizeof (poa_name_length));
- starting_at += sizeof (poa_name_length);
- }
- // Put the POA name into the key (for non-root POAs).
- if (!this->root ())
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&buffer[starting_at],
- this->system_name_->get_buffer (),
- this->system_name_->length ());
- starting_at += this->system_name_->length ();
- }
- // Then copy the object id into the key.
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&buffer[starting_at],
- id.get_buffer (),
- id.length ());
- // Create the key, giving the ownership of the buffer to the
- // sequence.
- TAO_ObjectKey *key = 0;
- TAO_ObjectKey (buffer_size,
- buffer_size,
- buffer,
- 1),
- 0);
- return key;
-TAO_POA::is_poa_generated_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id)
- // Grab the buffer
- const char *id_buffer = (const char *) id.get_buffer ();
- // Check to see if the POA name is the first part of the id
- return
- this->name_.length () < id.length () &&
- ACE_OS::strncmp (id_buffer,
- this->name_.c_str (),
- this->name_.length ()) == 0;
- return 1;
-TAO_POA::set_folded_name (void)
- CORBA::ULong length = 0;
- CORBA::ULong parent_length = 0;
- if (this->parent_ != 0)
- {
- parent_length = this->parent_->folded_name ().length ();
- length += parent_length;
- }
- length += this->name_.length ();
- length += TAO_POA::name_separator_length ();
- this->folded_name_.length (length);
- CORBA::Octet *folded_name_buffer = this->folded_name_.get_buffer ();
- if (this->parent_ != 0)
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (folded_name_buffer,
- this->parent_->folded_name ().get_buffer (),
- parent_length);
- }
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&folded_name_buffer[parent_length],
- this->name_.c_str (),
- this->name_.length ());
- folded_name_buffer[length - TAO_POA::name_separator_length ()] = TAO_POA::name_separator ();
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::string_to_ObjectId (const char *string)
- // Size of string
- //
- // We DO NOT include the zero terminator, as this is simply an
- // artifact of the way strings are stored in C.
- //
- CORBA::ULong buffer_size = ACE_OS::strlen (string);
- // Create the buffer for the Id
- CORBA::Octet *buffer = PortableServer::ObjectId::allocbuf (buffer_size);
- // Copy the contents
- ACE_OS::memcpy (buffer, string, buffer_size);
- // Create and return a new ID
- PortableServer::ObjectId *id = 0;
- PortableServer::ObjectId (buffer_size,
- buffer_size,
- buffer,
- 1),
- 0);
- return id;
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::string_to_ObjectId (const char *string,
- int size)
- // Create the buffer for the Id
- CORBA::Octet *buffer = PortableServer::ObjectId::allocbuf (size);
- // Copy the contents
- ACE_OS::memcpy (buffer, string, size);
- // Create and return a new ID
- PortableServer::ObjectId *id = 0;
- PortableServer::ObjectId (size,
- size,
- buffer,
- 1),
- 0);
- return id;
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::wstring_to_ObjectId (const CORBA::WChar *string)
- // Size of Id
- //
- // We DO NOT include the zero terminator, as this is simply an
- // artifact of the way strings are stored in C.
- //
- CORBA::ULong string_length = ACE_OS::wslen (string);
- size_t buffer_size = string_length * sizeof (CORBA::WChar);
- // Create the buffer for the Id
- CORBA::Octet *buffer = PortableServer::ObjectId::allocbuf (buffer_size);
- // Copy contents
- ACE_OS::memcpy (buffer, string, buffer_size);
- // Create a new ID
- PortableServer::ObjectId *id = 0;
- PortableServer::ObjectId (buffer_size,
- buffer_size,
- buffer,
- 1),
- 0);
- return id;
-char *
-TAO_POA::ObjectId_to_string (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id)
- // Create space
- char * string = CORBA::string_alloc (id.length ());
- // Copy the data
- ACE_OS::memcpy (string, id.get_buffer (), id.length ());
- // Null terminate the string
- string[id.length ()] = '\0';
- // Return string
- return string;
-CORBA::WChar *
-TAO_POA::ObjectId_to_wstring (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id)
- // Compute resulting wide string's length.
- CORBA::ULong string_length =
- id.length () / sizeof (CORBA::WChar) + 1;
- // Allocate an extra slot if the id's length is not "aligned" on a
- // CORBA::WChar.
- if (id.length () % sizeof (CORBA::WChar))
- string_length++;
- // Create space.
- CORBA::WChar* string = CORBA::wstring_alloc (string_length);
- // Copy the data
- ACE_OS::memcpy (string,
- id.get_buffer (),
- id.length ());
- // Null terminate the string
- string[string_length] = '\0';
- // Return string.
- return string;
-TAO_Object_Adapter &
-TAO_POA::object_adapter (void)
- return *this->orb_core_.object_adapter ();
-TAO_POA::encode_sequence_to_string (char * &str,
- const TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet> &seq)
- // We must allocate a buffer which is (gag) 3 times the length
- // of the sequence, which is the length required in the worst-case
- // scenario of all non-printable characters.
- //
- // There are two strategies here...we could allocate all that space here,
- // fill it up, then copy-allocate new space of just the right length.
- // OR, we could just return this space. The classic time-space tradeoff,
- // and for now we'll let time win out, which means that we only do the
- // allocation once.
- u_int len = 3 * seq.length (); /* space for zero termination not needed */;
- str = CORBA::string_alloc (len);
- char *cp = str;
- for (u_int i = 0;
- cp < (cp + len) && i < seq.length();
- ++i)
- {
- u_char byte = seq[i];
- if (isprint (byte) && byte != '\\')
- {
- *cp++ = (char) byte;
- continue;
- }
- *cp++ = '\\';
- *cp++ = ACE::nibble2hex ((byte >> 4) & 0x0f);
- *cp++ = ACE::nibble2hex (byte & 0x0f);
- }
- // Zero terminate
- *cp = '\0';
-TAO_POA::decode_string_to_sequence (TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet> &seq,
- const char *str)
- if (str == 0)
- {
- seq.length (0);
- return;
- }
- u_int length = ACE_OS::strlen (str);
- const char *eos = str + length;
- const char *cp = str;
- // Set the length of the sequence to be as long as
- // we'll possibly need...we'll reset it to the actual
- // length later.
- seq.length (length);
- u_int i = 0;
- for (;
- cp < eos && i < seq.length ();
- i++)
- {
- if (*cp == '\\')
- {
- // This is an escaped non-printable,
- // so we decode the hex values into
- // the sequence's octet
- seq[i] = (u_char) (ACE::hex2byte (cp[1]) << 4);
- seq[i] |= (u_char) ACE::hex2byte (cp[2]);
- cp += 3;
- }
- else
- // Copy it in
- seq[i] = *cp++;
- }
- // Set the length appropriately
- seq.length (i);
-TAO_POA::create_thread_policy (PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Thread_Policy *thread_policy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (thread_policy,
- TAO_Thread_Policy (value),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_nil ());
- return thread_policy;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_POA::create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Lifespan_Policy *lifespan_policy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (lifespan_policy,
- TAO_Lifespan_Policy (value),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_nil ());
- return lifespan_policy;
-TAO_POA::create_id_uniqueness_policy (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy *id_uniqueness_policy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_uniqueness_policy,
- TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy (value),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_nil ());
- return id_uniqueness_policy;
-TAO_POA::create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy *id_assignment_policy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_assignment_policy,
- TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy (value),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_nil ());
- return id_assignment_policy;
-TAO_POA::create_implicit_activation_policy (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy *implicit_activation_policy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (implicit_activation_policy,
- TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy (value),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_nil ());
- return implicit_activation_policy;
-TAO_POA::create_servant_retention_policy (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy *servant_retention_policy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (servant_retention_policy,
- TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy (value),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_nil ());
- return servant_retention_policy;
-TAO_POA::create_request_processing_policy (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Request_Processing_Policy *request_processing_policy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (request_processing_policy,
- TAO_Request_Processing_Policy (value),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_nil ());
- return request_processing_policy;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_Thread_Policy::TAO_Thread_Policy (PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value)
- : value_ (value)
-TAO_Thread_Policy::value (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return this->value_;
-TAO_Thread_Policy::copy (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Thread_Policy *thread_policy_copy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (thread_policy_copy,
- TAO_Thread_Policy (this->value_),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Policy::_nil ());
- return thread_policy_copy;
-TAO_Thread_Policy::destroy (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
-TAO_Thread_Policy::policy_type (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return PortableServer::THREAD_POLICY_ID;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_Lifespan_Policy::TAO_Lifespan_Policy (PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value)
- : value_ (value)
-TAO_Lifespan_Policy::value (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return this->value_;
-TAO_Lifespan_Policy::copy (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Lifespan_Policy *lifespan_policy_copy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (lifespan_policy_copy,
- TAO_Lifespan_Policy (this->value_),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Policy::_nil ());
- return lifespan_policy_copy;
-TAO_Lifespan_Policy::destroy (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
-TAO_Lifespan_Policy::policy_type (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return PortableServer::LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID;
-TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy::TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value)
- : value_ (value)
-TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy::value (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return this->value_;
-TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy::copy (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy *id_uniqueness_policy_copy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_uniqueness_policy_copy,
- TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy (this->value_),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Policy::_nil ());
- return id_uniqueness_policy_copy;
-TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy::destroy (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
-TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy::policy_type (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return PortableServer::ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID;
-TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy::TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value)
- : value_ (value)
-TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy::value (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return this->value_;
-TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy::copy (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy *id_assignment_policy_copy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (id_assignment_policy_copy,
- TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy (this->value_),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Policy::_nil ());
- return id_assignment_policy_copy;
-TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy::destroy (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
-TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy::policy_type (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return PortableServer::ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID;
-TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy::TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value)
- : value_ (value)
-TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy::value (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return this->value_;
-TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy::copy (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy *implicit_activation_policy_copy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (implicit_activation_policy_copy,
- TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy (this->value_),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Policy::_nil ());
- return implicit_activation_policy_copy;
-TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy::destroy (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
-TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy::policy_type (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
-TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy::TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value)
- : value_ (value)
-TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy::value (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return this->value_;
-TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy::copy (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy *servant_retention_policy_copy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (servant_retention_policy_copy,
- TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy (this->value_),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Policy::_nil ());
- return servant_retention_policy_copy;
-TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy::destroy (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
-TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy::policy_type (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return PortableServer::SERVANT_RETENTION_POLICY_ID;
-TAO_Request_Processing_Policy::TAO_Request_Processing_Policy (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value)
- : value_ (value)
-TAO_Request_Processing_Policy::value (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return this->value_;
-TAO_Request_Processing_Policy::copy (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- TAO_Request_Processing_Policy *request_processing_policy_copy = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (request_processing_policy_copy,
- TAO_Request_Processing_Policy (this->value_),
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Policy::_nil ());
- return request_processing_policy_copy;
-TAO_Request_Processing_Policy::destroy (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
-TAO_Request_Processing_Policy::policy_type (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return PortableServer::REQUEST_PROCESSING_POLICY_ID;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_POA_Policies::TAO_POA_Policies (TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- : thread_ (PortableServer::ORB_CTRL_MODEL),
- lifespan_ (PortableServer::TRANSIENT),
- id_uniqueness_ (PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID),
- id_assignment_ (PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID),
- implicit_activation_ (PortableServer::NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION),
- servant_retention_ (PortableServer::RETAIN),
- request_processing_ (PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY),
- priority_model_ (TAO_POA_Policies::CLIENT_PROPAGATED),
- server_priority_ (TAO_INVALID_PRIORITY),
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- server_protocol_ (0),
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- client_exposed_fixed_policies_ ()
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- RTCORBA::PriorityModelPolicy_var priority_model =
- orb_core.priority_model ();
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- RTCORBA::PriorityModel rt_priority_model =
- priority_model->priority_model (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->priority_model_ =
- TAO_POA_Policies::PriorityModel (rt_priority_model);
- this->server_priority_ =
- priority_model->server_priority (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy *server_protocol =
- orb_core.server_protocol ();
- if (server_protocol != 0)
- {
- this->server_protocol (server_protocol);
- server_protocol->_remove_ref ();
- }
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (orb_core);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-TAO_POA_Policies::TAO_POA_Policies (const TAO_POA_Policies &rhs)
- : thread_ (rhs.thread ()),
- lifespan_ (rhs.lifespan ()),
- id_uniqueness_ (rhs.id_uniqueness ()),
- id_assignment_ (rhs.id_assignment ()),
- implicit_activation_ (rhs.implicit_activation ()),
- servant_retention_ (rhs.servant_retention ()),
- request_processing_ (rhs.request_processing ()),
- priority_model_ (rhs.priority_model ()),
- server_priority_ (rhs.server_priority ()),
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- server_protocol_ (0),
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- client_exposed_fixed_policies_ ( rhs.client_exposed_fixed_policies ())
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- this->server_protocol (rhs.server_protocol ());
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-TAO_POA_Policies::~TAO_POA_Policies (void)
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0;
- i < this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_.length ();
- ++i)
- {
- {
- this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_[i]->destroy (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- {
- // Ignore exceptions
- }
- }
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- this->server_protocol (0);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-TAO_POA_Policies::parse_policies (const CORBA::PolicyList &policies,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0;
- i < policies.length ();
- i++)
- {
- this->parse_policy (policies[i],
- }
- if (this->validity_check () == -1)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy ());
- }
-TAO_POA_Policies::validity_check (void)
- // The NON_RETAIN policy requires either the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT or
- // USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policies.
- if (this->servant_retention_ == PortableServer::NON_RETAIN)
- if (this->request_processing_ != PortableServer::USE_SERVANT_MANAGER &&
- this->request_processing_ != PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT)
- return -1;
- // USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY requires the RETAIN policy.
- if (this->request_processing_ == PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY)
- if (this->servant_retention_ != PortableServer::RETAIN)
- return -1;
- // USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT requires the MULTIPLE_ID policy.
- if (this->request_processing_ == PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT)
- if (this->id_uniqueness_ != PortableServer::MULTIPLE_ID)
- return -1;
- // IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION requires the SYSTEM_ID and RETAIN policies.
- if (this->implicit_activation_ == PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION)
- if (this->servant_retention_ != PortableServer::RETAIN ||
- this->id_assignment_ != PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID)
- return -1;
- int result = 0;
- result = this->validate_priority_model ();
- if (result != 0)
- return result;
- result = this->validate_server_protocol ();
- if (result != 0)
- return result;
- return 0;
-TAO_POA_Policies::validate_priority_model (void)
- return 0;
-TAO_POA_Policies::validate_server_protocol (void)
- return 0;
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
-TAO_POA_Policies::validate_client_protocol (RTCORBA::ClientProtocolPolicy_ptr)
- return 0;
-TAO_POA_Policies::validate_priority_bands (RTCORBA::PriorityBandedConnectionPolicy_ptr)
- return 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-TAO_POA_Policies::parse_policy (const CORBA::Policy_ptr policy,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var thread
- = PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- this->thread_ = thread->value (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var lifespan
- = PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- this->lifespan_ = lifespan->value (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
- PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var id_uniqueness
- = PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- this->id_uniqueness_ = id_uniqueness->value (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
- PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var id_assignment
- = PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- this->id_assignment_ = id_assignment->value (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
- PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var implicit_activation
- = PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- this->implicit_activation_ = implicit_activation->value (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
- PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var servant_retention
- = PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- this->servant_retention_ = servant_retention->value (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
- PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var request_processing
- = PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- this->request_processing_ = request_processing->value (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- RTCORBA::PriorityModelPolicy_var priority_model
- = RTCORBA::PriorityModelPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- RTCORBA::PriorityModel rt_priority_model =
- priority_model->priority_model (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->priority_model_ =
- TAO_POA_Policies::PriorityModel (rt_priority_model);
- this->server_priority_ =
- priority_model->server_priority (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
- RTCORBA::ClientProtocolPolicy_var client_protocol
- = RTCORBA::ClientProtocolPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- int result =
- this->validate_client_protocol ( ());
- if (result != 0)
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy ());
- CORBA::ULong current_length =
- this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_.length ();
- this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_.length (current_length + 1);
- this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_[current_length] =
- client_protocol->copy (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
- RTCORBA::PriorityBandedConnectionPolicy_var priority_bands
- = RTCORBA::PriorityBandedConnectionPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- int result =
- this->validate_priority_bands ( ());
- if (result != 0)
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy ());
- CORBA::ULong current_length =
- this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_.length ();
- this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_.length (current_length + 1);
- this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_[current_length] =
- priority_bands->copy (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return;
- }
- RTCORBA::ServerProtocolPolicy_var server_protocol
- = RTCORBA::ServerProtocolPolicy::_narrow (policy,
- if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy *server_protocol_i =
- ACE_dynamic_cast (TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy *,
- ());
- this->server_protocol (server_protocol_i);
- return;
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy ());
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
-TAO_POA_Policies::server_protocol (TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy *policy)
- if (this->server_protocol_)
- {
- this->server_protocol_->destroy ();
- CORBA::release (this->server_protocol_);
- this->server_protocol_ = 0;
- }
- if (policy)
- {
- ACE_NEW (this->server_protocol_,
- TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy (*policy));
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-TAO_Adapter_Activator::TAO_Adapter_Activator (PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager)
- : poa_manager_ (PortableServer::POAManager::_duplicate (poa_manager))
-TAO_Adapter_Activator::unknown_adapter (PortableServer::POA_ptr parent,
- const char *name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- // Default policies
- CORBA::PolicyList default_policies;
- // This assumes that the lock on the parent is recursive
- PortableServer::POA_var child = parent->create_POA (name,
- this-> (),
- default_policies,
- {
- child->the_activator (this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- {
- child->destroy (1,
- 1,
- return 0;
- }
- // Finally everything is fine
- return 1;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_POA::key_to_object (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- const char *type_id,
- TAO_ServantBase *servant,
- CORBA::Boolean collocated,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- //
- // ImplRepo related.
- //
- if (this->use_imr_
- && this->policies_.lifespan () == PortableServer::PERSISTENT)
- {
- // Check to see if we alter the IOR.
- CORBA::Object_var imr =
- this->orb_core ().implrepo_service ();
- if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())
- || !imr->_stubobj ()
- || !imr->_stubobj ()->profile_in_use ())
- {
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- "Invalid Implementation Repository IOR, skipping IMRification\n"));
- goto orbkey;
- }
- CORBA::String_var imr_str =
- imr->_stubobj ()->profile_in_use ()->to_string (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- "IMR IOR = \n%s\n",
- ()));
- char *pos = ACE_OS::strstr (imr_str.inout (),
- "://");
- pos = ACE_OS::strchr (pos + 3,
- imr->_stubobj ()->profile_in_use ()->object_key_delimiter ());
- if (pos)
- pos[1] = 0; // Crop the string.
- else
- {
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- "Could not parse IMR IOR, skipping IMRification\n"));
- goto orbkey;
- }
- ACE_CString ior ( ());
- // Add the key.
- CORBA::String_var key_str;
- TAO_POA::encode_sequence_to_string (key_str.inout (), key);
- ior += ();
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- "IMR-ified IOR = \n%s\n",
- ior.c_str ()));
- obj =
- this->orb_core_.orb ()->string_to_object (ior.c_str (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return obj;
- }
- CORBA::PolicyList_var client_exposed_policies =
- this->client_exposed_policies (priority,
- obj = this->orb_core_.orb ()->key_to_object (key,
- type_id,
- client_exposed_policies._retn (),
- servant,
- collocated,
- this,
- return obj;
-CORBA::PolicyList *
-TAO_POA::client_exposed_policies (CORBA::Short object_priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- const CORBA::PolicyList &client_exposed_fixed_policies =
- this->policies ().client_exposed_fixed_policies ();
- CORBA::PolicyList *client_exposed_policies = 0;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (client_exposed_policies,
- CORBA::PolicyList (),
- client_exposed_policies->length (client_exposed_fixed_policies.length ());
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0;
- i < client_exposed_fixed_policies.length ();
- ++i)
- (*client_exposed_policies)[i] =
- client_exposed_fixed_policies[i]->copy ();
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- CORBA::Short poa_priority =
- this->policies ().server_priority ();
- if (poa_priority != TAO_INVALID_PRIORITY)
- {
- TAO_POA_Policies::PriorityModel priority_model =
- this->policies ().priority_model ();
- CORBA::Short priority;
- if (priority_model == TAO_POA_Policies::CLIENT_PROPAGATED)
- priority = poa_priority;
- else
- {
- if (object_priority == TAO_INVALID_PRIORITY)
- priority = poa_priority;
- else
- priority = object_priority;
- }
- TAO_PriorityModelPolicy *priority_model_policy;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (priority_model_policy,
- TAO_PriorityModelPolicy (RTCORBA::PriorityModel (priority_model),
- priority),
- CORBA::ULong current_length = client_exposed_policies->length ();
- client_exposed_policies->length (current_length + 1);
- (*client_exposed_policies)[current_length] = priority_model_policy;
- }
-#else /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object_priority);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- return client_exposed_policies;
-// ImplRepo related.
-TAO_POA::imr_notify_startup (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Notifying IMR of startup\n"));
- CORBA::Object_var imr = this->orb_core ().implrepo_service ();
- if (CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- return;
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (this->server_object_,
- ServerObject_i (this->orb_core_.orb ()),
- // Activate the servant in the root poa.
- TAO_POA *root_poa = this->orb_core ().root_poa ();
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var id =
- root_poa->activate_object_i (this->server_object_,
- CORBA::Object_var obj = root_poa->id_to_reference_i ( (),
- ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_var svr
- = ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_narrow ( (),
- if (!svr->_stubobj () || !svr->_stubobj ()->profile_in_use ())
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "Invalid ServerObject, bailing out.\n"));
- return;
- }
- CORBA::String_var svr_str =
- svr->_stubobj ()->profile_in_use ()->to_string (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- char *pos = ACE_OS::strstr (svr_str.inout (), "://");
- pos = ACE_OS::strchr (pos + 3,
- svr->_stubobj ()->profile_in_use ()->object_key_delimiter ());
- if (pos)
- *(pos + 1) = 0; // Crop the string
- else
- {
- "Could not parse ServerObject IOR, bailing out.\n"));
- return;
- }
- ACE_CString ior ( ());
- CORBA::String_var curr_addr (svr_str);
- ImplementationRepository::Administration_var imr_admin =
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_narrow ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Informing IMR that we are running at: %s\n", ()));
- imr_admin->server_is_running (this->name ().c_str (),
- (),
- (),
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Successfully notified IMR of Startup\n"));
-TAO_POA::imr_notify_shutdown (void)
- if (TAO_debug_level > 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Notifing IMR of Shutdown\n"));
- // Notify the Implementation Repository about shutting down.
- CORBA::Object_var imr = this->orb_core ().implrepo_service ();
- // Check to see if there was an imr returned. If none, return ourselves.
- if (CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- return;
- {
- // Get the IMR's administrative object and call shutting_down on it
- ImplementationRepository::Administration_var imr_admin =
- ImplementationRepository::Administration::_narrow ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- imr_admin->server_is_shutting_down (this->the_name (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- {
- // Ignore exceptions
- }
-template class ACE_Array<PortableServer::ObjectId>;
-template class ACE_Array_Base<PortableServer::ObjectId>;
-// Forwarding related.
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Forwarding_Servant>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Forwarding_Servant>;
-//template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map_Iterator_Impl>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_POA>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map>;
-template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_POA_Manager>;
-template class ACE_Lock_Adapter<ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-template class ACE_Lock_Adapter<ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Lock_Adapter<ACE_Thread_Mutex>;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-template class ACE_Map_Entry<TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<unsigned char>, TAO_ServantBase *>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Hash<ACE_CString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_CString>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Hash<ACE_CString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_CString>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Hash<ACE_CString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_CString>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Hash<ACE_CString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_CString>, ACE_Null_Mutex>;
-template class ACE_Write_Guard<ACE_Lock>;
-template class ACE_Read_Guard<ACE_Lock>;
-//template class auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map_Iterator_Impl>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_POA>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map>;
-template class auto_ptr<TAO_POA_Manager>;
-template class ACE_Node<TAO_POA *>;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Array<PortableServer::ObjectId>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Array_Base<PortableServer::ObjectId>
-// Forwarding related.
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Forwarding_Servant>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Forwarding_Servant>
-//#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map_Iterator_Impl>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_POA>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<TAO_POA_Manager>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Lock_Adapter<ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Lock_Adapter<ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Lock_Adapter<ACE_Thread_Mutex>
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Map_Entry<TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<unsigned char>, TAO_ServantBase *>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Hash<ACE_CString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_CString>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Hash<ACE_CString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_CString>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Reverse_Iterator_Ex<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Hash<ACE_CString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_CString>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Base_Ex<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Hash<ACE_CString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_CString>, ACE_Null_Mutex>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Write_Guard<ACE_Lock>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Read_Guard<ACE_Lock>
-//#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map_Iterator_Impl>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_POA>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_Active_Object_Map>
-#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<TAO_POA_Manager>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Node<TAO_POA *>
diff --git a/TAO/tao/POA.h b/TAO/tao/POA.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3769935f6b6..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/POA.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1065 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// POA.h
-// POA
-// = AUTHOR
-// Irfan Pyarali
-// ============================================================================
-#ifndef TAO_POA_H
-#define TAO_POA_H
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-// String
-#include "ace/SString.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-// Map
-#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
-// Vector
-#include "ace/Containers.h"
-// Locking
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-// Object Adapter
-#include "tao/Object_Adapter.h"
-// Object_Key
-#include "tao/Object_KeyC.h"
-// POA Manager
-#include "tao/POAManager.h"
-#include "tao/RTCORBAC.h"
-// Local Object
-#include "tao/LocalObject.h"
-// This is to remove "inherits via dominance" warnings from MSVC.
-// MSVC is being a little too paranoid.
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-class TAO_POA;
-class TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Thread_Policy :
- public PortableServer::ThreadPolicy,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- TAO_Thread_Policy (PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void destroy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value_;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-class TAO_Export TAO_Lifespan_Policy :
- public PortableServer::LifespanPolicy,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- TAO_Lifespan_Policy (PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void destroy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value_;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy :
- public PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- TAO_Id_Uniqueness_Policy (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void destroy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value_;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy :
- public PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- TAO_Id_Assignment_Policy (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void destroy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value_;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy :
- public PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- TAO_Implicit_Activation_Policy (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void destroy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value_;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy :
- public PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- TAO_Servant_Retention_Policy (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void destroy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value_;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Request_Processing_Policy :
- public PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- TAO_Request_Processing_Policy (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::Policy_ptr copy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void destroy (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value_;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-class TAO_Export TAO_POA_Policies
- enum PriorityModel
- {
- };
- TAO_POA_Policies (TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_POA_Policies (const TAO_POA_Policies &rhs);
- ~TAO_POA_Policies (void);
- PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue thread (void) const;
- void thread (PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue lifespan (void) const;
- void lifespan (PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue id_uniqueness (void) const;
- void id_uniqueness (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue id_assignment (void) const;
- void id_assignment (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue implicit_activation (void) const;
- void implicit_activation (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue servant_retention (void) const;
- void servant_retention (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value);
- PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue request_processing (void) const;
- void request_processing (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value);
- PriorityModel priority_model (void) const;
- void priority_model (PriorityModel value);
- CORBA::Short server_priority (void) const;
- void server_priority (CORBA::Short value);
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy *server_protocol (void) const;
- void server_protocol (TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy *policy);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- void parse_policies (const CORBA::PolicyList &policies,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- const CORBA::PolicyList &client_exposed_fixed_policies (void) const;
- void parse_policy (const CORBA::Policy_ptr policy,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int validity_check (void);
- int validate_priority_model (void);
- int validate_server_protocol (void);
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- int validate_client_protocol (RTCORBA::ClientProtocolPolicy_ptr);
- int validate_priority_bands (RTCORBA::PriorityBandedConnectionPolicy_ptr);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue thread_;
- PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue lifespan_;
- PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue id_uniqueness_;
- PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue id_assignment_;
- PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue implicit_activation_;
- PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue servant_retention_;
- PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue request_processing_;
- PriorityModel priority_model_;
- CORBA::Short server_priority_;
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy *server_protocol_;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- CORBA::PolicyList client_exposed_fixed_policies_;
-class TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time;
-class TAO_Creation_Time
- TAO_Creation_Time (const ACE_Time_Value &creation_time);
- TAO_Creation_Time (void);
- void creation_time (const void *creation_time);
- const void *creation_time (void) const;
- static CORBA::ULong creation_time_length (void);
- int operator== (const TAO_Creation_Time &rhs) const;
- int operator!= (const TAO_Creation_Time &rhs) const;
- int operator== (const TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &rhs) const;
- int operator!= (const TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &rhs) const;
- enum
- {
- SEC_FIELD = 0,
- };
- // Timestamp
- CORBA::ULong time_stamp_[2];
-// Special creation time only useful in the lifetime of the upcall
-class TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time
- TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time (void);
- void creation_time (const void *creation_time);
- int operator== (const TAO_Creation_Time &rhs) const;
- int operator!= (const TAO_Creation_Time &rhs) const;
- void *time_stamp_;
-// Forward Declaration
-class ServerObject_i;
-class TAO_Export TAO_POA :
- public PortableServer::POA,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- friend class TAO_Object_Adapter;
- friend class TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall;
- friend class TAO_POA_Current_Impl;
- friend class TAO_POA_Manager;
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- friend class TAO_Object_Adapter::Priority_Model_Processing;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- typedef ACE_CString String;
- PortableServer::POA_ptr create_POA (const char *adapter_name,
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager,
- const CORBA::PolicyList &policies,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists,
- PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy));
- PortableServer::POA_ptr find_POA (const char *adapter_name,
- CORBA::Boolean activate_it,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent));
- void destroy (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr create_thread_policy (PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr create_id_uniqueness_policy (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr create_implicit_activation_policy (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr create_servant_retention_policy (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr create_request_processing_policy (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- char * the_name (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::POA_ptr the_parent (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::POAList *the_children (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr the_POAManager (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr the_activator (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void the_activator (PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr adapter_activator,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr get_servant_manager (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void set_servant_manager (PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr imgr,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::Servant get_servant (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::NoServant,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void set_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- PortableServer::ObjectId *activate_object (PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void activate_object_with_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void deactivate_object (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference (const char *intf,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference_with_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- const char *intf,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::ObjectId *servant_to_id (PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- CORBA::Object_ptr servant_to_reference (PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::Servant reference_to_servant (CORBA::Object_ptr reference,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::ObjectId *reference_to_id (CORBA::Object_ptr reference,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::Servant id_to_servant (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- CORBA::Object_ptr id_to_reference (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference_with_priority (const char * intf,
- RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference_with_id_and_priority (const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- const char * intf,
- RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::ObjectId * activate_object_with_priority (PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void activate_object_with_id_and_priority (const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- TAO_POA_Policies &policies (void);
- // Accessor for POA policies.
- CORBA::PolicyList *client_exposed_policies (CORBA::Short object_priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // This method gives the policies that are exposed to the client.
- // These policies are shipped within the IOR.
- //
- // Forwarding related.
- //
- void forward_object (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA::Object_ptr forward_to,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Utility functions for the other
- static void encode_sequence_to_string (char * &str,
- const TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet> &seq);
- static void decode_string_to_sequence (TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet> &seq,
- const char *str);
- static char* ObjectId_to_string (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id);
- static CORBA::WChar* ObjectId_to_wstring (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id);
- static PortableServer::ObjectId *string_to_ObjectId (const char *id);
- static PortableServer::ObjectId *string_to_ObjectId (const char *string,
- int size);
- static PortableServer::ObjectId *wstring_to_ObjectId (const CORBA::WChar *id);
- TAO_POA (const String &name,
- TAO_POA_Manager &poa_manager,
- const TAO_POA_Policies &policies,
- TAO_POA *parent,
- ACE_Lock &lock,
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &thread_lock,
- TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ~TAO_POA (void);
- static char name_separator (void);
- static CORBA::ULong name_separator_length (void);
- enum
- {
- };
- static CORBA::Octet objectkey_prefix[TAO_OBJECTKEY_PREFIX_SIZE];
- const TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name &folded_name (void) const;
- const TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name &system_name (void) const;
- static void check_for_valid_wait_for_completions (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core (void) const;
- // ORB Core for POA.
- CORBA::Boolean cleanup_in_progress (void);
- TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter (void);
- ACE_Lock &lock (void);
- const ACE_CString &name (void) const;
- PortableServer::POA_ptr create_POA_i (const char *adapter_name,
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager,
- const CORBA::PolicyList &policies,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists,
- PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy));
- TAO_POA *create_POA_i (const String &adapter_name,
- TAO_POA_Manager &poa_manager,
- const TAO_POA_Policies &policies,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists,
- PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy));
- TAO_POA *find_POA_i (const ACE_CString &child_name,
- CORBA::Boolean activate_it,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent));
- void destroy_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- void complete_destruction_i (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- PortableServer::POAList *the_children_i (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr get_servant_manager_i (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void set_servant_manager_i (PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr imgr,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::Servant get_servant_i (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::NoServant,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void set_servant_i (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-// ImplRepo related.
- void imr_notify_startup (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // ImplRepo helper method, notify the ImplRepo on startup
- void imr_notify_shutdown (void);
- // ImplRepo helper method, notify the ImplRepo on shutdown
- CORBA::Object_ptr key_to_object (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- const char *type_id,
- TAO_ServantBase *servant,
- CORBA::Boolean collocated,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Wrapper for the ORB's key_to_object that will alter the object pointer
- // if the ImplRepo is used.
- int is_servant_in_map (PortableServer::Servant servant);
- int is_user_id_in_map (const PortableServer::ObjectId &user_id,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- int &priorities_match);
- PortableServer::ObjectId *activate_object_i (PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void activate_object_with_id_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void deactivate_all_objects_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void deactivate_all_objects_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void wait_for_completions (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- void check_poa_manager_state (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- void deactivate_object_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- void cleanup_servant (TAO_Active_Object_Map::Map_Entry *active_object_map_entry,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference_i (const char *intf,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference_with_id_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- const char *intf,
- CORBA::Short priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::ObjectId *servant_to_id_i (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::ObjectId *servant_to_system_id (PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Short &priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::ObjectId *servant_to_system_id_i (PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Short &priority,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- PortableServer::Servant id_to_servant_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
- CORBA::Object_ptr id_to_reference_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy));
-// Forwarding related.
- void forward_object_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA::Object_ptr forward_to,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_Active_Object_Map &active_object_map (void) const;
- int delete_child (const String &child);
- void set_folded_name (void);
- TAO_ObjectKey *create_object_key (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id);
- int is_poa_generated_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id);
- static int parse_key (const TAO_ObjectKey &key,
- TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name &poa_system_name,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &system_id,
- CORBA::Boolean &is_root,
- CORBA::Boolean &is_persistent,
- CORBA::Boolean &is_system_id,
- TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &poa_creation_time);
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
- int valid_priority (RTCORBA::Priority priority);
- void validate_priority_and_policies (RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
- TAO_SERVANT_LOCATION locate_servant_i (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- PortableServer::Servant &servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- PortableServer::Servant locate_servant_i (const char *operation,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall &servant_upcall,
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl &poa_current_impl,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- const TAO_Creation_Time &creation_time (void);
- CORBA::Boolean persistent (void);
- char persistent_key_type (void);
- static char persistent_key_char (void);
- static char transient_key_char (void);
- static CORBA::ULong persistent_key_type_length (void);
- CORBA::Boolean system_id (void);
- char system_id_key_type (void);
- static char system_id_key_char (void);
- static char user_id_key_char (void);
- static CORBA::ULong system_id_key_type_length (void);
- CORBA::Boolean root (void);
- char root_key_type (void);
- static char root_key_char (void);
- static char non_root_key_char (void);
- static CORBA::ULong root_key_type_length (void);
- CORBA::ULong outstanding_requests (void) const;
- void outstanding_requests (CORBA::ULong new_outstanding_requests);
- CORBA::ULong increment_outstanding_requests (void);
- CORBA::ULong decrement_outstanding_requests (void);
- void establish_servant_lock (PortableServer::Servant servant);
- void teardown_servant_lock (PortableServer::Servant servant);
- String name_;
- TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name folded_name_;
- TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name_var system_name_;
- TAO_POA_Manager &poa_manager_;
- TAO_POA_Policies policies_;
- TAO_POA *parent_;
- TAO_Active_Object_Map *active_object_map_;
- int delete_active_object_map_;
- PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var adapter_activator_;
- PortableServer::ServantActivator_var servant_activator_;
- PortableServer::ServantLocator_var servant_locator_;
- PortableServer::ServantBase_var default_servant_;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- ServerObject_i *server_object_;
- // Implementation Repository Server Object
- int use_imr_;
- // Flag for whether the IR should be used or not.
