path: root/SA_WorkingPlan.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SA_WorkingPlan.cpp')
1 files changed, 852 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/SA_WorkingPlan.cpp b/SA_WorkingPlan.cpp
index 4b3c66af188..505b2d48648 100644
--- a/SA_WorkingPlan.cpp
+++ b/SA_WorkingPlan.cpp
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
#include "PlanCommands.h"
#include "SA_PlanCommands.h"
+#include <stack>
+#include <fstream>
using namespace SA_POP;
@@ -541,13 +543,165 @@ TaskImplID SA_WorkingPlan::get_task_impl_from_inst(TaskInstID inst_id)
return this->task_impls_.find(inst_id)->second;
+void SA_WorkingPlan::generate_all_threats(void)
+ threat_set.clear();
+ std::ostringstream debug_text;
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::generate_all_threats: All Causal Links: " << std::endl;
+ for(CondToCLinksMap::iterator nit = causal_links_.begin(); nit != causal_links_.end(); nit++){
+ CausalLink causal_threatened = (*nit).second;
+ TaskID threatened_task = this->task_insts_.find(causal_threatened.first)->second;
+ if(causal_threatened.second != -1)
+ debug_text << " Task ("<<threatened_task<<") " << "Inst ("<<causal_threatened.first<<") -(" << << ")-> Task ("<<this->task_insts_.find(causal_threatened.second)->second<< ") Inst ("<< causal_threatened.second << ")" << std::endl;
+ }
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ for(InstToImplMap::iterator iterator = this->task_impls_.begin(); iterator != this->task_impls_.end(); iterator++){
+ TaskInstID threat_possibility = (*iterator).first;
+ TaskID threat_possibility_taskid = this->task_insts_.find(threat_possibility)->second;
+ file_op<<" Task :"<<iterator->first<<"("<<threat_possibility_taskid<<")"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ for(InstToImplMap::iterator iterator = this->task_impls_.begin(); iterator != this->task_impls_.end(); iterator++){
+ TaskInstID threat_possibility = iterator->first;
+ TaskID threat_possibility_taskid = this->task_insts_.find(threat_possibility)->second;
+ CondSet set = this->planner_->get_effects(threat_possibility_taskid);
+ for(CondSet::iterator arr = set.begin(); arr != set.end(); arr++){
+ Condition condition = (*arr);
+ std::pair<
+ CondToCLinksMap::iterator,
+ CondToCLinksMap::iterator
+ > ret = this->causal_links_.equal_range(condition);
+ for(CondToCLinksMap::iterator nit = ret.first; nit != ret.second; nit++){
+ CausalLink causal_threatened = (*nit).second;
+ TaskID threatened_task = this->task_insts_.find(causal_threatened.first)->second;
+ SANet::LinkWeight threat_effect = this->planner_->get_link(threat_possibility_taskid,;
+ SANet::LinkWeight causal_effect = this->planner_->get_link(threatened_task,;
+ if((threat_effect > 0 && causal_effect < 0 )|| (threat_effect < 0 && causal_effect > 0)){
+ if(causal_threatened.first != threat_possibility && causal_threatened.second != threat_possibility)
+ {
+ TaskID threatened_task1 = this->task_insts_.find(causal_threatened.first)->second;
+ TaskID threatened_task2 = this->task_insts_.find(causal_threatened.second)->second;
+ CLThreat new_threat;
+ new_threat.clink = causal_threatened;
+ new_threat.threat = threat_possibility;
+ threat_set.insert(new_threat);
+ file_op<<" New threat: causal link from "<<causal_threatened.first<<" ("<<threatened_task1<<") to "<<causal_threatened.second<<" ("<<threatened_task2<<") using condition "<<<<" threatened by "<<threat_possibility<<" ("<<threat_possibility_taskid<<")\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file_op.close();
+ debug_text.clear();
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::generate_all_threats: All Tasks Instances: " << std::endl;
+ for(InstToTaskMap::iterator iterator = this->task_insts_.begin(); iterator != this->task_insts_.end(); iterator++){
+ TaskInstID threat_possibility = iterator->first;
+ TaskID threat_possibility_taskid = iterator->second;
+ debug_text <<" Task (" <<threat_possibility_taskid << ")"<< ": Inst (" <<iterator->first << ")" << std::endl;
+ }
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::generate_all_threats: All Causal Threats: " << std::endl;
+ for(InstToTaskMap::iterator iterator = this->task_insts_.begin(); iterator != this->task_insts_.end(); iterator++){
