path: root/TAO/man
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/man')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/man/man7/TAO.7 b/TAO/man/man7/TAO.7
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..62439260be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TAO/man/man7/TAO.7
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+.\" Process this file with
+.\" groff -man -Tascii TAO.7
+.\" $Id$
+.TH TAO 7 "April 1999" "CORBA Tools"
+.B TAO_Application
+.B [
+.B ]
+is a high performance real-time
+All applications that use TAO can take advantage of the environment variables
+and command line options described in this manual page.
+.B NameServiceIOR
+Specifies which IOR the TAO Naming Service is listening on.
+.B NameServicePort
+Specifies which port the TAO Naming Service is listening on.
+.B TradingServiceIOR
+Specifies which IOR the TAO Trading Service is listening on.
+.B TradingServicePort
+Specifies which port the Trading Service is listening on.
+Enables TAO debugging mode.
+The following components can be tuned via options:
+.B TAO_Resource_Factory
+.B TAO_Default_Server_Strategy_Factory
+.B TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory
+Typically, CORBA::ORB options are set via command line parameters, while the
+rest of the options are set via the service configurator
+.B (svc.conf)
+.BI \-ORBsvcconf \ config_file_name
+\ \ Specifies the name of the file from which it will read dynamic service
+configuration directives ala ACE's Service Configurator.
+.BI \-ORBsvcconfdirective \ directivestring
+\ \ Specifies a service configuration directive, which is passed to ACE's
+Service Configurator.
+.B \-ORBdaemon
+\ \ Specifies that the ORB should daemonize itself.
+.BI \-ORBdebug
+\ \ Turns on the output of debugging messages within ACE's Service
+Configurator componentry.
+.BI \-ORBdebuglevel \ level
+\ \ Control the level of debugging in the ORB. Higher number produce more
+output (try 10).
+.BI \-ORBhost \ hostname
+\ \ Tells the Object Adapter to listen for requests on the interface associated with the host named
+.I hostname.
+.BI \-ORBport \ portspec
+\ \ Tells the Object Adapter to listen for requests on the port specified by
+.IR portspec ,
+which can be a name as found in
+.B /etc/services
+or a number. The default is 10013.
+.BI \-ORBobjrefstyle \ IOR | URL
+\ \ Specifies the user-visible style of object references.
+is the traditional nonsensical object reference.
+makes the object reference look more like a URL.
+.BI \-ORBtablesize \ object_table_size
+\ \ Specifies the size of the object table as a positive, non-zero integer. If
+not specified, the default is 64.
+.BI \-ORBrcvsock \ receive_qabuffer_size
+\ \ Specify the size of the socket receive buffer as a positive, non-zero
+integer. If not specified, the system-dependent default is used.
+.BI \-ORBsndsock \ send_buffer_size
+\ \ Specify the size of the socket send buffer as a positive, non-zero
+integer. If not specified, the system-dependent default is used.
+.BI \-ORBnameserviceport \ portspec
+\ \ Specifies which port the Naming Service is listening on.
+.BI \-ORBnameserviceior \ IOR
+\ \ Specifies the
+for the Naming Service.
+.BI \-ORBtradingserviceior \ IOR
+\ \ Specifies the
+for the Trading Service.
+.BI \-ORBtradingserviceport \ portspec
+\ \ Specifies which port the Trading Service is listening on.
+.BI \-ORBcollocation \ yes | no
+\ \ Specifies the use of collocation object optimization. Default is
+.IR yes .
+.BI \-ORBpreconnect \ host:port
+.BR [,
+.I host:port
+.RB ... ]
+\ \ Pre-establishes a blocking connection to each listed host:port combination.
+If a connection cannot be established, a warning is announced and it continues
+with the next listed. Listing the same combination multiple times will properly
+establish multiple connections to that endpoint.
+.BI \-ORBcdrtradeoff \ maxsize
+\ \ Control the strategy to tradeoff between copy vs no copy marshalling of
+octet sequences. If an octet sequence is smaller than maxsize and the current
+message block contains enough space for it the octet sequence is copied instead
+of appended to the CDR stream.
