path: root/ACE/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/Notify/MC/TkMonitor/modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ACE/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/Notify/MC/TkMonitor/modules/')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/Notify/MC/TkMonitor/modules/ b/ACE/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/Notify/MC/TkMonitor/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ecc31284f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/Notify/MC/TkMonitor/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+package MonitorControl;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Graphical interface for the Notify Service Monitor
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 7/17/2007
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Tree;
+use Tk::ROText;
+use Tk::DialogBox;
+use GeometryStore;
+use Error qw(:try);
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelCreationTime;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelFactoryNames;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::ActiveEventChannelNames;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::InactiveEventChannelNames;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelSupplierNames;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelConsumerNames;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelQueueElementCount;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelQueueSize;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelOldestEvent;
+use NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelSlowestConsumers;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my($headingFont) = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-i-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my(%help) = ('Basics', => 'Click on an item in the tree view ' .
+ 'to obtain more information.',
+ 'Auto Refresh' => 'The item selected in the tree view ' .
+ "will be refreshed every second.\nNOTE: " .
+ 'This may slow down the notify service ' .
+ 'due to internal locking.',
+ 'Update' => 'Refresh the tree view with up-to-date ' .
+ 'information from the monitor.',
+ 'Shutdown EC' => 'Send a "shutdown event channel" command ' .
+ 'to the notify service monitor. An ' .
+ 'event channel must already be selected.',
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class) = shift;
+ my($orb) = shift;
+ my($loc) = shift;
+ return bless {'orb' => $orb,
+ 'loc' => $loc,
+ 'rc' => 'NotifyServiceMonitor',
+ 'title' => 'Notify Service Monitor',
+ 'version' => '1.0',
+ 'auto' => 0,
+ }, $class;
+sub Show {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ ## Create the main window and other widgets
+ my($main) = new MainWindow();
+ my($dim, $geom) = GeometryStore::retrieve($self->{'rc'});
+ my($full) = ($dim eq '' ? '800x600' : $dim) . $geom;
+ $main->geometry($full);
+ $main->title($self->{'title'});
+ $main->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',
+ sub { GeometryStore::store($self->{'rc'},
+ $main->geometry());
+ $self->{'auto'} = 0;
+ $self->repeat();
+ exit(0);
+ });
+ $self->{'main'} = $main;
+ $self->setup();
+ ## Update the widgets
+ $self->update();
+ ## Run the Tk event loop
+ MainLoop();
+sub setup {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($main) = $self->{'main'};
+ my($bg) = '#dfdfdf';
+ $self->{'factory_image'} = $main->Getimage('factory');
+ $self->{'active_image'} = $main->Getimage('active');
+ $self->{'inactive_image'} = $main->Getimage('inactive');
+ my($menuFrame) = $main->Frame(-relief => 'raised',
+ -borderwidth => 1,
+ )->pack(-side => 'top',
+ -fill => 'x');
+ my($fileMenu) = $menuFrame->Menubutton(-text => 'File',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -tearoff => 0
+ )->pack(-side => 'left');
+ $fileMenu->command(-label => 'Exit',
+ -underline => 1,
+ -command => sub { GeometryStore::store($self->{'rc'},
+ $main->geometry());
+ $self->{'auto'} = 0;
+ $self->repeat();
+ exit(0); },
+ );
+ my($viewMenu) = $menuFrame->Menubutton(-text => 'View',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -tearoff => 0,
+ )->pack(-side => 'left');
+ $viewMenu->command(-label => 'Update',
+ -underline => 1,
+ -command => sub { $self->update(); },
+ );
+ $viewMenu->checkbutton(-label => 'Auto Refresh',
+ -underline => 1,
+ -command => sub { $self->repeat() },
+ -variable => \$self->{'auto'},
+ );
+ my($contMenu) = $menuFrame->Menubutton(-text => 'Control',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -tearoff => 0,
+ )->pack(-side => 'left');
+ $contMenu->command(-label => 'Shutdown EC',
+ -underline => 1,
+ -command => sub { $self->shutdownEC(); },
+ );
+ my($helpMenu) = $menuFrame->Menubutton(-text => 'Help',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -tearoff => 0
+ )->pack(-side => 'right');
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %help) {
+ $helpMenu->command(-label => "Help on $key...",
+ -underline => 8,
+ -command => sub { $self->help($help{$key},
+ $key) },
+ );
+ }
+ $helpMenu->separator();
+ $helpMenu->command(-label => 'About...',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => sub { $self->about() },
+ );
+ $self->{'tree'} = $main->Scrolled('Tree',
+ -background => $bg,
+ -scrollbars => 'ose',
+ -separator => '/',
+ -selectmode => 'single',
+ -width => 40,
+ -browsecmd => sub { $self->{'current'} = $_[0];
+ $self->more();
+ },
+ )->pack(-expand => 1,
+ -fill => 'both',
+ -side => 'left');
+ my($font) = $self->{'tree'}->cget(-font);
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ $self->{'tree'}->configure(-cursor => 'hand2');
+ }
+ else {
+ my($xbmdir) = "$INC[0]/Tk";
+ $self->{'tree'}->configure(-cursor => ["\@$xbmdir/hand.xbm",
+ "$xbmdir/mask.xbm",
+ 'black', 'white']);
+ }
+ $self->{'text'} = $main->Scrolled('ROText',
+ -background => $bg,
+ -scrollbars => 'osoe',
+ -height => 1,
+ -font => $font,
+ -wrap => 'none',
+ );
+ ## Assume that the 'File' portion of the popup menu is at
+ ## index 0 and the 'View' portion is at the end and delete them.
