path: root/ACE/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ACE/bin/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1093 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/bin/ b/ACE/bin/
deleted file mode 100755
index c78d6589a1c..00000000000
--- a/ACE/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1093 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $Id$
-# This script generate metrics html pages for either compile times or
-# footprint.
-# Compile times:
-# Parse the build.txt file from an autobuild that was generated with the
-# script, e.g., with which outputs
-# compile times on a per object basis, and use the data to generate time
-# series graphs with gnuplot.
-# Footprint:
-# Parse the build.txt file and and the *.map files, generated with LDFLAGS
-# set to =-Xlinker -M -Xlinker -Map -Xlinker \$ and static_libs_only=1.
-# For use with an autobuild, place a line something like this in the xml file,
-# after the log file is closed, but before it's moved.
-# <command name="shell" options="$ACE_ROOT/bin/ <path>/build.txt <destination> Footprint" />
-# usage
-usage ()
- echo "Usage: `basename $0` [--base=<dir>] [--name=<name>] [--compiler=compiler]"
- echo " <input_file> <destination_directory> [target_file]"
- echo " [Footprint|Compilation] [<date>] [<fudge_factor>]"
- echo ""
- echo "--base This option can be used to set the base root directory to"
- echo " something other than the default \$ACE_ROOT."
- echo "--name This option can be used to set the software title to something"
- echo " other than the default ACE+TAO+CIAO."
- echo "--compiler This option can be used to set the compiler to something"
- echo " other than the default gcc."
- echo "input_file This is the compilation log file."
- echo "destination_directory This designates the location of the generated html."
- echo "target_file This is similar to input_file, but should contain no errors."
- echo "date Set the date used in all generated html pages."
- echo "fudge_factor Add the specified number of seconds to the compilation time"
- echo " for each target."
- echo ""
- echo "Options must be specified in the order shown above."
- exit
-# parse_time
-# this only works for english
-# assumes the date is formatted like this: Sat Apr 12 18:19:31 UTC 2003
-# and outputs this: 2003/04/12-18:19
-parse_time ()
- # todo: add a format parameter
- local INDEX=0
- local PT_MONTH=""
- local PT_DAY=""
- local PT_YEAR=""
- local PT_HOUR=""
- local PT_MINUTE=""
- local PT_SECOND=""
- local PT_TIMEZONE=""
- read -a line
- for token in "${line[@]}"; do
- #echo "$INDEX = $token"
- case $INDEX in
- 1 ) case $token in
- Jan ) PT_MONTH="01" ;;
- Feb ) PT_MONTH="02" ;;
- Mar ) PT_MONTH="03" ;;
- Apr ) PT_MONTH="04" ;;
- May ) PT_MONTH="05" ;;
- Jun ) PT_MONTH="06" ;;
- Jul ) PT_MONTH="07" ;;
- Aug ) PT_MONTH="08" ;;
- Sep ) PT_MONTH="09" ;;
- Oct ) PT_MONTH="10" ;;
- Nov ) PT_MONTH="11" ;;
- Dec ) PT_MONTH="12" ;;
- esac ;;
- 2 ) PT_DAY="$token" ;;
- 3 ) PT_HOUR="${token%%:*}"
- PT_MINUTE="${token%:*}"
- PT_SECOND="${token##*:}" ;;
- 4 ) PT_TIMEZONE="$token" ;;
- 5 ) PT_YEAR="$token" ;;
- esac
- let INDEX=$INDEX+1
- done
- if [ "$1" = "debug" ]; then
- echo "month = $PT_MONTH"
