path: root/ACE/TAO/docs/releasenotes/rtc10_sched.html
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+ <title>RTCORBA 1.0 Scheduling Service</title>
+RTCORBA 1.0 Scheduling Service</h2></center>
+<p><br>Matt Murphy &lt;>
+<br>University of Rhode Island
+<p>This is an implementation of the RTCORBA 1.0 Scheduling Service. Per
+section 3 of the RTCORBA 1.0 specification (OMG), the scheduling service
+is comprised of two local interfaces, a ClientScheduler and a ServerScheduler.
+Build Issues:</h3>
+Run tao_idl -I $TAO_ROOT/ RTCosScheduling.pidl.
+Run make -f Makefile.RTCosScheduling from ../
+The RTCosScheduler allows clients to schedule tasks according to scheduling
+information determined a priori.&nbsp; This scheduling information is stored
+in a config file so that both the client and the server has access to it.&nbsp;
+(If the client and server exists on different nodes then place a copy of
+the config file on each node.)
+<p>Per the RTCORBA 1.0 spec, clients use a ClientScheduler object and servers
+use a ServerScheduler object to schedule activities on the system.&nbsp;
+Since each may or may not use its scheduler, there are four possible scenarios
+in which the system may run.&nbsp; These are:
+<p>1. Client uses ClientScheduler, Server uses ServerScheduler.&nbsp; In
+this case the system follows the rules set forth in the "Scheduling Service"
+section of this document below.
+<p>2. Client uses ClientScheduler, Server does not use ServerScheduler.
+In this case activities are scheduled on the client and run at the mapped
+Real Time priority set forth in the config&nbsp; file while executing on
+the client.&nbsp; However, any activity on the server does not run at a
+real time priority.&nbsp; This means that Multiprocessor Priority Ceiling
+Protocol does not manage activities on the server.&nbsp; Currently, the
+client has no way of knowing that activity on the server did not follow
+the MPCP protocol.&nbsp; Future enhancements to the RTCORBA 1.0 scheduling
+service should notify the client (perhaps through a flag to a client interceptor)
+that&nbsp;&nbsp; the server did not use MPCP.&nbsp; Please note that this
+scenario is generally&nbsp; not recommended as there is a strong possibility
+for&nbsp; priority inversion or unexpected blocking in this situation since
+any and all server activity that uses the ServerScheduler&nbsp; will run
+at a higher priority that server activity that does not.&nbsp;&nbsp; Use
+scenario 1 above.&nbsp; Here, the server's priority lowers from&nbsp; RTCORBA::maxPriority
+to RTCORBA::minPriority and things will&nbsp; execute on a best effort
+<p>3. Client does not use ClientScheduler, Server uses ServerScheduler.&nbsp;
+In this case the client does not use priorities set forth in the config
+file.&nbsp; The ServerScheduler, on the other hand, does use MPCP to schedule
+execution on the server.&nbsp; It uses the priority sent to the server
+by the client, which is the default priority that the
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; client ran at (since the client priority was not changed
+by schedule_activity().&nbsp; This follows the scenario of the ServerScheduler
+set forth below.&nbsp; Please note that it is recommended
+that you use
+scenario 1, above, instead so that the client sends appropriate priorities
+to the server.
+<p>4. Client does not use ClientScheduler, server does not use ServerScheduler.&nbsp;
+In this case neither the client nor the server take advantage of&nbsp;
+the RTCORBA 1.0 Scheduler.
+Scheduling Service:</h3>
+<br>Clients wishing to use the ClientScheduler to schedule activities
+<br>must first create a local ClientScheduler object reference.&nbsp; The
+<br>ClientScheduler is declared as:
+<p>RTCosScheduling_ClientScheduler_i (
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; CORBA::ORB_var orb, /// Orb reference
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; char* node,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+/// Node the client resides on
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; char* file);&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+/// Config file holding scheduling information
+<p>The ClientScheduler constructor parses the config file and populates
+an ACE_MAP with the activity/priority associations for the node on which
+the client resides.&nbsp; It also constructs a ClientScheduler_Interceptor
+that adds a service context the send_request interceptor that contains
+the priority the client is running at when the call is made.
+<p>Once initialized, calls to the ClientScheduler schedule_activity(const
+char * activity_name) method will match the activity_name parameter to
+the CORBA priority value in the ACE_Map.&nbsp; It linearly maps CORBA priority
+to a local OS priority and sets the local OS priority using RT Current.&nbsp;
+If the activity name provided is not valid (i.e. not found in the config
+file), a RTCosScheduling::UnknownName exception is thrown.
