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+<TITLE>Implementing Pluggable Protocols for TAO</TITLE>
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+<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Implementing Pluggable Protocols for TAO</H1>
+<P ALIGN="CENTER"><STRONG>Fred Kuhns, Douglas C. Schmidt, Carlos O'Ryan, Ossama Othman</STRONG></P>
+Center for Distributed Object Computing<BR>
+Washington University at St.Louis
+<!-- Table of Contents -->
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION100">Overview of Implementation of Pluggable Protocols for TAO</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION110">The Hard Way</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION120">The Path of Least Resistance</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION121">Basic Requirements</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION122">Basics of Implementing a Pluggable Protocol for TAO</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION200">Pluggable Protocol Framework Components</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION210">The <TT> Acceptor</TT></A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION211">Context</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION212">Problem</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION213">Solution</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION214">Applying the solution to TAO</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION215"><TT> Acceptor</TT> Implementation</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION220">The <TT> Connector</TT></A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION221">Context</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION222">Problem</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION223">Solution</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION224">Applying the solution in TAO</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION225"><TT> Connector</TT> Implementation</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION230">The <TT> Profile</TT> Object</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION240">The <TT> Protocol_Factory</TT> Object</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION250">The <TT> Transport</TT> Object</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION251">Context</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION252">Problem</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION253">Solution</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION254">Applying the solution in TAO</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION255"><TT> Transport</TT> Implementation</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION300">Notes From a &#34;Real World&#34; Pluggable Protocol Implementation</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION400">Using a Pluggable Protocol</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#SECTION500">Bibliography</A>
+<!-- End of Table of Contents -->
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION100">
+Overview of Implementation of Pluggable Protocols for TAO</A>
+There are several basic implementation details that should be followed when
+implementing pluggable protocols for TAO. This section describes them.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION110">
+The Hard Way</A>
+It is possible to implement a pluggable protocol for TAO without using any ACE
+components, or using existing pluggable protocols as a reference, but that is
+certainly more difficult than taking advantage of the code reuse offered by
+using existing ACE and TAO models and implementations.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION120">
+The Path of Least Resistance</A>
+TAO takes advantage of the many useful encapsulations provided by ACE. These
+include ACE's <TT>IPC_SAP</TT> classes, <TT>Event Handlers</TT> and the operation
+dispatching features provided by the <TT>Reactor</TT>. However, in order to
+use these encapsulations some requirements must be satisfied.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION121">
+Basic Requirements</A>
+To be able to successfully use the ACE components listed above, the underlying
+protocol used in the pluggable protocol for TAO should support the following
+features and characteristics:
+<LI>Access to a session/connection via some type of handle (e.g. a UNIX file descriptor
+or a Win32 <TT>HANDLE</TT>).</LI>
+<LI>The ability to multiplex I/O using the <TT>select</TT> system call, or on Win32
+platforms, the <TT>WaitForMultipleObjects</TT> call on the handles that refer
+to the open sessions/connections. This ability is required in order to use the
+<TT>ACE_Select_Reactor</TT> or the <TT>ACE_WFMO_Reactor</TT> concrete <TT>Reactor</TT>
+Some underlying transports do not provide any such ability. However, it may
+sometimes be possible to separate data delivery from notification. For example,
+TAO's shared memory transport transports data through shared memory, but since
+it is not possible to use <TT>select</TT> on shared memory another mechanism
+must be used for notification. One way to do this is to use a local IPC connection
+strictly for notification purposes. Whenever, data is sent through shared memory,
+a byte of data could be written to the local IPC connection. That local IPC
+connection would be used to notify the receiving process that data is available
+for reading in shared memory. Since local IPC can be multiplexed using the <TT>select</TT>
+system call, the <TT>ACE_Select_Reactor</TT> can be used to handle operation
+dispatching for the shared memory pluggable protocol.
+ </LI>
+<LI>A pluggable protocol should sit on top of lower-level implementation. The underlying
+protocol implementation should not rely on any resources/features that are at
+a similar or higher layer of abstraction than the pluggable protocol. For example,
+if the underlying protocol needs to use Win32 resources/features such as <TT>HANDLE</TT>s
+to hidden windows or the use of a window message pump then the underlying pluggable
+protocol may be difficult or pointless to implement as a pluggable protocol.</LI>
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION122">
+Basics of Implementing a Pluggable Protocol for TAO</A>
+One of the easiest ways to implement a pluggable protocol for TAO is to do the
+<LI>Implement ACE <TT>IPC_SAP</TT> wrappers around the underlying protocol implementation.
+For example, ACE wraps the <I>socket</I> API to create an <TT>ACE_INET_Addr</TT>,
+<TT>ACE_SOCK_Acceptor</TT>, <TT>ACE_SOCK_Connector</TT> and <TT>ACE_SOCK_Stream</TT>.
+<TT>IPC_SAP</TT> wrappers for other implementations, such as OSI transport
+protocol layer 4, aka <I>TP4</I>, should be implemented similarly. A TP4 implementation
+could have an <TT>ACE_TP4_Addr</TT>, <TT>ACE_TP4_Acceptor</TT>, <TT>ACE_TP4_Connector</TT>
+and an <TT>ACE_TP4_Stream</TT>. Any new implementation should retain the interface
+provided by the base <TT>IPC_SAP</TT> classes in ACE.</LI>
+<LI>Once the above ACE <TT>IPC_SAP</TT> components have been implemented, creating
+the necessary TAO pluggable protocol components should be fairly easy. In fact,
+much of the code can be ``cut and pasted'' from existing TAO pluggable protocol
+implementations. For example, TAO's UIOP pluggable protocol was, for the most
+part, based entirely on the IIOP pluggable protocol code found in TAO's ``tao/IIOP_*''
+source files. The only things that had to be changed for UIOP were the protocol
+prefix, address format and URL style IOR format. Each of these pluggable protocol
+characteristics is documented later in this documentation.</LI>
+The next section goes into detail about TAO's pluggable protocol framework components
+and their public interfaces.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION200">
+Pluggable Protocol Framework Components</A>
+In order for a pluggable protocol to usable by TAO without making any modifications
+to TAO itself, it must be implemented to provide the functionality dictated
+by TAO's pluggable protocols framework interface. This functionality is implemented
+within several components, namely the <TT>Acceptor</TT>, <TT>Connector</TT>,
+<TT>Connection Handler</TT>, <TT>Protocol Factory</TT>, <TT>Profile</TT> and
+<TT>Transport</TT>. This section describes each of them.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION210">
+The <TT>Acceptor</TT></A>
+<A NAME="design:accept"></A>
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION211">
+A server can accept connections at one or more endpoints, potentially using
+the same protocol for all endpoints. The set of protocols that an ORB uses to
+play the client role need not match the set of protocols used for the server
+role. Moreover, the ORB can even be a ``pure client'', <I>i.e.</I>, a client
+that only makes requests, in which case it can use several protocols to make
+requests, but receive no requests from other clients.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION212">
+The server must generate an IOR that includes all possible inter-ORB and transport-protocol-specific
+profiles for which the object can be accessed. As with the client, it should
+be possible to add new protocols without changing the ORB.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION213">
+We use the Acceptor pattern&nbsp;[<A
+ HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#Schmidt:97c">1</A>] to accept the connections. As
+with the Connector pattern, an Acceptor decouples the connection establishment
+from the processing performed on that connection. However, in the Acceptor pattern,
+the connection is accepted <I>passively</I>, rather than being initiated <I>actively</I>.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION214">
+Applying the solution to TAO</A>
+Figure&nbsp;<A HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#server">1</A> illustrates how TAO's pluggable protocols framework leverages
+the design presented in Section&nbsp;<A HREF="#design:transparent"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="cross_ref_motif.png"></A>. The concrete ACE
+<TT>Service Handler</TT> created by the ACE <TT>Acceptor</TT> is responsible
+for implementing the External Polymorphism pattern and encapsulating itself
+behind the <TT>Transport</TT> interface defined in our pluggable protocols framework.
