path: root/TAO/CIAO/tools/Daemon/README
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diff --git a/TAO/CIAO/tools/Daemon/README b/TAO/CIAO/tools/Daemon/README
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index 2c7404e6a2e..00000000000
--- a/TAO/CIAO/tools/Daemon/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains CIAO's per-host daemon process implementation
-- CIAO_Daemon. It includes implementations for two major CCM
-interfaces, namely, ComponentInstallation and ServerActivation.
-ComponentInstallation interfaces must be available per-host so all
-ComponentServer running on the same host can query it to acquire
-component implementations they need. Likewise, ServerActivator
-interacts with CCM's Assembly framework and is responsible to start up
-new ComponentServer processes on this host.
-The Daemon process registers three simple ObjectKey, "CIAODaemon",
-"ComponentInstallation", and "ServerActivator" to the IORTable, so if you
-start up the CIAO_Daemon process on a fixed endpoint like:
- CIAO_Daemon -ORBEndpoint iiop://hostname:13000
-You can get to any of the three interfaces using one of the following
- corbaloc:iiop:hostname:13000/CIAODaemon
- corbaloc:iiop:hostname:13000/ComponentInstallation
- corbaloc:iiop:hostname:13000/ServerActivator
-Other command line flags supported by ServerActivator include:
- * -o <filename> : Specify the filename where CIAO_Daemon
- writes the IOR of the Daemon interface to. By
- default, it writes to "daemon.ior".
- DaemonController uses the IOR to get the object
- refrence to interact with the Daemon process.
- * -n <pathname> : Specify the pathname to a ComponentServer
- program that ServerActivator uses to
- startup a ComponentServer process.
- * -d <second> : Specify the time, in second, ServerActivator will
- wait for the ComponentServer to callback to notify
- ServerActivator their IOR. ServerActivator
- considers the activation fails if the
- ComponentServer does not call back in time.
- * -i : Specify the name of the datafile ComponentInstallation
- interface uses to keep the persistent installation data. By
- default, CIAO_Daemon uses the file
- "CIAO_Installation_Data.ini". This file (even if empty) must
- exist before the process starts.
- * -s : Specify the Section name within the persistent data file the
- ComponentInstallation uses to retrieve and backup the
- installation data. Changing this name allows us to switch
- among various sets of component implementations easily just
- by restarting the daemon process. By default, CIAO_Daemon
- uses the name "ComponentInstallation" if this flag is not
- specified.
- * -c <svcconf name>: Specify the default svcconf filename for ComponentServer
- * -m <svcconf map>: Specify the svc.conf map configuration file.
- This file contains the (hint, svc.conf filename)
- tuples (two strings delimited by a comma).
-This is a small command line utility program for interacting with the
-CIAO_Daemon process. It offers two major function groups thru 6
- * General daemon process control:
- - get_ior: use this command to query the IOR of any service
- interfaces running on the daemon process and store the IOR into
- a specified file.
- - shutdown: use this command to shutdown the daemon process.
- * ComponentInstallation related control:
- - install: to install a new location of a component
- implementation
- - uninstall: to remove a location of a component implementation
- - replace: to replace an existing compoment implementaion
- location with a new one
- - query: to query the location of a component implementation
-This program uses resolve_initial_references ("CIAODaemon") to acqurie
-the daemon control interface, so you must provide the reference to the
-program somehow. For example:
- DaemonController -ORBInitRef CIAODaemon=file://daemon.ior <command> [command options]
-To check the parameter required for each of the commands listed above,
-just append the -h command option flag, such as:
- DaemonController -ORBInitRef CIAODaemon=file://daemon.ior install -h