path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/DsLogAdmin.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/DsLogAdmin.idl')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/DsLogAdmin.idl b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/DsLogAdmin.idl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e5fa09bae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/DsLogAdmin.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+// $Id$
+// ============================================================================
+// DsLogAdmin.idl
+// This module defines the Log, Iterator, LogMgr and LogFactory
+// interfaces for the OMG's Telecom Event Log Service
+// ============================================================================
+#include "tao/TimeBase.pidl"
+// CORBA Time Service
+#pragma prefix ""
+module DsLogAdmin
+ exception InvalidParam {string details;};
+ exception InvalidThreshold {};
+ exception InvalidTime {};
+ exception InvalidTimeInterval {};
+ exception InvalidMask {};
+ exception LogIdAlreadyExists {};
+ exception InvalidGrammar{};
+ exception InvalidConstraint{};
+ exception LogFull {short n_records_written;};
+ exception LogOffDuty {};
+ exception LogLocked {};
+ exception LogDisabled {};
+ exception InvalidRecordId {};
+ exception InvalidAttribute {string attr_name; any value;};
+ exception InvalidLogFullAction {};
+ typedef unsigned long LogId;
+ // LogIds are unique within the scope of the log factory.
+ typedef unsigned long long RecordId;
+ // RecordIds are unique within the scope of one log.
+ typedef sequence<RecordId> RecordIdList;
+ const string default_grammar = "EXTENDED_TCL";
+ // Default grammar used for log record queries.
+ typedef string Constraint;
+ // A query string
+ typedef TimeBase::TimeT TimeT;
+ struct NVPair
+ {
+ string name;
+ any value;
+ };
+ typedef sequence<NVPair> NVList;
+ struct TimeInterval
+ {
+ TimeT start;
+ TimeT stop;
+ };
+ typedef sequence<TimeInterval> TimeIntervalSeq;
+ struct LogRecord
+ {
+ RecordId id;
+ // Unique number assigned by the log
+ TimeT time;
+ // Time when the event is logged
+ NVList attr_list;
+ // List of user defined name/value pairs. Not part of the event
+ // received by the log. Optional.
+ any info;
+ // Event content
+ };
+ typedef sequence<LogRecord> RecordList;
+ typedef sequence<any> Anys;
+ interface Iterator
+ {
+ // = TITLE
+ // Iterator with bulk operation support; returned as a
+ // result of querying the Log
+ //
+ // Allows clients to iterate over a list of LogRecords
+ // returned from a query () or retrieve () operation
+ RecordList get(in unsigned long position,
+ in unsigned long how_many) raises(InvalidParam);
+ // Returns a maximum of <how_many> records, starting from
+ // position <position>
+ void destroy();
+ // Destroy the iterator
+ };
+ struct AvailabilityStatus
+ {
+ boolean off_duty;
+ boolean log_full;
+ };
+ typedef unsigned short LogFullActionType;
+ const LogFullActionType wrap = 0;
+ const LogFullActionType halt = 1;
+ struct Time24
+ {
+ unsigned short hour;// 0-23
+ unsigned short minute;// 0-59
+ };
+ struct Time24Interval
+ {
+ Time24 start;
+ Time24 stop;
+ };
+ typedef sequence<Time24Interval> IntervalsOfDay;
+ const unsigned short Sunday = 1;
+ const unsigned short Monday = 2;
+ const unsigned short Tuesday = 4;
+ const unsigned short Wednesday = 8;
+ const unsigned short Thursday = 16;
+ const unsigned short Friday = 32;
+ const unsigned short Saturday = 64;
+ typedef unsigned short DaysOfWeek;// Bit mask of week days
+ struct WeekMaskItem
+ {
+ DaysOfWeek days;
+ IntervalsOfDay intervals;
+ };
+ typedef sequence<WeekMaskItem> WeekMask;
+ typedef unsigned short Threshold; // 0-100 %
+ typedef sequence<Threshold> CapacityAlarmThresholdList;
+ interface LogMgr;
+ enum OperationalState { disabled, enabled };
+ // Logging enabled/disabled. If the log is enabled, it can be
+ // queried. If it is disabled, is may not be.
+ enum AdministrativeState { locked, unlocked };
+ // Logging on/off. If the log is locked, new records cannot be
+ // added, but records can be queried.
+ enum ForwardingState { on, off };
+ // Forwarding on/off. If forwarding is on, the log should forward
+ // records to other event consumers.
