path: root/Kokyu/DSRT_Sched_Queue_T.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/Kokyu/DSRT_Sched_Queue_T.h b/Kokyu/DSRT_Sched_Queue_T.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ad4be8e69..00000000000
--- a/Kokyu/DSRT_Sched_Queue_T.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/* -*- C++ -*- */
- * @file DSRT_Sched_Queue_T.h
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- * @author Venkita Subramonian (
- *
- */
-#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
-#include "DSRT_Dispatch_Item_T.h"
-#include "ace/RB_Tree.h"
-#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager_T.h"
-#include "ace/Null_Mutex.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "Kokyu_dsrt.h"
-namespace Kokyu
- /**
- * @class Sched_Ready_Queue
- *
- * @brief RB_Tree based template class for implementation of
- * reordering queue.
- *
- * This queue is used as a priority queue to store schedulable
- * entities. The item at the top of the RB_Tree is the most eligible
- * item. The comparator used to determine the most eligible item is
- * passed as a template parameter <code> More_Eligible_Comparator
- * </code>. This is expected to be a functor which compares two
- * schedulable items. The mutex type template parameter for RB_Tree
- * is chosen to be a null mutex since all the methods in the
- * enclosing <code> Sched_Ready_Queue </code> class are thread
- * safe. Since QoS is used for comparison between two schedulable
- * items, QoSDescriptor is the ideal candidate to be used as the key
- * or the EXT_ID for RB_Tree instantiation. But two qos descriptors
- * could be the same. The existing implementation of RB_Tree does
- * not allow duplicate keys. In order to facilitate insertion of
- * duplicate qos descriptors, the qos descriptors are contained in a
- * <code> DSRT_Dispatch_Item </code> and this is used as the basis
- * of comparison. To resolve tie between equal qos values, an
- * insertion time stamp is maintained in each item and an item with
- * an earlier time stamp is more eligible than an item with an
- * identical qos value. Another requirement is that it should be
- * possible to remove an item from the RB_Tree based on guid. Since
- * we have already used up the qos descriptor for the key, we need a
- * separate index into the list of schedulable items. The second
- * index should be based on guid. This is achieved by using a hash
- * map to store <guid, RB_Tree_Node*> pairs. This makes the deletion
- * of nodes from RB_Tree more efficient.
- *
- */
- template <class DSRT_Scheduler_Traits,
- class More_Eligible_Comparator,
- class ACE_LOCK>
- class Sched_Ready_Queue
- {
- /// Extract the necessary types from the traits class
- typedef typename DSRT_Scheduler_Traits::Guid_t Guid_t;
- typedef typename
- DSRT_Scheduler_Traits::QoSDescriptor_t DSRT_QoSDescriptor_t;
- public:
- /**
- * Given a guid, find an item in the priority queue.
- *
- * @param guid Guid of item
- *
- * @param found_item Reference to DSRT_Dispatch_Item_var
- * to hold the found item.
- * @return -1 if no item found and 0 otherwise.
- */
- int find(Guid_t guid,
- DSRT_Dispatch_Item_var<DSRT_Scheduler_Traits>&
- found_item);
- /**
- * Insert an item in the priority queue. If item with same guid is
- * already in the queue, the existing one is deleted and the new
- * one inserted. A deletion and insertion has to happen instead of
- * update since the rebalancing of the RB_Tree should take place.
- *
- * @param item <code> DSRT_Dispatch_Item </code> object containing guid and qos.
- *
- * @return -1 if insertion failed and 0 otherwise.
- */
- int insert(DSRT_Dispatch_Item<DSRT_Scheduler_Traits>* item);
- /**
- * Remove an item from the priority queue.
- *
- * @param guid Guid of item.
- *
- * @param qos QoS associated with item.
- *
- * @return -1 if removal failed and 0 otherwise.
- */
- int remove(Guid_t guid);
- /**
- * Returns current size of the priority queue.
- */
- int current_size ();
- /**
- * Get the most eligible item from the priority queue.
- *
- * @param item Item which is most eligible, i.e. one at the
- * "top" of the priority queue.
- *
- * @return -1 if there are no items in the priority queue.
- */
- int most_eligible (DSRT_Dispatch_Item_var<DSRT_Scheduler_Traits>&
- item);
- /**
- * change blocked_prio_ item to inactive_prio_
- */
- int change_prio (int old_prio, int new_prio, int policy);
- void dump();
- private:
- /**
- * @class Guid_Hash
- *
- * @brief Internal class to generate hash for guid.
- *
- * This acts just as a wrapper functor to the Hash functor passed
- * as part of the traits class <code> DSRT_Scheduler_Traits
- * </code>.
- *
- */
- class Guid_Hash
- {
- public:
- /// Returns hash value.
- u_long operator () (const typename DSRT_Scheduler_Traits::Guid_t &id)
- {
- typename DSRT_Scheduler_Traits::Guid_Hash guid_hash;
- return guid_hash(id);
- }
- };
- // RB_Tree related typedefs
- typedef ACE_RB_Tree <DSRT_Dispatch_Item_var<DSRT_Scheduler_Traits>,
- DSRT_Dispatch_Item_var<DSRT_Scheduler_Traits>,
- More_Eligible_Comparator,
- ACE_SYNCH_NULL_MUTEX> Dispatch_Items_Priority_Queue;
- typedef
- ACE_RB_Tree_Node<DSRT_Dispatch_Item_var<DSRT_Scheduler_Traits>,
- DSRT_Dispatch_Item_var<DSRT_Scheduler_Traits> >
- RB_Tree_Dispatch_Item_Node;
- typedef typename
- Dispatch_Items_Priority_Queue::ITERATOR PRIO_QUEUE_ITERATOR;
- typedef typename
- Dispatch_Items_Priority_Queue::ENTRY PRIO_QUEUE_ENTRY;
- // Hash map related typedefs
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<Guid_t,
- RB_Tree_Dispatch_Item_Node*,
- Guid_Hash,
- ACE_Equal_To<Guid_t>,
- Dispatch_Items_Hash_Map;
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator_Ex<Guid_t,
- RB_Tree_Dispatch_Item_Node*,
- Guid_Hash,
- ACE_Equal_To<Guid_t>,
- Dispatch_Items_Hash_Map_Iterator;
- typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Entry <Guid_t,
- RB_Tree_Dispatch_Item_Node*>
- Dispatch_Items_Hash_Map_Entry;
- /**
- * Lock used to protect the state of the scheduler queue. A
- * separate lock is not used for the internal RB_Tree and hashmap.
- */
- ACE_LOCK lock_;
- /**
- * Hash table to maintain a second index into the list of
- * schedulable items. This is for efficient removal of items from
- * the RB_Tree based on guid. The guid is used as the key for the
- * hash map, whereas the qos value is used as the key for the
- * RB_Tree.
- */
- Dispatch_Items_Hash_Map dispatch_items_hash_map_;
- /**
- * RB_Tree implementation of priority queue of schedulable items.
- */
- Dispatch_Items_Priority_Queue dispatch_items_prio_queue_;
- };
-#if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
-//#include "DSRT_Sched_Queue_T.i"
-#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
-#include "DSRT_Sched_Queue_T.cpp"
-#pragma implementation ("DSRT_Sched_Queue_T.cpp")
-#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
-#endif /* DSRT_SCHED_QUEUE_T_H */