path: root/TAO/CIAO/CCF/CCF/IDL2/IDL2_SyntaxTree.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/CIAO/CCF/CCF/IDL2/IDL2_SyntaxTree.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2059 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/CIAO/CCF/CCF/IDL2/IDL2_SyntaxTree.hpp b/TAO/CIAO/CCF/CCF/IDL2/IDL2_SyntaxTree.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e656591ce..00000000000
--- a/TAO/CIAO/CCF/CCF/IDL2/IDL2_SyntaxTree.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2059 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-#include "MSVC_Pragmas.hpp"
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "CCF/CompilerElements/FileSystem.hpp"
-#include "CCF/CompilerElements/ReferenceCounting.hpp"
-#include "CCF/CompilerElements/Traversal.hpp"
-//@@ It doesn't seem that traversal mechanism has to be embeded
-// into SyntaxTree anymore.
-namespace IDL2
- namespace SyntaxTree
- {
- using ReferenceCounting::StrictPtr;
- using ReferenceCounting::strict_cast;
- //
- // Can be scoped or simple.
- //
- class Name
- {
- public:
- explicit
- Name (std::string const& name)
- : name_ (name)
- {
- }
- bool
- operator< (Name const& other) const
- {
- return name_ < other.name_;
- }
- bool
- operator== (Name const& other) const
- {
- return name_ == other.name_;
- }
- bool
- operator!= (Name const& other) const
- {
- return name_ == other.name_;
- }
- protected:
- std::string name_;
- friend std::ostream&
- operator << (std::ostream& o, Name const& name)
- {
- return o << name.name_;
- }
- friend class ScopedName;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class SimpleName : public Name
- {
- public:
- explicit
- SimpleName (std::string const& name)
- : Name (name)
- {
- //@@ need some checking
- }
- bool
- operator< (SimpleName const& other) const
- {
- return name_ < other.name_;
- }
- bool
- operator== (SimpleName const& other) const
- {
- return name_ == other.name_;
- }
- bool
- operator!= (SimpleName const& other) const
- {
- return name_ != other.name_;
- }
- private:
- std::string
- str () const
- {
- return name_;
- }
- friend SimpleName
- operator+ (SimpleName const& s1, std::string const& s2)
- {
- return SimpleName (s1.str () + s2);
- }
- friend SimpleName
- operator+ (std::string const& s1, SimpleName const& s2)
- {
- return SimpleName (s1 + s2.str ());
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class ScopedName : public Name
- {
- public:
- class InconsistentState {};
- class InvalidArgument {};
- public:
- explicit
- ScopedName (std::string const& name) throw (InvalidArgument)
- : Name (name)
- {
- try
- {
- check_state ();
- }
- catch (InconsistentState const&)
- {
- throw InvalidArgument ();
- }
- }
- explicit
- ScopedName (Name const& name) throw (InvalidArgument)
- : Name (name)
- {
- try
- {
- check_state ();
- }
- catch (InconsistentState const&)
- {
- throw InvalidArgument ();
- }
- }
- ScopedName (ScopedName const& scope, Name const& name)
- throw (InvalidArgument)
- : Name (scope.name_ + "::" + name.name_)
- {
- try
- {
- check_state ();
- }
- catch (InconsistentState const&)
- {
- throw InvalidArgument ();
- }
- }
- bool
- operator< (ScopedName const& other) const
- {
- return name_ < other.name_;
- }
- bool
- operator== (ScopedName const& other) const
- {
- return name_ == other.name_;
- }
- bool
- operator!= (ScopedName const& other) const
- {
- return name_ != other.name_;
- }
- public:
- SimpleName
- simple () const
- {
- std::string::size_type pos = name_.rfind ("::");
- if (pos == std::string::npos)
- {
- if (name_.empty ()) return SimpleName(""); //file scope name
- else throw InconsistentState ();
- }
