path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Gateway_UDP.h
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diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Gateway_UDP.h b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Gateway_UDP.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..31fbd7762fa
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+++ b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/EC_Gateway_UDP.h
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+/* -*- C++ -*- */
+ * @file EC_Gateway_UDP.h
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * @author Carlos O'Ryan (
+ *
+ * Based on previous work by Tim Harrison ( and
+ * other members of the DOC group. More details can be found in:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Define helper classes to propagate events between ECs using
+ * either UDP or multicast.
+ * The architecture is a bit complicated and deserves some
+ * explanation: sending the events over UDP (or mcast) is easy, a
+ * Consumer (TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender) subscribes for a certain set of
+ * events, its push() method marshalls the event set into a CDR
+ * stream that is sent using an ACE_SOCK_CODgram. The subscription
+ * set and IP address can be configured.
+ * Another helper class (TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver) acts as a supplier of
+ * events; it receives a callback when an event is available on an
+ * ACE_SOCK_Dgram, it demarshalls the event and pushes it to the
+ * EC. Two ACE_Event_Handler classes are provided that can forward
+ * the events to this Supplier: TAO_ECG_Mcast_EH can receive events
+ * from a multicast group; TAO_ECG_UDP_EH can receive events from a
+ * regular UDP socket.
+ *
+ * Matching of the events types carried by a multicast group (or IP
+ * address) is up to the application. Gateway classes can be
+ * implemented to automate this: the EC informs its gateways about
+ * local changes in the subscriptions (for example), the Gateway
+ * could then consult an administrative server that will inform it
+ * which multicast groups carry those event types, it can then
+ * create the proper event handlers and TAO_ECG_Receivers. An
+ * analogous class can be implemented for the Supplier side.
+ *
+ * An alternative approach would be to look the current set of
+ * multicast groups and the events carried on each, using that
+ * information a suitable TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver can be configured
+ * (and of course the Senders on the client side).
+ *
+ * @todo The class makes an extra copy of the events, we need to
+ * investigate if closer collaboration with its collocated EC could
+ * be used to remove that copy.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "ace/pre.h"
+#include "orbsvcs/RtecUDPAdminS.h"
+#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
+# pragma once
+#include "orbsvcs/RtecEventChannelAdminS.h"
+#include "orbsvcs/Event/event_export.h"
+#include "ace/SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.h"
+#include "ace/SOCK_CODgram.h"
+#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h"
+class TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint;
+ * @class TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender
+ *
+ * @brief Send events received from a "local" EC using UDP.
+ *
+ * This class connect as a consumer to an EventChannel
+ * and it sends the events using UDP, the UDP address can be a
+ * normal IP address or it can be a multicast group.
+ * The UDP address is obtained from a RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer
+ * class.
+ * It marshalls the events using TAO CDR classes.
+ *
+ * The messages header are encapsulated using CDR, with the
+ * following format:
+ * struct Header {
+ * octet byte_order_flags;
+ * // bit 0 represents the byte order as in GIOP 1.1
+ * // bit 1 is set if this is the last fragment
+ * unsigned long request_id;
+ * // The request ID, senders must not send two requests with
+ * // the same ID, senders can be distinguished using recvfrom..
+ * unsigned long request_size;
+ * // The size of this request, this can be used to pre-allocate
+ * // the request buffer.
+ * unsgined long fragment_size;
+ * // The size of this fragment, excluding the header...
+ * unsigned long fragment_offset;
+ * // Where does this fragment fit in the complete message...
+ * unsigned long fragment_id;
+ * // The ID of this fragment...
+ * unsigned long fragment_count;
+ * // The total number of fragments to expect in this request
+ *
+ * // @todo This could be eliminated if efficient reassembly
+ * // could be implemented without it.
+ * octet padding[4];
+ *
+ * // Ensures the header ends at an 8-byte boundary.
+ * }; // size (in CDR stream) = 32
+ */
+class TAO_RTEvent_Export TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender : public POA_RtecEventComm::PushConsumer
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Sender (void);
+ enum {
+ ECG_MIN_MTU = 32 + 8,
+ ECG_MAX_MTU = 65536, // Really optimistic...
+ };
+ /// Get the local endpoint used to send the events.
