path: root/TAO/examples/OBV/Typed_Events/Event_Types.idl
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diff --git a/TAO/examples/OBV/Typed_Events/Event_Types.idl b/TAO/examples/OBV/Typed_Events/Event_Types.idl
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index 40c167d1250..00000000000
--- a/TAO/examples/OBV/Typed_Events/Event_Types.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// Event_Types.idl
-// Simple demonstration of typed events in a distributed system.
-// Author:
-// Torsten Kuepper
-// $Id$
-// Event inheritance hierarchy ===========================
-// Base class --------------------------------------------
-valuetype Event
- void do_print ();
- // An operation. In some implementations (e.g. operator terminal)
- // the event should visualize itself. That is of no use at the
- // event producing sensor. So, the declaration of do_print ()
- // could be deferred to the implementation classes, but then you need
- // to downcast from the pointer to the event valuetype to your
- // implementation. Another solution is perhaps to inherit do_print ()
- // through an additional abstract valuetype base only in that
- // IDL that a visualizing implementation sees. But this would change
- // the type and this is a bad thing. The cleanest thing to do may be
- // to apply the visitor pattern. Event::accept (visitor) would be
- // implemented as null-op in the measurement device, if you take this
- // example.
- public long time_;
- // A state member. Don't confuse with attributes, which are
- // ok here too, but they do only map to a pair of local operations,
- // in opposite to (public/private) state members they haven't got no
- // implementation for the state data and finally they are not transmitted
- // over the wire.
- public unsigned long origin_id_;
- // This id should identify the origin (e.g. sensor) in the system.
- // This makes an id-space beside the object references which has to be
- // maintained. It would be useful to implement some consistency check
- // protocol (as CORBA interfaces) to verify that the suppliers and
- // consumers are connected (through some event channel) in the
- // right way.
-// Derived Events ----------------------------------------
-valuetype Temperature : Event
- // do_print () is overridden in the implementation. We can't
- // tell this in IDL, because operations can't be declared again.
- // They are implicit assumed to be polymorph.
- public float temperature_;
- // Extends Event with the state member for the temperature.
-typedef float Point[3];
-// (anonymous arrays are not yet working in this OBV ...%!)
-// (( BTW %! <- no emoticon, this is my to do mark))
-valuetype Position : Event
- attribute float x, y, z;
- // The Position can be accessed both through the coordinates ...
- public Point xyz;
- // ... or as a whole array, which is a state member.
-valuetype Log_Msg : Event
- public short urgency;
- public string message;
-// (Valuetypes which hold other types as shown are not yet tested %!)
-// You may extend the system with aggregated events, such the status
-// message of a boiler, which has temperature and a pressure valuetype
-// as state member (recall: unshared valuetypes are well at this time.
-// But a shared valuetype splits at the receiving end of an invocation
-// in two or more instances, dependend on the number of references on it
-// (in the argument list plus in the members of compound types). This
-// misbehaviour will go away once valuetype sharing is implemented %!
-// But to do this in an efficient and thread safe manner seems a little tricky)
-// Passing back the critical events in a list ----------------------------
-// This is the link, that is used internally -----
-// (should come after Event_List, but forward decl. is not yet complete %!)
-valuetype Event_List_Link
- Event get_event ();
- // get the event
- Event_List_Link get_next_link ();
- // get the event
- void attach_next_link (in Event_List_Link chain);
- // Link a chain at the end.
- private Event my_event;
- // event which is held
- private Event_List_Link next;
- // link to the next event container
-// 'private' state member are mapped to 'protected' in C++, so
-// they can be accessed from the implementation class, which should
-// be derived from OBV_Event_chain.
-// The event list uses links as declared above. But its implementation
-// could be changed 'under the hood' to use e.g. a CORBA sequence.
-// (This doesn't go yet, because valuetype is only allowed
-// as an operation argument for now. Just impl. the visitors in tao_idl %!)
-valuetype Event_List
- void store_event (in Event e);
- // Attach an event at the lists's end.
- public Event_List_Link first_link;
- // Should better be private, but then the iterator can't access it.
-// Interface to access the "event server" ------------------
-// A client (e.g. sensor) delivers the events via put_event ().
-// The server checks against alarm conditions and memorizes
-// critical events, which can be passed back
-// to a client (e.g. operator terminal) with get_critical_events ().
-interface Checkpoint
- void put_event (in Event e);
- // Put event in the server. If it exceeds an alarm criterion
- // it will be stored.
- Event_List get_critical_events ();
- // Ask for a list of critical events.
- oneway void shutdown ();
- // This operation will shutdown the server.
-// Checkpoint server side --------------------------------------------
-// The Checkpoint should compare the incoming event against a
-// criterion for the specific event type. My approach is the following
-// (to facilitate separation of application logic and event specific
-// code): An abstract valuetype Criterion provides is_critical () to check
-// against a boundary. Concrete alarm boundaries for any existing
-// event derive from this class and perform the check. Thats's it for
-// the event type maintainer --- the customs that use this 'framework'.
-// The concrete criterions inherit from Event too. I wanted to reuse
-// the list which works on events. The wrapper Criterion_List makes it safe
-// that only criterions are accepted to this list. Templates would be fine,
-// but currently I have no idea how to apply them to a valuetype. Perhaps
-// there is no way to get around custom marshalling [n.y.avail.%!] in the
-// area of containers.
-// Finally the concrete criterions must have a suitable implementation for
-// is_critical ().
-// Now the internals of the server which shouldn't need to be touched by
-// the final implementer: The above mentioned wrapper Criterion_List
-// uses an Event_List to compare an incoming event against the
-// boundaries. In this simple example it will just apply the event to
-// is_critical () of any criterion, which origin id matches.
-// The criterion checks with
-// valuetype's _downcast () if the event matches its event type and then
-// performs the alarm check. A real world approach with many event types
-// and criterions could better use a hash map for the criterions. The
-// external map index would be the repository id of the event.
-abstract valuetype Criterion
- boolean is_critical (in Event e);
- // Check against alarm boundaries.
-// The specialized criterions. Note: A valuetype can only inherit
-// from one non-abstract other valuetype (which then must be the first
-// one listed). Further Criterions may only be abstract valuetypes
-// without the ability to contain state members. (The support of
-// a CORBA interface is not yet supported.)
-// P.S. Please don't bother about the class hierarchy
-// (Criterion inherits from Event _and_ has some Events as boundary values
-// aggregated). I just wanted to reuse the code for the list of events.
-// Certainly not an example of good OO design.
-valuetype Temperature_Criterion : Event, Criterion
- private Temperature meltingpoint;
- // The boundary is stored in a state member.
-valuetype Position_Criterion : Event, Criterion
- private Position leftbottom, topright;
- // Any position should be contained in a box.
-valuetype Log_Msg_Criterion : Event, Criterion
- // No state member. All Log_Msg which have urgency
- // greater zero meet the criterion.
-// The Criterion_List ===========================================
-valuetype Criterion_List
- void store_criterion (in Criterion c);
- // Attach an criterion at the lists's end.
- boolean is_critical (in Event e);
- // Check with the listmembers if e should raise an alarm.
- public Event_List my_list;
- // Used in the implementation. Is public for allowing
- // access to the iterator.