+<p>The ClientScheduler also registers an client side interceptor with the
+orb.&nbsp; This ClientScheduler_Interceptor finds the CORBA priority that
+the client is running at when the remote method call is made and adds this
+priority to a service context for the ServerScheduler_Interceptor to use.&nbsp;
+Initial tests find that this interceptor adds 0.00015 seconds of execution
+on an Intel 3.0 GHz processor.
+Servers that contain local objects that will accept CORBA calls must create
+a local ServerScheduler object.&nbsp; The ServerScheduler uses TAO's PortableInterceptors
+to intercept incoming client requests and schedule execution on the server.&nbsp;
+These interceptors are registered by the ORB_Core as explained in the create_POA
+method below. The ServerScheduler is defined as:
+<p>&nbsp; RTCosScheduling_ServerScheduler_i (
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char *node,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /// Node the ServerScheduler
+resides on
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char *file,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /// Config file holding
+scheduling information
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char *shared_file,&nbsp; /// File used for shared
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int numthreads);&nbsp;&nbsp; /// Number of threads
+to create in the threadpool
+<p>During initialization, the ServerScheduler finds the appropriate node
+information in the config file and stores resources (key) on the node and
+the appropriate priority ceiling (value) in a map.&nbsp; It also reads
+in the base priority for the resource.
+<p>The ServerScheduler constructor then registers the PortableInterceptors
+necessary to scheduler execution on the server.&nbsp; It also set up the
+linear mapping policy and a reference to the RT Current object, both of
+which are used for adjusting the server's local OS priority when using
+the priority ceiling control protocol.
+<p>Once the ServerScheduler object is constructed, users may create an
+orb and establish any non real time POA policies they wish to install by
+calling the ServerScheduler's create_POA method.
+<p>ServerScheduler's create_POA method creates a real time POA that will
+set and enforce all non-real time policies.&nbsp; This method also sets
+the real time POA to enforce the Server Declared Priority Model Policy
+and creates a threadpool responsible for executing calls to the server.
+Server Declared Priority Model is used so that the server threads may run
+at a high enough priority to intercept requests as soon as they come in.
+If Client Propagated Priority Ceilings were used, incoming requests would
+not be intercepted until all existing servant execution is completed.&nbsp;
+This is because MPCP elevates the priority of servant execution to be higher
+than the client priorities.
+<p>Recall that the number of threads in the threadpool was supplied by
+the ServerScheduler constructor.&nbsp; The create_POA method is defined
+<p>&nbsp; virtual ::PortableServer::POA_ptr create_POA (
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; PortableServer::POA_ptr parent,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+/// Non RT POA parent
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; const char * adapter_name,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ///
+Name for the POA
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; PortableServer::POAManager_ptr a_POAManager,&nbsp;
+/// Manager for the POA
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; const CORBA::PolicyList &amp; policies&nbsp; ///
+List of non RT policies
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL)
+<br>&nbsp; ACE_THROW_SPEC ((
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CORBA::SystemException
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; , PortableServer::POA::AdapterAlreadyExists
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; , PortableServer::POA::InvalidPolicy
+<br>&nbsp; ));
+<p>Once a RT POA has been created, schedule_object is called to store CORBA
+Object references (key) with a name (value) in an ACE_MAP.&nbsp; An
+<br>RTCosScheduling::UnknownName exception is thrown if the schedule_object
+name parameter is not found in the resource map (i.e. it was not in the
+<br>config file.) The schedule_object method is declared as:
+<p>&nbsp; virtual void schedule_object (
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CORBA::Object_ptr obj,&nbsp; /// A CORBA object
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; const char * name&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /// Name to
+associate with obj
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL)
+<br>&nbsp; ACE_THROW_SPEC ((
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CORBA::SystemException
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; , RTCosScheduling::UnknownName
+<br>&nbsp; ));
+<p>Once all objects that will receive client requests have been scheduled
+using schedule_object, clients are free to make calls on those objects.
+The scheduling service interceptors catch these calls and perform the necessary
+priority ceiling control measures to ensure that the calls are executed
+in the appropriate order.&nbsp; The ServerScheduler_Interceptor receive_request
+method intercepts all incoming request immediately since it is set to run
+at RTCORBA::maxPriority (the highest priority on the server OS).&nbsp;
+It then gets the client priority sent in the service context as well as
+the resource ceiling for the object and the base priority for the server.
+<br>Initial tests indicate that the receive_request interceptor takes around
+0.002 seconds to complete on an Intel 3.0 GHz processor.
