path: root/TAO/docs/tutorials/Quoter/RTCORBA/docs/distributor.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <title>Stock Distributor implementation for the Stock Quoter Publisher/Subscriber Real-time CORBA Service</title>
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+<hr><h2>Stock Distributor implementation for the Stock Quoter Publisher/Subscriber Real-time CORBA Service</h2><hr>
+<h3>Implementation of StockQuoter interface</h3>
+This interface is used by brokers to get detailed stock information. <P>
+The Stock_StockQuoter_i class is generated automatically by the IDL compiler (using the -GI flag),
+which is a subclass of POA_Stock::StockQuoter class. <P>
+<h4>Implementing the get_stock_info () member function</h4>
+<li>Call the get_stock_info () function of Stock_Database instance.</li>
+ Stock::StockInfo *stock = STOCK_DATABASE->get_stock_info (stock_name);
+<hr><h3>Implementation of StockDistributorHome interface</h3>
+This interface is used to register the necessary factories and mappings with the specified orb and
+create StockDistributor objects. <P>
+The Stock_StockDistributorHome_i class is generated automatically by the IDL compiler (using the -GI flag),
+which is a subclass of POA_Stock::StockDistributorHome class. <P>
+This class is also a subclass of ACE_Event_Handler, which can be used as an event handler. <P>
+<h4>Implementing the Constructor</h4>
+The main steps of this function are described as follows: <P>
+<li>Register this class as an event handler with the ORB to catch ctrl-c from the command line. </li>
+ if (orb_->orb_core ()->reactor ()->register_handler (SIGINT, this) == -1)
+ ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "ERROR: Failed to register as a signal handler: %p\n",
+ "register_handler\n"));
+<li>Register the necessary factories and mappings with the specified orb.</li>
+ Stock::StockName_init *stockname_factory = new Stock::StockName_init;
+ orb->register_value_factory (stockname_factory->tao_repository_id (),
+ stockname_factory
+ Stock::Cookie_init *cookie_factory = new Stock::Cookie_init;
+ orb->register_value_factory (cookie_factory->tao_repository_id (),
+ cookie_factory
+ Stock_PriorityMapping::register_mapping (orb);
+<li>Initialize the Stock database.</li>
+<li>Create a CORBA::PolicyList for the child POA.</li>
+This step include several sub-stpes:
+<li> Get a reference to the RTORB.</li>
+<li> Initialize a CORBA::PolicyList object.</li>
+<li> Create a SERVER_DECLARED priority model policy and add it into the former CORBA::PolicyList object.</li>
+<li> Create a threadpool with lanes for the distributor. Since the brokers have various priorities,
+create a lane for each priority.</li>
+<li> Create a thread pool policy using the former threadpool and add it into the former CORBA::PolicyList object.</li>
+<li> Create a child POA using the former CORBA::PolicyList and narrow it to RTPOA.</li>
+ CORBA::Object_var obj = orb_->resolve_initial_references ("RTORB");
+ RTCORBA::RTORB_var rt_orb = RTCORBA::RTORB::_narrow ( ());
+ TAO::Utils::PolicyList_Destroyer policies (2);
+ policies.length (2);
+ policies[0] =
+ rt_orb->create_priority_model_policy (RTCORBA::SERVER_DECLARED,
+ Stock::Priority_Mapping::VERY_LOW);
+ RTCORBA::ThreadpoolLanes lanes (5); lanes.length (5);
+ for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < lanes.length (); ++i)
+ {
+ lanes[i].lane_priority = static_cast<RTCORBA::Priority> (i);
+ lanes[i].static_threads = 5;
+ lanes[i].dynamic_threads = 0;
+ }
+ RTCORBA::ThreadpoolId threadpool_id =
+ rt_orb->create_threadpool_with_lanes (1024*1024,
+ lanes,
+ false, false, 0, 0);
+ policies[1] = rt_orb->create_threadpool_policy (threadpool_id);
+ PortableServer::POA_var poa = this->_default_POA ();
+ PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_mgr = poa->the_POAManager ();
+ PortableServer::POA_var child_poa =
+ poa->create_POA ("StockDistributor_POA",
+ (),
+ policies);
+ this->rt_poa_ = RTPortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ());
+<li>Create the initial distributor reference. </li>
+ this->create_distributor ();
+<h4>Implementing the create_distributor () member function</h4>
+<li>Create a new instance of the StockDistributor_i. Then activate it under the located POA.
