path: root/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/performance-tests/Keyed/Sender/Perf_Keyed_Test_Sender_exec.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/performance-tests/Keyed/Sender/Perf_Keyed_Test_Sender_exec.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 671 deletions
diff --git a/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/performance-tests/Keyed/Sender/Perf_Keyed_Test_Sender_exec.cpp b/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/performance-tests/Keyed/Sender/Perf_Keyed_Test_Sender_exec.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c15ba28542..00000000000
--- a/CIAO/connectors/dds4ccm/performance-tests/Keyed/Sender/Perf_Keyed_Test_Sender_exec.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,671 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
- * Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler v1.8.3
- * TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by:
- * Center for Distributed Object Computing
- * Washington University
- * St. Louis, MO
- * USA
- *
- * and
- * Distributed Object Computing Laboratory
- * University of California at Irvine
- * Irvine, CA
- * USA
- * and
- * Institute for Software Integrated Systems
- * Vanderbilt University
- * Nashville, TN
- * USA
- *
- *
- * Information about TAO is available at:
- *
- **/
-#include "Perf_Keyed_Test_Sender_exec.h"
-#include "tao/ORB_Core.h"
-#include "ace/Reactor.h"
-#include "ace/Timer_Queue.h"
-#include "ace/High_Res_Timer.h"
-namespace CIAO_Perf_Keyed_Test_Sender_Impl
- /**
- * Facet Executor Implementation Class: connector_status_exec_i
- */
- WriteTicker::WriteTicker (Sender_exec_i &callback)
- : callback_ (callback)
- {
- }
- int
- WriteTicker::handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &, const void *)
- {
- this->callback_.write_one ();
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Facet Executor Implementation Class: connector_status_exec_i
- */
- connector_status_exec_i::connector_status_exec_i (
- ::Perf_Keyed_Test::CCM_Sender_Context_ptr ctx,
- Sender_exec_i &callback,
- Atomic_Boolean &matched,
- int number_of_subscribers)
- : ciao_context_ (
- ::Perf_Keyed_Test::CCM_Sender_Context::_duplicate (ctx))
- , callback_ (callback)
- , matched_ (matched)
- , number_of_subscribers_ (number_of_subscribers)
- {
- }
- connector_status_exec_i::~connector_status_exec_i (void)
- {
- }
- // Operations from ::CCM_DDS::ConnectorStatusListener
- void
- connector_status_exec_i::on_inconsistent_topic (::DDS::Topic_ptr /* the_topic */,
- const ::DDS::InconsistentTopicStatus & /* status */)
- {
- /* Your code here. */
- }
- void
- connector_status_exec_i::on_requested_incompatible_qos (::DDS::DataReader_ptr /* the_reader */,
- const ::DDS::RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus & /* status */)
- {
- /* Your code here. */
- }
- void
- connector_status_exec_i::on_sample_rejected (::DDS::DataReader_ptr /* the_reader */,
- const ::DDS::SampleRejectedStatus & /* status */)
- {
- /* Your code here. */
- }
- void
- connector_status_exec_i::on_offered_deadline_missed (::DDS::DataWriter_ptr /* the_writer */,
- const ::DDS::OfferedDeadlineMissedStatus & /* status */)
- {
- /* Your code here. */
- }
- void
- connector_status_exec_i::on_offered_incompatible_qos (::DDS::DataWriter_ptr /* the_writer */,
- const ::DDS::OfferedIncompatibleQosStatus & /* status */)
- {
- /* Your code here. */
- }
- void
- connector_status_exec_i::on_unexpected_status (::DDS::Entity_ptr the_entity,
- ::DDS::StatusKind status_kind)
- {
- if (!::CORBA::is_nil (the_entity) && status_kind == DDS::PUBLICATION_MATCHED_STATUS)
- {
- ::DDS::DataWriter_var wr = ::DDS::DataWriter::_narrow (the_entity);
- if (::CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- throw ::CORBA::INTERNAL ();
- }
- ::DDS::PublicationMatchedStatus_var stat;
- ::DDS::ReturnCode_t retval = wr->get_publication_matched_status (stat.out ());
- if (retval == DDS::RETCODE_OK)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "connector_status_exec_i::on_unexpected_status - "
- "on_publication_matched status received. Starting application\n"));