+ TaskInstID threat_possibility = iterator->first;
+ TaskID threat_possibility_taskid = iterator->second;
+ CondSet set = this->planner_->get_effects(threat_possibility_taskid);
+ for(CondSet::iterator arr = set.begin(); arr != set.end(); arr++){
+ Condition condition = (*arr);
+ std::pair<
+ CondToCLinksMap::iterator,
+ CondToCLinksMap::iterator
+ > ret = this->causal_links_.equal_range(condition);
+ for(CondToCLinksMap::iterator nit = ret.first; nit != ret.second; nit++){
+ CausalLink causal_threatened = (*nit).second;
+ TaskID threatened_task = this->task_insts_.find(causal_threatened.first)->second;
+ SANet::LinkWeight threat_effect = this->planner_->get_link(threat_possibility_taskid,;
+ SANet::LinkWeight causal_effect = this->planner_->get_link(threatened_task,;
+ if((threat_effect > 0 && causal_effect < 0 )|| (threat_effect < 0 && causal_effect > 0)){
+ if(causal_threatened.first != threat_possibility && causal_threatened.second != threat_possibility)
+ {
+ TaskID threatened_task1 = this->task_insts_.find(causal_threatened.first)->second;
+ TaskID threatened_task2 = this->task_insts_.find(causal_threatened.second)->second;
+ CLThreat new_threat;
+ new_threat.clink = causal_threatened;
+ new_threat.threat = threat_possibility;
+ threat_set.insert(new_threat);
+ debug_text <<" Causal link from Task ("<< threatened_task1 <<") Inst ("<< causal_threatened.first <<") to Task ("<< threatened_task2 <<") Inst ("<< causal_threatened.second <<") using condition "<<<<" threatened by Task ("<< threat_possibility_taskid <<") Inst ("<<threat_possibility<<")" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
// Get all current causal link threats.
CLThreatSet SA_WorkingPlan::get_all_threats (void)
- //****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP
- CLThreatSet temp;
- temp.clear ();
- return temp;
+ return threat_set;
//Get all the causal and data links TO the task instance
@@ -637,29 +791,54 @@ void SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AddTaskCmd *cmd)
// Get task ID, condition, and instance ID.
TaskID task = cmd->tasks_.front ();
Condition cond = cmd->cond_;
TaskInstID task_inst;
+ // If trying a new task (i.e., not still trying task instances for same task), get existing task instances for that task from working plan.
if(cmd->last_task_ != task)
- // The task instance is reused.
+ // Get existing task instances for current task.
for(InstToTaskMap::iterator iter = this->task_insts_.begin(); iter!=this->task_insts_.end();iter++)
+ // If there are no/no-more existing task instances to try, create new task instance.
+ if(task == 20 && this->planner_->init_added)
+ {
+ throw "Reached SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AddTaskCmd *cmd) for Special Initial Action after it was already existing instance tried";
+ }
+ this->planner_->init_added = true;
task_inst = this->get_next_inst_id ();
// Add task instance.
this->task_insts_.insert (std::make_pair (task_inst, task));
- // Remove task from command and update last task and instance.
- cmd->tasks_.pop_front ();
+ // Remove this task from tasks still to try.
+ cmd->tasks_.pop_front ();
- else
+ else
// Reuse the task instance
task_inst = *cmd->used_task_insts_.begin();
+ // NOTE: task instance removed from existing task instances to try in undo.
+ std::ostringstream debug_text;
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AddTaskCmd *cmd): Adding task (" << task << ") instance (" << task_inst << ") for condition (" << << ").";
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
// Create causal links for each task instance depending on the condition.
for (TaskInstSet::iterator inst_iter = cmd->task_insts_.begin ();
inst_iter != cmd->task_insts_.end (); inst_iter++)
@@ -669,21 +848,38 @@ void SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AddTaskCmd *cmd)
clink.first = task_inst;
clink.second = *inst_iter;
CondToCLinksMap::iterator links_iter;
+ // Check whether this causal link already exists in working plan.
for (links_iter = this->causal_links_.lower_bound (cond);links_iter != this->causal_links_.upper_bound (cond);links_iter++)
if(links_iter->second == clink)
+ // If causal link not found in working plan, add it to causal links and ordering links.
