path: root/TAO/ChangeLogs/ChangeLog-02a
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1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/ChangeLogs/ChangeLog-02a b/TAO/ChangeLogs/ChangeLog-02a
index 8dce6ac702d..986862027ea 100644
--- a/TAO/ChangeLogs/ChangeLog-02a
+++ b/TAO/ChangeLogs/ChangeLog-02a
@@ -1,3 +1,93 @@
+Fri Mar 23 14:07:58 2001 Chris Cleeland <>
+ * tao/GIOP_Message_Base.cpp:
+ * tao/GIOP_Message_Lite.cpp:
+ * tao/GIOP_Utils.cpp:
+ Changed uses of TAO_Tranport::handle() to TAO_Transport::id()
+ the uses were for debug/informational message purposes.
+ * tao/IIOP_Connector.cpp:
+ * tao/Strategies/UIOP_Connector.cpp:
+ * tao/Strategies/SHMIOP_Connector.cpp:
+ * tao/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/SSLIOP/SSLIOP_Connector.cpp:
+ Changed debug message accesses to the transport's handler's
+ handle, and replaced with calls to TAO_Transport::id().
+ * tao/Sync_Strategies.cpp (timer_check): Eliminated direct
+ references to the transport's event handler and used the new
+ TAO_Transport::register_for_timer_event method to do this in a
+ lock-safe manner.
+ * tao/Transport_Cache_Manager.cpp (make_idle_i): Protected against
+ being passed a zero pointer as argument.
+ * tao/Transport_Cache_Manager.cpp (close_i): Added back code to
+ fill in an ACE_Handle_Set of all transports' associated handlers
+ which are registered with the reactor. This is necessary to
+ perform an orderly close and unloading of the ORB.
+ * tao/Transport.cpp:
+ * tao/Transport.h:
+ Added an ACE_Lock, initialized identically to the way that the
+ TAO_Transport_Cache_Manager's lock is initialized, to lock
+ accesses to or through the protocol-specific transport's
+ handler. Although the handler doesn't exist in the generic
+ TAO_Transport, the lock does so that the framework handles all
+ the tedious locking issues and the pluggable protocol
+ implementor only needs to override methods which are called in
+ lock-safe manner. Note that since the lock is initialized from
+ the resource factory, single-threaded implementations need not
+ pay locking penalties.
+ Added provide_handle method to permit the Sync Strategies to
+ fill in an ACE_Handle_Set without violating locking and
+ encapsulation.
+ Made the following methods lock-safe and created corresponding
+ _i methods which assume that the lock is already held--send,
+ recv, register_handler, event_handler, transtion_handler_state.
+ The corresponding _i methods are protected.
+ Eliminated service_handler and connection_handler accessors
+ since all they did was confuse the issue. Moreover, gaining
+ access to these would have violated the locking protocol. They
+ weren't necessary, so they're gone.
+ Added an id_ data member and getter/setter methods. Formerly,
+ the connection's handle was used for identifying the
+ transport--especially in debug messages--but the need for
+ lock-safety made that unreliable. Now, the id() is used
+ instead, and transport-savvy connection handlers can feel free
+ to change the id to anything they desire such as, say, the
+ handle_. :-)
+ * tao/IIOP_Transport.cpp:
+ * tao/IIOP_Transport.h:
+ * tao/Strategies/SHMIOP_Transport.cpp:
+ * tao/Strategies/SHMIOP_Transport.h:
+ * tao/Strategies/UIOP_Transport.cpp:
+ * tao/Strategies/UIOP_Transport.h:
+ * tao/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/SSLIOP/SSLIOP_Transport.cpp:
+ * tao/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/SSLIOP/SSLIOP_Transport.h:
+ * examples/PluggableUDP/DIOP/DIOP_Transport.cpp:
+ * examples/PluggableUDP/DIOP/DIOP_Transport.h:
+ Updated all of these to reflect the changes outlined for the
+ TAO_Transport base class.
+ * tao/IIOP_Connection_Handler.cpp (activate):
+ * tao/Strategies/UIOP_Connection_Handler.cpp (activate):
+ * tao/Strategies/SHMIOP_Connection_Handler.cpp (activate):
+ * tao/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/SSLIOP/SSLIOP_Connection_Handler.cpp (activate):
+ * examples/PluggableUDP/DIOP/DIOP_Connection_Handler.cpp (activate):
+ Added code to set the transport's id to the handler's handle,
+ thus making debug messages referring to that (which are
+ everywhere!) more useful.
Thu Mar 22 19:29:09 2001 Irfan Pyarali <>
* tao/PortableServer/Active_Object_Map.i