path: root/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Sched/DynSched.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Sched/DynSched.h')
1 files changed, 544 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Sched/DynSched.h b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Sched/DynSched.h
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index 00000000000..cbb6c142f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Sched/DynSched.h
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+// -*- C++ -*-
+// $Id$
+// ============================================================================
+// sched
+// DynSched.h
+// 23 January 1997
+// = AUTHOR
+// Chris Gill
+// ============================================================================
+#ifndef DYNSCHED_H
+#define DYNSCHED_H
+#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
+#include "ace/ACE.h"
+#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
+# pragma once
+#include "ace/Map_Manager.h"
+#include "ace/Message_Block.h"
+#include "ace/SString.h"
+#include "orbsvcs/Sched/SchedEntry.h"
+#include "orbsvcs/Sched/sched_export.h"
+#include "ace/Recursive_Thread_Mutex.h"
+class TAO_RTSched_Export ACE_DynScheduler
+ // = TITLE
+ // Dispatch scheduling interface.
+ //
+ // This abstract base class provides the majority of the
+ // implementation of either an off-line scheduler, or the
+ // necessary on-line component of the Scheduler.
+ //////////////////////////////
+ // public type declarations //
+ //////////////////////////////
+ typedef RtecScheduler::handle_t handle_t;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Info Dependency_Info;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Priority_t Preemption_Priority;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::OS_Priority OS_Priority;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Preemption_Subpriority_t Sub_Priority;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::RT_Info RT_Info;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Config_Info Config_Info;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Time Time;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Period_t Period;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Info_Type_t Info_Type;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Dependency_Type_t Dependency_Type;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Dispatching_Type_t Dispatching_Type;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Scheduling_Anomaly Scheduling_Anomaly;
+ typedef RtecScheduler::Anomaly_Severity Anomaly_Severity;
+ typedef ACE_Map_Entry <ACE_CString, RT_Info *> Thread_Map_Entry;
+ typedef ACE_Map_Manager <ACE_CString, RT_Info *, ACE_Null_Mutex>
+ Thread_Map;
+ typedef ACE_Map_Iterator <ACE_CString, RT_Info *, ACE_Null_Mutex>
+ Thread_Map_Iterator;
+ typedef const char *Object_Name;
+ // Objects are named by unique strings.
+ enum status_t {
+ // The following are used both by the runtime Scheduler and during
+ // scheduling.
+ NOT_SCHEDULED = -1 // the schedule () method has not been called yet
+ , FAILED = -1
+ // The following are only used by the runtime Scheduler.
+ , TASK_COUNT_MISMATCH // only used by schedule ()
+ , THREAD_COUNT_MISMATCH // only used by schedule ()
+ , INVALID_PRIORITY // only used by schedule (): mismatch of
+ // (off-line, maybe) Scheduler output to
+ // the runtime Scheduler component.
+ // The following are only used during scheduling (in the case of
+ // off-line scheduling, they are only used prior to runtime).
+ };
+ /////////////////////////////
+ // public member functions //
+ /////////////////////////////
+ virtual ~ACE_DynScheduler ();
+ // public dtor
+ // = Utility function for outputting the textual
+ // representation of a status_t value.
+ static const char * status_message (status_t status);
+ // = Utility function for creating an entry for determining
+ // the severity of an anomaly detected during scheduling.
+ static Anomaly_Severity anomaly_severity (status_t status);
+ // = Utility function for creating an entry for the
+ // log of anomalies detected during scheduling.
+ static Scheduling_Anomaly * create_anomaly (status_t status);
+ // = Initialize the scheduler.
+ void init (const OS_Priority minimum_priority,
+ const OS_Priority maximum_priority,
+ const char *runtime_filename = 0,
+ const char *rt_info_filename = 0,
+ const char *timeline_filename = 0);
+ // The minimum and maximum priority are the OS-specific priorities that
+ // are used when creating the schedule (assigning priorities). The
+ // minimum_priority is the priority value of the lowest priority.
+ // It may be numerically higher than the maximum_priority, on OS's such
+ // as VxWorks that use lower values to indicate higher priorities.
+ //
+ // When Scheduler::schedule is called, the schedule is output to the
+ // file named by "runtime_filename" if it is non-zero.
+ // This file is compilable; it is linked into the runtime executable
+ // to provide priorities to the runtime scheduling component.
+ // If the "rt_info_filename" is non-zero, the RT_Info for
+ // every task is exported to it. It is not used at runtime.
+ // If the "timeline_filename" is non-zero, the timeline output
+ // file is created. It is not used at runtime.
