path: root/ACE/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ACE/bin/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/bin/ b/ACE/bin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1add07303c0..00000000000
--- a/ACE/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
- if 0;
-# $Id$
-# -*- perl -*-
-use File::Spec qw/ tmpdir /;
-use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
-use POSIX qw/ strftime /;
-my $debugging = 0; # Print additional info
-my $verbose = '-q'; # WGET verbosity
-my $new_errors_only = 0; # Show new errors only
-my $clean_builds_only = 1; # Only diff todays clean builds
-# The root of the test statistics
-my $teststaturl = "";
-my $allbuildsurl = "";
-my $cleanbuildsurl = "";
-# Determine the available timestamps for a build on a date,
-# by scanning the index page (build.html)
-sub find_timestamps ($$) {
- my ($file,$date) = @_;
-# print "\nSearching for $file, $date\n";
- open (INDEX, "wget " . $verbose . " \'" . $teststaturl . $file . ".html\' -O - |")
- || die "***Could not read the index page for $file\n";
- # Split at all HTML tags, except <a ..>
- my @suffixes = split ( /[<][b-zB-Z\/]+[>]/, <INDEX>);
- close (INDEX);
- # Select only those of the "href=..." that match our file and date
- my $rx = quotemeta ( $file . '_' . $date);
- my @temp = map { (/${rx}_([0-9][0-9]_[0-9][0-9])/) ? $1 : "" } @suffixes;
- return grep /^[0-9]/, @temp;
-# Determine the timestamp by scanning the index
-sub find_closest_earlier {
- my ($file,$date) = @_;
- open (INDEX, "wget " . $verbose . " \'" . $teststaturl . $file . ".html\' -O - |")
- || die "***Could not read the index page for $file\n";
- # Split at all HTML tags, except <a ..>
- my @suffixes = split ( /[<][b-zB-Z\/]+[>]/, <INDEX>);
- close (INDEX);
- # Select only those of the "href=..." that match our file
- my $rx = quotemeta ( $file);
- my @temp = map { (/${rx}_([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[0-9][0-9]_[0-9][0-9])/ && $1 le $date) ? $1 : undef } @suffixes;
- my @temp2 = grep /^[0-9]/, @temp;
- if ($#temp2 == -1) {
- return undef;
- }
- return $temp2[0];
-sub select_builds ($$$)
- my ($rdates, $rbuilds, $rfiles) = @_;
- my @dates = @{$rdates};
- my @builds = @{$rbuilds};
- if ($#dates eq 1) {
- $rfiles->[0] = $rbuilds->[0];
- $rfiles->[1] = $rbuilds->[0];
- }
- elsif ($#builds eq 1) {
- $rfiles->[0] = $rbuilds->[0];
- $rfiles->[1] = $rbuilds->[1];
- $rdates->[1] = $rdates->[0];
- }
- else {
- die "Dates: $#dates, Builds: $#builds\n";
- }
- return 0;
-sub load_failed_tests_list ($$)
- my ($file, $original_date) = @_;
- my $date = $original_date;
- my $last_tried_date = $original_date;
- my @timestamps = ();
- while ($#timestamps < 0) {
- @timestamps = find_timestamps ($file, $date);
- if ($#timestamps == -1) {
- $date = find_closest_earlier ($file, $date);
- if (!$date) {
- print "***Found no builds for $file on, or before $original_date\n";
- return File::Spec->devnull();
- }
- print "***No builds for $file on $last_tried_date. The closest earlier is "
- . $date . "\n";
- $last_tried_date = $date;
- next;
- }
- print "Build times for $file on $date are "
- . join (', ', @timestamps) . "\n" unless !$debugging;
- }
- my $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir();
- my $fullfile = $file .'_' . $date . '_' . $timestamps[0];
- my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile ($fullfile . ".XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1, DIR => $tmpdir);
- print "wget " . $verbose . " \'" .$teststaturl
- . $fullfile . ".log\' -O - | sort >\'" . $tmpfile . '\'' . "\n" unless !$debugging;
- system ("wget " . $verbose . " \'" .$teststaturl
- . $fullfile . ".log\' -O - | sort >\'" . $tmpfile . '\'');
- close ($fh);
- return $tmpfile;
-sub differentiate ($$)
- my ($rfiles, $rdates) = @_;