- echo "day = $PT_DAY"
- echo "year = $PT_YEAR"
- echo "hour = $PT_HOUR"
- echo "min = $PT_MINUTE"
- echo "sec = $PT_SECOND"
- echo "tz = $PT_TIMEZONE"
- fi
-# strip_date
-# grab date from line with following format:
-# ################### End [Fri Apr 11 00:18:31 2003 UTC]
-# and return it in this format: Fri Apr 11 00:18:31 UTC 2003 which is
-# what parse_time() expects
-strip_date ()
- local INDEX=0
- local TEMP_DATE=""
- local DATE=""
- read -a line
- for token in "${line[@]}"; do
- #echo "$INDEX = $token"
- case $INDEX in
- 2 ) DATE=${token#[} ;;
- 7 ) DATE="$DATE ${token%]} $TEMP_DATE" ;;
- # this is a hack since the autobuild scripts don't format the date
- # correctly... :-(
- 6 ) TEMP_DATE=$token ;;
- * ) DATE="$DATE $token" ;;
- esac
- let INDEX=$INDEX+1
- done
- echo $DATE
-# parse
-# Parse the commandline and validate the inputs
-parse ()
- echo "parse()"
- while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
- if [ -n "`echo $1 | grep '^--base=.*'`" ]; then
- BASE_ROOT=`echo $1 | sed 's/^--base=//'`
- shift
- elif [ -n "`echo $1 | grep '^--name=.*'`" ]; then
- BASE_TITLE=`echo $1 | sed 's/^--name=//'`
- shift
- elif [ -n "`echo $1 | grep '^--compiler.*'`" ]; then
- COMPILER=`echo $1 | sed 's/^--compiler=//'`
- shift
- else
- break
- fi
- done
- # set input file and destination (required)
- if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
- DEST=$2
- if ! [ -e "$INFILE" ]; then
- echo "input_file $INFILE does not exist."
- usage
- fi
- else
- usage
- fi
- # set the target file from command line
- if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
- else
- fi
- # set type of metric from command line
- if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then
- else
- METRIC="Compilation"
- fi
- echo "metric = ($METRIC)"
- # set the date from command line
- if [ $# -gt 4 ]; then
- DATE=$5
- else
- DATE=`tail -n 1 $INFILE | strip_date | parse_time`
- fi
- echo "date = ($DATE)"
- # set fudge factor from commandline (for testing)
- if [ $# -gt 5 ]; then
- else
- fi
-# gen_chart
-# Generate the actual charts and move them to $DEST
-gen_chart ()
- local object=$1
- local DEST=$2
- local TYPE=$3
- local EXT="txt"
- local YLABEL="Compile Time (Seconds)"
- local FACTOR=100
- if [ "$TYPE" = "Footprint" ]; then
- EXT="size"
- YLABEL="Footprint (KBytes)"
- FACTOR=1024
- fi
- local low=$4
- let low="${low}/${FACTOR}"
- local high=$5
- let high="${high}/${FACTOR}"
- gnuplot <<EOF
- set data style lp l
- set time "$DATE"
- set xdata time
- set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M"
- set format x "%Y/%m/%d"
- set xtics rotate
- set xlabel 'Date (YYYY/MM/DD)' 0,-3
- set ylabel "${YLABEL}"
- set terminal png small size 800,600 color
- set yrange [$low:$high]
- set output ".metrics/images/${object}_${TYPE}.png"
- set title "${object//___//}"
- plot '.metrics/data/${object}.${EXT}' using 1:(\$2/$FACTOR) notitle w points, '.metrics/data/${object}.${EXT}' using 1:(\$2/$FACTOR) notitle w l lt 3 lw 4
- exit
- # here's how to reduce the scale
- # plot '$1' using 1:(\$2/1024.0) title '$3' w l
- # copy the data and images to $DEST
- /bin/cp .metrics/images/${object}_${TYPE}.png $DEST/images/${object}_${TYPE}.png
- # don't do thumbnails, yet...