+ std::ostringstream debug_text2;
+ debug_text2 << "SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AddTaskCmd *cmd): Adding causal link (" << clink.first << " -" << << "-> " << clink.second << ")";
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text2.str ());
this->causal_links_.insert (std::make_pair (cond, clink));
- cmd->added_links_.insert(clink);
+ if(clink.second != GOAL_TASK_INST_ID){
+ this->ordering_links.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, TaskInstID>(clink.first, clink.second));
+ this->reverse_ordering_links.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, TaskInstID>(clink.second, clink.first));
+ }
+ cmd->added_links_.insert(clink);
+ // Set this task and task instance as last used by command.
cmd->last_task_ = task;
cmd->last_task_inst_ = task_inst;
void SA_WorkingPlan::undo (SA_AddTaskCmd *cmd)
// Remove task instance.
@@ -694,6 +890,12 @@ void SA_WorkingPlan::undo (SA_AddTaskCmd *cmd)
// Remove causal links.
for (SA_WorkingPlan::CondToCLinksMap::iterator cl_iter =
this->causal_links_.lower_bound (cmd->cond_);
@@ -707,8 +909,31 @@ void SA_WorkingPlan::undo (SA_AddTaskCmd *cmd)
if(prev_iter->second == *iter)
+ CausalLink clink = prev_iter->second;
this->causal_links_.erase (prev_iter);
+ std::pair<SchedulingLinks::iterator, SchedulingLinks::iterator> ret =
+ ordering_links.equal_range(clink.first);
+ SchedulingLinks::iterator it;
+ for(it = ret.first; it != ret.second; it++){
+ if(it->second == clink.second){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this->ordering_links.erase(it);
+ ret = reverse_ordering_links.equal_range(clink.second);
+ for(it = ret.first; it != ret.second; it++){
+ if(it->second == clink.first){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this->reverse_ordering_links.erase(it);
@@ -730,19 +955,109 @@ bool SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AssocTaskImplCmd *cmd)
cmd->last_impl_ = cmd->impls_.front ();
cmd->impls_.pop_front ();
// Update the precedence graph
+ //Ben changed this. undo by returning that stuff
+ cmd->got_to_scheduling = true;
+ if(is_cycle_in_ordering()){
+ cmd->got_to_scheduling = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool> un_visited_map;
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool> visited_map;
+ std::stack<TaskInstID> s;
+ for(InstToTaskMap::iterator it = this->task_insts_.begin(); it != this->task_insts_.end(); it++){
+ un_visited_map.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, bool>(it->first, true));
+ }
+ int total_num = un_visited_map.size();
+ while(!(s.size()== total_num)){
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool>::iterator some_it = un_visited_map.begin();
+ TaskInstID next = some_it->first;
+ dfs_aux(next, s, visited_map, un_visited_map);
+ }
+ visited_map.clear();
+ cmd->got_to_scheduling = true;
+ while(!s.empty()){
+ TaskInstID next =;
+ s.pop();
+ if(!dfs_aux2(next, visited_map)){
+ cmd->got_to_scheduling = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
return this->init_prec_insert(cmd->task_inst_,cmd);
+bool SA_WorkingPlan::is_cycle_in_ordering(){
+ std::ostringstream debug_text;
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool> un_visited_map;
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool> visited_map;
+ std::stack<TaskInstID> s;
+ for(InstToTaskMap::iterator it = this->task_insts_.begin(); it != this->task_insts_.end(); it++){
+ un_visited_map.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, bool>(it->first, true));
+ }
+ int total_num = un_visited_map.size();
+ while(!(s.size()== total_num)){
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool>::iterator some_it = un_visited_map.begin();
+ TaskInstID next = some_it->first;
+ dfs_aux(next, s, visited_map, un_visited_map);
+ }
+ visited_map.clear();
+ while(!s.empty()){
+ TaskInstID next =;
+ s.pop();
+ if(!dfs_aux2(next, visited_map)){
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::is_cycle_in_ordering: FOUND A LOOP IN THREAT SCHEDULE" << std::endl;
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
// Undo a command to associate an implementation with a
// task instance in the plan.
void SA_WorkingPlan::undo (SA_AssocTaskImplCmd *cmd)
// Undo the time window adjustments and the precedence graph updations.