- return SimpleName(std::string (name_.begin () + pos + 2,
- name_.end ()));
- }
- class AtRoot {};
- ScopedName
- scope () const throw (AtRoot)
- {
- std::string::size_type pos = name_.rfind ("::");
- if (pos == std::string::npos)
- {
- throw AtRoot ();
- }
- return ScopedName(std::string (name_.begin (),
- name_.begin () + pos));
- }
- Name
- in_file_scope () const
- {
- return Name(std::string (name_.begin () + 2, name_.end ()));
- }
- private:
- void
- check_state () throw (InconsistentState)
- {
- if (name_.empty ()) return;
- if (name_.length () < 2) throw InconsistentState ();
- if (name_[0] != ':' || name_[1] != ':') throw InconsistentState ();
- //scan the string
- for (std::string::const_iterator i = name_.begin ();
- i != name_.end ();
- i++)
- {
- if (*i == ':')
- {
- if (i + 1 == name_.end () || *(i + 1) != ':')
- {
- throw InconsistentState ();
- }
- else
- {
- i++; //skip "::"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- typedef
- std::vector<ScopedName>
- ScopedNameList;
- typedef
- std::set<ScopedName>
- ScopedNameSet;
- //
- //
- //
- class Order
- {
- public:
- Order (Order const& parent, unsigned long index)
- : list_ (parent.list_)
- {
- list_.push_back (index);
- }
- explicit
- Order (unsigned long index)
- : list_ (1, index)
- {
- }
- public:
- bool
- operator == (Order const& other) const
- {
- return list_ == other.list_;
- }
- bool
- operator != (Order const& other) const
- {
- return list_ != other.list_;
- }
- bool
- operator < (Order const& other) const
- {
- Iterator i = list_.begin ();
- Iterator j = other.list_.begin ();
- for (; i != list_.end () && j != other.list_.end (); i++, j++)
- {
- if (*i > *j)
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (*i < *j)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (j != other.list_.end ())
- {
- // we are equal so far but other is longer which means it is after
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- bool
- suborder (Order const& subj) const
- {
- if (list_.size () >= subj.list_.size ()) return false;
- for (Iterator i = list_.begin (), j = subj.list_.begin ();
- i != list_.end ();
- i++, j++)
- {
- if (*i != *j) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private:
- typedef
- std::vector<unsigned long>
- OrderList_;
- typedef
- OrderList_::const_iterator
- Iterator;
- OrderList_ list_;
- friend std::ostream&
- operator << (std::ostream& o, Order const& order)
- {
- for (Order::OrderList_::const_iterator i = order.list_.begin ();
- i != order.list_.end ();
- i++)
- {
- if (i != order.list_.begin ()) o << ':';
- o << *i;
- }
- return o;
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class Node;
- typedef
- StrictPtr<Node>
- NodePtr;
- class Node : public virtual ReferenceCounting::DefaultImpl <>
- {
- protected:
- virtual
- ~Node () throw () {}
- // Dynamic typing
- public:
- template <typename Type>
- bool
- is_a ()
- {
- NodePtr self (ReferenceCounting::add_ref (this));
- return strict_cast<Type>(self) != 0;
- }
- template <typename Type>
- StrictPtr<Type>
- dynamic_type ()
- {
- NodePtr self (ReferenceCounting::add_ref (this));
- return strict_cast<Type>(self);
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v) = 0;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class Comma : public virtual Node
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~Comma () throw () {}
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<Comma>
- CommaPtr;
- //
- // Contains scoped name & reference to DeclarationTable.
- // Purpose: provides controlled way of cyclic dependencies
- //
- // Issues:
- //
- // @@ There is a need for 'uninitialized' state of refernce.
