path: root/ACE/ace/SSL/SSL_Context.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 384 deletions
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-// -*- C++ -*-
- * @file SSL_Context.h
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- * @author Carlos O'Ryan <>
- * @author Ossama Othman <>
- */
-#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
-#include "SSL_Export.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "ace/SString.h"
-# include "ace/Synch_Traits.h"
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-#include <openssl/ssl.h>
-class ACE_SSL_Export ACE_SSL_Data_File
- /// Default constructor
- ACE_SSL_Data_File (void);
- /// Contructor from a file name and the file type.
- ACE_SSL_Data_File (const char *file_name,
- int type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
- /// The file name
- const char *file_name (void) const;
- /// The type
- int type (void) const;
- /// The file name
- ACE_CString file_name_;
- /// The type, used by the SSL library to parse the file contents.
- int type_;
-// ****************************************************************
- * @class ACE_SSL_Context
- *
- * @brief A wrapper for the OpenSSL SSL_CTX related functions.
- *
- * This class provides a wrapper for the SSL_CTX data structure.
- * Since most applications have a single SSL_CTX structure, this class
- * can be used as a singleton.
- */
-class ACE_SSL_Export ACE_SSL_Context
- typedef ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX lock_type;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
- enum {
- SSLv2_client = 1,
- SSLv2_server,
- SSLv2,
- SSLv3_client,
- SSLv3_server,
- SSLv3,
- SSLv23_client,
- SSLv23_server,
- SSLv23,
- TLSv1_client,
- TLSv1_server,
- TLSv1
- };
- /// Constructor
- ACE_SSL_Context (void);
- /// Destructor
- ~ACE_SSL_Context (void);
- /// The Singleton context, the SSL components use the singleton if
- /// nothing else is available.
- static ACE_SSL_Context *instance (void);
- /**
- * Set the CTX mode. The mode can be set only once, afterwards the
- * function has no effect and returns -1.
- * Once the mode is set the underlying SSL_CTX is initialized and
- * the class can be used.
- * If the mode is not set, then the class automatically initializes
- * itself to the default mode.
- */
- int set_mode (int mode = ACE_SSL_Context::SSLv23);
- int get_mode (void) const;
- /// Get the SSL context
- SSL_CTX *context (void);
- /// Get the file name and file format used for the private key
- int private_key_type (void) const;
- const char *private_key_file_name (void) const;
- /// Set the private key file.
- /**
- * @note This method should only be called after a certificate has
- * been set since key verification is performed against the
- * certificate, among other things.
- */
- int private_key (const char *file_name, int type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
- /// Verify that the private key is valid.
- /**
- * @note This method should only be called after a certificate has
- * been set since key verification is performed against the
- * certificate, among other things.
- */
- int verify_private_key (void);
- /// Get the file name and file format used for the certificate file
- int certificate_type (void) const;
- const char *certificate_file_name (void) const;
- /// Set the certificate file.
- int certificate (const char *file_name,
- int type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
- /// Load certificate from memory rather than a file.
- int certificate (X509* cert);
- /**
- * Load the location of the trusted certification authority
- * certificates. Note that CA certificates are stored in PEM format
- * as a sequence of certificates in @a ca_file or as a set of
- * individual certificates in @a ca_dir (or both).
- *
- * Note this method is called by set_mode() to load the default
- * environment settings for @a ca_file and @a ca_dir, if any. This
- * allows for automatic service configuration (and backward
- * compatibility with previous versions).
- *
- * Note that the underlying SSL function will add valid file and
- * directory names to the load location lists maintained as part of
- * the SSL_CTX table. It therefore doesn't make sense to keep a
- * copy of the file and path name of the most recently added
- * @a ca_file or @a ca_path.
- *
- * @param[in] ca_file CA file pathname. Passed to
- * @c SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() if not
- * 0. If 0, behavior depends on the value of
- * @a use_env_defaults.
- * @param[in] ca_dir CA directory pathname. Passed to
- * @c SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() if not
- * 0. If 0, behavior depends on the value of
- * @a use_env_defaults.
- * @param[in] use_env_defaults If false, the specified @a ca_file argument
- * is passed to
- * @c SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(),
- * regardless of its value.
- * If true (the default), additional defaults
- * can be applied to either @a ca_file,
- * @a ca_dir, or both. The following
- * additional defaults are applied when the
- * @a ca_file argument is 0:
- * - The @c SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable
- * will be queried for a file name to use as
- * the @a ca_file argument. The environment
- * variable name to query can be changed by
- * supplying a @c ACE_SSL_CERT_FILE_ENV
- * configuration item when building ACE.
- * - If there is no @c SSL_CERT_FILE in the
- * current environment, the file specified
- * configuration item will be used. The
- * default value is "cert.pem" on Windows
- * and "/etc/ssl/cert.pem" on all other
- * platforms.
- * The following additional defaults are
- * applied when the @a ca_dir argument is 0:
- * - The @c SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable
- * will be queried for a file name to use as
- * the @a ca_dir argument. The environment
- * variable name to query can be changed by
- * supplying a @c ACE_SSL_CERT_DIR_ENV
- * configuration item when building ACE.