+This will cause the object to have the CLIENT_PROPAGATED policies. </li>
+ StockDistributor_i *servant = new StockDistributor_i (this-> ());
+ PortableServer::ServantBase_var distributor_owner_transfer = servant;
+ this->dist_id_ = this->rt_poa_->activate_object (servant);
+<h4>Implementing the create () member function</h4>
+<li>Get and narrow the StockDistributor object reference and return it. </li>
+ obj = this->rt_poa_->id_to_reference (this-> ());
+ return Stock::StockDistributor::_narrow ( ());
+<h4>Implementing the handle_signal () member function</h4>
+<li>Get and shutdown the distributor object and the orb used by it. </li>
+ CORBA::Object_var obj (this->rt_poa_->id_to_reference (this-> ()));
+ Stock::StockDistributor_var dist (Stock::StockDistributor::_narrow ( ()));
+ dist->shutdown ();
+ this->orb_->shutdown (true);
+<hr><h3>Implementation of StockDistributor interface</h3>
+This interface is used for Stock Distributor server. <P>
+The Stock_StockDistributor_i class is generated automatically by the IDL compiler (using the -GI flag),
+which is a subclass of POA_Stock::StockDistributor class. <P>
+<h4>Implementing the Constructor</h4>
+ StockDistributor_i::StockDistributor_i (RTPortableServer::POA_ptr poa)
+ : rate_ (3), // Default is 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds).
+ active_ (false),
+ rt_poa_ (RTPortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa)),
+ orb_ (CORBA::ORB::_duplicate (poa->_get_orb ()))
+The "rate_" and "active_" are two private members of the Stock_StockDistributor_i class. They stand
+for the notification rate and the active state of the StockDistributor object. <P>
+<h4>Implementing the subscribe_notifier () member function</h4>
+The main steps of this function are described as follows: <P>
+<li>Get the write thread mutex of the subscriber map.</li> <P>
+<li>Generate an unique id for the cookie and use it to create a new Cookie object.</li> <P>
+<li>Insert the StockNameConsumer object and its priority into the StockDistributor object's subscriber map,
+using the cookie id as the key.</li> <P>
+<li>Return the Cookie object.</li> <P>
+<h4>Implementing the unsubscribe_notifier () member function</h4>
+The main steps of this function are described as follows: <P>
+<li>Check the value of the Cookie object.</li> <P>
+<li>Get the write thread mutex of the subscriber map.</li> <P>
+<li>Search for the Cookie object in the argument in the StockDistributor object's subscriber map.</li> <P>
+<li>Erase the Cookie object from the StockDistributor object's subscribers' map.</li> <P>
+<li>Return the StockNameConsumer object which is related to the erased Cookie object.</li> <P>
+<h4>Implementing the provide_quoter_info () member function</h4>
+<li>Get the read thread mutex of the subscriber map.</li> <P>
+<li>Search for the Cookie object in the argument in the StockDistributor object's subscriber map.</li> <P>
+ CookieMap::const_iterator iter = this->subscribers_list_.find (ck->cookie_id ());
+<li>Create a new instance of the StockQuoter object and activate it under the former RTPOA with the given priority.</li> <P>
+ Stock_StockQuoter_i *quoter = new Stock_StockQuoter_i;
+ PortableServer::ServantBase_var owner_transfer (quoter);
+ PortableServer::ObjectId *oid =
+ this->rt_poa_->activate_object_with_priority (quoter,
+ iter->second.second);
+ CORBA::Object_var obj = rt_poa_->id_to_reference (*oid);
+ Stock::StockQuoter_var quoter_var = ::Stock::StockQuoter::_narrow ( ());
+<li>Return the StockQuoter object reference.</li> <P>
+<h4>Implementing the start () member function</h4>
+Set the active state of the StockDistributor object to true and create a thread to publish the stock information
+to the Stock Broker clients. <P>
+The main steps of this thread function are described as follows: <P>
+While the state of the StockDistributor object is active, continue the following looping:
+<li>Get the read thread mutex of the subscriber map.</li>
+<li>Publish the stock information to all the StockNameConsumer objects that have subscribed.</li>
+ for (Stock_StockDistributor_i::CookieMap::iterator iter = this->subscribers_list_.begin ();
+ iter != this->subscribers_list_.end ();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // Set the designated priority for current request.
+ CORBA::Object_var obj = orb_->resolve_initial_references ("RTCurrent");
+ RTCORBA::Current_var rt_current =
+ RTCORBA::Current::_narrow (obj);
+ rt_current->the_priority (iter->second.second);
+ // Tell the database to push its information to the
+ // <consumer>, which passes along the CORBA priority
+ // in the service_context list of the GIOP message.
+ STOCK_DATABASE->publish_stock_info (iter->second.first);
+ }
+ catch (CORBA::Exception &ex)
+ {
+ ACE_PRINT_EXCEPTION (ex, "Stock_StockDistributor_i::svc: ");
+ }
+ }
+<li>Sleep for the specified amount of seconds given in the notification rate.</li>
+<h4>Implementing the stop () member function</h4>
+<li>Set the active state of StockDistributor object to false.</li>
+<h4>Implementing the shutdown () member function</h4>
+<li>Stop publishing events.</li>
+ this->stop ();
+<li>Deactivate the StockDistributor object.</li>
+ ::Stock::StockDistributor_var dist = this->_this ();
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = this->rt_poa_->reference_to_id ( ());
+ this->rt_poa_->deactivate_object ( ());
+<hr><b>Email: </b><a href="mailto:"</a<ADDRESS></ADDRESS>