- //
- class Declaration;
- typedef
- StrictPtr<Declaration>
- DeclarationPtr;
- class DeclarationTable;
- //@@ Better name for DeclarationRef:
- // - DeclarationLink
- //
- template <typename T, typename Ptr = StrictPtr<T> >
- class DeclarationRef
- {
- public:
- class NotInitialized {};
- class DeclarationNotFound {};
- class TypeMismatch {};
- class TableMismatch {};
- public:
- DeclarationRef (DeclarationPtr decl);
- DeclarationRef (DeclarationTable const& table, ScopedName const& name);
- DeclarationRef (DeclarationTable const& table,
- ScopedName const& name,
- Order const& order);
- //This c-tor construct an uninitialized reference.
- DeclarationRef (DeclarationTable const& table);
- // Note that you can only assign DeclarationRef's associated with
- // the same DeclarationTable.
- //
- DeclarationRef&
- operator= (DeclarationRef const& other) throw (TableMismatch)
- {
- if (&table_ != &(other.table_)) throw TableMismatch ();
- name_ = other.name_;
- order_ = other.order_;
- initialized_ = other.initialized_;
- with_order__ = other.with_order_;
- return *this;
- }
- operator bool () const
- {
- return initialized_;
- }
- // Returns first declaration that matches.
- Ptr
- resolve () const
- throw (NotInitialized, DeclarationNotFound, TypeMismatch);
- ScopedName
- name () const throw (NotInitialized)
- {
- if (!initialized_) throw NotInitialized ();
- return name_;
- }
- private:
- DeclarationTable const& table_;
- ScopedName name_;
- Order order_;
- bool initialized_;
- bool with_order_;
- };
- //
- // Declaration represents any IDL construct that has a scoped name
- //
- class Scope;
- typedef
- StrictPtr<Scope>
- ScopePtr;
- class Declaration : public virtual Node
- {
- protected:
- //@@ pure virtual d-tor with body doesn't work?
- virtual
- ~Declaration () throw () {}
- Declaration (SimpleName const& name, ScopePtr const& scope);
- // This c-tor is here for Declarations that are not in scope
- // e.g. FileScope
- Declaration (ScopedName const& name,
- Order const& order,
- DeclarationTable const& table);
- public:
- ScopedName
- name () const;
- Order
- order () const;
- class NotInScope {}; // don't cross the edge! ;-)
- virtual ScopePtr
- scope () const throw (NotInScope);
- // Runtime declaration type information. I could have used RTTI but
- // I will also need a human-readable representation (e.g.
- // "local interface" instead of "IDL2::SyntaxTree::LocalInterface")
- // for diagnistic.
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "declaration";
- }
- private:
- Order order_;
- ScopedName name_;
- DeclarationRef<Scope> scope_;
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<Declaration>
- DeclarationPtr;
- //
- //
- //
- template <typename T = DeclarationPtr>
- struct DeclarationOrderComparator
- {
- bool operator () (T const& x, T const& y) const
- {
- return x->order () < y->order ();
- }
- };
- template <typename T = DeclarationPtr>
- struct DeclarationNameComparator
- {
- bool operator () (T const& x, T const& y) const
- {
- return x->name () < y->name ();
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- template <typename T = DeclarationRef<Declaration> >
- struct DeclarationRefOrderComparator
- {
- bool operator () (T const& x, T const& y) const
- {
- return x.resolve ()->order () < y.resolve ()->order ();
- }
- };
- template <typename T = DeclarationRef<Declaration> >
- struct DeclarationRefNameComparator
- {
- bool operator () (T const& x, T const& y) const
- {
- return x.resolve ()->name () < y.resolve ()->name ();
- }
- };
- //
- // Mapping of fq-name -> sequence<Declaration> and some other
- // useful stuff.