+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="server"></A><A NAME="683"></A>
+Server Pluggable Protocol Class Diagram</CAPTION>
+<!-- MATH
+ $\resizebox* {5in}{!}{\includegraphics{graphics/server.eps}}$
+ -->
+ SRC="img1.png"
+ ALT="Server"> </DIV>
+As discussed in Section&nbsp;<A HREF="#design:adapt"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="cross_ref_motif.png"></A>, we use the Adapter pattern to leverage
+the ACE implementation of the Acceptors. This pattern also permits a seamless
+integration with the lower levels of the ORB. In the Acceptor pattern, the <TT>Acceptor</TT>
+object is a factory that creates <TT>Service Handler</TT>s. <TT>Service
+Handler</TT>s are responsible for performing I/O with their connected peers. In
+TAO's pluggable protocol framework, the <TT>Transport</TT> objects are <TT>Service
+Handlers</TT> implemented as abstract classes. This design shields the ORB from
+variations in the <TT>Acceptor</TT>s, <TT>Connector</TT>s, and <TT>Service
+Handler</TT>s for each particular protocol.
+When a connection is established, the concrete <TT>Acceptor</TT> creates the
+appropriate <TT>Connection Handler</TT> and IOP objects. The <TT>Connection
+Handler</TT> also creates a <TT>Transport</TT> object that functions as a bridge.
+As with the <TT>Connector</TT>, the <TT>Acceptor</TT> also acts as a bridge
+object, hiding the transport- and strategy-specific details of the acceptor.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION215">
+<TT>Acceptor</TT> Implementation</A>
+TAO's <TT>Acceptor</TT> interface, shown below, is declared in the file <TT>&lt;tao/Pluggable.h&gt;</TT>.
+All <TT>Acceptor</TT> implementations must inherit from the <TT>TAO_Acceptor</TT>
+abstract base class.
+</DL>A description of each of the methods that must be implemented follows:
+<DD>Other than initializing members of a pluggable protocol <TT>Acceptor</TT>
+implementation, nothing else is really done in the constructor. For example,
+the <TT>TAO_IIOP_Acceptor</TT> constructor implementation is:
+Note that initializing the <TT>TAO_Acceptor</TT> base class with <I>tag</I>
+value is required. Tags are assigned by the OMG.In this case, <TT>TAO_TAG_IIOP_PROFILE</TT>
+is defined to be the OMG assigned tag for the CORBA IIOP protocol. Until a tag
+that uniquely identifies the protocol is assigned, a tag value that isn't used
+by any other protocol can be used.
+<DD>The <TT>open</TT> method initializes the acceptor, i.e. sets
+the protocol version to use (if supported), parses any protocol-specific options
+(if any) and creates the endpoint passed to it.
+The address specified by using the <TT>-ORBEndpoint</TT> ORB option is passed
+directly to this method. If more than one address is specified within a given
+<TT>-ORBEndpoint</TT> option then each address is passed one by one to this
+method by the pluggable protocols framework. For example, the following <TT>-ORBEndpoint</TT>
+command line option:
+</DL>will cause the following <TT>open</TT> method invocations to occur:
+</DL>Extracting individual addresses from an <TT>-ORBEndpoint</TT> option is handled
+by TAO's pluggable protocols framework. It is up to the pluggable protocol to
+handle the address passed to this method.
+ </DD>
+<DD>Each pluggable protocol should have the ability to
+open a default endpoint. For example, it should be possible to make the pluggable
+protocol open an endpoint without specifying an address, in which case an address
+is chosen by the pluggable protocol. This method is invoked when <TT>-ORBEndpoint</TT>
+options such as the following are used:
+</DL>In this case, an IIOP endpoint will be created on the local host. The port will
+be chosen by the IIOP pluggable protocol. <TT>open_default</TT> will invoked
+in the following manner:
+<DD>The <TT>close</TT> method is self-explanatory. It simply shuts
+down any open endpoints, and recovers resources as necessary. This method is
+automatically invoked by the pluggable protocols framework when the ORB associated
+with that endpoint is shut down.</DD>
+<DD>The <TT>create_mprofile</TT> method creates a protocol-specific
+<TT>Profile</TT> object and gives ownership of that profile to the <TT>TAO_MProfile</TT>
+object, basically a container that holds multiple profiles, passed to it. The
+code for this method is typically ``boilerplate,'' i.e. it can be based almost
+entirely on TAO's existing pluggable protocol implementations of <TT>create_profile</TT>.
+Here is how it is implemented in TAO's IIOP acceptor:
+</DL>Most of the code that is common to all pluggable protocols will be factored
+out of this method in the near future.
+ </DD>
+<DD>The <TT>is_collocated</TT> method checks if the <TT>Profile</TT>
+has the same endpoint as the <TT>Acceptor</TT>. Assuming ACE is used as the
+underlying layer between the operating system calls and a pluggable protocol,
+this code is also ``boilerplate.'' TAO's IIOP implementation does the following:
+<DD><TT>endpoint_count</TT> returns the number of endpoints
+the <TT>Acceptor</TT> is listening on. This is used for determining how many
+<TT>Profiles</TT> will be generated for this <TT>Acceptor</TT>. Currently, all
+of TAO's pluggable protocols simply return <TT>1</TT>.</DD>
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION220">
+The <TT>Connector</TT></A>
+<A NAME="design:connect"></A>
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION221">
+When a client references an object, the ORB must obtain the corresponding profile
+list, which is derived from the IOR and a profile ordering policy, and transparently
+establish a connection to the server.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION222">
+There can be one or more combinations of inter-ORB and transport protocols available
+in an ORB. For a given profile, the ORB must verify the presence of the associated
+IOP and transport protocol, if available. It must then locate the applicable
+<TT>Connector</TT> and delegate it to establish the connection.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION223">
+We use the Connector pattern&nbsp;[<A
+ HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#Schmidt:97c">1</A>] to actively establish a connection
+to a remote object. This pattern decouples the connection establishment from
+the processing performed after the connection is successful. As before, the
+<TT>Connector Registry</TT> shown in Figure&nbsp;<A HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#e2e">2</A> is used
+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="e2e"></A><A NAME="184"></A>
+Connection Establishment Using Multiple Pluggable Protocols</CAPTION>
+<!-- MATH
+ $\resizebox* {9cm}{!}{\includegraphics{graphics/pp_e2e.eps}}$
+ -->
+ SRC="img2.png"
+ ALT="pp_e2e"> </DIV>
+to locate the right <TT>Connector</TT> for the current profile. The actual
+profile selected for use will depend on the set of Policies active at the time
+of connection establishment. However, once a profile is selected, the connector
+registry matches the profile type, represented by a well known tag, with an
+instance of a concrete <TT>Connector</TT>.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION224">
+Applying the solution in TAO</A>
+As described in Section&nbsp;<A HREF="#design:adapt"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="cross_ref_motif.png"></A>, <TT>Connector</TT>s are adapters
+for the ACE implementation of the Connector pattern. Thus, they are typically
+lightweight objects that simply delegate to a corresponding ACE component.
+Figure&nbsp;<A HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#client">3</A> shows the base classes and their relations for IIOP.
+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="client"></A><A NAME="688"></A>
+Client Pluggable Protocol Class Diagram</CAPTION>
+<!-- MATH
+ $\resizebox* {5in}{!}{\includegraphics{graphics/client.eps}}$
+ -->
+ SRC="img3.png"
+ ALT="Client"> </DIV>
+This figure shows an explicit co-variance between the <TT>Profile</TT> and
+the <TT>Connector</TT>s for each protocol. In general, a <TT>Connector</TT>
+must downcast the <TT>Profile</TT> to its specific type. This downcast is safe
+because profile creation is limited to the <TT>Connector</TT> and <TT>Acceptor</TT>
+registries. In both cases, the profile is created with a matching tag. The tag
+is used by the Connector Registry to choose the <TT>Connector</TT> that can
+handle each profile.
+As shown in the same figure, the Connector Registry manipulates only the base
+classes. Therefore, new protocols can be added without requiring any modification
+to the existing pluggable protocols framework. When a connection is successfully
+established, the <TT>Profile</TT> is passed a pointer to the particular IOP
+object and to the <TT>Transport</TT> objects that were created.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION225">
+<TT>Connector</TT> Implementation</A>
+TAO's <TT>Connector</TT> interface, shown below, is declared in the file <TT>&lt;tao/Pluggable.h&gt;</TT>.
