path: root/ACE/ASNMP/asnmp/pdu.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ACE/ASNMP/asnmp/pdu.cpp')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/ASNMP/asnmp/pdu.cpp b/ACE/ASNMP/asnmp/pdu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cbe67dcbbab
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+++ b/ACE/ASNMP/asnmp/pdu.cpp
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+// $Id$
+// ============================================================================
+// asnmp
+// pdu.cpp
+// Pdu class implementation. Encapsulation of an SMI Protocol
+// Data Unit (PDU) in C++.
+// = AUTHOR
+// Peter E Mellquist
+// Michael R MacFaden - rework & ACE port
+// ============================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 1996
+ Hewlett-Packard Company
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
+ and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
+ to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
+ copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
+ agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software; Hewlett-Packard
+ makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any
+ purpose. It is provided "AS-IS without warranty of any kind,either express
+ or implied. User hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all
+ derivatives based upon this software code base.
+#include "asnmp/snmp.h"
+#include "asnmp/pdu.h" // include Pdu class definition
+#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
+#include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h"
+ACE_RCSID(asnmp, pdu, "$Id$")
+//=====================[ constructor no args ]=========================
+Pdu::Pdu( void): vb_count_(0), error_status_(0), error_index_(0),
+validity_(0), request_id_(0), pdu_type_(0), notify_timestamp_(0),
+//=====================[ constructor with vbs_ and count ]==============
+Pdu::Pdu( Vb* pvbs, const int pvb_count): vb_count_(0), error_index_(0),
+validity_(0), request_id_(0), pdu_type_(0), notify_timestamp_(0),
+ int z = 0; // looping variable
+ // zero is ok
+ if ( pvb_count == 0) {
+ validity_ = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ // check for over then max
+ if ( pvb_count > MAX_VBS) {
+ validity_ = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ // loop through and assign internal vbs_
+ for (z = 0;z < pvb_count; z++) {
+ validity_ = 0;
+ ACE_NEW(vbs_[z], Vb( pvbs[z]));
+ validity_ = 1;
+ }
+ // assign the vb count
+ vb_count_ = pvb_count;
+ validity_ = 1;
+//=====================[ constructor with another Pdu instance ]========
+Pdu::Pdu( const Pdu &pdu): vb_count_(0),
+error_index_(0), validity_(0), request_id_(0), pdu_type_(0),
+notify_timestamp_(0), output_(0)
+ *this = pdu;
+ return;
+//=====================[ destructor ]====================================
+ delete_all_vbs();
+ delete [] output_;
+//=====================[ assignment to another Pdu object overloaded ]===
+Pdu& Pdu::operator=( const Pdu &pdu)
+ int z; // looping variable
+ // Initialize all mv's
+ error_status_ = pdu.error_status_;
+ error_index_ = pdu.error_index_;
+ request_id_ = pdu.request_id_;
+ pdu_type_ = pdu.pdu_type_;
+ notify_id_ = pdu.notify_id_;
+ notify_timestamp_ = pdu.notify_timestamp_;
+ notify_enterprise_ = pdu.notify_enterprise_;
+ validity_ = 1;
+ // free up old vbs_
+ for ( z = 0;z < vb_count_; z++)
+ delete vbs_[z];
+ vb_count_ = 0;
+ // check for zero case
+ if ( pdu.vb_count_ == 0) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // loop through and fill em up
+ for (z = 0; z < pdu.vb_count_; z++) {
+ validity_ = 0;
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN(vbs_[z], Vb ( *(pdu.vbs_[z])), *this);
+ validity_ = 1;
+ }
+ vb_count_ = pdu.vb_count_;
+ return *this;
+// append operator, appends a string
+Pdu& Pdu::operator+=( Vb &vb)
+ // do we have room?