- //
- class DeclarationTable
- {
- private:
- typedef
- std::set<DeclarationPtr, DeclarationOrderComparator<> >
- DeclarationSet;
- typedef
- std::map<ScopedName, DeclarationSet>
- NameDeclarationMap;
- public:
- typedef
- DeclarationSet::const_iterator
- Iterator;
- typedef
- std::pair<Iterator, Iterator>
- IteratorPair;
- class InvalidArgument {};
- class AlreadyExist {};
- class TypeMismatch {};
- public:
- void
- insert (DeclarationPtr d) throw (InvalidArgument,
- AlreadyExist,
- TypeMismatch);
- Iterator
- begin () const;
- Iterator
- end () const;
- // Returns iterator pair. first points to the first element,
- // second points to the element after last.
- IteratorPair
- lookup (ScopedName const& n) const;
- bool
- exist (ScopedName const& n) const
- {
- IteratorPair pair = lookup (n);
- return pair.first != pair.second;
- }
- class DeclarationNotFound {};
- template <typename T>
- StrictPtr<T>
- lookup (ScopedName const& n) const
- throw (DeclarationNotFound, TypeMismatch);
- template <typename T>
- StrictPtr<T>
- lookup (ScopedName const& n, Order const& o) const
- throw (DeclarationNotFound, TypeMismatch);
- class ResolutionFailure {};
- class NameNotFound : public ResolutionFailure {};
- class PredicateNotMet : public ResolutionFailure {};
- struct ResolvePredicate
- {
- virtual bool
- test (DeclarationPtr const& d) throw (ResolutionFailure) = 0;
- };
- ScopedName
- resolve (Name const& name,
- ScopedName const& from,
- Order const& before,
- ResolvePredicate& p) const throw (ResolutionFailure);
- private:
- DeclarationSet decl_set_;
- NameDeclarationMap name_decl_map_;
- };
- // @@ scope is not a declaration?
- // Scope
- //
- class Scope : public virtual Declaration
- {
- private:
- //@@ same type as in DeclarationTable
- typedef
- std::set<DeclarationPtr, DeclarationOrderComparator<> >
- DeclarationSet;
- public:
- typedef
- DeclarationSet::const_iterator
- Iterator;
- class InvalidArgument {};
- class AlreadyExist {};
- protected:
- virtual
- ~Scope () throw () {}
- // This c-tor is here for Declarations that are not in scope
- // e.g. FileScope.
- Scope (DeclarationTable& table,
- ScopedName const& name,
- Order const& order)
- : Declaration (name, order, table),
- table_ (table),
- next_order_ (0) {}
- Scope (SimpleName const& name, ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- table_ (scope->table ()),
- next_order_ (0)
- {
- }
- public:
- // Inject new Declaration into a scope. Relative position of a new
- // entity will be determined based on order (order..! order..!).
- void
- insert (DeclarationPtr d) throw (InvalidArgument, AlreadyExist);
- Iterator
- begin () const;
- Iterator
- end () const;
- Order
- create_order ();
- // Returns order that would be returned by next call to
- // create_order ().
- Order
- peek_order ();
- public:
- DeclarationTable const& table () const
- {
- return table_;
- }
- DeclarationTable& table ()
- {
- return table_;
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "scope";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- DeclarationSet content_;
- DeclarationTable& table_;
- unsigned long next_order_;
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class TypeDecl : public virtual Declaration
- {
- protected:
- virtual
- ~TypeDecl () throw () {}
- TypeDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Type completeness
- public:
- virtual bool
- defined () const = 0;
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "type";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<TypeDecl>
- TypeDeclPtr;
- typedef
- DeclarationRef<TypeDecl>
- TypeDeclRef;
- //
- //
- //
- class TypeForwardDecl : public virtual TypeDecl
- {
- protected:
- virtual
- ~TypeForwardDecl () throw () {}
- TypeForwardDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Type completeness
- public:
- virtual bool
- defined () const
- {
- return false;
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "type";
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class TypeDef : public virtual TypeDecl
- {
- protected:
- virtual
- ~TypeDef () throw () {}
- TypeDef (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Type completeness
- public:
- virtual bool
- defined () const
- {
- return true;
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "type";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<TypeDef>
- TypeDefPtr;
- typedef
- DeclarationRef<TypeDef>
- TypeDefRef;
- /*
- // Anonymous type
- class Anonymous : public virtual Type
- {
- };
- */
- //
- //
- //
- class InterfaceDecl : public virtual TypeDecl
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~InterfaceDecl () throw () {}
- InterfaceDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "interface";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<InterfaceDecl>
- InterfaceDeclPtr;
- typedef
- DeclarationOrderComparator<InterfaceDeclPtr>