+.B \-ORBgioplite
+\ \ Enable a lightweight version of the GIOP protocol. This protocol removes
+some of the fields in the GIOP and the Request header. It only works on
+homogenous environments.
+.BI \-ORBdotteddecimaladdresses \ boolean
+(0/1) Use the dotted decimal notation for addresses.
+.BI \-ORBInitRef\ ObjectId=IOR
+\ \ Allows specification of an arbitrary object reference for an initial
+service. The IOR could be in the one of the following formats:
+.BR OMG\ IOR , \ URL \ or \ iioploc
+.B iioploc
+is a multiple end-point IORs understood by
+.B string_to_object\ ()
+and used as a boot-strapping mechanism by
+.BR resolve_initial_references\ () .
+The mappings specified through this argument override the
+.B orb-install-time
+.BI \-ORBDefaultInitRef \ IOR_prefix
+\ \ This argument allows resolution of initial references not explicitly
+specified with -ORBInitRef. It requires a URL prefix that, after appending a
+.B '/'
+and a simple object key, forms a new URL to identify an initial object
+reference. The URL prefix format currently supported is iioploc.
+.B TAO_Resource_Factory
+.BI \-ORBresources \ global | tss
+\ \ Specify whether each thread uses a global or a thread\-specific (
+.I tss
+) instance for the resources it returns.
+.BI \-ORBpoa \ global | tss
+\ \ Specify whether each thread uses a global or a thread\-specific (
+.I tss
+) instance for the Root POA.
+.BI \-ORBreactorlock \ token | null
+\ \ Specify whether the ORB reactor is thread\-safe (
+.I token
+) or not (
+.I null
+). Default is
+.IR token .
+.BI \-ORBcoltable \ global | orb
+\ \ Specify whether each ORB uses a global or a per\-ORB (
+.I orb
+) collocation table.
+.BI \-ORBinputcdrallocator \ global | tss
+\ \ Specify whether the ORB uses a global or a per\-thread (
+.I tss
+) allocator for the incoming CDR buffers. Though
+.I tss
+should give the optimal performance; we made the default
+.IR global .
+TAO optimizations for octet sequences will not work when returning that data
+type if the allocator is
+.IR tss .
+Using a
+.I global
+allocator also allows the users to take advantage of the TAO octet sequence
+extensions to preserve the buffer after the upcall.
+.B TAO_Default_Server_Strategy_Factory
+.IR Note :
+.B \-ORBdemuxstrategy
+flag has been changed to
+.B \-ORBsystemidpolicydemuxstrategy
+.BR \-ORBuseridpolicydemuxstrategy .
+.IR Note :
+.B \-ORBtablesize
+flag has been changed to
+.BR \-ORBactiveobjectmapsize .
+.BI \-ORBconcurrency \ reactive | thread\-per\-connection
+\ \ Specify which concurrency strategy to use. Range of values is
+.I reactive
+a purely Reactor\-driven concurrency strategy or
+.I thread\-per\-connection
+for creating a new thread to service each connection.
+.BI \-ORBactiveobjectmapsize \ active_object_map_size
+\ \ Specify the size of the active object map. If not specified, the default
+value is 64.
+.BI \-ORBuseridpolicydemuxstrategy \ dynamic | linear
+\ \ Specify the demultiplexing lookup strategy to be used with the user ID
+policy. This option defaults to use the
+.I dynamic
+.BI \-ORBsystemidpolicydemuxstrategy \ dynamic | linear | active
+\ \ Specify the demultiplexing lookup strategy to be used with the system ID
+policy. This option defaults to use the
+.I active
+.BI \-ORBuniqueidpolicyreversedemuxstrategy \ dynamic | linear
+\ \ Specify the reverse demultiplexing lookup strategy to be used with the
+unique ID policy. This option defaults to use the
+.I dynamic
+.BI \-ORBallowreactivationofsystemids \ 0 | 1
+\ \ Specify whether system ids can be reactivated, i.e., once an id that was
+generated by the system has be deactivated, will the user reactivate a new
+servant using the old ID. If the user is not going to use this feature, the
+IORs can be shortened, an extra comparison in the critical upcall path removed,
+and some memory on the server side can be saved. This option defaults to
+.IR 1 .