- print "Difference for dates " . join (', ', @$rdates) . "\n" unless !$debugging;
- my $first_file = load_failed_tests_list ($rfiles->[0], $rdates->[0]);
- my $second_file = load_failed_tests_list ($rfiles->[1], $rdates->[1]);
- open (DIFF, "diff -u \'" . $first_file . "\' \'" . $second_file . "\' 2>&1 |")
- || die "***Failed to diff \'" . $first_file . "\' \'" . $second_file . "\'\n";
- while (<DIFF>) {
- # Don't filter out the build details when printing the new errors only
- if (/^---/) {
- print;
- }
- elsif (/^[^\+]/) {
- print unless ($new_errors_only == 1);
- }
- else {
- print;
- }
- }
- close (DIFF);
- print "\n";
-sub find_builds ($$$)
- my ($rbuilds, $buildscoreurl, $selectcolumn) = @_;
- print "Reading from $buildscoreurl\n" unless !$debugging;
- open (CLEANS, "wget " . $verbose . " \'" . $buildscoreurl . "\' -O - |")
- || die "Could not read builds score page $buildscoreurl\n";
- # Split at all spaces
- for(my $begin=0; <CLEANS>;)
- {
- chomp;
- my @columns = split (/ +/);
- if (/=+/) {
- $begin++;
- next;
- }
- push (@{$rbuilds}, $columns[$selectcolumn]) unless !$begin;
- }
- close (CLEANS);
- sort @{$rbuilds};
- print "Using builds @{$rbuilds}\n" unless !$debugging;
-my @dates = ();
-my @builds = ();
-my @files = ();
-while ($arg = shift(@ARGV)) {
- if ($arg eq "-h" || $arg eq "-?") {
- print "Prints a diff for the list of test failures, for two builds on a certain date\n\n";
- print "diff-builds [-n] [-d] [-D date] [-A] [build ...]\n";
- print "\n";
- print " -n -- Show only new test failing (default=no)\n";
- print " -d -- Show debug info\n";
- print " -h -- Prints this information\n";
- print " -D date -- Specify a date. Either YYYY_MM_DD or YYYY-MM-DD works\n";
- print " Use two date parameters to specify an interval\n";
- print " -A -- Use all builds, not just the clean (successful) ones\n";
- print " build -- Specify the build name. As it appears on the scoreboard\n";
- print " Works with two builds and one date to show the differences\n";
- print " between them. One build and two dates works, too.\n";
- print " Just a single date (no builds) implies comparing all of \n";
- print " today's builds with the builds on the supplied date.\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- if ($arg eq '-D') {
- my $date = shift(@ARGV);
- $date =~ s/-/_/g;
- push (@dates, $date);
- print "Date=$date\n"
- unless !$debugging;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq '-v') {
- $verbose = undef;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq '-d') {
- $debugging = 1;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq '-n') {
- $new_errors_only = 1;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq '-A') {
- $clean_builds_only = 0;
- }
- else {
- push (@builds, $arg);
- print "Build=$arg\n"
- unless !$debugging;
- }
-# Diff the todays clean builds with the ones from a specific date
-if ($#builds == -1 && $#dates >= 0)
- if ($clean_builds_only) {
- find_builds (\@builds, $cleanbuildsurl, 7);
- }
- else {
- find_builds (\@builds, $allbuildsurl, 3);
- }
- # only the start date given - implies we should
- # use the today's date
- if ($#dates == 0) {
- $dates[1] = strftime ("%Y_%m_%d", gmtime);
- }
- foreach $build (sort @builds) {
- $files[0] = $files[1] = $build;
- differentiate (\@files, \@dates);
- }
- die "More than one date or build name are required"
- unless ($#dates + $#builds ge 1);
- print "dates=@dates ($#dates)\n"
- unless !$debugging;
- print "builds=@builds ($#builds)\n"
- unless !$debugging;
- select_builds (\@dates, \@builds, \@files);
- differentiate (\@files, \@dates);
-=head1 Diff the lists of failing tests
-Prints a diff for the list of test failures, for two builds on a certain date.
-Or, for two dates and a certain build.
-=item EXAMPLE
- WinXP_VC71_NET_Static_Debug -D 2006_04_17 -D 2006_05_12
-=item AUTHOR
-Iliyan Jeliazkov <>