path: root/ACE/ace/Asynch_Acceptor.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/ace/Asynch_Acceptor.h b/ACE/ace/Asynch_Acceptor.h
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-/* -*- C++ -*- */
- * @file Asynch_Acceptor.h
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- * @author Irfan Pyarali (
- */
-#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
-#include /**/ "ace/config-all.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#if defined (ACE_HAS_WIN32_OVERLAPPED_IO) || defined (ACE_HAS_AIO_CALLS)
-// This only works on platforms that support async i/o.
-#include "ace/Default_Constants.h"
-#include "ace/Asynch_IO.h"
-// Forward declarations
-class ACE_Message_Block;
-class ACE_INET_Addr;
- * @class ACE_Asynch_Acceptor
- *
- * @brief This class is an example of the Acceptor Pattern. This class
- * will accept new connections and create new HANDLER to handle
- * the new connections.
- *
- * Unlike the ACE_Acceptor, however, this class is designed to
- * be used asynchronously.
- */
-template <class HANDLER>
-class ACE_Asynch_Acceptor : public ACE_Handler
- /// A do nothing constructor.
- ACE_Asynch_Acceptor (void);
- /// Virtual destruction
- virtual ~ACE_Asynch_Acceptor (void);
- /**
- * @c open starts one or more asynchronous accept requests on a
- * @a address. Each accept operation may optionally read an
- * initial buffer from the new connection when accepted.
- *
- * @param address The address to listen/accept connections on.
- * If the address does not specify a port, a random
- * port is selected and bound.
- * @param bytes_to_read Optional, specifies the maximum number of bytes
- * to read with the accept. The buffer for the initial
- * data is allocated internally and passed to the
- * @c ACE_Service_Handler::open() hook method. It is
- * legitimate only during the @c open() method and must
- * be copied if required after @c open() returns.
- * This pre-read function works only on Windows.
- * @param pass_addresses Optional, a non-zero value indicates that
- * the local and peer addresses should be passed to the
- * associated @c ACE_Service_Handler::addresses() method
- * after any call to @c validate_new_connection() and prior
- * to the @c open() hook method call.
- * @param backlog Optional, defaulting to @c ACE_DEFAULT_ASYNCH_BACKLOG (which
- * can be adjusted in your platform's @c config.h file).
- * Specifies the listening backlog for the listening socket.
- * @param reuse_addr Optional, indicates whether the @c SO_REUSEADDR
- * option is set on the listening socket or not.
- * @param proactor Optional, pointer to the @c ACE_Proactor to use for
- * demultiplexing asynchronous accepts. If 0, the
- * process's singleton @c ACE_Proactor is used.
- * @param validate_new_connection Optional, if true, this object's
- * @c validate_connection() method is called after
- * the accept completes, but before the service handler's
- * @c open() hook method is called. If @c
- * validate_connection() returns -1, the newly-accepted
- * socket is immediately closed, and the @c addresses()
- * method is not called.
- * @param reissue_accept Optional, if non-zero (the default), a new
- * asynchronous accept operation is started after each
- * completion, whether the completion is for success or
- * failure, and whether or not a successfully-accepted
- * connection is subsequently refused.
- * @param number_of_initial_accepts Optional, the number of asynchronous
- * accepts that are started immediately. If -1 (the
- * default), the value of @a backlog is used.
- *
- * @note On Windows, the peer address is only available at the time
- * the connection is accepted. Therefore, if you require the peer
- * address on Windows, do not rely on the
- * @c ACE_SOCK::get_remote_addr() method - it won't work. You must
- * supply a non-zero value for @a pass_addresses and obtain the
- * peer address in the @c ACE_Service_Handler::addresses() method.
- *
- * @see ACE_INET_Addr
- * @see ACE_Service_Handler
- */
- virtual int open (const ACE_INET_Addr &address,
- size_t bytes_to_read = 0,
- bool pass_addresses = false,
- int reuse_addr = 1,
- ACE_Proactor *proactor = 0,
- bool validate_new_connection = false,
- int reissue_accept = 1,
- int number_of_initial_accepts = -1);
- /// Get the underlying handle.
- virtual ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void) const;
- /**
- * Set the underlying listen handle. It is the user's responsibility
- * to make sure that the old listen handle has been appropriately
- * closed and the all outstanding asynchronous operations have
- * either completed or have been canceled on the old listen handle.
- */
- virtual int set_handle (ACE_HANDLE handle);
- /// This initiates a new asynchronous accept operation.