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<ACE_CString, TAO_POA *, ACE_Null_Mutex>
- CHILDREN children_;
- ACE_Lock &lock_;
- int persistent_;
- int system_id_;
- TAO_Creation_Time creation_time_;
- TAO_ORB_Core &orb_core_;
- CORBA::Boolean cleanup_in_progress_;
- CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects_;
- CORBA::ULong outstanding_requests_;
- ACE_SYNCH_CONDITION outstanding_requests_condition_;
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion_pending_;
- CORBA::Boolean waiting_destruction_;
- ACE_SYNCH_CONDITION servant_deactivation_condition_;
- CORBA::ULong waiting_servant_deactivation_;
-class TAO_POA_Guard
- TAO_POA_Guard (TAO_POA &poa,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV,
- int check_for_destruction = 1);
- ACE_Guard<ACE_Lock> guard_;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Adapter_Activator : public PortableServer::AdapterActivator
- TAO_Adapter_Activator (PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager);
- CORBA::Boolean unknown_adapter (PortableServer::POA_ptr parent,
- const char *name,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager_;
- // POA Manager
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/POA.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_POA_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/POA.i b/TAO/tao/POA.i
deleted file mode 100644
index ab765d88f1c..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/POA.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,871 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// Exception macros
-#include "tao/poa_macros.h"
-#include "tao/Environment.h"
-TAO_POA::cleanup_in_progress (void)
- return this->cleanup_in_progress_;
-TAO_POA::lock (void)
- return this->lock_;
-TAO_POA_Guard::TAO_POA_Guard (TAO_POA &poa,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV,
- int check_for_destruction)
- : guard_ (poa.lock ())
- if (!this->guard_.locked ())
- CORBA_SystemException::_tao_minor_code (
- 0),
- if (check_for_destruction &&
- poa.cleanup_in_progress ())
- CORBA_SystemException::_tao_minor_code (
- 0),
- poa.object_adapter ().wait_for_non_servant_upcalls_to_complete (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue
-TAO_POA_Policies::thread (void) const
- return this->thread_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::thread (PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value)
- this->thread_ = value;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue
-TAO_POA_Policies::lifespan (void) const
- return this->lifespan_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::lifespan (PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value)
- this->lifespan_ = value;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue
-TAO_POA_Policies::id_uniqueness (void) const
- return this->id_uniqueness_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::id_uniqueness (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value)
- this->id_uniqueness_ = value;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue
-TAO_POA_Policies::id_assignment (void) const
- return this->id_assignment_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::id_assignment (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value)
- this->id_assignment_ = value;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue
-TAO_POA_Policies::implicit_activation (void) const
- return this->implicit_activation_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::implicit_activation (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value)
- this->implicit_activation_ = value;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue
-TAO_POA_Policies::servant_retention (void) const
- return this->servant_retention_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::servant_retention (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value)
- this->servant_retention_ = value;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue
-TAO_POA_Policies::request_processing (void) const
- return this->request_processing_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::request_processing (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value)
- this->request_processing_ = value;
-ACE_INLINE TAO_POA_Policies::PriorityModel
-TAO_POA_Policies::priority_model (void) const
- return this->priority_model_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::priority_model (PriorityModel value)
- this->priority_model_ = value;
-TAO_POA_Policies::server_priority (void) const
- return this->server_priority_;
-TAO_POA_Policies::server_priority (CORBA::Short value)
- this->server_priority_ = value;
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
-ACE_INLINE TAO_ServerProtocolPolicy *
-TAO_POA_Policies::server_protocol (void) const
- return this->server_protocol_;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1 */
-ACE_INLINE const CORBA::PolicyList &
-TAO_POA_Policies::client_exposed_fixed_policies (void) const
- return this->client_exposed_fixed_policies_;
-TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time_length (void)
- return 2 * sizeof (CORBA::ULong);
-TAO_Creation_Time::TAO_Creation_Time (const ACE_Time_Value &creation_time)
- this->time_stamp_[TAO_Creation_Time::SEC_FIELD] = (CORBA::ULong) creation_time.sec ();
- this->time_stamp_[TAO_Creation_Time::USEC_FIELD] = (CORBA::ULong) creation_time.usec ();
-TAO_Creation_Time::TAO_Creation_Time (void)
- this->time_stamp_[TAO_Creation_Time::SEC_FIELD] = 0;
- this->time_stamp_[TAO_Creation_Time::USEC_FIELD] = 0;
-TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time (const void *creation_time)
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->time_stamp_,
- creation_time,
- TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time_length ());
-ACE_INLINE const void *
-TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time (void) const
- return &this->time_stamp_;
-TAO_Creation_Time::operator== (const TAO_Creation_Time &rhs) const
-#if (POA_NO_TIMESTAMP == 1)
- return 1;
- return ACE_OS::memcmp (&this->time_stamp_,
- &rhs.time_stamp_,
- TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time_length ()) == 0;
-#endif /* POA_NO_TIMESTAMP */
-TAO_Creation_Time::operator!= (const TAO_Creation_Time &rhs) const
-#if (POA_NO_TIMESTAMP == 1)
- return 0;
- return ACE_OS::memcmp (&this->time_stamp_,
- &rhs.time_stamp_,
- TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time_length ()) != 0;
-#endif /* POA_NO_TIMESTAMP */
-TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time::operator== (const TAO_Creation_Time &rhs) const
-#if (POA_NO_TIMESTAMP == 1)
- return 1;
- return ACE_OS::memcmp (this->time_stamp_,
- rhs.creation_time (),
- TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time_length ()) == 0;
-#endif /* POA_NO_TIMESTAMP */
-TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time::operator!= (const TAO_Creation_Time &rhs) const
-#if (POA_NO_TIMESTAMP == 1)
- return 0;
- return ACE_OS::memcmp (this->time_stamp_,
- rhs.creation_time (),
- TAO_Creation_Time::creation_time_length ()) != 0;
-#endif /* POA_NO_TIMESTAMP */
-TAO_Creation_Time::operator== (const TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &rhs) const
- return rhs == *this;
-TAO_Creation_Time::operator!= (const TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time &rhs) const
- return rhs != *this;
-TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time::TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time (void)
- : time_stamp_ (0)
-TAO_Temporary_Creation_Time::creation_time (const void *creation_time)
- this->time_stamp_ = (void *) creation_time;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-TAO_POA::create_POA (const char *adapter_name,
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager,
- const CORBA::PolicyList &policies,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists,
- PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->create_POA_i (adapter_name,
- poa_manager,
- policies,
-TAO_POA::destroy (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- TAO_POA_Guard poa_guard (*this, ACE_TRY_ENV, 0);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (poa_guard);
- this->destroy_i (etherealize_objects,
- wait_for_completion,
-TAO_POA::policies (void)
- return this->policies_;
-ACE_INLINE TAO_Active_Object_Map &
-TAO_POA::active_object_map (void) const
- return *this->active_object_map_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr
-TAO_POA::get_servant_manager (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- TAO_POA_GUARD_RETURN (PortableServer::ServantManager::_nil ());
- return this->get_servant_manager_i (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-TAO_POA::set_servant_manager (PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr imgr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- this->set_servant_manager_i (imgr,
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::Servant
-TAO_POA::get_servant (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::NoServant,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->get_servant_i (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-TAO_POA::set_servant (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- this->set_servant_i (servant,
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::activate_object (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->activate_object_i (servant,
- -1,
-TAO_POA::activate_object_with_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- this->activate_object_with_id_i (id,
- servant,
- -1,
-TAO_POA::deactivate_object (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- this->deactivate_object_i (oid,
-TAO_POA::create_reference (const char *intf,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- TAO_POA_GUARD_RETURN (CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- return this->create_reference_i (intf,
- -1,
-TAO_POA::create_reference_with_id (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id,
- const char *intf,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- TAO_POA_GUARD_RETURN (CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- return this->create_reference_with_id_i (id,
- intf,
- -1,
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::servant_to_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // If we had upgradeable locks, this would initially be a read lock
- //
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->servant_to_id_i (servant,
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::servant_to_system_id (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA::Short &priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->servant_to_system_id_i (servant,
- priority,
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::Servant
-TAO_POA::id_to_servant (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->id_to_servant_i (oid,
-TAO_POA::id_to_reference (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->id_to_reference_i (oid, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-#if (TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA == 1)
-TAO_POA::create_reference_with_priority (const char * intf,
- RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- this->validate_priority_and_policies (priority,
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->create_reference_i (intf,
- priority,
-TAO_POA::create_reference_with_id_and_priority (const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- const char * intf,
- RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- this->validate_priority_and_policies (priority,
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->create_reference_with_id_i (oid,
- intf,
- priority,
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ObjectId *
-TAO_POA::activate_object_with_priority (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- this->validate_priority_and_policies (priority,
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->activate_object_i (servant,
- priority,
-TAO_POA::activate_object_with_id_and_priority (const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- PortableServer::Servant servant,
- RTCORBA::Priority priority,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy))
- this->validate_priority_and_policies (priority,
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- this->activate_object_with_id_i (oid,
- servant,
- priority,
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_RT_CORBA */
-// Forwarding related.
-TAO_POA::forward_object (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- CORBA::Object_ptr forward_to,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- this->forward_object_i (oid,
- forward_to,
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-TAO_POA::the_parent (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- if (this->parent_ != 0)
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this->parent_);
- else
- return PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAList *
-TAO_POA::the_children (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- return this->the_children_i (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAManager_ptr
-TAO_POA::the_POAManager (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return PortableServer::POAManager::_duplicate (&this->poa_manager_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr
-TAO_POA::the_activator (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- TAO_POA_GUARD_RETURN (PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_nil ());
- return PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_duplicate (this-> ());
-TAO_POA::the_activator (PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr adapter_activator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- // Lock access for the duration of this transaction.
- this->adapter_activator_ = PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_duplicate (adapter_activator);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-ACE_INLINE const TAO_Creation_Time &
-TAO_POA::creation_time (void)
- return this->creation_time_;
-TAO_POA::system_id (void)
- return (CORBA::Boolean) this->system_id_;
-TAO_POA::root (void)
- return this->parent_ == 0;
-TAO_POA::persistent (void)
- return (CORBA::Boolean) this->persistent_;
-ACE_INLINE const ACE_CString &
-TAO_POA::name (void) const
- return this->name_;
-ACE_INLINE char *
-TAO_POA::the_name (CORBA::Environment &)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return CORBA::string_dup (this->name_.c_str ());
-ACE_INLINE const TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name &
-TAO_POA::folded_name (void) const
- return this->folded_name_;
-ACE_INLINE const TAO_Object_Adapter::poa_name &
-TAO_POA::system_name (void) const
- return this-> ();
-TAO_POA::name_separator (void)
- return '\0';
-TAO_POA::name_separator_length (void)
- return sizeof (char);
-TAO_POA::persistent_key_char (void)
- return 'P';
-TAO_POA::transient_key_char (void)
- return 'T';
-TAO_POA::persistent_key_type (void)
- if (this->persistent ())
- return TAO_POA::persistent_key_char ();
- else
- return TAO_POA::transient_key_char ();
-TAO_POA::persistent_key_type_length (void)
- return sizeof (char);
-TAO_POA::system_id_key_char (void)
- return 'S';
-TAO_POA::user_id_key_char (void)
- return 'U';
-TAO_POA::system_id_key_type (void)
- if (this->system_id ())
- return TAO_POA::system_id_key_char ();
- else
- return TAO_POA::user_id_key_char ();
-TAO_POA::system_id_key_type_length (void)
- return sizeof (char);
-TAO_POA::root_key_char (void)
- return 'R';
-TAO_POA::non_root_key_char (void)
- return 'N';
-TAO_POA::root_key_type (void)
- if (this->root ())
- return TAO_POA::root_key_char ();
- else
- return TAO_POA::non_root_key_char ();
-TAO_POA::root_key_type_length (void)
- return sizeof (char);
-TAO_POA::outstanding_requests (void) const
- return this->outstanding_requests_;
-TAO_POA::outstanding_requests (CORBA::ULong new_outstanding_requests)
- this->outstanding_requests_ = new_outstanding_requests;
-TAO_POA::increment_outstanding_requests (void)
- return ++this->outstanding_requests_;
-TAO_POA::decrement_outstanding_requests (void)
- return --this->outstanding_requests_;
-TAO_POA::establish_servant_lock (PortableServer::Servant servant)
- if (this->policies ().thread () == PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL)
- {
- servant->_increment_single_threaded_poa_lock_count ();
- }
-#else /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (servant);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_POA::teardown_servant_lock (PortableServer::Servant servant)
- if (this->policies ().thread () == PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL)
- {
- servant->_decrement_single_threaded_poa_lock_count ();
- }
-#else /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (servant);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_POA::orb_core (void) const
- return this->orb_core_;
diff --git a/TAO/tao/POAManager.cpp b/TAO/tao/POAManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f0930d1bbed..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/POAManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "tao/POAManager.h"
-#include "tao/POA.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Strategy_Factory.h"
-#include "tao/poa_macros.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/POAManager.i"
-#endif /* ! __ACE_INLINE__ */
-TAO_POA_Manager::TAO_POA_Manager (TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter)
- : state_ (PortableServer::POAManager::HOLDING),
- lock_ (object_adapter.lock ()),
- poa_collection_ (),
- object_adapter_ (object_adapter)
-TAO_POA_Manager::~TAO_POA_Manager (void)
-TAO_POA_Manager::activate_i (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive))
- // This operation changes the state of the POA manager to active. If
- // issued while the POA manager is in the inactive state, the
- // AdapterInactive exception is raised. Entering the active state
- // enables the associated POAs to process requests.
- if (this->state_ == PortableServer::POAManager::INACTIVE)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive ());
- }
- else
- {
- this->state_ = PortableServer::POAManager::ACTIVE;
- }
-TAO_POA_Manager::deactivate_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive))
- // Is the <wait_for_completion> semantics for this thread correct?
- TAO_POA::check_for_valid_wait_for_completions (wait_for_completion,
- // This operation changes the state of the POA manager to
- // inactive. If issued while the POA manager is in the inactive
- // state, the AdapterInactive exception is raised. Entering the
- // inactive state causes the associated POAs to reject requests that
- // have not begun to be executed as well as any new requests.
- if (this->state_ == PortableServer::POAManager::INACTIVE)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive ());
- }
- else
- {
- this->state_ = PortableServer::POAManager::INACTIVE;
- }
- // After changing the state, if the etherealize_objects parameter is:
- //
- // a) TRUE - the POA manager will cause all associated POAs that
- // have the RETAIN and USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policies to perform the
- // etherealize operation on the associated servant manager for all
- // active objects.
- //
- // b) FALSE - the etherealize operation is not called. The purpose
- // is to provide developers with a means to shut down POAs in a
- // crisis (for example, unrecoverable error) situation.
- // If the wait_for_completion parameter is FALSE, this operation
- // will return immediately after changing the state. If the
- // parameter is TRUE and the current thread is not in an invocation
- // context dispatched by some POA belonging to the same ORB as this
- // POA, this operation does not return until there are no actively
- // executing requests in any of the POAs associated with this POA
- // manager (that is, all requests that were started prior to the
- // state change have completed) and, in the case of a TRUE
- // etherealize_objects, all invocations of etherealize have
- // completed for POAs having the RETAIN and USE_SERVANT_MANAGER
- // policies. If the parameter is TRUE and the current thread is in
- // an invocation context dispatched by some POA belonging to the
- // same ORB as this POA the BAD_INV_ORDER exception is raised and
- // the state is not changed.
- for (POA_COLLECTION::iterator iterator = this->poa_collection_.begin ();
- iterator != this->poa_collection_.end ();
- ++iterator)
- {
- TAO_POA *poa = *iterator;
- poa->deactivate_all_objects_i (etherealize_objects,
- wait_for_completion,
- }
- // If the ORB::shutdown operation is called, it makes a call on
- // deactivate with a TRUE etherealize_objects parameter for each POA
- // manager known in the process; the wait_for_completion parameter
- // to deactivate will be the same as the similarly named parameter
- // of ORB::shutdown.
-TAO_POA_Manager::hold_requests_i (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive))
- // Is the <wait_for_completion> semantics for this thread correct?
- TAO_POA::check_for_valid_wait_for_completions (wait_for_completion,
- // This operation changes the state of the POA manager to
- // holding. If issued while the POA manager is in the inactive
- // state, the AdapterInactive exception is raised. Entering the
- // holding state causes the associated POAs to queue incoming
- // requests. Any requests that have been queued but have not
- // started executing will continue to be queued while in the holding
- // state.
- if (this->state_ == PortableServer::POAManager::INACTIVE)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive ());
- }
- else
- {
- this->state_ = PortableServer::POAManager::HOLDING;
- }
- // If the wait_for_completion parameter is FALSE, this operation
- // returns immediately after changing the state. If the parameter is
- // TRUE and the current thread is not in an invocation context
- // dispatched by some POA belonging to the same ORB as this POA,
- // this operation does not return until either there are no actively
- // executing requests in any of the POAs associated with this POA
- // manager (that is, all requests that were started prior to the
- // state change have completed) or the state of the POA manager is
- // changed to a state other than holding. If the parameter is TRUE
- // and the current thread is in an invocation context dispatched by
- // some POA belonging to the same ORB as this POA the BAD_INV_ORDER
- // exception is raised and the state is not changed.
- if (wait_for_completion)
- {
- for (POA_COLLECTION::iterator iterator = this->poa_collection_.begin ();
- iterator != this->poa_collection_.end ();
- ++iterator)
- {
- TAO_POA *poa = *iterator;
- poa->wait_for_completions (wait_for_completion,
- }
- }
-TAO_POA_Manager::discard_requests_i (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive))
- // Is the <wait_for_completion> semantics for this thread correct?
- TAO_POA::check_for_valid_wait_for_completions (wait_for_completion,
- // This operation changes the state of the POA manager to
- // discarding. If issued while the POA manager is in the inactive
- // state, the AdapterInactive exception is raised. Entering the
- // discarding state causes the associated POAs to discard incoming
- // requests. In addition, any requests that have been queued but
- // have not started executing are discarded. When a request is
- // discarded, a TRANSIENT system exception is returned to the
- // client.
- if (this->state_ == PortableServer::POAManager::INACTIVE)
- {
- ACE_THROW (PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive ());
- }
- else
- {
- this->state_ = PortableServer::POAManager::DISCARDING;
- }
- // If the wait_for_completion parameter is FALSE, this operation
- // returns immediately after changing the state. If the
- // parameter is TRUE and the current thread is not in an
- // invocation context dispatched by some POA belonging to the
- // same ORB as this POA, this operation does not return until
- // either there are no actively executing requests in any of the
- // POAs associated with this POA manager (that is, all requests
- // that were started prior to the state change have completed)
- // or the state of the POA manager is changed to a state other
- // than discarding. If the parameter is TRUE and the current
- // thread is in an invocation context dispatched by some POA
- // belonging to the same ORB as this POA the BAD_INV_ORDER
- // exception is raised and the state is not changed.
- if (wait_for_completion)
- {
- for (POA_COLLECTION::iterator iterator = this->poa_collection_.begin ();
- iterator != this->poa_collection_.end ();
- ++iterator)
- {
- TAO_POA *poa = *iterator;
- poa->wait_for_completions (wait_for_completion,
- }
- }
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_POA_Manager::remove_poa (TAO_POA *poa)
- int result = this->poa_collection_.remove (poa);
- if (result == 0)
- {
- if (this->poa_collection_.is_empty ())
- {
- CORBA::release (this);
- }
- }
- return result;
-TAO_POA_Manager::register_poa (TAO_POA *poa)
- return this->poa_collection_.insert (poa);
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Set<TAO_POA *>;
-template class ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<TAO_POA *>;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set<TAO_POA *>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<TAO_POA *>
diff --git a/TAO/tao/POAManager.h b/TAO/tao/POAManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c17bc351253..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/POAManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// POAManager.h
-// POAManager
-// = AUTHOR
-// Irfan Pyarali
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/PortableServerC.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "tao/poa_macros.h"
-// Local Object
-#include "tao/LocalObject.h"
-class TAO_POA;
-class TAO_Object_Adapter;
-// Forward decl.
-// This is to remove "inherits via dominance" warnings from MSVC.
-// MSVC is being a little too paranoid.
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-class TAO_Export TAO_POA_Manager :
- public PortableServer::POAManager,
- public TAO_Local_RefCounted_Object
- friend class TAO_POA;
- friend class TAO_Object_Adapter;
- void activate (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive));
- void hold_requests (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive));
- void discard_requests (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive));
- void deactivate (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- PortableServer::POAManager::State get_state (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ())
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- TAO_POA_Manager (TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter);
- ~TAO_POA_Manager (void);
- void activate_i (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive));
- void deactivate_i (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive));
- void hold_requests_i (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive));
- void discard_requests_i (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive));
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- PortableServer::POAManager::State get_state_i ()
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
- ACE_Lock &lock (void);
- int remove_poa (TAO_POA *poa);
- int register_poa (TAO_POA *poa);
- PortableServer::POAManager::State state_;
- ACE_Lock &lock_;
- typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set<TAO_POA *> POA_COLLECTION;
- POA_COLLECTION poa_collection_;
- TAO_Object_Adapter &object_adapter_;
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/POAManager.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_POAMANAGER_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/POAManager.i b/TAO/tao/POAManager.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 8977b773bbd..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/POAManager.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "tao/Environment.h"
-TAO_POA_Manager::lock (void)
- return this->lock_;
-TAO_POA_Manager::activate (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive))
- // Lock access to the POAManager for the duration of this transaction
- this->activate_i (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-TAO_POA_Manager::hold_requests (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive))
- // Lock access to the POAManager for the duration of this transaction
- this->hold_requests_i (wait_for_completion, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-TAO_POA_Manager::discard_requests (CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive))
- // Lock access to the POAManager for the duration of this transaction
- this->discard_requests_i (wait_for_completion, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-TAO_POA_Manager::deactivate (CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive))
- // Lock access to the POAManager for the duration of this transaction
- this->deactivate_i (etherealize_objects,
- wait_for_completion,
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAManager::State
-TAO_POA_Manager::get_state_i (void)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- return this->state_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAManager::State
-TAO_POA_Manager::get_state (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException))
- // Lock access to the POAManager for the duration of this transaction
- return this->get_state_i ();
diff --git a/TAO/tao/POA_CORBA.h b/TAO/tao/POA_CORBA.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c44e051ed1..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/POA_CORBA.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1109 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// This file is created by merging the PolicyS.h,
-// DomainS.h and InterfaceS.h files which
-// have been removed.
-// = AUTHOR
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO ORB and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by Washington
-// University Computer Science's Distributed Object Computing Group.
-// Information on TAO is available at
-// Modified by Aniruddha Gokhale.
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/corbafwd.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "tao/PolicyC.h"
-#include "tao/DomainC.h"
-#include "tao/Servant_Base.h"
-#include "tao/InterfaceC.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-class IR_InterfaceDef;
-class TAO_Export POA_CORBA
- // ****************************************************************
- class Policy;
- typedef Policy *Policy_ptr;
- class TAO_Export Policy : public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
- {
- protected:
- Policy (void);
- public:
- Policy (const Policy& rhs);
- virtual ~Policy (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ::CORBA_Policy *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void _get_policy_type_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA_Policy_ptr copy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void copy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
- class TAO_Export _tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy : public virtual ::CORBA_Policy
- {
- public:
- _tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::PolicyType policy_type (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA_Policy_ptr copy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- };
- // ****************************************************************
- class DomainManager;
- typedef DomainManager *DomainManager_ptr;
- class DomainManager : public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
- {
- protected:
- DomainManager (void);
- public:
- DomainManager (const DomainManager& rhs);
- virtual ~DomainManager (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- CORBA::DomainManager *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual CORBA::Policy_ptr get_domain_policy (
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- ) = 0;
- static void get_domain_policy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
- class _tao_collocated_DomainManager : public virtual CORBA::DomainManager
- {
- public:
- _tao_collocated_DomainManager (
- DomainManager_ptr servant,
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- DomainManager_ptr _get_servant (void) const;
- virtual CORBA::Policy_ptr get_domain_policy (
- CORBA::PolicyType policy_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- private:
- DomainManager_ptr servant_;
- };
- // ****************************************************************
- class ConstructionPolicy;
- typedef ConstructionPolicy *ConstructionPolicy_ptr;
- class ConstructionPolicy : public virtual Policy
- {
- protected:
- ConstructionPolicy (void);
- public:
- ConstructionPolicy (const ConstructionPolicy& rhs);
- virtual ~ConstructionPolicy (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- CORBA::ConstructionPolicy *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual void make_domain_manager (
- IR_InterfaceDef *object_type,
- CORBA::Boolean constr_policy,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- ) = 0;
- static void make_domain_manager_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
- class _tao_collocated_ConstructionPolicy : public virtual CORBA::ConstructionPolicy,
- public virtual _tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy
- {
- public:
- _tao_collocated_ConstructionPolicy (
- ConstructionPolicy_ptr servant,
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- ConstructionPolicy_ptr _get_servant (void) const;
- virtual void make_domain_manager (
- IR_InterfaceDef *object_type,
- CORBA::Boolean constr_policy,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- CORBA::Environment::default_environment ()
- );
- private:
- ConstructionPolicy_ptr servant_;
- };
-#endif /* ! defined TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA */
- // ****************************************************************
- class IRObject;
- typedef IRObject *IRObject_ptr;
- class IRObject : public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
- {
- protected:
- IRObject (void);
- public:
- IRObject (const IRObject& rhs);
- virtual ~IRObject (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ::CORBA::IRObject *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual IR::DefinitionKind def_kind (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void _get_def_kind_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
- class _tao_thru_poa_collocated_IRObject : public virtual CORBA::IRObject
- {
- public:
- _tao_thru_poa_collocated_IRObject (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual IR::DefinitionKind def_kind (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- };
- class TypeCodeFactory;
- typedef TypeCodeFactory *TypeCodeFactory_ptr;
- class TypeCodeFactory : public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
- {
- protected:
- TypeCodeFactory (void);
- public:
- TypeCodeFactory (const TypeCodeFactory& rhs);
- virtual ~TypeCodeFactory (void);
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (
- const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void* _downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- );
- static void _is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static void _non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *obj,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual void _dispatch (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- ::CORBA::TypeCodeFactory *_this (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_struct_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- const IR::StructMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_struct_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_union_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr discriminator_type,
- const IR::UnionMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_union_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_enum_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- const IR::EnumMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_enum_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_alias_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr original_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_alias_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_exception_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- const IR::StructMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_exception_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_interface_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_interface_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_string_tc (
- CORBA::ULong bound,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_string_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_wstring_tc (
- CORBA::ULong bound,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_wstring_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_fixed_tc (
- CORBA::UShort digits,
- CORBA::UShort scale,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_fixed_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_sequence_tc (
- CORBA::ULong bound,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr element_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_sequence_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_array_tc (
- CORBA::ULong length,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr element_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_array_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_value_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::ValueModifier type_modifier,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr concrete_base,
- const IR::ValueMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_value_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_value_box_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr boxed_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_value_box_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_native_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_native_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_recursive_tc (
- const char * id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_recursive_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_abstract_interface_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_abstract_interface_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_component_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_component_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_home_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- static void create_home_tc_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_req,
- void *_tao_obj,
- void *_tao_context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- };
- class _tao_thru_poa_collocated_TypeCodeFactory : public virtual CORBA::TypeCodeFactory
- {
- public:
- _tao_thru_poa_collocated_TypeCodeFactory (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_struct_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- const IR::StructMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_union_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr discriminator_type,
- const IR::UnionMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_enum_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- const IR::EnumMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_alias_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr original_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_exception_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- const IR::StructMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_interface_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_string_tc (
- CORBA::ULong bound,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_wstring_tc (
- CORBA::ULong bound,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_fixed_tc (
- CORBA::UShort digits,
- CORBA::UShort scale,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_sequence_tc (
- CORBA::ULong bound,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr element_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_array_tc (
- CORBA::ULong length,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr element_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_value_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::ValueModifier type_modifier,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr concrete_base,
- const IR::ValueMemberSeq & members,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_value_box_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr boxed_type,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_native_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_recursive_tc (
- const char * id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_abstract_interface_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_component_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr create_home_tc (
- const char * id,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ));
- };
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_IDL_POA_CORBA_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/PolicyS.cpp b/TAO/tao/PolicyS.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index babf01ecb48..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/PolicyS.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "tao/PolicyC.h"
-#include "tao/Operation_Table.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Request.h"
-#include "tao/NVList.h"
-#include "tao/Stub.h"
-#include "tao/POA_CORBA.h"
-#include "tao/Typecode.h"
-#include "tao/Object_Adapter.h"
-#include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
-class TAO_CORBA_Policy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable : public TAO_Perfect_Hash_OpTable
- unsigned int hash (const char *str, unsigned int len);
- const TAO_operation_db_entry * lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len);
-/* starting time is 6:18:45 */
-/* C++ code produced by gperf version 2.8 (ACE version) */
-/* Command-line: gperf -m -M -J -c -C -D -E -T -f 0 -F 0 -a -o -t -p -K opname_ -L C++ -Z TAO_CORBA_Policy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable -N lookup */
-unsigned int
-TAO_CORBA_Policy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::hash (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- static const unsigned char asso_values[] =
- {
-#if defined (ACE_MVS)
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 0,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 0,
- 17, 0, 0, 0, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 0, 17, 17, 17, 17, 0, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 0, 17, 0, 17, 0,
- 0, 0, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 0, 17, 17, 17,
- 17, 0, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
-#endif /* ACE_MVS */
- };
- return len + asso_values[str[len - 1]] + asso_values[str[0]];
-const class TAO_operation_db_entry *
-TAO_CORBA_Policy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable::lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len)
- enum
- {
- };
- static const class TAO_operation_db_entry wordlist[] =
- {
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"copy", &POA_CORBA::Policy::copy_skel},
- {"_is_a", &POA_CORBA::Policy::_is_a_skel},
- {"",0},
- {"destroy", &POA_CORBA::Policy::destroy_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},{"",0},
- {"_non_existent", &POA_CORBA::Policy::_non_existent_skel},
- {"",0},{"",0},
- {"_get_policy_type", &POA_CORBA::Policy::_get_policy_type_skel},
- };
- if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
- {
- unsigned int key = hash (str, len);
- if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= MIN_HASH_VALUE)
- {
- const char *s = wordlist[key].opname_;
- if (*str == *s && !strncmp (str + 1, s + 1, len - 1))
- return &wordlist[key];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* ending time is 6:18:45 */
-static TAO_CORBA_Policy_Perfect_Hash_OpTable tao_CORBA_Policy_optable;
-CORBA_Policy_ptr _TAO_collocation_POA_CORBA_Policy_Stub_Factory (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj
- )
- TAO_Stub *stub = obj->_stubobj ();
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- CORBA_Policy_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int _TAO_collocation_POA_CORBA_Policy_Stub_Factory_Initializer (long dummy)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (dummy);
- _TAO_collocation_CORBA_Policy_Stub_Factory_function_pointer =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_CORBA_Policy_Stub_Factory;
- return 0;
-static int _TAO_collocation_POA_CORBA_Policy_Stub_Factory_Initializer_Scarecrow =
- _TAO_collocation_POA_CORBA_Policy_Stub_Factory_Initializer (ACE_reinterpret_cast (long, _TAO_collocation_POA_CORBA_Policy_Stub_Factory_Initializer));
-// skeleton constructor
-POA_CORBA::Policy::Policy (void)
- this->optable_ = &tao_CORBA_Policy_optable;
-// copy ctor
-POA_CORBA::Policy::Policy (const POA_CORBA::Policy& rhs)
- : TAO_ServantBase (rhs)
-// skeleton destructor
-POA_CORBA::Policy::~Policy (void)
-void POA_CORBA::Policy::_get_policy_type_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- POA_CORBA::Policy *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::Policy *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::PolicyType _tao_retval = 0;
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->policy_type (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << _tao_retval)
- ))
-void POA_CORBA::Policy::copy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- POA_CORBA::Policy *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::Policy *)_tao_object_reference;
- CORBA_Policy_var _tao_retval;
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->copy (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(
- (_tao_out << ())
- ))
-void POA_CORBA::Policy::destroy_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void *_tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- POA_CORBA::Policy *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::Policy *)_tao_object_reference;
- _tao_impl->destroy (
- );
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
-void POA_CORBA::Policy::_is_a_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_server_request.incoming ();
- POA_CORBA::Policy *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::Policy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0;
- CORBA::String_var value;
- if (!(_tao_in >> value.out ()))
- _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_is_a ( (), ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)))
-void POA_CORBA::Policy::_non_existent_skel (
- CORBA::ServerRequest &_tao_server_request,
- void * _tao_object_reference,
- void * /* context */,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- POA_CORBA::Policy *_tao_impl = (POA_CORBA::Policy *) _tao_object_reference;
- CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = _tao_impl->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- _tao_server_request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_server_request.outgoing ();
- if (!(_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (_tao_retval)))
-CORBA::Boolean POA_CORBA::Policy::_is_a (
- const char* value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- if (
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "")) ||
- (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-void* POA_CORBA::Policy::_downcast (
- const char* logical_type_id
- )
-if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast (POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr, this);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, "") == 0)
- return ACE_static_cast(PortableServer::Servant, this);
- return 0;
-void POA_CORBA::Policy::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req, void *context, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->synchronous_upcall_dispatch(req, context, this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-const char* POA_CORBA::Policy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "";
-POA_CORBA::Policy::_this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects ())
- switch (stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->get_collocation_strategy ())
- {
- case TAO_ORB_Core::THRU_POA:
- {
- ::CORBA_Policy_ptr retval = 0;
- retval,
- POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy (stub),
- 0
- );
- return retval;
- }
- case TAO_ORB_Core::DIRECT:
- default:
- }
- else
- {
- // stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- CORBA::Object_ptr tmp = CORBA::Object::_nil ();
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, CORBA::Object (stub), 0);
- CORBA::Object_var obj = tmp;
- return ::CORBA_Policy::_unchecked_narrow ( ());
- }
-POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy (
- TAO_Stub *stub
- : CORBA_Object (stub, 0, 1)
-CORBA::Boolean POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy::_is_a(
- const CORBA::Char *logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_is_a",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_is_a (logical_type_id, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::Boolean POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy::_non_existent(
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "_non_existent",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->_non_existent (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-CORBA::PolicyType POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy::policy_type (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- CORBA::PolicyType _tao_retval = 0;
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_retval);
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "policy_type",
- );
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval);
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->policy_type (
- );
-CORBA_Policy_ptr POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy::copy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- CORBA_Policy_var _tao_retval;
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (_tao_retval);
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "copy",
- );
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->copy (
- );
-void POA_CORBA::_tao_thru_poa_collocated_CORBA_Policy::destroy (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- ))
- TAO_Object_Adapter::Servant_Upcall servant_upcall (
- *this->_stubobj ()->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->object_adapter ()
- );
- servant_upcall.prepare_for_upcall (
- this->_object_key (),
- "destroy",
- );
- ACE_reinterpret_cast (
- POA_CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- servant_upcall.servant ()->_downcast (
- ""
- )
- )->destroy (
- );
- return;
diff --git a/TAO/tao/PortableServer.pidl b/TAO/tao/PortableServer.pidl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0075c2c9c56..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/PortableServer.pidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ================================================================
-// TAO
-// PortableServer.pidl
-// This file was used to generate the code in PortableServerC.{h,i,cpp}
-// The command used to generate code from this file is:
-// tao_idl.exe \
-// -Ge 1 \
-// -Wb,export_macro=TAO_Export \
-// -Wb,export_include="tao/corbafwd.h" \
-// -Wb,pre_include="ace/pre.h" \
-// -Wb,post_include="ace/post.h" \
-// PortableServer.pidl
-// After the file is generated a patch must be applied. The patch:
-// - Disables parts of the code under certain configurations.
-// - Eliminates cycles in the include dependencies.
-// - Removes the extra environment option for (a) incarnate (b)
-// etherealize (c) preinvoke and (d) postinvoke
-// - Adds non-idl components of PortableServer to the namespace.