- #/bin/cp .metrics/images/${object}_size.png .metrics/images/thumbnails/${object}_size.png
- #/usr/bin/X11/mogrify -geometry '25%' .metrics/images/thumbnails/${object}_size.png
- #/bin/cp .metrics/images/thumbnails/${object}_size.mgk $DEST/images/thumbnails/${object}_size.png
- /usr/bin/tac .metrics/data/${object}.${EXT} > $DEST/data/${object}.${EXT}
- /usr/bin/tail -5 .metrics/data/${object}.${EXT} > $DEST/data/LAST_${object}.${EXT}
-# create_dirs
-# Make sure hidden directory tree exists, and create it if it doesn't
-create_dirs ()
- echo "create_dirs() '$1'"
- if ! [ -d "${1}" ]; then
- mkdir ${1}
- fi
- if ! [ -d "${1}data" ]; then
- mkdir ${1}data
- fi
- if ! [ -d "${1}images" ]; then
- mkdir ${1}images
- fi
- if ! [ -d "${1}images/thumbnails" ]; then
- mkdir ${1}images/thumbnails
- fi
-# process_file
-# Process the the $INPUT file
-process_file ()
- echo "process_file()"
- local CURRENT_TIME=0
- local CURRENT_PATH=""
- local seconds=0
- local hundreths=0
- while read target usertime systemtime; do
- # get path
- CURRENT_PATH=${target%/*}
- # strip off the hidden directory if needbe
- # replace all "/" with "___"
- # (so we can keep them all in the same directory)
- # strip path off of target
- CURRENT_OBJECT=${CURRENT_PATH}___${target##*/}
- #echo "target = $target, object = $CURRENT_OBJECT, path = $CURRENT_PATH"
- #echo "usertime = $usertime, systemtime = $systemtime"
- let seconds="${usertime%.*}+${systemtime%.*}"
- # it's just easier to grab the values first, since .0n causes problems...
- userdec="${usertime#*.}"
- userdec=${userdec#0}
- systemdec="${systemtime#*.}"
- systemdec=${systemdec#0}
- let hundreths="${userdec}+${systemdec}"
- let CURRENT_TIME="(${seconds}*100 + ${hundreths})+$FUDGE_FACTOR"
- echo $DATE $CURRENT_TIME >> .metrics/data/${CURRENT_OBJECT}.txt
- done # while
-# composite_list
-composite_list ()
- local FOUND_OBJ=0
- local BASE_OBJ_FLAG=0
- local BASE_OBJ=""
- local OBJ_LIST=""
- local DIR_LINE=0
- local DIR=""
- local INDEX=0
- while read -a line; do
- for i in "${line[@]}"; do
- if [ $DIR_LINE -eq 1 ]; then
- # only process when entering a directory
- if [ $INDEX -eq 1 ] && [ "$i" = "Leaving" ]; then
- DIR=""
- break
- fi
- if [ $INDEX -eq 3 ]; then
- DIR="${i%?}" # strip off last "'"
- DIR="${DIR#*$BASE_ROOT/}" # strip off $BASE_ROOT
- DIR="${DIR//\//___}___" # replace "/" with "___"
- break
- else
- let INDEX="$INDEX+1"
- continue
- fi
- fi
- # if it was a "make" line then continue to the next token which will
- # continue to process above
- if [ "${i%[*}" = "make" ] || [ "${i%:*}" = "make" ]; then
- DIR=""
- let DIR_LINE=1
- let INDEX="$INDEX+1"
- continue
- fi
- # not an "make" line, so process it here.
- if [ $BASE_OBJ_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then
- BASE_OBJ="${DIR}${i##.*/}"
- # strip off lib numbers
- if [ "$BASE_OBJ" != "${*}" ]; then
- BASE_OBJ=${*}.so
- fi
- elif [ "$i" = "-o" ]; then
- # found our base object, set flag so we can grab the next one
- elif [ "$i" = "${i#-}" -a "$i" = "${i#/}" -a "$i" != "${i%.o}" ]; then
- OBJ_LIST="$OBJ_LIST ${DIR}${i##*/}"
- fi
- done # for
- if [ $FOUND_OBJ -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "$BASE_OBJ : $OBJ_LIST"
- fi
- done # while
-# create_composite_list
-create_composite_list ()
- echo "create_composite_list()"
- local INFILE=$1
- # create a pattern file
- echo "\-L" > .metrics/comp_match.txt
- echo "Entering directory" >> .metrics/comp_match.txt
- # grep out the entering directory line and all the link lines,
- # but only keep entering directory lines preceeding link lines.