+All <TT>Connector</TT> implementations must inherit from the <TT>TAO_Connector</TT>
+abstract base class.
+</DL>A description of each of the methods that must be implemented follows:
+<DD>As with the <TT>Acceptor</TT> constructor, the <TT>TAO_Connector</TT>
+base class should be initialized with the tag associated with the pluggable
+protocol in question. Here is TAO's IIOP pluggable protocol <TT>Connector</TT>
+<DD>The <TT>open</TT> method simply opens the underlying connector.
+This is typically an <TT>ACE_Strategy_Connector</TT> template instance. For
+example, TAO's IIOP pluggable protocol uses an
+</DL>as its underlying connection strategy. No connection establishment occurs here.
+Note that, if ACE is used to implement a <TT>Connector</TT>, this method should
+also register the <TT>Connection Handler</TT> with an <TT>ACE_Reactor</TT>.
+ </DD>
+<DD><TT>close</TT> simply closes the underlying <TT>Connector</TT>
+bridge and the concrete <TT>Connector</TT>.</DD>
+<DD>The <TT>connect</TT> method actively establishes a connection
+to the endpoint encoded within the IOR in use. It should first verify that the
+tag contained within <TT>Profile</TT> passed to it matches the tag associated
+with the pluggable protocol. If the tags do not match then an attempt use a
+<TT>Profile</TT> for another pluggable protocol was made.
+The <TT>Transport</TT> object must also be set in this method. This is generally
+done by using the <TT>transport</TT> method found within the <TT>Connection
+Handler</TT> being used.
+ </DD>
+<DD>The <TT>preconnect</TT> method is invoked when the <TT>-ORBPreconnect</TT>
+ORB option is used. It causes a blocking connection to be made to the specified
+address. Multiple connections can be made to the same endpoint. For example,
+the following <TT>-ORBPreconnect</TT> option will cause two IIOP blocking connections
+to be made to the specified host and port:
+</DL>Much of the preconnect parsing code in TAO's current <TT>preconnect</TT> implementations
+will be factored out into a common method. Pluggable protocols will still be
+responsible for parsing addresses, just like the <TT>open</TT> method in <TT>Acceptor</TT>s
+(not <TT>Connector</TT>s).
+ </DD>
+<DD><TT>check_prefix</TT> checks that the protocol prefix
+in a URL style IOR or preconnect endpoint is valid for use with a given pluggable
+protocol. For example, the <TT>check_prefix</TT> implementation in TAO's IIOP
+pluggable protocol looks like the following:
+</DL>It checks that the protocol prefix in a URL style IOR (e.g. <TT>iioploc://</TT>)
+or preconnect endpoint matches the one(s) supported by the IIOP pluggable protocol,
+in this case ``<TT>iiop</TT>'' and ``<TT>iioploc</TT>.'' If no match occurs
+then return an error condition (<TT>-1</TT>). Note that the protocol prefix
+``<TT>iiop</TT>'' is only there for backward compatibility. It may be removed
+in future TAO releases.
+This method is important for TAO's implementation of the CORBA Interoperable
+Naming Service.
+ </DD>
+<DD>The object key delimiter within a URL style
+IOR is the character that separates the address from the object key. For example,
+in the following IIOP URL style IOR:
+</DL>the object key delimiter is `<TT>/</TT>.' However, this character is not suitable
+for all pluggable protocols, such as TAO's UIOP pluggable protocol, because
+addresses within a URL style IOR may contain that very same character. A typical
+TAO UIOP URL style IOR may look something like:
+</DL>In this case, the object key delimiter is a vertical bar `<TT>|</TT>' because
+using the same object key delimiter that IIOP uses `<TT>/</TT>' would cause
+the point where the UIOP rendezvous point ``<TT>/tmp/foobar</TT>'' ends and
+where the object key ``<TT>some_other_object_key</TT>'' begins to be ambiguous.
+For instance, if an IIOP object key delimiter was used in a UIOP URL style IOR
+as follows:
+</DL>it then becomes impossible to tell if the rendezous point is ``<TT>/tmp</TT>''
+or ``<TT>/tmp/foobar</TT>,'' and similarly for the object key, hence the need
+for an object key delimiter other than `<TT>/</TT>.'
+In general, this method simply returns a static variable in the associated <TT>Profile</TT>
+that contains the object key delimiter appropriate for the given pluggable protocol.
+ </DD>
+<DD>This method creates and initializes a profile using
+the provided CDR stream. Most of this code is also ``boilerblate.'' As such,
+it may be factored out in future TAO releases.</DD>
+<DD><TT>make_profile</TT> is another method that can essentially
+be ``cut and pasted'' from existing TAO pluggable protocols. It is simply
+a <TT>Profile</TT> factory. The <TT>Profile</TT> it creates is initialized with
+an object reference of the form:
+</DL>where ``<TT>N.n</TT>'' are the major and minor protocol versions, respectively,
+and the `<TT>/</TT>' is the protocol-specific object key delimiter.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION230">
+The <TT>Profile</TT> Object</A>
+TAO <TT>Profile</TT> objects encapsulate all of the methods and members necessary
+to create and parse a protocol-specific IOR, in addition to representing object
+address and location information. TAO <TT>Profile</TT>s are based on CORBA IOR
+All protocol-specific <TT>Profile</TT> implementations should inherit from the
+<TT>TAO_Profile</TT> abstract base class. The <TT>TAO_Profile</TT> interface
+is declared in the file <TT>&lt;tao/Profile.h&gt;</TT>. Its interface follows. Only
+the methods that must be implemented are shown:
+</DL>TAO's existing pluggable protocols have a static member containing the object
+key delimiter specific to the given pluggable protocol, in addition to a static
+protocol prefix accessor method that simply returns a pointer to a static string
+containing the protocol prefix specific to the pluggable protocol. Note that
+both of these members will always remain constant so there is no problem in
+making them static.
+Theses static member are:
+<DD>This <I>variable</I> contains the object key
+delimiter specific to the given pluggable protocol. A typical definition looks
+<DD>This <I>method</I> simply returns a pointer to a static string
+that contains the protocol prefix specific to the pluggable protocol in use.
+The static string for the IIOP pluggable protocol is:
+</DL>The IIOP <TT>prefix</TT> method is:
+Note that it not strictly necessary to implement equivalent versions of these
+static members. TAO's implementation just happens to use them. However, pluggable
+protocol implementations that are based on TAO's pluggable protocols may need
+Common to all concrete <TT>Profile</TT> implementations are a set of methods
+that must be implemented. A description of each of these methods:
+<DD>TAO's existing pluggable protocols each implement several
+constructors in their concrete <TT>Profile</TT> classes. While pluggable protocols
+are not strictly required to implement analogs to all of the constructors in
+existing TAO pluggable protocols, it is generally a good idea to do so. All
+of the constructors should initialize the <TT>TAO_Profile</TT> abstract base
+class with the tag associated with the pluggable protocol. The object key should
+also be set during <TT>Profile</TT> construction.</DD>
+<DD><TT>parse_string</TT> initialize a <TT>Profile</TT>
+object using the provided string. The string passed to this method has the format:
+</DL>where the <TT>address</TT> and the object key delimiter `<TT>/</TT>' are pluggable
+protocol specific. The <TT>parse_string</TT> method must be able to extract
+the protocol version (even if it isn't used), the address and the object key
+from the provided string. It is generally a good idea to use the <TT>parse_string</TT>
+methods in TAO's existing pluggable protocols as a reference when implementing
+this method.
+ </DD>
+<DD>This method returns the URL style representation of the
+object reference encapsulated by the <TT>Profile</TT> object. Most of this code
+is also ``boilerplate.'' However, the address part of the URL style IOR, returned
+by this method should be specific to the pluggable protocol. For example, the
+address in the following IIOP URL style IOR:
+</DL>is ``<TT></TT>.'' Much of the in TAO's existing pluggable
+protocols may also be factored out because that code is common to all pluggable
+ </DD>
+<DD>The input CDR stream reference passed to this method is used
+to initialize the <TT>Profile</TT> object, by extracting (<I>decoding</I> all
+object reference information found within the CDR stream. Care must be taken
+to extract the information in the correct order. Use existing TAO pluggable
+protocol <TT>decode</TT> implementations as a reference.
