path: root/ACE/TAO/tests/Sequence_Unit_Tests/bounded_object_reference_sequence_ut.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ACE/TAO/tests/Sequence_Unit_Tests/bounded_object_reference_sequence_ut.cpp')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/TAO/tests/Sequence_Unit_Tests/bounded_object_reference_sequence_ut.cpp b/ACE/TAO/tests/Sequence_Unit_Tests/bounded_object_reference_sequence_ut.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c5fd630ab97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/TAO/tests/Sequence_Unit_Tests/bounded_object_reference_sequence_ut.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ * @brief Unit test for unbounded sequences of object references.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * @author Carlos O'Ryan
+ */
+#include "testing_object_reference_traits.hpp"
+#include "tao/Object_Reference_Traits_T.h"
+#include "testing_allocation_traits.hpp"
+#include "testing_range_checking.hpp"
+#include "mock_reference.hpp"
+#include "tao/Bounded_Object_Reference_Sequence_T.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+CORBA::ULong const TMAX = 64;
+struct Tester
+ typedef bounded_object_reference_sequence<mock_reference,mock_reference_var,TMAX> tested_sequence;
+ typedef tested_sequence::value_type value_type;
+ typedef tested_sequence::const_value_type const_value_type;
+ typedef tested_sequence::element_traits tested_element_traits;
+ typedef tested_sequence::allocation_traits tested_allocation_traits;
+ typedef TAO::details::range_checking<value_type,true> range;
+ int test_default_constructor()
+ {
+ expected_calls a(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls i(tested_element_traits::default_initializer_calls);
+ {
+ tested_sequence x;
+ CHECK_EQUAL(TMAX, x.maximum());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(CORBA::ULong(0), x.length());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(false, x.release());
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(0), i);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_buffer_constructor_release_true()
+ {
+ expected_calls a(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls i(tested_element_traits::default_initializer_calls);
+ {
+ CORBA::ULong maximum = 32;
+ tested_sequence::value_type * data = tested_sequence::allocbuf(maximum);
+ a.reset();
+ tested_sequence x(maximum / 2, data, true);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(TMAX, x.maximum());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(x.length(), maximum / 2);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(x.get_buffer(), data);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(x.release(), true);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(1), f);
+ // 64 is here because this is a bounded sequence and spec requires
+ // that maximum() elements are allocated for them by allocbuf.
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(64), i);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_buffer_constructor_release_false()
+ {
+ expected_calls a(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls i(tested_element_traits::default_initializer_calls);
+ {
+ CORBA::ULong maximum = 64;
+ tested_sequence::value_type * data = tested_sequence::allocbuf(maximum);
+ a.reset();
+ {
+ tested_sequence x(maximum / 2, data, false);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(TMAX, x.maximum());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(x.length(), maximum / 2);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(x.get_buffer(), data);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(x.release(), false);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ // Same as above. allocbuf default initializes maximum() elements.
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(64), i);
+ tested_sequence::freebuf(data);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(1), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(0), i);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_copy_constructor_from_default()
+ {
+ expected_calls a(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls i(tested_element_traits::default_initializer_calls);
+ {
+ tested_sequence x;
+ tested_sequence y(x);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(0), i);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_copy_constructor()
+ {
+ expected_calls a(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls da(tested_allocation_traits::default_buffer_allocation_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls di(tested_element_traits::default_initializer_calls);
+ expected_calls d(mock_reference::duplicate_calls);
+ expected_calls r(mock_reference::release_calls);
+ CORBA::ULong const l = 16;
+ {
+ tested_sequence x;
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(da.expect(1), da);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ x.length(l);
+ // length() allocates a buffer of size maximum() and
+ // default initializes it.
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(di.expect(TMAX), i);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(1), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(l, x.length());
+ for(CORBA::ULong i = 0; i != l; ++i)
+ {
+ x[i] = mock_reference::allocate(i);
+ }
+ d.reset(); r.reset();
+ tested_sequence y(x);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(1), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(l, y.length());
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(d.expect(l), d);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(di.expect(TMAX - l), d);
+ for(CORBA::ULong i = 0; i != l; ++i)
+ {
+ CHECK_EQUAL(int(i), y[i]->id());
+ }
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(d.expect(0), d);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(2*TMAX), r);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(2), f);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_copy_constructor_throw_duplicate()
+ {
+ expected_calls a(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls da(tested_allocation_traits::default_buffer_allocation_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls i(tested_element_traits::default_initializer_calls);
+ expected_calls d(mock_reference::duplicate_calls);
+ expected_calls r(mock_reference::release_calls);
+ CORBA::ULong const l = 16;
+ {
+ tested_sequence x;
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(da.expect(1), da);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ x.length(l);
+ // length() allocates a buffer of size maximum() and
+ // default initializes it.