+ my($lmenu) = $self->{'text'}->menu();
+ $lmenu->delete(0);
+ $lmenu->delete('end');
+ $self->{'text'}->pack(-expand => 1,
+ -fill => 'both',
+ -side => 'left');
+sub update {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($tree) = $self->{'tree'};
+ my($dis) = '#bfbfbf';
+ ## Remove everything from view
+ $self->{'current'} = undef;
+ $self->more();
+ $tree->delete('all');
+ ## Start with the event channel factories
+ my($names) = $self->getStatisticData(
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelFactoryNames);
+ if (defined $names) {
+ foreach my $name (@$names) {
+ ## Add the factory name and creation time
+ my($num) = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelCreationTime);
+ next if (!defined $num);
+ my($time) = $num->last();
+ $time = $self->getTimeString($time);
+ $tree->add($name,
+ -text => $name,
+ -data => $time,
+ -image => $self->{'factory_image'});
+ ## Add the active event channels
+ my($ecnames) = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::ActiveEventChannelNames);
+ next if (!defined $ecnames);
+ foreach my $ecname (@$ecnames) {
+ $num = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $ecname . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelCreationTime);
+ next if (!defined $num);
+ $time = $num->last();
+ $time = $self->getTimeString($time);
+ $tree->add($ecname,
+ -text => basename($ecname),
+ -data => $time,
+ -image => $self->{'active_image'});
+ }
+ ## Add the inactive event channels
+ $ecnames = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::InactiveEventChannelNames);
+ next if (!defined $ecnames);
+ foreach my $ecname (@$ecnames) {
+ $num = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $ecname . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelCreationTime);
+ next if (!defined $num);
+ $time = $num->last();
+ $time = $self->getTimeString($time);
+ $tree->add($ecname,
+ -text => basename($ecname),
+ -data => $time,
+ -image => $self->{'inactive_image'});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Expand the tree by default
+ $tree->autosetmode();
+sub shutdownEC {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($name) = $self->{'current'};
+ if (defined $name && index($name, '/') >= 0) {
+ if (defined $self->{'nsm'}) {
+ $self->{'nsm'}->shutdown_event_channel($name);
+ $self->update();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'main'}->messageBox(-title => 'Error',
+ -type => 'Ok',
+ -icon => 'error',
+ -message => 'You must select an ' .
+ 'event channel.');
+ }
+sub more {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($name) = $self->{'current'};
+ ## Remove all the text
+ $self->{'text'}->delete('1.0', 'end');
+ if (defined $name) {
+ ## Every entry has a creation time
+ my($time) = $self->{'tree'}->info('data', $name);
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', "Created on $time\n\n");
+ if (index($name, '/') >= 0) {
+ my($suppliers) = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelSupplierNames);
+ return if (!defined $suppliers);
+ if (scalar(@$suppliers) > 0) {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', "Suppliers:\n");
+ foreach my $supplier (@$suppliers) {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', ' ' . $supplier . "\n");
+ }
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', "\n");
+ }
+ my($consumers) = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelConsumerNames);
+ return if (!defined $consumers);
+ my($concount) = scalar(@$consumers);
+ if ($concount > 0) {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', "Consumers:\n");
+ foreach my $consumer (@$consumers) {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', ' ' . $consumer . "\n");
+ }
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', "\n");
+ }
+ my($queuecount) = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelQueueElementCount);
+ return if (!defined $queuecount);
+ $queuecount = $queuecount->last();
+ if ($concount > 0) {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end',
+ "Queue: $queuecount messages");
+ }
+ my($queuesize) = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelQueueSize);
+ return if (!defined $queuesize);
+ $queuesize = $queuesize->last();
+ ## Since we're not obtaining queuecount and queuesize atomically,
+ ## we have to make sure that there's still something in the queue.