- cat $INFILE | grep -f .metrics/comp_match.txt | grep -B1 "\-L" \
- | grep -ve "--" | composite_list > .metrics/composites.txt
-# library_list
-library_list ()
- local FOUND_OBJ=0
- local BASE_OBJ_FLAG=0
- local BASE_OBJ=""
- local OBJ_LIST=""
- local DIR_LINE=0
- local DIR=""
- local INDEX=0
- while read -a line; do
- for i in "${line[@]}"; do
- if [ $DIR_LINE -eq 1 ]; then
- if [ $INDEX -eq 3 ]; then
- DIR="${i%?}" # strip off last "'"
- DIR="${DIR#*$BASE_ROOT/}" # strip off $BASE_ROOT
- DIR="${DIR//\//___}___" # replace "/" with "___"
- break
- else
- let INDEX="$INDEX+1"
- continue
- fi
- fi
- # if it was a "make" line then continue to the next token which will
- # continue to process above
- if [ "${i%[*}" = "make" ]; then
- let DIR_LINE=1
- let INDEX="$INDEX+1"
- continue
- fi
- # not a "make" line, so process it here. We are interested in the
- # 3rd, and last, token, i.e., lib*.a
- let INDEX="$INDEX+1"
- if [ $INDEX -eq 3 ]; then
- echo "$DIR$i"
- fi
- done # for
- done # while
-# create_library_list
-create_library_list ()
- echo "create_library_list()"
- local INFILE=$1
- # create a pattern file
- echo "chmod" > .metrics/lib_match.txt
- echo "Entering directory" >> .metrics/lib_match.txt
- # grep out the entering directory line and all the link lines,
- # but only keep entering directory lines preceeding link lines.
- cat $INFILE | grep -f .metrics/lib_match.txt | grep -B1 "chmod" \
- | grep -ve "--" | library_list > .metrics/libraries.txt
-# rollup_compile_times
-rollup_compile_times ()
- echo "process_composite_objects()"
- local TOTAL_TIME=0
- local temp
- local tdate=""
- local ttime=0
- local lpath=".metrics/data/"
- # rollup compile times
- while read outfile colon infiles; do
- #echo "$outfile ----- $infiles"
- for i in $infiles; do
- temp=`tail -n 1 ${lpath}${i}.txt`
- tdate=${temp%% *}
- let ttime="${temp##* }"
- if [ "$tdate" = "$DATE" ]; then
- let TOTAL_TIME="$TOTAL_TIME + ${ttime}"
- fi
- done # for
- echo "$DATE $TOTAL_TIME" >> ${lpath}${outfile}.txt
- let TOTAL_TIME=0
- done # while
-# footprint
-footprint ()
- echo "footprint()"
- local TYPE="$1"
- local fpath=""
- local lpath=".metrics/data/"
- local FILE=""
- local SIZE=""
- # Remove the old size_composites.txt and create a new one since
- # we have all the info we need from the size command on a library.
- if [ "$TYPE" = "LIB" ] && [ -e .metrics/size_composites.txt ]; then
- rm .metrics/size_composites.txt
- fi
- # go through all the targets and get the sizes of the target and
- # each dependent object and write it to a *.size file.
- while read outfile colon infiles; do
- # reconstitue file name
- FILE="$BASE_ROOT/${outfile//___//}"
- if [ -e $FILE ]; then
- #echo "inside if"
- SIZE=`size $FILE | grep -v text | awk '{s += \$4} END {print s}'`
- echo "$DATE $SIZE" >> $lpath/${outfile}.size
- # only process the included objects if it's a library
- if [ "$TYPE" = "LIB" ]; then
- fpath=${FILE%/*}
- # now, do the same for all the objects in the file (if any)
- size $FILE |
- grep -v text |
- awk '{print $4 " : " $6}' | process_included $fpath $lpath $FILE
- fi
- fi
- done # while
-# process_included
-process_included ()
- echo "process_included()"
- local fpath=$1
- local lpath=$2
- local LIBRARY=$3
- local FILE=""
- local OUTFILE=""
- # while we are here, and have the info, go ahead and write out
- # size dependencies for each library.