- if (( ().current_count >=
- (this->number_of_subscribers_ + 1)) &&
- !this->matched_.value())
- {
- this->matched_ = true;
- this->callback_.start ();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Facet Executor Implementation Class: ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i
- */
- ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i::ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i (
- ::Perf_Keyed_Test::CCM_Sender_Context_ptr ctx,
- Sender_exec_i &callback)
- : ciao_context_ (
- ::Perf_Keyed_Test::CCM_Sender_Context::_duplicate (ctx))
- , callback_(callback)
- {
- }
- ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i::~ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i (void)
- {
- }
- // Operations from ::CCM_DDS::PerfKeyedTest::Listener
- void
- ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i::on_one_data (const ::PerfKeyedTest & datum,
- const ::CCM_DDS::ReadInfo & /* info */)
- {
- //only interested in messages received with a latency_ping = -1 ('ping'messages)
- if (datum.latency_ping == -1)
- {
- this->callback_.record_time (datum.nanotime);
- }
- }
- void
- ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i::on_many_data (const ::PerfKeyedTestSeq & /* data */,
- const ::CCM_DDS::ReadInfoSeq & /* infos */)
- {
- /* Your code here. */
- }
- /**
- * Component Executor Implementation Class: Sender_exec_i
- */
- Sender_exec_i::Sender_exec_i (void)
- : keys_ (1)
- , iterations_ (1000)
- , latency_count_ (100)
- , sleep_ (10)
- , spin_ (100)
- , datalen_ (100)
- , number_of_sub_ (1)
- , matched_(false)
- , tv_total_ (0L)
- , tv_max_ (0L)
- , tv_min_ (0L)
- , count_ (0) // Number of returned pings
- , number_of_msg_(0) // Number of sent messages
- , timer_(false)
- {
- ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (this->ticker_,
- WriteTicker (*this),
- }
- Sender_exec_i::~Sender_exec_i (void)
- {
- delete this->ticker_;
- }
- // Supported operations and attributes.
- ACE_Reactor*
- Sender_exec_i::reactor (void)
- {
- ACE_Reactor* reactor = 0;
- ::CORBA::Object_var ccm_object =
- this->ciao_context_->get_CCM_object();
- if (! ::CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- ::CORBA::ORB_var orb = ccm_object->_get_orb ();
- if (! ::CORBA::is_nil ( ()))
- {
- reactor = orb->orb_core ()->reactor ();
- }
- }
- if (reactor == 0)
- {
- throw ::CORBA::INTERNAL ();
- }
- return reactor;
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::write_one (void)
- {
- if (this->number_of_msg_ == 0)
- {
- //first message
- this->last_key_->second->data_len = INITIALIZE_SIZE;
- this->last_key_->second->bin_data = CORBA::string_alloc(0);
- }
- else if ((this->iterations_ != 0) &&
- (this->number_of_msg_ == ((this->iterations_ * this->keys_) -1)))
- {
- //last message
- this->last_key_->second->data_len = FINISHED_SIZE;
- this->last_key_->second->bin_data = CORBA::string_alloc(0);
- }
- else
- {
- this->last_key_->second->data_len = this->datalen_;
- this->last_key_->second->bin_data = CORBA::string_alloc(this->datalen_);
- }
- if ((this->iterations_ != 0) && (this->number_of_msg_ >=
- (this->iterations_ * this->keys_)))
- {
- this->reactor ()->cancel_timer (this->ticker_);
- this->timer_ = false;
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- this->last_key_->second->seq_num = this->number_of_msg_;
- // Send some messages (latency_ping = 1L) with indicator that
- // message has to be returned by the subscriber
- // TO DO : use other selection if more then one key is used.
- if (( this->number_of_msg_ % this->latency_count_) == 0)
- {
- this->last_key_->second->latency_ping = 1L;
- ACE_High_Res_Timer::gettimeofday_hr ().to_usec (
- this->last_key_->second->nanotime);
- }
- else
- {
- this->last_key_->second->latency_ping = 0L;
- }
- this->writer_->write_one (this->last_key_->second,
- }
- catch (const CCM_DDS::InternalError& )
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ERROR: Internal Error ")
- ACE_TEXT ("while writing a sample.\n")));
- }
- ++this->last_key_;
- ++this->number_of_msg_;
- if (this->last_key_ == this->samples_.end ())
- {
- // start over again.