- InterfaceDeclOrderComparator;
- typedef
- std::set<InterfaceDeclPtr, InterfaceDeclOrderComparator>
- InterfaceDeclSet;
- typedef
- DeclarationRef<InterfaceDecl>
- InterfaceDeclRef;
- typedef
- DeclarationRefOrderComparator<InterfaceDeclRef>
- InterfaceDeclRefOrderComparator;
- typedef
- std::set<InterfaceDeclRef, InterfaceDeclRefOrderComparator>
- InterfaceDeclRefSet;
- //
- //
- //
- class InterfaceForwardDecl : public virtual InterfaceDecl,
- public virtual TypeForwardDecl
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~InterfaceForwardDecl () throw () {}
- InterfaceForwardDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- TypeForwardDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "interface";
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class InterfaceDef;
- typedef
- StrictPtr<InterfaceDef>
- InterfaceDefPtr;
- typedef
- DeclarationRef<InterfaceDef>
- InterfaceDefRef;
- typedef
- DeclarationRefNameComparator<InterfaceDefRef>
- InterfaceDefRefNameComparator;
- typedef
- std::set<InterfaceDefRef, InterfaceDefRefNameComparator>
- InterfaceDefRefSetName;
- class InterfaceDef : public virtual InterfaceDecl,
- public virtual TypeDef,
- public virtual Scope
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~InterfaceDef () throw () {}
- class DuplicateName {};
- InterfaceDef (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope,
- ScopedNameSet const& inherits) throw (DuplicateName)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- TypeDef (name, scope),
- Scope (name, scope)
- {
- for (ScopedNameSet::const_iterator i = inherits.begin ();
- i != inherits.end ();
- i++)
- {
- if (!inherits_.insert (
- InterfaceDefRef (scope->table (), *i)).second)
- {
- //@@ this never happens
- throw DuplicateName ();
- }
- }
- }
- public:
- typedef
- InterfaceDefRefSetName::const_iterator
- Iterator;
- Iterator
- inherits_begin () const
- {
- return inherits_.begin ();
- }
- Iterator
- inherits_end () const
- {
- return inherits_.end ();
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "interface";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- InterfaceDefRefSetName inherits_;
- };
- typedef
- DeclarationOrderComparator<InterfaceDefPtr>
- InterfaceDefOrderComparator;
- typedef
- std::set<InterfaceDefPtr, InterfaceDefOrderComparator>
- InterfaceDefSet;
- typedef
- DeclarationRefOrderComparator<InterfaceDefRef>
- InterfaceDefRefOrderComparator;
- typedef
- std::set<InterfaceDefRef, InterfaceDefRefOrderComparator>
- InterfaceDefRefSet;
- //
- //
- //
- class AbstractInterfaceDecl : public virtual InterfaceDecl
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~AbstractInterfaceDecl () throw () {}
- // forward-declared unconstrained interface c-tor
- AbstractInterfaceDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "abstract interface";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class AbstractInterfaceForwardDecl : public virtual InterfaceForwardDecl,
- public virtual AbstractInterfaceDecl
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~AbstractInterfaceForwardDecl () throw () {}
- // forward-declared unconstrained interface c-tor
- AbstractInterfaceForwardDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- TypeForwardDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceForwardDecl (name, scope),
- AbstractInterfaceDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "abstract interface";
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class AbstractInterfaceDef : public virtual AbstractInterfaceDecl,
- public virtual InterfaceDef
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~AbstractInterfaceDef () throw () {}
- AbstractInterfaceDef (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope,
- ScopedNameSet const& inherits)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- AbstractInterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- TypeDef (name, scope),
- Scope (name, scope),
- InterfaceDef (name, scope, inherits)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "abstract interface";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class LocalInterfaceDecl : public virtual InterfaceDecl
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~LocalInterfaceDecl () throw () {}
- LocalInterfaceDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "local interface";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class LocalInterfaceForwardDecl : public virtual InterfaceForwardDecl,
- public virtual LocalInterfaceDecl
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~LocalInterfaceForwardDecl () throw () {}
- LocalInterfaceForwardDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- TypeForwardDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceForwardDecl (name, scope),
- LocalInterfaceDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "local interface";