- LIBRARY="${LIBRARY//\//___}" # replace "/" with "___"
- echo -n "$LIBRARY : " >> .metrics/size_composites.txt
- while read size colon file; do
- FILE=$fpath/$file
- OUTFILE="${FILE#*$BASE_ROOT/}" # strip off $BASE_ROOT
- OUTFILE="${OUTFILE//\//___}" # replace "/" with "___"
- #echo "size = ($size)"
- echo "$DATE $size" >> $lpath/${OUTFILE}.size
- # add the object
- echo -n "$OUTFILE " >> .metrics/size_composites.txt
- done
- # add newline
- echo "" >> .metrics/size_composites.txt
-# process_map_file
-process_map_file ()
- # this is way too noisy...
- #echo "process_map_file()"
- local index=0
- local INFILE=$1
- local FILE=""
- # Read in the map file. The first section is all we are interested
- # in right now. As soon as we see "Memory Configuration" we are done.
- while read line; do
- let index=$index+1
- # Skip the first 2 lines, then read in all the odd lines, they are the
- # objects that must be loaded. The following line, even lines, is the
- # object that caused it to be loaded.
- if [ $index -lt 3 ] || [ "$line" = "" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- # The line looks like this:
- #/ace_root_path/ace/libACE.a(Malloc.o)
- # need to find the real library path, since these libs will
- # always be in ace/, but the objects will be in the original
- # location.
- lib="${line##/*/}" # strip off path, but only if it starts a line
- lib="${lib%%.a*}" # strip off rest of line
- lib="$lib.a" # put back the .a to make it unambiguous
- libpath=`grep $lib .metrics/libraries.txt`
- path="${libpath%___lib*}" # strip off libname
- FILE="${line#*(}" # strip off everything up to object name
- FILE="${FILE%%)*}" # strip off rest of line
- FILE="${path}___${FILE}"
- echo -n "$FILE " >> .metrics/size_composites.txt
- done
- echo "" >> .metrics/size_composites.txt
-# create_size_composites
-create_size_composites ()
- echo "create_size_composites()"
- local FILE=""
- while read outfile colon infiles; do
- # reconstitue file name
- FILE="$BASE_ROOT/${outfile//___//}.map"
- if [ -e $FILE ]; then
- echo -n "$outfile : " >> .metrics/size_composites.txt
- # only process lines that don't begin with a space
- cat $FILE | sed -e '/Memory Configuration/,$d' \
- | sed -e '/Allocating common symbols/,$d' \
- | grep -v "^ " | process_map_file $FILE
- fi
- #break
- done
-# create_images
-create_images ()
- echo "create_images()"
- local DEST=$1
- local TYPE=$2
- local LOW=0
- local HIGH=5000
- local STEP=0
- local TMP=0
- while read object; do
- if [ -e $object ] && [ `sort -k 2n $object | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2` ]; then
- let TMP=`sort -k 2n $object | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2`
- let TMP=$TMP*16/10
- STEP=1000
- HIGH=0
- while [ $HIGH -eq 0 ]; do
- if [ $TMP -lt $STEP ]; then
- fi
- let STEP=$STEP*15/10
- done
- if [ "$TYPE" = "Footprint" ]; then
- object="${object%.size}"
- else
- object="${object%.txt}"
- fi
- gen_chart "${object##*/}" ${DEST} ${TYPE} ${LOW} ${HIGH} >/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- done
-# create_index_page
-create_index_page ()
- local TYPE="$1"
- local TITLE="$TYPE metrics for $BASE_TITLE"
- echo "<html>"
- echo "<head><title>$TITLE</title></head>"
- echo '<style><!--'
- echo 'body,td,a,p,.h{font-family:arial,sans-serif;}'
- echo '.h{font-size: 20px;}'
- echo '.q{text-decoration:none; color:#0000cc;}'
- echo '//-->'
- echo '</style>'
- echo '<body text = "#000000" link="#000fff" vlink="#ff0f0f" bgcolor="#ffffff">'
- echo "<br><center><h1>$TITLE</h1></center><br><hr>"
- if [ $BASE_TITLE = $DEFAULT_TITLE ]; then
- echo '<p>One of the goals of the PCES-TENA project is to decrease compile times.'