+ if ( vb_count_ + 1 > MAX_VBS)
+ return *this;
+ // add the new one
+ validity_ = 0;
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN(vbs_[vb_count_], Vb (vb), *this);
+ // set up validity_
+ validity_ = 1;
+ // up the vb count
+ vb_count_++;
+ // return self reference
+ return *this;
+// return fomatted version of this object
+const char * Pdu::to_string()
+ // determine how big a buffer and allocate it
+ const int HEADER_STR = 100;
+ unsigned size = HEADER_STR; // header takes up this much room
+ int z;
+ for ( z = 0; z < vb_count_; z++)
+ size += ACE_OS::strlen(vbs_[z]->to_string());
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN(output_, char[size], "");
+ // print pdu header info
+ sprintf(output_, "pdu: valid: %d type:%d, req:%d, cnt: %d, err stat: %d \
+ err idx: %d\n", validity_, pdu_type_, (int) request_id_,
+ vb_count_, error_status_, error_index_ );
+ // now append vb pairs in this object
+ for ( z = 0; z < vb_count_; z++) {
+ ACE_OS::strcat(output_, vbs_[z]->to_string());
+ ACE_OS::strcat(output_, "\n\t");
+ }
+ return output_;
+//=====================[ extract Vbs from Pdu ]==========================
+// how do you know that the caler has enough memory???
+// should I self allocate this in here and require the
+// caller then to free it up at soem later time
+int Pdu::get_vblist( Vb* pvbs, const int pvb_count)
+ if ((!pvbs) || ( pvb_count < 0) || ( pvb_count > vb_count_))
+ return 0;
+ // loop through all vbs_ and assign to params
+ int z;
+ for (z = 0; z < pvb_count; z++)
+ pvbs[z] = *vbs_[z];
+ return 1;
+//=====================[ deposit Vbs ]===================================
+int Pdu::set_vblist( Vb* pvbs, const int pvb_count)
+ // if invalid then don't destroy
+ if ((!pvbs) || ( pvb_count < 0) || ( pvb_count > MAX_VBS))
+ return 0;
+ // free up current vbs_
+ int z;
+ for ( z = 0; z < vb_count_; z++)
+ delete vbs_[z];
+ vb_count_ = 0;
+ // check for zero case
+ if ( pvb_count == 0) {
+ validity_ = 1;
+ error_status_ = 0;
+ error_index_ = 0;
+ request_id_ = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // loop through all vbs_ and reassign them
+ for ( z = 0; z < pvb_count; z++) {
+ validity_ = 0;
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN(vbs_[z], Vb (pvbs[z]), 0);
+ validity_ = 1;
+ }
+ vb_count_ = pvb_count;
+ // clear error status and index since no longer valid
+ // request id may still apply so don't reassign it
+ error_status_ = 0;
+ error_index_ = 0;
+ validity_ = 1;
+ return 1;
+//===================[ get a particular vb ]=============================
+// here the caller has already instantiated a vb object
+// index is zero based
+int Pdu::get_vb( Vb &vb, const int index) const
+ // can't have an index less than 0
+ if ( index < 0)
+ return 0;
+ // can't ask for something not there
+ if ( index > (vb_count_ - 1))
+ return 0;
+ // asssign it
+ vb = *vbs_[index];
+ return 1;
+//===================[ set a particular vb ]=============================
+int Pdu::set_vb( Vb &vb, const int index)
+ // can't set a vb at index less than 0
+ if ( index < 0)
+ return 0;
+ // can't ask for something not there
+ if ( index > (vb_count_ - 1))
+ return 0;
+ // delete what is there
+ delete vbs_[index];
+ // assign it
+ validity_ = 0;
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN(vbs_[index], Vb (vb), 0);
+ validity_ = 1;
+ return 1;
+//=====================[ return number of vbs_ ]==========================
+int Pdu::get_vb_count() const
+ return vb_count_;
+//=====================[ return the error status ]=======================
+int Pdu::get_error_status() const
+ return error_status_;
+const char *Pdu::agent_error_reason()
+ int pdu_err = get_error_status();
+ if (pdu_err == 0) // any real error?
+ return "not in error state";
+ int n_vbs = get_vb_count();
+ Vb bad;
+ get_vb(bad, get_error_index() -1); // not zero based??