-// This includes (a) Servant (b) ServantBase (c) RefCountServantBase
-// (d) Cookie (e) ObjectId_to_string (f) string_to_ObjectId (g)
-// ObjectId_to_wstring (h) wstring_to_ObjectId (i) ServantBase_var
-// (j) DynamicImplementation (k) LocalServantBase
-// ================================================================
-#pragma prefix ""
-#include <orb.idl>
-module PortableServer {
-# pragma version PortableServer 2.3
- local interface POA; // forward declaration
- typedef sequence<POA> POAList;
- native Servant;
- typedef sequence<octet> ObjectId;
- exception ForwardRequest {
- Object forward_reference;
- };
- // Policy interfaces
- const CORBA::PolicyType THREAD_POLICY_ID = 16;
- const CORBA::PolicyType LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID = 17;
- const CORBA::PolicyType ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID = 18;
- const CORBA::PolicyType ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID = 19;
- enum ThreadPolicyValue {
- };
- local interface ThreadPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
- readonly attribute ThreadPolicyValue value;
- };
- enum LifespanPolicyValue {
- };
- local interface LifespanPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
- readonly attribute LifespanPolicyValue value;
- };
- enum IdUniquenessPolicyValue {
- };
- local interface IdUniquenessPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
- readonly attribute IdUniquenessPolicyValue value;
- };
- enum IdAssignmentPolicyValue {
- };
- local interface IdAssignmentPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
- readonly attribute IdAssignmentPolicyValue value;
- };
- enum ImplicitActivationPolicyValue {
- };
- local interface ImplicitActivationPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
- readonly attribute ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value;
- };
- enum ServantRetentionPolicyValue {
- };
- local interface ServantRetentionPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
- readonly attribute ServantRetentionPolicyValue value;
- };
- enum RequestProcessingPolicyValue {
- };
- local interface RequestProcessingPolicy : CORBA::Policy {
- readonly attribute RequestProcessingPolicyValue value;
- };
- // POAManager interface
- local interface POAManager {
- exception AdapterInactive{};
- void activate() raises(AdapterInactive);
- void hold_requests( in boolean wait_for_completion)
- raises(AdapterInactive);
- void discard_requests( in boolean wait_for_completion)
- raises(AdapterInactive);
- void deactivate( in boolean etherealize_objects,
- in boolean wait_for_completion)
- raises(AdapterInactive);
- State get_state();
- };
- // AdapterActivator interface
- local interface AdapterActivator {
-# pragma version AdapterActivator 2.3
- boolean unknown_adapter(in POA parent,
- in string name);
- };
- // ServantManager interface
- local interface ServantManager{ };
- local interface ServantActivator : ServantManager {
-# pragma version ServantActivator 2.3
- Servant incarnate ( in ObjectId oid,
- in POA adapter)
- raises (ForwardRequest);
- void etherealize ( in ObjectId oid,
- in POA adapter,
- in Servant serv,
- in boolean cleanup_in_progress,
- in boolean remaining_activations);
- };
- local interface ServantLocator : ServantManager {
-# pragma version ServantLocator 2.3
- native Cookie;
- Servant preinvoke( in ObjectId oid,
- in POA adapter,
- in CORBA::Identifier
- operation,
- out Cookie the_cookie)
- raises (ForwardRequest);
- void postinvoke( in ObjectId oid,
- in POA adapter,
- in CORBA::Identifier
- operation,
- in Cookie the_cookie,
- in Servant the_servant );
- };
- local interface POA {
-# pragma version POA 2.3
- exception AdapterAlreadyExists {};
- exception AdapterNonExistent {};
- exception InvalidPolicy {unsigned short index;};
- exception NoServant {};
- exception ObjectAlreadyActive {};
- exception ObjectNotActive {};
- exception ServantAlreadyActive {};
- exception ServantNotActive {};
- exception WrongAdapter {};
- exception WrongPolicy {};
- // POA creation and destruction
- POA create_POA( in string adapter_name,
- in POAManager a_POAManager,
- in CORBA::PolicyList policies)
- raises (AdapterAlreadyExists, InvalidPolicy);
- POA find_POA( in string adapter_name,
- in boolean activate_it)
- raises (AdapterNonExistent);
- void destroy( in boolean etherealize_objects,
- in boolean wait_for_completion);
- // Factories for Policy objects
- ThreadPolicy create_thread_policy(in ThreadPolicyValue value);
- LifespanPolicy
- create_lifespan_policy(in LifespanPolicyValue value);
- IdUniquenessPolicy create_id_uniqueness_policy(
- in IdUniquenessPolicyValue value);
- IdAssignmentPolicy create_id_assignment_policy(
- in IdAssignmentPolicyValue value);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy create_implicit_activation_policy(
- in ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value);
- ServantRetentionPolicy create_servant_retention_policy(
- in ServantRetentionPolicyValue value);
- RequestProcessingPolicy create_request_processing_policy(
- in RequestProcessingPolicyValue value);
- // POA attributes
- readonly attribute string the_name;
- readonly attribute POA the_parent;
- readonly attribute POAList the_children;
- readonly attribute POAManager the_POAManager;
- attribute AdapterActivator the_activator;
- // Servant Manager registration:
- ServantManager get_servant_manager()
- raises (WrongPolicy);
- void set_servant_manager(in ServantManager imgr)
- raises (WrongPolicy);
- // operations for the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy
- Servant get_servant() raises (NoServant, WrongPolicy);
- void set_servant( in Servant p_servant)
- raises (WrongPolicy);
- // object activation and deactivation
- ObjectId activate_object(in Servant p_servant)
- raises (ServantAlreadyActive, WrongPolicy);
- void activate_object_with_id(in ObjectId id,
- in Servant p_servant)
- raises (ServantAlreadyActive,
- ObjectAlreadyActive,
- WrongPolicy);
- void deactivate_object( in ObjectId oid)
- raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
- // reference creation operations
- Object create_reference ( in CORBA::RepositoryId intf)
- raises (WrongPolicy);
- Object create_reference_with_id (
- in ObjectId oid,
- in CORBA::RepositoryId intf)
- raises (WrongPolicy);
- // Identity mapping operations:
- ObjectId servant_to_id( in Servant p_servant)
- raises (ServantNotActive, WrongPolicy);
- Object servant_to_reference(in Servant p_servant)
- raises (ServantNotActive, WrongPolicy);
- Servant reference_to_servant(in Object reference)
- raises(ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
- ObjectId reference_to_id( in Object reference)
- raises (WrongAdapter, WrongPolicy);
- Servant id_to_servant( in ObjectId oid)
- raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
- Object id_to_reference( in ObjectId oid)
- raises (ObjectNotActive, WrongPolicy);
- };
- // Current interface
- local interface Current : CORBA::Current {
-# pragma version Current 2.3
- exception NoContext { };
- POA get_POA() raises (NoContext);
- ObjectId get_object_id() raises (NoContext);
- };
diff --git a/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.cpp b/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index daf9be00022..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2977 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "PortableServerC.h"
-#include "tao/ORB.h"
-#include "tao/POA.h"
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "PortableServerC.i"
-#endif /* !defined INLINE */
- // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h
- void
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length)
- {
- PortableServer::POA **tmp = 0;
- tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::allocbuf (length);
- if (this->buffer_ != 0)
- {
- PortableServer::POA **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA**, this->buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- if (!this->release_)
- tmp[i] = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (old[i]);
- else
- tmp[i] = old[i];
- if (this->release_)
- delete[] old;
- }
- this->buffer_ = tmp;
- }
- void
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_deallocate_buffer (void)
- {
- if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0)
- return;
- PortableServer::POA **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA**, this->buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- {
- CORBA::release (tmp[i]);
- tmp[i] = PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
- }
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::freebuf (tmp);
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- }
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList (void)
- {
- this->_deallocate_buffer ();
- }
- void
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol)
- {
- PortableServer::POA **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA**, this->buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i)
- {
- CORBA::release (tmp[i]);
- tmp[i] = PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
- }
- }
- void
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_downcast (
- void* target,
- CORBA_Object *src,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- {
- PortableServer::POA **tmp = ACE_static_cast (PortableServer::POA**, target);
- *tmp = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- CORBA_Object*
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_upcast (void *src) const
- {
- PortableServer::POA **tmp = ACE_static_cast (PortableServer::POA**, src);
- return *tmp;
- }
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// PortableServer::POAList
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::POAList::POAList (void)
-PortableServer::POAList::POAList (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList
- TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence<PortableServer::POA,PortableServer::POA_var>
- (max)
-PortableServer::POAList::POAList (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, PortableServer::POA_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release)
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList
- TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence<PortableServer::POA,PortableServer::POA_var>
- (max, length, buffer, release)
-PortableServer::POAList::POAList (const POAList &seq) // copy ctor
- :
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList
- TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence<PortableServer::POA,PortableServer::POA_var>
- (seq)
-PortableServer::POAList::~POAList (void) // dtor
-void PortableServer::POAList::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- POAList *tmp = ACE_static_cast (POAList*,x);
- delete tmp;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// PortableServer::ObjectId
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ObjectId::ObjectId (void)
-PortableServer::ObjectId::ObjectId (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size
- :
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>
- (max)
-PortableServer::ObjectId::ObjectId (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA::Octet *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release)
- :
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>
- (max, length, buffer, release)
-PortableServer::ObjectId::ObjectId (const ObjectId &seq) // copy ctor
- :
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>
- (seq)
-PortableServer::ObjectId::~ObjectId (void) // dtor
-void PortableServer::ObjectId::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ObjectId *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ObjectId*,x);
- delete tmp;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_ObjectId[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x626a6563), ACE_NTOHL (0x7449643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/ObjectId:1.0
- 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f626a65), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ObjectId
- CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind
- 12, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- CORBA::tk_octet,
- 0U,
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ObjectId (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_ObjectId), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_ObjectId, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::ObjectId));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ObjectId, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ObjectId)
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::ForwardRequest::ForwardRequest (void)
- : CORBA_UserException ("IDL:PortableServer/ForwardRequest:1.0")
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::ForwardRequest::~ForwardRequest (void)
-void PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_tao_any_destructor (void *x)
- ForwardRequest *tmp = ACE_static_cast (ForwardRequest*,x);
- delete tmp;
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::ForwardRequest::ForwardRequest (const ::PortableServer::ForwardRequest &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
- this->forward_reference = CORBA::Object::_duplicate ( ());
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::ForwardRequest::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ForwardRequest &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- this->forward_reference = CORBA::Object::_duplicate ( ());
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::ForwardRequest *
-PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/ForwardRequest:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (ForwardRequest *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &cdr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
- if (cdr << *this)
- return;
-void PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &cdr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (cdr >> *this)
- return;
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::ForwardRequest, 0);
- return retval;
-PortableServer::ForwardRequest::ForwardRequest (
- const CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_forward_reference
- : CORBA_UserException (CORBA::string_dup ("IDL:PortableServer/ForwardRequest:1.0"))
- this->forward_reference = CORBA::Object::_duplicate (_tao_forward_reference);
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_ForwardRequest[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 38, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727761), ACE_NTOHL (0x72645265), ACE_NTOHL (0x71756573), ACE_NTOHL (0x743a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/ForwardRequest:1.0
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x466f7277), ACE_NTOHL (0x61726452), ACE_NTOHL (0x65717565), ACE_NTOHL (0x73740000), // name = ForwardRequest
- 1, // member count
- 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x666f7277), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72656665), ACE_NTOHL (0x72656e63), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = forward_reference
- CORBA::tk_objref,
- 52, // encapsulation length
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f4f62), ACE_NTOHL (0x6a656374), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID =
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f626a65), ACE_NTOHL (0x63740000), // name = Object
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ForwardRequest (CORBA::tk_except, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_ForwardRequest), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_ForwardRequest, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::ForwardRequest));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ForwardRequest, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ForwardRequest)
-PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_type (void) const
- return _tc_ForwardRequest;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_ThreadPolicyValue[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 41, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x68726561), ACE_NTOHL (0x64506f6c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69637956), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/ThreadPolicyValue:1.0
- 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x54687265), ACE_NTOHL (0x6164506f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696379), ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ThreadPolicyValue
- 2, // member count
- 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f52425f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4354524c), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f4d4f44), ACE_NTOHL (0x454c0000), // name = ORB_CTRL_MODEL
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x53494e47), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c455f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x48524541), ACE_NTOHL (0x445f4d4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x44454c00), // name = SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ThreadPolicyValue (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_ThreadPolicyValue), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_ThreadPolicyValue, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ThreadPolicyValue, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ThreadPolicyValue)
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::ThreadPolicy (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::~ThreadPolicy (void)
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return ThreadPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ThreadPolicy::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ThreadPolicy_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &ThreadPolicy::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_duplicate (ThreadPolicy_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, ThreadPolicy)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &::CORBA::Policy::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/ThreadPolicy:1.0";
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_LifespanPolicyValue[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 43, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f4c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666573), ACE_NTOHL (0x70616e50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6c6963), ACE_NTOHL (0x7956616c), ACE_NTOHL (0x75653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/LifespanPolicyValue:1.0
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x4c696665), ACE_NTOHL (0x7370616e), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f6c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x63795661), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c756500), // name = LifespanPolicyValue
- 2, // member count
- 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x5452414e), ACE_NTOHL (0x5349454e), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = TRANSIENT
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x50455253), ACE_NTOHL (0x49535445), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e540000), // name = PERSISTENT
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_LifespanPolicyValue (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_LifespanPolicyValue), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_LifespanPolicyValue, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_LifespanPolicyValue, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_LifespanPolicyValue)
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::LifespanPolicy (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::~LifespanPolicy (void)
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return LifespanPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return LifespanPolicy::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- LifespanPolicy_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &LifespanPolicy::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_duplicate (LifespanPolicy_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, LifespanPolicy)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &::CORBA::Policy::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/LifespanPolicy:1.0";
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_IdUniquenessPolicyValue[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 47, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64556e69), ACE_NTOHL (0x7175656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x65737350), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6c6963), ACE_NTOHL (0x7956616c), ACE_NTOHL (0x75653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicyValue:1.0
- 24, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964556e), ACE_NTOHL (0x69717565), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e657373), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f6c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x63795661), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c756500), // name = IdUniquenessPolicyValue
- 2, // member count
- 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x554e4951), ACE_NTOHL (0x55455f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x44000000), // name = UNIQUE_ID
- 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x4d554c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x49504c45), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f494400), // name = MULTIPLE_ID
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_IdUniquenessPolicyValue (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_IdUniquenessPolicyValue), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_IdUniquenessPolicyValue, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_IdUniquenessPolicyValue, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_IdUniquenessPolicyValue)
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::IdUniquenessPolicy (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::~IdUniquenessPolicy (void)
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return IdUniquenessPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return IdUniquenessPolicy::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &IdUniquenessPolicy::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_duplicate (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, IdUniquenessPolicy)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &::CORBA::Policy::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicy:1.0";
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_IdAssignmentPolicyValue[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 47, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64417373), ACE_NTOHL (0x69676e6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7450), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6c6963), ACE_NTOHL (0x7956616c), ACE_NTOHL (0x75653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicyValue:1.0
- 24, ACE_NTOHL (0x49644173), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369676e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f6c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x63795661), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c756500), // name = IdAssignmentPolicyValue
- 2, // member count
- 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x55534552), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f494400), // name = USER_ID
- 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x53595354), ACE_NTOHL (0x454d5f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x44000000), // name = SYSTEM_ID
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_IdAssignmentPolicyValue (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_IdAssignmentPolicyValue), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_IdAssignmentPolicyValue, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_IdAssignmentPolicyValue, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_IdAssignmentPolicyValue)
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::IdAssignmentPolicy (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::~IdAssignmentPolicy (void)
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return IdAssignmentPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return IdAssignmentPolicy::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &IdAssignmentPolicy::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, IdAssignmentPolicy)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &::CORBA::Policy::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicy:1.0";
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 53, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d706c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x63697441), ACE_NTOHL (0x63746976), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e506f6c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69637956), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicyValue:1.0
- 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x496d706c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69636974), ACE_NTOHL (0x41637469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e506f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696379), ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ImplicitActivationPolicyValue
- 2, // member count
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x494d504c), ACE_NTOHL (0x49434954), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f414354), ACE_NTOHL (0x49564154), ACE_NTOHL (0x494f4e00), // name = IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION
- 23, ACE_NTOHL (0x4e4f5f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d504c49), ACE_NTOHL (0x4349545f), ACE_NTOHL (0x41435449), ACE_NTOHL (0x56415449), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f4e0000), // name = NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue)
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::ImplicitActivationPolicy (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::~ImplicitActivationPolicy (void)
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return ImplicitActivationPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ImplicitActivationPolicy::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &ImplicitActivationPolicy::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_duplicate (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, ImplicitActivationPolicy)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &::CORBA::Policy::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicy:1.0";
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_ServantRetentionPolicyValue[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 51, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727661), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e745265), ACE_NTOHL (0x74656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6c6963), ACE_NTOHL (0x7956616c), ACE_NTOHL (0x75653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicyValue:1.0
- 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e7452), ACE_NTOHL (0x6574656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f6c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x63795661), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c756500), // name = ServantRetentionPolicyValue
- 2, // member count
- 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x52455441), ACE_NTOHL (0x494e0000), // name = RETAIN
- 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4e4f4e5f), ACE_NTOHL (0x52455441), ACE_NTOHL (0x494e0000), // name = NON_RETAIN
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ServantRetentionPolicyValue (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_ServantRetentionPolicyValue), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_ServantRetentionPolicyValue, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ServantRetentionPolicyValue, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_ServantRetentionPolicyValue)
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::ServantRetentionPolicy (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::~ServantRetentionPolicy (void)
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return ServantRetentionPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ServantRetentionPolicy::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &ServantRetentionPolicy::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_duplicate (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, ServantRetentionPolicy)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &::CORBA::Policy::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicy:1.0";
-static const CORBA::Long _oc_PortableServer_RequestProcessingPolicyValue[] =
- TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order
- 52, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x61626c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657276), ACE_NTOHL (0x65722f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65717565), ACE_NTOHL (0x73745072), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f636573), ACE_NTOHL (0x73696e67), ACE_NTOHL (0x506f6c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x63795661), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c75653a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicyValue:1.0
- 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x52657175), ACE_NTOHL (0x65737450), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f6365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7373696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x67506f6c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69637956), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RequestProcessingPolicyValue
- 3, // member count
- 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x5553455f), ACE_NTOHL (0x41435449), ACE_NTOHL (0x56455f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x424a4543), ACE_NTOHL (0x545f4d41), ACE_NTOHL (0x505f4f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c590000), // name = USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x5553455f), ACE_NTOHL (0x44454641), ACE_NTOHL (0x554c545f), ACE_NTOHL (0x53455256), ACE_NTOHL (0x414e5400), // name = USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT
- 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x5553455f), ACE_NTOHL (0x53455256), ACE_NTOHL (0x414e545f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414e41), ACE_NTOHL (0x47455200), // name = USE_SERVANT_MANAGER
-static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_RequestProcessingPolicyValue (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_PortableServer_RequestProcessingPolicyValue), (char *) &_oc_PortableServer_RequestProcessingPolicyValue, 0, sizeof (PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue));
-TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_RequestProcessingPolicyValue, &_tc_TAO_tc_PortableServer_RequestProcessingPolicyValue)
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::RequestProcessingPolicy (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::~RequestProcessingPolicy (void)
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return RequestProcessingPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return RequestProcessingPolicy::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &RequestProcessingPolicy::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_duplicate (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, RequestProcessingPolicy)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &::CORBA::Policy::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- CORBA::Policy_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicy:1.0";
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POAManager::POAManager (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::POAManager::~POAManager (void)
-PortableServer::POAManager_ptr PortableServer::POAManager::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return POAManager::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::POAManager_ptr PortableServer::POAManager::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return POAManager::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- POAManager_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &POAManager::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::POAManager::_duplicate (POAManager_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::POAManager::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, POAManager)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::POAManager::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/POAManager:1.0";
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::AdapterInactive (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::~AdapterInactive (void)
-void PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::AdapterInactive (const ::PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive *
-PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POAManager/AdapterInactive:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (AdapterInactive *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive, 0);
- return retval;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator::AdapterActivator (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator::~AdapterActivator (void)
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return AdapterActivator::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return AdapterActivator::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- AdapterActivator_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &AdapterActivator::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_duplicate (AdapterActivator_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, AdapterActivator)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/AdapterActivator:1.0";
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::ServantManager::ServantManager (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::ServantManager::~ServantManager (void)
-PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr PortableServer::ServantManager::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return ServantManager::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr PortableServer::ServantManager::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ServantManager::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ServantManager_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &ServantManager::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::ServantManager::_duplicate (ServantManager_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::ServantManager::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, ServantManager)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::ServantManager::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/ServantManager:1.0";
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::ServantActivator::ServantActivator (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::ServantActivator::~ServantActivator (void)
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr PortableServer::ServantActivator::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return ServantActivator::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr PortableServer::ServantActivator::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ServantActivator::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ServantActivator_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &ServantActivator::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::ServantActivator::_duplicate (ServantActivator_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::ServantActivator::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, ServantActivator)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, ServantManager)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::ServantActivator::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/ServantActivator:1.0";
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::ServantLocator::ServantLocator (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::ServantLocator::~ServantLocator (void)
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr PortableServer::ServantLocator::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return ServantLocator::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr PortableServer::ServantLocator::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return ServantLocator::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ServantLocator_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &ServantLocator::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::ServantLocator::_duplicate (ServantLocator_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-void *PortableServer::ServantLocator::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, ServantLocator)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, ServantManager)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::ServantLocator::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/ServantLocator:1.0";
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::POA (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::POA::~POA (void)
-PortableServer::POA_ptr PortableServer::POA::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return POA::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::POA_ptr PortableServer::POA::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return POA::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- POA_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &POA::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (POA_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::AdapterAlreadyExists (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::~AdapterAlreadyExists (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::AdapterAlreadyExists (const ::PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists *
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/AdapterAlreadyExists:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (AdapterAlreadyExists *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists, 0);
- return retval;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::AdapterNonExistent (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::~AdapterNonExistent (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::AdapterNonExistent (const ::PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent *
-PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/AdapterNonExistent:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (AdapterNonExistent *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent, 0);
- return retval;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::InvalidPolicy (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::~InvalidPolicy (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::InvalidPolicy (const ::PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
- this->index = _tao_excp.index;
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- this->index = _tao_excp.index;
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy *
-PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/InvalidPolicy:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (InvalidPolicy *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy, 0);
- return retval;
-PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy::InvalidPolicy (
- CORBA::UShort _tao_index
- this->index = _tao_index;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::NoServant::NoServant (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::NoServant::~NoServant (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::NoServant::NoServant (const ::PortableServer::POA::NoServant &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::NoServant::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::NoServant &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::NoServant *
-PortableServer::POA::NoServant::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/NoServant:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (NoServant *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::NoServant::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::NoServant::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::NoServant::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::NoServant::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::NoServant, 0);
- return retval;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::ObjectAlreadyActive (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::~ObjectAlreadyActive (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::ObjectAlreadyActive (const ::PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive *
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/ObjectAlreadyActive:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (ObjectAlreadyActive *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive, 0);
- return retval;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::ObjectNotActive (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::~ObjectNotActive (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::ObjectNotActive (const ::PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive *
-PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/ObjectNotActive:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (ObjectNotActive *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive, 0);
- return retval;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::ServantAlreadyActive (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::~ServantAlreadyActive (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::ServantAlreadyActive (const ::PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive *
-PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/ServantAlreadyActive:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (ServantAlreadyActive *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive, 0);
- return retval;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::ServantNotActive (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::~ServantNotActive (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::ServantNotActive (const ::PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive *
-PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/ServantNotActive:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (ServantNotActive *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive, 0);
- return retval;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::WrongAdapter (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::~WrongAdapter (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::WrongAdapter (const ::PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter *
-PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/WrongAdapter:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (WrongAdapter *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter, 0);
- return retval;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::WrongPolicy (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::~WrongPolicy (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::WrongPolicy (const ::PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy *
-PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/POA/WrongPolicy:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (WrongPolicy *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy, 0);
- return retval;
-void *PortableServer::POA::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, POA)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::POA::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/POA:1.0";
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::Current::Current (void)
-// destructor
-PortableServer::Current::~Current (void)
-PortableServer::Current_ptr PortableServer::Current::_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV
- )
- return Current::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV);
-PortableServer::Current_ptr PortableServer::Current::_unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &
- )
- if (CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- return Current::_nil ();
- return
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- Current_ptr,
- obj->_tao_QueryInterface
- (
- ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- ptr_arith_t,
- &Current::_narrow
- )
- )
- );
-PortableServer::Current::_duplicate (Current_ptr obj)
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj))
- obj->_add_ref ();
- return obj;
-// default constructor
-PortableServer::Current::NoContext::NoContext (void)
-// destructor - all members are of self managing types
-PortableServer::Current::NoContext::~NoContext (void)
-// copy constructor
-PortableServer::Current::NoContext::NoContext (const ::PortableServer::Current::NoContext &_tao_excp)
- : CORBA_UserException (_tao_excp._id ())
-// assignment operator
-PortableServer::Current::NoContext::operator= (const ::PortableServer::Current::NoContext &_tao_excp)
- this->CORBA_UserException::operator= (_tao_excp);
- return *this;
-// narrow
-PortableServer::Current::NoContext *
-PortableServer::Current::NoContext::_downcast (CORBA::Exception *exc)
- if (!ACE_OS::strcmp ("IDL:PortableServer/Current/NoContext:1.0", exc->_id ())) // same type
- return ACE_dynamic_cast (NoContext *, exc);
- else
- return 0;
-void PortableServer::Current::NoContext::_raise ()
- TAO_RAISE(*this);
-void PortableServer::Current::NoContext::_tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) const
-void PortableServer::Current::NoContext::_tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-// TAO extension - the _alloc method
-CORBA::Exception *PortableServer::Current::NoContext::_alloc (void)
- CORBA::Exception *retval = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, ::PortableServer::Current::NoContext, 0);
- return retval;
-void *PortableServer::Current::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type)
- void *retv = 0;
- if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &ACE_NESTED_CLASS (::PortableServer, Current)::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this);
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (ptr_arith_t,
- &::CORBA::Current::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast
- (
- void *,
- ACE_static_cast
- (
- CORBA::Current_ptr,
- this
- )
- );
- else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow))
- retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *,
- ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this));
- if (retv)
- this->_add_ref ();
- return retv;
-const char* PortableServer::Current::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- return "IDL:PortableServer/Current:1.0";
-char *
-PortableServer::ObjectId_to_string (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id)
- return TAO_POA::ObjectId_to_string (id);
-CORBA::WChar *
-PortableServer::ObjectId_to_wstring (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id)
- return TAO_POA::ObjectId_to_wstring (id);
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId (const char *id)
- return TAO_POA::string_to_ObjectId (id);
-PortableServer::ObjectId *
-PortableServer::wstring_to_ObjectId (const CORBA::WChar *id)
- return TAO_POA::wstring_to_ObjectId (id);
-void operator<<= (
- CORBA::Any &_tao_any,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &_tao_elem
- ) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- if (stream << _tao_elem)
- {
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ObjectId,
- stream.begin ()
- );
- }
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ObjectId *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ObjectId,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- PortableServer::ObjectId::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ObjectId *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(
- const PortableServer::ObjectId*&,
- _tao_elem
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const PortableServer::ObjectId *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_ObjectId, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast(
- const PortableServer::ObjectId*,
- _tao_any.value ()
- );
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- PortableServer::ObjectId *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, PortableServer::ObjectId, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ObjectId,
- 1,
- ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp),
- PortableServer::ObjectId::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const PortableServer::ForwardRequest &_tao_elem) // copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ForwardRequest,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ForwardRequest *_tao_elem) // non copying
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << *_tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ForwardRequest,
- stream.begin (),
- 1,
- _tao_elem,
- PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_tao_any_destructor
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ForwardRequest *&_tao_elem)
- return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(
- const PortableServer::ForwardRequest*&,
- _tao_elem
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const PortableServer::ForwardRequest *&_tao_elem)
- _tao_elem = 0;
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_ForwardRequest, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ())
- {
- _tao_elem = (PortableServer::ForwardRequest *)_tao_any.value ();
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- PortableServer::ForwardRequest *tmp;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, PortableServer::ForwardRequest, 0);
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- CORBA::String_var interface_repository_id;
- if (!(stream >> interface_repository_id.out ()))
- return 0;
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (
- (),
- "IDL:PortableServer/ForwardRequest:1.0"))
- return 0;
- if (stream >> *tmp)
- {
- ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ForwardRequest,
- 1,
- tmp,
- PortableServer::ForwardRequest::_tao_any_destructor
- );
- _tao_elem = tmp;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- }
- return 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ThreadPolicyValue,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue &_tao_elem)
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_ThreadPolicyValue, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ThreadPolicy,PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ThreadPolicy,PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var>
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_LifespanPolicyValue,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue &_tao_elem)
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_LifespanPolicyValue, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::LifespanPolicy,PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::LifespanPolicy,PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var>
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_IdUniquenessPolicyValue,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue &_tao_elem)
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_IdUniquenessPolicyValue, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy,PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy,PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var>
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_IdAssignmentPolicyValue,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue &_tao_elem)
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_IdAssignmentPolicyValue, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy,PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy,PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var>
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue &_tao_elem)
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy,PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy,PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var>
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_ServantRetentionPolicyValue,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue &_tao_elem)
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_ServantRetentionPolicyValue, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy,PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy,PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var>
-void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue _tao_elem)
- TAO_OutputCDR stream;
- stream << _tao_elem;
- _tao_any._tao_replace (
- PortableServer::_tc_RequestProcessingPolicyValue,
- stream.begin ()
- );
-CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue &_tao_elem)
- {
- CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type ();
- if (!type->equivalent (PortableServer::_tc_RequestProcessingPolicyValue, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal
- {
- return 0;
- }
- TAO_InputCDR stream (
- _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (),
- _tao_any._tao_byte_order ()
- );
- if (stream >> _tao_elem)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy,PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy,PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var>
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POAManager,PortableServer::POAManager_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POAManager,PortableServer::POAManager_var>
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::AdapterActivator,PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::AdapterActivator,PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var>
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ServantManager,PortableServer::ServantManager_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ServantManager,PortableServer::ServantManager_var>
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ServantActivator,PortableServer::ServantActivator_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ServantActivator,PortableServer::ServantActivator_var>
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ServantLocator,PortableServer::ServantLocator_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::ServantLocator,PortableServer::ServantLocator_var>
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POA,PortableServer::POA_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POA,PortableServer::POA_var>
- defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO)
- template class TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::Current,PortableServer::Current_var>;
- # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::Current,PortableServer::Current_var>
-CORBA::Boolean operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &strm,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &_tao_sequence
- )
- if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ())
- {
- // encode all elements
- {
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet> *oseq =
- ACE_static_cast (TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>*, (PortableServer::ObjectId *)&_tao_sequence);
- if (oseq->mb ())
- return strm.write_octet_array_mb (oseq->mb ());
- else
- return strm.write_octet_array (_tao_sequence.get_buffer (), _tao_sequence.length ());
- }
- return strm.write_octet_array (_tao_sequence.get_buffer (), _tao_sequence.length ());
-#endif /* TAO_NO_COPY_OCTET_SEQUENCES == 0 */
- }
- return 0; // error
-CORBA::Boolean operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &strm,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &_tao_sequence
- )
- CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len;
- if (strm >> _tao_seq_len)
- {
- // set the length of the sequence
- _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len);
- // If length is 0 we return true.
- if (0 >= _tao_seq_len)
- return 1;
- // retrieve all the elements
- if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (strm.start ()->flags (),ACE_Message_Block::DONT_DELETE))
- {
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet> *oseq =
- ACE_static_cast(TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>*, &_tao_sequence);
- oseq->replace (_tao_seq_len, strm.start ());
- oseq->mb ()->wr_ptr (oseq->mb()->rd_ptr () + _tao_seq_len);
- strm.skip_bytes (_tao_seq_len);
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return strm.read_octet_array (_tao_sequence.get_buffer (), _tao_seq_len);
- return strm.read_octet_array (_tao_sequence.get_buffer (), _tao_sequence.length ());
-#endif /* TAO_NO_COPY_OCTET_SEQUENCES == 0 */
- }
- return 0; // error
diff --git a/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.h b/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed279190d9d..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3185 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/corbafwd.h"
-#include "ace/streams.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "tao/CurrentC.h"
-#include "tao/PolicyC.h"
-#include "tao/Typecode.h"
-#include "tao/Any.h"
-#if defined (TAO_EXPORT_MACRO)
-#define TAO_EXPORT_MACRO TAO_Export
-# endif /* defined (TAO_EXPORT_NESTED_MACRO) */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1200 */
-#pragma warning(disable:4250)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-class TAO_ServantBase;
-class TAO_ServantBase_var;
-class TAO_RefCountServantBase;
-class TAO_Local_ServantBase;
-class TAO_DynamicImplementation;
-TAO_NAMESPACE PortableServer
- typedef TAO_ServantBase ServantBase;
- typedef TAO_ServantBase_var ServantBase_var;
- typedef TAO_RefCountServantBase RefCountServantBase;
- typedef ServantBase *Servant;
- typedef TAO_Local_ServantBase LocalServantBase;
- typedef TAO_DynamicImplementation DynamicImplementation;
- class POA;
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA___PTR_CH_)
-typedef POA *POA_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA___VAR_CH_)
- class TAO_Export POA_var : public TAO_Base_var
- {
- public:
- POA_var (void); // default constructor
- POA_var (POA_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- POA_var (const POA_var &); // copy constructor
- ~POA_var (void); // destructor
- POA_var &operator= (POA_ptr);
- POA_var &operator= (const POA_var &);
- POA_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const POA_ptr &() const;
- operator POA_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- POA_ptr in (void) const;
- POA_ptr &inout (void);
- POA_ptr &out (void);
- POA_ptr _retn (void);
- POA_ptr ptr (void) const;
- private:
- POA_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- POA_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- POA_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA___OUT_CH_)
- class TAO_Export POA_out
- {
- public:
- POA_out (POA_ptr &);
- POA_out (POA_var &);
- POA_out (const POA_out &);
- POA_out &operator= (const POA_out &);
- POA_out &operator= (const POA_var &);
- POA_out &operator= (POA_ptr);
- operator POA_ptr &();
- POA_ptr &ptr (void);
- POA_ptr operator-> (void);
- private:
- POA_ptr &ptr_;
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList : public TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence
- {
- public:
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList (void);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList (CORBA::ULong maximum);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList (CORBA::ULong maximum,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- POA* *value,
- CORBA::Boolean release = 0);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList(const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList &rhs);
- virtual ~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList (void);
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList &operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList &rhs);
- TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POA,PortableServer::POA_var> operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) const;
- static POA **allocbuf (CORBA::ULong nelems);
- static void freebuf (POA **buffer);
- // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h
- virtual void _allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length);
- virtual void _deallocate_buffer (void);
- POA* *get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan = 0);
- const POA* *get_buffer (void) const;
- virtual void _shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol);
- virtual void _downcast (
- void* target,
- CORBA_Object *src,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- virtual CORBA_Object* _upcast (void *src) const;
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class POAList;
- class POAList_var;
- // *************************************************************
- // POAList
- // *************************************************************
- class TAO_Export POAList : public
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList
- TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence<POA,POA_var>
- {
- public:
- POAList (void); // default ctor
- POAList (CORBA::ULong max); // uses max size
- POAList (
- CORBA::ULong max,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- POA_ptr *buffer,
- CORBA::Boolean release=0
- );
- POAList (const POAList &); // copy ctor
- ~POAList (void);
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef POAList_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- // *************************************************************
- // class PortableServer::POAList_var
- // *************************************************************
- class TAO_Export POAList_var
- {
- public:
- POAList_var (void); // default constructor
- POAList_var (POAList *);
- POAList_var (const POAList_var &); // copy constructor
- ~POAList_var (void); // destructor
- POAList_var &operator= (POAList *);
- POAList_var &operator= (const POAList_var &);
- POAList *operator-> (void);
- const POAList *operator-> (void) const;
- operator const POAList &() const;
- operator POAList &();
- operator POAList &() const;
- operator POAList *&(); // variable-size base types only
- TAO_Object_Manager<POA, POA_var> operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- const POAList &in (void) const;
- POAList &inout (void);
- POAList *&out (void);
- POAList *_retn (void);
- POAList *ptr (void) const;
- private:
- POAList *ptr_;
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class TAO_Export POAList_out
- {
- public:
- POAList_out (POAList *&);
- POAList_out (POAList_var &);
- POAList_out (const POAList_out &);
- POAList_out &operator= (const POAList_out &);
- POAList_out &operator= (POAList *);
- operator POAList *&();
- POAList *&ptr (void);
- POAList *operator-> (void);
- TAO_Object_Manager<POA, POA_var> operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);
- private:
- POAList *&ptr_;
- // assignment from T_var not allowed
- void operator= (const POAList_var &);
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class ObjectId;
- class ObjectId_var;
- // *************************************************************
- // ObjectId
- // *************************************************************
- class TAO_Export ObjectId : public
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>
- TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet>
- {
- public:
- ObjectId (void); // default ctor
- ObjectId (CORBA::ULong max); // uses max size
- ObjectId (
- CORBA::ULong max,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- CORBA::Octet *buffer,
- CORBA::Boolean release=0
- );
- ObjectId (const ObjectId &); // copy ctor
- ~ObjectId (void);
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ObjectId_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- ObjectId (
- CORBA::ULong length,
- const ACE_Message_Block* mb
- )
- : TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<CORBA::Octet> (length, mb) {}
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- // *************************************************************
- // class PortableServer::ObjectId_var
- // *************************************************************
- class TAO_Export ObjectId_var
- {
- public:
- ObjectId_var (void); // default constructor
- ObjectId_var (ObjectId *);
- ObjectId_var (const ObjectId_var &); // copy constructor
- ObjectId_var (const ObjectId &); // fixed-size base types only
- ~ObjectId_var (void); // destructor
- ObjectId_var &operator= (ObjectId *);
- ObjectId_var &operator= (const ObjectId_var &);
- ObjectId_var &operator= (const ObjectId &); // fixed-size base types only
- ObjectId *operator-> (void);
- const ObjectId *operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ObjectId &() const;
- operator ObjectId &();
- operator ObjectId &() const;
- CORBA::Octet &operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- const ObjectId &in (void) const;
- ObjectId &inout (void);
- ObjectId *&out (void);
- ObjectId *_retn (void);
- ObjectId *ptr (void) const;
- private:
- ObjectId *ptr_;
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class TAO_Export ObjectId_out
- {
- public:
- ObjectId_out (ObjectId *&);
- ObjectId_out (ObjectId_var &);
- ObjectId_out (const ObjectId_out &);
- ObjectId_out &operator= (const ObjectId_out &);
- ObjectId_out &operator= (ObjectId *);
- operator ObjectId *&();
- ObjectId *&ptr (void);
- ObjectId *operator-> (void);
- CORBA::Octet &operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);
- private:
- ObjectId *&ptr_;
- // assignment from T_var not allowed
- void operator= (const ObjectId_var &);
- };
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- class TAO_Export ForwardRequest : public CORBA::UserException
- {
- public:
- CORBA::Object_var forward_reference;
- ForwardRequest (void); // default ctor
- ForwardRequest (const ForwardRequest &); // copy ctor
- ~ForwardRequest (void);
- static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);
- ForwardRequest &operator= (const ForwardRequest &);
- virtual void _raise (void);
- virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
- virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
- static ForwardRequest *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
- ForwardRequest (
- const CORBA::Object_ptr _tao_forward_reference
- );
- // = TAO extension
- static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
- virtual CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _type (void) const;
-}; // exception PortableServer::ForwardRequest
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ForwardRequest;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
-enum ThreadPolicyValue
- ThreadPolicyValue_TAO_ENUM_32BIT_ENFORCER = 0x7FFFFFFF
-typedef ThreadPolicyValue &ThreadPolicyValue_out;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ThreadPolicyValue;
-class ThreadPolicy;
-typedef ThreadPolicy *ThreadPolicy_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ThreadPolicy_var : public TAO_Base_var
- ThreadPolicy_var (void); // default constructor
- ThreadPolicy_var (ThreadPolicy_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- ThreadPolicy_var (const ThreadPolicy_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ThreadPolicy_var (void); // destructor
- ThreadPolicy_var &operator= (ThreadPolicy_ptr);
- ThreadPolicy_var &operator= (const ThreadPolicy_var &);
- ThreadPolicy_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ThreadPolicy_ptr &() const;
- operator ThreadPolicy_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ThreadPolicy_ptr in (void) const;
- ThreadPolicy_ptr &inout (void);
- ThreadPolicy_ptr &out (void);
- ThreadPolicy_ptr _retn (void);
- ThreadPolicy_ptr ptr (void) const;
- ThreadPolicy_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ThreadPolicy_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ThreadPolicy_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ThreadPolicy_out
- ThreadPolicy_out (ThreadPolicy_ptr &);
- ThreadPolicy_out (ThreadPolicy_var &);
- ThreadPolicy_out (const ThreadPolicy_out &);
- ThreadPolicy_out &operator= (const ThreadPolicy_out &);
- ThreadPolicy_out &operator= (const ThreadPolicy_var &);
- ThreadPolicy_out &operator= (ThreadPolicy_ptr);
- operator ThreadPolicy_ptr &();
- ThreadPolicy_ptr &ptr (void);
- ThreadPolicy_ptr operator-> (void);
- ThreadPolicy_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ThreadPolicy: public virtual CORBA::Policy
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ThreadPolicy_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef ThreadPolicy_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static ThreadPolicy_ptr _duplicate (ThreadPolicy_ptr obj);
- static ThreadPolicy_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ThreadPolicy_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ThreadPolicy_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (ThreadPolicy_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- ThreadPolicy (void);
- virtual ~ThreadPolicy (void);
- ThreadPolicy (const ThreadPolicy &);
- void operator= (const ThreadPolicy &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-enum LifespanPolicyValue
- LifespanPolicyValue_TAO_ENUM_32BIT_ENFORCER = 0x7FFFFFFF
-typedef LifespanPolicyValue &LifespanPolicyValue_out;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_LifespanPolicyValue;
-class LifespanPolicy;
-typedef LifespanPolicy *LifespanPolicy_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export LifespanPolicy_var : public TAO_Base_var
- LifespanPolicy_var (void); // default constructor
- LifespanPolicy_var (LifespanPolicy_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- LifespanPolicy_var (const LifespanPolicy_var &); // copy constructor
- ~LifespanPolicy_var (void); // destructor
- LifespanPolicy_var &operator= (LifespanPolicy_ptr);
- LifespanPolicy_var &operator= (const LifespanPolicy_var &);
- LifespanPolicy_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const LifespanPolicy_ptr &() const;
- operator LifespanPolicy_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- LifespanPolicy_ptr in (void) const;
- LifespanPolicy_ptr &inout (void);
- LifespanPolicy_ptr &out (void);
- LifespanPolicy_ptr _retn (void);
- LifespanPolicy_ptr ptr (void) const;
- LifespanPolicy_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- LifespanPolicy_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- LifespanPolicy_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export LifespanPolicy_out
- LifespanPolicy_out (LifespanPolicy_ptr &);
- LifespanPolicy_out (LifespanPolicy_var &);
- LifespanPolicy_out (const LifespanPolicy_out &);
- LifespanPolicy_out &operator= (const LifespanPolicy_out &);
- LifespanPolicy_out &operator= (const LifespanPolicy_var &);
- LifespanPolicy_out &operator= (LifespanPolicy_ptr);
- operator LifespanPolicy_ptr &();
- LifespanPolicy_ptr &ptr (void);
- LifespanPolicy_ptr operator-> (void);
- LifespanPolicy_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export LifespanPolicy: public virtual CORBA::Policy
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef LifespanPolicy_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef LifespanPolicy_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static LifespanPolicy_ptr _duplicate (LifespanPolicy_ptr obj);
- static LifespanPolicy_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static LifespanPolicy_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static LifespanPolicy_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (LifespanPolicy_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- LifespanPolicy (void);
- virtual ~LifespanPolicy (void);
- LifespanPolicy (const LifespanPolicy &);
- void operator= (const LifespanPolicy &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-enum IdUniquenessPolicyValue
- IdUniquenessPolicyValue_TAO_ENUM_32BIT_ENFORCER = 0x7FFFFFFF
-typedef IdUniquenessPolicyValue &IdUniquenessPolicyValue_out;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_IdUniquenessPolicyValue;
-class IdUniquenessPolicy;
-typedef IdUniquenessPolicy *IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export IdUniquenessPolicy_var : public TAO_Base_var
- IdUniquenessPolicy_var (void); // default constructor
- IdUniquenessPolicy_var (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- IdUniquenessPolicy_var (const IdUniquenessPolicy_var &); // copy constructor
- ~IdUniquenessPolicy_var (void); // destructor
- IdUniquenessPolicy_var &operator= (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_var &operator= (const IdUniquenessPolicy_var &);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &() const;
- operator IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr in (void) const;
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &inout (void);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &out (void);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr _retn (void);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr ptr (void) const;
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- IdUniquenessPolicy_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export IdUniquenessPolicy_out
- IdUniquenessPolicy_out (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_out (IdUniquenessPolicy_var &);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_out (const IdUniquenessPolicy_out &);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_out &operator= (const IdUniquenessPolicy_out &);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_out &operator= (const IdUniquenessPolicy_var &);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_out &operator= (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr);
- operator IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &();
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &ptr (void);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr operator-> (void);
- IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export IdUniquenessPolicy: public virtual CORBA::Policy
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef IdUniquenessPolicy_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr _duplicate (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr obj);
- static IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- IdUniquenessPolicy (void);
- virtual ~IdUniquenessPolicy (void);
- IdUniquenessPolicy (const IdUniquenessPolicy &);
- void operator= (const IdUniquenessPolicy &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-enum IdAssignmentPolicyValue
- IdAssignmentPolicyValue_TAO_ENUM_32BIT_ENFORCER = 0x7FFFFFFF
-typedef IdAssignmentPolicyValue &IdAssignmentPolicyValue_out;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_IdAssignmentPolicyValue;
-class IdAssignmentPolicy;
-typedef IdAssignmentPolicy *IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export IdAssignmentPolicy_var : public TAO_Base_var
- IdAssignmentPolicy_var (void); // default constructor
- IdAssignmentPolicy_var (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- IdAssignmentPolicy_var (const IdAssignmentPolicy_var &); // copy constructor
- ~IdAssignmentPolicy_var (void); // destructor
- IdAssignmentPolicy_var &operator= (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_var &operator= (const IdAssignmentPolicy_var &);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &() const;
- operator IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr in (void) const;
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &inout (void);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &out (void);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr _retn (void);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr ptr (void) const;
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- IdAssignmentPolicy_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export IdAssignmentPolicy_out
- IdAssignmentPolicy_out (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_out (IdAssignmentPolicy_var &);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_out (const IdAssignmentPolicy_out &);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_out &operator= (const IdAssignmentPolicy_out &);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_out &operator= (const IdAssignmentPolicy_var &);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_out &operator= (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr);
- operator IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &();
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &ptr (void);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr operator-> (void);
- IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export IdAssignmentPolicy: public virtual CORBA::Policy
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef IdAssignmentPolicy_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr _duplicate (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr obj);
- static IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- IdAssignmentPolicy (void);
- virtual ~IdAssignmentPolicy (void);
- IdAssignmentPolicy (const IdAssignmentPolicy &);
- void operator= (const IdAssignmentPolicy &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-enum ImplicitActivationPolicyValue
- ImplicitActivationPolicyValue_TAO_ENUM_32BIT_ENFORCER = 0x7FFFFFFF
-typedef ImplicitActivationPolicyValue &ImplicitActivationPolicyValue_out;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ImplicitActivationPolicyValue;
-class ImplicitActivationPolicy;
-typedef ImplicitActivationPolicy *ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ImplicitActivationPolicy_var : public TAO_Base_var
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_var (void); // default constructor
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_var (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_var (const ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ImplicitActivationPolicy_var (void); // destructor
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &operator= (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &operator= (const ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &() const;
- operator ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr in (void) const;
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &inout (void);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &out (void);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr _retn (void);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr ptr (void) const;
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ImplicitActivationPolicy_out
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_out (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_out (ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_out (const ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &operator= (const ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &operator= (const ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &operator= (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr);
- operator ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &();
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &ptr (void);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr operator-> (void);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ImplicitActivationPolicy: public virtual CORBA::Policy
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef ImplicitActivationPolicy_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr _duplicate (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr obj);
- static ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- ImplicitActivationPolicy (void);
- virtual ~ImplicitActivationPolicy (void);
- ImplicitActivationPolicy (const ImplicitActivationPolicy &);
- void operator= (const ImplicitActivationPolicy &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-enum ServantRetentionPolicyValue
- ServantRetentionPolicyValue_TAO_ENUM_32BIT_ENFORCER = 0x7FFFFFFF
-typedef ServantRetentionPolicyValue &ServantRetentionPolicyValue_out;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_ServantRetentionPolicyValue;
-class ServantRetentionPolicy;
-typedef ServantRetentionPolicy *ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantRetentionPolicy_var : public TAO_Base_var
- ServantRetentionPolicy_var (void); // default constructor
- ServantRetentionPolicy_var (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- ServantRetentionPolicy_var (const ServantRetentionPolicy_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServantRetentionPolicy_var (void); // destructor