+The <TT>decode</TT> method performs the inverse operation of the <TT>encode</TT>
+ </DD>
+<DD>This method inserts (<I>encodes</I> all of the information
+encapsulated by the <TT>Profile</TT> object in to the provided output CDR stream.
+Care must be taken to insert the information in the correct order. Use existing
+TAO pluggable protocol <TT>encode</TT> implementations as a reference.
+The <TT>encode</TT> method performs the inverse operation of the <TT>decode</TT>
+ </DD>
+<DD>The <TT>_key</TT> method constructs a <TT>TAO_ObjectKey</TT>
+object that is a <I>copy</I> of the object key found within the <TT>Profile</TT>
+object, and returns a pointer to the newly create <TT>TAO_ObjectKey</TT> object.
+Note that the <I>caller</I> owns the memory allocated by this method. TAO's
+IIOP <TT>_key</TT> implementation is:
+<DD>The <TT>is_equivalent</TT> method implements the
+CORBA specified method of the same name. It should return true if this profile
+is equivalent to the profile to which it is being compared. Two profiles are
+equivalent <I>if and only if</I> their tag, version, address and object key
+are the same.</DD>
+<DD>The <TT>hash</TT> method implements the CORBA specified method
+of the same name. It is expected to return 32 bit <TT>unsigned integer</TT>
+(<TT>CORBA::ULong</TT>) that uniquely identifies the CORBA object referenced
+by the <TT>Profile</TT> object. This method accepts an argument that specifies
+the largest value the hash can be.
+Any algorithm deemed suitable to provide the required functionality may be used.
+The <TT>ACE</TT> class in the ACE library provides implementations of several
+hash algorithms.
+ </DD>
+<DD><TT>addr_to_string</TT> returns a string representation
+of the address. It should return <TT>-1</TT> if the supplied buffer is too small.
+The stringified address should have the same form that the address in the URL
+style IOR has. This method should be reentrant.</DD>
+<DD>The <TT>reset_hint</TT> method resets the pointer to
+a successfully used <TT>Connection Handler</TT>. If no pointer to such a <TT>Connection
+Handler</TT>, i.e. a <I>hint</I> is provided by the pluggable protocol then this
+method may be implemented as a ``no-op.'' A pluggable protcol that does not
+provide a cached <TT>Connection Handler</TT> will not be able to take advantage
+of improved <TT>Connector</TT> table look up times.</DD>
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION240">
+The <TT>Protocol_Factory</TT> Object</A>
+TAO's uses the ACE's Service Configurator implementation&nbsp;[<A
+ HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#Schmidt:94k">2</A>]
+to dynamically load pluggable protocol factories. A <TT>Protocol_Factory</TT>
+is responsible for creating the <TT>Acceptor</TT> and <TT>Connector</TT> for
+the given pluggable protocol. TAO iterates through the list of loaded <TT>Protocol
+Factories</TT> and invokes a factory operation that creates the desired object:
+an <TT>Acceptor</TT> on the server-side, and a <TT>Connector</TT> on the client-side.
+All <TT>Protocol_Factory</TT> implementations should be derived from the <TT>TAO_Protocol_Factory</TT>
+abstract base class defined in <TT>&lt;tao/Protocol_Factory.h&gt;</TT>. The <TT>TAO_Protocol_Factory</TT>
+interface is shown below:
+</DL>Each of the important methods to be implemented are described below:
+<DD>The <TT>init</TT> method is invoked immediately after the pluggable
+protocol factory is loaded. The <TT>Service Configurator</TT> passes <TT>Protocol
+Factory</TT> options specified in a <TT>Service Configurator</TT> configuration
+file (e.g. <TT>svc.conf</TT>) to this method. The passing convention is essentially
+the same as command line <TT>argc</TT>/<TT>argv</TT> argument passing convention.
+The only difference lies in the fact that the option parsing should begin at
+<TT>argv[0]</TT> instead of <TT>argv[1]</TT>. This differs from the
+standard command line passing convention because <TT>argv[0]</TT> is the
+name of the program currently being run. In any case, the <TT>init</TT> method
+allows protocol-specific options to be implemented. Once passed to this method,
+the pluggable protocol can use them to, for example, enable or disable certain
+features or flags within the <TT>Protocol Factory</TT>. Other pluggable protocol
+components can then use these flags or features as necessary.
+A typical <TT>Service Configurator</TT> file line that loads a pluggable protocol
+dynamically, and passes arguments to the <TT>init</TT> method would look like:
+</DL>In the above example, the arguments ``<TT>-Foo</TT>'' and ``<TT>Bar</TT>''
+would be passed as <TT>argv[0]</TT> and <TT>argv[1]</TT>, respectively,
+to the <TT>Protocol_Factory init</TT> method.
+ </DD>
+<DD>This method verifies that protocol prefix contained
+in the string passed to matches the one used by the pluggable protocol. A typical
+implementation, such as the one used by the IIOP pluggable protocol, looks like:
+<DD>The <TT>prefix</TT> method simply returns a pointer to the
+static string containing the protocol prefix used by the pluggable protocol.</DD>
+<DD>The <TT>options_delimiter</TT> method is similar
+to the <TT>object_key_delimiter</TT> method found in the <TT>Connector</TT>.
+However, it used to delimit where an endpoint ends and where its options begin.
+For example, the following <TT>-ORBEndpoint</TT> option specifies a endpoint-specific
+</DL>To get around ambiguities in endpoints that can have a `<TT>/</TT>' character
+in them, the <TT>options_delimiter</TT> method can be used to determine what
+character to be used. For example, TAO's UIOP pluggable protocol implementation
+defines the following:
+</DL>An endpoint option for the UIOP pluggable protocol can look like the following:
+</DL>Notice that the `<TT>|</TT>' character is used to mark where the rendezvous
+point ends and where the endpoint-specific options begin.
+<TT>options_delimiter</TT> is a server-side related method. It is of no use
+to the client-side.
+ </DD>
+<DD>The <TT>make_acceptor</TT> method is a factory method
+that returns a pointer to a dynamically allocated <TT>Acceptor</TT> specific
+to the pluggable protocol to which the <TT>Protocol_Factory</TT> object belongs.
+TAO's UIOP pluggable protocol implementation defines this method as follows:
+<DD>The <TT>make_connector</TT> method is a factory
+method that returns a pointer to a dynamically allocated <TT>Connector</TT>
+specific to the pluggable protocol to which the <TT>Protocol_Factory</TT> object
+belongs. TAO's UIOP pluggable protocol implementation defines this method as
+<DD>Some protocols should not create a default
+endpoint unless the user specifies a -ORBEndpoint option. For example, local
+IPC (aka UNIX domain sockets) is unable to remove the rendesvouz point if the
+server crashes. For those protocols, it is better to create the endpoint only
+if the user requests one. This method is queried by TAO before creating a default
+acceptor during ORB initialization. If it returns <TT>1</TT> then no default
+endpoint should be created.</DD>
+<TT>Service Object</TT>s, such as the <TT>Protocol_Factory</TT>, must be declared
+in a certain way. ACE's Service Configurator implementation provides two macros
+to ensure that the required additional declarations are made to make an object
+have to the correct interface. The two macros are <TT>ACE_STATIC_SVC_DECLARE</TT>
+and <TT>ACE_FACTORY_DECLARE</TT>. Typical usage of these declaration macros
+is demonstrated by TAO's UIOP pluggable protocol implementation:
+</DL>also required. These are provided by ``<TT>DEFINE</TT>'' counterparts of the
+above two declaration macros. An example of how to use them follows:
+</DL>Notice that the macro arguments above have corresponding <TT>Service Configurator</TT>
+configuration file entries:
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION250">
+The <TT>Transport</TT> Object</A>
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION251">
+It is desirable to provide for alternative mappings between different ORB messaging
+protocols and ORB transport adaptors. For example, a single ORB messaging protocol
+such as GIOP can be mapped to any reliable, connection-oriented transport protocol,
+such as TCP or TP4. Alternatively, a single transport protocol can be the basis
+for alternative instantiations of ORB messaging protocols, <I>e.g.</I>, different
+versions of GIOP differing in the number and types of messages, as well as in
+the format of those messages.