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class LocalInterfaceDef : public virtual LocalInterfaceDecl,
- public virtual InterfaceDef
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~LocalInterfaceDef () throw () {}
- LocalInterfaceDef (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope,
- ScopedNameSet const& inherits)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- LocalInterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- TypeDef (name, scope),
- Scope (name, scope),
- InterfaceDef (name, scope, inherits)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "local interface";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<LocalInterfaceDef>
- LocalInterfaceDefPtr;
- //
- //
- //
- class UnconstrainedInterfaceDecl : public virtual InterfaceDecl
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~UnconstrainedInterfaceDecl () throw () {}
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "unconstrained interface";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<UnconstrainedInterfaceDecl>
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDeclPtr;
- typedef
- DeclarationOrderComparator<UnconstrainedInterfaceDeclPtr>
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDeclOrderComparator;
- typedef
- std::set<UnconstrainedInterfaceDeclPtr,
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDeclOrderComparator>
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDeclSet;
- //
- //
- //
- class UnconstrainedInterfaceForwardDecl :
- public virtual InterfaceForwardDecl,
- public virtual UnconstrainedInterfaceDecl
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~UnconstrainedInterfaceForwardDecl () throw () {}
- UnconstrainedInterfaceForwardDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- TypeForwardDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceForwardDecl (name, scope),
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDecl (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "unconstrained interface";
- }
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class UnconstrainedInterfaceDef :
- public virtual UnconstrainedInterfaceDecl,
- public virtual InterfaceDef
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~UnconstrainedInterfaceDef () throw () {}
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDef (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopePtr const& scope,
- ScopedNameSet const& inherits)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- TypeDecl (name, scope),
- InterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDecl (name, scope),
- TypeDef (name, scope),
- Scope (name, scope),
- InterfaceDef (name, scope, inherits)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "unconstrained interface";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<UnconstrainedInterfaceDef>
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDefPtr;
- typedef
- DeclarationOrderComparator<UnconstrainedInterfaceDefPtr>
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDefOrderComparator;
- typedef
- std::set<UnconstrainedInterfaceDefPtr,
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDefOrderComparator>
- UnconstrainedInterfaceDefSet;
- //
- //
- //
- class AttributeDecl : public virtual Declaration
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~AttributeDecl () throw () {}
- AttributeDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopedName const& type,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- type_ (scope->table (), type)
- {
- }
- public:
- TypeDeclPtr
- type ()
- {
- return type_.resolve ();
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "attribute";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- TypeDeclRef type_;
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<AttributeDecl>
- AttributeDeclPtr;
- //
- //
- //
- class OperationParameter : public virtual Node
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~OperationParameter () throw () {}
- struct Direction
- {
- enum Value
- {
- IN,
- OUT,
- };
- friend std::ostream&
- operator<< (std::ostream& o, Value d)
- {
- if (d == IN) o << "in";
- else if (d == OUT) o << "out";
- else o << "inout";
- return o;
- }
- };
- OperationParameter (Direction::Value direction,
- ScopedName type,
- SimpleName name,
- DeclarationTable const& table)
- : direction_ (direction),
- type_ (table, type),
- name_ (name)
- {
- }
- public:
- Direction::Value
- direction ()
- {
- return direction_;
- }
- TypeDeclPtr
- type ()
- {
- return type_.resolve ();
- }
- SimpleName
- name ()
- {
- return name_;
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- Direction::Value direction_;
- TypeDeclRef type_;
- SimpleName name_;
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<OperationParameter>
- OperationParameterPtr;
- //@@ Strip Ptr from *List, *Set, etc?