- ServantRetentionPolicy_var &operator= (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_var &operator= (const ServantRetentionPolicy_var &);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &() const;
- operator ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr in (void) const;
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &inout (void);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &out (void);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr _retn (void);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr ptr (void) const;
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ServantRetentionPolicy_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantRetentionPolicy_out
- ServantRetentionPolicy_out (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_out (ServantRetentionPolicy_var &);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_out (const ServantRetentionPolicy_out &);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_out &operator= (const ServantRetentionPolicy_out &);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_out &operator= (const ServantRetentionPolicy_var &);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_out &operator= (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr);
- operator ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &();
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &ptr (void);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr operator-> (void);
- ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantRetentionPolicy: public virtual CORBA::Policy
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef ServantRetentionPolicy_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr _duplicate (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr obj);
- static ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- ServantRetentionPolicy (void);
- virtual ~ServantRetentionPolicy (void);
- ServantRetentionPolicy (const ServantRetentionPolicy &);
- void operator= (const ServantRetentionPolicy &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-enum RequestProcessingPolicyValue
- RequestProcessingPolicyValue_TAO_ENUM_32BIT_ENFORCER = 0x7FFFFFFF
-typedef RequestProcessingPolicyValue &RequestProcessingPolicyValue_out;
-TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_RequestProcessingPolicyValue;
-class RequestProcessingPolicy;
-typedef RequestProcessingPolicy *RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export RequestProcessingPolicy_var : public TAO_Base_var
- RequestProcessingPolicy_var (void); // default constructor
- RequestProcessingPolicy_var (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- RequestProcessingPolicy_var (const RequestProcessingPolicy_var &); // copy constructor
- ~RequestProcessingPolicy_var (void); // destructor
- RequestProcessingPolicy_var &operator= (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_var &operator= (const RequestProcessingPolicy_var &);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &() const;
- operator RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr in (void) const;
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &inout (void);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &out (void);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr _retn (void);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr ptr (void) const;
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- RequestProcessingPolicy_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export RequestProcessingPolicy_out
- RequestProcessingPolicy_out (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_out (RequestProcessingPolicy_var &);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_out (const RequestProcessingPolicy_out &);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_out &operator= (const RequestProcessingPolicy_out &);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_out &operator= (const RequestProcessingPolicy_var &);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_out &operator= (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr);
- operator RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &();
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &ptr (void);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr operator-> (void);
- RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export RequestProcessingPolicy: public virtual CORBA::Policy
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef RequestProcessingPolicy_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr _duplicate (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr obj);
- static RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- RequestProcessingPolicy (void);
- virtual ~RequestProcessingPolicy (void);
- RequestProcessingPolicy (const RequestProcessingPolicy &);
- void operator= (const RequestProcessingPolicy &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-class POAManager;
-typedef POAManager *POAManager_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export POAManager_var : public TAO_Base_var
- POAManager_var (void); // default constructor
- POAManager_var (POAManager_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- POAManager_var (const POAManager_var &); // copy constructor
- ~POAManager_var (void); // destructor
- POAManager_var &operator= (POAManager_ptr);
- POAManager_var &operator= (const POAManager_var &);
- POAManager_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const POAManager_ptr &() const;
- operator POAManager_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- POAManager_ptr in (void) const;
- POAManager_ptr &inout (void);
- POAManager_ptr &out (void);
- POAManager_ptr _retn (void);
- POAManager_ptr ptr (void) const;
- POAManager_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- POAManager_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- POAManager_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export POAManager_out
- POAManager_out (POAManager_ptr &);
- POAManager_out (POAManager_var &);
- POAManager_out (const POAManager_out &);
- POAManager_out &operator= (const POAManager_out &);
- POAManager_out &operator= (const POAManager_var &);
- POAManager_out &operator= (POAManager_ptr);
- operator POAManager_ptr &();
- POAManager_ptr &ptr (void);
- POAManager_ptr operator-> (void);
- POAManager_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export POAManager : public virtual CORBA_Object
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef POAManager_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef POAManager_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static POAManager_ptr _duplicate (POAManager_ptr obj);
- static POAManager_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static POAManager_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static POAManager_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (POAManager_ptr)0;
- }
- class TAO_Export AdapterInactive : public CORBA::UserException
- {
- public:
- AdapterInactive (void); // default ctor
- AdapterInactive (const AdapterInactive &); // copy ctor
- ~AdapterInactive (void);
- AdapterInactive &operator= (const AdapterInactive &);
- virtual void _raise (void);
- virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
- virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
- static AdapterInactive *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
- // = TAO extension
- static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-enum State
-typedef State &State_out;
-virtual void activate (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive
- )) = 0;
-virtual void hold_requests (
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive
- )) = 0;
-virtual void discard_requests (
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive
- )) = 0;
-virtual void deactivate (
- CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive
- )) = 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-virtual PortableServer::POAManager::State get_state (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
-virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- POAManager (void);
- virtual ~POAManager (void);
- POAManager (const POAManager &);
- void operator= (const POAManager &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class AdapterActivator;
-typedef AdapterActivator *AdapterActivator_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export AdapterActivator_var : public TAO_Base_var
- AdapterActivator_var (void); // default constructor
- AdapterActivator_var (AdapterActivator_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- AdapterActivator_var (const AdapterActivator_var &); // copy constructor
- ~AdapterActivator_var (void); // destructor
- AdapterActivator_var &operator= (AdapterActivator_ptr);
- AdapterActivator_var &operator= (const AdapterActivator_var &);
- AdapterActivator_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const AdapterActivator_ptr &() const;
- operator AdapterActivator_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- AdapterActivator_ptr in (void) const;
- AdapterActivator_ptr &inout (void);
- AdapterActivator_ptr &out (void);
- AdapterActivator_ptr _retn (void);
- AdapterActivator_ptr ptr (void) const;
- AdapterActivator_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- AdapterActivator_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- AdapterActivator_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export AdapterActivator_out
- AdapterActivator_out (AdapterActivator_ptr &);
- AdapterActivator_out (AdapterActivator_var &);
- AdapterActivator_out (const AdapterActivator_out &);
- AdapterActivator_out &operator= (const AdapterActivator_out &);
- AdapterActivator_out &operator= (const AdapterActivator_var &);
- AdapterActivator_out &operator= (AdapterActivator_ptr);
- operator AdapterActivator_ptr &();
- AdapterActivator_ptr &ptr (void);
- AdapterActivator_ptr operator-> (void);
- AdapterActivator_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export AdapterActivator : public virtual CORBA_Object
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef AdapterActivator_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef AdapterActivator_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static AdapterActivator_ptr _duplicate (AdapterActivator_ptr obj);
- static AdapterActivator_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static AdapterActivator_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static AdapterActivator_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (AdapterActivator_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual CORBA::Boolean unknown_adapter (
- PortableServer::POA_ptr parent,
- const char * name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- AdapterActivator (void);
- virtual ~AdapterActivator (void);
- AdapterActivator (const AdapterActivator &);
- void operator= (const AdapterActivator &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class ServantManager;
-typedef ServantManager *ServantManager_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantManager_var : public TAO_Base_var
- ServantManager_var (void); // default constructor
- ServantManager_var (ServantManager_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- ServantManager_var (const ServantManager_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServantManager_var (void); // destructor
- ServantManager_var &operator= (ServantManager_ptr);
- ServantManager_var &operator= (const ServantManager_var &);
- ServantManager_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServantManager_ptr &() const;
- operator ServantManager_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ServantManager_ptr in (void) const;
- ServantManager_ptr &inout (void);
- ServantManager_ptr &out (void);
- ServantManager_ptr _retn (void);
- ServantManager_ptr ptr (void) const;
- ServantManager_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ServantManager_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ServantManager_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantManager_out
- ServantManager_out (ServantManager_ptr &);
- ServantManager_out (ServantManager_var &);
- ServantManager_out (const ServantManager_out &);
- ServantManager_out &operator= (const ServantManager_out &);
- ServantManager_out &operator= (const ServantManager_var &);
- ServantManager_out &operator= (ServantManager_ptr);
- operator ServantManager_ptr &();
- ServantManager_ptr &ptr (void);
- ServantManager_ptr operator-> (void);
- ServantManager_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantManager : public virtual CORBA_Object
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ServantManager_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef ServantManager_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static ServantManager_ptr _duplicate (ServantManager_ptr obj);
- static ServantManager_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServantManager_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServantManager_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (ServantManager_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- ServantManager (void);
- virtual ~ServantManager (void);
- ServantManager (const ServantManager &);
- void operator= (const ServantManager &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class ServantActivator;
-typedef ServantActivator *ServantActivator_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantActivator_var : public TAO_Base_var
- ServantActivator_var (void); // default constructor
- ServantActivator_var (ServantActivator_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- ServantActivator_var (const ServantActivator_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServantActivator_var (void); // destructor
- ServantActivator_var &operator= (ServantActivator_ptr);
- ServantActivator_var &operator= (const ServantActivator_var &);
- ServantActivator_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServantActivator_ptr &() const;
- operator ServantActivator_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ServantActivator_ptr in (void) const;
- ServantActivator_ptr &inout (void);
- ServantActivator_ptr &out (void);
- ServantActivator_ptr _retn (void);
- ServantActivator_ptr ptr (void) const;
- ServantActivator_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ServantActivator_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ServantActivator_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantActivator_out
- ServantActivator_out (ServantActivator_ptr &);
- ServantActivator_out (ServantActivator_var &);
- ServantActivator_out (const ServantActivator_out &);
- ServantActivator_out &operator= (const ServantActivator_out &);
- ServantActivator_out &operator= (const ServantActivator_var &);
- ServantActivator_out &operator= (ServantActivator_ptr);
- operator ServantActivator_ptr &();
- ServantActivator_ptr &ptr (void);
- ServantActivator_ptr operator-> (void);
- ServantActivator_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantActivator: public virtual ServantManager
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ServantActivator_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef ServantActivator_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static ServantActivator_ptr _duplicate (ServantActivator_ptr obj);
- static ServantActivator_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServantActivator_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServantActivator_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (ServantActivator_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::Servant incarnate (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr adapter
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::ForwardRequest
- )) = 0;
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
- virtual void etherealize (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr adapter,
- PortableServer::Servant serv,
- CORBA::Boolean cleanup_in_progress,
- CORBA::Boolean remaining_activations
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- ServantActivator (void);
- virtual ~ServantActivator (void);
- ServantActivator (const ServantActivator &);
- void operator= (const ServantActivator &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class ServantLocator;
-typedef ServantLocator *ServantLocator_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantLocator_var : public TAO_Base_var
- ServantLocator_var (void); // default constructor
- ServantLocator_var (ServantLocator_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- ServantLocator_var (const ServantLocator_var &); // copy constructor
- ~ServantLocator_var (void); // destructor
- ServantLocator_var &operator= (ServantLocator_ptr);
- ServantLocator_var &operator= (const ServantLocator_var &);
- ServantLocator_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const ServantLocator_ptr &() const;
- operator ServantLocator_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- ServantLocator_ptr in (void) const;
- ServantLocator_ptr &inout (void);
- ServantLocator_ptr &out (void);
- ServantLocator_ptr _retn (void);
- ServantLocator_ptr ptr (void) const;
- ServantLocator_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- ServantLocator_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- ServantLocator_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantLocator_out
- ServantLocator_out (ServantLocator_ptr &);
- ServantLocator_out (ServantLocator_var &);
- ServantLocator_out (const ServantLocator_out &);
- ServantLocator_out &operator= (const ServantLocator_out &);
- ServantLocator_out &operator= (const ServantLocator_var &);
- ServantLocator_out &operator= (ServantLocator_ptr);
- operator ServantLocator_ptr &();
- ServantLocator_ptr &ptr (void);
- ServantLocator_ptr operator-> (void);
- ServantLocator_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantLocator: public virtual ServantManager
- typedef void *Cookie;
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef ServantLocator_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef ServantLocator_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static ServantLocator_ptr _duplicate (ServantLocator_ptr obj);
- static ServantLocator_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServantLocator_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static ServantLocator_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (ServantLocator_ptr)0;
- }
- virtual PortableServer::Servant preinvoke (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr adapter,
- const char * operation,
- PortableServer::ServantLocator::Cookie & the_cookie
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::ForwardRequest
- )) = 0;
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
- virtual void postinvoke (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr adapter,
- const char * operation,
- PortableServer::ServantLocator::Cookie the_cookie,
- PortableServer::Servant the_servant
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
- virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
- virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- ServantLocator (void);
- virtual ~ServantLocator (void);
- ServantLocator (const ServantLocator &);
- void operator= (const ServantLocator &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA___PTR_CH_)
-class POA;
-typedef POA *POA_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA___VAR_CH_)
-class TAO_Export POA_var : public TAO_Base_var
- POA_var (void); // default constructor
- POA_var (POA_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- POA_var (const POA_var &); // copy constructor
- ~POA_var (void); // destructor
- POA_var &operator= (POA_ptr);
- POA_var &operator= (const POA_var &);
- POA_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const POA_ptr &() const;
- operator POA_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- POA_ptr in (void) const;
- POA_ptr &inout (void);
- POA_ptr &out (void);
- POA_ptr _retn (void);
- POA_ptr ptr (void) const;
- POA_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- POA_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- POA_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA___OUT_CH_)
-class TAO_Export POA_out
- POA_out (POA_ptr &);
- POA_out (POA_var &);
- POA_out (const POA_out &);
- POA_out &operator= (const POA_out &);
- POA_out &operator= (const POA_var &);
- POA_out &operator= (POA_ptr);
- operator POA_ptr &();
- POA_ptr &ptr (void);
- POA_ptr operator-> (void);
- POA_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA_CH_)
-class TAO_Export POA : public virtual CORBA_Object
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef POA_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef POA_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static POA_ptr _duplicate (POA_ptr obj);
- static POA_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static POA_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static POA_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (POA_ptr)0;
- }
- class TAO_Export AdapterAlreadyExists : public CORBA::UserException
- {
- public:
- AdapterAlreadyExists (void); // default ctor
- AdapterAlreadyExists (const AdapterAlreadyExists &); // copy ctor
- ~AdapterAlreadyExists (void);
- AdapterAlreadyExists &operator= (const AdapterAlreadyExists &);
- virtual void _raise (void);
- virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
- virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
- static AdapterAlreadyExists *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
- // = TAO extension
- static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export AdapterNonExistent : public CORBA::UserException
-AdapterNonExistent (void); // default ctor
-AdapterNonExistent (const AdapterNonExistent &); // copy ctor
-~AdapterNonExistent (void);
-AdapterNonExistent &operator= (const AdapterNonExistent &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static AdapterNonExistent *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export InvalidPolicy : public CORBA::UserException
-CORBA::UShort index;
-InvalidPolicy (void); // default ctor
-InvalidPolicy (const InvalidPolicy &); // copy ctor
-~InvalidPolicy (void);
-InvalidPolicy &operator= (const InvalidPolicy &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static InvalidPolicy *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-InvalidPolicy (
- CORBA::UShort _tao_index
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export NoServant : public CORBA::UserException
-NoServant (void); // default ctor
-NoServant (const NoServant &); // copy ctor
-~NoServant (void);
-NoServant &operator= (const NoServant &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static NoServant *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::NoServant
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-class TAO_Export ObjectAlreadyActive : public CORBA::UserException
-ObjectAlreadyActive (void); // default ctor
-ObjectAlreadyActive (const ObjectAlreadyActive &); // copy ctor
-~ObjectAlreadyActive (void);
-ObjectAlreadyActive &operator= (const ObjectAlreadyActive &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static ObjectAlreadyActive *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ObjectNotActive : public CORBA::UserException
-ObjectNotActive (void); // default ctor
-ObjectNotActive (const ObjectNotActive &); // copy ctor
-~ObjectNotActive (void);
-ObjectNotActive &operator= (const ObjectNotActive &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static ObjectNotActive *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantAlreadyActive : public CORBA::UserException
-ServantAlreadyActive (void); // default ctor
-ServantAlreadyActive (const ServantAlreadyActive &); // copy ctor
-~ServantAlreadyActive (void);
-ServantAlreadyActive &operator= (const ServantAlreadyActive &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static ServantAlreadyActive *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export ServantNotActive : public CORBA::UserException
-ServantNotActive (void); // default ctor
-ServantNotActive (const ServantNotActive &); // copy ctor
-~ServantNotActive (void);
-ServantNotActive &operator= (const ServantNotActive &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static ServantNotActive *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export WrongAdapter : public CORBA::UserException
-WrongAdapter (void); // default ctor
-WrongAdapter (const WrongAdapter &); // copy ctor
-~WrongAdapter (void);
-WrongAdapter &operator= (const WrongAdapter &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static WrongAdapter *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export WrongPolicy : public CORBA::UserException
-WrongPolicy (void); // default ctor
-WrongPolicy (const WrongPolicy &); // copy ctor
-~WrongPolicy (void);
-WrongPolicy &operator= (const WrongPolicy &);
-virtual void _raise (void);
-virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
-virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
-static WrongPolicy *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
-// = TAO extension
-static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr create_POA (
- const char * adapter_name,
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr a_POAManager,
- const CORBA::PolicyList & policies,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists,
- PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr find_POA (
- const char * adapter_name,
- CORBA::Boolean activate_it,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent
- )) = 0;
-virtual void destroy (
- CORBA::Boolean etherealize_objects,
- CORBA::Boolean wait_for_completion,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr create_thread_policy (
- PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-virtual PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr create_lifespan_policy (
- PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr create_id_uniqueness_policy (
- PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr create_id_assignment_policy (
- PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr create_implicit_activation_policy (
- PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr create_servant_retention_policy (
- PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr create_request_processing_policy (
- PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue value,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-virtual char * the_name (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr the_parent (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::POAList * the_children (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::POAManager_ptr the_POAManager (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr the_activator (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual void the_activator (
- PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr the_activator,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr get_servant_manager (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual void set_servant_manager (
- PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr imgr,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::Servant get_servant (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::NoServant,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual void set_servant (
- PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-virtual PortableServer::ObjectId * activate_object (
- PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual void activate_object_with_id (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & id,
- PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual void deactivate_object (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference (
- const char * intf,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference_with_id (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- const char * intf,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::ObjectId * servant_to_id (
- PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual CORBA::Object_ptr servant_to_reference (
- PortableServer::Servant p_servant,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::Servant reference_to_servant (
- CORBA::Object_ptr reference,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::ObjectId * reference_to_id (
- CORBA::Object_ptr reference,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::Servant id_to_servant (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual CORBA::Object_ptr id_to_reference (
- const PortableServer::ObjectId & oid,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive,
- PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
- )) = 0;
-virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
-virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- POA (void);
- virtual ~POA (void);
- POA (const POA &);
- void operator= (const POA &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class Current;
-typedef Current *Current_ptr;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export Current_var : public TAO_Base_var
- Current_var (void); // default constructor
- Current_var (Current_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {}
- Current_var (const Current_var &); // copy constructor
- ~Current_var (void); // destructor
- Current_var &operator= (Current_ptr);
- Current_var &operator= (const Current_var &);
- Current_ptr operator-> (void) const;
- operator const Current_ptr &() const;
- operator Current_ptr &();
- // in, inout, out, _retn
- Current_ptr in (void) const;
- Current_ptr &inout (void);
- Current_ptr &out (void);
- Current_ptr _retn (void);
- Current_ptr ptr (void) const;
- Current_ptr ptr_;
- // Unimplemented - prevents widening assignment.
- Current_var (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
- Current_var &operator= (const TAO_Base_var &rhs);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export Current_out
- Current_out (Current_ptr &);
- Current_out (Current_var &);
- Current_out (const Current_out &);
- Current_out &operator= (const Current_out &);
- Current_out &operator= (const Current_var &);
- Current_out &operator= (Current_ptr);
- operator Current_ptr &();
- Current_ptr &ptr (void);
- Current_ptr operator-> (void);
- Current_ptr &ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-class TAO_Export Current: public virtual CORBA::Current
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)
- typedef Current_ptr _ptr_type;
- typedef Current_var _var_type;
-#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */
- // the static operations
- static Current_ptr _duplicate (Current_ptr obj);
- static Current_ptr _narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static Current_ptr _unchecked_narrow (
- CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- );
- static Current_ptr _nil (void)
- {
- return (Current_ptr)0;
- }
- class TAO_Export NoContext : public CORBA::UserException
- {
- public:
- NoContext (void); // default ctor
- NoContext (const NoContext &); // copy ctor
- ~NoContext (void);
- NoContext &operator= (const NoContext &);
- virtual void _raise (void);
- virtual void _tao_encode (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &) const;
- virtual void _tao_decode (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- CORBA::Environment &);
- static NoContext *_downcast (CORBA::Exception *);
- // = TAO extension
- static CORBA::Exception *_alloc (void);
-}; // exception PortableServer::Current::NoContext
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr get_POA (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext
- )) = 0;
-virtual PortableServer::ObjectId * get_object_id (
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ()
- )
- CORBA::SystemException,
- PortableServer::Current::NoContext
- )) = 0;
-virtual void *_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type);
-virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const;
- Current (void);
- virtual ~Current (void);
- Current (const Current &);
- void operator= (const Current &);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS char *ObjectId_to_string (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id);
- TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS CORBA::WChar *ObjectId_to_wstring (const PortableServer::ObjectId &id);
- TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS PortableServer::ObjectId *string_to_ObjectId (const char *id);
- TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS PortableServer::ObjectId *wstring_to_ObjectId (const CORBA::WChar *id);
-TAO_NAMESPACE_CLOSE // module PortableServer
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const PortableServer::ObjectId &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ObjectId*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ObjectId *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const PortableServer::ObjectId *&);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, const PortableServer::ForwardRequest &); // copying version
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ForwardRequest*); // noncopying version
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ForwardRequest *&); // deprecated
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, const PortableServer::ForwardRequest *&);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue &);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &, PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue &);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-#ifndef __ACE_INLINE__
-#if !defined _TAO_CDR_OP_PortableServer_ObjectId_H_
-#define _TAO_CDR_OP_PortableServer_ObjectId_H_
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &
- );
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &
- );
-#endif /* _TAO_CDR_OP_PortableServer_ObjectId_H_ */
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const PortableServer::ForwardRequest &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, PortableServer::ForwardRequest &);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
-TAO_Export ostream& operator<< (ostream &, const PortableServer::ForwardRequest &);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue &); //
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue &);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue &); //
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue &); //
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue &); //
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue &); //
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue &); //
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue &);
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue &); //
-TAO_Export CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue &);
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "PortableServerC.i"
-#endif /* defined INLINE */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ifndef */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.i b/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.i
deleted file mode 100644
index df518014776..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/PortableServerC.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3211 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- $Id$ */
-// ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler *******
-// TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for
-// Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis.
-// Information about TAO is available at:
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA___VAR_CI_)
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::POA_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::POA_var::POA_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-PortableServer::POA_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::POA_var::POA_var (const PortableServer::POA_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (POA::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::POA_var::~POA_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_var &
-PortableServer::POA_var::operator= (PortableServer::POA_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_var &
-PortableServer::POA_var::operator= (const PortableServer::POA_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::POA_var::operator const PortableServer::POA_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::POA_var::operator PortableServer::POA_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-PortableServer::POA_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-PortableServer::POA_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr &
-PortableServer::POA_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr &
-PortableServer::POA_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-PortableServer::POA_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- PortableServer::POA_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#if !defined (_PORTABLESERVER_POA___OUT_CI_)
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::POA_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::POA_out::POA_out (PortableServer::POA_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
-PortableServer::POA_out::POA_out (PortableServer::POA_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
-PortableServer::POA_out::POA_out (const PortableServer::POA_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (PortableServer::POA_out&,p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_out &
-PortableServer::POA_out::operator= (const PortableServer::POA_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (PortableServer::POA_out&,p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_out &
-PortableServer::POA_out::operator= (const PortableServer::POA_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_out &
-PortableServer::POA_out::operator= (PortableServer::POA_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::POA_out::operator PortableServer::POA_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr &
-PortableServer::POA_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA_ptr
-PortableServer::POA_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
- ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA **
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong nelems)
- {
- PortableServer::POA **buf = 0;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (buf, PortableServer::POA*[nelems], 0);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < nelems; i++)
- buf[i] = PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
- return buf;
- }
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::freebuf (PortableServer::POA **buffer)
- {
- if (buffer == 0)
- return;
- delete[] buffer;
- }
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList (void)
- {
- }
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList (CORBA::ULong maximum)
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::allocbuf (maximum))
- {
- }
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList (CORBA::ULong maximum,
- CORBA::ULong length,
- PortableServer::POA* *value,
- CORBA::Boolean release)
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, value, release)
- {
- }
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList(const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList &rhs)
- : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs)
- {
- if (rhs.buffer_ != 0)
- {
- PortableServer::POA **tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::allocbuf (this->maximum_);
- PortableServer::POA ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i)
- tmp1[i] = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (tmp2[i]);
- this->buffer_ = tmp1;
- }
- else
- {
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- }
- }
- ACE_INLINE PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList &
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList &rhs)
- {
- if (this == &rhs)
- return *this;
- if (this->release_)
- {
- PortableServer::POA **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA **, this->buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i)
- {
- CORBA::release (tmp[i]);
- tmp[i] = PortableServer::POA::_nil ();
- }
- if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_)
- {
- _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::freebuf (tmp);
- this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_);
- }
- }
- else
- this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_);
- TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs);
- PortableServer::POA **tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA **, this->buffer_);
- PortableServer::POA ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_);
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i)
- tmp1[i] = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (tmp2[i]);
- return *this;
- }
- ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POA,PortableServer::POA_var>
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) const
- // read-write accessor
- {
- ACE_ASSERT (index < this->maximum_);
- PortableServer::POA ** const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_);
- return TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POA,PortableServer::POA_var> (tmp + index, this->release_);
- }
- ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POA* *
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan)
- {
- PortableServer::POA **result = 0;
- if (orphan == 0)
- {
- // We retain ownership.
- if (this->buffer_ == 0)
- {
- result = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::allocbuf (this->maximum_);
- this->buffer_ = result;
- this->release_ = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (PortableServer::POA**, this->buffer_);
- }
- }
- else // if (orphan == 1)
- {
- if (this->release_ != 0)
- {
- // We set the state back to default and relinquish
- // ownership.
- result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(PortableServer::POA**,this->buffer_);
- this->maximum_ = 0;
- this->length_ = 0;
- this->buffer_ = 0;
- this->release_ = 0;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- ACE_INLINE const PortableServer::POA* *
- PortableServer::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_PortableServer_POAList::get_buffer (void) const
- {
- return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const PortableServer::POA ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_);
- }
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::POAList_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::POAList_var::POAList_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (0)
-PortableServer::POAList_var::POAList_var (POAList *p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-PortableServer::POAList_var::POAList_var (const ::PortableServer::POAList_var &p) // copy constructor
- if (p.ptr_)
- ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, ::PortableServer::POAList (*p.ptr_));
- else
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-PortableServer::POAList_var::~POAList_var (void) // destructor
- delete this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAList_var &
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator= (POAList *p)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAList_var &
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POAList_var &p) // deep copy
- if (this != &p)
- {
- delete this->ptr_;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, ::PortableServer::POAList (*p.ptr_), *this);
- }
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE const ::PortableServer::POAList *
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList *
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator const ::PortableServer::POAList &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator ::PortableServer::POAList &() // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator ::PortableServer::POAList &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-// variable-size types only
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator ::PortableServer::POAList *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POA, PortableServer::POA_var>
-PortableServer::POAList_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index)
- return this->ptr_->operator[] (index);
-ACE_INLINE const ::PortableServer::POAList &
-PortableServer::POAList_var::in (void) const
- return *this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList &
-PortableServer::POAList_var::inout (void)
- return *this->ptr_;
-// mapping for variable size
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList *&
-PortableServer::POAList_var::out (void)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList *
-PortableServer::POAList_var::_retn (void)
- ::PortableServer::POAList *tmp = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return tmp;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList *
-PortableServer::POAList_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::POAList_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::POAList_out::POAList_out (POAList *&p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-PortableServer::POAList_out::POAList_out (POAList_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-PortableServer::POAList_out::POAList_out (const ::PortableServer::POAList_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (POAList_out&, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList_out &
-PortableServer::POAList_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POAList_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (POAList_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList_out &
-PortableServer::POAList_out::operator= (POAList *p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::POAList_out::operator ::PortableServer::POAList *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList *&
-PortableServer::POAList_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAList *
-PortableServer::POAList_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager<PortableServer::POA, PortableServer::POA_var>
-PortableServer::POAList_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index)
- return this->ptr_->operator[] (index);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ObjectId_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::ObjectId_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (0)
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::ObjectId_var (ObjectId *p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::ObjectId_var (const ::PortableServer::ObjectId_var &p) // copy constructor
- if (p.ptr_)
- ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, ::PortableServer::ObjectId (*p.ptr_));
- else
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-// fixed-size base types only
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::ObjectId_var (const ::PortableServer::ObjectId &p)
- ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, ::PortableServer::ObjectId (p));
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::~ObjectId_var (void) // destructor
- delete this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ObjectId_var &
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator= (ObjectId *p)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ObjectId_var &
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ObjectId_var &p) // deep copy
- if (this != &p)
- {
- delete this->ptr_;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, ::PortableServer::ObjectId (*p.ptr_), *this);
- }
- return *this;
-// fixed-size types only
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId_var &
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ObjectId &p)
- if (this->ptr_ != &p)
- {
- delete this->ptr_;
- ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, ::PortableServer::ObjectId (p), *this);
- }
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE const ::PortableServer::ObjectId *
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId *
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator const ::PortableServer::ObjectId &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator ::PortableServer::ObjectId &() // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator ::PortableServer::ObjectId &() const // cast
- return *this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index)
- return this->ptr_->operator[] (index);
-ACE_INLINE const ::PortableServer::ObjectId &
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::in (void) const
- return *this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId &
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::inout (void)
- return *this->ptr_;
-// mapping for variable size
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId *&
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::out (void)
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId *
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::_retn (void)
- ::PortableServer::ObjectId *tmp = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return tmp;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId *
-PortableServer::ObjectId_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ObjectId_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::ObjectId_out (ObjectId *&p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::ObjectId_out (ObjectId_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- delete this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::ObjectId_out (const ::PortableServer::ObjectId_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ObjectId_out&, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId_out &
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ObjectId_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ObjectId_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId_out &
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::operator= (ObjectId *p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::operator ::PortableServer::ObjectId *&() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId *&
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ObjectId *
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ObjectId_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index)
- return this->ptr_->operator[] (index);
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::ForwardRequest
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::ThreadPolicy_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (ThreadPolicy::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::ThreadPolicy_var (const ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (ThreadPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::~ThreadPolicy_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::operator= (ThreadPolicy_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::operator const ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::operator ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::ThreadPolicy_out (ThreadPolicy_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::ThreadPolicy_out (ThreadPolicy_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::ThreadPolicy_out (const ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ThreadPolicy_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ThreadPolicy_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::operator= (ThreadPolicy_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::operator ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ThreadPolicy_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::LifespanPolicy_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (LifespanPolicy::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::LifespanPolicy_var (const ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (LifespanPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::~LifespanPolicy_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::operator= (LifespanPolicy_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::operator const ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::operator ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::LifespanPolicy_out (LifespanPolicy_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::LifespanPolicy_out (LifespanPolicy_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::LifespanPolicy_out (const ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (LifespanPolicy_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (LifespanPolicy_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::operator= (LifespanPolicy_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::operator ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::IdUniquenessPolicy_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (IdUniquenessPolicy::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::IdUniquenessPolicy_var (const ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (IdUniquenessPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::~IdUniquenessPolicy_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::operator= (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::operator const ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::operator ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::IdUniquenessPolicy_out (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::IdUniquenessPolicy_out (IdUniquenessPolicy_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::IdUniquenessPolicy_out (const ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (IdUniquenessPolicy_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (IdUniquenessPolicy_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::operator= (IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::operator ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicy_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::IdAssignmentPolicy_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (IdAssignmentPolicy::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::IdAssignmentPolicy_var (const ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::~IdAssignmentPolicy_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::operator= (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::operator const ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::operator ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::IdAssignmentPolicy_out (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::IdAssignmentPolicy_out (IdAssignmentPolicy_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::IdAssignmentPolicy_out (const ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (IdAssignmentPolicy_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (IdAssignmentPolicy_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::operator= (IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::operator ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (ImplicitActivationPolicy::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var (const ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (ImplicitActivationPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::~ImplicitActivationPolicy_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::operator= (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::operator const ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::operator ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out (ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out (const ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ImplicitActivationPolicy_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::operator= (ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::operator ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicy_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::ServantRetentionPolicy_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (ServantRetentionPolicy::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::ServantRetentionPolicy_var (const ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (ServantRetentionPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::~ServantRetentionPolicy_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::operator= (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::operator const ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::operator ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::ServantRetentionPolicy_out (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::ServantRetentionPolicy_out (ServantRetentionPolicy_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::ServantRetentionPolicy_out (const ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ServantRetentionPolicy_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ServantRetentionPolicy_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::operator= (ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::operator ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::RequestProcessingPolicy_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (RequestProcessingPolicy::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::RequestProcessingPolicy_var (const ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (RequestProcessingPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::~RequestProcessingPolicy_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::operator= (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var &
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::operator const ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::operator ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::RequestProcessingPolicy_out (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::RequestProcessingPolicy_out (RequestProcessingPolicy_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_nil ();
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::RequestProcessingPolicy_out (const ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (RequestProcessingPolicy_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (RequestProcessingPolicy_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out &
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::operator= (RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::operator ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr &
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_ptr
-PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POAManager::AdapterInactive
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::POAManager_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::POAManager_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (POAManager::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::POAManager_var (const ::PortableServer::POAManager_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (POAManager::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::~POAManager_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAManager_var &
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::operator= (POAManager_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAManager_var &
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POAManager_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::POAManager::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::operator const ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::operator ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr &
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr &
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::POAManager::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr
-PortableServer::POAManager_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::POAManager::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::POAManager_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::POAManager_out (POAManager_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::POAManager::_nil ();
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::POAManager_out (POAManager_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::POAManager::_nil ();
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::POAManager_out (const ::PortableServer::POAManager_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (POAManager_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_out &
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POAManager_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (POAManager_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAManager_out &
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::POAManager_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::POAManager::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::POAManager_out &
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::operator= (POAManager_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::operator ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr &
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::POAManager_ptr
-PortableServer::POAManager_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::AdapterActivator_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (AdapterActivator::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::AdapterActivator_var (const ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (AdapterActivator::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::~AdapterActivator_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var &
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::operator= (AdapterActivator_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var &
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::operator const ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::operator ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr &
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr &
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::AdapterActivator_out (AdapterActivator_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_nil ();
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::AdapterActivator_out (AdapterActivator_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_nil ();
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::AdapterActivator_out (const ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (AdapterActivator_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out &
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (AdapterActivator_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out &
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out &
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::operator= (AdapterActivator_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::operator ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr &
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::AdapterActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::AdapterActivator_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ServantManager_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::ServantManager_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (ServantManager::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::ServantManager_var (const ::PortableServer::ServantManager_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (ServantManager::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::~ServantManager_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantManager_var &
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::operator= (ServantManager_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantManager_var &
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantManager_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantManager::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::operator const ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::operator ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantManager::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantManager_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantManager::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ServantManager_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::ServantManager_out (ServantManager_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantManager::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::ServantManager_out (ServantManager_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantManager::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::ServantManager_out (const ::PortableServer::ServantManager_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ServantManager_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_out &
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantManager_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ServantManager_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantManager_out &
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantManager_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantManager::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantManager_out &
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::operator= (ServantManager_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::operator ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantManager_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantManager_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ServantActivator_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::ServantActivator_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (ServantActivator::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::ServantActivator_var (const ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (ServantActivator::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::~ServantActivator_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantActivator_var &
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::operator= (ServantActivator_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantActivator_var &
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantActivator::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::operator const ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::operator ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantActivator::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantActivator::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ServantActivator_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::ServantActivator_out (ServantActivator_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantActivator::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::ServantActivator_out (ServantActivator_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantActivator::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::ServantActivator_out (const ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ServantActivator_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_out &
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ServantActivator_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantActivator_out &
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantActivator::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantActivator_out &
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::operator= (ServantActivator_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::operator ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantActivator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantActivator_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ServantLocator_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::ServantLocator_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (ServantLocator::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::ServantLocator_var (const ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (ServantLocator::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::~ServantLocator_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantLocator_var &
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::operator= (ServantLocator_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantLocator_var &
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantLocator::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::operator const ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::operator ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantLocator::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantLocator::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::ServantLocator_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::ServantLocator_out (ServantLocator_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantLocator::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::ServantLocator_out (ServantLocator_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantLocator::_nil ();
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::ServantLocator_out (const ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (ServantLocator_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_out &
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (ServantLocator_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantLocator_out &
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::ServantLocator::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::ServantLocator_out &
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::operator= (ServantLocator_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::operator ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr &
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::ServantLocator_ptr
-PortableServer::ServantLocator_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::AdapterNonExistent
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::NoServant
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::ObjectAlreadyActive
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::ObjectNotActive
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::ServantAlreadyActive
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::ServantNotActive
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::WrongAdapter
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for exception PortableServer::Current::NoContext
-// *************************************************************
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::Current_var
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::Current_var::Current_var (void) // default constructor
- : ptr_ (Current::_nil ())
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_ptr
-PortableServer::Current_var::ptr (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::Current_var::Current_var (const ::PortableServer::Current_var &p) // copy constructor
- : TAO_Base_var (),
- ptr_ (Current::_duplicate (p.ptr ()))
-PortableServer::Current_var::~Current_var (void) // destructor
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::Current_var &
-PortableServer::Current_var::operator= (Current_ptr p)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::Current_var &
-PortableServer::Current_var::operator= (const ::PortableServer::Current_var &p)
- if (this != &p)
- {
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::Current::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- }
- return *this;
-PortableServer::Current_var::operator const ::PortableServer::Current_ptr &() const // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-PortableServer::Current_var::operator ::PortableServer::Current_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_ptr
-PortableServer::Current_var::operator-> (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_ptr
-PortableServer::Current_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_ptr &
-PortableServer::Current_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_ptr &
-PortableServer::Current_var::out (void)
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::Current::_nil ();
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_ptr
-PortableServer::Current_var::_retn (void)
- // yield ownership of managed obj reference
- ::PortableServer::Current_ptr val = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::Current::_nil ();
- return val;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-// *************************************************************
-// Inline operations for class PortableServer::Current_out
-// *************************************************************
-PortableServer::Current_out::Current_out (Current_ptr &p)
- : ptr_ (p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::Current::_nil ();
-PortableServer::Current_out::Current_out (Current_var &p) // constructor from _var
- : ptr_ (p.out ())
- CORBA::release (this->ptr_);
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::Current::_nil ();
-PortableServer::Current_out::Current_out (const ::PortableServer::Current_out &p) // copy constructor
- : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (Current_out &, p).ptr_)
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_out &
-PortableServer::Current_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::Current_out &p)
- this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (Current_out&, p).ptr_;
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::Current_out &
-PortableServer::Current_out::operator= (const ::PortableServer::Current_var &p)
- this->ptr_ = ::PortableServer::Current::_duplicate (p.ptr ());
- return *this;
-ACE_INLINE PortableServer::Current_out &
-PortableServer::Current_out::operator= (Current_ptr p)
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-PortableServer::Current_out::operator ::PortableServer::Current_ptr &() // cast
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_ptr &
-PortableServer::Current_out::ptr (void) // ptr
- return this->ptr_;
-ACE_INLINE ::PortableServer::Current_ptr
-PortableServer::Current_out::operator-> (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-#endif /* end #if !defined */
-operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const PortableServer::POA_ptr
- );
-operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr &
- );
-#if !defined _TAO_CDR_OP_PortableServer_ObjectId_I_
-#define _TAO_CDR_OP_PortableServer_ObjectId_I_
-CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator<< (
- TAO_OutputCDR &,
- const PortableServer::ObjectId &
- );
-CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator>> (
- TAO_InputCDR &,
- PortableServer::ObjectId &
- );
-#endif /* _TAO_CDR_OP_PortableServer_ObjectId_I_ */
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const PortableServer::ForwardRequest &_tao_aggregate)
- // first marshal the repository ID
- if (strm << _tao_aggregate._id ())
- {
- // now marshal the members (if any)
- if (
- (strm << ())
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm,PortableServer::ForwardRequest &_tao_aggregate)
- // now marshal the members
- if (
- (strm >> _tao_aggregate.forward_reference.out ())
- )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const PortableServer::ForwardRequest &_tao_aggregate)
- CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc = _tao_aggregate._type ();
- if (tc)
- {
- os << tc->name () << " (";
- }
- os << _tao_aggregate._id ();
- if (tc)
- {
- os << ")";
- }
- return os;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_CORBA == 0 */
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval);
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, PortableServer::ThreadPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp;
- if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp))
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong));
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval);
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, PortableServer::LifespanPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp;
- if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp))
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong));
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval);
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, PortableServer::IdUniquenessPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp;
- if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp))
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong));
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval);
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp;
- if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp))
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong));
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval);
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, PortableServer::ImplicitActivationPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp;
- if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp))
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong));
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval);
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp;
- if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp))
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong));
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval);
-ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicyValue &_tao_enumval)
- CORBA::ULong _tao_temp;
- if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp))
- {
- ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong));
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-#endif /* TAO_HAS_MINIMUM_POA == 0 */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.cpp b/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d40a97a33b0..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "tao/Servant_Base.h"
-#include "tao/Timeprobe.h"
-#include "tao/Operation_Table.h"
-#include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
-#include "tao/POA.h"
-#include "tao/Stub.h"
-#include "tao/Environment.h"
-#include "tao/Server_Request.h"
-ACE_RCSID(tao, Servant_Base, "$Id$")
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/Servant_Base.i"
-#endif /* ! __ACE_INLINE__ */
-static const char *TAO_Servant_Base_Timeprobe_Description[] =
- "Servant_Base::_find - start",
- "Servant_Base::_find - end"
-// Setup Timeprobes
-ACE_TIMEPROBE_EVENT_DESCRIPTIONS (TAO_Servant_Base_Timeprobe_Description,
-TAO_ServantBase::TAO_ServantBase (void)
- : optable_ (0),
- single_threaded_poa_lock_ (0),
- single_threaded_poa_lock_count_ (0)
-TAO_ServantBase::TAO_ServantBase (const TAO_ServantBase &rhs)
- : optable_ (rhs.optable_),
- single_threaded_poa_lock_ (0),
- single_threaded_poa_lock_count_ (0)
-TAO_ServantBase &
-TAO_ServantBase::operator= (const TAO_ServantBase &rhs)
- this->optable_ = rhs.optable_;
- return *this;
-TAO_ServantBase::~TAO_ServantBase (void)
-TAO_ServantBase::_default_POA (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- return TAO_ORB_Core_instance ()->root_poa_reference (ACE_TRY_ENV);
-TAO_ServantBase::_add_ref (CORBA::Environment &)
-TAO_ServantBase::_remove_ref (CORBA::Environment &)
-TAO_ServantBase::_is_a (const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- const char *id = CORBA::_tc_Object->id (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (logical_type_id, id) == 0)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-TAO_ServantBase::_non_existent (CORBA::Environment &)
- return 0;
-TAO_ServantBase::_find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton& skelfunc,
- const unsigned int length)
- return optable_->find (opname, skelfunc, length);
-TAO_ServantBase::_bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr)
- return optable_->bind (opname, skel_ptr);
-TAO_Stub *
-TAO_ServantBase::_create_stub (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Stub *stub = 0;
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *poa_current_impl =
- TAO_TSS_RESOURCES::instance ()->poa_current_impl_;
- CORBA::ORB_ptr servant_orb = 0;
- if (poa_current_impl != 0 &&
- this == poa_current_impl->servant ())
- {
- servant_orb = poa_current_impl->orb_core ().orb () ;
- CORBA::PolicyList_var client_exposed_policies =
- poa_current_impl->poa ()->client_exposed_policies (poa_current_impl->priority (),
- stub = servant_orb->create_stub_object (poa_current_impl->object_key (),
- this->_interface_repository_id (),
- client_exposed_policies._retn (),
- poa_current_impl->poa (),
- }
- else
- {
- PortableServer::POA_var poa = this->_default_POA (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- CORBA::Object_var object = poa->servant_to_reference (this, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Get the stub object
- stub = object->_stubobj ();
- // Increment the reference count since <object> will zap its
- // stub object on deletion.