+<p>Given these values it is able to use the Multiprocessor Priority Ceiling
+Protocol to schedule execution on the server to handle the request.&nbsp;
+MPCP schedules all global critical sections at a higher priority than tasks
+on the local processor by adding the client priority to the base priority
+of the servant, then adding the resource ceiling of the resource to the
+base priority to find the appropriate priority ceiling. For more information
+about MPCP, please refer to the book "Real Time Systems", By Jane Liu (2000).
+<p>Please not that the locking mechanisms are stored in shared memory on
+the server.&nbsp; This means that the locks cannot be stored in linked
+lists and are therefore manipulated using memory offsets.&nbsp; The total
+number of locks that may be stored in shared memory is currently set at
+<p>When remote execution is complete the send_reply interceptor resets
+the thread to listen at RTCORBA::maxPriority and removes the task form
+the Invocation
+<br>list.&nbsp; Initial test indicate that the send_reply interceptor takes
+0.000075 seconds to complete on an Intel 3.0 GHz processor.
+Scheduling Service Config File:</h3>
+The scheduling service config file holds the information necessary to schedule
+the system.&nbsp; Task and resource ceiling information is stored for each
+of the nodes as follows:
+<p>Node 1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /// The node name is 1
+<br>BP&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 6000&nbsp; /// The base priority for
+the resource
+<br>Server1 1000&nbsp;&nbsp; /// A list of resources and their priority
+<br>Server2 2000
+<br>END&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /// The end of the resource list
+<p>Tasks:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /// A list of tasks that will execute on the
+<br>Client1 1000
+<br>Client2 3000
+<br>Client3 5000
+<br>END&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /// The end of the task list.
+<p>Please note that these associations are tab delimited.&nbsp; Please
+do not include comments in the scheduling service config file.&nbsp; The
+priorities associated
+<br>with each task and resource are considered to be CORBA priorities,
+and will be mapped to local OS level priorities using the Linear Mapping
+<br>model.&nbsp; Per the OMG RT CORBA spec, CORBA priorities have a valid
+range up to 32767, where a larger value indicates a higher priority.&nbsp;
+The current
+<br>config file assumes that the Multiprocessor Priority Ceiling Protocol
+is used.
+Known Issues:</h3>
+TAO does not currently support request buffering, and there are no immediate
+plans to do so.&nbsp; Consequently, the RT CORBA 1.0 Scheduling Service
+<br>limited in that it will only function properly in systems that do not
+require request buffering on the servant side.
+<p>There is a bug in TAO in which mapped priorities are mapped a second
+time when using Client Propagated Priority Ceiling Protocol.&nbsp; This
+in effect
+<br>lowers the priority that the servant receives.&nbsp; This happens to
+each priority, so there should be no effect on the system.
+<p>The config file assumes CORBA priorities in the range of 0 to 32767.
+The Linear Priority Mapping Manager will map these to valid local OS priorities.&nbsp;
+Take care though, in determining the priority range in the config file,
+as low numbers or numbers very close in value may produce priority inversion
+and other issues.&nbsp; For example, if the CORBA priorities used for three
+tasks are 100 200 300, these will all map to OS priority 1 in on some real
+time Linux systems. Please take this into
+<br>account when determining the CORBA priority range to use.
+<p>The 1.0 Scheduling service currently works with one orb and one POA.
+If someone tries to install more than one scheduling service (client or
+server side) on a single POA, then it should not add a second interceptor.&nbsp;
+Please use a single scheduling service per POA.&nbsp; Furthermore, there
+is a bug when more than one orb is created, an invalid policy exception
+is thrown during the second call to create_POA.&nbsp; This bug is actively
+being investigated.&nbsp; In the meantime please use the scheduling service
+with one ORB.
+Future Enhancements:</h3>
+<br>The current RT CORBA 1.0 Scheduling Service uses a private method to
+read the config file.&nbsp; This will soon be replaced with a new XML based
+<br>file using ACE_XML to parse the config file.
+<p>Priority Lanes
+<br>Although not currently implemented, Priority Lanes and Thread Borrowing
+may increase performance as they would help to prevent lower priority tasks
+from exhausting all threads.&nbsp; This is considered a possible future
+<p>Client Interceptor
+<br>A client interceptor that sends a flag to notify the server interceptor
+if schedule_activity() was used to set the client priority.&nbsp; If schedule_activity()
+was not used, then the server should probably not try and schedule server
+execution using MPCP.&nbsp; Doing so adds competition to other method calls
+by other client requests that were scheduled with schedule_activity().
+The Object Management Group, Real Time CORBA 1.0 Specification,
+<br>Liu, Jane, Real Time Systems, Prentice Hall, 2000