path: root/ACE/TAO/docs/tutorials/Quoter/Simple/Persistent/index.html
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+ <head>
+ <title>Persistent Objects</title>
+ <!-- $Id$ -->
+ </head>
+ <BODY text = "#000000"
+ link="#000fff"
+ vlink="#ff0f0f"
+ bgcolor="#ffffff">
+ <h3>Introduction - Improving the Server</h3>
+ <P>In this section, we will improve the
+ <!-- @@ Priyanka: I think the HTML spec requires you to use
+ quotes for all URLs
+ -->
+ <A HREF="../Server/server.cpp">
+ simple server
+ </A>
+ which we have developed before. We will use POA policies
+ to create an object with a persistent object reference.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The characteristics of a POA are controlled via POA policies
+ that are specified when the POA is created.
+ POA policies all have the same form: their values are specified
+ at creation time using an enumerated type.
+ In our example we will use the <CODE>LifeSpanPolicy</CODE>
+ that controls how the lifetime of object references relates to
+ the lifetime of the POAs that generate the object references
+ and the <CODE>IdAssignmentPolicy</CODE> that controls how
+ object ids are assigned.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ CORBA Objects that can live irrespective of any particular
+ process in which they are created or activated are called
+ <EM>Persistent Objects</EM>.
+ Likewise,
+ shorter-lived objects whose lifetimes are bound to the
+ lifetime of the POA in which they are created are called
+ <EM>Transient Objects</EM>.
+ Notice that this has nothing to do with the state of the object:
+ an application can create transient objects to access some
+ persistent information maintained in a database.
+ For example,
+ such objects can represent a different session or transaction view
+ of the data.
+ Similarly, some persistent object references may have no state
+ or no persistent state.
+ For example, a logging facility is persistent because it is
+ always available, but it may maintain no state or simply cache
+ some state for the current activation.
+ In general, though,
+ objects that have persistent state are accessed throught
+ persistent object references.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The standard life span policy for the RootPOA is
+ This means that any application that needs to support persistent
+ objects must create at least another POA with the Persistent
+ life span policy.
+ In our example we will create two policies for this child POA.
+ One policy is the <CODE>LifeSpanPolicy</CODE> which we will set
+ Usually applications that create persistent object references
+ also set the <CODE>IdAssignmentPolicy</CODE>,
+ so they can assign the object ids in a predictable way,
+ consistent across server activations.
+ It is possible, but very unusual, to use system ids with
+ persistent object references.
+ </P>
+ <!--
+ <P>A POA identifies its object by an object identifier, specified
+ using the ObjectId type, defined in the PortableServer module.
+ Within the scope of a POA, all Object IDs must be unique.
+ An application can either supply its own ObjectID or have the
+ POA create object identifiers for it.
+ This Object identification is controlled by the IdAssignmentPolicy. If
+ the policy value is set to be <CODE>USER_ID</CODE>, the application has
+ the choice. Otherwise, if this policy value is set to be
+ <CODE>SYSTEM_ID</CODE>, the RootPOA creates the ObjectIDs.
+ Let's give our
+ application a choice for the creation of its Object's IDs.
+ </P>
+ -->
+ <P>For more about POA and its policies,
+ please refer to
+ "Advanced CORBA Programming with C++"
+ by Henning and Vinoski.
+ The TAO distribution also includes many examples on how to use
+ the POA and its policies in the
+ <CODE>$TAO_ROOT/examples/POA</CODE>
+ directory.
+ </P>
+ <H3>Child POA Creation</H3>
+ <P>
+ As before, we first initialize the ORB,
+ and obtain a reference to the Root POA.