- * - If there is no @c SSL_CERT_DIR in the
- * current environment, the directory
- * specified by the @c
- * configuration item will be used. The
- * default value is "certs" on Windows
- * and "/etc/ssl/certs" on all other
- * platforms.
- *
- * @return 0 for success or -1 on error.
- *
- * @see OpenSSL manual SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3) for a
- * detailed description of the CA file and directory requirements
- * and processing.
- */
- int load_trusted_ca (const char* ca_file = 0,
- const char* ca_dir = 0,
- bool use_env_defaults = true);
- /**
- * Test whether any CA locations have been successfully loaded and
- * return the number of successful attempts.
- *
- * @retval >0 The number of successful CA load attempts.
- * @retval 0 If all CA load attempts have failed.
- */
- int have_trusted_ca (void) const;
- /**
- * @todo Complete this documentation where elipses(...) are used
- *
- * @doc Use this method when certificate chain verification is
- * required. The default server behaviour is SSL_VERIFY_NONE
- * i.e. client certicates are requested for verified. This method
- * can be used to configure server to request client certificates
- * and perform the certificate verification. If <strict> is set
- * true the client connection is rejected when certificate
- * verification fails. Otherwise the session is accepted with a
- * warning, which is the default behaviour. If <once> is set true
- * (default), certificates are requested only once per session.
- * The last parameter <depth> can be used to set the verification
- * depth.
- *
- * Note for verification to work correctly there should be a valid
- * CA name list set using load_trusted_ca().
- *
- * @see OpenSSL documentation of SSL_CTX_set_verify(3) for details of
- * the verification process.
- *
- * @see OpenSSL documentation ... set_verify_depth(3) ...
- *
- * Note that this method overrides the use of the
- * default_verify_mode() method.
- */
- void set_verify_peer (int strict = 0, int once = 1, int depth = 0);
- /// TODO: a implementation that will lookup the CTX table for the list
- /// of files and paths etc.
- /// Query the location of trusted certification authority
- /// certificates.
- // const char* ca_file_name(void) const;
- // const char* ca_dir_name(void) const;
- /**
- * Set and query the default verify mode for this context, it is
- * inherited by all the ACE_SSL objects created using the context.
- * It can be overriden on a per-ACE_SSL object.
- */
- void default_verify_mode (int mode);
- int default_verify_mode (void) const;
- /**
- * @name OpenSSL Random Number Generator Seed Related Methods
- *
- * These are methods that can be used to seed OpenSSL's
- * pseudo-random number generator. These methods can be called more
- * than once.
- */
- //@{
- /// Seed the underlying random number generator. This value should
- /// have at least 128 bits of entropy.
- static int random_seed (const char * seed);
- /// Set the Entropy Gathering Daemon (EGD) UNIX domain socket file to
- /// read random seed values from.
- static int egd_file (const char * socket_file);
- /**
- * Set the file that contains the random seed value state, and the
- * amount of bytes to read. "-1" bytes causes the entire file to be
- * read.
- */
- static int seed_file (const char * seed_file, long bytes = -1);
- //@}
- /// Print SSL error corresponding to the given error code.
- static void report_error (unsigned long error_code);
- /// Print the last SSL error for the current thread.
- static void report_error (void);
- /**
- * @name Diffie-Hellman (DH) Parameters
- *
- * When using DSS-based certificates, Diffie-Hellman keys need to be
- * exchanged. These must be provided in the form of DH key
- * generation parameters loaded in, or as fixed keys hardcoded into
- * the code itself. ACE_SSL supports loaded parameters.
- *
- */
- //@{
- /**
- * Load Diffie-Hellman parameters from file_name. The specified file can be
- * a standalone file containing only DH parameters (e.g., as created
- * by <code>openssl dhparam</code>), or it can be a certificate which has
- * a PEM-encoded set of DH params concatenated on to i.
- */
- int dh_params (const char *file_name, int type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
- const char *dh_params_file_name () const;
- int dh_params_file_type () const;
- //@}
- /// Verify if the context has been initialized or not.
- void check_context (void);
- /// @@ More to document
- void ssl_library_init ();
- void ssl_library_fini ();
- // = Prevent assignment and copy initialization.
- //@{
- ACE_SSL_Context (const ACE_SSL_Context &);
- ACE_SSL_Context & operator= (const ACE_SSL_Context &);
- //@}
- /// The SSL_CTX structure
- SSL_CTX *context_;
- /// Cache the mode so we can answer fast
- int mode_;
- /// The private key, certificate, and Diffie-Hellman paramters files
- ACE_SSL_Data_File private_key_;
- ACE_SSL_Data_File certificate_;
- ACE_SSL_Data_File dh_params_;
- /// The default verify mode.
- int default_verify_mode_;
- /// count of successful CA load attempts
- int have_ca_;
- /// Array of mutexes used internally by OpenSSL when the SSL
- /// application is multithreaded.
- static lock_type * locks_;
-#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
-#if defined(__ACE_INLINE__)
-#include "SSL_Context.inl"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* ACE_SSL_CONTEXT_H */