- stub->_incr_refcnt ();
- servant_orb = stub->orb_core ()->orb ();
- }
- stub->servant_orb (servant_orb);
- return stub;
-TAO_ServantBase::_single_threaded_poa_lock (void)
- return *this->single_threaded_poa_lock_;
-TAO_ServantBase::_increment_single_threaded_poa_lock_count (void)
- // Only one thread at a time through this code (guarantee provided
- // by the POA).
- u_long current_count = this->single_threaded_poa_lock_count_++;
- if (current_count == 0)
- {
- ACE_NEW (this->single_threaded_poa_lock_,
- }
-TAO_ServantBase::_decrement_single_threaded_poa_lock_count (void)
- // Only one thread at a time through this code (guarantee provided
- // by the POA).
- u_long current_count = --this->single_threaded_poa_lock_count_;
- if (current_count == 0)
- {
- delete this->single_threaded_poa_lock_;
- this->single_threaded_poa_lock_ = 0;
- }
-void TAO_ServantBase::synchronous_upcall_dispatch(CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *context,
- void *derived_this,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- TAO_Skeleton skel;
- const char *opname = req.operation();
- // It seems that I might have missed s/g here. What if
- // it is a one way that is SYNC_WITH_SERVER.
- // Add the following line to handle this reply send as well.
- // Handle the one ways that are SYNC_WITH_SERVER
- if (req.sync_with_server ())
- {
- req.send_no_exception_reply ();
- }
- // Fetch the skeleton for this operation
- if (this->_find(opname,skel,req.operation_length()) == -1)
- {
- }
- {
- // Invoke the skeleton, it will demarshal the arguments,
- // invoke the right operation on the skeleton class (<derived_this>).
- // and marshal any results
- skel (req, derived_this, context, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // It is our job to send the already marshaled reply, but only
- // send if it is expected and it has not already been sent
- // We send the reply only if it is NOT a SYNC_WITH_SERVER, a
- // response is expected and if the reply is not deferred.
- if ((!req.sync_with_server () &&
- req.response_expected () &&
- !req.deferred_reply ()))
- {
- req.tao_send_reply();
- }
- }
- ACE_CATCH(CORBA::Exception,ex)
- {
- // If an exception was raised we should marshal it and send
- // the appropriate reply to the client
- req.tao_send_reply_exception(ex);
- }
- return;
-TAO_RefCountServantBase::~TAO_RefCountServantBase (void)
-TAO_RefCountServantBase::_add_ref (CORBA::Environment &)
- ++this->ref_count_;
-TAO_RefCountServantBase::_remove_ref (CORBA::Environment &)
- CORBA::ULong new_count = --this->ref_count_;
- if (new_count == 0)
- {
- delete this;
- }
-TAO_RefCountServantBase::TAO_RefCountServantBase (void)
- : ref_count_ (1)
-TAO_RefCountServantBase::TAO_RefCountServantBase (const TAO_RefCountServantBase &)
- : ref_count_ (1)
-TAO_RefCountServantBase &
-TAO_RefCountServantBase::operator= (const TAO_RefCountServantBase &)
- return *this;
-TAO_ServantBase_var::TAO_ServantBase_var (void)
- : ptr_ (0)
-TAO_ServantBase_var::TAO_ServantBase_var (TAO_ServantBase *p)
- : ptr_ (p)
-TAO_ServantBase_var::TAO_ServantBase_var (const TAO_ServantBase_var &b)
- : ptr_ (b.ptr_)
- if (this->ptr_ != 0)
- this->ptr_->_add_ref ();
-TAO_ServantBase_var::~TAO_ServantBase_var (void)
- if (this->ptr_ != 0)
- this->ptr_->_remove_ref ();
-TAO_ServantBase_var &
-TAO_ServantBase_var::operator= (TAO_ServantBase *p)
- if (this->ptr_ != 0)
- this->ptr_->_remove_ref ();
- this->ptr_ = p;
- return *this;
-TAO_ServantBase_var &
-TAO_ServantBase_var::operator= (const TAO_ServantBase_var &b)
- if (this->ptr_ != b.ptr_)
- {
- if (this->ptr_ != 0)
- this->ptr_->_remove_ref ();
- if ((this->ptr_ = b.ptr_) != 0)
- this->ptr_->_add_ref ();
- }
- return *this;
-TAO_ServantBase *
-TAO_ServantBase_var::operator->() const
- return this->ptr_;
-TAO_ServantBase *
-TAO_ServantBase_var::in (void) const
- return this->ptr_;
-TAO_ServantBase *&
-TAO_ServantBase_var::inout (void)
- return this->ptr_;
-TAO_ServantBase *&
-TAO_ServantBase_var::out (void)
- if (this->ptr_ != 0)
- this->ptr_->_remove_ref();
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return this->ptr_;
-TAO_ServantBase *
-TAO_ServantBase_var::_retn (void)
- TAO_ServantBase *retval = this->ptr_;
- this->ptr_ = 0;
- return retval;
-TAO_Local_ServantBase::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &,
- void *,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-TAO_DynamicImplementation::_this (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // The _this() function returns a CORBA::Object_ptr for the target
- // object. Unlike _this() for static skeletons, its return type is
- // not interface-specific because a DSI servant may very well
- // incarnate multiple CORBA objects of different types.
- TAO_Stub *stub = this->_create_stub (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA::Object::_nil ());
- // Create a object
- return new CORBA::Object (stub, this, 1);
-const char *
-TAO_DynamicImplementation::_interface_repository_id (void) const
- // This should never be called
- return 0;
-void *
-TAO_DynamicImplementation::_downcast (const char *repository_id)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (repository_id);
- // Don't know enough to do better
- return this;
-TAO_Stub *
-TAO_DynamicImplementation::_create_stub (CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- // If DynamicImplementation::_this() is invoked outside of the
- // context of a request invocation on a target object being served
- // by the DSI servant, it raises the PortableServer::WrongPolicy
- // exception.
- TAO_POA_Current_Impl *poa_current_impl =
- TAO_TSS_RESOURCES::instance ()->poa_current_impl_;
- if (poa_current_impl == 0 ||
- this != poa_current_impl->servant ())
- {
- ACE_THROW_RETURN (PortableServer::POA::WrongPolicy (),
- 0);
- }
- PortableServer::POA_var poa = poa_current_impl->get_POA (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- CORBA::RepositoryId interface = this->_primary_interface (poa_current_impl->object_id (),
- (),
- CORBA::PolicyList_var client_exposed_policies =
- poa_current_impl->poa ()->client_exposed_policies (poa_current_impl->priority (),
- return poa_current_impl->poa ()->orb_core ().orb ()->create_stub_object (poa_current_impl->object_key (),
- interface,
- client_exposed_policies._retn (),
- poa_current_impl->poa (),
-TAO_DynamicImplementation::_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &request,
- void *context,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (context);
- // Delegate to user
- this->invoke (&request, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (request.response_expected ())
- {
- request.init_reply (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- request.dsi_marshal (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- {
- if ((!request.sync_with_server() && request.response_expected()))
- {
- request.tao_send_reply();
- }
- }
- ACE_CATCH(CORBA::Exception,ex)
- {
- request.tao_send_reply_exception(ex);
- }
-template class ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, long>;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, long>
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.h b/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d380313c1c..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// Servant_Base.h
-// = AUTHOR
-// Irfan Pyarali
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/corbafwd.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "tao/PortableServerC.h"
-class TAO_Operation_Table;
-class TAO_Export TAO_ServantBase
- // = TITLE
- // Base class for skeletons and servants.
- //
- // The POA spec requires that all servants inherit from this
- // class.
- friend class TAO_POA;
- friend class TAO_Object_Adapter;
- friend class CORBA_Object;
- friend class TAO_Local_ServantBase;
- virtual ~TAO_ServantBase (void);
- // Destructor.
- virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Returns the default POA for this servant.
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _is_a (const char* logical_type_id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Local implementation of the CORBA::Object::_is_a method.
- virtual CORBA::Boolean _non_existent (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Default <_non_existent>: always returns false.
- // = Reference counting hooks: no-ops by default.
- virtual void _add_ref (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- virtual void _remove_ref (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- virtual void *_downcast (const char *repository_id) = 0;
- // Get the correct vtable.
- virtual TAO_Stub *_create_stub (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // This is an auxiliar method for _this() and _narrow().
- TAO_ServantBase (void);
- // Default constructor, only derived classes can be created.
- TAO_ServantBase (const TAO_ServantBase &);
- // Copy constructor, protected so no instances can be created.
- TAO_ServantBase &operator= (const TAO_ServantBase &);
- // assignment operator.
- virtual void _dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &request,
- void *context,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()) = 0;
- // Dispatches a request to the object: find the operation, cast the
- // type to the most derived type, demarshall all the parameters from
- // the request and finally invokes the operation, storing the
- // results and out parameters (if any) or the exceptions thrown into
- // <request>.
- virtual void synchronous_upcall_dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &req,
- void *context,
- void *derived_this,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- virtual int _find (const char *opname,
- TAO_Skeleton &skelfunc,
- const unsigned int length = 0);
- // Find an operation in the operation table.
- virtual int _bind (const char *opname,
- const TAO_Skeleton skel_ptr);
- // Register a CORBA IDL operation name.
- virtual const char *_interface_repository_id (void) const = 0;
- // Get this interface's repository id (TAO specific).
- // = Should be protected/private, but a nested class needs it.
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX &_single_threaded_poa_lock (void);
- // Access to the single threaded poa lock.
- void _increment_single_threaded_poa_lock_count (void);
- // New single threaded POA wants to use this lock.
- void _decrement_single_threaded_poa_lock_count (void);
- // Single threaded POA is no longer interested in this lock.
- TAO_Operation_Table *optable_;
- // The operation table for this servant, it is initialized by the
- // most derived class.
- ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX *single_threaded_poa_lock_;
- // Lock for single threaded POAs.
- u_long single_threaded_poa_lock_count_;
- // Reference count for lock.
-class TAO_Export TAO_RefCountServantBase : public virtual TAO_ServantBase
- // = TITLE
- // Reference counting mix-in class.
- //
- // The RefCountServantBase mix-in class overrides the inherited
- // _add_ref and _remove_ref functions it inherits from
- // ServantBase, implementing them to provide true reference
- // counting. An instance of a servant class derived from
- // RefCountServantBase initially has a reference count of
- // one. Invoking _add_ref on the servant instance increases its
- // reference count by one. Invoking _remove_ref on the servant
- // instance decreases its reference count by one; if the
- // resulting reference count equals zero, _remove_ref invokes
- // delete on its this pointer in order to destroy the
- // servant. For ORBs that operate in multi-threaded
- // environments, the implementations of _add_ref and _remove_ref
- // that the RefCountServantBase class provides shall be
- // thread-safe.
- //
- // Like ServantBase, RefCountServantBase supports copy
- // construction and the default assignment operation. Copy
- // construction always sets the reference count of the new
- // servant instance to one. The default assignment
- // implementation merely returns *this and does not affect the
- // reference count.
- ~TAO_RefCountServantBase (void);
- // Destructor.
- virtual void _add_ref (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Increase reference count by one.
- virtual void _remove_ref (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Decreases reference count by one; if the resulting reference
- // count equals zero, _remove_ref invokes delete on its this pointer
- // in order to destroy the servant.
- TAO_RefCountServantBase (void);
- // Constructor: initial reference count is one.
- TAO_RefCountServantBase (const TAO_RefCountServantBase &);
- // Copy Constructor: Always sets the reference count of the new
- // servant instance to one.
- TAO_RefCountServantBase &operator= (const TAO_RefCountServantBase &);
- // The default assignment implementation merely returns *this and
- // does not affect the reference count.
- ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, long> ref_count_;
- // Reference counter.
-class TAO_Export TAO_ServantBase_var
- // = TITLE
- // Auto pointer for reference counting servants.
- //
- // For the convenience of automatically managing servant
- // reference counts, the PortableServer namespace also provides
- // the ServantBase_var class. This class behaves similarly to
- // _var classes for object references (see Section 20.3.1).
- TAO_ServantBase_var (void);
- TAO_ServantBase_var (TAO_ServantBase *p);
- TAO_ServantBase_var (const TAO_ServantBase_var &b);
- ~TAO_ServantBase_var (void);
- TAO_ServantBase_var &operator= (TAO_ServantBase *p);
- TAO_ServantBase_var &operator= (const TAO_ServantBase_var &b);
- TAO_ServantBase *operator-> () const;
- TAO_ServantBase *in (void) const;
- TAO_ServantBase *&inout (void);
- TAO_ServantBase *&out (void);
- TAO_ServantBase *_retn (void);
- TAO_ServantBase *ptr_;
-class TAO_Export TAO_Servant_Hash
- u_long operator () (PortableServer::Servant servant) const;
- // Returns hash value.
-class TAO_Export TAO_Local_ServantBase : public virtual TAO_ServantBase
- // = TITLE
- // Base class for local servants.
- //
- // This servant does not register with the POA and does not
- // produce a valid stub, i.e., object references of this servant
- // cannot be exported. The (collocated) stubs of these servants
- // will always be direct, i.e., call directly to the servant and
- // don't call through the POA since this servant is not
- // registered with the POA.
- //
- TAO_Stub *_create_stub (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // This is an auxiliar method for _this(). Make sure *not* to
- // register with the default POA.
- void _dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &request,
- void *context,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Throws CORBA::BAD_OPERATION exception.
-class TAO_Export TAO_DynamicImplementation : public virtual TAO_ServantBase
- // = TITLE
- // Base class for DSI.
- //
- // It is expected that the <invoke> and <_primary_interface>
- // methods will be only invoked by the POA in the context of
- // serving a CORBA request. Invoking this method in other
- // circumstances may lead to unpredictable results.
- virtual void invoke (CORBA::ServerRequest_ptr request,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()) = 0;
- // The invoke() method receives requests issued to any CORBA object
- // incarnated by the DSI servant and performs the processing
- // necessary to execute the request.
- virtual CORBA::RepositoryId _primary_interface (const PortableServer::ObjectId &oid,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ()) = 0;
- // The _primary_interface() method receives an ObjectId value and a
- // POA_ptr as input parameters and returns a valid RepositoryId
- // representing the most-derived interface for that oid.
- CORBA::Object_ptr _this (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Returns a CORBA::Object_ptr for the target object.
- virtual const char *_interface_repository_id (void) const;
- // Return 0. Should never be used.
- virtual void *_downcast (const char *repository_id);
- // Simply returns "this"
- virtual TAO_Stub *_create_stub (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // This is an auxiliar method for _this() and _narrow().
- virtual void _dispatch (CORBA::ServerRequest &request,
- void *context,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Turns around and calls invoke.
-#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-# include "tao/Servant_Base.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_SERVANT_BASE_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.i b/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 3955c3d256a..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/Servant_Base.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-ACE_INLINE u_long
-TAO_Servant_Hash::operator () (PortableServer::Servant servant) const
- return u_long (servant);
-TAO_Local_ServantBase::_create_stub (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
-#if 0
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var invalid_oid =
- PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId ("invalid");
- TAO_ObjectKey tmp_key (invalid_oid->length (),
- invalid_oid->length (),
- invalid_oid->get_buffer (),
- 0);
- // It is ok to use TAO_ORB_Core_instance here since the locality
- // constrained servant does not really register with a POA or get
- // exported remotely.
- //
- // The correct thing to do is to probably use ORB of the default
- // POA. The unfortunate part is that calling default_POA() requires
- // the creation of a local stub, hence causing a infinite loop.
- return TAO_ORB_Core_instance ()->orb ()->create_stub_object (tmp_key,
- this->_interface_repository_id (),
- return 0;
diff --git a/TAO/tao/TAO.cpp b/TAO/tao/TAO.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 634e339d8a8..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// tao
-// TAO.cpp
-// = AUTHOR
-// Sumedh Mungee <>
-// ============================================================================
-#include "tao/TAO.h"
-#include "tao/Environment.h"
-ACE_RCSID(tao, TAO, "$Id$")
-// constructor
-TAO_ORB_Manager::TAO_ORB_Manager (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager)
- : orb_ (orb),
- poa_ (poa),
- poa_manager_ (poa_manager)
-TAO_ORB_Manager::init (int &argc,
- char **argv,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- return this->init (argc,
- argv,
- 0,
-TAO_ORB_Manager::init (int &argc,
- char **argv,
- const char *orb_name,
- CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- this->orb_ = CORBA::ORB_init (argc,
- argv,
- orb_name,
- }
- if (CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- // Get the POA from the ORB.
- CORBA::Object_var poa_object =
- this->orb_->resolve_initial_references (TAO_OBJID_ROOTPOA,
- if (CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- ACE_TEXT (" (%P|%t) Unable to initialize the POA.\n")),
- -1);
- // Get the POA object.
- this->poa_ =
- PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( (),
- }
- if (CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- // Get the POA_Manager.
- this->poa_manager_ =
- this->poa_->the_POAManager (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- return 0;
-TAO_ORB_Manager::init_child_poa (int& argc,
- char **argv,
- const char *poa_name,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- return this->init_child_poa (argc,
- argv,
- poa_name,
- 0,
-TAO_ORB_Manager::init_child_poa (int& argc,
- char **argv,
- const char *poa_name,
- const char *orb_name,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- int init_result;
- // check to see if root poa has to be created.
- init_result = this->init (argc,
- argv,
- orb_name,
- if (init_result == -1)
- ACE_TEXT (" (%P|%t) Error in init.\n")),
- -1);
- // Create the default policies - user-supplied ID, and persistent
- // objects.
- CORBA::PolicyList policies (2);
- policies.length (2);
- // Id Assignment policy
- policies[0] =
- this->poa_->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID,
- // Lifespan policy
- policies[1] =
- this->poa_->create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::PERSISTENT,
- // We use a different POA, otherwise the user would have to change
- // the object key each time it invokes the server.
- this->child_poa_ =
- this->poa_->create_POA (poa_name,
- this-> (),
- policies,
- // Warning! If create_POA fails, then the policies won't be
- // destroyed and there will be hell to pay in memory leaks!
- // Creation of the new POAs over, so destroy the Policy_ptr's.
- for (CORBA::ULong i = 0;
- i < policies.length ();
- ++i)
- {
- CORBA::Policy_ptr policy = policies[i];
- policy->destroy (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- }
- return 0;
-// Activate POA manager.
-TAO_ORB_Manager::activate_poa_manager (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->poa_manager_->activate (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- return 0;
-// Activate servant in the POA.
-char *
-TAO_ORB_Manager::activate (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var id =
- this->poa_->activate_object (servant,
- CORBA::Object_var obj =
- this->poa_->id_to_reference ( (),
- CORBA::String_var str =
- this->orb_->object_to_string ( (),
- return str._retn ();
-TAO_ORB_Manager::deactivate (const char *id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- CORBA::Object_var object =
- this->orb_->string_to_object (id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var object_id =
- this->poa_->reference_to_id ( (),
- this->poa_->deactivate_object ( (),
-// Activate the object with the object_name under the child POA.
-char *
-TAO_ORB_Manager::activate_under_child_poa (const char* object_name,
- PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA_Environment& ACE_TRY_ENV)
- if (object_name == 0)
- ACE_TEXT ("\n(%P|%t) TAO_ORB_Manager::register: ")
- ACE_TEXT ("object_name is null!")),
- 0);
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var id =
- PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId (object_name);
- this->child_poa_->activate_object_with_id ( (),
- servant,
- CORBA::Object_var obj =
- this->child_poa_->id_to_reference ( (),
- char * str =
- this->orb_->object_to_string ( (),
- return str;
-TAO_ORB_Manager::deactivate_under_child_poa (const char *id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- CORBA::Object_var object =
- this->orb_->string_to_object (id,
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var object_id =
- this->child_poa_->reference_to_id ( (),
- this->child_poa_->deactivate_object ( (),
-// Enter the ORB event loop.
-TAO_ORB_Manager::run (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV,
- ACE_Time_Value *tv)
- this->poa_manager_->activate (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int status = this->orb_->run (tv, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (status == -1)
- ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) TAO_ORB_Manager %p\n"),
- ACE_TEXT ("run")),
- -1);
- return 0;
-TAO_ORB_Manager::run (ACE_Time_Value &tv,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->poa_manager_->activate (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int status = this->orb_->run (tv, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (status == -1)
- ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) TAO_ORB_Manager %p\n"),
- ACE_TEXT ("run")),
- -1);
- return 0;
-TAO_ORB_Manager::fini (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->poa_->destroy (1, 1, ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->poa_ = 0;
- this->orb_->destroy (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- this->orb_ = 0;
- return 0;
-TAO_ORB_Manager::run (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV)
- this->poa_manager_->activate (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- int status = this->orb_->run (ACE_TRY_ENV);
- if (status == -1)
- ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) TAO_ORB_Manager %p\n"),
- ACE_TEXT ("run")),
- -1);
- return 0;
-// Return the corba orb reference.
-TAO_ORB_Manager::orb (void)
- return CORBA_ORB::_duplicate (this-> ());
-// Return the root POA reference
-TAO_ORB_Manager::root_poa (void)
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this-> ());
-// Return the child POA reference
-TAO_ORB_Manager::child_poa (void)
- return PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (this-> ());
-TAO_ORB_Manager::poa_manager (void)
- return PortableServer::POAManager::_duplicate (this-> ());
-// Destructor.
-TAO_ORB_Manager::~TAO_ORB_Manager (void)
- {
- if (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- this->poa_->destroy (1,
- 1,
- }
- }
- {
- // ignore any exceptions..
- }
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index 173e02c7689..00000000000
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-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// tao
-// TAO.h
-// Externally visible TAO extensions.
-// = AUTHOR
-// Chris Cleeland
-// ============================================================================
-#ifndef TAO_H
-#define TAO_H
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/corbafwd.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "tao/PortableServerC.h"
-#include "tao/ORB.h"
-class TAO_Export TAO_ORB_Manager
- // = TITLE
- // Helper class for simple ORB/POA initialization and
- // registering servants with the POA.
- //
- // This class is a TAO extension that makes it easier to write
- // CORBA applications. It's just a wrapper and doesn't do
- // anything special within the ORB itself.
- // = Initialization and termination methods.
- TAO_ORB_Manager (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb = 0,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa = 0,
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager = 0);
- // Constructor.
- int init (int &argc,
- char *argv[],
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Initialize the ORB/root POA, using the supplied command line
- // arguments or the default ORB components. Returns -1 on failure.
- int init (int &argc,
- char *argv[],
- const char *orb_name,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Initialize the ORB/root POA, using the supplied command line
- // arguments or the default ORB components. Returns -1 on failure.
- int init_child_poa (int &argc,
- char *argv[],
- const char *poa_name,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ());
- // Creates a child poa under the root poa with PERSISTENT and
- // USER_ID policies. Call this if you want a <child_poa> with the
- // above policies, otherwise call init. Returns -1 on failure.
- int init_child_poa (int &argc,
- char *argv[],
- const char *poa_name,
- const char *orb_name,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ());
- // Creates a child poa under the root poa with PERSISTENT and
- // USER_ID policies. Call this if you want a <child_poa> with the
- // above policies, otherwise call init. Returns -1 on failure.
- int fini (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV);
- // Shut down the <ORB_Manager>.
- ~TAO_ORB_Manager (void);
- // Destructor.
- // = Accessor methods.
- int activate_poa_manager (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ());
- // Put POA manager into the <Active> state, so that incoming corba
- // requests are processed. This method is useful for clients,
- // which are not going to enter "orb->run" loop, yet may want to
- // service incoming requests while waiting for a result of CORBA
- // call on a server. Returns -1 on failure.
- char *activate (PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ());
- // Activate <servant>, using the POA <activate_object> call. Users
- // can call this method multiple times to activate multiple objects.
- // Returns 0 on failure.
- void deactivate (const char *id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ());
- // Deactivate object in RootPOA.
- char *activate_under_child_poa (const char *servant_name,
- PortableServer::Servant servant,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ());
- // Precondition: init_child_poa has been called. Activate <servant>
- // using the POA <activate_object_with_id> created from the string
- // servant_name. Users should call this to activate objects under
- // the child_poa.
- void deactivate_under_child_poa (const char *id,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV =
- TAO_default_environment ());
- // Deactivate object in child POA.
- int run (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV,
- ACE_Time_Value *tv);
- int run (ACE_Time_Value &tv,
- CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- int run (CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV = TAO_default_environment ());
- // Run the ORB event loop with the specified <tv> time value Returns
- // -1 on failure.
- CORBA::ORB_ptr orb (void);
- // Accessor which returns the ORB pointer. Following the normal
- // CORBA memory management rules of return values from functions,
- // this function duplicates the orb return value before returning
- // it.
- PortableServer::POA_ptr root_poa (void);
- // Accessor which returns the root poa. Following the normal CORBA
- // memory management rules of return values from functions, this
- // function duplicates the poa return value before returning it.
- PortableServer::POA_ptr child_poa (void);
- // Accessor which returns the child poa. Following the normal CORBA
- // memory management rules of return values from functions, this
- // function duplicates the poa return value before returning it.
- PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager (void);
- // Accessor which returns the poa manager. Following the normal
- // CORBA memory management rules of return values from functions,
- // this function duplicates the poa manager return value before
- // returning it.
- CORBA::ORB_var orb_;
- // The ORB.
- PortableServer::POA_var poa_;
- // The POA for this ORB.
- PortableServer::POA_var child_poa_;
- // Child poa under the root POA.
- PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager_;
- // The POA manager of poa_.
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/factories.h b/TAO/tao/factories.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9d5a0001f..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/factories.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-
-// ============================================================================
-// TAO
-// factories.h
-// = AUTHOR
-// Chris Cleeland
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-#if 0
-# include "ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-# include "ace/SOCK_Connector.h"
-# include "ace/Strategies_T.h"
-# include "ace/Connector.h"
-# include "ace/Synch.h"
-# include "tao/params.h"
-# include "tao/connect.h"
-# include "tao/objtable.h"
-class TAO_Client_Connection_Handler : public ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
- // = TITLE
- // <Svc_Handler> used on the client side and returned
- // by the <TAO_Client_Factory::CONNECTOR>.
- TAO_Client_Connection_Handler (ACE_Thread_Manager* = 0);
- // Do-nothing constructor
- virtual int open (void*);
- // Initialization hook
- void in_use (CORBA::Boolean);
- // Set the in-use flag.
- CORBA::Boolean in_use (void);
- // Return state of the in-use flag.
- CORBA::Boolean in_use_;
- // True value indicates that something is using this handler.
-class TAO_Client_Factory
- // = TITLE
- // Abstract factory used by the client to turn out various
- // strategies used on the client side.
- typedef ACE_Strategy_Connector<TAO_Client_Connection_Handler, ACE_SOCK_CONNECTOR>
- typedef ACE_NOOP_Creation_Strategy<TAO_Client_Connection_Handler>
- typedef ACE_Cached_Connect_Strategy<TAO_Client_Connection_Handler,
- CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY *concurrency_strategy (void);
- CONNECTOR *connector (void);
- // Return a pointer to a connector using appropriate strategies.
- TAO_Client_Factory (void);
- ~TAO_Client_Factory (void);
- CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY *concurrency_strategy_;
- CONNECTOR connector_;
- NULL_CREATION_STRATEGY null_creation_strategy_;
- CACHED_CONNECT_STRATEGY caching_connect_strategy_;
-class TAO_Server_Factory
- // = TITLE
- // Abstract factory used by the server side to turn out various
- // strategies of special utility to it.
- typedef ACE_Creation_Strategy<TAO_OA_Connection_Handler> CREATION_STRATEGY;
- typedef ACE_Accept_Strategy<TAO_OA_Connection_Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR> ACCEPT_STRATEGY;
- typedef ACE_Concurrency_Strategy<TAO_OA_Connection_Handler> CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY;
- typedef ACE_Scheduling_Strategy<TAO_OA_Connection_Handler> SCHEDULING_STRATEGY;
- CREATION_STRATEGY *creation_strategy (void);
- // return concrete creation strategy
- ACCEPT_STRATEGY *accept_strategy (void);
- // return concrete acceptor strategy
- CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY *concurrency_strategy (void);
- // return the concurrency strategy used
- SCHEDULING_STRATEGY *scheduling_strategy (void);
- // return the scheduling strategy used
- TAO_Object_Table *object_lookup_strategy (void);
- // return the concrete object lookup strategy
- TAO_Server_Factory (void);
- // constructor
- // = COMMON
- ACE_Thread_Strategy<TAO_OA_Connection_Handler> threaded_strategy_;
- // The threaded strategy used for passively establishing connections.
- ACE_Reactive_Strategy<TAO_OA_Connection_Handler> reactive_strategy_;
- // A strategy for passively establishing connections which utilizes the Reactor.
- // = SERVER
- CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY *concurrency_strategy_;
- // concrete concurrency strategy
- TAO_Object_Table *objtable_;
- // instance of object table
-#if 0
- // Someday we'll need these!
- CREATION_STRATEGY *creation_strategy_;
- ACCEPT_STRATEGY *accept_strategy_;
- SCHEDULING_STRATEGY *scheduling_strategy_;
-#endif /* TAO_FACTORIES_H */
diff --git a/TAO/tao/poa_macros.h b/TAO/tao/poa_macros.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2b325646e..00000000000
--- a/TAO/tao/poa_macros.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/pre.h"
-#include "tao/try_macros.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
- monitor, \
- this->lock (), \
- monitor, \
- this->lock (), \
-#define TAO_POA_GUARD \
- TAO_POA_Guard poa_guard (*this, ACE_TRY_ENV); \
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (poa_guard); \
- TAO_POA_Guard poa_guard (*this, ACE_TRY_ENV); \
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (poa_guard); \
-#include "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* TAO_POA_MACROS_H */
diff --git a/ace/Timer_Queue.i b/ace/Timer_Queue.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e4324e61e..00000000000
--- a/ace/Timer_Queue.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-template <class TYPE, class FUNCTOR> ACE_INLINE void
-ACE_Timer_Queue_T<TYPE, FUNCTOR>::timer_skew (const ACE_Time_Value &skew)
- timer_skew_ = skew;
-template <class TYPE, class FUNCTOR> ACE_INLINE const ACE_Time_Value &
-ACE_Timer_Queue_T<TYPE, FUNCTOR>::timer_skew (void) const
- return timer_skew_;
-template <class TYPE, class FUNCTOR> ACE_INLINE int
-ACE_Timer_Queue_T<TYPE, FUNCTOR>::expire (void)
- if (!this->is_empty ())
- return this->expire (this->gettimeofday () + timer_skew_);
- else
- return 0;
diff --git a/apps/Gateway/Gateway/Concurrency_Strategies.h b/apps/Gateway/Gateway/Concurrency_Strategies.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e59a4b2e6..00000000000
--- a/apps/Gateway/Gateway/Concurrency_Strategies.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// apps
-// Concurrency_strategies.h
-// = AUTHOR
-// Doug Schmidt
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-// The following typedefs are used in order to parameterize the
-// synchronization policies without changing the source code!
-// If we don't have threads then use the single-threaded synchronization.