+ //
+ // The runtime scheduling component ignores these filenames. It just
+ // uses the priorities that were linked in to the executable, after
+ // converting them to platform-specific values.
+ void reset ();
+ // Prepare for another schedule computation: once a reasonable schedule
+ // has been generated, a new schedule will not be computed unless an
+ // RT_Info is added, or this method is invoked to clear the previous
+ // schedule (allows fault correcting alteration of RT_Infos outside the
+ // scheduler implementation, followed by generation of a new schedule).
+ // = Registers a task.
+ status_t register_task (RT_Info *, handle_t &handle);
+ // If the Task registration succeeds, this function returns SUCCEEDED
+ // and sets "handle" to a unique identifier for the task.
+ // Otherwise, it returns either VIRTUAL_MEMORY_EXHAUSTED or
+ // TASK_ALREADY_REGISTERED sets the handle to 0. (A task may
+ // only be registered once.)
+ status_t get_rt_info (Object_Name name, RT_Info* &rtinfo);
+ // Tries to find the RT_Info corresponding to <name> in the RT_Info
+ // database. Returns SUCCEEDED if <name> was found and <rtinfo> was
+ // set. Returns UNKNOWN_TASK if <name> was not found, but <rtinfo>
+ // was set to a newly allocated RT_Info. In this UNKNOWN_TASK case,
+ // the task must call RT_Info::set to fill in execution properties.
+ // In the SUCCEEDED and UNKNOWN_TASK cases, this->register_task
+ // (rtinfo, 0, handle) is called. Returns FAILED if an error
+ // occurs.
+ //
+ // One motivation for allocating RT_Info's from within the Scheduler
+ // is to allow RT_Infos to persist after the tasks that use them.
+ // For instance, we may want to call this->schedule right before the
+ // application exits a configuration run. If the tasks have been
+ // deleted (deleting their RT_Infos with them), this->schedule will
+ // fail.
+ status_t lookup_rt_info (handle_t handle, RT_Info* &rtinfo);
+ // Obtains an RT_Info based on its "handle".
+ status_t lookup_config_info (Preemption_Priority priority,
+ Config_Info* &config_info);
+ // Obtains a Config_Info based on its priority.
+ status_t
+ schedule (ACE_Unbounded_Set<Scheduling_Anomaly *> &anomaly_set);
+ // This sets up the data structures, invokes the internal scheduling method.
+ status_t output_timeline (const char *filename, const char *heading);
+ // this prints the entire set of timeline outputs to the specified file
+ // = Access a thread priority.
+ virtual int priority (const handle_t handle,
+ OS_Priority &priority,
+ Sub_Priority &subpriority,
+ Preemption_Priority &preemption_prio);
+ // "priority" is the OS thread priority that was assigned to the Task that
+ // was assigned "handle". "subpriority" combines the dynamic and static
+ // subpriorities of the Task that was assigned handle. "preemption_prio"
+ // is a platform-independent priority queue number, ranging from a
+ // highest priority value of 0 to the lowest priority value, which is
+ // returned by "minimum_priority_queue ()". Returns 0 on success,
+ // or -1 if an invalid handle was supplied.
+ // = Access the platform-independent priority value of the lowest-priority
+ // thread.
+ Preemption_Priority minimum_priority_queue () const;
+ // = Access the number of tasks.
+ u_int tasks () const;
+ // = Access the number of threads.
+ u_int threads () const;
+ // = Access the current scheduler status.
+ status_t status () const;
+ // = Access the current output (debugging) level.
+ u_int output_level () const;
+ // Default is 0; set to 1 to print out schedule, by task. Set
+ // to higher than one for debugging info.
+ // = Set the scheduler output (debugging) level.
+ void output_level (const u_int level);
+ // the only supported levels are 0 (quiet), 1 (verbose) and 2 (debug)
+ int add_dependency(RT_Info* rt_info,
+ Dependency_Info& d);
+ static int number_of_dependencies(RT_Info* rt_info);
+ static int number_of_dependencies(RT_Info& rt_info);
+ static void export_to_file (RT_Info*, FILE* file);
+ static void export_to_file (RT_Info&, FILE* file);
+ // accessors for the minimal and maximal dispatch entry id in the schedule
+ u_long min_dispatch_id () const;
+ u_long max_dispatch_id () const;
+ virtual int dispatch_configuration (const Preemption_Priority &p_priority,
+ OS_Priority& priority,
+ Dispatching_Type & d_type);
+ // provide the thread priority and queue type for the given priority level
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // protected member functions //
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ ACE_DynScheduler ();
+ status_t schedule_threads (
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set<RtecScheduler::Scheduling_Anomaly *> &anomaly_set);
+ // thread scheduling method: sets up array of pointers to task
+ // entries that are threads, calls internal thread scheduling method
+ status_t schedule_dispatches (
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set<RtecScheduler::Scheduling_Anomaly *> &anomaly_set);
+ // dispatch scheduling method: sets up an array of dispatch entries,
+ // calls internal dispatch scheduling method.