- this->undo(&cmd->max_adj_cmd);
- this->undo(&cmd->min_adj_cmd);
- this->prec_erase(cmd->task_inst_,cmd);
- cmd->causal_insertions.clear();
- cmd->simul_insertions.clear();
+ if(cmd->got_to_scheduling){
+ this->undo(&cmd->max_adj_cmd);
+ this->undo(&cmd->min_adj_cmd);
+ this->prec_erase(cmd->task_inst_,cmd);
+ cmd->causal_insertions.clear();
+ cmd->simul_insertions.clear();
+ }
@@ -752,17 +1067,518 @@ void SA_WorkingPlan::undo (SA_AssocTaskImplCmd *cmd)
// Execute a command to resolve a causal link threat in the
// plan (with promotion or demotion).
-void SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd *)
+bool SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd)
- //****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP
+ std::ostringstream debug_text;
+ TaskInstID first_task_inst = cmd->first;
+ TaskInstID second_task_inst = cmd->second;
+ Condition condition = cmd->condition;
+ // CausalLink cl;
+ // cl.cond = condition;
+ // cl.first = first_task_inst;
+ // cl.second = second_task_inst;
+ // this->causal_links_.insert(std::pair<Condition, CausalLink>(condition, cl));
+ this->ordering_links.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, TaskInstID>(first_task_inst, second_task_inst));
+ this->reverse_ordering_links.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, TaskInstID>(second_task_inst, first_task_inst));
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool> un_visited_map;
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool> visited_map;
+ std::stack<TaskInstID> s;
+ for(InstToTaskMap::iterator it = this->task_insts_.begin(); it != this->task_insts_.end(); it++){
+ un_visited_map.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, bool>(it->first, true));
+ }
+ int total_num = un_visited_map.size();
+ while(!(s.size()== total_num)){
+ std::map<TaskInstID, bool>::iterator some_it = un_visited_map.begin();
+ TaskInstID next = some_it->first;
+ dfs_aux(next, s, visited_map, un_visited_map);
+ }
+ visited_map.clear();
+ while(!s.empty()){
+ TaskInstID next =;
+ s.pop();
+ if(!dfs_aux2(next, visited_map))
+ return false;
+ }
+ */
+ cmd->got_to_change_precedences = true;
+ if(is_cycle_in_ordering()){
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd): Cannot schedule task inst"<<cmd->first<<" before task inst"<<cmd->second<<std::endl;
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
+ cmd->got_to_change_precedences = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // this->init_prec_insert(this->associate_cmd->task_inst_,this->associate_cmd);
+ // this->after_orderings
+ PrecedenceSet* befores = &this->precedence_graph_.find(BEFORE)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* afters = &this->precedence_graph_.find(AFTER)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* simuls = &this->precedence_graph_.find(SIMUL)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* unrankeds = &this->precedence_graph_.find(UNRANKED)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *before_A = &befores->find(cmd->first)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *after_A = &afters->find(cmd->first)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *simul_A = &simuls->find(cmd->first)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *unranked_A = &unrankeds->find(cmd->first)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *before_B = &befores->find(cmd->second)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *after_B = &afters->find(cmd->second)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *simul_B = &simuls->find(cmd->second)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *unranked_B = &unrankeds->find(cmd->second)->second;
+ /*
+ cmd->before_A_old = *before_A;
+ cmd->after_A_old = *after_A;
+ cmd->simul_A_old = *simul_A;
+ cmd->unsched_A_old = *unranked_A;
+ cmd->before_B_old = *before_B;
+ cmd->after_B_old = *after_B;
+ cmd->simul_B_old = *simul_B;
+ cmd->unsched_B_old = *unranked_B;
+ cmd->befores = *befores;
+ cmd->afters = *afters;
+ cmd->simuls = *simuls;
+ cmd->unrankeds = *unrankeds;
+ TaskInstSet tmp;
+ /*
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = unranked_A->begin(); it != unranked_A->end(); it++){