- this->last_key_ = this->samples_.begin ();
- }
- }
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::write_one_with_spin (void)
- {
- double ad, bd, cd;
- volatile double * a, * b, * c;
- a = &ad;
- b = &bd;
- c = &cd;
- for (unsigned int loop = 0;
- this->iterations_ == 0 || loop < this->iterations_;
- ++loop)
- {
- if (this->spin_ > 0)
- {
- // spin, spin, spin
- for (int m = 0; m < this->spin_; ++m)
- {
- *a = 1.1;
- *b = 3.1415;
- *c = *a/(*b)*m;
- }
- }
- if (this->number_of_msg_ == 0)
- {
- // first message
- this->last_key_->second->data_len = INITIALIZE_SIZE;
- this->last_key_->second->bin_data = CORBA::string_alloc(0);
- }
- else if ((this->iterations_ != 0) &&
- (this->number_of_msg_ ==
- ((this->iterations_ * this->keys_) -1)))
- {
- // last message
- this->last_key_->second->data_len = FINISHED_SIZE;
- this->last_key_->second->bin_data = CORBA::string_alloc(0);
- }
- else
- {
- this->last_key_->second->data_len = this->datalen_;
- this->last_key_->second->bin_data =
- CORBA::string_alloc(this->datalen_);
- }
- try
- {
- this->last_key_->second->seq_num = loop;
- this->last_key_->second->latency_ping = 0L;
- // if ping required
- if (( this->number_of_msg_ % this->latency_count_) == 0)
- {
- // send some messages (latency_ping = 1L) with indicator that
- // message has to be returned by the subscriber
- this->last_key_->second->latency_ping = 1L;
- ACE_High_Res_Timer::gettimeofday_hr ().to_usec (
- this->last_key_->second->nanotime);
- }
- this->writer_->write_one (this->last_key_->second,
- }
- catch (const CCM_DDS::InternalError& )
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ERROR: Internal Error ")
- ACE_TEXT ("while updating writer info for <%C>.\n"),
- this->last_key_->first.c_str ()));
- }
- ++this->last_key_;
- if (this->last_key_ == this->samples_.end ())
- { // onto the next iteration
- this->last_key_ = this->samples_.begin ();
- }
- ++this->number_of_msg_;
- }
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::start (void)
- {
- for (CORBA::UShort i = 1; i < this->keys_ + 1; ++i)
- {
- char key[7];
- PerfKeyedTest *new_key = new PerfKeyedTest;
- ACE_OS::sprintf (key, "KEY_%d", i);
- new_key->key = CORBA::string_dup(key);
- new_key->seq_num = 0;
- ::CORBA::ULong length = this->datalen_;
- new_key->data_len = length;
- new_key->bin_data = CORBA::string_alloc(length);
- this->samples_[key] = new_key;
- }
- this->last_key_ = this->samples_.begin ();
- // this->sleep_ is in ms
- unsigned int sec = this->sleep_/1000;
- unsigned int usec = (this->sleep_ % 1000) * 1000;
- // if sleep and spin both > 0, use sleep value and ignore spin value
- if (this->sleep_ > 0) // use reactor timer to sleep
- {
- if (this->reactor ()->schedule_timer(
- this->ticker_,
- 0,
- ACE_Time_Value (5, 0),
- ACE_Time_Value (sec, usec)) == -1)
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("Sender_exec_i::start : ")
- ACE_TEXT ("Error scheduling timer")));
- }
- this->timer_ = true;
- }
- else //use spin i.o sleep
- {
- ACE_OS::sleep(5);
- this->write_one_with_spin();
- }
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::record_time (unsigned long long nanotime)
- {
- ACE_UINT64 testend;
- ACE_High_Res_Timer::gettimeofday_hr ().to_usec (testend);
- ACE_UINT64 interval = (testend - nanotime);
- ++this->count_;
- long duration = static_cast <CORBA::Long>(interval);
- this->tv_total_ += duration;
- if (duration > this->tv_max_.value () || (this->tv_max_.value () == 0L))
- this->tv_max_ = duration;
- if (duration < this->tv_min_.value () || (this->tv_min_.value () == 0L))
- this->tv_min_ = duration;
- }
- // Component attributes and port operations.
