path: root/TAO/CIAO/examples/handcrafted/Hello/hello.ccd
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/CIAO/examples/handcrafted/Hello/hello.ccd')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/CIAO/examples/handcrafted/Hello/hello.ccd b/TAO/CIAO/examples/handcrafted/Hello/hello.ccd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..325a2a41e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TAO/CIAO/examples/handcrafted/Hello/hello.ccd
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- -->
+<!-- XML doesn't really support the following $(CIAO_ROOT) syntax :) -->
+<!DOCTYPE corbacomponent SYSTEM "$(CIAO_ROOT)/docs/XML/corbacomponent.dtd">
+<!-- Hello World CORBA Component Descriptor -->
+<!-- This file describes features of HelloWorld and HelloHome. -->
+ <corbaversion>3.0</corbaversion>
+ <componentrepid repid="IDL:HelloWorld:1.0"/>
+ <homerepid repid="IDL:HelloHome:1.0"/>
+ <componentkind>
+ <!-- This particular example can either be <service/> or -->
+ <session>
+ <servant lifetime="container"/>
+ </session>
+ </componentkind>
+ <threading policy="multithread"/> <!-- No effect for now -->
+ <configurationcomplete set="false"/> <!-- We don't support this yet. -->
+ <!-- Use to set realtime POA policy? -->
+ <!-- Or should we use unclassified componentkind with this instead? -->
+ <!-- <extendedpoapolicy name="" value=""/> -->
+ <!-- Can set the IfR reference here -->
+ <!-- CIAO doesn't support segmented component now. -->
+ <!-- You can specify the properties of a component here. -->
+<!-- <componentproperties> -->
+<!-- <fileinarchive name=""/> -->
+<!-- </componentproperties> -->
+ <!-- You can specify the properties of a componenthome here. -->
+<!-- <homeproperties> -->
+<!-- <fileinarchive name=""/> -->
+<!-- </homeproperties> -->
+ <!-- Ignore homefeatures for now? Yes. Nothing here worth worrying about -->
+ <!-- Unless we are going to extend the operationpolicies element. -->
+ <homefeatures name="HelloHome" repid="IDL:HelloHome:1.0">
+ </homefeatures>
+ <!-- Ignore componentfeatures? -->
+ <componentfeatures name="HelloWorld" repid="IDL:HelloWorld:1.0">
+ <!-- inheritscomponent ... -->
+ <!-- Nothing to worry about here unless we extend operationpolicies. -->
+ <supportsinterface repid="IDL:Hello:1.0">
+ <!-- operationpolicies ... -->
+ </supportsinterface>
+ <ports>
+ <!-- No Port for this component. -->
+ </ports>
+ <!-- operationpolicies... -->
+ </componentfeature>
+ <interface name="Hello" repid="IDL:Hello:1.0">
+ <!-- inheritsinterface repid="" -->
+ <!-- operationpolicies... -->
+ </interface>
+</corbacomponent> \ No newline at end of file