- typedef
- std::vector<OperationParameterPtr>
- OperationParameterList;
- //
- //
- //
- class OperationDecl : public virtual Declaration
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~OperationDecl () throw () {}
- OperationDecl (SimpleName const& name,
- ScopedName const& type,
- ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- type_ (scope->table (), type)
- {
- }
- public:
- TypeDeclPtr
- type ()
- {
- return type_.resolve ();
- }
- public:
- typedef
- OperationParameterList::const_iterator
- Iterator;
- void
- insert (OperationParameterPtr op)
- {
- //@@ would be nice to have some checking here
- // list should probably be a set(by name)
- parameter_list_.push_back (op);
- }
- //@@ It's probably a good idea to stript prefixes from
- // functions like inherits_begin, etc where there is
- // no ambiguity. Ambiguity can come from Scope member function.
- Iterator
- begin ()
- {
- return parameter_list_.begin ();
- }
- Iterator
- end ()
- {
- return parameter_list_.end ();
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "operation";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- TypeDeclRef type_;
- OperationParameterList parameter_list_;
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<OperationDecl>
- OperationDeclPtr;
- //
- // Module
- //
- class Module : public virtual Scope
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~Module () throw () {}
- Module (SimpleName const& name, ScopePtr const& scope)
- : Declaration (name, scope),
- Scope (name, scope)
- {
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "module";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<Module>
- ModulePtr;
- //
- //
- //
- class FileScope : public virtual Scope
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~FileScope () throw () {}
- FileScope (DeclarationTable& table, Order const& order);
- virtual ScopePtr
- scope () const throw (NotInScope)
- {
- throw NotInScope ();
- }
- // Runtime declaration type information
- public:
- virtual std::string
- declaration_type ()
- {
- return "file scope";
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<FileScope>
- FileScopePtr;
- typedef
- DeclarationOrderComparator<FileScopePtr>
- FileScopeOrderComparator;
- typedef
- std::set<FileScopePtr, FileScopeOrderComparator>
- FileScopeSet;
- //
- //
- //
- class TranslationRegion;
- typedef
- StrictPtr<TranslationRegion>
- TranslationRegionPtr;
- typedef
- std::vector<TranslationRegionPtr>
- TranslationRegionList;
- class TranslationRegion : public virtual Node
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~TranslationRegion () throw () {}
- TranslationRegion (DeclarationTable& table,
- Order const& order)
- : order_ (order),
- table_ (table),
- next_order_ (0)
- {
- scope_ = FileScopePtr (new FileScope (table_, Order (order_, 1)));
- //@@ eh!