+An ORB messaging protocol imposes requirements on any underlying network transport
+protocols. For instance, the transport requirements assumed by GIOP, see Section&nbsp;<A HREF="#IOP"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="cross_ref_motif.png"></A>,
+require the underlying network transport protocol to support a reliable, connection-oriented
+byte-stream. These requirements are fulfilled by TCP thus leading to the direct
+mapping of GIOP onto this transport protocol. However, alternative network transport
+protocols such as ATM with AAL5 encapsulation may be more appropriate in some
+environments. In this case, the messaging implementation will have to provide
+the missing semantics, such as reliability, in order to use GIOP.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION252">
+The ORB Messaging protocol implementations must be independent of the adaptation
+layer needed for transports that do not satisfy all their requirements. Otherwise,
+the same messaging protocol may be re-implemented needlessly for each transport,
+which is time-consuming, error-prone, and time/space inefficient. Likewise,
+for those transports that can support multiple ORB Messaging protocols, it must
+be possible to isolate them from the details of the ORB messaging implementation.
+Care must be taken, however, because not all ORB Messaging protocols can be
+used with all transport protocols, <I>i.e.</I>, some mechanism is needed to
+ensure only semantically compatible protocols are configured&nbsp;[<A
+ HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#Johnson:95a">3</A>].
+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="iop_client"></A><A NAME="700"></A>
+Client Inter-ORB and Transport Class Diagram</CAPTION>
+<!-- MATH
+ $\resizebox* {5in}{!}{\includegraphics{graphics/pp_iopc.eps}}$
+ -->
+ SRC="img4.png"
+ ALT="pp_iopc"> </DIV>
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION253">
+Use the Layers architecture pattern&nbsp;[<A
+ HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#Buschmann:95b">4</A>], which decomposes
+the system into groups of components, each one at a different level of abstraction.<A NAME="tex2html5"
+ HREF="#foot549"><SUP>1</SUP></A> For the client, the ORB uses a particular ORB messaging protocol to send a
+request. This ORB messaging protocol delegates part of the work to the transport
+adapter component that completes the message and sends it to the server. If
+the low-level transport in use, <I>e.g.</I>, ATM, UDP, TCP/IP, etc., does not
+satisfy the requirements of the ORB messaging protocol, the ORB transport adapter
+component can implement them.
+In the server, the transport adapter component receives data from the underlying
+communication infrastructure, such as sockets or shared memory, and it passes
+the message up to the ORB messaging layer. As with the client, this layer can
+be very lightweight if the requirements imposed by the ORB messaging layer are
+satisfied by the underlying network transport protocol. Otherwise, it must implement
+those missing requirements by building them into the concrete transport adapter
+<DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="iop_server"></A><A NAME="702"></A>
+Server Inter-ORB and Transport Class Diagram</CAPTION>
+<!-- MATH
+ $\resizebox* {5in}{!}{\includegraphics{graphics/pp_iops.eps}}$
+ -->
+ SRC="img5.png"
+ ALT="pp_iops"> </DIV>
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION254">
+Applying the solution in TAO</A>
+As shown in Figure&nbsp;<A HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#iop_client">4</A>, TAO implements the messaging protocol
+and the transport protocol in separate components. The client ORB uses the current
+profile to find the right transport and ORB messaging implementations. The creation
+and initialization of these classes is controlled by the <TT>Connector</TT>
+(described in Section&nbsp;<A HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#design:connect">2.2</A>), with each <TT>Connector</TT> instance
+handling a particular ORB messaging/transport tuple.
+Figure&nbsp;<A HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#iop_server">5</A> illustrates how the server's implementation uses the
+same transport classes, but with a different relationship. In particular, the
+transport class calls back the messaging class when data is received from the
+IPC mechanism. As with the client, a factory, in this case the <TT>Acceptor</TT>,
+creates and initializes these objects.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION255">
+<TT>Transport</TT> Implementation</A>
+All TAO pluggable protocol <TT>Transport</TT> classes must inherit from the
+<TT>TAO_Transport</TT> abstract base class defined in <TT>&lt;tao/Pluggable.h&gt;</TT>.
+The <TT>TAO_Transport</TT> interface is shown below. Again, only the methods
+that should be implemented for a given pluggable protocol are shown:
+</DL>Each method is described below:
+<DD>As with all of the TAO pluggable protocol framework components
+described so far, the constructor for the concrete <TT>Transport</TT> object
+should also initialize the <TT>TAO_Transport</TT> base class with the tag corresponding
+to the pluggable protocol.</DD>
+<DD>The underlying <TT>Connection Handler</TT>'s <TT>close</TT>
+method is invoked my this method.</DD>
+<DD>This method idles the underlying <TT>Connection Handler</TT>.</DD>
+<DD>This method returns the underlying file handle used by the
+<DD>This method returns the underlying <TT>Event Handler</TT>
+used by the <TT>Reactor</TT>.</DD>
+<DD>The <TT>send</TT> writes data to the connection established
+in the underlying transport, such as a TCP connection in the IIOP pluggable
+protocol. Three versions of this method must be implemented. Two of them write
+data contained within an <TT>ACE_Message_Block</TT> and the remaining simply
+sends the data within a buffer of a given length.
+When implementing this method, it is important to be aware of the correct underlying
+<TT>send</TT> or <TT>write</TT> operation to use. Some of TAO's existing pluggable
+protocols use the <TT>send</TT> calls provided by the operating system because
+no further processing of the data being sent is necessary. However, other protocols
+may process perform additional operations on the data being sent, in which case
+the <TT>send</TT> operation provided by the underlying protocol implementation
+should be used instead of the raw operating system <TT>send</TT> call.
+ </DD>
+<DD>The <TT>recv</TT> operation reads a given number of bytes into
+a supplied buffer. Unlike the <TT>send</TT> method, there is only one version
+of the <TT>recv</TT> operation. The same caveat of ensuring that the appropriate
+<TT>recv</TT> or <TT>read</TT> operation is used also applies to this method.</DD>
+<DD>This method creates the appropriate header to make
+a request and write it into the provided output CDR stream. This method is closely
+tied to TAO's GIOP implementation. <TT>start_request</TT> implementations should
+essentially be the same in all pluggable protocol implementations. The only
+thing that should differ is the type of <TT>Profile</TT> being used. Note that
+this method is only useful for clients.</DD>
+<DD>This method creates the appropriate header to make
+a <I>locate</I> request and write it into the provided output CDR stream. This
+method is closely tied to TAO's GIOP implementation. <TT>start_locate</TT>
+implementations should essentially be the same in all pluggable protocol implementations.
+The only thing that should differ is the type of <TT>Profile</TT> being used.
+Note that this method is only useful for clients. Note that this method is only
+useful for clients.</DD>
+<DD>Depending on the concurrency strategy used by the transport
+it may be required to setup state to receive a reply before the request is sent.
+Using this method, instead of <TT>send</TT>, allows the transport (and wait
+strategy) to take appropiate action. This method is closely tied to TAO's GIOP
+implementation. <TT>send_request</TT> implementations should essentially be
+the same in all pluggable protocol implementations. The only thing that should
+differ is the type of <TT>Profile</TT> being used. Note that this method is
+only useful for clients.</DD>
+<DD><TT>handle_client_input</TT> reads and handles
+the reply from the server. It returns zero when there is <TT>Short Read</TT>
+on the connection, returns <TT>1</TT> when the full reply is read and handled,
+and returns <TT>-1</TT> on errors. Note that this method is only useful for
+<DD>This method registers the <TT>Connection Handler</TT>
+with the <TT>Reactor</TT>. It will be called by the <TT>Wait Strategy</TT> if
+the <TT>Reactor</TT> is used for that strategy. This code should essentially
+be ``boilerplate'' code. It shouldn't differ much between pluggable protocol
+implementations if the same ACE event handling and dispatching components are
+used. Note that this method may be deprecated in the future.</DD>
+There other methods in the <TT>TAO_Transport</TT> that can be overridden. However,
+the default implementations should be more than satisfactory for most pluggable
+TAO's existing pluggable protocols implement client-side and server-side specific
+<TT>Transport</TT>s. For the most part, they can be used as references for other
+pluggable protocols.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION300">
+Notes From a &#34;Real World&#34; Pluggable Protocol Implementation</A>
+By Bruce Task &lt;<A
+<P>This paper is some notes on the steps I took to add a different transport layer to
+the TAO ORB. I was given some initial guidelines on adding an additional protocol
+and these proved very helpful. Beyond that there was not much more documentation
+and so I hope the information in this paper will serve to further assist anybody whose
+is adding a pluggable protocol to the TAO ORB.