+ virtual status_t store_assigned_info (void);
+ // = store assigned information back into the RT_Infos
+ // = Set the minimum priority value.
+ void minimum_priority_queue (const Preemption_Priority minimum_priority_queue_number);
+ // = Set the number of tasks.
+ void tasks (const u_int tasks);
+ // = Set the number of threads.
+ void threads (const u_int threads);
+ // = Set the current scheduler status.
+ void status (const status_t new_status);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // protected pure virtual member functions //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////
+ virtual Preemption_Priority minimum_critical_priority () = 0;
+ // = determine the minimum critical priority number
+ virtual status_t sort_dispatches (Dispatch_Entry **, u_int) = 0;
+ // internal sorting method: this orders the dispatches by
+ // static priority and dynamic and static subpriority.
+ virtual status_t assign_priorities (
+ Dispatch_Entry **dispatches,
+ u_int count,
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set<RtecScheduler::Scheduling_Anomaly *> &anomaly_set) = 0;
+ // = assign priorities to the sorted dispatches
+ virtual status_t assign_subpriorities (
+ Dispatch_Entry **dispatches,
+ u_int count,
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set<RtecScheduler::Scheduling_Anomaly *> &anomaly_set) = 0;
+ // = assign dynamic and static sub-priorities to the sorted dispatches
+ virtual status_t
+ schedule_timeline_entry (Dispatch_Entry &dispatch_entry,
+ ACE_Unbounded_Queue <Dispatch_Entry *>
+ &reschedule_queue) = 0;
+ // = schedule a dispatch entry into the timeline being created
+ ////////////////////////////
+ // protected data members //
+ ////////////////////////////
+ OS_Priority minimum_priority_;
+ // The minimum OS thread priority value that the application specified (in
+ // its call to init ()).
+ OS_Priority maximum_priority_;
+ // The maximum OS thread priority value that the application specified (in
+ // its call to init ()).
+ Task_Entry *task_entries_;
+ // Collection of known tasks.
+ Task_Entry **ordered_task_entries_;
+ // An array of pointers to task entries which wrap RT_Infos. It is
+ // sorted by the DFS finishing time and then the resulting topological
+ // over the call graph is used both to check for call chain cycles and
+ // to correctly propagate scheduling information away from the threads.
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set <Dispatch_Entry *> *thread_delineators_;
+ // identifies dispatch entries whose underlying
+ // Task Entries delineate threads
+ Dispatch_Entry **ordered_thread_dispatch_entries_;
+ // An array of pointers to task entries which initiate call chains.
+ // It is sorted by the schedule_threads method defined in the derived class.
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set <Dispatch_Entry *> *dispatch_entries_;
+ // the set of dispatch entries
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set <Config_Info *> *config_info_entries_;
+ // Collection of dispatch configuration entries.
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set <Dispatch_Entry *> *expanded_dispatches_;
+ // expanded set of dispatch entries (all dispatch entries produced by
+ // expanding sub-frames to the total frame size during timeline creation)
+ Dispatch_Entry **ordered_dispatch_entries_;
+ // An array of pointers to dispatch entries. It is
+ // sorted by the schedule_dispatches method.
+ u_int dispatch_entry_count_;
+ // the number of dispatch entries in the schedule
+ u_int threads_;
+ // the number of dispatch entries in the schedule
+ ACE_Ordered_MultiSet <TimeLine_Entry_Link> *timeline_;
+ // Ordered MultiSet of timeline entries.
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ // private type declarations //
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ typedef ACE_CString EXT;
+ typedef RT_Info *INT;
+#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
+ typedef ACE_Null_Mutex SYNCH;
+ typedef ACE_Null_Mutex LOCK;
+#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */
+ typedef ACE_Map_Manager<EXT, INT, TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX> Info_Collection;
+ typedef ACE_Map_Iterator<EXT, INT, TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX> Info_Collection_Iterator;
+ typedef ACE_Map_Entry<EXT, INT> Info_Collection_Entry;
+ //////////////////////////////
+ // private member functions //
+ //////////////////////////////
+ status_t create_timeline ();
+ // Create a timeline.