+ if(unranked_B->find(*it)!=unranked_B->end()){
+ tmp.insert(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ unranked_A->clear();
+ unranked_B->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); it++){
+ unranked_A->insert(*it);
+ unranked_B->insert(*it);
+ }
+ */
+ before_B->insert(cmd->first);
+ unranked_B->erase(cmd->first);
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = before_A->begin(); it != before_A->end(); it++){
+ before_B->insert(*it);
+ unranked_B->erase(*it);
+ afters->find(*it)->second.insert(cmd->second);
+ unrankeds->find(*it)->second.erase(cmd->second);
+ }
+ after_A->insert(cmd->second);
+ unranked_A->erase(cmd->second);
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = after_B->begin(); it != after_B->end(); it++){
+ after_A->insert(*it);
+ unranked_A->erase(*it);
+ befores->find(*it)->second.insert(cmd->first);
+ unrankeds->find(*it)->second.erase(cmd->first);
+ }
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd): Now scheduling task "<<cmd->first<<" before "<<cmd->second<<std::endl;
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
+ PrecedenceSet* new_befores = &this->precedence_graph_.find(BEFORE)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* new_afters = &this->precedence_graph_.find(AFTER)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* new_simuls = &this->precedence_graph_.find(SIMUL)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* new_unrankeds = &this->precedence_graph_.find(UNRANKED)->second;
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd): Precendence Sets: BEFORE: " << std::endl;
+ for(PrecedenceSet::iterator it = new_befores->begin(); it != new_befores->end(); it++){
+ debug_text<<" TaskInst ID "<<it->first<<" : ";
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++){
+ debug_text<<" "<<*jt;
+ }
+ debug_text<<std::endl;
+ }
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd): Precendence Sets: AFTER: " << std::endl;
+ for(PrecedenceSet::iterator it = new_afters->begin(); it != new_afters->end(); it++){
+ debug_text<<" TaskInst ID "<<it->first<<" : ";
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++){
+ debug_text<<" "<<*jt;
+ }
+ debug_text<<std::endl;
+ }
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd): Precendence Sets: SIMUL: " << std::endl;
+ for(PrecedenceSet::iterator it = new_simuls->begin(); it != new_simuls->end(); it++){
+ debug_text<<" TaskInst ID "<<it->first<<" : ";
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++){
+ debug_text<<" "<<*jt;
+ }
+ debug_text<<std::endl;
+ }
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd): Precendence Sets: UNRANKED: " << std::endl;
+ for(PrecedenceSet::iterator it = new_unrankeds->begin(); it != new_unrankeds->end(); it++){
+ debug_text<<" TaskInst ID "<<it->first<<" : ";
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++){
+ debug_text<<" "<<*jt;
+ }
+ debug_text<<std::endl;
+ }
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
+ return true;
+ TimeWindow first_start,second_start;
+ TimeWindow first_end,second_end;
+ first_start = this->get_start_window(first_task_inst);
+ first_end = this->get_end_window(first_task_inst);
+ second_start = this->get_start_window(second_task_inst);
+ second_end = this->get_end_window(second_task_inst);
+ if(second_start.second!= NULL_TIME && (first_end.second==NULL_TIME || second_start.second<first_end.second))
+ {
+ fstream file_op("outfile.txt",ios::app);
+ file_op<<"place 1"<<std::endl;
+ file_op.close();
+ // There is a need to adjust the max times
+ cmd->adj_max_times_cmd_ = static_cast<SA_AdjustMaxTimesCmd *> (this->get_AdjustMaxTimesCmd());
+ cmd->adj_max_times_cmd_->set_times(first_task_inst,second_start.second-this->get_duration(first_task_inst),second_start.second);
+ if(!this->execute(cmd->adj_max_times_cmd_))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else cmd->adj_max_times_cmd_=NULL;
+ if(first_end.first!= NULL_TIME && second_start.first<first_end.first)
+ {
+ fstream file_op("outfile.txt",ios::app);
+ file_op<<"place 2"<<std::endl;
+ file_op.close();
+ // There is a need to adjust the min times
+ cmd->adj_min_times_cmd_ = static_cast<SA_AdjustMinTimesCmd *> (this->get_AdjustMinTimesCmd());