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv);
+ CORBA::Object_var poa_object =
+ orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");
+ PortableServer::POA_var poa =
+ PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ());
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Next we get the <CODE>POAManager</CODE> of the <CODE>RootPOA</CODE>
+ and use it to activate the <CODE>RootPOA</CODE>
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager =
+ poa->the_POAManager ();
+ poa_manager->activate ();
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Now we create a <CODE>LifeSpanPolicy</CODE>
+ object with the <CODE>PERSISTENT</CODE> value:
+ <PRE>
+ // Create a PERSISTENT LifespanPolicy object
+ PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var lifespan =
+ poa->create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::PERSISTENT);
+ <P>
+ and next we create an <CODE>IdAssignmentPolicy</CODE> object with
+ the <CODE>USER_ID</CODE> value:
+ </P>
+ // Create a USER_ID IdAssignmentPolicy object
+ PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var idassignment =
+ poa->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID);
+ </PRE>
+ <P>Next we can initialize the sequence of policies:
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ CORBA::PolicyList polices (2);
+ policies.length (2);
+ policies[0] =
+ PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate (idassignment);
+ policies[1] =
+ PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_duplicate (lifespan);
+ </PRE>
+ <!-- @@ Priyanka: I noticed that you used "let's" and "doesn't"
+ several times, I understand that it is not good style for
+ professional looking documents, then again it may be my fault,
+ because I was really loose on the first set of tutorials.
+ -->
+ <P>Child POAs are created using the <CODE>create_POA</CODE>
+ operation on the parent POA.
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ PortableServer::POA_var child_poa =
+ poa->create_POA ("childPOA",
+ (),
+ policies);
+ </PRE>
+ <P>The values which we pass to this <CODE>create_POA</CODE> operation are
+ the name of the child POA, the POAManager of the child POA, and the
+ <CODE>CORBA::PolicyList</CODE>.
+ We can create a child controlled by a new
+ <CODE>POAManager</CODE> by passing
+ a <CODE>nil</CODE> reference,
+ but commonly the <CODE>POAManager</CODE> of the parent is used.
+ </P>
+ <P>Finally, we can now destroy the life span policy and id assignment
+ policy objects, since they are no longer needed. The
+ <CODE>create_POA</CODE> operation will make a copy of the objects in the
+ policy list and the newly created POA will refer to the copies of the
+ objects passed to the <CODE>create_POA</CODE>.
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ idassignment->destroy ();
+ lifespan->destroy ();
+ </PRE>
+ <H3>Activating Objects in the child POA </H3>
+ <P>Now that we have created a new POA, let's use this POA to activate the
+ stock objects. The first step would be to create an instance of the
+ stock factory implementation.
+ <PRE>
+ // Create a servant of class Quoter_Stock_Factory_i
+ Quoter_Stock_Factory_i stock_factory_i;
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Objects can be activated explicitly using the
+ <CODE>activate_object_with_id ()</CODE>
+ operation.
+ This operation has two input parameters:
+ id of the object and a pointer to the servant that implements
+ it.
+ We create the id using a helper function:
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid =
+ PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId ("Stock_Factory");
+ </PRE>
+ <P>Next, we can activate the "Stock_Factory" object:
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ child_poa->activate_object_with_id ( (),
+ &stock_factory_i);
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ This operation does not return the object reference of the new
+ object,
+ but we can use the <CODE>id_to_reference</CODE> operation
+ to obtain the object reference:
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ CORBA::Object_var stock_factory =
+ child_poa->id_to_reference ( ());
+ </PRE>
+ <P>As before, we convert the object reference into an IOR string
+ so that the client can use it.
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ CORBA::String_var ior = orb->object_to_string ( ());
+ std::cout << () << std::endl;
+ </PRE>
+ <P>As we know already, the final step before a client's request can
+ get processed would be to run the ORB event loop. Last, we destroy
+ the POA, waiting until the destruction terminates.
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ orb->run ();
+ // Destroy the POA
+ poa->destroy (1,1);
+ orb->destroy ();
+ </PRE>
+ <H3>Exercise</H3>
+ Modify the <a href=../Server/server.cpp>server.cpp</a> in the simple
+ server to create the persistent child POA.
