path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/RtecScheduler.idl
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diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/RtecScheduler.idl b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/RtecScheduler.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d2ea9fa0f..00000000000
--- a/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/RtecScheduler.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-module RtecScheduler {
- // TODO: Use the COS Time Service TimeT type.
- typedef double Time;
- typedef long Period;
- typedef Time Quantum;
- const long NO_QUANTUM = 0;
- //
- // TODO: This differ from the ones documented in the TAO paper,
- // namely:
- // Notice that the order is inverted and, of course, the names don't
- // match.
- //
- enum Importance {
- LOW,
- };
- typedef long handle_t;
- // RT_Info's are assignned per-application unique identifiers.
- struct Dependency_Info {
- long number_of_calls;
- handle_t rt_info;
- // Notice the reference to the RT_Info we depend on.
- };
- typedef sequence<Dependency_Info> Dependency_Set;
- typedef long OS_Priority;
- typedef long Sub_Priority;
- typedef long Preemption_Priority;
- struct RT_Info
- // = TITLE
- // Describes the QoS for an "operation".
- //
- // The CPU requirements and QoS for each "entity" implementing
- // an application operation is described by the following
- // information.
- {
- // Application defined string that uniquely identifies the
- // operation.
- string entry_point;
- // The scheduler defined unique identifier.
- handle_t handle;
- // Execution times
- Time worst_case_execution_time;
- Time typical_execution_time;
- // To account for server data caching.
- Time cached_execution_time;
- // For rate operations this defines the period of the rate.
- // 0 means "completely pasive", i.e., this operation only executes
- // when called.
- Period period;
- // Operation importance (used to "break ties").
- Importance importance;
- // For time-slicing (for BACKGROUND operations only).
- Quantum quantum;
- // The following attributes are defined by the Scheduler once the
- // off-line scheduling is computed.
- // The number of threads that will execute this operation?
- // TODO: clarify this.
- long threads;
- // The operations we depend upon.
- Dependency_Set dependencies;
- // The OS por processing the events generated from this RT_Info.
- OS_Priority priority;
- // For ordering RT_Info's with equal priority.
- Sub_Priority subpriority;
- // The queue number for this RT_Info.
- Preemption_Priority preemption_priority;
- };
- exception DUPLICATE_NAME {};
- // The application is trying to register the same task again.
- exception UNKNOWN_TASK {};
- // The RT_Info handle was not valid.
- exception NOT_SCHEDULED {};
- // The application is trying to obtain scheduling information, but
- // none is available.
- exception TASK_COUNT_MISMATCH {};
- // Problems while computing off-line scheduling.
- typedef sequence<RT_Info> RT_Info_Set;
- // TODO: Find a reasonable name for this interface, maybe we should
- // change the name of the module to RtecSchedulerAdmin and name this
- // Scheduler
- interface Scheduler
- // This class holds all the RT_Info's for a single application.
- // During the configuration run this will be implemented as a
- // single remote object, whose services are used by the
- // suppliers, consumers and the EC.
- // At run-time each process will hold a copy of the compiled
- // version of the Scheduler, using the precomputed data to
- // resolve requests (avoiding any remote calls) and ignoring any
- // requests for modifying its state.
- // A Factory class will be used to choose the proper
- // implementation.
- //
- // This class must be registered with the naming service using a
- // well known name ("Scheduler" seems the obvious choice), the
- // Naming Context will account for different applications and
- // modes.
- //
- // Once the scheduling data is computed it can be retrieved
- // remotely to generate the code for the run-time version.
- {
- handle_t create (in string entry_point) raises (DUPLICATE_NAME);
- // Creates a new RT_Info entry for the function identifier
- // "entry_point", it can be any string, but the fully qualified
- // name function name is suggested.
- // Returns a handle to the RT_Info.
- handle_t lookup (in string entry_point);
- // Lookups a handle for entry_point.
- // TODO: Should we add INVALID_HANDLE or raise an exception?
- RT_Info get (in handle_t handle) raises (UNKNOWN_TASK);
- // Retrieve information about an RT_Info.
- void set (in handle_t handle,
- in Time time,
- in Time typical_time,
- in Time cached_time,
- in Period period,
- in Importance importance,
- in Quantum quantum,
- in long threads)
- raises (UNKNOWN_TASK);
- // Set the attributes of an RT_Info.
- // Notice that some values may not be modified (like priority).
- void add_dependency (in handle_t handle,
- in handle_t dependency,
- in long number_of_calls)
- raises (UNKNOWN_TASK);
- // Adds <dependency> to <handle>
- void priority (in handle_t handle,
- out OS_Priority priority,
- out Sub_Priority subpriority,
- out Preemption_Priority p_priority)
- void entry_point_priority (in string entry_point,
- out OS_Priority priority,
- out Sub_Priority subpriority,
- out Preemption_Priority p_priority)
- // Obtain the run time priorities.
- // TODO: Do we need the two interfaces or is it simply confusing?
- // If we should to keep only the <handle> version: Are the extra
- // round-trips too expensive?
- // If we choose only the <entry_point> version: Are the copies for
- // the string affordable?
- void compute_scheduling (in long minimum_priority,
- in long maximum_priority,
- out RT_Info_Set infos)
- // Computes the scheduling priorities, returns the RT_Info's with
- // their priorities properly filled.
- // This info can be cached by a Run_Time_Scheduler service or
- // dumped into a C++ file for compilation and even faster (static)
- // lookup.
- // TODO: The dependencies field can be removed from the RT_Info
- // and made part of the secrets of "Application", adding the
- // following to satisfy curious clients:
- //
- // struct Dependency {
- // long number_of_calls;
- // handle_t dependency;
- // };
- // typedef sequence<Dependency> Dependency_Set;
- //
- // Dependency_Set dependencies (in handle_t handle)
- // raises (UNKNOWN_TASK);
- // Returns the list of dependencies
- //
- // long number_of_dependencies (in handle_t handle)
- // raises (UNKNOWN_TASK);
- // Returns the number of dependencies.
- };