+ typedef unsigned short QoSType;
+ typedef sequence<QoSType> QoSList;
+ exception UnsupportedQoS { QoSList denied; };
+ const QoSType QoSNone = 0;
+ const QoSType QoSFlush = 1;
+ const QoSType QoSReliability = 2;
+ interface Log
+ {
+ LogMgr my_factory();
+ // Return the factory of the log
+ LogId id();
+ // Return the id of the log
+ QoSList get_log_qos();
+ void set_log_qos(in QoSList qos) raises(UnsupportedQoS);
+ // Get or set the list of the QoS properties supported by the log
+ unsigned long get_max_record_life();
+ void set_max_record_life(in unsigned long life);
+ // Get and set the record life in seconds (0 == infinite)
+ unsigned long long get_max_size();
+ void set_max_size(in unsigned long long size) raises (InvalidParam);
+ // Get and set the maximum size in octets (0 == no limit)
+ unsigned long long get_current_size();
+ // Return the current size in octets
+ unsigned long long get_n_records();
+ // Return the number of records in the log
+ LogFullActionType get_log_full_action();
+ void set_log_full_action(in LogFullActionType action)
+ raises(InvalidLogFullAction);
+ // Get and set the action to be taken when the log reaches its
+ // maximum size
+ AdministrativeState get_administrative_state();
+ void set_administrative_state(in AdministrativeState state);
+ // Get and set the administrative state (locked/unlocked)
+ ForwardingState get_forwarding_state();
+ void set_forwarding_state(in ForwardingState state);
+ // Get and set the forwarding state (on or off)
+ OperationalState get_operational_state();
+ // Returns the operational state (disabled or enabled)
+ TimeInterval get_interval();
+ void set_interval(in TimeInterval interval)
+ raises (InvalidTime, InvalidTimeInterval);
+ // Get and set the log duration
+ AvailabilityStatus get_availability_status();
+ // Return the availability status (off_duty or log_full)
+ CapacityAlarmThresholdList get_capacity_alarm_thresholds();
+ void set_capacity_alarm_thresholds(in CapacityAlarmThresholdList
+ threshs)
+ raises (InvalidThreshold);
+ // Get and set the capacity alarm threshold
+ WeekMask get_week_mask();
+ void set_week_mask(in WeekMask masks)
+ raises (InvalidTime, InvalidTimeInterval, InvalidMask);
+ // Get and set the weekly scheduling parameters
+ RecordList query(in string grammar,
+ in Constraint c,
+ out Iterator i)
+ raises(InvalidGrammar, InvalidConstraint);
+ // Returns all records in the log that match the given
+ // constraint <c>. Note that match () only returns the number
+ // of matches, whereas query () returns the actual matches.
+ RecordList retrieve(in TimeT from_time,
+ in long how_many,
+ out Iterator i);
+ // Retrieve <how_many> records from time <from_time> using
+ // iterator <i>. Negative <how_many> indicates backwards
+ // retrieval
+ unsigned long match(in string grammar,
+ in Constraint c)
+ raises(InvalidGrammar, InvalidConstraint);
+ // Returns the number of records matching constraint <c>
+ unsigned long delete_records(in string grammar,
+ in Constraint c)
+ raises(InvalidGrammar, InvalidConstraint);
+ unsigned long delete_records_by_id(in RecordIdList ids);
+ // Delete records matching constraint <c> or with ids in
+ // <ids>. Both operations return the number of records deleted
+ void write_records(in Anys records)
+ raises(LogFull, LogOffDuty, LogLocked, LogDisabled);
+ // Write records to the log storage
+ void write_recordlist(in RecordList list)
+ raises(LogFull, LogOffDuty, LogLocked, LogDisabled);
+ // Write a list of record ids to storage
+ void set_record_attribute(in RecordId id,
+ in NVList attr_list)
+ raises(InvalidRecordId, InvalidAttribute);
+ // Set single record attributes
+ unsigned long set_records_attribute(in string grammar,
+ in Constraint c,
+ in NVList attr_list)
+ raises(InvalidGrammar, InvalidConstraint, InvalidAttribute);
+ // Set the attributes of all records that matches the
+ // constraints with same attr_list. Returns number of records
+ // whose attributes have been set
+ NVList get_record_attribute(in RecordId id)
+ raises(InvalidRecordId);
+ // Get the attributes of the record with id <id>
+ Log copy(out LogId id);
+ Log copy_with_id (in LogId id) raises (LogIdAlreadyExists);
+ // Copy the log on which the operation was invoked. copy ()
+ // Returns the unique id of the newly created
+ // log. copy_with_id () attempts to create the new log with
+ // the specified id, but may fail if the id is in use
+ void flush() raises (UnsupportedQoS);
+ // Causes all pending events to be written to storage before
+ // flush () returns
+ };
+ interface BasicLog : Log
+ {
+ void destroy();
+ // Destroy the log object and all contained records
+ };
+ typedef sequence<Log> LogList;
+ typedef sequence<LogId> LogIdList;
+ interface LogMgr
+ {
+ LogList list_logs();
+ // Lists all logs created by the log factory
+ Log find_log(in LogId id);
+ // Returns a reference to the log with the supplied id
+ LogIdList list_logs_by_id();
+ // Lists all log ids
+ };
+ interface BasicLogFactory : LogMgr
+ {
+ BasicLog create (in LogFullActionType full_action,
+ in unsigned long long max_size,
+ out LogId id)
+ raises (InvalidLogFullAction);
+ // Allows clients to create new BasicLog objects.
+ BasicLog create_with_id (in LogId id,
+ in LogFullActionType full_action,
+ in unsigned long long max_size)
+ raises (LogIdAlreadyExists, InvalidLogFullAction);
+ // Same as create (), but allows clients to specify the id
+ };
+#endif /* DS_LOG_ADMIN_IDL */