+ cmd->adj_min_times_cmd_->set_times(second_task_inst,first_end.first,first_end.first+this->get_duration(second_task_inst));
+ if(!this->execute(cmd->adj_min_times_cmd_))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else cmd->adj_min_times_cmd_=NULL;
+ PrecedenceSet *before = &this->precedence_graph_.find(BEFORE)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet *after = &this->precedence_graph_.find(AFTER)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet *simul = &this->precedence_graph_.find(SIMUL)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet *unranked = &this->precedence_graph_.find(UNRANKED)->second;
+ before->find(second_task_inst)->second.insert(first_task_inst);
+ after->find(first_task_inst)->second.insert(second_task_inst);
+ unranked->find(first_task_inst)->second.erase(unranked->find(first_task_inst)->second.find(second_task_inst));
+ unranked->find(second_task_inst)->second.erase(unranked->find(second_task_inst)->second.find(first_task_inst));
+ TaskInstSet after_second = this->after_orderings(second_task_inst);
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator iter=simul->find(second_task_inst)->second.begin();iter!=simul->find(second_task_inst)->second.end();iter++)
+ after_second.insert(*iter);
+ TaskInstSet before_first = this->before_orderings(first_task_inst);
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator iter=simul->find(first_task_inst)->second.begin();iter!=simul->find(first_task_inst)->second.end();iter++)
+ before_first.insert(*iter);
+ // All the task instances after and simultaneous to the second task instance should
+ // be after all the task instances before and simultaneous to the first task instance
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator iter=after_second.begin();iter!=after_second.end();iter++)
+ {
+ if(before->find(*iter)->second.find(first_task_inst)==before->find(*iter)->second.end())
+ {
+ SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd *temp = static_cast<SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd *> (this->get_ResolveCLThreatCmd());
+ temp->set_task_insts(first_task_inst,*iter);
+ cmd->cmds_.push_back(temp);
+ if(!this->execute(temp)) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // All the task instances before and simultaneous to the first task instance should
+ // be before all the task instances after and simultaneous to the second task instance
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator iter=before_first.begin();iter!=before_first.end();iter++)
+ {
+ if(after->find(*iter)->second.find(second_task_inst)==after->find(*iter)->second.end())
+ {
+ SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd *temp = static_cast<SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd *> (this->get_ResolveCLThreatCmd());
+ temp->set_task_insts(*iter,second_task_inst);
+ cmd->cmds_.push_back(temp);
+ if(!this->execute(temp)) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ */
+void SA_WorkingPlan::dfs_aux(TaskInstID current, std::stack<TaskInstID>& s, std::map<TaskInstID, bool>& visited, std::map<TaskInstID, bool>& unvisited){
+ unvisited.erase(current);
+ visited.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, bool>(current, true));
+ std::pair<
+ SchedulingLinks::iterator,
+ SchedulingLinks::iterator
+ > ret = this->ordering_links.equal_range(current);
+ for(SchedulingLinks::iterator it = ret.first; it != ret.second; it++){
+ TaskInstID hah = it->second;
+ if(visited.find(hah)==visited.end()){
+ dfs_aux(it->second, s, visited, unvisited);
+ }
+ }
+ s.push(current);
+bool SA_WorkingPlan::dfs_aux2(TaskInstID current, std::map<TaskInstID, bool>& visited){
+ visited.insert(std::pair<TaskInstID, bool>(current, true));
+ std::pair<
+ SchedulingLinks::iterator,
+ SchedulingLinks::iterator
+ > ret = this->reverse_ordering_links.equal_range(current);
+ for(SchedulingLinks::iterator it = ret.first; it != ret.second; it++){
+ TaskInstID hah = it->second;
+ if(visited.find(hah)==visited.end()){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
// Undo a command to resolve a causal link threat in the
// plan (with promotion or demotion).