- else
- echo '<p>'
- fi
- echo ' Metrics are gathered nightly on all
- objects in the '$BASE_TITLE' distribution and displayed here.'
- echo '<ul>'
- if [ $BASE_TITLE = $DEFAULT_TITLE ]; then
- echo "<li><a href=\"ace_${TYPE}.html\">ACE</a>"
- echo "<li><a href=\"tao_${TYPE}.html\">TAO</a>"
- echo "<li><a href=\"ciao_${TYPE}.html\">CIAO</a>"
- else
- echo "<li><a href=\"all_${TYPE}.html\">ALL</a>"
- fi
- echo '</ul>'
- echo '<hr>'
- echo '<P>All the experiments run on the system described below. '
- echo 'The machine is running Linux ('
- if [ -e "/etc/SuSE-release" ]; then
- cat /etc/SuSE-release
- fi
- if [ -e "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then
- cat /etc/redhat-release
- fi
- echo "), and we use " $COMPILER " version "
- $COMPILER -dumpversion > .metrics/compilerversion.txt 2>&1
- cat .metrics/compilerversion.txt
- echo ' to compile '$BASE_TITLE'. </P>'
- if [ -z "$MPC_ROOT" ]; then
- fi
- CFG_FILES=$ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h
- if [ -r $ACE_ROOT/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/default.features ]; then
- CFG_FILES="$CFG_FILES $ACE_ROOT/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/default.features"
- elif [ -r $MPC_ROOT/config/default.features ]; then
- CFG_FILES="$CFG_FILES $MPC_ROOT/config/default.features"
- fi
- CFG_FILES="$CFG_FILES $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU"
- echo '<TABLE border="2"><TBODY>'
- for cfg_file in $CFG_FILES; do
- if [ -r $cfg_file ]; then
- echo "<TR><TD>ACE+TAO+CIAO Configuration</TD><TD>`basename $cfg_file`</TD></TR>"
- echo '<TR><TD colspan="2"><PRE>'
- cat $cfg_file
- echo '</PRE></TD></TR>'
- fi
- done
- echo '<TR><TD>CPU Information</TD><TD>/proc/cpuinfo</TD></TR>'
- echo '<TR><TD colspan="2"><PRE>'
- cat /proc/cpuinfo
- echo '</PRE></TD></TR><TR><TD>Available Memory</TD><TD>/proc/meminfo</TD></TR>'
- echo '<TR><TD colspan="2"><PRE>'
- cat /proc/meminfo
- echo '</PRE></TD></TR><TR><TD>OS Version</TD><TD>uname -a</TD></TR>'
- echo '<TR><TD colspan="2"><PRE>'
- /bin/uname -a
- echo '</PRE></TD></TR><TR><TD>Compiler Version</TD><TD>'$COMPILER' -v</TD></TR>'
- echo '<TR><TD colspan="2">'
- $COMPILER -v > .metrics/compiler.txt 2>&1
- cat .metrics/compiler.txt
- if [ -e "/lib/" ]; then
- echo '</TD></TR><TR><TD>Library Version</TD><TD>/lib/</TD></TR>'
- echo '<TR><TD colspan="2"><PRE>'
- /lib/ | sed -e 's/</\&lt;/g' -e 's/>/\&gt;/g'
- fi
- echo '</PRE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>'
- echo '</body></html>'
-# create_page
-create_page ()
- # always strip off "TAO___" / "CIAO___"
- local BASE=$1
- local TYPE=$2
- local EXT=""
- local BASE_NAME=${BASE#TAO___}
- local BASE_NAME=${BASE#CIAO___}
- local TITLE="${TYPE} metrics for ${BASE_NAME//___//}"
- if [ "$TYPE" = "Compilation" ]; then
- EXT="txt"
- UNITS="100th's of seconds"
- else
- EXT="size"