+<P>I found that in order to successfully add the new protocol capabilities, one had to
+have a very good understanding of some of the patterns upon which the ACE framework
+and SERVICE CONFIGURATOR PATTERN. The papers that I found helpful on these
+ Reactor1-93.pdf<BR>
+ Reactor2-93.pdf<BR>
+<P>These are all readily available from the TAO and ACE website.
+<P>My starting point for understanding how to add a pluggable protocol to the TAO ORB came
+from mailing list entry from Carlos O'Ryan ( One can find it in
+the archives of the comp.soft-sys.ace. It is dated 1999/06/02 RE: [ace-users] TAO: ATM pluggable
+protocol. I will repeat the section of that email that was particularly useful to me. (In the email,
+he is responding to someone who had inquired about adding the ATM protocol).
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>Basically, you need to look at the following files:
+ IIOP_Profile.{h,i,cpp}
+ IIOP_Connector.{h,i,cpp}
+ IIOP_Acceptor.{h,i,cpp}
+ IIOP_Factory.{h,i,cpp}
+ IIOP_Transport.{h,i,cpp}
+ Connect.{h,i,cpp} [probably will be renamed IIOP_Connect VSN]
+<P> The profile class handles the addressing format for your transport. It would
+basically be a wrapper around the ACE_ATM_Addr() class.
+The Connector and Acceptor classes are simply wrappers around
+ACE_Connector<ACE_ATM_ACCEPTOR>, again no big deal (I think).
+The factory is even simpler.
+<P>Things get really interesting in the Transport and Connect classes. Transport
+just implements external polymorphism over the Client_Connector_Handler and
+the Service_Connnector_Handler objects defined in the Connect.{h,i,cpp}, those are
+simply ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_ATM_Stream>, but they don't do much work, they
+just delegate on the Transport classes. This somewhat strange design is easy to
+understand once you realize that all the ACE_Svc_Handler<> classes are not type
+compatible (except in their most basic ACE_Event_Handler form). So they must
+be wrapped using the TAO_Transport class.
+<P>Review also the index.html file entitled "Release Information for the ACE ORB (TAO)"
+in the tao\docs\releasenotes\ directory, section "Pluggable Protocols"
+Just for completeness sake, I'll include some other mailing list entries which were helpful
+in getting me started. The following is from Ossama Othman (
+<BLOCKQUOTE>The stock TAO distribution has support for two transport protocols,
+TCP/IP and local namespace sockets (aka Unix Domain sockets). However,
+TAO's pluggable protocols framework allows users to add support for
+additional transport protocols. All you'd really have to do is
+implement a SCRAMNet pluggable transport protocol with the interface
+TAO's pluggable protocol framework provides and you'd be able to use
+SCRAMNet with TAO just as easily as the IIOP (GIOP over TCP/IP) and
+UIOP (GIOP over Unix domains sockets) protocols.
+The idea is to implement GIOP messaging over a SCRAMNet transport. If
+you model your implementation on TAO's IIOP and UIOP implementations
+then it should be fairly straightforward to add SCRAMNet support to
+TAO. The hard part is adding SCRAMNet support to ACE.
+. . .
+It's actually not that bad. The easiest way to add a pluggable protocol
+to TAO, IMO, is to base your pluggable protocol on existing ones. As
+long as you have the same interface for your protocol as the existing
+ones then it is fairly easy to add support for your protocol to TAO.
+However, in order to do that you have to add ACE_SCRAMNet_{Acceptor,
+Connector, Stream, Addr} implementations, for example, to ACE since
+TAO's existing pluggable protocols use those ACE classes/interfaces.
+As long as you use
+the same interface for your protocol as the interface for ace/ACE_SOCK*
+and tao/IIOP* then you shouldn't have much of a problem.</BLOCKQUOTE>
+<P>Here are some links that describe the pluggable protocols framework but
+not how to implement one:
+<A HREF=""></A><BR>
+<A HREF=""></A>
+<P>Note also that the TAO files pluggable.* are important to review and understand as they contain
+the abstract classes that form the common inteface for TAO's pluggable protocol framework.
+<P>Getting a full understanding on how IIOP was implemented (GIOP over TCP/IP) and also seeing
+how provisions were made to add UIOP, was very helpful to adding my own protocol.
+In understanding IIOP, I needed to review the section of the OMG CORBA spec on GIOP,
+IIOP and Object references and see how this would apply to my protocol.
+<P>In my case, I added a transport layer that uses SCRAMNet (from Systran Corp) replicated shared memory hardware. This is actual physical memory cards located on two different machines. When a change is made to one memory then that change appears very quickly (very low latency here) in
+the other memory. I decided that I would implement GIOP over SCRAMNet as this seemed
+to be the simplest. With SCRAMNet, one could implement this transport layer into the TAO ORB
+in a few different ways, GIOP over SCRAMNet, Environment-specific inter-ORB protocol (ESIOP)
+or using collocation (since it is shared replicated memory). I have not done the latter two, only
+GIOP over SCRAMNet just to get a proof of concept working.
+For a graphical representation of the extensions for the new SCRAMNet classes I have may a skeletal
+Rose diagram showing (at this point) the inheritance relationships of the new and existing classes.
+See (TBD) ftp site for this Rose diagram.
+The new classes created were.
+<BLOCKQUOTE>TAO_SCRAMNet_Profile (Derived from TAO_Profile in pluggable.h)<BR>
+TAO_SCRAMNet_Acceptor (Derived from TAO_Acceptor in pluggable.h) <BR>
+TAO_SCRAMNet_Connector (Derived from TAO_Connector in pluggable.h)<BR>
+TAO_SCRAMNet_Transport (Derived from TAO_Transport in pluggable.h)
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>TAO_SCRAMNet_Server_Transport<BR>
+ TAO_SCRAMNet_Client_Trasnport</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
+TAO_SCRAMNet_Protocol_Factory (Derived from TAO_Protocol Factory in protocol_factory.h)<BR>
+TAO_SCRAMNet_Handler_Base (as in IIOP_Connect.h)
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>TAO_SCRAMNet_Client_Connection_Handler<BR>
+ TAO_SCRAMNet_Server_Connection_Handler</BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
+<P>I closely followed the way that IIOP and UIOP were defined and implemented in the definition and
+implementation of the SCRAMNet classes. Following the existing protocol implementation was
+the largest source of help for me. Being able to step through the operation of the ORB for
+the IIOP protocol and then transposing that over to my protocol made the process relatively painless
+and quite the learning experience.
+I am using TAO under Phar Lap's Embedded Tool Suite Real-Time Operating System which is an RTOS which supports a subset of the Win32 API and Winsock 1.1. Because of the new SCRAMNet transport hardware I needed to change the ORBs core reactor to a WFMO_Reactor. Any instance
+of the TAO ORB can only have one reactor type or it won't work. In my case I am using
+an ORB in one thread that uses the WFMO_Reactor and the SCRAMNet transport, and an ORB
+in another thread that uses a Select Reactor and the IIOP protocol.
+I won't go into much of the SCRAMNet specific stuff as I assume most people are interested in
+adding a pluggable protocol in general.
+Some specifics:<BR> For completeness, I show the whole function in some instances even though I only needed to add or change a few lines.
+1. One of the first additions I made was to GIOP.h
+// namespace TAO_IOP
+// Assigned Protocol/Profile tag values. ORB protcols may be uniquely<BR>
+// identified by tags such as these. This allows each ORB's own<BR>
+// objref profiles to be interchanged using IORs.<BR>
+// Email to to allocate tags.<BR>
+typedef CORBA::ULong TAO_IOP_Profile_ID;
+ // = This is a subset of the list of other profile tags.<BR>
+I arbitrarily set the TAO_IOP_TAG_SCRAMNET = 3. Note that this value was NOT allocated to me by OMG. I used it just to get things working with the new protocol.
