path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/CosEC/RtEC_Based/lib/CosEvent_Utilities.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/orbsvcs/examples/CosEC/RtEC_Based/lib/CosEvent_Utilities.cpp')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/CosEC/RtEC_Based/lib/CosEvent_Utilities.cpp b/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/CosEC/RtEC_Based/lib/CosEvent_Utilities.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..98f8fb7d23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TAO/orbsvcs/examples/CosEC/RtEC_Based/lib/CosEvent_Utilities.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// $Id$
+#include "CosEvent_Utilities.h"
+#include "orbsvcs/Event/EC_Event_Channel.h"
+#include "orbsvcs/Event_Service_Constants.h"
+#include "EventChannel_i.h"
+#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
+#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
+CosEC_ServantBase::CosEC_ServantBase (void)
+ :poa_ (PortableServer::POA::_nil ()),
+ rtec_servant_ (0),
+ cosec_servant_ (0),
+ rtec_ (RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::_nil ()),
+ cosec_ (CosEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::_nil ()),
+ eventTypeIds_ (0),
+ eventSourceIds_ (0),
+ source_type_pairs_ (0)
+ // No-Op.
+CosEC_ServantBase::~CosEC_ServantBase (void)
+ // No-Op.
+#if 0
+ ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "in cosec servant base %d \n", this));
+CosEC_ServantBase::init (PortableServer::POA_ptr thispoa,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ char *,
+ char *,
+ char *)
+ ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil (thispoa));
+ ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil (poa));
+ // Save the POA refs.
+ this->thispoa_ = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (thispoa);
+ this->poa_ = PortableServer::POA::_duplicate (poa);
+ auto_ptr<POA_RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel>
+ auto_rtec_servant_ (this->create_rtec ());
+ auto_ptr<TAO_CosEC_EventChannel_i>
+ auto_cosec_servant_ (this->create_cosec ());
+ // if all the servants were allocated then set the class pointers.
+ this->rtec_servant_ = auto_rtec_servant_.release ();
+ this->cosec_servant_ = auto_cosec_servant_.release ();
+CosEC_ServantBase::activate (void)
+ ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()));
+ ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()));
+ // Activate the Rtec
+ this->activate_rtec ();
+ // Activate the CosEC
+ int retval = this->activate_cosec ();
+ if (retval != 0)
+ return -1;
+ // Activate ourselves..
+ // Note that the POA is <thispoa_>
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid =
+ this->thispoa_->activate_object (this);
+ this->_remove_ref ();
+ CORBA::Object_var obj =
+ this->thispoa_->id_to_reference ( ());
+ return 0; // success.
+CosEC_ServantBase::activate (const char* servant_id)
+ ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()));
+ ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil (this-> ()));
+ // Activate the Rtec
+ this->activate_rtec ();
+ // Activate the CosEC
+ int retval = this->activate_cosec ();
+ if (retval != 0)
+ return -1;
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid =
+ PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId (servant_id);
+ // Activate ourselves.
+ // Note that the POA is <thispoa_>
+ this->thispoa_->activate_object_with_id ( (),
+ this);
+ this->_remove_ref ();
+ CORBA::Object_var obj =
+ this->thispoa_->id_to_reference ( ());
+ return 0; // success.
+CosEC_ServantBase::activate_rtec (void)
+ // Activate the Rtec
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid =
+ this->poa_->activate_object (this->rtec_servant_);
+ this->rtec_servant_->_remove_ref ();
+ CORBA::Object_var obj =
+ this->poa_->id_to_reference ( ());
+ this->rtec_ =
+ RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::_narrow ( ());
+CosEC_ServantBase::activate_cosec (void)
+ // Initialize the CosEC servant.
+ RtecBase::handle_t supp_handle = 0;
+ this->init_SupplierQOS (supp_handle,
+ this->supplier_qos_,
+ this->source_type_pairs_);
+ RtecBase::handle_t cons_handle = 0;
+ this->init_ConsumerQOS (cons_handle,
+ this->consumer_qos_,
+ this->eventTypeIds_,
+ this->eventSourceIds_);
+ const RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOS &consumerqos =
+ this->consumer_qos_.get_ConsumerQOS ();
+ const RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierQOS &supplierqos =
+ this->supplier_qos_.get_SupplierQOS ();
+ if (this->cosec_servant_->init (consumerqos,
+ supplierqos,
+ this-> ()) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ // Activate the CosEC
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid =
+ this->poa_->activate_object (this->cosec_servant_);
+ this->cosec_servant_->_remove_ref ();
+ CORBA::Object_var obj =
+ this->poa_->id_to_reference ( ());
+ this->cosec_ =
+ CosEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::_narrow ( ());
+ return 0; // success
+CosEC_ServantBase::deactivate (void)
+ // Deactivate all those we control...
+ this->deactivate_rtec ();
+ this->deactivate_cosec ();
+ // Finally we go away..
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid =
+ this->thispoa_->servant_to_id (this);
+ // deactivate from the poa.
+ this->thispoa_->deactivate_object ( ());
+CosEC_ServantBase::deactivate_rtec (void)
+ // Deactivate the rtec.
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid =
+ this->poa_->servant_to_id (this->rtec_servant_);
+ // deactivate from the poa.
+ this->poa_->deactivate_object ( ());
+CosEC_ServantBase::deactivate_cosec (void)
+ // Deactivate the cosec.