- UNITS="Bytes"
- fi
- # header
- echo "<html>"
- echo "<head><title>$TITLE</title></head>"
- echo '<style><!--'
- echo 'body,td,a,p,.h{font-family:arial,sans-serif;}'
- echo '.h{font-size: 20px;}'
- echo '.q{text-decoration:none; color:#0000cc;}'
- echo '//-->'
- echo '</style>'
- echo '<body text = "#000000" link="#000fff" vlink="#ff0f0f" bgcolor="#ffffff">'
- echo "<br><center><h1>$TITLE</h1></center><br>"
- if [ -e ".metrics/images/${BASE}_${TYPE}.png" ]; then
- echo '<DIV align="center"><P>'
- echo "<IMG alt=\"$BASE\" border=0 src=\"images/${BASE}_${TYPE}.png\""
- echo 'width="800" height="600"></P></DIV>'
- fi
- echo "<br><hr><br>"
- echo "<center><h2>Detail (${DATE})</h2></center>"
- echo '<TABLE border="2"><TBODY><TR><TD rowspan=2><b>Object</b></TD>'
- echo '<TD colspan="3" align=center><b>Last Compile</b></TD></TR>'
- echo "<TR><TD align=center><b>Date</b></TD><TD align=center><b>$UNITS</b></TD>"
- echo '<TD align=center><b>%chg</b></TD></TR>'
- while read i; do
- if [ -e ".metrics/data/${i}.${EXT}" ]; then
- echo '<TR><TD>'
- if [ -e ".metrics/${i}_${TYPE}.html" ]; then
- # strip off "TAO___" if it exists
- NAME=${i#TAO___}
- # strip off "CIAO___" if it exists
- NAME=${i#CIAO___}
- echo "<a href=\"${i}_${TYPE}.html\">${NAME//___//}</a>"
- elif [ -e ".metrics/images/${i}_${TYPE}.png" ]; then
- # since you'll only have images if it's a composite, strip off the
- # path for the name
- if [ "$TYPE" = "Footprint" ]; then
- # if we are doing footprint, add library
- llib=`grep -e "lib.*\.a" .metrics/size_composites.txt | grep ${i} | awk '{print $1}'`
- #echo "lib $llib"
- #llib="${llib% :}"
- llib="${llib//___//}"
- NAME="${llib}(${i##*___})"
- else
- NAME="${i##*___}"
- fi
- echo "<a href=\"images/${i}_${TYPE}.png\">${NAME}</a>"
- else
- echo "${i##*___}"
- fi
- echo '</TD><TD>'
- echo `tail -n1 .metrics/data/${i}.${EXT} | cut -d" " -f1`
- let LAST=`tail -n1 .metrics/data/${i}.${EXT} | cut -d" " -f2`
- echo "</TD><TD align=right>$LAST</TD>"
- let PRE=`tail -n2 .metrics/data/${i}.${EXT} | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f2`
- let VAL_TMP="((($LAST+1)-($PRE+1))*1000)/($PRE+1)"
- if [ $VAL_TMP -lt 0 ]; then
- VAL_SIGN="-"
- let VAL_TMP="-1*$VAL_TMP"
- elif [ $VAL_TMP -eq 0 ]; then
- fi
- let VAL_INT="$VAL_TMP/10"
- let VAL_TENTH="$VAL_TMP-($VAL_INT*10)"
- echo "<TD align=right>${VAL_SIGN}${VAL_INT}.${VAL_TENTH}</TD></TR>"
- else
- echo '<TR><TD>'
- echo "${i}"
- echo '</TD><TD>'
- echo '?'
- echo "</TD><TD align=right>?</TD>"
- echo "<TD align=right>?</TD></TR>"
- fi
- done # for
- echo '</TBODY></TABLE>'
- # footer
- echo '</body></html>'
-# sort_list
-sort_list ()
- # sort the dependency files
- if [ -e .metrics/tmp_list ]; then
- rm .metrics/tmp_list
- fi
- touch .metrics/tmp_list
- for i in $@; do
- echo "$i" >> .metrics/tmp_list
- #echo $i
- done
- # sort eats underscores, soo...