-void SA_WorkingPlan::undo (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd *)
+void SA_WorkingPlan::undo (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd)
- //****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP****TEMP
+ std::ostringstream debug_text;
+ debug_text << "SA_WorkingPlan::undo (SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd * cmd): Undoing scheduling task "<<cmd->first<<" before "<<cmd->second<<std::endl;
+ SA_POP_DEBUG_STR (SA_POP_DEBUG_NORMAL, debug_text.str ());
+ debug_text.clear();
+ if(cmd->got_to_change_precedences){
+ PrecedenceSet* new_befores = &this->precedence_graph_.find(BEFORE)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* new_afters = &this->precedence_graph_.find(AFTER)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* new_simuls = &this->precedence_graph_.find(SIMUL)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet* new_unrankeds = &this->precedence_graph_.find(UNRANKED)->second;
+ for(PrecedenceSet::iterator it = cmd->befores.begin(); it != cmd->befores.end(); it++){
+ new_befores->find(it->first)->second.clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++){
+ new_befores->find(it->first)->second.insert(*jt);
+ }
+ }
+ for(PrecedenceSet::iterator it = cmd->afters.begin(); it != cmd->afters.end(); it++){
+ new_afters->find(it->first)->second.clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++){
+ new_afters->find(it->first)->second.insert(*jt);
+ }
+ }
+ for(PrecedenceSet::iterator it = cmd->simuls.begin(); it != cmd->simuls.end(); it++){
+ new_simuls->find(it->first)->second.clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++){
+ new_simuls->find(it->first)->second.insert(*jt);
+ }
+ }
+ for(PrecedenceSet::iterator it = cmd->unrankeds.begin(); it != cmd->unrankeds.end(); it++){
+ new_unrankeds->find(it->first)->second.clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); jt++){
+ new_unrankeds->find(it->first)->second.insert(*jt);
+ }
+ }
+ TaskInstSet *before_A = &this->precedence_graph_.find(BEFORE)->second.find(cmd->first)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *after_A = &this->precedence_graph_.find(AFTER)->second.find(cmd->first)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *simul_A = &this->precedence_graph_.find(SIMUL)->second.find(cmd->first)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *unranked_A = &this->precedence_graph_.find(UNRANKED)->second.find(cmd->first)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *before_B = &this->precedence_graph_.find(BEFORE)->second.find(cmd->second)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *after_B = &this->precedence_graph_.find(AFTER)->second.find(cmd->second)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *simul_B = &this->precedence_graph_.find(SIMUL)->second.find(cmd->second)->second;
+ TaskInstSet *unranked_B = &this->precedence_graph_.find(UNRANKED)->second.find(cmd->second)->second;
+ before_A->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = cmd->before_A_old.begin(); it != cmd->before_A_old.end(); it++){
+ before_A->insert(*it);
+ }
+ after_A->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = cmd->after_A_old.begin(); it != cmd->after_A_old.end(); it++){
+ after_A->insert(*it);
+ }
+ simul_A->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = cmd->simul_A_old.begin(); it != cmd->simul_A_old.end(); it++){
+ simul_A->insert(*it);
+ }
+ unranked_A->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = cmd->unsched_A_old.begin(); it != cmd->unsched_A_old.end(); it++){
+ unranked_A->insert(*it);
+ }
+ before_B->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = cmd->before_B_old.begin(); it != cmd->before_B_old.end(); it++){
+ before_B->insert(*it);
+ }
+ after_B->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = cmd->after_B_old.begin(); it != cmd->after_B_old.end(); it++){
+ after_B->insert(*it);
+ }
+ simul_B->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = cmd->simul_B_old.begin(); it != cmd->simul_B_old.end(); it++){
+ simul_B->insert(*it);
+ }
+ unranked_B->clear();
+ for(TaskInstSet::iterator it = cmd->unsched_B_old.begin(); it != cmd->unsched_B_old.end(); it++){
+ unranked_B->insert(*it);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ //before_A = cmd->before_A_old;
+ // after_A = cmd->after_A_old
+ //simul_A = cmd->simul_A_old;