+Adding the new tag was needed (as it says) so that the server and client could interchange IORs (which contain protocol specific information).
+2. I added the following line to orbconf.h:
+// SCRAMNet support (GIOP over the SCRAMNet replicated memory transport)<BR>
+as I use #ifdefs in other places in the code.
+3. Specifically, in the file TAO_Internal.cpp:
+TAO_Internal::open_services (int &argc,
+ int ignore_default_svc_conf_file,<BR>
+ int skip_service_config_open)</BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
+<BLOCKQUOTE>ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX, guard, *ACE_Static_Object_Lock::instance (), -1));<BR>
+ ignore_default_svc_conf_file = 1;<BR>
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>if (TAO_Internal::service_open_count_++ == 0)<BR>
+ {<BR>
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>ACE_Service_Config::static_svcs ()->insert (&ace_svc_desc_TAO_Default_Resource_Factory);<BR>
+ ACE_Service_Config::static_svcs ()->insert (&ace_svc_desc_TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory);<BR>
+ ACE_Service_Config::static_svcs ()->insert (&ace_svc_desc_TAO_Default_Server_Strategy_Factory);<BR>
+ ACE_Service_Config::static_svcs ()->insert (&ace_svc_desc_TAO_IIOP_Protocol_Factory);<BR>
+#if defined (TAO_HAS_UIOP)<BR>
+ ACE_Service_Config::static_svcs ()->insert (&ace_svc_desc_TAO_UIOP_Protocol_Factory);<BR>
+#endif /* TAO_HAS_UIOP */<BR>
+<FONT COLOR=Blue>#if defined (TAO_HAS_SCRAMNET)<BR>
+ ACE_Service_Config::static_svcs ()->insert (&ace_svc_desc_TAO_SCRAMNet_Protocol_Factory);<BR>
+#endif /* TAO_HAS_SCRAMNET */<BR></FONT>
+ // add descriptor to list of static objects.<BR>
+ int result = 0;<BR>
+ if (skip_service_config_open == 0)<BR>
+ result = ACE_Service_Config::open (argc, argv,
+ 0, // Don't ignore static services.<BR>
+ ignore_default_svc_conf_file);</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
+ // @@ What the heck do these things do and do we need to avoid<BR>
+ // calling them if we're not invoking the svc.conf file?<BR>
+ if (TAO_Internal::resource_factory_args_ != 0)<BR>
+ ACE_Service_Config::process_directive (TAO_Internal::resource_factory_args_);<BR>
+ if (TAO_Internal::client_strategy_args_ != 0)<BR>
+ ACE_Service_Config::process_directive (TAO_Internal::client_strategy_args_);<BR>
+ if (TAO_Internal::server_strategy_args_ != 0)<BR>
+ ACE_Service_Config::process_directive (TAO_Internal::server_strategy_args_);<BR>
+ return result;</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
+ }<BR>
+ else<BR>
+ return 0;</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
+I added the SCRAMNet lines to insert the SCRAMNet protocol factory into the service
+4. Also, in default resource.cpp:
+TAO_Default_Resource_Factory::init_protocol_factories (void)<BR>
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>TAO_ProtocolFactorySetItor end = protocol_factories_.end ();<BR>
+ TAO_ProtocolFactorySetItor factory = protocol_factories_.begin ();
+ if (factory == end)<BR>
+ {<BR>
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>TAO_Protocol_Factory *protocol_factory = 0;<BR>
+ TAO_Protocol_Item *item = 0;<BR>
+ protocol_factory =
+ ACE_Dynamic_Service<TAO_Protocol_Factory>::instance ("IIOP_Factory");<BR>
+ <BLOCKQUOTE> if (protocol_factory == 0)<BR>
+ {<BR>
+ if (TAO_orbdebug)<BR>
+ "TAO (%P|%t) No %s found in Service Repository. "<BR>
+ "Using default instance IIOP Protocol Factory.\n"));<BR>
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN (protocol_factory,<BR>
+ TAO_IIOP_Protocol_Factory,<BR>
+ -1);<BR>
+ <BLOCKQUOTE> ACE_NEW_RETURN (item, TAO_Protocol_Item ("IIOP_Factory"), -1);<BR>
+ item->factory (protocol_factory);<BR>
+ if (this->protocol_factories_.insert (item) == -1)<BR>
+ {<BR>
+ delete item;<BR>
+ delete protocol_factory;<BR>
+ "TAO (%P|%t) Unable to add "<BR>
+ "<%s> to protocol factory set.\n",<BR>
+ item->protocol_name ().c_str ()),<BR>
+ }<BR>
+ if (TAO_debug_level > 0)<BR>
+ "TAO (%P|%t) Loaded default protocol <IIOP_Factory>\n"));<BR></BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+#if defined (TAO_HAS_UIOP)<BR>
+ protocol_factory =<BR>
+ ACE_Dynamic_Service<TAO_Protocol_Factory>::instance ("UIOP_Factory");<BR>
+ if (protocol_factory == 0)<BR>
+ {
+ <BLOCKQUOTE> if (TAO_orbdebug)<BR>
+ "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository."<BR>
+ " Using default instance.\n",<BR>
+ "UIOP Protocol Factory"));<BR>
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN (protocol_factory,<BR>
+ TAO_UIOP_Protocol_Factory,<BR>
+ }<BR>
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN (item, TAO_Protocol_Item ("UIOP_Factory"), -1);<BR>
+ item->factory (protocol_factory);<BR>
+ if (this->protocol_factories_.insert (item) == -1)<BR>
+ {
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>delete item;<BR>
+ delete protocol_factory;<BR>
+ "TAO (%P|%t) Unable to add "<BR>
+ "<%s> to protocol factory set.\n",<BR>
+ item->protocol_name ().c_str ()),<BR>
+ }<BR>
+ if (TAO_debug_level > 0)<BR>
+ "TAO (%P|%t) Loaded default protocol <UIOP_Factory>\n"));</BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+#endif /* TAO_HAS_UIOP */<BR>
+<FONT COLOR=Blue>#if defined (TAO_HAS_SCRAMNET)<BR>
+ protocol_factory =<BR>
+ ACE_Dynamic_Service<TAO_Protocol_Factory>::instance ("SCRAMNet_Factory");<BR>
+ if (protocol_factory == 0)<BR>
+ {
+ <BLOCKQUOTE> if (TAO_orbdebug)<BR>
+ "(%P|%t) WARNING - No %s found in Service Repository."<BR>
+ " Using default instance.\n",<BR>
+ "SCRAMNet Protocol Factory"));<BR>
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN (protocol_factory,<BR>
+ TAO_SCRAMNet_Protocol_Factory,<BR>
+ }<BR>
+ ACE_NEW_RETURN (item, TAO_Protocol_Item ("SCRAMNet_Factory"), -1);<BR>
+ item->factory (protocol_factory);<BR>
+ if (this->protocol_factories_.insert (item) == -1)<BR>
+ {
+<BLOCKQUOTE> delete item;<BR>
+ delete protocol_factory;<BR>
+ "TAO (%P|%t) Unable to add "<BR>
+ "<%s> to protocol factory set.\n",<BR>
+ item->protocol_name ().c_str ()),<BR>
+ }<BR>
+ if (TAO_debug_level > 0)<BR>
+ {
+ "TAO (%P|%t) Loaded protocol <SCRAMNet_Factory>\n"));</BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+#endif /* TAO_HAS_SCRAMNET */<BR>
+ return 0;<BR>
+ }<BR>
+ for (; factory != end; factory++)<BR>
+ {
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>const ACE_CString &name = (*factory)->protocol_name ();<BR>
+ (*factory)->factory (<BR>
+ ACE_Dynamic_Service<TAO_Protocol_Factory>::instance (name.c_str ()));<BR>
+ if ((*factory)->factory () == 0)<BR>
+ "TAO (%P|%t) Unable to load protocol <%s>, %p\n",<BR>
+ name.c_str (), ""),<BR>
+ }<BR>
+ if (TAO_debug_level > 0)<BR>
+ {
+ "TAO (%P|%t) Loaded protocol <%s>\n",<BR>
+ name.c_str ()));</BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+ return 0;</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
+I added the SCRAMNet lines so that the protocol is initialized correctly. Note here,
+that following how IIOP and UIOP were implemented helped out.