- sed "s/___/000/g" .metrics/tmp_list | sort -f | sed "s/000/___/g"
-# create_html
-create_html ()
- echo "create_html()"
- local DEST=$1
- local TYPE=$2
- local ALL_BASE=""
- local ACE_OBJS=""
- local TAO_OBJS=""
- local CIAO_OBJS=""
- while read base colon files; do
- # create individual page for app/lib
- sort_list ${files} | create_page ${base} ${TYPE} \
- > .metrics/${base}_${TYPE}.html
- cp .metrics/${base}_${TYPE}.html $DEST/${base}_${TYPE}.html
- if [ "${base}" != "${base#TAO___CIAO}" ]; then
- CIAO_OBJS="${CIAO_OBJS} ${base}"
- elif [ "${base}" != "${base#TAO}" ]; then
- TAO_OBJS="${TAO_OBJS} ${base}"
- else
- ACE_OBJS="${ACE_OBJS} ${base}"
- fi
- ALL_OBJS="${ALL_BASE} ${base}"
- done
- # create main page
- create_index_page ${TYPE} > .metrics/index.html
- cp .metrics/index.html ${DEST}/index.html
- if [ "${TYPE}" = "Compilation" ] || [ "${TYPE}" = "Footprint" ]; then
- if [ $BASE_TITLE = $DEFAULT_TITLE ]; then
- name="ace_${TYPE}.html"
- sort_list ${ACE_OBJS} | create_page "ACE" ${TYPE} > .metrics/${name}
- cp .metrics/${name} ${DEST}/${name}
- name="tao_${TYPE}.html"
- sort_list ${TAO_OBJS} | create_page "TAO" ${TYPE} > .metrics/${name}
- cp .metrics/${name} ${DEST}/${name}
- name="ciao_${TYPE}.html"
- sort_list ${CIAO_OBJS} | create_page "CIAO" ${TYPE} > .metrics/${name}
- cp .metrics/${name} ${DEST}/${name}
- else
- name="all_${TYPE}.html"
- sort_list ${ACE_OBJS} | create_page $BASE_TITLE ${TYPE} > .metrics/${name}
- cp .metrics/${name} ${DEST}/${name}
- fi
- fi
-# main program
-parse $@
-create_dirs ".metrics/"
-create_dirs "$DEST/"
-if [ "$METRIC" = "Compilation" ]; then
- ########################################################
- # compile times
- # grab the compile time metrics for objects only and process them
- grep "compile time(0):" $INFILE | grep "\.o" | cut -d' ' -f3,4,5 | process_file
- # Create .metrics/composites.txt with entries like this:
- # tests___OS_Test : tests___OS_Test.o tests___Main.o
- create_composite_list $TARGETS
- # compile times
- cat .metrics/composites.txt | rollup_compile_times
- find .metrics/data/ -name "*.txt" | create_images $DEST "Compilation"
- cat .metrics/composites.txt | create_html $DEST "Compilation"
-elif [ "$METRIC" = "Footprint" ]; then
- ########################################################
- # footprint
- # Create .metrics/libraries.txt with entries like this:
- # ace___libACE.a
- create_library_list $TARGETS
- # Create .metrics/composites.txt with entries like this:
- # tests___OS_Test : tests___OS_Test.o tests___Main.o
- create_composite_list $TARGETS
- # Run size on the executables and append results to *.size file.
- cat .metrics/composites.txt | footprint
- # Run size on the libraries and append results to *.size for the
- # library and each contained object.
- # It also creates .metrics/size_composites.txt based on size output for
- # libraries with entries like this:
- # ace___libACE.a : ace___ACE.o ace___Addr.o
- cat .metrics/libraries.txt | footprint LIB
- # Add executables to .metrics/size_composites.txt based on output
- # from the map files (created with LDFLAGS=-Xlinker -M -Xlinker
- # -Map -Xlinker $(@).map). Find the map files of we want based on
- # entries in .metrics/composites.txt.
- cat .metrics/composites.txt | create_size_composites
- find .metrics/data/ -name "*.size" | create_images $DEST "Footprint"
- cat .metrics/size_composites.txt | create_html $DEST "Footprint"
- echo "metric type ($METRIC) not recognized"
- usage