+ //unranked_A = cmd->unsched_A_old;
+ //before_B = cmd->before_B_old;
+ // after_B = cmd->after_B_old;
+ //simul_B = cmd->simul_B_old;
+ // unranked_B = cmd->unsched_B_old;
+ //return;
+// std::pair<CondToCLinksMap::iterator, CondToCLinksMap::iterator> firstmap
+// = this->causal_links_.equal_range(cmd->condition);
+// CondToCLinksMap::iterator firstit;
+// for(firstit = firstmap.first; firstit != firstmap.second; firstit++){
+ // if(firstit->second.first == cmd->first && firstit->second.second == cmd->second)
+ // break;
+ // }
+// this->causal_links_.erase(firstit);
+ std::pair<
+ std::multimap<TaskInstID, TaskInstID>::iterator,
+ std::multimap<TaskInstID, TaskInstID>::iterator
+ > ret = this->ordering_links.equal_range(cmd->first);
+ std::multimap<TaskInstID, TaskInstID>::iterator it;
+ for(it = ret.first; it != ret.second; it++){
+ if(it->second == cmd->second)
+ break;
+ // this->ordering_links.erase(it);
+ }
+ this->ordering_links.erase(it);
+ ret = this->reverse_ordering_links.equal_range(cmd->second);
+ for(it = ret.first; it != ret.second; it++){
+ if(it->second == cmd->first)
+ break;
+ }
+ this->reverse_ordering_links.erase(it);
+ /*
+ for(std::list<SA_ResolveCLThreatCmd*>::reverse_iterator iter=cmd->cmds_.rbegin();iter!=cmd->cmds_.rend();iter++)
+ this->undo(*iter);
+ TaskInstID first_task_inst = cmd->first;
+ TaskInstID second_task_inst = cmd->second;
+ PrecedenceSet *before = &this->precedence_graph_.find(BEFORE)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet *after = &this->precedence_graph_.find(AFTER)->second;
+ PrecedenceSet *unranked = &this->precedence_graph_.find(UNRANKED)->second;
+ before->find(second_task_inst)->second.erase(before->find(second_task_inst)->second.find(first_task_inst));
+ after->find(first_task_inst)->second.erase(after->find(first_task_inst)->second.find(second_task_inst));
+ unranked->find(first_task_inst)->second.insert(second_task_inst);
+ unranked->find(second_task_inst)->second.insert(first_task_inst);
+ if(cmd->adj_max_times_cmd_ != NULL) {
+ this->undo(cmd->adj_max_times_cmd_);
+ }
+ if(cmd->adj_min_times_cmd_ != NULL)this->undo(cmd->adj_min_times_cmd_);
+ */
+ };
// Execute a command to resolve a scheduling conflict (i.e.
// non-causal-link ordering constraint with promotion or demotion)
@@ -907,7 +1723,10 @@ bool SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AdjustMinTimesCmd *cmd)
if(sched.empty()) std::cout<<"sched is empty"<<std::endl;
for(TaskInstSet::iterator iter=sched.begin();iter!=sched.end();iter++)
TimeWindow temp_start = this->get_start_window(*iter);
@@ -915,10 +1734,13 @@ bool SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AdjustMinTimesCmd *cmd)
SA_AdjustMinTimesCmd* temp = static_cast<SA_AdjustMinTimesCmd *> (this->get_AdjustMinTimesCmd());
- TimeValue dur = this->durations.find(*iter)->second;
- if(dur!=0) temp->set_times(*iter,end_win->first,end_win->first+this->durations.find(*iter)->second);
- else temp->set_times(*iter,end_win->first,temp_end.first);
+ TimeValue dur = this->durations.find(*iter)->second;
+ if(dur!=0)
+ temp->set_times(*iter,end_win->first,end_win->first+this->durations.find(*iter)->second);
+ else
+ temp->set_times(*iter,end_win->first,temp_end.first);
// Do the same change for the task instances simultaneous to this one
@@ -934,8 +1756,10 @@ bool SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AdjustMinTimesCmd *cmd)
for(SA_AdjustMinTimesCmd::MinTimesAdjustList::iterator iter=cmd->min_adjust_cmds.begin();iter!=cmd->min_adjust_cmds.end();iter++)
if(!this->execute(*iter)) return false;
std::cout<<"the task inst is "<<cmd->task_inst_<<std::endl;
@@ -1026,6 +1850,10 @@ bool SA_WorkingPlan::execute (SA_AdjustMaxTimesCmd *cmd)
+ if(sched.empty()) std::cout<<"msched is empty ("<<cmd->task_inst_<<")"<<std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout<<"mnot sched is empty ("<<cmd->task_inst_<<")"<<std::endl;
for(TaskInstSet::iterator iter=sched.begin();iter!=sched.end();iter++)
@@ -1165,6 +1993,7 @@ TimeValue SA_WorkingPlan::get_duration(TaskInstID task_inst)
/// Adds the sched order to the sched_links_ map by putting the first task instance before the second
void SA_WorkingPlan::add_sched_link(TaskInstID first_task_inst, TaskInstID second_task_inst)
+ std::cout<<"Adding sched link insert"<<std::endl;
/// Removes the sched order from the sched_links_ map