+ int get_local_addr (ACE_INET_Addr& addr);
+ /**
+ * To do its job this class requires to know the local EC it will
+ * connect to; it also requires to build an RT_Info for the local
+ * scheduler.
+ * It only keeps a copy of its SupplierProxy, used for later
+ * connection and disconnections.
+ * @todo part of the RT_Info is hardcoded, we need to make it
+ * parametric.
+ */
+ void init (RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_ptr lcl_ec,
+ RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer_ptr addr_server,
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint *endpoint,
+ CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /**
+ * The sender may need to fragment the message, otherwise the
+ * network may drop the packets.
+ * Setting the MTU can fail if the value is too small (at least the
+ * header + 8 bytes must fit).
+ */
+ int mtu (CORBA::ULong mtu);
+ CORBA::ULong mtu (void) const;
+ /// Disconnect and shutdown the sender, no further connections will
+ /// work unless init() is called again.
+ void shutdown (CORBA::Environment & = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /// Connect (or reconnect) to the EC with the given subscriptions.
+ void open (RtecEventChannelAdmin::ConsumerQOS &sub,
+ CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /// Disconnect from the EC, but reconnection is still possible.
+ void close (CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /// The PushConsumer methods.
+ virtual void disconnect_push_consumer (CORBA::Environment & =
+ TAO_default_environment ())
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ virtual void push (const RtecEventComm::EventSet &events,
+ CORBA::Environment & = TAO_default_environment ())
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ /// Return the datagram...
+ ACE_SOCK_Dgram& dgram (void);
+ /**
+ * Send one fragment, the first entry in the iovec is used to send
+ * the header, the rest of the iovec array should contain pointers
+ * to the actual data.
+ */
+ void send_fragment (const RtecUDPAdmin::UDP_Addr& udp_addr,
+ CORBA::ULong request_id,
+ CORBA::ULong request_size,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_size,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_offset,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_id,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_count,
+ iovec iov[],
+ int iovcnt,
+ CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /**
+ * Count the number of fragments that will be required to send the
+ * message blocks in the range [begin,end)
+ * The maximum fragment payload (i.e. the size without the header is
+ * also required); <total_length> returns the total message size.
+ */
+ CORBA::ULong compute_fragment_count (const ACE_Message_Block* begin,
+ const ACE_Message_Block* end,
+ int iov_size,
+ CORBA::ULong max_fragment_payload,
+ CORBA::ULong& total_length);
+ /// The remote and the local EC, so we can reconnect when the
+ /// subscription list changes.
+ RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var lcl_ec_;
+ /// We talk to the EC (as a consumer) using this proxy.
+ RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier_var supplier_proxy_;
+ /// We query this object to determine where are the events sent.
+ RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer_var addr_server_;
+ /// The datagram used to sendto(), this object is *not* owned by the
+ /// UDP_Sender.
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint *endpoint_;
+ /// The MTU for this sender...
+ CORBA::ULong mtu_;
+// ****************************************************************
+ * @class TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint
+ *
+ * @brief Maintains information about an outgoing endpoint.
+ *
+ * UDP senders can share a single endpoint to send UDP packets,
+ * but there is more state associated with this endpoint than its
+ * datagram SAP; for instance we need to keep track of the request
+ * id.
+ */
+class TAO_RTEvent_Export TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint
+ /// Constructor
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint (void);
+ /// Constructor
+ ~TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint (void);
+ /// Obtain the datagram associated with this endpoint. Clients of
+ /// this class must open, and register (if necessary) this datagram.
+ ACE_SOCK_Dgram& dgram (void);
+ /// Obtain the next request id.
+ CORBA::ULong next_request_id (void);
+ /// The endpoint can detect if a data-gram was sent by itself, this
+ /// is useful to ignore or remove messages sent by the same process.
+ CORBA::Boolean is_loopback (const ACE_INET_Addr& from);
+ /// The request id....
+ ACE_Atomic_Op<TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX,CORBA::ULong> request_id_generator_;
+ /// The datagram....
+ ACE_SOCK_Dgram dgram_;
+ /// cache the port-number so we can quickly determine if an event is
+ /// coming from another endpoint.
+ u_short port_number_;
+ /// Keep the list of local interfaces, needed for the is_loopback
+ /// method.
+ size_t if_count_;
+ ACE_INET_Addr* ifs_;
+// ****************************************************************
+ * @class TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Index
+ *
+ * @brief Index to the request map.