- ::CORBA::UShort
- Sender_exec_i::keys (void)
- {
- return this->keys_;
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::keys (
- const ::CORBA::UShort keys)
- {
- this->keys_ = keys;
- }
- ::CORBA::ULong
- Sender_exec_i::iterations (void)
- {
- return this->iterations_;
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::iterations (
- const ::CORBA::ULong iterations)
- {
- this->iterations_ = iterations;
- }
- ::CORBA::UShort
- Sender_exec_i::latency_count (void)
- {
- return this->latency_count_;
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::latency_count (
- const ::CORBA::UShort latency_count)
- {
- this->latency_count_ = latency_count;
- }
- ::CORBA::UShort
- Sender_exec_i::sleep (void)
- {
- return this->sleep_;
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::sleep (
- const ::CORBA::UShort sleep)
- {
- this->sleep_ = sleep;
- }
- ::CORBA::UShort
- Sender_exec_i::spin (void)
- {
- return this->spin_;
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::spin (
- const ::CORBA::UShort spin)
- {
- this->spin_ = spin;
- }
- ::CORBA::UShort
- Sender_exec_i::datalen (void)
- {
- return this->datalen_;
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::datalen (
- const ::CORBA::UShort datalen)
- {
- if (datalen <= OVERHEAD_BYTES)
- {
- ACE_TEXT ("ERROR: datalen has to be bigger as %u\n"),
- throw ::CORBA::BAD_PARAM ();
- }
- this->datalen_ = datalen - OVERHEAD_BYTES;
- }
- ::CORBA::UShort
- Sender_exec_i::number_of_sub (void)
- {
- return this->number_of_sub_;
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::number_of_sub (
- const ::CORBA::UShort number_of_sub)
- {
- if (number_of_sub > 0)
- {
- this->number_of_sub_ = number_of_sub;
- }
- else
- {
- this->number_of_sub_ = 1;
- }
- }
- ::CCM_DDS::CCM_ConnectorStatusListener_ptr
- Sender_exec_i::get_connector_status (void)
- {
- if ( ::CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- connector_status_exec_i *tmp = 0;
- tmp,
- connector_status_exec_i (
- this-> (),
- *this,
- this->matched_,
- this->number_of_sub_),
- ::CCM_DDS::CCM_ConnectorStatusListener::_nil ());
- this->ciao_connector_status_ = tmp;
- }
- return
- ::CCM_DDS::CCM_ConnectorStatusListener::_duplicate (
- this-> ());
- }
- ::CCM_DDS::PerfKeyedTest::CCM_Listener_ptr
- Sender_exec_i::get_ping_listen_data_listener (void)
- {
- if ( ::CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i *tmp = 0;
- tmp,
- ping_listen_data_listener_exec_i (
- this-> (),
- *this),
- ::CCM_DDS::PerfKeyedTest::CCM_Listener::_nil ());
- this->ciao_ping_listen_data_listener_ = tmp;
- }
- return
- ::CCM_DDS::PerfKeyedTest::CCM_Listener::_duplicate (
- this-> ());
- }
- ::CCM_DDS::CCM_PortStatusListener_ptr
- Sender_exec_i::get_ping_listen_status (void)
- {
- return ::CCM_DDS::CCM_PortStatusListener::_nil ();
- }
- // Operations from Components::SessionComponent.
- void
- Sender_exec_i::set_session_context (
- ::Components::SessionContext_ptr ctx)
- {
- this->ciao_context_ =
- ::Perf_Keyed_Test::CCM_Sender_Context::_narrow (ctx);
- if ( ::CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()))
- {
- throw ::CORBA::INTERNAL ();
- }
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::configuration_complete (void)
- {
- /* Your code here. */
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::ccm_activate (void)
- {
- try
- {
- this->writer_ = this->ciao_context_->get_connection_info_write_data ();
- ::CCM_DDS::DataListenerControl_var dlc =
- this->ciao_context_->get_connection_ping_listen_data_control ();
- dlc->mode (::CCM_DDS::ONE_BY_ONE);
- }
- catch (const ::CORBA::Exception& ex)
- {
- ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught:");
- ACE_TEXT ("ERROR: Sender_exec_i::ccm_activate: Exception caught\n")));
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- ACE_TEXT ("ERROR: Sender_exec_i::ccm_activate:"
- " Unknown exception caught\n")));
- }
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::ccm_passivate (void)
- {
- if (this->timer_.value ())
- this->reactor ()->cancel_timer (this->ticker_);
- }
- void
- Sender_exec_i::ccm_remove (void)
- {
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "SUMMARY SENDER number of messages sent: %u\n",
- (this->number_of_msg_ + 1)));
- if( this->count_.value () > 0)
- {
- double avg = this->tv_total_.value () / this->count_.value ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "SUMMARY SENDER latency time-one way, in usec :\n"
- "\tTotal time <%u>,\n\tNumber of latency messages <%u>,"
- "\n\tAvg <%6.01f>,\n\tMin <%u>,\n\tMax <%u>.\n",
- this->tv_total_.value ()/2,
- this->count_.value (),
- avg/2,
- this->tv_min_.value ()/2,
- this->tv_max_.value ()/2));
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "SUMMARY SENDER latency time:\n "
- "No samples reveived back.\n"));
- }
- }
- extern "C" SENDER_EXEC_Export ::Components::EnterpriseComponent_ptr
- create_Perf_Keyed_Test_Sender_Impl (void)
- {
- ::Components::EnterpriseComponent_ptr retval =
- ::Components::EnterpriseComponent::_nil ();
- retval,
- Sender_exec_i);
- return retval;
- }