-#if !defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-typedef ACE_Null_Mutex MAP_MUTEX;
-#else /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-// Note that we only need to make the ACE_Task thread-safe if we are
-// using the multi-threaded Thr_Consumer_Proxy...
-#if defined (USE_OUTPUT_MT)
-#endif /* USE_OUTPUT_MT || USE_INPUT_MT */
-// Note that we only need to make the ACE_Map_Manager thread-safe if
-// we are using the multi-threaded Thr_Supplier_Proxy. In this
-// case, we use an RW_Mutex since we'll lookup Consumers far more
-// often than we'll update them.
-#if defined (USE_INPUT_MT)
-typedef ACE_RW_Mutex MAP_MUTEX;
-typedef ACE_Null_Mutex MAP_MUTEX;
-#endif /* USE_INPUT_MT */
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-// = Forward decls
-class Thr_Consumer_Proxy;
-class Thr_Supplier_Proxy;
-class Consumer_Proxy;
-class Supplier_Proxy;
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) && (defined (USE_OUTPUT_MT) || defined (USE_INPUT_MT))
-#if defined (USE_OUTPUT_MT)
-typedef Thr_Consumer_Proxy CONSUMER_PROXY;
-typedef Consumer_Proxy CONSUMER_PROXY;
-#endif /* USE_OUTPUT_MT */
-#if defined (USE_INPUT_MT)
-typedef Thr_Supplier_Proxy SUPPLIER_PROXY;
-typedef Supplier_Proxy SUPPLIER_PROXY;
-#endif /* USE_INPUT_MT */
-// Instantiate a non-multi-threaded Gateway.
-typedef Supplier_Proxy SUPPLIER_PROXY;
-typedef Consumer_Proxy CONSUMER_PROXY;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/apps/Gateway/Gateway/Peer_Message.h b/apps/Gateway/Gateway/Peer_Message.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9e65650095..00000000000
--- a/apps/Gateway/Gateway/Peer_Message.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// apps
-// Peer_Message.h
-// = AUTHOR
-// Doug Schmidt
-// ============================================================================
-#if !defined (PEER_MESSAGE)
-// This is the unique connection identifier that denotes a particular
-// Channel in the Gateway.
-typedef short CONN_ID;
-class Peer_Addr
- // = TITLE
- // Peer address is used to identify the source/destination of a
- // routing message.
- Peer_Addr (CONN_ID cid = -1, u_char lid = 0, u_char pay = 0)
- : conn_id_ (cid), logical_id_ (lid), payload_ (pay) {}
- int operator== (const Peer_Addr &pa) const
- {
- return this->conn_id_ == pa.conn_id_
- && this->logical_id_ == pa.logical_id_
- && this->payload_ == pa.payload_;
- }
- CONN_ID conn_id_;
- // Unique connection identifier that denotes a particular Channel.
- u_char logical_id_;
- // Logical ID.
- u_char payload_;
- // Payload type.
-class Peer_Header
- // = TITLE
- // Fixed sized header.
- typedef u_short ROUTING_ID;
- // Type used to route messages from gatewayd.
- enum
- {
- INVALID_ID = -1 // No peer can validly use this number.
- };
- ROUTING_ID routing_id_;
- // Source ID.
- size_t len_;
- // Length of the message in bytes.
-class Peer_Message
- // = TITLE
- // Variable-sized message (buf_ may be variable-sized between
- // 0 and MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE).
- enum { MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 1024 };
- // The maximum size of an Peer message (see Peer protocol specs for
- // exact #).
- Peer_Header header_;
- // Message header.
- char buf_[MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
- // Message payload.
-#endif /* PEER_MESSAGE */
diff --git a/examples/Reactor/Misc/signal_tester.cpp b/examples/Reactor/Misc/signal_tester.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 37613f14f38..00000000000
--- a/examples/Reactor/Misc/signal_tester.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-// Perform an extensive test of the ACE_Reactor's event dispatching
-// $Id$
-// mechanisms. These mechanisms illustrate how signals, I/O, and
-// timeout events can all be handled within the same framework. In
-// addition, this example illustrates how to use the ACE_Reactor for
-// devices that perform I/O via signals (such as SVR4 message queues).
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-// Used to shut down the event loop.
-static sig_atomic_t done = 0;
-// This class illustrates how to handle signal-driven I/O using the
-// ACE_Reactor framework. Note that signals may be caught and
-// processed without requiring the use of global signal handler
-// functions or global signal handler data.
-class Sig_Handler : public ACE_Event_Handler
- Sig_Handler (void);
- virtual ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void) const;
- virtual int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE);
- virtual int shutdown (ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Reactor_Mask);
- virtual int handle_signal (ACE_HANDLE signum, siginfo_t * = 0,
- ucontext_t * = 0);
- ACE_HANDLE handle_;
-// A dummy_handle is required to reserve a slot in the ACE_Reactor's
-// descriptor table.
-Sig_Handler::Sig_Handler (void)
- // Assign the Sig_Handler a dummy I/O descriptor. Note that even
- // though we open this file "Write Only" we still need to use the
- // ACE_Event_Handler::NULL_MASK when registering this with the
- // ACE_Reactor (see below).
- this->handle_ = ACE_OS::open (ACE_DEV_NULL, O_WRONLY);
- ACE_ASSERT (this->handle_ != -1);
- // Register signal handler object. Note that NULL_MASK is used to
- // keep the ACE_Reactor from calling us back on the "/dev/null"
- // descriptor.
- if (ACE_Service_Config::reactor ()->register_handler
- (this, ACE_Event_Handler::NULL_MASK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n%a", "register_handler", 1));
- // Create a sigset_t corresponding to the signals we want to catch.
- ACE_Sig_Set sig_set;
- sig_set.sig_add (SIGINT);
- sig_set.sig_add (SIGQUIT);
- sig_set.sig_add (SIGALRM);
- // Register the signal handler object to catch the signals.
- if (ACE_Service_Config::reactor ()->register_handler (sig_set, this) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n%a", "register_handler", 1));
-// Called by the ACE_Reactor to extract the fd.
-Sig_Handler::get_handle (void) const
- return this->handle_;
-// In a real application, this method would be where the read on the
-// signal-driven I/O device would occur asynchronously. For now we'll
-// just print a greeting to let you know that everything is working
-// properly!
-Sig_Handler::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "handling asynchonrous input...\n"));
- return 0;
-// In a real application, this method would do any cleanup activities
-// required when shutting down the I/O device.
-Sig_Handler::shutdown (ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Reactor_Mask)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "closing down Sig_Handler...\n"));
- return 0;
-// This method handles all the signals that are being caught by this
-// object. In our simple example, we are simply catching SIGALRM,
-// SIGINT, and SIGQUIT. Anything else is logged and ignored.
-// There are several advantages to using this approach. First,
-// the behavior triggered by the signal is handled in the main event
-// loop, rather than in the signal handler. Second, the ACE_Reactor's
-// signal handling mechanism eliminates the need to use global signal
-// handler functions and data.
-Sig_Handler::handle_signal (int signum, siginfo_t *, ucontext_t *)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "received signal %S\n", signum));
- switch (signum)
- {
- case SIGALRM:
- // Rearm the alarm.
- ACE_OS::alarm (4);
- break;
- case SIGINT:
- // Tell the ACE_Reactor to enable the ready bit for
- // this->handle_. The ACE_Reactor will subsequently call the
- // Sig_Handler::handle_input method from within its event loop.
- return ACE_Service_Config::reactor ()->ready_ops
- (this->handle_, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK, ACE_Reactor::ADD_MASK);
- case SIGQUIT:
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%S: shutting down signal tester\n", signum));
- ACE_Service_Config::end_reactor_event_loop ();
- break;
- default:
- "%S: not handled, returning to program\n", signum));
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-// This class illustrates that the ACE_Reactor can handle signals,
-// STDIO, and timeouts using the same mechanisms.
-class STDIN_Handler : public ACE_Event_Handler
- STDIN_Handler (void);
- virtual int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE);
- virtual int handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &,
- const void *arg);
-STDIN_Handler::STDIN_Handler (void)
- if (ACE::register_stdin_handler (this,
- ACE_Service_Config::reactor (),
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "register_stdin_handler"));
- // Register the STDIN_Handler to be dispatched once every second.
- else if (ACE_Service_Config::reactor ()->schedule_timer
- (this, 0, ACE_Time_Value (1), ACE_Time_Value (1)) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n%a", "schedule_timer", 1));
-STDIN_Handler::handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &tv,
- const void *)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "timeout occurred at %d sec, %d usec\n",
- tv.sec (), tv.usec ()));
- return 0;
-// Read from input descriptor and write to stdout descriptor.
-STDIN_Handler::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE handle)
- ssize_t n;
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- switch (n = ACE_OS::read (handle, buf, sizeof buf))
- {
- case -1:
- if (errno == EINTR)
- return 0;
- else
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "read"));
- case 0:
- ACE_Service_Config::end_reactor_event_loop ();
- break;
- default:
- {
- ssize_t result = ACE::write_n (ACE_STDOUT, buf, n);
- if (result != n)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "write"),
- result == -1 && errno == EINTR ? 0 : -1);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_Service_Config daemon (argv [0]);
- // Signal handler.
- Sig_Handler sh;
- // Define an I/O handler object.
- STDIN_Handler ioh;
- // Optionally start the alarm.
- if (argc > 1)
- ACE_OS::alarm (4);
- // Loop handling signals and I/O events until SIGQUIT occurs.
- while (daemon.reactor_event_loop_done () == 0)
- daemon.run_reactor_event_loop ();
- return 0;
diff --git a/examples/Reactor/Misc/test_signals.cpp b/examples/Reactor/Misc/test_signals.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6493667de12..00000000000
--- a/examples/Reactor/Misc/test_signals.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-// Test the ability of the Reactor/Signal_Handler to register multiple
-// $Id$
-// handler per-signal.
-/* This test works as follows:
- 1. To test the "original" semantics of ACE (i.e., only one
- ACE_Event_Handler can be registered per signal), you don't
- need to do anything special. Existing programs work the
- same since giving the Reactor's constructor a 0 value
- (which is the default argument, BTW) instructs it to behave
- as before. When a 0 is given, the ACE_Reactor's
- constructor/open method creates an instance of
- ACE_Sig_Handler and assigns this to an internal pointer.
- This pointer is then used to dispatch all signal-related
- methods within the Reactor. The default ACE_Sig_Handler
- only allows *one* ACE_Event_Handler to be registered
- per-signal.
- To run this version of the test do the following:
- % ./test-signal
- ./test_signals
- waiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT
- ^C
- signal Interrupt occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (fruity, 0, 0) with count = 1
- waiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT
- ^\
- signal Quit occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (fruity, 0, 0) with count = 2
- shutting down SIGQUIT in Sig_Handler_2 (fruity, 0, 0)
- waiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT
- ^C
- signal Interrupt occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (fruity, 0, 0) with count = 3
- waiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT
- ^\Quit (core dumped)
- Note that in this test only one handler (the last one --
- "Sig_Handler_2 (fruity)") is actually registered. BTW, the
- core dump is the expected behavior since the default
- disposition is restored when there are no more handlers
- (see the code below).
- 2. To test the "multiple handlers per-signal semantics", you
- need to pass the constructor/open method of the ACE_Reactor
- a pointer to a an instance of ACE_Sig_Handlers (note the
- plural "s"). ACE_Sig_Handlers is a class that derives from
- ACE_Sig_Handler. The difference between these two classes
- is that (1) ACE_Sig_Handlers::register_signal allows
- multiple ACE_Event_Handlers to be registered per-signal and
- (2) it enables SA_RESTART by default. This class also
- implements Detlef Becker's algorithm for integrating ACE
- signal handling with 3rd party libraries.
- To run this version of the test do the following:
- % ./test_signals 1
- waiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT
- ^C
- signal Interrupt occurred in external handler!
- signal Interrupt occurred in Sig_Handler_1 (howdy, 3, 1) with count = 1
- shutting down SIGINT in Sig_Handler_1 (howdy, 3, 1)
- signal Interrupt occurred in Sig_Handler_1 (doody, 5, 4) with count = 1
- shutting down SIGINT in Sig_Handler_1 (doody, 5, 4)
- signal Interrupt occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (tutty, 7, 6) with count = 1
- signal Interrupt occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (fruity, 9, 8) with count = 1
- waiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT
- ^\
- signal Quit occurred in Sig_Handler_1 (howdy, 3, 1) with count = 2
- shutting down SIGQUIT in Sig_Handler_1 (howdy, 3, 1)
- signal Quit occurred in Sig_Handler_1 (doody, 5, 4) with count = 2
- shutting down SIGQUIT in Sig_Handler_1 (doody, 5, 4)
- signal Quit occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (tutty, 7, 6) with count = 2
- shutting down SIGQUIT in Sig_Handler_2 (tutty, 7, 6)
- signal Quit occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (fruity, 9, 8) with count = 2
- shutting down SIGQUIT in Sig_Handler_2 (fruity, 9, 8)
- waiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT
- ^C
- signal Interrupt occurred in external handler!
- signal Interrupt occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (tutty, 7, 6) with count = 3
- signal Interrupt occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (fruity, 9, 8) with count = 3
- waiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT
- ^\Quit (core dumped)
- When this test begins all four handlers are registered and
- dispatched when a SIGINT or SIGQUIT occurs. After the
- first SIGINT, the handle_signal method of the Sig_Handler_1
- objects unregister themselves. At that point there are 4
- SIGQUIT handlers left, but only 2 of our SIGINT handlers
- left (and the 1 external handler). After the first
- SIGQUIT, there are no SIGQUIT handlers left since they all
- deregister themselves (which restores the "SIG_DFL"
- disposition). On the second SIGINT there are only 3
- handlers left (2 of ours and 1 external). Finally, on the
- second SIGQUIT we exit and dump core since that's what
- happens with the default disposition for SIGQUIT. */
-#include "ace/Log_Msg.h"
-#include "ace/Reactor.h"
-class Sig_Handler_1 : public ACE_Event_Handler
- Sig_Handler_1 (ACE_Reactor &reactor, char *msg)
- : msg_ (msg),
- count_ (0),
- reactor_ (reactor)
- {
- // Register the signal handlers.
- this->quit_sigkey_ = reactor.register_handler (SIGQUIT, this);
- this->int_sigkey_ = reactor.register_handler (SIGINT, this);
- if (this->quit_sigkey_ == -1 || this->int_sigkey_ == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "register_handler"));
- }
- virtual int handle_signal (int signum, siginfo_t *, ucontext_t *)
- {
- this->count_++;
- "\nsignal %S occurred in Sig_Handler_1 (%s, %d, %d) with count = %d",
- signum, this->msg_, this->int_sigkey_, this->quit_sigkey_, this->count_));
- if (this->count_ != 1 && signum == SIGQUIT)
- {
- if (this->reactor_.remove_handler (SIGQUIT, 0, 0,
- this->quit_sigkey_) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "\n%p", "remove_handler"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nshutting down SIGQUIT in Sig_Handler_1 (%s, %d, %d)",
- this->msg_, this->int_sigkey_, this->quit_sigkey_));
- }
- else if (this->count_ != 2 && signum == SIGINT)
- {
- if (this->reactor_.remove_handler (SIGINT, 0, 0,
- this->int_sigkey_) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "\n%p", "remove_handler"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nshutting down SIGINT in Sig_Handler_1 (%s, %d, %d)",
- this->msg_, this->int_sigkey_, this->quit_sigkey_));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- char *msg_;
- int count_;
- int int_sigkey_;
- int quit_sigkey_;
- ACE_Reactor &reactor_;
-class Sig_Handler_2 : public Sig_Handler_1
- Sig_Handler_2 (ACE_Reactor &reactor, char *msg)
- : Sig_Handler_1 (reactor, msg)
- {
- }
- virtual int handle_signal (int signum, siginfo_t *, ucontext_t *)
- {
- this->count_++;
- "\nsignal %S occurred in Sig_Handler_2 (%s, %d, %d) with count = %d",
- signum, this->msg_, this->int_sigkey_, this->quit_sigkey_, this->count_));
- if (this->count_ != 0 && signum == SIGQUIT)
- {
- if (this->reactor_.remove_handler (SIGQUIT, 0, 0,
- this->quit_sigkey_) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "\n%p", "remove_handler"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nshutting down SIGQUIT in Sig_Handler_2 (%s, %d, %d)",
- this->msg_, this->int_sigkey_, this->quit_sigkey_));
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
-static void
-external_handler (int signum)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nsignal %S occurred in external handler!", signum));
-#if !defined (HPUX)
-main (int argc, char *argv)
- // If argc > 1 then allow multiple handlers per-signal, else just
- // allow 1 handler per-signal.
- ACE_Sig_Handlers multi_handlers;
- ACE_Reactor reactor (argc > 1 ? &multi_handlers: 0);
- if (argc > 1)
- {
- // Register an "external" signal handler so that the
- // ACE_Sig_Handlers code will have something to incorporate!
- ACE_SignalHandler eh = ACE_SignalHandler (external_handler);
- ACE_Sig_Action sa (eh);
- sa.register_action (SIGINT);
- }
- // Create a bevy of handlers.
- Sig_Handler_1 h1 (reactor, "howdy"), h2 (reactor, "doody");
- Sig_Handler_2 h3 (reactor, "tutty"), h4 (reactor, "fruity");
- // Wait for user to type SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
- for (;;)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nwaiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT\n"));
- reactor.handle_events ();
- }
- return 0;
-main (void)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "The HP C++ compiler is too lame to support this feature\n"), -1);
-#endif /* HPUX */
diff --git a/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Client.cpp b/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Client.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b7fe34725e7..00000000000
--- a/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Client.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "Semaphore_Test.h"
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/SV_Shared_Memory.h"
-#include "ace/SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"
-main (void)
- ACE_SV_Shared_Memory shm_client (SHM_KEY,
- ACE_SV_Shared_Memory::ACE_OPEN);
- ACE_SV_Semaphore_Simple sem (SEM_KEY_1,
- ACE_SV_Semaphore_Simple::ACE_OPEN, 0, 2);
- char *s = (char *) shm_client.get_segment_ptr ();
- if (sem.acquire (0) < 0)
- ACE_OS::perror ("client sem.acquire"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- while (*s != '\0')
- putchar (*s++);
- putchar ('\n');
- if (sem.release (1) < 0)
- ACE_OS::perror ("client sem.release"), ACE_OS::exit (1);
- return 0;
diff --git a/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Server.cpp b/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Server.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f9931705c26..00000000000
--- a/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Server.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/SV_Shared_Memory.h"
-#include "ace/SV_Semaphore_Simple.h"
-#include "ace/Signal.h"
-#include "Semaphore_Test.h"
-static ACE_SV_Shared_Memory shm_server (SHM_KEY, SHMSZ, ACE_SV_Shared_Memory::ACE_CREATE);
-static ACE_SV_Semaphore_Simple sem (SEM_KEY_1, ACE_SV_Semaphore_Simple::ACE_CREATE, 0, 2);
-extern "C" void
-cleanup (int)
- if (shm_server.remove () < 0 || sem.remove () < 0)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n%a", "remove", 1));
- ACE_OS::exit (0);
-main (void)
- // Register a signal handler.
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) cleanup, SIGINT);
- char *s = (char *) shm_server.get_segment_ptr ();
- for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
- *s++ = c;
- *s = '\0';
- if (sem.release (0) < 0)
- ESD ("server sem.release", done);
- if (sem.acquire (1) < 0)
- ESD ("server sem.acquire", done);
- cleanup ();
- return 0;
diff --git a/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Test.h b/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Test.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 72aab815ff8..00000000000
--- a/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphore_Test.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/Log_Msg.h"
-#define SHMSZ 27
-#define SEM_KEY_1 2345
-#define SEM_KEY_2 4321
-#define SHM_KEY 5678
-#define ESD(MSG,LABEL) do { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, MSG)); goto LABEL; } while (0)
diff --git a/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphores.cpp b/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphores.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e96ed0416..00000000000
--- a/examples/System_V_IPC/SV_Semaphores/Semaphores.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// Illustrates the use of the Semaphore_Complex class. Note that it
-// $Id$
-// doesn't matter whether the parent or the child creates the
-// semaphore since Semaphore_Complex will correctly serialize the
-// intialization of the mutex and synch objects.
-#include "ace/Malloc.h"
-#include "ace/SV_Semaphore_Complex.h"
-#include "Semaphore_Test.h"
-ACE_Malloc<ACE_Shared_Memory_Pool, ACE_SV_Semaphore_Simple> allocator;
-ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex *mutex = 0;
-ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex *synch = 0;
-/* Pointer to memory shared by both the client and server. */
-static char *shm;
-static int
-do_parent (void)
- char *s = shm;
- mutex = new ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex (SEM_KEY_1, ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex::ACE_CREATE, 0);
- synch = new ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex (SEM_KEY_2, ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex::ACE_CREATE, 0);
- for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
- *s++ = c;
- *s = '\0';
- if (mutex->release () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p", "server mutex.release"), 1);
- if (synch->acquire () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p", "server synch.acquire"), 1);
- return 0;
-static int
-do_child (void)
- mutex = new ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex (SEM_KEY_1, ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex::ACE_CREATE, 0);
- synch = new ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex (SEM_KEY_2, ACE_SV_Semaphore_Complex::ACE_CREATE, 0);
- while (mutex->tryacquire () == -1)
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "spinning in client!\n"));
- else
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "client mutex.tryacquire"), 1);
- for (char *s = (char *) shm; *s != '\0'; s++)
- putchar (*s);
- putchar ('\n');
- if (synch->release () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "client synch.release"), 1);
- return 0;
-main (void)
- shm = (char *) allocator.malloc (27);
- switch (ACE_OS::fork ())
- {
- case -1:
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "fork failed\n"), -1);
- case 0:
- return do_child ();
- default:
- {
- int result = do_parent ();
- if (wait (0) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "wait"), -1);
- allocator.remove ();
- if (mutex->remove () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "mutex.remove"), -1);
- else if (synch->remove () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "synch.remove"), -1);
- return result;
- }
- }
-template class ACE_Malloc<ACE_Shared_Memory_Pool, ACE_SV_Semaphore_Simple>;
-template class ACE_Malloc_T<ACE_Shared_Memory_Pool, ACE_SV_Semaphore_Simple, ACE_Control_Block>;
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_auto_event.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_auto_event.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f83d50db71..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_auto_event.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// This test shows the use of an ACE_Auto_Event as a signaling
-// mechanism. Two threads are created (one a reader, the other a
-// writer). The reader waits till the writer has completed
-// calculations. Upon waking up the reader prints the data calculated
-// by the writer. The writer thread calculates the value and signals
-// the reader when the calculation completes.
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Singleton.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-// Shared event between reader and writer. The ACE_Thread_Mutex is
-// necessary to make sure that only one ACE_Auto_Event is created.
-// The default constructor for ACE_Auto_Event sets it initially into
-// the non-signaled state.
-typedef ACE_Singleton <ACE_Auto_Event, ACE_Thread_Mutex> EVENT;
-// work time for writer
-static int work_time;
-// Reader thread.
-static void *
-reader (void *arg)
- // Shared data via a reference.
- int& data = *(int *) arg;
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
- // Wait for writer to complete.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) reader: waiting...... \n"));
- if (EVENT::instance ()->wait () == -1)
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "thread wait failed"));
- ACE_OS::exit (0);
- }
- // Read shared data.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) reader: value of data is: %d \n", data));
- return 0;
-// Writer thread.
-static void *
-writer (void *arg)
- int& data = *(int *) arg;
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
- // Calculate (work).
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) writer: working for %d secs\n", work_time));
- ACE_OS::sleep (work_time);
- // Write shared data.
- data = 42;
- // Wake up reader.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) writer: calculation complete, waking reader\n"));
- if (EVENT::instance ()->signal () == -1)
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "thread wait failed"));
- ACE_OS::exit (0);
- }
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // Shared data: set by writer, read by reader.
- int data;
- // Work time for writer.
- work_time = argc == 2 ? atoi (argv[1]) : 5;
- // threads manager
- ACE_Thread_Manager& tm = *ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ();
- // Create reader thread.
- if (tm.spawn (reader, (void *) &data) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "thread create for reader failed"), -1);
- // Create writer thread.
- if (tm.spawn (writer, (void *) &data) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "thread create for writer failed"), -1);
- // Wait for both.
- if (tm.wait () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "thread wait failed"), -1);
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_ERROR, "graceful exit\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_barrier1.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_barrier1.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b213819ca0..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_barrier1.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// This test program illustrates how the ACE barrier synchronization
-// $Id$
-// mechanisms work.
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-struct Tester_Args
- // = TITLE
- // These arguments are passed into each test thread.
- Tester_Args (ACE_Barrier &tb, int i)
- : tester_barrier_ (tb),
- n_iterations_ (i) {}
- ACE_Barrier &tester_barrier_;
- // Reference to the tester barrier. This controls each miteration of
- // the tester function running in every thread.
- int n_iterations_;
- // Number of iterations to run.
-// Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
-// for all other threads to complete this iteration.
-static void *
-tester (Tester_Args *args)
- // Keeps track of thread exit.
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
- for (int iterations = 1;
- iterations <= args->n_iterations_;
- iterations++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) in iteration %d\n", iterations));
- // Block until all other threads have waited, then continue.
- args->tester_barrier_.wait ();
- }
- return 0;
-// Default number of threads to spawn.
-static const int DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 5;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_Service_Config daemon (argv[0]);
- int n_threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : ACE_DEFAULT_THREADS;
- int n_iterations = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
- ACE_Barrier tester_barrier (n_threads);
- Tester_Args args (tester_barrier, n_iterations);
- if (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->spawn_n
- (n_threads, ACE_THR_FUNC (tester),
- (void *) &args, THR_NEW_LWP | THR_DETACHED) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "spawn_n"), 1);
- // Wait for all the threads to reach their exit point.
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) done\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_barrier2.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_barrier2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 30190ace443..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_barrier2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// generic_worker_task.cpp
-// This test program illustrates how the ACE task workers/barrier
-// synchronization mechanisms work in conjunction with the ACE_Task
-// and the ACE_Thread_Manager. The manual flag not set simulates
-// user input, if set input comes from stdin until RETURN only is
-// entered which stops all workers via a message block of length
-// 0. This is an alernative shutdown of workers compared to queue
-// deactivate. The delay_put flag simulates a delay between the
-// shutdown puts. All should work with this flag disabled! The
-// BARRIER_TYPE is supposed to enable/disable barrier sync on each svc
-// a worker has done.
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-#define BARRIER_TYPE ACE_Null_Barrier
-//#define BARRIER_TYPE ACE_Barrier
-//#ifdef delay_put
-//#define manual
-template <class BARRIER>
-class Worker_Task : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- Worker_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads,
- int inp_serialize = 1);
- virtual int Producer (void);
- // produce input for workers
- virtual int input (ACE_Message_Block *mb);
- // Fill one message block via a certain input strategy.
- virtual int output (ACE_Message_Block *mb);
- // Forward one message block via a certain output strategy to the
- // next task if any.
- virtual int service (ACE_Message_Block *mb, int iter);
- // Perform one message block dependant service.
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *mb, ACE_Time_Value *tv=0);
- virtual int svc (void);
- // Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
- // for all other threads to complete this iteration.
- // = Not needed for this test.
- virtual int open (void *) { return 0; }
- virtual int close (u_long) {ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) in close of worker\n")); return 0; }
- int nt_;
- // Number of worker threads to run.
- int inp_serialize_;
- BARRIER barrier_;
-template <class BARRIER>
-Worker_Task<BARRIER>::Worker_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads,
- int inp_serialize)
- : ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH> (thr_mgr),
- barrier_ (n_threads)
- nt_ = n_threads;
- // Create worker threads.
- inp_serialize_ = inp_serialize;
- // Use the task's message queue for serialization (default) or run
- // service in the context of the caller thread.
- if (nt_ > 0 && inp_serialize == 1)
- if (this->activate (THR_NEW_LWP, n_threads) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "activate failed"));
-// Simply enqueue the Message_Block into the end of the queue.
-template <class BARRIER> int
-Worker_Task<BARRIER>::put (ACE_Message_Block *mb, ACE_Time_Value *tv)
- int result;
- if (this->inp_serialize_)
- result = this->putq (mb, tv);
- else
- {
- static int iter = 0;
- result = this->service (mb, iter++);
- if (this->output (mb) < 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) output not connected!\n"));
- delete mb;
- }
- return result;
-template <class BARRIER> int
-Worker_Task<BARRIER>::service (ACE_Message_Block *mb, int iter)
- int length = mb->length ();
- if (length > 0)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) in iteration %d len=%d text got:\n",iter,length));
- ACE_OS::write (ACE_STDOUT, mb->rd_ptr (), length);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"\n"));
- }
- return 0;
-// Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
-// for all other threads to complete this iteration.
-template <class BARRIER> int
-Worker_Task<BARRIER>::svc (void)
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run () method automatically adds us
- // to the Thread_Manager when the thread begins.
- // Keep looping, reading a message out of the queue, until we get a
- // message with a length == 0, which signals us to quit.
- for (int iter = 1; ;iter++)
- {
- ACE_Message_Block *mb = 0;
- int result = this->getq (mb);
- if (result == -1)
- {
- "(%t) in iteration %d\n", "error waiting for message in iteration", iter));
- break;
- }
- int length = mb->length ();
- this->service (mb,iter);
- if (length == 0)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) in iteration %d got quit, exit!\n", iter));
- delete mb;
- break;
- }
- this->barrier_.wait ();
- this->output (mb);
- delete mb;
- }
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run () method automatically removes
- // us from the Thread_Manager when the thread exits.
- return 0;
-template <class BARRIER> int
-Worker_Task<BARRIER>::Producer (void)
- // Keep reading stdin, until we reach EOF.
- for (;;)
- {
- // Allocate a new message.
- ACE_Message_Block *mb = new ACE_Message_Block (BUFSIZ);
- if (this->input (mb) == -1)
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-template <class BARRIER>int
-Worker_Task<BARRIER>::output (ACE_Message_Block *mb)
- return this->put_next (mb);
-template <class BARRIER>int
-Worker_Task<BARRIER>::input (ACE_Message_Block *mb)
- ACE_Message_Block *mb1;
-#ifndef manual
- static int l= 0;
- char str[]="kalle";
- strcpy (mb->rd_ptr (),str);
- int n=strlen (str);
- if (l==1000)
- n=1;
- l++;
- if (l==0 || (l%100 == 0)) ACE_OS::sleep (5);
- if (n <= 1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) press chars and enter to put a new message into task queue ...\n"));
- if ((n = read (0, mb->rd_ptr (), mb->size ())) <= 1)
-#endif // manual
- {
- // Send a shutdown message to the waiting threads and exit.
- // cout << "\nvor loop, dump of task msg queue:\n" << endl;
- // this->msg_queue ()->dump ();
- for (int i=0;i<nt_;i++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) eof, sending block for thread=%d\n",i+1));
- mb1 = new ACE_Message_Block (2);
- mb1->length (0);
- if (this->put (mb1) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "put"));
-#ifdef delay_put
- ACE_OS::sleep (1); // this sleep helps to shutdown correctly -> was an error!
-#endif /* delay_put */
- }
- // cout << "\nnach loop, dump of task msg queue:\n" << endl;
- // this->msg_queue ()->dump ();
- return (-1);
- }
- else
- {
- // Send a normal message to the waiting threads and continue producing.
- mb->wr_ptr (n);
- if (this->put (mb) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "put"));
- }
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- int n_threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : ACE_DEFAULT_THREADS;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) worker threads running=%d\n",n_threads));
- Worker_Task<BARRIER_TYPE> *worker_task =
- new Worker_Task<BARRIER_TYPE> (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr (),
- /*n_threads*/ 0,0);
- worker_task->Producer ();
- // Wait for all the threads to reach their exit point.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) waiting with thread manager ...\n"));
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) delete worker task ...\n"));
- delete worker_task;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) done correct!\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_cancel.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_cancel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a9d12bea579..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_cancel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Test out the cooperative thread cancellation mechanisms provided by
-// $Id$
-// the ACE_Thread_Manager.
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-static void *
-worker (int iterations)
- for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
- {
- if ((i % 10) == 0
- && (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->testcancel (ACE_Thread::self ()) != 0))
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) has been cancelled before iteration!\n", i));
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static const int DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 100000;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_Service_Config daemon;
- (argv[0]);
- int n_threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : DEFAULT_THREADS;
- int n_iterations = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
- ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr = ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ();
- int grp_id = thr_mgr->spawn_n (n_threads, ACE_THR_FUNC (worker),
- (void *) n_iterations,
- // Wait for 2 seconds and then suspend every thread in the group.
- ACE_OS::sleep (2);
- thr_mgr->suspend_grp (grp_id);
- // Wait for 2 more seconds and then resume every thread in the
- // group.
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (2));
- thr_mgr->resume_grp (grp_id);
- // Wait for 2 more seconds and then send a SIGINT to every thread in
- // the group.
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (2));
- thr_mgr->kill_grp (grp_id, SIGINT);
- // Wait for 2 more seconds and then exit (which should kill all the
- // threads)!
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (2));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"), -1);
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_future1.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_future1.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 79cf0a42b36..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_future1.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// tests
-// Test_Future.cpp
-// This example tests the ACE Future.
-// = AUTHOR
-// Andres Kruse <> and Douglas C. Schmidt
-// <>
-// ============================================================================
-#include <math.h>
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Message_Queue.h"
-#include "ace/Future.h"
-#include "ace/Method_Object.h"
-#include "ace/Activation_Queue.h"
-#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-typedef ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, u_long> ATOMIC_INT;
-// a counter for the tasks..
-static ATOMIC_INT task_count (0);
-// a counter for the futures..
-static ATOMIC_INT future_count (0);
-static ATOMIC_INT future_no (0);
-// a counter for the capsules..
-static ATOMIC_INT capsule_count (0);
-static ATOMIC_INT capsule_no (0);
-// a counter for the method objects...
-static ATOMIC_INT methodobject_count (0);
-static ATOMIC_INT methodobject_no (0);
-class Scheduler : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- // = TITLE
- // Active Object Scheduler.
- friend class Method_ObjectWork;
- Scheduler (const char *, Scheduler * = 0);
- ~Scheduler (void);
- virtual int open (void *args = 0);
- virtual int close (u_long flags = 0);
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *mb, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0);
- virtual int svc (void);
- ACE_Future<float> work (float param, int count);
- ACE_Future<const char*> name (void);
- void end (void);
- float work_i (float, int);
- const char *name_i (void);
- char *name_;
- ACE_Activation_Queue activation_queue_;
- Scheduler *scheduler_;
-class Method_Object_work : public ACE_Method_Object
- // = TITLE
- // Reification of the <work> method.
- Method_Object_work (Scheduler *, float, int, ACE_Future<float> &);
- ~Method_Object_work (void);
- virtual int call (void);
- Scheduler *scheduler_;
- float param_;
- int count_;
- ACE_Future<float> future_result_;
-Method_Object_work::Method_Object_work (Scheduler* new_Scheduler,
- float new_param,
- int new_count,
- ACE_Future<float> &new_result)
- : scheduler_ (new_Scheduler),
- param_ (new_param),
- count_ (new_count),
- future_result_ (new_result)
- "(%t) Method_Object_work created\n"));
-Method_Object_work::~Method_Object_work (void)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Method_Object_work will be deleted.\n"));
-Method_Object_work::call (void)
- return this->future_result_.set (this->scheduler_->work_i (this->param_, this->count_));
-class Method_Object_name : public ACE_Method_Object
- // = TITLE
- // Reification of the <name> method.
- Method_Object_name (Scheduler *, ACE_Future<const char*> &);
- ~Method_Object_name (void);
- virtual int call (void);
- Scheduler *scheduler_;
- ACE_Future<const char*> future_result_;
-Method_Object_name::Method_Object_name (Scheduler *new_scheduler,
- ACE_Future<const char*> &new_result)
- : scheduler_ (new_scheduler),
- future_result_ (new_result)
- "(%t) Method_Object_name created\n"));
-Method_Object_name::~Method_Object_name (void)
- "(%t) Method_Object_name will be deleted.\n"));
-Method_Object_name::call (void)
- return future_result_.set (scheduler_->name_i ());
-class Method_Object_end : public ACE_Method_Object
- // = TITLE
- // Reification of the <end> method.
- Method_Object_end (Scheduler *new_Scheduler): scheduler_ (new_Scheduler) {}
- ~Method_Object_end (void) {}
- virtual int call (void) { this->scheduler_->close (); return -1; }
- Scheduler *scheduler_;
-// constructor
-Scheduler::Scheduler (const char *newname, Scheduler *new_Scheduler)
- ACE_NEW (this->name_, char[ACE_OS::strlen (newname) + 1]);
- ACE_OS::strcpy ((char *) this->name_, newname);
- this->scheduler_ = new_Scheduler;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Scheduler %s created\n", this->name_));
-// Destructor
-Scheduler::~Scheduler (void)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Scheduler %s will be destroyed\n", this->name_));
-// open
-Scheduler::open (void *)
- task_count++;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Scheduler %s open\n", this->name_));
- return this->activate (THR_BOUND);
-// close
-Scheduler::close (u_long)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Scheduler %s close\n", this->name_));
- task_count--;
- return 0;
-// put... ??
-Scheduler::put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *)
- return 0;
-// service..
-Scheduler::svc (void)
- for (;;)
- {
- // Dequeue the next method object (we use an auto pointer in
- // case an exception is thrown in the <call>).
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<ACE_Method_Object> mo (this->activation_queue_.dequeue ());
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) calling method object\n"));
- // Call it.
- if (mo->call () == -1)
- break;
- // Destructor automatically deletes it.
- }
- return 0;
-Scheduler::end (void)
- this->activation_queue_.enqueue (new Method_Object_end (this));
-// Here's where the Work takes place.
-Scheduler::work_i (float param,
- int count)
- float x = 0, y = 0;
- // @@ We should probably do something fun here, like compute the
- // Fibonacci sequence or something.
- for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
- {
- x = x + param;
- y = y + ::sin (x);
- }
- return y;
-const char *
-Scheduler::name_i (void)
- char *the_name;
- the_name = new char[ACE_OS::strlen (this->name_) + 1];
- ACE_OS::strcpy (the_name, this->name_);
- return the_name;
-ACE_Future<const char *>
-Scheduler::name (void)
- if (this->scheduler_)
- // Delegate to the Scheduler.
- return this->scheduler_->name ();
- else
- {
- ACE_Future<const char*> new_future;
- // @@ What happens if new fails here?
- this->activation_queue_.enqueue
- (new Method_Object_name (this, new_future));
- return new_future;
- }
-Scheduler::work (float newparam, int newcount)
- if (this->scheduler_) {
- return this->scheduler_->work (newparam, newcount);
- }
- else {
- ACE_Future<float> new_future;
- this->activation_queue_.enqueue
- (new Method_Object_work (this, newparam, newcount, new_future));
- return new_future;
- }
-// @@ These values should be set by the command line options!
-// Total number of iterations to <work>
-static int n_iterations = 50000;
-// Total number of loops.
-static int n_loops = 100;
-main (int, char *[])
- Scheduler *andres, *peter, *helmut, *matias;
- // Create active objects..
- // @@ Should "open" be subsumed within the constructor of
- // Scheduler()?
- andres = new Scheduler ("andres");
- andres->open ();
- peter = new Scheduler ("peter");
- peter->open ();
- helmut = new Scheduler ("helmut");
- helmut->open ();
- // Matias passes all asynchronous method calls on to Andres...
