path: root/TAO/docs/releasenotes/ec.html
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-<!-- $Id$ -->
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Event Service Status</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <H3>Event Service Status</H3>
- Point of contact: <A HREF="">Carlos O'Ryan</A>
- <H4>Last Updated: $Date$ </H4>
- <H3>New on this release</H3>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- Added a prototype Consumer and Supplier that can send events
- though multicast groups (or regular UDP sockets).
- </LI>
- <LI>
- The Event Channel can be configured using a Factory that
- constructs the right modules (like changing the dispatching
- module),
- in the current release only the default Factory is
- implemented.
- </LI>
- </UL>
- <H3>Known issues:</H3>
- <DL>
- <DT><EM>The schedule cannot be downloaded</EM></DT>
- <DD>
- The Scheduling Service seems to compute proper schedules,
- but it is not possible to download them,
- apparently there is a marshalling problem for sequences of
- complex structures.
- <P>Due to this problem we have been unable to test the
- run-time scheduler and performance it is impossible to
- complete performance measurements and optimizations:
- the (global) scheduling service latency and overhead is at
- least as large as the EC itself.</P>
- </DD>
- <DT><EM>Run-time scheduler requires re-link</EM></DT>
- <DD>
- During a normal execution of the system
- there is no
- need to use the a global Real-time Scheduling Service,
- a faster,
- collocated implementation for the service is available.
- Obviously the scheduling information is precomputed in some
- config run.
- <P>Unfortunately the current scheme requires a relink of all the
- involved applications against the generated tables for the
- run-time scheduling service.</P>
- <P>We should be able to download the schedule to the interested
- parties,
- without need for a separate link phase.
- This will simplify and speed up the developing cycle,
- but requires a (small and fixed) amount of dynamic memory
- allocation.
- It could be interesting to "save" the schedule computation in
- some persistent form,
- so startup cost are lower too.</P>
- <P>The current design contemplates a config run were a global
- consumer accumulates the QoS requirements of all the objects,
- next an external utility is used to force a computation and
- save of the schedule.
- In future executions
- the global scheduler pre-loads this schedule and
- the clients simply download the precomputed schedule,
- and all scheduling queries are to a local scheduling service,
- without any further contact to the global instance.</P>
- </DD>
- <DT><EM>Users have no control over service
- collocations</EM></DT>
- <DD>
- The user should have complete control of services collocation,
- using ACE Service Configurator;
- currently the services must be explicitly instantiated by the
- user.
- </DD>
- </DL>
- <H3>Examples</H3>
- <P>For general documentation on the Event Service please read
- <A HREF="">
- The Design and Performance of a Real-time CORBA Event
- Service</A>.
- <P>The simplest test for the Event Channel is
- <CODE>Event_Latency</CODE>,
- below are the basic instructions to run it:</P>
- <OL>
- <LI> Compile everything under <CODE>$TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs</CODE>, this
- needs, obviously, <CODE>$TAO_ROOT/tao</CODE> and
- the IDL compiler in <CODE>$TAO_ROOT/TAO_IDL</CODE>.</LI>
- <LI><P>Run the naming service, the scheduling service, the event service
- and the test in
- <CODE>$TAO_ROOT/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/Event_Latency</CODE>;
- remember to give a different port to each one,
- using the <CODE>-ORBport</CODE> option. As in:</P>
- <CODE>
- <P>
- $ cd $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs
- </P>
- <P>
-$ cd Naming_Service ; ./Naming_Service -ORBport 10000 &
- </P>
- <P>
-$ cd Event_Service ; ./Event_Service -ORBport 0 &
- </P>
- <P>
-$ cd tests/Event_Latency ; ./Event_Latency -ORBport 0 -m 20 -j &
- </P>
- </CODE>
- <P>
- You may want to run each program in a separate window.
- Try using a fixed port number for the <CODE>Naming
- Service</CODE> so you can use the <CODE>NameService</CODE>
- environment variable.
- </P>
- <P>
- The script <CODE>start_services</CODE>
- in <CODE>$TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/tests</CODE> can help with
- this.
- </P>
- </LI>
- <LI> If you want real-time behavior on Solaris you may need to run
- these programs as root; on the other hand, this particular
- example really has no priority inversion, since only one
- thread runs at a time.</LI>
- </OL>
- <P>Another example is <CODE>EC_Multiple</CODE>,
- numerous examples on how to run this test can be found in the
- scripts located in
- <CODE>$TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/tests/EC_Multiple</CODE>.</P>
- <H3>Features in previous releases</H3>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <P>
- When several suppliers are consumers are distributed over the
- network it could be nice to exploit locality and have a
- separate Event Channel on each process (or host).
- Only when an event is required by some remote consumer we need
- to send it through the network. </P>
- <P>
- The basic architecture to achieve this seems very simple,
- each Event Channel has a proxy that connects to the EC peers,
- providing a "merge" of its (local) consumer subscriptions as
- its own subscription list. </P>
- <P>
- Locally the proxy connects as a supplier,
- publishing all the events it has register for. </P>
- <P>
- To avoid event looping the events carry a time-to-live field
- that is decremented each time the event goes through a proxy,
- when the TTL gets to zero the event is not propagated by the
- proxy. </P>
- <P>
- In the current release an experimental implementation is
- provided,
- it basically hardcodes all the subscriptions and publications,
- we are researching on how to automatically build the
- publication list.</P>
- </LI>
- <LI> <P>
- We use the COS Time Service types (not the services) to
- specify time for the Event Service and Scheduling Service.</P>
- </LI>
- <LI>The <CODE>Gateway</CODE> to connect two event channels was
- moved from a test to the library.
- The corresponding test (<CODE>EC_Multiple</CODE>) has been
- expanded and improved.</LI>
- <LI>
- The user can register a set of <CODE>EC_Gateways</CODE> with
- the <CODE>EventChannel</CODE> implementation, the event
- channel will automatically update the subscription list as
- consumers subscribe to the EC.
- </LI>
- <LI>
- The code for consumer and supplier disconnection was
- improved and seems to work without problems now
- </LI>
- <LI>
- The <CODE>Event_Service</CODE> program creates a collocated
- <CODE>Scheduling Service</CODE> this works around a problem
- in the ORB when running on multiprocessor.
- </LI>
- <LI>
- Startup and shutdown were revised, the event channel
- shutdown cleanly now.
- </LI>
- <LI>
- Added yet another example
- (<CODE>$TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/tests/EC_Throughput</CODE>), this
- one ilustrate how to use the
- TAO extensions to create octet sequences based on CDR
- streams, without incurring in extra copies.
- This is useful to implement custom marshalling or late
- dermashalling of the event payload.
- Future versions of the test will help measuring the EC
- throughput, hence the name.
- </LI>
- </UL>
- </BODY>