+Because I am using a WFMO Reactor and an ISR that signals particular Win32 Events,
+I needed to change the registration of the service handlers. For example in Acceptor.cpp:
+// Initialize the appropriate strategies for creation, passive<BR>
+// connection acceptance, and concurrency, and then register <this><BR>
+// with the Reactor and listen for connection requests at the<BR>
+// designated <local_addr>.<BR>
+template <class SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_ACCEPTOR_1> int<BR>
+ACE_Strategy_Acceptor<SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_ACCEPTOR_2>::open<BR>
+ (const ACE_PEER_ACCEPTOR_ADDR &local_addr,<BR>
+ ACE_Reactor *reactor,<BR>
+ ACE_Creation_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> *cre_s,<BR>
+ ACE_Accept_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_ACCEPTOR_2> *acc_s,<BR>
+ ACE_Concurrency_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> *con_s,<BR>
+ ACE_Scheduling_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> *sch_s,<BR>
+ const ASYS_TCHAR *service_name,<BR>
+ const ASYS_TCHAR *service_description,<BR>
+ int use_select)<BR>
+ if (this->service_name_ == 0 && service_name != 0)
+ <BLOCKQUOTE>ACE_ALLOCATOR_RETURN (this->service_name_,<BR>
+ ACE_OS::strdup (service_name),<BR>
+ if (this->service_description_ == 0 && service_description != 0)<BR>
+ ACE_ALLOCATOR_RETURN (this->service_description_,<BR>
+ ACE_OS::strdup (service_description),<BR>
+ -1);<BR>
+ this->reactor (reactor);<BR>
+ // Must supply a valid Reactor to Acceptor::open()...<BR>
+ if (reactor == 0)<BR>
+ {
+ return -1;</BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+ // Initialize the creation strategy.<BR>
+ if (cre_s == 0)<BR>
+ {
+ -1);<BR>
+ this->delete_creation_strategy_ = 1;</BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+ this->creation_strategy_ = cre_s;<BR>
+ // Initialize the accept strategy.<BR>
+ if (acc_s == 0)<BR>
+ {
+ ACCEPT_STRATEGY (this->reactor ()),<BR>
+ -1);<BR>
+ this->delete_accept_strategy_ = 1;</BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+ this->accept_strategy_ = acc_s;<BR>
+ if (this->accept_strategy_->open (local_addr, 1) == -1)<BR>
+ return -1;<BR>
+ // Initialize the concurrency strategy.<BR>
+ if (con_s == 0)<BR>
+ {
+ -1);<BR>
+ this->delete_concurrency_strategy_ = 1;</BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+ this->concurrency_strategy_ = con_s;<BR>
+ // Initialize the scheduling strategy.<BR>
+ if (sch_s == 0)<BR>
+ {
+ -1);<BR>
+ this->delete_scheduling_strategy_ = 1;</BLOCKQUOTE>
+ }<BR>
+ this->scheduling_strategy_ = sch_s;<BR>
+ this->use_select_ = use_select;<BR>
+ return this->reactor ()->register_handler(this, accept_event2);<BR>
+ return this->reactor ()->register_handler(this,<BR>
+ ACE_Event_Handler::ACCEPT_MASK);<BR>
+I needed to associate the acceptor with a Win32 event.
+5. In OS.h include the following lines:
+// Handle ACE_SCRAMNet*<BR>
+I found that I needed to have a full understanding of what the exact contents of
+a TAO-created IOR were as I needed to be able to understand how to decode the
+location information that was now written in the IOR with the SCRAMNet
+specific information. Decoding of the preconnect and endpoint info is important.
+The endpoint info both in the command line arguments and in the IOR are different
+for the each protocol and so your implemention of the new classes has to parse this
+information correctly.
+In order to create the ORB with the Win32 Reactor at the core as well as the
+SCRAMNet protocol factory loaded and initialize I needed to use the
+svc.conf file with the the following options
+ -ORBReactorType wfmo
+-ORBProtocolFactory SCRAMNet_Factory
+Beyond the above, I just traced through the operation of the IIOP
+protocol in action to see exactly where I needed to just graft on the
+new ACE_SCRAMNet classes, the TAO_SCRAMNet classes and their
+associated implementations for send and recv so that the SCRAMNet
+hardware was used as the transport and not the ethernet hardware.
+Questions, comments, changes are welcome. I can be reached at <A
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION400">
+Using a Pluggable Protocol</A>
+Once a TAO pluggable protocol is implemented, the ORB is told to load it by
+adding entries to a <TT>Service Configurator</TT> configuration file (e.g. <TT>svc.conf</TT>
+for that protocol. A typical <TT>svc.conf</TT> file could contain entries such
+as the following:
+</DL>These entries would cause a pluggable protocol called ``FOOIOP'' to be loaded
+into the ORB. By default the IIOP and UIOP (if supported) pluggable protocols
+are loaded into TAO if no such entries are provided. Explicitly specifying which
+protocols to load in this way prevents any pluggable protocols from being loaded
+by default. Multiple pluggable protocols can be loaded simply by adding more
+<TT>Service Configurator</TT> configuration file entries. For example, the following
+entries would cause the TAO's IIOP and the fictional FOOIOP pluggable protocols
+to be loaded:
+</DL>In this case, TAO's UIOP pluggable protocol would <I>not</I> be loaded.
+Note that the FOOIOP protocol resides in a library other than the TAO library,
+called ``<TT></TT>'' on UNIX platforms, and ``<TT>TAO_FOO.dll</TT>''
+on Win32 platforms. This ability to dynamically load pluggable protocols in
+libraries that are completely separate libraries from the TAO library truly
+makes TAO's pluggable protocol framework ``pluggable.''
+Creating an endpoint specific to a given pluggable protocol is simply a matter
+of using TAO's <TT>-ORBEndpoint</TT> ORB option. This is detailed in the documentation
+for the <TT>open</TT> and <TT>open_default</TT> methods in the <TT>Acceptor</TT>
+section of this document. Once an endpoint is created, the client uses the IOR
+that points to the object on that endpoint to make requests on that object.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION500">
+</H2><DL COMPACT><DD><P></P><DT><A NAME="Schmidt:97c">1</A>
+D. C. Schmidt, ``Acceptor and Connector: Design Patterns for Initializing
+ Communication Services,'' in <EM> Pattern Languages of Program Design</EM>
+ (R. Martin, F. Buschmann, and D. Riehle, eds.), Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley,
+ 1997.
+<P></P><DT><A NAME="Schmidt:94k">2</A>
+D. C. Schmidt and T. Suda, ``An Object-Oriented Framework for Dynamically
+ Configuring Extensible Distributed Communication Systems,'' <EM> IEE/BCS
+ Distributed Systems Engineering Journal (Special Issue on Configurable
+ Distributed Systems)</EM>, vol. 2, pp. 280-293, December 1994.
+<P></P><DT><A NAME="Johnson:95a">3</A>
+H. Hueni, R. Johnson, and R. Engel, ``A Framework for Network Protocol
+ Software,'' in <EM> Proceedings of OOPSLA '95</EM>, (Austin, Texas), ACM,
+ October 1995.
+<P></P><DT><A NAME="Buschmann:95b">4</A>
+F. Buschmann, R. Meunier, H. Rohnert, P. Sommerlad, and M. Stal, <EM> Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture - A System of Patterns</EM>.
+<BR>Wiley and Sons, 1996.
+<DT><A NAME="foot549">... abstraction.</A><A NAME="foot549"
+ HREF="pluggable_protocols.html#tex2html5"><SUP>1</SUP></A>
+<DD>Protocol stacks based on the Internet or ISO OSI reference models are common
+examples of the Layers architecture.
+ <ADDRESS><a href="">Ossama Othman</a></ADDRESS>
+<!-- Created: Tue Dec 14 16:53:58 CST 1999 -->
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+Last modified: Thu Dec 16 14:30:33 CST 1999
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