+ status_t output_dispatch_timeline (const char *filename);
+ status_t output_dispatch_timeline (FILE *file);
+ // this prints a dispatch timeline to the specified file
+ status_t output_preemption_timeline (const char *filename);
+ status_t output_preemption_timeline (FILE *file);
+ // this prints a preemption timeline to the specified file
+ status_t output_viewer_timeline (const char *filename);
+ status_t output_viewer_timeline (FILE *file);
+ // this prints a scheduling viewer timeline to the specified file
+ status_t output_dispatch_priorities (const char *filename);
+ status_t output_dispatch_priorities (FILE *file);
+ // this prints the scheduling parameters and assigned priorities to the specified file
+ // = Set up the task entry data structures
+ status_t setup_task_entries (void);
+ // = Relate the task entries according to the
+ // dependencies of the underlying RT_Infos
+ status_t relate_task_entries (void);
+ // recursively traverse dependency graph, relating
+ // task entries and performing DFS start/end marking
+ status_t relate_task_entries_recurse (long &time, Task_Entry &entry);
+ // identify thread delimiters
+ status_t
+ identify_threads (ACE_CString & unresolved_locals,
+ ACE_CString & unresolved_remotes);
+ // checks for cycles in the dependency graph
+ status_t check_dependency_cycles (void);
+ // recursion used to check for cycles in the dependency graph
+ status_t check_dependency_cycles_recurse (Task_Entry &entry);
+ // = Aggregate the scheduling parameters of the threads
+ status_t aggregate_thread_parameters (void);
+ // = recursion over oneway dependencies used to aggregate thread parameters
+ status_t aggregate_oneways_recurse (Task_Entry &entry);
+ // = recursion over twoway dependencies used to aggregate thread parameters
+ status_t aggregate_twoways_recurse (Task_Entry &entry);
+ // update the scheduling parameters for the previous priority level
+ void update_priority_level_params ();
+ status_t
+ propagate_dispatches (
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set<RtecScheduler::Scheduling_Anomaly *> &anomaly_set,
+ ACE_CString & unresolved_locals,
+ ACE_CString & unresolved_remotes);
+ // propagate the dispatch information from the
+ // threads throughout the call graph
+ status_t calculate_utilization_params ();
+ // calculate utilization, frame size, etc.
+ // the following functions are not implememented
+ ACE_DynScheduler (const ACE_DynScheduler &);
+ ACE_DynScheduler &operator= (const ACE_DynScheduler &);
+ //////////////////////////
+ // private data members //
+ //////////////////////////
+ LOCK lock_;
+ // This protects access to the scheduler during configuration runs.
+ ACE_Unbounded_Set <RT_Info *> rt_info_entries_;
+ // Collection of known tasks.
+ u_int handles_;
+ // The number of task handles dispensed so far.
+ const char *runtime_filename_;
+ // Destination file of Scheduler output from the configuration run.
+ const char *rt_info_filename_;
+ // Destination file of all rt_info data from the configuration run.
+ const char *timeline_filename_;
+ // The destination of the timeline.
+ Info_Collection info_collection_;
+ // A binding of name to rt_info. This is the mapping for every
+ // rt_info in the process.
+ u_int tasks_;
+ status_t status_;
+ u_int output_level_;
+ u_long frame_size_; /* 100 nanosec */
+ // minimum frame size for all tasks
+ u_long critical_set_frame_size_; /* 100 nanosec */
+ // minimum frame size for guaranteed schedulable tasks
+ double utilization_;
+ // total utilization for all tasks
+ double critical_set_utilization_;
+ // minimum frame size for guaranteed schedulable tasks
+ Preemption_Priority minimum_priority_queue_;
+ // The platform-independent priority value of the Event Channel's
+ // minimum priority dispatch queue. The value of the maximum priority
+ // dispatch queue is always 0.
+ Preemption_Priority minimum_guaranteed_priority_queue_;
+ // The platform-independent priority value of the minimum priority dispatch
+ // queue whose operations are guaranteed to be schedulable. The value of
+ // the maximum priority dispatch queue is always 0, -1 indicates none can
+ // be guaranteed.
+ u_int up_to_date_;
+ // indicates whether the a valid schedule has been generated since the last
+ // relevant change (addition, alteration or removal of an RT_Info, etc.)
+ u_long min_dispatch_id_;
+ u_long max_dispatch_id_;
+#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
+#include "orbsvcs/Sched/DynSched.inl"
+#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
+#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
+#endif /* DYNSCHED_H */
+// EOF