+ You can use the same
+ <a href=../Quoter.idl>Quoter.idl</a>
+ <a href=../Server/Stock_i.h>Stock_i.h</a>
+ <a href=../Server/Stock_i.cpp>Stcok_i.cpp</a>
+ <a href=../Server/Stock_Factory_i.h>Stock_Factory_i.h</a>
+ <a href=../Server/Stock_Factory_i.cpp>Stock_Factory_i.cpp</a>
+ You can use this <a href="Quoter_Simple_Persistent.mpc">MPC file</a>.
+ <H3>Solution</H3>
+ Compare your server.cpp with
+ <a href="server.cpp">
+ server.cpp
+ </a> file.
+ <H3>Testing</H3>
+ You can use the <a href=../Client/client.cpp>client.cpp</a> to check
+ the results, as follows:
+ <PRE>
+ $ ./server -ORBEndPoint iiop://localhost:12345 > server.ref &
+ </PRE>
+ <P>Normally the ORB selects a listening endpoint at random.
+ This is inadequate for applications with persistent object
+ references because the references will become invalid if the
+ server restarts in a new listening endpoint.
+ In TAO we can control the listening endpont(s) using the
+ <!-- @@ Priyanka: can you add a URL for the document that
+ describes all the ORB options?
+ -->
+ <CODE>-ORBEndPoint</CODE> option.
+ For example, for the IIOP protocol,
+ the endpoint information contains the name or IP address of the
+ host and a free TCP port number.
+ In the next
+ <A HREF="../Impl-Repo/index.html">
+ tutorial
+ </A>
+ we will learn how we can use the
+ <!-- @@ Priyanka: can you add a URL for the document that
+ describes the implementation repository?
+ -->
+ Implementation Repository to work with persistent object
+ references without setting the listening endpoint explicitly.
+ </P>
+ <P> The client is executed as usual:
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ $ ./client file://server.ref MSFT RHAT
+ </PRE>
+ <P>For testing the persistency of the POA, let's kill the server. Then
+ direct the object reference into a new foo.ref.
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ $ kill %1
+ $ ./server -ORBEndPoint iiop://localhost:12345 > foo.ref &
+ [2] 6941
+ </PRE>
+ <P>If we run the client again, we must get the result from the server
+ as before.
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ $ ./client file://server.ref MSFT RHAT
+ </PRE>
+ <P>What happens if we don't tell the server to listen from the
+ same port?
+ Let's try to run the new server as usual:
+ </P>
+ <PRE>
+ $ ./server > server.ref &
+ [1] 23897
+ $ ./client file://server.ref MSFT RHAT
+ The price of a stock in "RedHat, Inc." is $210
+ The price of a stock in "Microsoft, Inc." is $91
+ $ kill %1
+ $ ./server > foo.ref &
+ [2] 23908
+ $ ./client file://server.ref MSFT RHAT
+ CORBA exception raised!TRANSIENT (
+ </PRE>
+ <!-- @@ Priyanka: check my comments on what a TRANSIENT exception
+ means
+ -->
+ <P>A CORBA TRANSIENT exception is raised.
+ This indicates that some of the resources required to perform
+ the request are not available.
+ In this case the client ORB cannot find the server on the
+ expected port number.
+ Without an Implementation Repository the client ORB cannot
+ locate the server in its new port.
+ It has to assume that the server is temporarly down,
+ and could be restarted in the future,
+ thus the TRANSIENT exception.
+ </P>
+ <H3>More Reading</H3>
+ <P>The
+ <A HREF="">
+ Henning
+ </A>
+ and
+ <A HREF="">
+ Vinoski
+ </A>
+ <A HREF="">
+ CORBA book
+ </A> discusses POA policies in detail.
+ Likewise, the Schmidt and Vinoski
+ <A HREF="">
+ columns
+ </A>
+ in C++ Report also include several articles about the POA.
+ Finally, the
+ <A HREF="">
+ </A>
+ distribution includes several
+ <A HREF="../../../../../examples/POA">
+ examples
+ </A>
+ that illustrate how to use the POA policies.
+ </P>
+ <hr>
+ <address><a href="">Priyanka Gontla</a></address>
+<!-- Created: Wed Mar 1 20:29:59 PST 2000 -->
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Sun Apr 1 18:09:33 PDT 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </body>