+ *
+ * This object is used to index the map of incomplete (due to
+ * fragmentation) requests.
+ */
+class TAO_RTEvent_Export TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Index
+ /// default copy ctor, dtor and operator=
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Index (void);
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Index (const ACE_INET_Addr& from,
+ CORBA::ULong request_id);
+ // The ACE_INLINE macros here are to keep g++ 2.7.X happy,
+ // otherwise it thinks they are used as inline functions before
+ // beign used as such.... Apparently in the template code for the
+ // Hash_Map_Manager.
+ /// Return a hash value...
+ ACE_INLINE u_long hash (void) const;
+ /// Compare
+ ACE_INLINE int operator== (const TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Index& rhs) const;
+ ACE_INLINE int operator!= (const TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Index& rhs) const;
+ ACE_INET_Addr from;
+ CORBA::ULong request_id;
+// ****************************************************************
+ * @class TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry
+ *
+ * @brief Keeps information about an incomplete request.
+ *
+ * When a request arrives in fragments this object is used to
+ * keep track of the incoming data.
+ */
+class TAO_RTEvent_Export TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry
+ enum {
+ };
+ // TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry (void);
+ // TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry (const TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry& rhs);
+ // TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry& operator=(const TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry& rhs);
+ ~TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry (void);
+ /// Initialize the fragment, allocating memory, etc.
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry (CORBA::Boolean byte_order,
+ CORBA::ULong request_id,
+ CORBA::ULong request_size,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_count);
+ /// Validate a fragment, it should be rejected if it is invalid..
+ int validate_fragment (CORBA::Boolean byte_order,
+ CORBA::ULong request_size,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_size,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_offset,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_id,
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_count) const;
+ /// Has <fragment_id> been received?
+ int test_received (CORBA::ULong fragment_id) const;
+ /// Mark <fragment_id> as received, reset timeout counter...
+ void mark_received (CORBA::ULong fragment_id);
+ /// Is the message complete?
+ int complete (void) const;
+ /// Return a buffer for the fragment at offset <fragment_offset>
+ char* fragment_buffer (CORBA::ULong fragment_offset);
+ /// Decode the events, the message must be complete.
+ void decode (RtecEventComm::EventSet& event,
+ CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /// Increment the timeout counter...
+ void inc_timeout (void);
+ /// Get the timeout counter....
+ int get_timeout (void) const;
+ /// This attributes should remain constant in all the fragments, used
+ /// for validation....
+ CORBA::Boolean byte_order_;
+ CORBA::ULong request_id_;
+ CORBA::ULong request_size_;
+ CORBA::ULong fragment_count_;
+ CORBA::ULong timeout_counter_;
+ ACE_Message_Block payload_;
+ /// This is a bit vector, used to keep track of the received buffers.
+ CORBA::ULong* received_fragments_;
+ int own_received_fragments_;
+ CORBA::ULong received_fragments_size_;
+ CORBA::ULong default_received_fragments_[ECG_DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_BUFSIZ];
+// ****************************************************************
+class TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver;
+ * @class TAO_ECG_UDP_TH
+ *
+ * @brief Timer Handler for the UDP Receivers.
+ *
+ * This object receives timer events from the reactor and forwards
+ * them to the UDP_Receiver; which uses those events to expire old
+ * messages that did not receive all their fragments.
+ */
+class TAO_RTEvent_Export TAO_ECG_UDP_TH : public ACE_Event_Handler
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_TH (TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver *recv);
+ // Reactor callbacks
+ virtual int handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value& tv,
+ const void* act);
+ /// We callback to this object when a message arrives.
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver* receiver_;
+// ****************************************************************
+ * @class TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver
+ *
+ * @brief Decodes events from an ACE_SOCK_Dgram and pushes them to the
+ * Event_Channel.
+ *
+ * This supplier receives events from an ACE_SOCK_Dgram, either
+ * from a UDP socket or a Mcast group, decodes them and push them
+ * to the EC.
+ * Whenever an incomplete fragment is received (one with
+ * fragment_count > 1) we allocate an entry for the message in an
+ * map indexed by (host,port,request_id). The entry contains the
+ * buffer, a bit vector to keep track of the fragments received
+ * so far, and a timeout counter. This timeout counter is set to
+ * 0 on each (new) fragment arrival, and incremented on a regular
+ * basis. If the counter reaches a maximum value the message is
+ * dropped.