+ if ($queuecount == 0 && $queuesize > 0) {
+ if ($concount > 0) {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end',
+ ' approximately totaling ' .
+ "$queuesize bytes\n\n");
+ my($oldest) = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelOldestEvent);
+ return if (!defined $oldest);
+ $oldest = $self->getTimeString($oldest->last());
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end',
+ "Oldest event creation time: $oldest\n\n");
+ $consumers = $self->getStatisticData(
+ $name . '/' .
+ NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelSlowestConsumers);
+ return if (!defined $consumers);
+ if (scalar(@$consumers) > 0) {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', "Slowest Consumers:\n");
+ foreach my $consumer (@$consumers) {
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', ' ' . $consumer . "\n");
+ }
+ $self->{'text'}->insert('end', "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub help {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($text) = shift;
+ my($topic) = shift;
+ my($db) = $self->{'main'}->DialogBox(-title => 'Help',
+ -buttons => [ 'Ok' ]);
+ my($top) = $db->Subwidget('top');
+ my($width) = 248;
+ my($height) = 200;
+ my($headFrame) = $top->Frame()->pack();
+ $headFrame->Label(-text => "Help on $topic",
+ -font => $headingFont
+ )->pack(-anchor => 'n',
+ -side => 'top');
+ $top->Label(-text => $text,
+ -wrap => $width - 12,
+ -justify => 'left',
+ )->pack(-anchor => 'w',
+ -side => 'top',
+ -padx => 2);
+ $db->Show();
+sub about {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($text) = "The $self->{'title'}\n" .
+ "Version $self->{'version'}\n" .
+ "by Chad Elliott";
+ my($db) = $self->{'main'}->DialogBox(-title => 'About',
+ -buttons => [ 'Ok' ]);
+ my($top) = $db->Subwidget('top');
+ $top->Label(-text => $text,
+ -justify => 'center',
+ )->pack(-side => 'left',
+ -padx => 2);
+ $db->Show();
+sub getTimeString {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($time) = shift;
+ ## Get the digits to the right of the decimal point and remove
+ ## the leading zero
+ my($dec) = sprintf("%0.03f", $time - int($time));
+ $dec =~ s/^0//;
+ ## Get the time as a string and add in the digits to the right of
+ ## the decimal point for the seconds
+ my($str) = scalar(localtime($time));
+ $str =~ s/(\d+:\d+:\d+)/${1}$dec/;
+ return $str;
+sub getStatisticData {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($name) = shift;
+ my($val) = undef;
+ $self->{'tk_die'} = $SIG{__DIE__};
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {};
+ try {
+ if (!defined $self->{'nsm'}) {
+ my($obj) = $self->{'orb'}->string_to_object($self->{'loc'});
+ $self->{'nsm'} = CosNotification::NotificationServiceMonitorControl::_narrow($obj);
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{'nsm'}) {
+ my($data) = $self->{'nsm'}->get_statistic($name);
+ if ($data->_d() == CosNotification::NotificationServiceMonitorControl::DATA_NUMERIC) {
+ $val = $data->num();
+ }
+ else {
+ $val = $data->list();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($self->{'auto'}) {
+ $self->{'auto'} = 0;
+ $self->repeat();
+ }
+ $self->{'main'}->messageBox(-title => 'Error',
+ -type => 'Ok',
+ -icon => 'error',
+ -message => 'Unable to locate the ' .
+ 'monitor service.');
+ }
+ }
+ catch CORBA::Exception with {
+ if ($self->{'auto'}) {
+ $self->{'auto'} = 0;
+ $self->repeat();
+ }
+ my($ex) = shift;
+ my(%opts) = (-title => 'Error',
+ -type => 'Ok',
+ -icon => 'error',
+ -message => "Received an exception:\n" . $ex);
+ $opts{-wraplength} = '4i' if ($^O ne 'MSWin32');
+ $self->{'main'}->messageBox(%opts);
+ $self->{'nsm'} = undef;
+ };
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = $self->{'tk_die'};
+ return $val;
+sub repeat {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ if ($self->{'auto'}) {
+ if (!defined $self->{'repeat'}) {
+ my($id) = $self->{'main'}->repeat(1000,
+ sub { $self->more(); });
+ $self->{'repeat'} = $id;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (defined $self->{'repeat'}) {
+ $self->{'main'}->afterCancel($self->{'repeat'});
+ $self->{'repeat'} = undef;
+ }
+ }