- /**
- * You need only call this method if the @a reissue_accept argument
- * passed to @c open() was 0.
- */
- virtual int accept (size_t bytes_to_read = 0, const void *act = 0);
- /**
- * Cancels all pending accepts operations issued by this object.
- *
- * @note On Windows, only accept operations initiated by the calling thread
- * are canceled.
- */
- virtual int cancel (void);
- /**
- * Template method to validate peer before service is opened.
- * This method is called after a new connection is accepted if the
- * @a validate_connection argument to @c open() was non-zero or
- * the @c validate_new_connection() method is called to turn this
- * feature on. The default implementation returns 0. Users can
- * reimplement this method to perform validation of the peer
- * using it's address, running an authentication procedure (such as
- * SSL) or anything else necessary or desireable. The return value
- * from this method determines whether or not ACE will continue
- * opening the service or abort the connection.
- *
- * @param result Result of the connection acceptance.
- * @param remote Peer's address.
- * @param local Local address connection was accepted at.
- *
- * @retval -1 ACE_Asynch_Acceptor will close the connection, and
- * the service will not be opened.
- * @retval 0 Service opening will proceeed.
- */
- virtual int validate_connection (const ACE_Asynch_Accept::Result& result,
- const ACE_INET_Addr &remote,
- const ACE_INET_Addr& local);
- /**
- * Template method for deciding whether to reissue accept.
- *
- * This hook method is called after each accept completes to decide if
- * another accept should be initiated. If the method returns a non-zero
- * value, another accept is initiated.
- *
- * The default implemenation always returns the value passed as the
- * @c open() method's @a reissue_accept argument. That value can also
- * be changed using the @c reissue_accept() method.
- */
- virtual int should_reissue_accept (void);
- //
- // These are low level tweaking methods
- //
- /// Get flag that indicates if parsing and passing of addresses to
- /// the service_handler is necessary.
- virtual bool pass_addresses (void) const;
- /// Set flag that indicates if parsing and passing of addresses to
- /// the service_handler is necessary.
- virtual void pass_addresses (bool new_value);
- /// Get flag that indicates if address validation is required.
- virtual bool validate_new_connection (void) const;
- /// Set flag that indicates if address validation is required.
- virtual void validate_new_connection (bool new_value);
- /// Get flag that indicates if a new accept should be reissued when a accept
- /// completes.
- virtual int reissue_accept (void) const;
- /// Set flag that indicates if a new accept should be reissued when a accept
- /// completes.
- virtual void reissue_accept (int new_value);
- /// Get bytes to be read with the <accept> call.
- virtual size_t bytes_to_read (void) const;
- /// Set bytes to be read with the <accept> call.
- virtual void bytes_to_read (size_t new_value);
- /// @deprecated address_size() assumes IPv4 use, so is not always valid.
- /// This method will be removed after ACE 5.5. Internal uses have been
- /// changes to base needed sizes on the addr_family_ member.
- static size_t address_size (void);
- /// This is called when an outstanding accept completes.
- virtual void handle_accept (const ACE_Asynch_Accept::Result &result);
- /// Return the listen handle.
- ACE_HANDLE handle (void) const;
- /// Set the listen handle.
- void handle (ACE_HANDLE h);
- /// This parses the address from read buffer.
- void parse_address (const ACE_Asynch_Accept::Result &result,
- ACE_INET_Addr &remote_address,
- ACE_INET_Addr &local_address);
- /// Return the asynch accept object.
- ACE_Asynch_Accept &asynch_accept (void);
- /**
- * This is the template method used to create new handler.
- * Subclasses must overwrite this method if a new handler creation
- * strategy is required.
- */
- virtual HANDLER *make_handler (void);
- /// Handle used to listen for new connections.
- ACE_HANDLE listen_handle_;
- /// Asynch_Accept used to make life easier :-)
- ACE_Asynch_Accept asynch_accept_;
- /// Flag that indicates if parsing of addresses is necessary.
- bool pass_addresses_;
- /// Flag that indicates if address validation is required.
- bool validate_new_connection_;
- /// Flag that indicates if a new accept should be reissued when a
- /// accept completes.
- int reissue_accept_;
- /// Bytes to be read with the <accept> call.
- size_t bytes_to_read_;
- /// Address family used to open this object. Obtained from @a address passed
- /// to @c open().
- int addr_family_;
-#include "ace/Asynch_Acceptor.cpp"
-#pragma implementation ("Asynch_Acceptor.cpp")
-#include /**/ "ace/post.h"