- table.insert (scope_);
- }
- public:
- DeclarationTable const&
- table () const
- {
- return table_;
- }
- DeclarationTable&
- table ()
- {
- return table_;
- }
- public:
- Order
- create_order ()
- {
- return Order (Order (order_, 0), next_order_++);
- }
- public:
- FileScopePtr
- scope ()
- {
- return scope_;
- }
- public:
- class InvalidArgument {};
- void
- insert (TranslationRegionPtr const& tr) throw (InvalidArgument);
- typedef
- TranslationRegionList::const_iterator
- Iterator;
- Iterator
- begin () const;
- Iterator
- end () const;
- private:
- Order order_;
- FileScopePtr scope_;
- DeclarationTable& table_;
- unsigned long next_order_;
- TranslationRegionList region_list_;
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- //
- //
- //
- class IncludeTranslationRegion : public virtual TranslationRegion
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~IncludeTranslationRegion () throw () {}
- IncludeTranslationRegion (fs::path const& file_path,
- DeclarationTable& table,
- Order const& order)
- : TranslationRegion (table, order),
- file_path_ (file_path)
- {
- }
- public:
- fs::path file_path () const
- {
- return file_path_;
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- fs::path file_path_;
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<IncludeTranslationRegion>
- IncludeTranslationRegionPtr;
- //
- //
- //
- class SysIncludeTranslationRegion : public virtual TranslationRegion
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~SysIncludeTranslationRegion () throw () {}
- SysIncludeTranslationRegion (fs::path const& file_path,
- DeclarationTable& table,
- Order const& order)
- : TranslationRegion (table, order),
- file_path_ (file_path)
- {
- }
- public:
- fs::path file_path () const
- {
- return file_path_;
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- fs::path file_path_;
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<SysIncludeTranslationRegion>
- SysIncludeTranslationRegionPtr;
- //
- //
- //
- class ImpliedIncludeTranslationRegion : public virtual TranslationRegion
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~ImpliedIncludeTranslationRegion () throw () {}
- ImpliedIncludeTranslationRegion (fs::path const& file_path,
- DeclarationTable& table,
- Order const& order)
- : TranslationRegion (table, order),
- file_path_ (file_path)
- {
- }
- public:
- fs::path file_path () const
- {
- return file_path_;
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- fs::path file_path_;
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<ImpliedIncludeTranslationRegion>
- ImpliedIncludeTranslationRegionPtr;
- //
- //
- //
- class PrincipalTranslationRegion : public virtual TranslationRegion
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~PrincipalTranslationRegion () throw () {}
- PrincipalTranslationRegion (fs::path const& file_path,
- DeclarationTable& table,
- Order const& order)
- : TranslationRegion (table, order),
- file_path_ (file_path)
- {
- }
- public:
- fs::path file_path () const
- {
- return file_path_;
- }
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- private:
- fs::path file_path_;
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<PrincipalTranslationRegion>
- PrincipalTranslationRegionPtr;
- //@@ TranslationUnit should not contain FileScope or should it?
- //@@ Seems not
- //
- //
- class TranslationUnit : public virtual Node
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~TranslationUnit () throw () {}
- TranslationUnit ()
- : order_ (0),
- next_order_ (0)
- {
- }
- public:
- DeclarationTable const&
- table () const
- {
- return table_;
- }
- DeclarationTable&
- table ()
- {
- return table_;
- }
- public:
- Order
- create_order ()
- {
- return Order (order_, next_order_++);
- }
- public:
- class InvalidArgument {};
- void
- insert (TranslationRegionPtr const& tr) throw (InvalidArgument);
- typedef
- TranslationRegionList::const_iterator
- Iterator;
- Iterator
- begin () const;
- Iterator
- end () const;
- class NotFound {};
- PrincipalTranslationRegionPtr
- principal_translation_region () const throw (NotFound)
- {
- for (Iterator i = begin (); i != end (); i++)
- {
- if ((*i)->is_a<PrincipalTranslationRegion> ())
- {
- return (*i)->dynamic_type<PrincipalTranslationRegion> ();
- }
- }
- throw NotFound ();
- }
- private:
- Order order_;
- DeclarationTable table_;
- unsigned long next_order_;
- TranslationRegionList region_list_;
- // Traversal
- public:
- virtual void
- accept (CCF::Traversal::Visitor* v);
- };
- typedef
- StrictPtr<TranslationUnit>
- TranslationUnitPtr;
- }
-//@@ tmp
-#include "CCF/IDL2/IDL2_SyntaxTree_BuiltIn.hpp"
-#include "CCF/IDL2/IDL2_SyntaxTree_Value.hpp"
-#include "CCF/IDL2/IDL2_SyntaxTree.tpp"