- matias = new Scheduler ("matias", andres);
- matias->open ();
- for (int i = 0; i < n_loops; i++)
- {
- {
- ACE_Future<float> fresulta, fresultb, fresultc, fresultd, fresulte;
- ACE_Future<const char*> fname;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) going to do a non-blocking call\n"));
- fresulta = andres->work (0.01, 100 + (n_iterations * (i % 2)));
- fresultb = peter->work (0.01, 100 + (n_iterations * (i % 2)));
- fresultc = helmut->work (0.01, 100 + (n_iterations * (i % 2)));
- fresultd = matias->work (0.02, 100 + (n_iterations * (i % 2)));
- fname = andres->name ();
- // see if the result is available...
- if (fresulta.ready ())
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) wow.. work is ready.....\n"));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) non-blocking call done... now blocking...\n"));
- // Save the result of fresulta.
- fresulte = fresulta;
- if (i % 3 == 0)
- {
- // Every 3rd time... disconnect the futures...
- // but "fresulte" should still contain the result...
- fresulta.cancel (10.0);
- fresultb.cancel (20.0);
- fresultc.cancel (30.0);
- fresultd.cancel (40.0);
- }
- float resulta = 0, resultb = 0, resultc = 0, resultd = 0, resulte = 0;
- fresulta.get (resulta);
- fresultb.get (resultb);
- fresultc.get (resultc);
- fresultd.get (resultd);
- fresulte.get (resulte);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result a %f\n", resulte));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result b %f\n", resulta));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result c %f\n", resultb));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result d %f\n", resultc));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result e %f\n", resultd));
- const char *name;
- fname.get (name);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) name %s\n", name));
- }
- "(%t) task_count %d future_count %d capsule_count %d methodobject_count %d\n",
- (u_long) task_count,
- (u_long) future_count,
- (u_long) capsule_count,
- (u_long) methodobject_count));
- }
- // Close things down.
- andres->end ();
- peter->end ();
- helmut->end ();
- matias->end ();
- ACE_OS::sleep (2);
- "(%t) task_count %d future_count %d capsule_count %d methodobject_count %d\n",
- (u_long) task_count,
- (u_long) future_count,
- (u_long) capsule_count,
- (u_long) methodobject_count));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) th' that's all folks!\n"));
- ACE_OS::sleep (5);
- return 0;
-template class ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, u_long>;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_future2.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_future2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 19431072202..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_future2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// tests
-// Test_Future.cpp
-// This example tests the ACE Future.
-// = AUTHOR
-// Andres Kruse <> and Douglas C. Schmidt
-// <>
-// Modification History
-// Aug. 96; A.Kruse; dev.
-// Aug. 96; D.Schmidt; complete workover
-// 08/27/96; A.Kruse; - the friends of Scheduler are "Method_Object_name"
-// and "Method_Object_work".
-// - make the methods "work_i" and "name_i" private
-// 09/2/96; D.Schmidt; Integrate with new ACE_Future API and rearrange
-// the tests so they are more modular.
-// ============================================================================
-#include <math.h>
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Message_Queue.h"
-#include "ace/Future.h"
-#include "ace/Method_Object.h"
-#include "ace/Activation_Queue.h"
-#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-typedef ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, u_long> ATOMIC_INT;
-// a counter for the tasks..
-static ATOMIC_INT scheduler_open_count (0);
-// forward declarations
-class Method_Object_work;
-class Method_Object_name;
-class Scheduler : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- // = TITLE
- // Active Object Scheduler.
- // Every method object has to be able to access the private methods.
- friend class Method_Object_work;
- friend class Method_Object_name;
- friend class Method_Object_end;
- Scheduler (const char *, Scheduler * = 0);
- ~Scheduler (void);
- virtual int open (void *args = 0);
- // The method that is used to start the active object.
- // = Here are the methods exported by the class. They return an
- // <ACE_Future>.
- ACE_Future<float> work (float param, int count);
- ACE_Future<char*> name (void);
- void end (void);
- virtual int close (u_long flags = 0);
- // Should not be accessible from outside... (use end () instead).
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value * = 0)
- { return 0; };
- // Doesn't have any use for this example.
- virtual int svc (void);
- // Here the actual servicing of all requests is happening..
- // = Implementation methods.
- float work_i (float, int);
- char *name_i (void);
- char *name_;
- ACE_Activation_Queue activation_queue_;
- Scheduler *scheduler_;
-class Method_Object_work : public ACE_Method_Object
- // = TITLE
- // Reification of the <work> method.
- Method_Object_work (Scheduler *, float, int, ACE_Future<float> &);
- ~Method_Object_work (void);
- virtual int call (void);
- Scheduler *scheduler_;
- float param_;
- int count_;
- ACE_Future<float> future_result_;
-Method_Object_work::Method_Object_work (Scheduler* new_Scheduler,
- float new_param,
- int new_count,
- ACE_Future<float> &new_result)
- : scheduler_ (new_Scheduler),
- param_ (new_param),
- count_ (new_count),
- future_result_ (new_result)
-Method_Object_work::~Method_Object_work (void)
-Method_Object_work::call (void)
- return this->future_result_.set (this->scheduler_->work_i (this->param_, this->count_));
-class Method_Object_name : public ACE_Method_Object
- // = TITLE
- // Reification of the <name> method.
- Method_Object_name (Scheduler *, ACE_Future<char*> &);
- ~Method_Object_name (void);
- virtual int call (void);
- Scheduler *scheduler_;
- ACE_Future<char*> future_result_;
-Method_Object_name::Method_Object_name (Scheduler *new_scheduler,
- ACE_Future<char*> &new_result)
- : scheduler_ (new_scheduler),
- future_result_ (new_result)
- " (%t) Method_Object_name created\n"));
-Method_Object_name::~Method_Object_name (void)
- " (%t) Method_Object_name will be deleted.\n"));
-Method_Object_name::call (void)
- return future_result_.set (scheduler_->name_i ());
-class Method_Object_end : public ACE_Method_Object
- // = TITLE
- // Reification of the <end> method.
- Method_Object_end (Scheduler *new_Scheduler): scheduler_ (new_Scheduler) {}
- ~Method_Object_end (void) {}
- virtual int call (void) { this->scheduler_->close (); return -1; }
- Scheduler *scheduler_;
-// constructor
-Scheduler::Scheduler (const char *newname, Scheduler *new_Scheduler)
- ACE_NEW (this->name_, char[ACE_OS::strlen (newname) + 1]);
- ACE_OS::strcpy ((char *) this->name_, newname);
- this->scheduler_ = new_Scheduler;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Scheduler %s created\n", this->name_));
-// Destructor
-Scheduler::~Scheduler (void)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Scheduler %s will be destroyed\n", this->name_));
-Scheduler::open (void *)
- scheduler_open_count++;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Scheduler %s open\n", this->name_));
- return this->activate (THR_BOUND);
-Scheduler::close (u_long)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Scheduler %s close\n", this->name_));
- scheduler_open_count--;
- return 0;
-Scheduler::svc (void)
- // Main event loop for this active object.
- for (;;)
- {
- // Dequeue the next method object (we use an auto pointer in
- // case an exception is thrown in the <call>).
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<ACE_Method_Object> mo (this->activation_queue_.dequeue ());
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) calling method object\n"));
- // Call it.
- if (mo->call () == -1)
- break;
- // Smart pointer destructor automatically deletes mo.
- }
- return 0;
-Scheduler::end (void)
- this->activation_queue_.enqueue (new Method_Object_end (this));
-// Here's where the Work takes place.
-Scheduler::work_i (float param,
- int count)
- float x = 0, y = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
- {
- x = x + param;
- y = y + ::sin (x);
- }
- return y;
-char *
-Scheduler::name_i (void)
- char *the_name;
- the_name = new char[ACE_OS::strlen (this->name_) + 1];
- ACE_OS::strcpy (the_name, this->name_);
- return the_name;
-ACE_Future<char *>
-Scheduler::name (void)
- if (this->scheduler_)
- // Delegate to the other scheduler
- return this->scheduler_->name ();
- else
- {
- ACE_Future<char*> new_future;
- if (this->thr_count () == 0)
- {
- // This scheduler is inactive... so we execute the user
- // request right away...
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<ACE_Method_Object> mo (new Method_Object_name (this, new_future));
- mo->call ();
- // Smart pointer destructor automatically deletes mo.
- }
- else
- // @@ What happens if new fails here?
- this->activation_queue_.enqueue
- (new Method_Object_name (this, new_future));
- return new_future;
- }
-Scheduler::work (float newparam, int newcount)
- if (this->scheduler_)
- return this->scheduler_->work (newparam, newcount);
- else
- {
- ACE_Future<float> new_future;
- if (this->thr_count () == 0)
- {
- ACE_Auto_Ptr<ACE_Method_Object> mo
- (new Method_Object_work (this, newparam, newcount, new_future));
- mo->call ();
- // Smart pointer destructor automatically deletes it.
- }
- else
- this->activation_queue_.enqueue
- (new Method_Object_work (this, newparam, newcount, new_future));
- return new_future;
- }
-static int
-determine_iterations (void)
- int n_iterations;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) determining the number of iterations...\n"));
- Scheduler *worker_a = new Scheduler ("worker A");
- ACE_Time_Value tstart (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());
- ACE_Time_Value tend (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());
- // Determine the number of iterations... we want so many that the
- // work () takes about 1 second...
- for (n_iterations = 1;
- (tend.sec () - tstart.sec ()) < 1;
- n_iterations *= 2)
- {
- tstart = ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
- worker_a->work (0.1, n_iterations);
- tend = ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) n_iterations %d\n",
- (u_long) n_iterations));
- worker_a->end ();
- // @@ Can we safely delete worker_a here?
- return n_iterations;
-static void
-test_active_object (int n_iterations)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) testing active object pattern...\n"));
- // A simple example for the use of the active object pattern and
- // futures to return values from an active object.
- Scheduler *worker_a = new Scheduler ("worker A");
- Scheduler *worker_b = new Scheduler ("worker B");
- // Have worker_c delegate his work to worker_a.
- Scheduler *worker_c = new Scheduler ("worker C", worker_a);
- // loop 0:
- // test the Schedulers when they are not active.
- // now the method objects will be created but since
- // there is no active thread they will also be
- // immediately executed, in the "main" thread.
- // loop 1:
- // do the same test but with the schedulers
- // activated
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- if (i == 1)
- {
- worker_a->open ();
- worker_b->open ();
- worker_c->open ();
- }
- ACE_Future<float> fresulta = worker_a->work (0.01, n_iterations);
- ACE_Future<float> fresultb = worker_b->work (0.02, n_iterations);
- ACE_Future<float> fresultc = worker_c->work (0.03, n_iterations);
- if (i == 0)
- {
- if (!fresulta.ready ())
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: worker A is should be ready!!!\n"));
- if (!fresultb.ready ())
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: worker B is should be ready!!!\n"));
- if (!fresultc.ready ())
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: worker C is should be ready!!!\n"));
- }
- // When the workers are active we will block here until the
- // results are available.
- float resulta = fresulta;
- float resultb = fresultb;
- float resultc = fresultc;
- ACE_Future<char *> fnamea = worker_a->name ();
- ACE_Future<char *> fnameb = worker_b->name ();
- ACE_Future<char *> fnamec = worker_c->name ();
- char *namea = fnamea;
- char *nameb = fnameb;
- char *namec = fnamec;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) result from %s %f\n",
- namea, resulta));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) result from %s %f\n",
- nameb, resultb));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) result from %s %f\n",
- namec, resultc));
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) scheduler_open_count %d before end ()\n",
- (u_long) scheduler_open_count));
- worker_a->end ();
- worker_b->end ();
- worker_c->end ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) scheduler_open_count %d immediately after end ()\n",
- (u_long) scheduler_open_count));
- ACE_OS::sleep (2);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) scheduler_open_count %d after waiting\n",
- (u_long) scheduler_open_count));
- // @@ Can we safely delete worker_a, worker_b, and worker_c?
-static void
-test_cancellation (int n_iterations)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) testing cancellation of a future...\n"));
- // Now test the cancelling a future.
- Scheduler *worker_a = new Scheduler ("worker A");
- worker_a->open ();
- ACE_Future<float> fresulta = worker_a->work (0.01, n_iterations);
- // save the result by copying the future
- ACE_Future<float> fresultb = fresulta;
- // now we cancel the first future.. but the
- // calculation will still go on...
- fresulta.cancel (10.0);
- if (!fresulta.ready ())
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: future A is should be ready!!!\n"));
- float resulta = fresulta;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) cancelled result %f\n", resulta));
- if (resulta != 10.0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) cancelled result should be 10.0!!\n", resulta));
- resulta = fresultb;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) true result %f\n", resulta));
- worker_a->end ();
- // @@ Can we safely delete worker_a here?
-static void
-test_timeout (int n_iterations)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) testing timeout on waiting for the result...\n"));
- Scheduler *worker_a = new Scheduler ("worker A");
- worker_a->open ();
- ACE_Future<float> fresulta = worker_a->work (0.01, 2 * n_iterations);
- // Should immediately return... and we should see an error...
- ACE_Time_Value *delay = new ACE_Time_Value (1);
- float resulta;
- fresulta.get (resulta, delay);
- if (fresulta.ready ())
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: future A is should not be ready!!!\n"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) timed out on future A\n"));
- // now we wait until we are done...
- fresulta.get (resulta);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) result %f\n", resulta));
- worker_a->end ();
- // @@ Can we safely delete worker_a here?
-main (int, char *[])
- int n_iterations = determine_iterations ();
- test_active_object (n_iterations);
- test_cancellation (n_iterations);
- test_timeout (n_iterations);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) that's all folks!\n"));
- ACE_OS::sleep (5);
- return 0;
-template class ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, u_long>;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_manual_event.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_manual_event.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 26d477fabc0..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_manual_event.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// The test shows the use of an ACE_Manual_Event to create a
-// $Id$
-// Pseudo_Barrier. Multiple threads are created which do the
-// following:
-// 1. work
-// 2. synch with other threads
-// 3. more work
-// ACE_Manual_Event is use to synch with other
-// threads. ACE_Manual_Event::signal() is used for broadcasting.
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-static ACE_Atomic_Op <ACE_Thread_Mutex, u_long> amount_of_work = (u_long) 0;
-class Pseudo_Barrier
- // = TITLE
- // A barrier class using ACE manual-reset events.
- //
- // This is *not* a real barrier.
- // Pseudo_Barrier is more like a ``one shot'' barrier.
- // All waiters after the Nth waiter are allowed to go.
- // The barrier does not reset after the Nth waiter.
- // For an example of a real barrier, please see class ACE_Barrier.
- Pseudo_Barrier (u_long count);
- int wait (void);
- ACE_Atomic_Op <ACE_Thread_Mutex, u_long> counter_;
- ACE_Manual_Event event_;
-Pseudo_Barrier::Pseudo_Barrier (u_long count)
- : counter_ (count)
-Pseudo_Barrier::wait (void)
- if (--this->counter_ == 0)
- return this->event_.signal ();
- else
- return this->event_.wait ();
-static void *
-worker (void *arg)
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
- Pseudo_Barrier &barrier = *(Pseudo_Barrier *) arg;
- // work
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) working (%d secs)\n", ++::amount_of_work));
- ACE_OS::sleep (::amount_of_work);
- // synch with everybody else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) waiting to synch with others \n"));
- barrier.wait ();
- // more work
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) more work (%d secs)\n", ++::amount_of_work));
- ACE_OS::sleep (amount_of_work);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) dying \n"));
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- int n_threads = argc == 2 ? atoi (argv[1]) : 5;
- ACE_Thread_Manager &tm = *ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ();
- // synch object shared by all threads
- Pseudo_Barrier barrier (n_threads);
- // create workers
- if (tm.spawn_n (n_threads, worker, &barrier) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "thread creates for worker failed"), -1);
- // wait for all workers to exit
- if (tm.wait () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "thread wait failed"), -1);
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_ERROR, "graceful exit\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_process_mutex.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_process_mutex.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb23c8b73be..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_process_mutex.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// This program tests ACE_Process_Mutexes. To run it, open 3 or 4
-// windows and run this program in each window...
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Signal.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-static sig_atomic_t done;
-extern "C" void
-handler (int)
- done = 1;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- char *name = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "hello";
- int iterations = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : 100;
- ACE_Process_Mutex pm (name);
- // Register a signal handler.
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) handler, SIGINT);
- for (int i = 0; i < iterations && !done; i++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = acquiring\n"));
- if (pm.acquire () == -1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = %p\n", "acquire failed"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = acquired\n"));
- ACE_OS::sleep (3);
- if (pm.release () == -1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = %p\n", "release failed"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = released\n"));
- if (pm.tryacquire () == -1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = %p\n", "tryacquire failed"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = tryacquire\n"));
- if (pm.release () == -1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = %p\n", "release failed"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = released\n"));
- }
- if (argc > 2)
- pm.remove ();
- return 0;
-main (void)
- "ACE doesn't support support threads on this platform (yet)\n"),
- -1);
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_process_semaphore.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_process_semaphore.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d7933897f8e..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_process_semaphore.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// This program tests ACE_Process_Semaphore. To run it, open 3 or 4
-// windows and run this program in each window...
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Signal.h"
-static sig_atomic_t done;
-extern "C" void
-handler (int)
- done = 1;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- char *name = argc == 1 ? "hello" : argv[1];
- ACE_Process_Semaphore pm (1, name);
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) handler, SIGINT);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100 && !done; i++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = acquiring\n"));
- if (pm.acquire () == -1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = %p\n", "acquire failed"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = acquired\n"));
- ACE_OS::sleep (3);
- if (pm.release () == -1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = %p\n", "release failed"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = released\n"));
- if (pm.tryacquire () == -1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = %p\n", "tryacquire failed"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = tryacquire\n"));
- if (pm.release () == -1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = %p\n", "release failed"));
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) = released\n"));
- }
- if (argc > 2)
- pm.remove ();
- return 0;
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_reader_writer.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_reader_writer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ef888133d83..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_reader_writer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// This test program verifies the functionality of the ACE_OS
-// $Id$
-// implementation of readers/writer locks on Win32 and Posix pthreads.
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Thread.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#include "ace/Get_Opt.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-// Default number of iterations.
-static size_t n_iterations = 1000;
-// Default number of loops.
-static size_t n_loops = 100;
-// Default number of readers.
-static size_t n_readers = 6;
-// Default number of writers.
-static size_t n_writers = 2;
-// Thread id of last writer.
-volatile static int shared_data;
-// Lock for shared_data.
-static ACE_RW_Mutex rw_mutex;
-// Count of the number of readers and writers.
-ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int> current_readers, current_writers;
-// Thread manager
-static ACE_Thread_Manager thr_mgr;
-// Explain usage and exit.
-static void
-print_usage_and_die (void)
- "usage: %n [-r n_readers] [-w n_writers] [-n iteration_count]\n"));
- ACE_OS::exit (1);
-// Parse the command-line arguments and set options.
-static void
-parse_args (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_Get_Opt get_opt (argc, argv, "r:w:n:l:");
- int c;
- while ((c = get_opt ()) != -1)
- switch (c)
- {
- case 'r':
- n_readers = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.optarg);
- break;
- case 'w':
- n_writers = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.optarg);
- break;
- case 'n':
- n_iterations = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.optarg);
- break;
- case 'l':
- n_loops = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.optarg);
- break;
- default:
- print_usage_and_die ();
- break;
- }
-// Iterate <n_iterations> each time checking that nobody modifies the data
-// while we have a read lock.
-static void *
-reader (void *)
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (&thr_mgr);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) reader starting\n"));
- for (int iterations = 1; iterations <= n_iterations; iterations++)
- {
- ACE_Read_Guard<ACE_RW_Mutex> g(rw_mutex);
- int n = ++current_readers;
- //ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) I'm reader number %d\n", n));
- if (current_writers > 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) writers found!!!\n"));
- int data = shared_data;
- for (int loop = 1; loop <= n_loops; loop++)
- {
- ACE_Thread::yield();
- if (shared_data != data)
- "(%t) somebody changed %d to %d\n",
- data, shared_data));
- }
- --current_readers;
- //ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) done with reading guarded data\n"));
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- }
- return 0;
-// Iterate <n_iterations> each time modifying the global data
-// and checking that nobody steps on it while we can write it.
-static void *
-writer (void *)
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (&thr_mgr);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) writer starting\n"));
- for (int iterations = 1; iterations <= n_iterations; iterations++)
- {
- ACE_Write_Guard<ACE_RW_Mutex> g(rw_mutex);
- ++current_writers;
- //ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) writing to guarded data\n"));
- if (current_writers > 1)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) other writers found!!!\n"));
- if (current_readers > 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) readers found!!!\n"));
- int self = (int) ACE_Thread::self ();
- shared_data = self;
- for (int loop = 1; loop <= n_loops; loop++)
- {
- ACE_Thread::yield();
- if (shared_data != self)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) somebody wrote on my data %d\n", shared_data));
- }
- --current_writers;
- //ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) done with guarded data\n"));
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- }
- return 0;
-// Spawn off threads.
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_LOG_MSG->open (argv[0]);
- parse_args (argc, argv);
- current_readers = 0; // Possibly already done
- current_writers = 0; // Possibly already done
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) main thread starting\n"));
- if (thr_mgr.spawn_n (n_readers, reader, 0, THR_NEW_LWP) == -1 ||
- thr_mgr.spawn_n (n_writers, writer, 0, THR_NEW_LWP) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "spawn_n"), 1);
- thr_mgr.wait ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) exiting main thread\n"));
- return 0;
-template class ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int>;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_recursive_mutex.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_recursive_mutex.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cc2892b2a8..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_recursive_mutex.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// This test program verifies the functionality of the ACE_OS
-// implementation of recursive mutexes on Win32 and Posix pthreads.
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Get_Opt.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-// Total number of iterations.
-static size_t n_iterations = 1000;
-static size_t n_threads = 4;
-// Explain usage and exit.
-static void
-print_usage_and_die (void)
- "usage: %n [-t n_threads] [-n iteration_count]\n"));
- ACE_OS::exit (1);
-// Parse the command-line arguments and set options.
-static void
-parse_args (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_Get_Opt get_opt (argc, argv, "n:t:");
- int c;
- while ((c = get_opt ()) != -1)
- switch (c)
- {
- case 'n':
- n_iterations = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.optarg);
- break;
- case 't':
- n_threads = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.optarg);
- break;
- default:
- print_usage_and_die ();
- break;
- }
-static void
-recursive_worker (size_t nesting_level,
- ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex *rm)
- if (nesting_level < n_iterations)
- {
- "(%P|%t) = trying to acquire, nesting = %d, thread id = %u\n",
- rm->get_nesting_level (), rm->get_thread_id ()));
- {
- // This illustrates the use of the ACE_Guard<LOCK> with an
- // ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex.
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, *rm);
- "(%P|%t) = acquired, nesting = %d, thread id = %u\n",
- rm->get_nesting_level (), rm->get_thread_id ()));
- recursive_worker (nesting_level + 1, rm);
- }
- "(%P|%t) = released, nesting = %d, thread id = %u\n",
- rm->get_nesting_level (), rm->get_thread_id ()));
- }
-static void *
-worker (void *arg)
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
- ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex *rm = (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex *) arg;
- recursive_worker (0, rm);
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_Service_Config daemon (argv[0]);
- parse_args (argc, argv);
- ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex rm;
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->spawn_n (n_threads,
- ACE_THR_FUNC (worker),
- (void *) &rm);
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- return 0;
-main (void)
- "ACE doesn't support support process mutexes on this platform (yet)\n"),
- -1);
-#endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_task.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_task.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cd7976d2bb..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_task.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// This test program illustrates how the ACE barrier synchronization
-// $Id$
-// mechanisms work in conjunction with the ACE_Task and the
-// ACE_Thread_Manager. It is instructive to compare this with the
-// test_barrier.cpp test to see how they differ.
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Log_Msg.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-class Barrier_Task : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- Barrier_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads,
- int n_iterations);
- virtual int svc (void);
- // Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
- // for all other threads to complete this iteration.
- ACE_Barrier barrier_;
- // Reference to the tester barrier. This controls each
- // iteration of the tester function running in every thread.
- int n_iterations_;
- // Number of iterations to run.
- // = Not needed for this test.
- virtual int open (void *) { return 0; }
- virtual int close (u_long) { return 0; }
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *) { return 0; }
-Barrier_Task::Barrier_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads,
- int n_iterations)
- : ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH> (thr_mgr),
- barrier_ (n_threads),
- n_iterations_ (n_iterations)
- // Create worker threads.
- if (this->activate (THR_NEW_LWP, n_threads) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "activate failed"));
-// Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
-// for all other threads to complete this iteration.
-Barrier_Task::svc (void)
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run() method automatically adds us to
- // the Thread_Manager when the thread begins.
- for (int iterations = 1;
- iterations <= this->n_iterations_;
- iterations++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) in iteration %d\n", iterations));
- // Block until all other threads have waited, then continue.
- this->barrier_.wait ();
- }
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run() method automatically removes us
- // from the Thread_Manager when the thread exits.
- return 0;
-// Default number of threads to spawn.
-static const int DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 5;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- int n_threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : ACE_DEFAULT_THREADS;
- int n_iterations = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
- Barrier_Task barrier_task (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr (),
- n_threads,
- n_iterations);
- // Wait for all the threads to reach their exit point.
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) done\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_task_four.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_task_four.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 64209cb3430..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_task_four.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// The following test was written by Hamutal Yanay & Ari Erev's
-// (
-// This test program test enhancements to the thread_manager and task
-// classes. The purpose of these enhancements was to allow the
-// thread_manager to recognize the concept of an ACE_Task and to be
-// able to group ACE_Tasks in groups.
-// There are two main ACE_Tasks in this sample:
-// Invoker_Task - is run from main (). It's purpose is to run a number of
-// ACE_Tasks of type Worker_Task. The number can be specified
-// on the command line.
-// After starting the tasks, the Invoker_Task groups all the tasks
-// in one group and then uses the
-// num_tasks_in_group () to find out if the real number of tasks
-// that are now running (should be the same as the number of tasks
-// started).
-// It also, suspends and resumes all the threads in the group to
-// test the suspend_grp () and resume_grp () methods.
-// Then it waits for all the tasks to end.
-// Worker_Task - ACE_Tasks that are started by the Invoker_Task.
-// Each Worker_Task can start a number of threads.
-// The Worker_Task threads perform some work (iteration). The number
-// of the iterations can be specified on the command line.
-// The command line syntax is:
-// test_task [num_tasks] [num_threads] [num_iterations]
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-class Invoker_Task : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- Invoker_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_tasks,
- int n_threads,
- int n_iterations);
- virtual int svc (void);
- // creats <n_tasks> and wait for them to finish
- int n_tasks_;
- // Number of tasks to start.
- int n_threads_;
- // Number of threads per task.
- int n_iterations_;
- // Number of iterations per thread.
- // = Not needed for this test.
- virtual int open (void *) { return 0; }
- virtual int close (u_long) { return 0; }
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *) { return 0; }
-class Worker_Task : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- Worker_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads,
- int n_iterations);
- virtual int svc (void);
- // Does a small work...
- virtual int open (void * = NULL);
- static int workers_count_;
- int index_;
- int n_threads_;
- int n_iterations_;
- // = Not needed for this test.
- virtual int close (u_long) { return 0; }
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *) { return 0; }
-int Worker_Task::workers_count_ = 1;
-Worker_Task::Worker_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads,
- int n_iterations)
- : n_threads_ (n_threads),
- n_iterations_ (n_iterations),
- ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH> (thr_mgr)
- index_ = workers_count_++;
-Worker_Task::open (void *)
- // Create worker threads.
- int rc = this->activate (THR_NEW_LWP, n_threads_, 0, 0, -1, this);
- if (rc == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "activate failed"));
- return rc;
-Worker_Task::svc (void)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) in worker %d\n", index_));
- for (int iterations = 1;
- iterations <= this->n_iterations_;
- iterations++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) in iteration %d\n", iterations));
- ACE_OS::sleep (0);
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) worker %d ends\n", index_));
- return 0;
-Invoker_Task::Invoker_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_tasks,
- int n_threads,
- int n_iterations)
- : n_tasks_ (n_tasks),
- n_threads_ (n_threads),
- n_iterations_ (n_iterations),
- ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH> (thr_mgr)
- // Create worker threads.
- if (this->activate (THR_NEW_LWP, 1, 0, 0, -1, this) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "activate failed"));
-// Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
-// for all other threads to complete this iteration.
-Invoker_Task::svc (void)
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run () method automatically adds us to
- // the Thread_Manager when the thread begins.
- ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr = ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ();
- Worker_Task **pTask = new Worker_Task* [n_tasks_];
- for (int task = 0;
- task < this->n_tasks_;
- task++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) in task %d\n", task+1));
- pTask[task] = new Worker_Task (thr_mgr, n_threads_, n_iterations_);
- pTask[task]->open ();
- }
- // Set all tasks to be one group
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) setting tasks group id\n"));
- for (task = 0;
- task < this->n_tasks_;
- task++)
- if (thr_mgr->set_grp (pTask[task], 1) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) %p\n", "set_grp"));
- int nTasks = thr_mgr->num_tasks_in_group (1);
- cout << "Number of tasks in group 1: " << nTasks << endl;
- // Wait for 1 second and then suspend every thread in the group.
- ACE_OS::sleep (1);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) suspending group\n"));
- if (thr_mgr->suspend_grp (1) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) %p\n", "suspend_grp"));
- // Wait for 5 more second and then resume every thread in the
- // group.
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (5));
- // @QTSK This ACE_DEBUG statement blows us away! can't understand why
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) resuming group\n"));
- if (thr_mgr->resume_grp (1) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) %p\n", "resume_grp"));
- // Wait for all the tasks to reach their exit point.
- thr_mgr->wait ();
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run () method automatically removes us
- // from the Thread_Manager when the thread exits.
- return 0;
-// Default number of tasks and iterations.
-static const int DEFAULT_TASKS = 4;
-static const int DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 5;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- int n_tasks = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : DEFAULT_TASKS;
- int n_threads = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : ACE_DEFAULT_THREADS;
- int n_iterations = argc > 3 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[3]) : DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
- // Since ACE_Thread_Manager can only wait for all threads, we'll have
- // special manager for the Invoker_Task.
- ACE_Thread_Manager invoker_manager;
- Invoker_Task invoker (&invoker_manager,
- n_tasks,
- n_threads,
- n_iterations);
- // Wait for 1 second and then suspend the invoker task
- ACE_OS::sleep (1);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) suspending invoker task\n"));
- if (invoker_manager.suspend_task (&invoker) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) %p\n", "suspend_task"));
- // Wait for 5 more second and then resume the invoker task.
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (5));
- // @QTSK This ACE_DEBUG statement blows us away! can't understand why
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) resuming invoker task\n"));
- if (invoker_manager.resume_task (&invoker) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) %p\n", "resume_task"));
- // Wait for all the threads to reach their exit point.
- invoker_manager.wait ();
- // @QTSK This ACE_DEBUG statement blows us away! can't understand why
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) done\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_task_one.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_task_one.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d0a8a12e6c4..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_task_one.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// This test program illustrates how the ACE barrier synchronization
-// $Id$
-// mechanisms work in conjunction with the ACE_Task and the
-// ACE_Thread_Manager. It is instructive to compare this with the
-// test_barrier.cpp test to see how they differ.
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-class Barrier_Task : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- Barrier_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads,
- int n_iterations);
- virtual int svc (void);
- // Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
- // for all other threads to complete this iteration.
- ACE_Barrier barrier_;
- // Reference to the tester barrier. This controls each
- // iteration of the tester function running in every thread.
- int n_iterations_;
- // Number of iterations to run.
- // = Not needed for this test.
- virtual int open (void *) { return 0; }
- virtual int close (u_long) { return 0; }
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *) { return 0; }
-Barrier_Task::Barrier_Task (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads,
- int n_iterations)
- : ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH> (thr_mgr),
- barrier_ (n_threads),
- n_iterations_ (n_iterations)
- // Create worker threads.
- if (this->activate (THR_NEW_LWP, n_threads) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "activate failed"));
-// Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
-// for all other threads to complete this iteration.
-Barrier_Task::svc (void)
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run() method automatically adds us to
- // the Thread_Manager when the thread begins.
- for (int iterations = 1;
- iterations <= this->n_iterations_;
- iterations++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) in iteration %d\n", iterations));
- // Block until all other threads have waited, then continue.
- this->barrier_.wait ();
- }
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run() method automatically removes us
- // from the Thread_Manager when the thread exits.
- return 0;
-// Default number of threads to spawn.
-static const int DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 5;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- int n_threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : ACE_DEFAULT_THREADS;
- int n_iterations = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
- Barrier_Task barrier_task (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr (),
- n_threads,
- n_iterations);
- // Wait for all the threads to reach their exit point.
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) done\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_task_three.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_task_three.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ad69511b5..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_task_three.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// Exercise more tests for the ACE Tasks. This also shows off some
-// Interesting uses of the ACE Log_Msg's ability to print to ostreams.
-// BTW, make sure that you set the out_stream in *every* thread that
-// you want to have write to the output file, i.e.:
-// if (out_stream)
-// {
-// ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::OSTREAM);
-// ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_ostream (out_stream);
-// }
-#include <fstream.h>
-#include "ace/Reactor.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-static ofstream *out_stream = 0;
-static const int NUM_INVOCATIONS = 100;
-static const int TASK_COUNT = 130;
-class Test_Task : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- Test_Task (void);
- ~Test_Task (void);
- virtual int open (void *args = 0);
- virtual int close (u_long flags = 0);
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0);
- virtual int svc (void);
- virtual int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE fd);
- ACE_Reactor *r_;
- int handled_;
- static int current_count_;
- static int done_cnt_;
-int Test_Task::current_count_ = 0;
-int Test_Task::done_cnt_ = 0;
-static ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
-Test_Task::Test_Task (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_);
- this->handled_ = 0;
- Test_Task::current_count_++;
- "Test_Task constructed, current_count_ = %d\n",
- Test_Task::current_count_));
-Test_Task::~Test_Task (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Test_Task destroyed, current_count_ = %d\n",
- Test_Task::current_count_));
-Test_Task::open (void *args)
- r_ = (ACE_Reactor *) args;
- return ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>::activate (THR_NEW_LWP);
-Test_Task::close (u_long)
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_, -1);
- Test_Task::current_count_--;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Test_Task::close () current_count_ = %d.\n",
- Test_Task::current_count_));
- return 0;
-Test_Task::put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *)
- return 0;
-Test_Task::svc (void)
- // Every thread must register the same stream to write to file.
- if (out_stream)
- {
- ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::OSTREAM);
- ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_ostream (out_stream);
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < NUM_INVOCATIONS; index++)
- {
- ACE_OS::thr_yield ();
- if (r_->notify (this, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK))
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_, -1);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Test_Task: error notifying reactor!\n"));
- }
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) returning from svc ()\n"));
- return 0;
-Test_Task::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE)
- this->handled_++;
- if (this->handled_ == NUM_INVOCATIONS)
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_, -1);
- Test_Task::done_cnt_++;
- " (%t) Test_Task: handle_input! done_cnt_ = %d.\n",
- Test_Task::done_cnt_));
- }
- ACE_OS::thr_yield ();
- return -1;
-static void *
-dispatch (void *arg)
- // every thread must register the same stream to write to file
- if (out_stream)
- {
- ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::OSTREAM);
- ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_ostream (out_stream);
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Dispatcher Thread started!\n"));
- ACE_Reactor *r = (ACE_Reactor *) arg;
- int result;
- r->owner (ACE_OS::thr_self ());
- while (1)
- {
- result = r->handle_events ();
- if (result <= 0)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Dispatch: handle_events (): %d", result));
- }
- return 0;
-extern "C" void
-handler (int)
- *out_stream << flush;
- out_stream->close ();
- ACE_OS::exit (42);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- if (argc > 1)
- {
- // Send output to file.
- out_stream = new ofstream ("test_task_three.out", ios::trunc|ios::out);
- ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::OSTREAM);
- ACE_LOG_MSG->msg_ostream (out_stream);
- }
- // Register a signal handler.
- ACE_Sig_Action sa (ACE_SignalHandler (handler), SIGINT);
- ACE_Reactor *reactor1 = ACE_Service_Config::reactor ();
- ACE_Reactor *reactor2 = new ACE_Reactor ();
- Test_Task t1[TASK_COUNT];
- Test_Task t2[TASK_COUNT];
- ACE_Thread::spawn (ACE_THR_FUNC (dispatch), reactor2);
- reactor1->owner (ACE_OS::thr_self ());
- for (int index = 0; index < TASK_COUNT; index++)
- {
- t1[index].open (reactor1);
- t2[index].open (reactor2);
- }
- ACE_OS::sleep (3);
- for (;;)
- {
- ACE_Time_Value timeout (2);
- if (reactor1->handle_events (timeout) <= 0)
- {
- if (errno == ETIME)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "no activity within 2 seconds, shutting down\n"));
- break;
- }
- else
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p error handling events\n", "main"));
- }
- }
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_task_two.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_task_two.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f25962c795..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_task_two.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// Exercise more tests for the ACE Tasks. This test can spawn off
-// zillions of tasks and then wait for them using both polling and the
-// ACE Thread Manager.
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-typedef ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, u_long> ATOMIC_INT;
-static u_long zero = 0;
-static ATOMIC_INT task_count (zero);
-static ATOMIC_INT max_count (zero);
-static ATOMIC_INT wait_count (zero);
-static u_long n_threads = 0;
-// Default number of tasks.
-static const int default_threads = ACE_DEFAULT_THREADS;
-// Default number of times to run the test.
-static const int default_iterations = 1000;
-class Task_Test : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- virtual int open (void *args = 0);
- virtual int close (u_long flags = 0);
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *tv = 0);
- virtual int svc (void);
- static ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
-ACE_Thread_Mutex Task_Test::lock_;
-Task_Test::open (void *)
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, Task_Test::lock_, -1);
- task_count++;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) creating Task_Test, task count = %d\n",
- (u_long) task_count));
- return this->activate (THR_BOUND);
-Task_Test::close (u_long)
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, Task_Test::lock_, -1);
- task_count--;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) destroying Task_Test, task count = %d\n",
- (u_long) task_count));
- wait_count--;
-// delete this;
- return 0;
-Task_Test::put (ACE_Message_Block *,
- ACE_Time_Value *)
- return 0;
-Task_Test::svc (void)
- wait_count++;
- max_count++;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) svc: waiting\n"));
- for (;;)
- if (max_count >= n_threads)
- break;
- else
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) svc: finished waiting\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- n_threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : default_threads;
- int n_iterations = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : default_iterations;
- Task_Test **task_array = new Task_Test *[n_threads];
- for (int i = 1; i <= n_iterations; i++)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) iteration = %d, max_count %d\n",
- i, (u_long) max_count));
- max_count = 0;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) starting %d task%s\n",
- n_threads, n_threads == 1 ? "" : "s"));
- // Launch the new tasks.
- for (int j = 0; j < n_threads; j++)
- {
- task_array[j] = new Task_Test;
- // Activate the task, i.e., make it an active object.
- task_array[j]->open ();
- }
- // Wait for initialization to kick in.
- while (max_count == 0)
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) waiting for threads to finish\n"));
- // Wait for the threads to finish this iteration.
- while (max_count != n_threads && wait_count != 0)
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) iteration %d finished, max_count %d, wait_count %d, waiting for tasks to exit\n",
- i, (u_long) max_count, (u_long) wait_count));
- // Wait for all the tasks to exit.
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- // Delete the existing tasks.
- for (int k = 0; k < n_threads; k++)
- delete task_array[k];
- }
- delete [] task_array;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) shutting down the test\n"));
- return 0;
-template class ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, u_long>;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_thread_manager.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_thread_manager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 73029d70d88..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_thread_manager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// Test out the group management mechanisms provided by the
-// ACE_Thread_Manager, including the group signal handling, group
-// suspension and resumption, and cooperative thread cancellation
-// mechanisms.