+.BI \-ORBactivehintinids \ 0 | 1
+\ \ Specify whether an active hint should be added to IDs. With active hints,
+IDs can be found quickly. However, they lead to larger IORs. Note that this
+option is disregarded if
+.B \-ORBallowreactivationofsystemids
+is set to
+.IR 0 .
+.B \-ORBactivehintinids
+option can be
+.IR 0 \ or \ 1 .
+This option defaults to
+.IR 1 .
+.BI \-ORBpoamapsize \ poa_map_size
+\ \ Specify the size of the POA map. If not specified, the default value is 24.
+.BI \-ORBpersiententidpolicydemuxstrategy \ dynamic | linear
+\ \ Specify the demultiplexing lookup strategy to be used with the persistent
+ID policy. This option defaults to use the
+.I dynamic
+.BI \-ORBtransientidpolicydemuxstrategy \ dynamic | linear | active
+\ \ Specify the demultiplexing lookup strategy to be used with the transient ID
+policy. This option defaults to use the
+.I active
+.BI \-ORBactivehintinpoanames \ 0 | 1
+\ \ Specify whether an active hint should be added to POA names. With active
+hints, POA names can be found quickly. However, they lead to larger IORs. This
+option defaults to
+.IR 1 .
+.BI \ -ORBthreadflags \ thread_flags
+\ \ Specify the flags used for thread creation. Flags can be any logical\-OR
+combination of
+.BI \-ORBpoalock \ thread | null
+\ \ Specify the type of lock to be used for POA accesses.
+.I thread
+specifies that an inter\-thread mutex is used to guarantee exclusive
+access and
+.I null
+specifies that no locking be performed. The default is
+.IR thread .
+.BI \-ORBcoltbllock \ thread | null
+\ \ Specify the type of lock to be used for the global collocation table.
+.I thread
+specifies that an inter\-thread mutex is used to guarantee exclusive access
+.I null
+specifies that no locking be performed. The default is
+.IR thread .
+.BI \-ORBconnectorlock \ thread | null
+\ \ Specify the type of lock to be used by the connector.
+.I thread
+specifies that an inter\-thread mutex is used to guarantee exclusive access
+.I null
+specifies that no locking be performed. The default is
+.IR thread .
+.B TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory
+.BI \-ORBiiopprofilelock \ thread | null
+\ \ Specify, whether to use a lock for accessing the IIOP Profile or not.
+Default is
+.IR thread ,
+which means that a lock is used. The second option is
+.IR null ,
+which means a
+.B null
+lock is used. This makes sense in case of optimizations and is allowed when no
+forwarding is used or only a single\-threaded client.
+.BI \-ORBclientconnectionhandler \ MT | ST | RW
+.I MT
+means use the multi\-threaded client connection handler which uses the leader
+follower model. This model allows the use of multiple threads with a single
+.I ST
+means use the single\-threaded client connection handler, i.e., the leader
+follower model will not be used. However,
+.I ST
+does support nested upcalls and handling of new requests while waiting for the
+reply from a server.
+.I RW
+selects a strategy that simply blocks in
+.B recv()
+when waiting for a response from the server instead of waiting in the Reactor.
+.I RW
+strategy only works when the application does not have to worry about new
+request showing up when waiting for a response. Therefore, this strategy is
+appropriate only for "pure" clients. Note that applications with nested upcalls
+are not "pure" clients. Also note that this strategy will only effect two way
+calls, since there is no waiting for one way calls. This strategy can also be
+used in an application that is both a client and a server if the server side is
+handled by a separate thread and the client threads are "pure" clients.
+Default for this option is
+.IR MT .
+Center for Distributed Object Computing <>
+.BR TAO_Concurrency_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_CosEvent_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_Event_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_ImplRepo_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_LifeCycle_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_Logging_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_Naming_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_Scheduling_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_Time_Service (1),
+.BR TAO_Trading_Service (1)