+ const char *pmsg = Snmp::error_string(get_error_status());
+ const char *id = bad.to_string_oid();
+ const char *val = bad.to_string_value();
+ const int HDR_SZ = 100;
+ if (!output_) {
+ int size = ACE_OS::strlen(pmsg) + ACE_OS::strlen(id) +
+ ACE_OS::strlen(val);
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN(output_, char[size + HDR_SZ], "");
+ }
+ ACE_OS::sprintf(output_,
+ "FAIL PDU REPORT: pdu id: %lu vb cnt: %d vb idx: %d\n"
+ " msg: %s vb oid: %s value: %s\n",
+ get_request_id(), n_vbs, get_error_index(),
+ pmsg, id, val);
+ return output_;
+//=====================[ set the error status ]==========================
+// friend
+void set_error_status( Pdu *pdu, const int status)
+ if (pdu)
+ pdu->error_status_ = status;
+//=====================[ return the error index ]========================
+int Pdu::get_error_index() const
+ return error_index_;
+//=====================[ set the error index ]===========================
+// friend
+void set_error_index( Pdu *pdu, const int index)
+ if (pdu)
+ pdu->error_index_ = index;
+//=====================[ clear error status ]=============================
+void clear_error_status( Pdu *pdu)
+ if (pdu)
+ pdu->error_status_ = 0;
+//=====================[ clear error index ]==============================
+void clear_error_index( Pdu *pdu)
+ if (pdu)
+ pdu->error_index_ = 0;
+//=====================[ return the request id ]==========================
+unsigned long Pdu::get_request_id() const
+ return request_id_;
+//=====================[ set the request id ]=============================
+// friend function
+void set_request_id( Pdu *pdu, const unsigned long rid)
+ if (pdu)
+ pdu->request_id_ = rid;
+//=====================[ returns validity_ of Pdu instance ]===============
+int Pdu::valid() const
+ return validity_;
+//=====================[ get the pdu type ]===============================
+unsigned short Pdu::get_type()const
+ return pdu_type_;
+// set the pdu type
+void Pdu::set_type( unsigned short type)
+ pdu_type_ = type;
+// trim off the last vb
+int Pdu::trim(const int p)
+ int lp = p;
+ // verify that lp is legal
+ if ( lp < 0 || lp > vb_count_)
+ return 0;
+ while ( lp != 0) {
+ if ( vb_count_ > 0) {
+ delete vbs_[vb_count_ - 1];
+ vb_count_--;
+ }
+ lp--;
+ }
+ return 1;
+// delete a Vb anywhere within the Pdu
+int Pdu::delete_vb( const int p)
+ // position has to be in range
+ if (( p < 0) || ( p > (vb_count_ - 1)))
+ return 0;
+ // safe to remove it
+ delete vbs_[ p];
+ for ( int z=p;z < (vb_count_-1);z++) {
+ vbs_[z] = vbs_[z+1];
+ }
+ vb_count_--;
+ return 1;
+void Pdu::delete_all_vbs()
+ for ( int z = 0; z < vb_count_; z++)
+ delete vbs_[z];
+ vb_count_ = 0;
+// set notify timestamp
+void Pdu::set_notify_timestamp( const TimeTicks & timestamp)
+ notify_timestamp_ = timestamp;
+// get notify timestamp
+void Pdu::get_notify_timestamp( TimeTicks & timestamp) const
+ timestamp = notify_timestamp_;
+// set the notify id
+void Pdu::set_notify_id( const Oid id)
+ notify_id_ = id;
+// get the notify id
+void Pdu::get_notify_id( Oid &id) const
+ id = notify_id_;
+// set the notify enterprise
+void Pdu::set_notify_enterprise( const Oid &enterprise)
+ notify_enterprise_ = enterprise;
+// get the notify enterprise
+void Pdu::get_notify_enterprise( Oid & enterprise) const
+ enterprise = notify_enterprise_;
+// ------ class VbIter -------------------
+VbIter::VbIter(Pdu& pdu): idx_(-1), pdu_(&pdu)
+// returns 1 if ok, else 0 if none left
+int VbIter::next(Vb& vb)
+ if (idx_ == -1) {
+ idx_ = 0;
+ pdu_->get_vb(vb, idx_++);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ if (idx_ < pdu_->get_vb_count()) {
+ pdu_->get_vb(vb, idx_++);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0; // non left