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Thread_Manager.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-extern "C" void
-handler (int signum)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) received signal %d\n", signum));
-static void *
-worker (int iterations)
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
- for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
- {
- if ((i % 1000) == 0)
- {
- "(%t) checking cancellation before iteration %d!\n",
- i));
- if (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->testcancel (ACE_Thread::self ()) != 0)
- {
- "(%t) has been cancelled before iteration %d!\n",
- i));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Destructor removes thread from Thread_Manager.
- return 0;
-static const int DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 100000;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_Service_Config daemon;
- (argv[0]);
- // Register a signal handler.
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) handler, SIGINT);
- int n_threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : DEFAULT_THREADS;
- int n_iterations = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
- ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr = ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ();
- int grp_id = thr_mgr->spawn_n (n_threads, ACE_THR_FUNC (worker),
- (void *) n_iterations,
- // Wait for 1 second and then suspend every thread in the group.
- ACE_OS::sleep (1);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) suspending group\n"));
- if (thr_mgr->suspend_grp (grp_id) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) %p\n", "suspend_grp"));
- // Wait for 1 more second and then resume every thread in the
- // group.
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (1));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) resuming group\n"));
- if (thr_mgr->resume_grp (grp_id) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) %p\n", "resume_grp"));
- // Wait for 1 more second and then send a SIGINT to every thread in
- // the group.
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (1));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) signaling group\n"));
- if (thr_mgr->kill_grp (grp_id, SIGINT) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) %p\n", "kill_grp"));
- // Wait for 1 more second and then cancel all the threads.
- ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (1));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) cancelling group\n"));
- if (thr_mgr->cancel_grp (grp_id) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) %p\n", "cancel_grp"));
- // Perform a barrier wait until all the threads have shut down.
- thr_mgr->wait ();
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"), -1);
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_thread_pool.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_thread_pool.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 68741156b83..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_thread_pool.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-// This test program illustrates how the ACE task synchronization
-// $Id$
-// mechanisms work in conjunction with the ACE_Task and the
-// ACE_Thread_Manager. If the manual flag is not set input comes from
-// stdin until the user enters a return only. This stops all workers
-// via a message block of length 0. This is an alternative shutdown of
-// workers compared to queue deactivate.
-// This code is original based on a test program written by Karlheinz
-// Dorn. It was modified to utilize more "ACE" features by Doug Schmidt.
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-// Number of iterations to run the test.
-static size_t n_iterations = 100;
-class Thread_Pool : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- Thread_Pool (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr, int n_threads);
- virtual int svc (void);
- // Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
- // for all other threads to complete this iteration.
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *mb, ACE_Time_Value *tv=0);
- // This allows the producer to pass messages to the <Thread_Pool>.
- virtual int close (u_long);
- // = Not needed for this test.
- virtual int open (void *) { return 0; }
-Thread_Pool::close (u_long)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) close of worker\n"));
- return 0;
-Thread_Pool::Thread_Pool (ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr,
- int n_threads)
- : ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH> (thr_mgr)
- // Create worker threads.
- if (this->activate (THR_NEW_LWP, n_threads) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "activate failed"));
-// Simply enqueue the Message_Block into the end of the queue.
-Thread_Pool::put (ACE_Message_Block *mb, ACE_Time_Value *tv)
- return this->putq (mb, tv);
-// Iterate <n_iterations> time printing off a message and "waiting"
-// for all other threads to complete this iteration.
-Thread_Pool::svc (void)
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run () method automatically adds us to
- // the Thread_Manager when the thread begins.
- int result = 0;
- int count = 1;
- // Keep looping, reading a message out of the queue, until we get a
- // message with a length == 0, which signals us to quit.
- for (;; count++)
- {
- ACE_Message_Block *mb;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) in iteration %d before getq ()\n", count));
- if (this->getq (mb) == -1)
- {
- "(%t) in iteration %d, got result -1, exiting\n", count));
- break;
- }
- int length = mb->length ();
- if (length > 0)
- "(%t) in iteration %d, length = %d, text = \"%*s\"\n",
- count, length, length - 1, mb->rd_ptr ()));
- // We're responsible for deallocating this.
- delete mb;
- if (length == 0)
- {
- "(%t) in iteration %d, got NULL message, exiting\n",
- count));
- break;
- }
- }
- // Note that the ACE_Task::svc_run () method automatically removes
- // us from the Thread_Manager when the thread exits.
- return 0;
-static void
-produce (Thread_Pool &thread_pool)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) producer start, dumping the Thread_Pool\n"));
- thread_pool.dump ();
- for (int n;;)
- {
- // Allocate a new message.
- ACE_Message_Block *mb = new ACE_Message_Block (BUFSIZ);
-#if defined (manual)
- "(%t) press chars and enter to put a new message into task queue..."));
- n = ACE_OS::read (ACE_STDIN, mb->rd_ptr (), mb->size ());
-#else // Automatically generate messages.
- static int count = 0;
- ACE_OS::sprintf (mb->rd_ptr (), "%d\n", count);
- n = ACE_OS::strlen (mb->rd_ptr ());
- if (count == n_iterations)
- n = 1; // Indicate that we need to shut down.
- else
- count++;
- if (count == 0 || (count % 20 == 0))
- ACE_OS::sleep (1);
-#endif /* manual */
- if (n > 1)
- {
- // Send a normal message to the waiting threads and continue
- // producing.
- mb->wr_ptr (n);
- // Pass the message to the Thread_Pool.
- if (thread_pool.put (mb) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, " (%t) %p\n", "put"));
- }
- else
- {
- // Send a shutdown message to the waiting threads and exit.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\n(%t) start loop, dump of task:\n"));
- thread_pool.dump ();
- for (int i = thread_pool.thr_count (); i > 0; i--)
- {
- "(%t) EOF, enqueueing NULL block for thread = %d\n",
- i));
- // Enqueue a NULL message to flag each consumer to
- // shutdown.
- if (thread_pool.put (new ACE_Message_Block) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, " (%t) %p\n", "put"));
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\n(%t) end loop, dump of task:\n"));
- thread_pool.dump ();
- break;
- }
- }
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- int n_threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : ACE_DEFAULT_THREADS;
- n_iterations = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : n_iterations;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) argc = %d, threads = %d\n",
- argc, n_threads));
- // Create the worker tasks.
- Thread_Pool thread_pool (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr (),
- n_threads);
- // Create work for the worker tasks to process in their own threads.
- produce (thread_pool);
- // Wait for all the threads to reach their exit point.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) waiting with thread manager...\n"));
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) destroying worker tasks and exiting...\n"));
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_thread_specific.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_thread_specific.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a4f6dccf3..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_thread_specific.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-// Define a class that will be stored in thread-specific data. Note
-// that as far as this class is concerned it's just a regular C++
-// class. The ACE_TSS wrapper transparently ensures that
-// objects of this class will be placed in thread-specific storage.
-// All calls on ACE_TSS::operator->() are delegated to the
-// appropriate method in the Errno class.
-class Errno
- int error (void) { return this->errno_; }
- void error (int i) { this->errno_ = i; }
- int line (void) { return this->lineno_; }
- void line (int l) { this->lineno_ = l; }
- // Errno::flags_ is a static variable, so we've got to protect it
- // with a mutex since it isn't kept in thread-specific storage.
- int flags (void)
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, Errno::lock_, -1);
- return Errno::flags_;
- }
- void flags (int f)
- {
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, Errno::lock_);
- Errno::flags_ = f;
- }
- // = errno_ and lineno_ will be thread-specific data so they don't
- // need a lock.
- int errno_;
- int lineno_;
- static int flags_;
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
- // flags_ needs a lock.
- static ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-// Static variables.
-ACE_MT (ACE_Thread_Mutex Errno::lock_);
-int Errno::flags_;
-// This is our thread-specific error handler...
-static ACE_TSS<Errno> TSS_Error;
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-// Serializes output via cout.
-static ACE_Thread_Mutex lock;
-typedef ACE_TSS_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex> GUARD;
-// Serializes output via cout.
-static ACE_Null_Mutex lock;
-typedef ACE_Guard<ACE_Null_Mutex> GUARD;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-static void
-cleanup (void *ptr)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) in cleanup, ptr = %x\n", ptr));
- delete ptr;
-// This worker function is the entry point for each thread.
-static void *
-worker (void *c)
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
- int count = int (c);
- ACE_thread_key_t key = 0;
- int *ip = 0;
- // Make one key that will be available when the thread exits so that
- // we'll have something to cleanup!
- if (ACE_OS::thr_keycreate (&key, cleanup) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_keycreate"));
- ip = new int;
- if (ACE_OS::thr_setspecific (key, (void *) ip) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_setspecific"));
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- if (ACE_OS::thr_keycreate (&key, cleanup) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_keycreate"));
- ip = new int;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) in worker 1, key = %d, ip = %x\n", key, ip));
- if (ACE_OS::thr_setspecific (key, (void *) ip) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_setspecific"));
- if (ACE_OS::thr_getspecific (key, (void **) &ip) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_setspecific"));
- if (ACE_OS::thr_setspecific (key, (void *) 0) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_setspecific"));
- delete ip;
- if (ACE_OS::thr_keyfree (key) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_keyfree"));
- // Cause an error.
- ACE_OS::read (ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, 0);
- // The following two lines set the thread-specific state.
- TSS_Error->error (errno);
- TSS_Error->line (__LINE__);
- // This sets the static state (note how C++ makes it easy to do
- // both).
- TSS_Error->flags (count);
- {
- // Use the guard to serialize access to cout...
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock, 0);
- cout << "(" << ACE_Thread::self ()
- << ") errno = " << TSS_Error->error ()
- << ", lineno = " << TSS_Error->line ()
- << ", flags = " << TSS_Error->flags ()
- << endl;
- }
- key = 0;
- if (ACE_OS::thr_keycreate (&key, cleanup) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_keycreate"));
- ip = new int;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) in worker 2, key = %d, ip = %x\n", key, ip));
- if (ACE_OS::thr_setspecific (key, (void *) ip) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_setspecific"));
- if (ACE_OS::thr_getspecific (key, (void **) &ip) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_setspecific"));
- if (ACE_OS::thr_setspecific (key, (void *) 0) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_setspecific"));
- delete ip;
- if (ACE_OS::thr_keyfree (key) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%t) %p\n", "ACE_OS::thr_keyfree"));
- }
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) exiting\n"));
- return 0;
-extern "C" void
-handler (int signum)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "signal = %S\n", signum));
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->exit (0);
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- // The Service_Config must be the first object defined in main...
- ACE_Service_Config daemon (argv[0]);
- ACE_Thread_Control tc (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
- int threads = argc > 1 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[1]) : 4;
- int count = argc > 2 ? ACE_OS::atoi (argv[2]) : 10000;
- // Register a signal handler.
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) (handler), SIGINT);
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
- if (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->spawn_n (threads,
- ACE_THR_FUNC (&worker),
- (void *) count,
- ACE_OS::perror ("ACE_Thread_Manager::spawn_n");
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- worker ((void *) count);
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
- return 0;
-template class ACE_TSS<Errno>;
-main (void)
- "ACE doesn't support support threads on this platform (yet)\n"),
- -1);
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_token.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_token.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a51496d011..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_token.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Test out the ACE Token class.
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/Token.h"
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-class My_Task : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
- My_Task (int n);
- virtual int open (void *) { return 0; }
- virtual int close (u_long) { return 0; }
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *) { return 0; }
- virtual int svc (void);
- static void sleep_hook (void *);
- ACE_Token token_;
-My_Task::My_Task (int n)
- // Make this Task into an Active Object.
- this->activate (THR_BOUND | THR_DETACHED, n);
- // Wait for all the threads to exit.
- this->thr_mgr ()->wait ();
-My_Task::sleep_hook (void *)
- cerr << '(' << ACE_Thread::self () << ')'
- << " blocking, My_Task::sleep_hook () called" << endl;
-// Test out the behavior of the ACE_Token class.
-My_Task::svc (void)
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
- {
- // Wait for up to 1 millisecond past the current time to get the token.
- ACE_Time_Value timeout (ACE_OS::time (0), 1000);
- if (this->token_.acquire (&My_Task::sleep_hook, 0, &timeout) == 1)
- {
- this->token_.acquire ();
- this->token_.renew ();
- this->token_.release ();
- this->token_.release ();
- }
- else
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- }
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- My_Task tasks (argc > 1 ? atoi (argv[1]) : 4);
- return 0;
-main (void)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "your platform doesn't support threads\n"), -1);
-#endif /* */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_tss.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_tss.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c81ca41c429..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_tss.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-// Torture test ACE thread-specific storage...
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Token.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-class TSS_Obj
- TSS_Obj (void);
- ~TSS_Obj (void);
- static int count_;
- static ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
-int TSS_Obj::count_ = 0;
-ACE_Thread_Mutex TSS_Obj::lock_;
-TSS_Obj::TSS_Obj (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_);
- count_++;
- cout << "TO+ : " << count_ << endl;
-TSS_Obj::~TSS_Obj (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_);
- count_--;
- cout << "TO- : " << count_ << endl;
-class Test_Task
- Test_Task (void);
- ~Test_Task (void);
- int open (void *arg);
- static void* svc (void *arg);
- static int wait_count_;
- static int max_count_;
- static int count_;
-int Test_Task::count_ = 0;
-int Test_Task::wait_count_ = 0;
-int Test_Task::max_count_ = 0;
-int num_threads_ = 0;
-ACE_Token token;
-Test_Task::Test_Task (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token);
- count_++;
- cout << "Test_Task+ : "
- << count_ << " ("
- << ACE_OS::thr_self ()
- << ")" << endl;
-Test_Task::~Test_Task (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token);
- count_--;
- cout << "Test_Task- : "
- << count_ << " ("
- << ACE_OS::thr_self ()
- << ")" << endl;
- wait_count_--;
-int Test_Task::open (void *arg)
- ACE_Thread::spawn (Test_Task::svc, arg);
- return 0;
-void *
-Test_Task::svc (void *arg)
- ACE_TSS<TSS_Obj> tss (new TSS_Obj);
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, 0);
- wait_count_++;
- max_count_++;
- cout << "svc: waiting (" << ACE_OS::thr_self () << ")" << endl;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, 0);
- if (max_count_ >= num_threads_)
- break;
- else
- {
- ace_mon.release ();
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ace_mon.acquire ();
- }
- }
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, 0);
- cout << "svc: waiting (" << ACE_OS::thr_self () << ") finished" << endl;
- }
- }
- delete (Test_Task *) arg;
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- if (argc != 2)
- {
- cout << "Missing parameters!" << endl;
- return 1;
- }
- int num_Tasks = atoi (argv[1]);
- num_threads_ = num_Tasks;
- Test_Task **task_arr = (Test_Task**) new char[sizeof (Test_Task*) * num_Tasks];
- while (1)
- {
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- cout << "ReseTest_Tasking Test_Task::max_count_ from: "
- << Test_Task::max_count_ << endl;
- Test_Task::max_count_ = 0;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < num_Tasks; i++)
- {
- task_arr[i] = new Test_Task;
- task_arr[i]->open (task_arr[i]);
- }
- cout << "Waiting for first thread started..." << endl;
- for (;;)
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- if (Test_Task::max_count_ != 0 )
- {
- ace_mon.release ();
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ace_mon.acquire ();
- break;
- }
- ace_mon.release ();
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ace_mon.acquire ();
- }
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- cout << "First thread started!" << endl
- << "Waiting for all threads finished..." << endl;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- if (!(Test_Task::max_count_ == num_threads_
- && Test_Task::wait_count_ == 0))
- {
- ace_mon.release ();
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ace_mon.acquire ();
- continue;
- }
- cout << "Test_Task::max_count_ = "
- << Test_Task::max_count_
- << " Test_Task::wait_count_ = "
- << Test_Task::wait_count_
- << endl;
- break;
- }
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- cout << "All threads finished..." << endl;
- }
- ACE_OS::sleep (2);
- }
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_tss1.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_tss1.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7efdc9dc3ef..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_tss1.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// tests
-// TSS_Test.cpp
-// This program tests thread specific storage of data. The ACE_TSS
-// wrapper transparently ensures that the objects of this class
-// will be placed in thread-specific storage. All calls on
-// ACE_TSS::operator->() are delegated to the appropriate method
-// in the Errno class.
-// = AUTHOR
-// Detlef Becker
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/Synch.h"
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-static int iterations = 100;
-class Errno
- int error (void) { return this->errno_; }
- void error (int i) { this->errno_ = i; }
- int line (void) { return this->lineno_; }
- void line (int l) { this->lineno_ = l; }
- // Errno::flags_ is a static variable, so we've got to protect it
- // with a mutex since it isn't kept in thread-specific storage.
- int flags (void) {
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_Mon, Errno::lock_, -1));
- return Errno::flags_;
- }
- int flags (int f)
- {
- ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, Errno::lock_, -1));
- Errno::flags_ = f;
- return 0;
- }
- // = errno_ and lineno_ will be thread-specific data so they don't
- // need a lock.
- int errno_;
- int lineno_;
- static int flags_;
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
- // flags_ needs a lock.
- static ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-// Static variables.
-ACE_MT (ACE_Thread_Mutex Errno::lock_);
-int Errno::flags_;
-// This is our thread-specific error handler...
-static ACE_TSS<Errno> TSS_Error;
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-// Serializes output via cout.
-static ACE_Thread_Mutex lock;
-typedef ACE_TSS_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex> GUARD;
-// Serializes output via cout.
-static ACE_Null_Mutex lock;
-typedef ACE_Guard<ACE_Null_Mutex> GUARD;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-// Keeps track of whether Tester::close () has started.
-static int close_started = 0;
-template <ACE_SYNCH_1>
-class Tester: public ACE_Task<ACE_SYNCH_2>
- Tester (void) {}
- ~Tester (void) {}
- virtual int open (void *theArgs = 0);
- virtual int close (u_long theArg = 0);
- virtual int put (ACE_Message_Block *theMsgBlock,
- ACE_Time_Value *theTimeVal = 0);
- virtual int svc (void);
-template <ACE_SYNCH_1> int
-Tester<ACE_SYNCH_2>::open (void *)
- return this->activate ();
-template <ACE_SYNCH_1>
-int Tester<ACE_SYNCH_2>::close (u_long)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "close running\n!"));
- close_started = 1;
- ACE_OS::sleep (2);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "close: trying to log error code 7!\n"));
- TSS_Error->error (7);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "close: logging succeeded!\n"));
- return 0;
-template <ACE_SYNCH_1> int
-Tester<ACE_SYNCH_2>::put (ACE_Message_Block *, ACE_Time_Value *)
- return 0;
-template <ACE_SYNCH_1> int
-Tester<ACE_SYNCH_2>::svc (void)
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- Tester<ACE_MT_SYNCH> tester;
- ();
- while (!close_started)
- continue;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "main: trying to log error code 7!\n"));
- TSS_Error->error (3);
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "main: logging succeeded!\n"));
- return 0;
-template class ACE_TSS<Errno>;
-main (void)
- "ACE doesn't support support threads on this platform (yet)\n"),
- -1);
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/examples/Threads/test_tss2.cpp b/examples/Threads/test_tss2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a8d958e91..00000000000
--- a/examples/Threads/test_tss2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// tests
-// TSS_Test.cpp
-// This program tests thread specific storage of data. The ACE_TSS
-// wrapper transparently ensures that the objects of this class
-// will be placed in thread-specific storage. All calls on
-// ACE_TSS::operator->() are delegated to the appropriate method
-// in the Errno class.
-// = AUTHOR
-// Prashant Jain and Doug Schmidt
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/Task.h"
-#include "ace/Token.h"
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
-class TSS_Obj
- TSS_Obj (void);
- ~TSS_Obj (void);
- static int count_;
- static ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_;
-int TSS_Obj::count_ = 0;
-ACE_Thread_Mutex TSS_Obj::lock_;
-TSS_Obj::TSS_Obj (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_);
- count_++;
- cout << "TO+ : " << count_ << endl;
-TSS_Obj::~TSS_Obj (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, lock_);
- count_--;
- cout << "TO- : " << count_ << endl;
-class Test_Task
- Test_Task (void);
- ~Test_Task (void);
- int open (void *arg);
- static void *svc (void *arg);
- static int wait_count_;
- static int max_count_;
- static int count_;
-int Test_Task::count_ = 0;
-int Test_Task::wait_count_ = 0;
-int Test_Task::max_count_ = 0;
-int num_threads_ = 0;
-ACE_Token token;
-Test_Task::Test_Task (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token);
- count_++;
- cout << "Test_Task+ : "
- << count_ << " ("
- << ACE_OS::thr_self ()
- << ")" << endl;
-Test_Task::~Test_Task (void)
- ACE_GUARD (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token);
- count_--;
- cout << "Test_Task- : "
- << count_ << " ("
- << ACE_OS::thr_self ()
- << ")" << endl;
- wait_count_--;
-void *
-Test_Task::svc (void *arg)
- ACE_TSS<TSS_Obj> tss (new TSS_Obj);
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, 0);
- wait_count_++;
- max_count_++;
- cout << "svc: waiting (" << ACE_OS::thr_self () << ")" << endl;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, 0);
- if (max_count_ >= num_threads_)
- break;
- else
- {
- ace_mon.release ();
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ace_mon.acquire ();
- }
- }
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, 0);
- cout << "svc: waiting (" << ACE_OS::thr_self () << ") finished" << endl;
- }
- }
- delete (Test_Task *) arg;
- return 0;
-Test_Task::open (void *arg)
- if (ACE_Thread::spawn (Test_Task::svc, arg) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "ACE_Thread::spawn"), 0);
- return 0;
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- if (argc != 2)
- {
- cout << "Missing parameters!" << endl;
- return 1;
- }
- int num_Tasks = atoi (argv[1]);
- num_threads_ = num_Tasks;
- Test_Task **task_arr = (Test_Task**) new char[sizeof (Test_Task*) * num_Tasks];
- while (1)
- {
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- cout << "ReseTest_Tasking Test_Task::max_count_ from: "
- << Test_Task::max_count_ << endl;
- Test_Task::max_count_ = 0;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < num_Tasks; i++)
- {
- task_arr[i] = new Test_Task;
- task_arr[i]->open (task_arr[i]);
- }
- cout << "Waiting for first thread started..." << endl;
- for (;;)
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- if (Test_Task::max_count_ != 0 )
- {
- ace_mon.release ();
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ace_mon.acquire ();
- break;
- }
- ace_mon.release ();
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ace_mon.acquire ();
- }
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- cout << "First thread started!" << endl
- << "Waiting for all threads finished..." << endl;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- if (!(Test_Task::max_count_ == num_threads_
- && Test_Task::wait_count_ == 0))
- {
- ace_mon.release ();
- ACE_Thread::yield ();
- ace_mon.acquire ();
- continue;
- }
- cout << "Test_Task::max_count_ = "
- << Test_Task::max_count_
- << " Test_Task::wait_count_ = "
- << Test_Task::wait_count_
- << endl;
- break;
- }
- {
- ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Token, ace_mon, token, -1);
- cout << "All threads finished..." << endl;
- }
- ACE_OS::sleep (2);
- }
- return 0;
-main (int, char *[])
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
- return 0;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
diff --git a/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Dump_Restore/nametest.cpp b/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Dump_Restore/nametest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb9c71a5014..00000000000
--- a/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Dump_Restore/nametest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#include "ace/Naming_Context.h"
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/Name_Options.h"
-#include "nametest.h"
-Nametest::listopt (void)
- cout << "serverport is "
- << ACE_Name_Options::instance ()->nameserver_port()
- << endl;
- cout << "serverhost is "
- << ACE_Name_Options::instance ()->nameserver_host()
- << endl;
- cout << "process_name is "
- << ACE_Name_Options::instance ()->process_name()
- << endl;
- cout << "namespace_dir is "
- << ACE_Name_Options::instance ()->namespace_dir()
- << endl;
-Nametest::init (int argc, char *argv[])
- ACE_Server_Record *sr;
- ACE_Service_Config::svc_rep ()->find ("Name_Server_Proxy", &sr);
- ACE_Service_Type *st = sr->type ();
- ACE_Server_Object *so = st->object ();
-dynamic_cast<ACE_Name_Server_Proxy *> (so);
- ACE_Name_Server_Proxy *ns_proxy = ACE_Service_Config::name_server_proxy ();
- ns_proxy->bind (...);
- this->listopt ();
- ACE_Naming_Context ns_context;
- if ( (ACE_Naming_Context::NET_LOCAL) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", ""), -1);
- const char *mykey = argv[0];
- char *myvalue = argv[1];
- char *ns_value = 0;
- char *ns_type = 0;
- if (ns_context.bind (mykey, myvalue, "ottotype") == -1)
- cout << "bind failed" << endl;
- else
- cout << "bind succeeded" << endl;
- if (ns_context.resolve (mykey, ns_value, ns_type) == -1)
- cout << "resolve of " << mykey << " failed" << endl;
- else
- cout << "resolve of " << mykey << " succeeded, value = "
- << ns_value << ", type = " << ns_type << endl;
- delete [] ns_value;
- delete [] ns_type;
- ns_value = 0;
- ns_type = 0;
- if (ns_context.rebind (mykey, myvalue, "newottotype") == -1)
- cout << "rebind failed" << endl;
- else
- cout << "rebind succeeded" << endl;
- if (ns_context.resolve (mykey, ns_value, ns_type) == -1)
- cout << "resolve of " << mykey << " failed" << endl;
- else
- cout << "resolve of " << mykey << " succeeded, value = "
- << ns_value << ", type = " << ns_type << endl;
- delete [] ns_value;
- delete [] ns_type;
- ns_value = 0;
- ns_type = 0;
- if (ns_context.unbind (mykey) == -1)
- cout << "unbind failed" << endl;
- else
- cout << "unbind succeeded" << endl;
- return 0;
-Nametest::fini (void)
- cout << "Nametest::fini called" << endl;
- return 0;
-Nametest::info (char **, unsigned) const
- cout << "Nametest::info called" << endl;
- return 0;
-extern "C" ACE_Service_Object *_alloc(void);
-// Factory function that is called automatically when the ACE
-// framework dynamically links this shared object file.
-ACE_Service_Object *_alloc (void)
- return new Nametest;
diff --git a/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Dump_Restore/nametest.h b/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Dump_Restore/nametest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa0cc5dc05c..00000000000
--- a/netsvcs/clients/Naming/Dump_Restore/nametest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
-#include "ace/Service_Object.h"
-class Nametest : public ACE_Service_Object
- virtual int init (int argc, char *argv[]);
- virtual int fini (void);
- virtual int info (char **, size_t) const;
- void listopt (void);
diff --git a/netsvcs/lib/Client_Logging_Handler.i b/netsvcs/lib/Client_Logging_Handler.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 57c6d26e751..00000000000
--- a/netsvcs/lib/Client_Logging_Handler.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
diff --git a/netsvcs/lib/Server_Logging_Handler.i b/netsvcs/lib/Server_Logging_Handler.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 57c6d26e751..00000000000
--- a/netsvcs/lib/Server_Logging_Handler.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*- */
-// $Id$
diff --git a/netsvcs/servers/cli.conf b/netsvcs/servers/cli.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index b2d8fbc8194..00000000000
--- a/netsvcs/servers/cli.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# UNIX version
-# These are the services that can be linked into ACE.
-# Note that you can replace the hardcoded "../lib/libnet_svcs" with
-# a relative path if you set your LD search path correctly -- ACE will
-# locate this for you automatically by reading your LD search path!
-# In addition, you can replace the hardcoded "-p 20xxx" with "-p
-# $PORTxxx" if you set your environment variables correctly.
-# Activate the Client Logging Daemon.
-dynamic Client_Logging_Service Service_Object * ../lib/libnet_svcs:_make_ACE_Client_Logging_Connector() active "-p 20009 -h merengue"
diff --git a/netsvcs/servers/ntsvc.conf b/netsvcs/servers/ntsvc.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ed5d78c2a..00000000000
--- a/netsvcs/servers/ntsvc.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Windows NT version.
-# These are the services that can be linked into ACE.
-# Note that your path needs to include the path for netsvcs.dll
-# In addition, you can replace the hardcoded "-p 20xxx" with "-p
-# $PORTxxx" if you set your environment variables correctly.
-dynamic Token_Service Service_Object * netsvcs.dll:_make_ACE_Token_Acceptor() "-p 20202"
-dynamic Name_Server Service_Object * netsvcs.dll:_make_ACE_Name_Acceptor() "-p 20012"
-#dynamic Client_Logging_Service Service_Object * netsvcs.dll:_make_ACE_Client_Logging_Connector() active "-p 20008"
-#dynamic Server_Logging_Service Service_Object * netsvcs.dll:_make_ACE_Server_Logging_Acceptor() active "-p 20009"
-#dynamic Thr_Server_Logging_Service Service_Object * netsvcs.dll:_make_ACE_Thr_Server_Logging_Acceptor() active "-p 20020"
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/README b/protocols/ace/RMCast/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dd0c5d9cfc..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
- This directory will contain a simple, small-scale reliable
-multicast framework for ACE. The framework is based on the ASX
-components of the ACE library: the protocol is implemented as a stack
-of interchangeable "modules", each one in charge of a very small task.
-For example, one module implements fragmentation and reassembly, other
-modules implement retransmission, send ACK and NAK messages, and
-maintain receiver membership.
- The modules are replaced to achieve different levels of
-reliability. For example, the retransmission module can be either the
-"Best_Effort", "Semi_Reliable" or "Reliable" implementation. In the
-first case no retransmissions are performed, but lost messages are
-detected and reported to the receiver. The "Semi_Reliable" case
-messages are held for a pre-specified amount of time, and
-re-transmited if requested, but it is possible to loose some messages
-if multiple re-transmissions fail. As in the "Best_Effort" case the
-lost messages are detected and flagged to the application. Finally
-in the "Reliable" mode the senders are flowed controlled until enough
-messages are successfully transmitted.
- In general the stack looks like this:
-Buffering : Save lost messages
-Retransmission : Retransmit
-Fragmentation : Fragment messages in smaller chunks
-Reassembly : and ensure that the IOVMAX limit is not
- : reached
-Tranport : Encapsulate the specific transport media
- : such as TCP/IP, ATM, or shared memory
- : Demuxes incoming data to the right chain
- : Change control messages and data messages
- : to the right dynamic types.
-Lost detection : Detect lost messages and send control
- : messages back
-Reassembly : Reassemble messages, fragment control
-Fragmentation : data
-Transport : Group membership, ACT reception,
- : handle keep-alive messages...
-@@ TODO: Piggybacking...
diff --git a/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast_Export.h b/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast_Export.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 665d4ecf229..00000000000
--- a/protocols/ace/RMCast/RMCast_Export.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// $Id$
-// Definition for Win32 Export directives.
-// This file is generated automatically by
-// ------------------------------
-#if !defined (ACE_RMCAST_EXPORT_H)
-#include "ace/config-all.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL)
-#endif /* ! ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL */
-#if defined (ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL)
-# if (ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL == 1)
-# if defined (ACE_RMCAST_BUILD_DLL)
-# define ACE_RMCast_Export ACE_Proper_Export_Flag
-# else
-# define ACE_RMCast_Export ACE_Proper_Import_Flag
-# endif /* ACE_RMCAST_BUILD_DLL */
-# else
-# define ACE_RMCast_Export
-# endif /* ! ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL == 1 */
-# define ACE_RMCast_Export
-#endif /* ACE_RMCAST_HAS_DLL */
-#endif /* ACE_RMCAST_EXPORT_H */
-// End of auto generated file.
diff --git a/tests/CPP_Test.cpp b/tests/CPP_Test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c0bd291a50..00000000000
--- a/tests/CPP_Test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// tests
-// CPP_Test.cpp
-// This is a simple test of the ACE_SOCK_Acceptor and
-// AC_SOCK_Connector classes. The test forks two processes or
-// spawns two threads (depending upon the platform) and then executes
-// client and server allowing them to connect and exchange
-// data. No user input is required as far as command line
-// arguments are concerned.
-// = AUTHOR
-// Prashant Jain and Doug Schmidt
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/OS.h"
-#include "ace/Thread.h"
-#include "ace/Service_Config.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Connector.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
-#include "ace/Handle_Set.h"
-#include "test_config.h"
-static void *
-client (void *arg)
-#if (defined (ACE_WIN32) || defined (VXWORKS)) && defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
- // Insert thread into thr_mgr
- ACE_Thread_Control thread_control (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
-#endif /* (defined (ACE_WIN32) || defined (VXWORKS)) && defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) */
- ACE_INET_Addr *remote_addr = (ACE_INET_Addr *) arg;
- ACE_INET_Addr server_addr (remote_addr->get_port_number (), "localhost");
- ACE_SOCK_Stream cli_stream;
- ACE_SOCK_Connector con;
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) starting non-blocking connect\n"));
- // Initiate timed, non-blocking connection with server.
- // Attempt a non-blocking connect to the server, reusing the local
- // addr if necessary.
- if (con.connect (cli_stream, server_addr,
- (ACE_Time_Value *) &ACE_Time_Value::zero) == -1)
- {
- if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "connection failed"));
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) starting timed connect\n"));
- // Check if non-blocking connection is in progress,
- // and wait up to ACE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT seconds for it to complete.
- if (con.complete (cli_stream, &server_addr, &tv) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "connection failed"), 0);
- else
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) connected to %s\n",
- server_addr.get_host_name ()));
- }
- if (cli_stream.disable (ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "disable"));
- // Send data to server (correctly handles "incomplete writes").
- for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
- if (cli_stream.send_n (&c, 1) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "send_n"));
- // Explicitly close the writer-side of the connection.
- if (cli_stream.close_writer () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "close_writer"));
- char buf[1];
- // Wait for handshake with server.
- if (cli_stream.recv_n (buf, 1) != 1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "recv_n"));
- // Close the connection completely.
- if (cli_stream.close () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "close"));
- return 0;
-static void *
-server (void *arg)
-#if (defined (ACE_WIN32) || defined (VXWORKS)) && defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
- // Insert thread into thr_mgr
- ACE_Thread_Control thread_control (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ());
-#endif /* (defined (ACE_WIN32) || defined (VXWORKS)) && defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) */
- ACE_SOCK_Acceptor *peer_acceptor = (ACE_SOCK_Acceptor *) arg;
- if (peer_acceptor->enable (ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "enable"));
- // Keep these objects out here to prevent excessive constructor
- // calls...
- ACE_SOCK_Stream new_stream;
- ACE_INET_Addr cli_addr;
- ACE_Handle_Set handle_set;
- // Performs the iterative server activities.
- for (;;)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- char t = 'a';
- handle_set.reset ();
- handle_set.set_bit (peer_acceptor->get_handle ());
- int result = ACE_OS::select (int (peer_acceptor->get_handle ()) + 1,
- handle_set,
- 0, 0, &tv);
- if (result == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "select"), 0);
- else if (result == 0)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) select timed out, shutting down\n"));
- return 0;
- }
- // Create a new ACE_SOCK_Stream endpoint (note automatic restart
- // if errno == EINTR).
- while ((result = peer_acceptor->accept (new_stream, &cli_addr)) != -1)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) client %s connected from %d\n",
- cli_addr.get_host_name (), cli_addr.get_port_number ()));
- // Enable non-blocking I/O.
- if (new_stream.enable (ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "enable"), 0);
- handle_set.reset ();
- handle_set.set_bit (new_stream.get_handle ());
- // Read data from client (terminate on error).
- for (ssize_t r_bytes; ;)
- {
- if (ACE_OS::select (int (new_stream.get_handle ()) + 1,
- handle_set,
- 0, 0, 0) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "select"), 0);
- while ((r_bytes = new_stream.recv_n (buf, 1)) > 0)
- {
- ACE_ASSERT (t == buf[0]);
- t++;
- }
- if (r_bytes == 0)
- {
- "(%P|%t) reached end of input, connection closed by client\n"));
- // Handshake back with client.
- if (new_stream.send_n ("", 1) != 1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "send_n"));
- // Close endpoint.
- if (new_stream.close () == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "close"));
- return 0;
- }
- else if (r_bytes == -1)
- {
- if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) no input available, going back to reading\n"));
- else
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "recv_n"), 0);
- }
- }
- }
- if (result == -1)
- {
- if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) no connections available, going back to accepting\n"));
- else
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "accept"));
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void
-spawn (void)
- // Acceptor
- ACE_SOCK_Acceptor peer_acceptor;
- // Create a server address.
- ACE_INET_Addr server_addr;
- // Bind listener to any port and then find out what the port was.
- if ( (ACE_Addr::sap_any) == -1
- || peer_acceptor.get_local_addr (server_addr) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n", "open"));
- else
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) starting server at port %d\n",
- server_addr.get_port_number ()));
-#if !defined (ACE_WIN32) && !defined (VXWORKS)
- switch (ACE_OS::fork ())
- {
- case -1:
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n%a", "fork failed"));
- exit (-1);
- case 0:
- ACE_LOG_MSG->sync ("child");
- client (&server_addr);
- default:
- server ((void *) &peer_acceptor);
- ACE_OS::wait ();
- }
-#elif defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
- if (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->spawn
- (ACE_THR_FUNC (server), (void *) &peer_acceptor, THR_NEW_LWP | THR_DETACHED) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n%a", "thread create failed"));
- if (ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->spawn
- (ACE_THR_FUNC (client), (void *) &server_addr, THR_NEW_LWP | THR_DETACHED) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p\n%a", "thread create failed"));
- // Wait for the threads to exit.
- ACE_Service_Config::thr_mgr ()->wait ();
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) only one thread may be run in a process on this platform\n%a", 1));
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
- }
-main (int, char *[])
- spawn ();
- return 0;
diff --git a/tests/Shared_Memory_SV_Test.cpp b/tests/Shared_Memory_SV_Test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a3654a7745b..00000000000
--- a/tests/Shared_Memory_SV_Test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-// ============================================================================
-// tests
-// Shared_Memory_SV_Test.cpp
-// This is a simple test of ACE_Shared_Memory_SV
-// = AUTHOR
-// Prashant Jain and Doug Schmidt
-// ============================================================================
-#include "ace/Shared_Memory_SV.h"
-#include "test_config.h"
-const int SHMSZ = 27;
-const int SHM_KEY = 5678;
-static void
-client (void)
- char t = 'a';
- ACE_Shared_Memory_SV shm_client (SHM_KEY, SHMSZ,
- ACE_Shared_Memory_SV::ACE_CREATE);
- char *shm = (char *) shm_client.malloc ();
- for (char *s = shm; *s != '\0'; s++)
- {
- ACE_ASSERT (t == s[0]);
- t++;
- }
- *shm = '*';
- ACE_OS::exit (0);
-static void
-server (void)
- ACE_Shared_Memory_SV shm_server (SHM_KEY, SHMSZ,
- ACE_Shared_Memory_SV::ACE_CREATE);
- char *shm = (char *) shm_server.malloc ();
- char *s = shm;
- for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
- *s++ = c;
- *s = '\0';
- while (*shm != '*')
- ACE_OS::sleep (1);
- if (shm_server.remove () < 0)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "remove"));
-main (int, char *argv [])
- ACE_START_TEST ("Shared_Memory_SV_Test.cpp");
- switch (ACE_OS::fork ())
- {
- case -1:
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "fork"), 1);
- case 0:
- client ();
- break;
- default:
- server ();
- break;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/tests/run_tests.ksh b/tests/run_tests.ksh
deleted file mode 100755
index a4d7f0d8b17..00000000000
--- a/tests/run_tests.ksh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/ksh -f
-. ./
-# EOF