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid =
+ this->poa_->servant_to_id (this->cosec_servant_);
+ // deactivate from the poa.
+ this->poa_->deactivate_object ( ());
+CosEC_ServantBase::for_consumers (void)
+ return this->cosec_->for_consumers ();
+CosEC_ServantBase::for_suppliers (void)
+ return this->cosec_->for_suppliers ();
+CosEC_ServantBase::destroy (void)
+ // Deactivate all the contained servants and ourselves.
+ // The poa will "destroy" the ref counted servants.
+ this->deactivate ();
+CosEC_ServantBase::create_rtec (void)
+ // Create the RtEC servant.
+ TAO_EC_Event_Channel_Attributes attr (this-> (),
+ this-> ());
+ TAO_EC_Event_Channel* _rtec_servant;
+ ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (_rtec_servant,
+ TAO_EC_Event_Channel (attr),
+ return _rtec_servant;
+CosEC_ServantBase::create_cosec (void)
+ // Create the CosEC servant.
+ TAO_CosEC_EventChannel_i* _cosec_servant;
+ ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (_cosec_servant,
+ TAO_CosEC_EventChannel_i (),
+ return _cosec_servant;
+CosEC_ServantBase::init_SupplierQOS (RtecBase::handle_t supp_handle,
+ ACE_SupplierQOS_Factory &supplier_qos,
+ char *source_type_pairs)
+ // @@ Pradeep: It is very important that you make the type of
+ // events generated by the CosEC an option.
+ // I know this is not very well documented, but the type should
+ // be >= ACE_ES_EVENT_UNDEFINED = 16
+ // Something else: please make the EventSourceID for the
+ // supplier also an option...
+ const char *c = " "; // space
+ char *tok = 0;
+ // if nothing was specified on the command line use defaults..
+ if (source_type_pairs == 0)
+ supplier_qos.insert (1,
+ supp_handle,
+ 1);
+ else // parse the event types..
+ {
+ tok = ACE_OS::strtok (source_type_pairs, c);
+ if (tok == 0) // error
+ {
+ ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "error parsing source,event pairs for SupplierQOS, defaulting to source id = 1, eventid = ACE_ES_EVENT_ANY"));
+ supplier_qos.insert (1,
+ supp_handle,
+ 1);
+ }
+ else
+ // we just use 1 source-type pair in the event channel.
+ // so scan for the 1st pair only.
+ {
+ int source_val = 0, type_val = 0;
+ source_val = ACE_OS::atoi (tok);
+ tok = ACE_OS::strtok (0, c);
+ if (tok != 0)
+ type_val = ACE_OS::atoi (tok);
+ ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "supplier_qos::insert (%d, %d)\n",
+ source_val, type_val));
+ // Setup the QOS params..
+ supplier_qos.insert (source_val,
+ type_val,
+ supp_handle,
+ 1);
+ }
+ }
+CosEC_ServantBase::init_ConsumerQOS (RtecBase::handle_t cons_handle,
+ ACE_ConsumerQOS_Factory &consumer_qos,
+ char *eventTypeIds,
+ char *eventSourceIds
+ )
+ // @@ Pradeep: ditto here, make the set of sources (and/or type)
+ // a parameter, and make sure the user can specify multiple of
+ // them (just call insert_source() or insert_type() in the
+ // parse_args routine).
+ const char *c = " "; // space
+ char *tok = 0;
+ consumer_qos.start_disjunction_group ();
+ // insert the event ids first..
+ // if nothing was specified on the command line use defaults..
+ if (eventTypeIds == 0)
+ {
+ //consumer_qos.insert_type (ACE_ES_EVENT_ANY, // default
+ // cons_handle);
+ // @@ if i uncomment this line then the Rtec displays the message
+ // "Consumer tried to register for allevents! This is not implemented."
+ // whenever a consumer tries to register with it.
+ }
+ else // parse the event types..
+ {
+ tok = ACE_OS::strtok (eventTypeIds, c);
+ if (tok == 0) // error
+ {
+ ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "error parsing eventIds for ConsumerQOS, defaulting to 1"));
+ consumer_qos.insert_type (ACE_ES_EVENT_ANY,
+ cons_handle);
+ }
+ else
+ do
+ {
+ int type_val = ACE_OS::atoi (tok);
+ ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "consumer_qos::insert_type (%d)\n",
+ type_val));
+ consumer_qos.insert_type (type_val,
+ cons_handle);
+ tok = ACE_OS::strtok (0, c);
+ }
+ while (tok != 0);
+ }
+ // repeat for source ids..
+ // if nothing was specified on the command line use defaults..
+ if (eventSourceIds == 0)
+ consumer_qos.insert_source (1, // default = 1
+ cons_handle);
+ else // parse the event types..
+ {
+ tok = ACE_OS::strtok (eventSourceIds, c);
+ if (tok == 0) // error
+ {
+ ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "error parsing sourceIds for ConsumerQOS, defaulting to 1"));
+ consumer_qos.insert_source (1, // default = 1
+ cons_handle);
+ }
+ else
+ do
+ {
+ int source_val = ACE_OS::atoi (tok);
+ ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "consumer_qos::insert_source (%d)\n",
+ source_val));
+ consumer_qos.insert_type (source_val,
+ cons_handle);
+ tok = ACE_OS::strtok (0, c);
+ }
+ while (tok != 0);
+ }