+ * Once all the fragments have been received the message is sent
+ * up, and the memory reclaimed. The entry is *not* removed until
+ * the timer expires (to handle re-transmitions).
+ */
+class TAO_RTEvent_Export TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver : public POA_RtecEventComm::PushSupplier
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver (void);
+ /**
+ * To do its job this class requires to know the local EC it will
+ * connect to; it also requires to build an RT_Info for the local
+ * scheduler.
+ * The <reactor> is used to receive timeout events..
+ * The <ignore_from> endpoint is used to remove events generated by
+ * the same process.
+ * @todo part of the RT_Info is hardcoded, we need to make it
+ * parametric.
+ */
+ void init (RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_ptr lcl_ec,
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint* ignore_from,
+ RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer_ptr addr_server,
+ ACE_Reactor *reactor,
+ const ACE_Time_Value &expire_interval,
+ int max_timeout,
+ CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /// Disconnect and shutdown the gateway, no further connectsions
+ void shutdown (CORBA::Environment & = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /// Connect to the EC using the given publications lists.
+ void open (RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierQOS& pub,
+ CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /// Disconnect to the EC.
+ virtual void close (CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /**
+ * The Event_Handlers call this method when data is available at the
+ * socket, the <dgram> must be ready for reading and contain a full
+ * event.
+ */
+ int handle_input (ACE_SOCK_Dgram& dgram);
+ /// The timer has expired, must update all the unreceived
+ /// messages...
+ int handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value& tv,
+ const void* act);
+ // The PushSupplier method.
+ virtual void disconnect_push_supplier (CORBA::Environment & =
+ TAO_default_environment ())
+ ACE_THROW_SPEC ((CORBA::SystemException));
+ /// Call the RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer
+ void get_addr (const RtecEventComm::EventHeader& header,
+ RtecUDPAdmin::UDP_Addr_out addr,
+ CORBA::Environment &env = TAO_default_environment ());
+ /// The remote and the local EC, so we can reconnect when the list changes.
+ RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var lcl_ec_;
+ /// We talk to the EC (as a consumer) using this proxy.
+ RtecEventChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer_var consumer_proxy_;
+ /// Ignore any events coming from this IP addres.
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Out_Endpoint* ignore_from_;
+ /// The server used to map event types into multicast groups.
+ RtecUDPAdmin::AddrServer_var addr_server_;
+ typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Index,
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry*,
+ TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX> Request_Map;
+ typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Entry<TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Index,
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Request_Entry*> Request_Map_Entry;
+ /// The map containing all the incoming requests which have been
+ /// partially received.
+ Request_Map request_map_;
+ /// To receive the timeouts..
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_TH timeout_handler_;
+ /// The reactor we are using for the timeout handler...
+ ACE_Reactor* reactor_;
+ /// How many timeouts before we expire a message...
+ int max_timeout_;
+// ****************************************************************
+ * @class TAO_ECG_UDP_EH
+ *
+ * @brief Event Handler for UDP messages.
+ *
+ * This object receives callbacks from the Reactor when data is
+ * available on a UDP socket, it forwards to the ECG_UDP_Receiver
+ * which reads the events and transform it into an event.
+ */
+class TAO_RTEvent_Export TAO_ECG_UDP_EH : public ACE_Event_Handler
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_EH (TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver *recv);
+ /// Open the datagram and register with this->reactor()
+ int open (const ACE_INET_Addr& ipaddr,
+ int reuse_addr = 0);
+ /// Close the datagram and unregister with the reactor.
+ int close (void);
+ /**
+ * Obtain the dgram, this is one of those "controlled violations of
+ * type safety", allowing the user to setup options and gain access
+ * to low-level features.
+ */
+ ACE_SOCK_Dgram &dgram (void);
+ // Reactor callbacks
+ virtual int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE fd);
+ virtual ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void) const;
+ /// The datagram used to receive the data.
+ ACE_SOCK_Dgram dgram_;
+ /// We callback to this object when a message arrives.
+ TAO_ECG_UDP_Receiver* receiver_;
+#if defined(__ACE_INLINE__)
+#include "EC_Gateway_UDP.i"
+#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
+#include "ace/post.h"