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(TMAX), i);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(1), i);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(l, x.length());
+ for(CORBA::ULong inc = 0; inc != l; ++inc)
+ {
+ x[inc] = mock_reference::allocate(inc);
+ }
+ d.reset(); r.reset();
+ mock_reference::duplicate_calls.failure_countdown(8);
+ CHECK_THROW(tested_sequence y(x), testing_exception);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(1), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(da.expect(0), da);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(1), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(d.expect(8), d);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(TMAX), r);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(d.expect(0), d);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(TMAX), r);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(1), f);
+ // There are TMAX-16 default initializer calls.
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(48), i);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_set_length_less_than_maximum()
+ {
+ expected_calls a(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls da(tested_allocation_traits::default_buffer_allocation_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls i(tested_element_traits::default_initializer_calls);
+ {
+ tested_sequence x;
+ x.length(8);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(TMAX, x.maximum());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(CORBA::ULong(8), x.length());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(true, x.release());
+ // length() allocates a buffer of size maximum() and
+ // default initializes it.
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(TMAX), i);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(1), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(da.expect(1), da);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(1), f);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_set_length_more_than_maximum()
+ {
+ expected_calls a(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls da(tested_allocation_traits::default_buffer_allocation_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls i(tested_element_traits::default_initializer_calls);
+ {
+ tested_sequence x;
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(da.expect(1), da);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(0), a);
+ x.length(16);
+ // length() allocates a buffer of size maximum() and
+ // default initializes it.
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(TMAX), i);
+ CHECK_THROW(x.length(2 * TMAX), std::runtime_error);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(a.expect(1), a);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(i.expect(0), i);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(TMAX, x.maximum());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(CORBA::ULong(16), x.length());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(true, x.release());
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(1), f);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ value_type * alloc_and_init_buffer()
+ {
+ value_type * buf = tested_sequence::allocbuf();
+ buf[0] = mock_reference::allocate(1);
+ buf[1] = mock_reference::allocate(4);
+ buf[2] = mock_reference::allocate(9);
+ buf[3] = mock_reference::allocate(16);
+ return buf;
+ }
+ int check_values(tested_sequence const & a)
+ {
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, a[0]->id());
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 4, a[1]->id());
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 9, a[2]->id());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(16, a[3]->id());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_replace_release_true()
+ {
+ value_type * buffer = alloc_and_init_buffer();
+ expected_calls c(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls r(tested_element_traits::release_calls);
+ {
+ tested_sequence a;
+ a.replace(4, buffer, true);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(c.expect(0), c);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(0), r);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(TMAX, a.maximum());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(CORBA::ULong(4), a.length());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(buffer, a.get_buffer());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(true, a.release());
+ check_values(a);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(c.expect(0), c);
+ // Since we've given away the ownership the buffer is deallocated by
+ // the sequence.
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(1), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(TMAX), r);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_replace_release_false()
+ {
+ value_type * buffer = alloc_and_init_buffer();
+ expected_calls c(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls r(tested_element_traits::release_calls);
+ {
+ tested_sequence a;
+ a.replace(4, buffer, false);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(c.expect(0), c);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(0), r);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(TMAX, a.maximum());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(CORBA::ULong(4), a.length());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(buffer, a.get_buffer());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(false, a.release());
+ check_values(a);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(c.expect(0), c);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ tested_sequence::freebuf(buffer);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(TMAX), r);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_replace_release_default()
+ {
+ value_type * buffer = alloc_and_init_buffer();
+ expected_calls c(tested_allocation_traits::allocbuf_calls);
+ expected_calls f(tested_allocation_traits::freebuf_calls);
+ expected_calls r(tested_element_traits::release_calls);
+ {
+ tested_sequence a;
+ a.replace(4, buffer);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(c.expect(0), c);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(0), r);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(TMAX, a.maximum());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(CORBA::ULong(4), a.length());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(buffer, a.get_buffer());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(false, a.release());
+ check_values(a);
+ }
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(c.expect(0), c);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(f.expect(0), f);
+ tested_sequence::freebuf(buffer);
+ FAIL_RETURN_IF_NOT(r.expect(TMAX), r);
+ return 0;
+ }
+int ACE_TMAIN(int,ACE_TCHAR*[])
+ int status = 0;
+ Tester mytester;
+ status += mytester.test_default_constructor();
+ status += mytester.test_buffer_constructor_release_true();
+ status += mytester.test_buffer_constructor_release_false();
+ status += mytester.test_copy_constructor_from_default();
+ status += mytester.test_copy_constructor();
+ status += mytester.test_copy_constructor_throw_duplicate();
+ status += mytester.test_set_length_less_than_maximum();
+ status += mytester.test_set_length_more_than_maximum();
+ status += mytester.test_replace_release_true();
+ status += mytester.test_replace_release_false();
+ status += mytester.test_replace_release_default();
+ return status;